$200 VS $2000 Longsword - Coldsteel vs Lockwood

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this video is sponsored by Warframe long swords the blade that defined the Medieval ages both elegant and brutal in their design these swords have carved a bloody path throughout history but what if that long sword you bought wasn't pulled from a magical stone and instead it's pulled straight from a bud K magazine by the end of this video you'll be able to tell the difference between a quality long sword and a piece of junk just by looking at it if that doesn't make the maiden swoon I don't know what will is your long sword real or fake tonight we will take a look at two different swords one shitty the other sweet will you be able to taste the difference find out on is your long sword real or fake [Music] for today's video I have something truly special to share with you I have here a beautiful custom made Oak shot type 18a long sword by Lockwood swords it has a 6150 high carbon steel blade that is mathematically precise in its balance this baby is the Lamborghini of long sores and it has a price to match coming in at around two thousand dollars after tax and shipping and to compare I have this 200 Cold Steel Italian long sword that I bought on Amazon now while I mostly collect katanas I have immense respect for long swords on top of them being engineering Marvels their beauty and versatility is undeniable they're the physical representation of honor and chivalry immortalized in movies like Excalibur Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven unlike kenjutsu historical European martial arts AKA Hima is still fairly new so the lack of competition drives up prices making it harder to get a decent long sword unless you're willing to Shell out the cash for it and like I said in my last video 200 gets you very little when it comes to swords that'd be like trying to buy a car for two grand sure it'll get you from point A to point B but it'll definitely be champagne colored and smell like vintage farts speaking of farts let's take a closer look at this cold steel long sword now to the average person this looks like a pretty sweet sword and I wouldn't blame you for thinking so but you'd be dead wrong cold Steel's got a bit of a reputation for poor quality control and extremely tasteless cutting demonstrations you want to buy swords from a guy who puts meat in a boot not me this particular long sword is part of cold Steel's man at Arms line which they tout as their affordable counterparts to their main line of Swords this one being half the price of the original you can tell because this one is all blacked out which aesthetically I really like but my God can you tell the difference all the fittings seem to be the same as the original except they cheaped out on the most important part blade foreign it's got a bunch of crap all over it the original Cold Steel Italian long sword has nickel fittings and a 1060 high carbon steel blade which I've seen do some decent cutting strangely on the cold steel website they say this cheaper version is made of 1090 high carbon steel but I call every other side seems to say something different some say 1060 others say 10.55 now if you're not familiar with high carbon steel let me put it simply the higher the number the higher the carbon content making it harder more expensive and generally improving Edge retention now why on Earth would the budget version use more expensive steel than the original and to further prove my point this sword clearly has a double beveled Edge real swords only have a single bevel Edge this makes the blade lighter sharper and means less resistance when cutting instead these guys took the lazy way out and just ground an edge into this on a belt sander and they didn't even do a good job with that because this is without a doubt the dullest sword I've ever received this sword is so incredibly dull I don't even think it'll be able to cut paper foreign ridiculous how dull this thing is this goddamn sword won't even cut paper now I can't prove that they're lying about this steel because I'm not a metallurgist with a lab to test it but I would bet my left nut that this is made of 10 55 or worse now on the upside I actually like the fittings on this sword the handle is wrapped in decent quality leather the fishtail pommel and curved cross guard have a Elegance to them and the blade fits nicely into the cross guard there's a bit of a gap where you can clearly see the epoxy they use to lock the blade in but it's not bad the sword also comes with a decent Scabbard which is nice but to cut costs they didn't make it with a wood core instead they glued in two flimsy pieces of plastic to create friction in order to keep the sword from falling out which is fine in theory but it makes it so that whenever you pull the sword out the blade is covered in this weird white powdery substance this thing looks like Tony Montana's personal Coke blade all right enough about this guy let's get to the good stuff now this is the Lockwood sl1019b an oak shot type 18a long sword with the 35 inch blade and an 11 and a half inch handle this thing is a work of art it has an elegant hooked cross guard to prevent an enemy's blade from sliding into you during a bind a gorgeous leather wrapped handle with a solid wood core that's been wire wrapped and ribbed for your pleasure my Lord the pommel is perfectly weighted to counterbalance the blade and just look at this thing it's like a mini mace this would do some serious damage I even paid an extra 500 to have this custom Scabbard and sword belt made since it was custom fitted by the swordsmith himself this thing fits like a glove look how thin this Scabbard is there is zero rattle the blade fit is a thing of beauty all the materials are super high quality Steven over at Lockwood really outdid himself alright now let's take a look at this blade oh my God this thing is a beast it's made of 6150 high carbon steel which is a superb steel for a long sword of this size the blade geometry makes this sword excellent at both cutting and thrusting and the extensive distal tapering makes the blade feel Nimble and Lively in the hands it's even complemented with an exact matching Fuller which dramatically reduces weight allowing the sword to be perfectly balanced the cross guard fit is also Immaculate it's tight and clean with no signs of grind marks or epoxy and in terms of sharpness let me tell you this thing is scary sharp sharper than most the katanas I own and that's saying something let's do a little paper test that's Sharp you know what I got something else Let's test it on Magic card [Music] okay this thing is crazy crazy Sharp thanks to modern technology swords can now be mathematically precise in their weight and balance the amount of skill required to forge a sword of this quality and balance back in medieval times would be incredibly rare and sought after we're talking an epic level rare drop a purple item for sure so when I say this sword is perfect I'm not exaggerating this is some end game level the kind of stuff you see in the trailer that makes you buy the game alright you guys have heard me ramble on enough let's see what these babies can do [Music] all right guys so we're going to see how well these swords cut I have here the cold steel Italian longsword man at Arms Edition this is the budget friendly version it's about half the price is the original and uh it's a nice looking sword comes with this cool Scabbard it's all black as you can see which is very much fits my aesthetic which I like I really like the way the sword looks all the fittings and stuff are nice but oh this blade because of the double beveled Edge it's really dull and I think it's gonna have a lot of trouble getting through this target that double bevel creates a lot of friction and drag when you're kind of trying to make it through a Target so we will see if this can make it through uh I think it will be able to but I'm gonna have to really swing for the fences with this one balance is really weird on this sword if you do this test right here you can tell the Pivot Point is right here I know in my last video I said that long swords need to be balanced towards the tip but what I meant the Pivot Point you want to be at the tip of the blade that way when you're facing your opponent you can keep the tip facing them the whole time and you can kind of just maneuver the blade around because you generally want to have the tip of your sword facing your opponent but if you see here the pivot Points around here and it just makes it a little unwieldy sword is two and a half pounds but it feels heavy feels awkward I have to really try to get the tip of the sword to move forward it's just not not well balanced I'm gonna find the percussion point on this sword so you see how much wobble there is so the percussion point is a point on the blade in which you can hit the blade and it has very little wobble so you see right here is the percussion point because when I hit it right there there's very little wobble compared to that or even at the tip right there so I'm gonna try to try to aim for right here it's cool sword not bad for 200 bucks but but this double beveled Edge really just kills it for me you only see this on like wall hangers and uh basically fake swords so we'll see let's see if this can make it through [Music] made it through kind of janked up the target a bit but cut it [Music] you see I didn't make it through the target there because I struck it here I should be striking more on the percussion point the percussion Point makes it so that there's less vibration in the blade when it goes through so it causes less resistance if you look right here you see how it's all mangled up and kind of wavy going through I'm gonna try to hit with the percussion point which is right about here I can hit right there [Music] see that way easier [Music] so that's why the percussion point of the store is extremely important this is specific to a lot of European Swords not really Katana so much because katanas are not really that flexible they're pretty pretty rigid which makes them better slashing and cutting swords long swords can do the job but you have to have a lot more finesse more accuracy is because the sword is more versatile you know you can't be the best at thrusting and the best at slashing you can't have it all overall I would say the Aesthetics are nice on the sword it looks cool I would never use this for cutting really or definitely not combat of any kind just a cool looking wall hanger I guess combat hey you don't know you don't know my life the balance is terrible on this sword The Edge is awful but it looks pretty cool and for some people that's enough that's fine [Music] all right now on to the good stuff I have here my Lockwood Oak shot type 18a long sword this thing is such a beast also look how beautiful it looks in this custom Scabbard really really really nice this entire piece is absolutely beautiful it fits perfectly look at this it's pretty nice right he saw a guy walk up with his sword what'd you think it depends on what year it is [Applause] uh yeah it's a good point not only is it absolutely beautiful but it is probably the sharpest sword I owned this sword is so incredibly sharp that it actually scares me a little bit on top of how razor sharp it is this sword is balanced to perfection pivot point is exactly where you want it at the tip of the sword that way you can keep your the tip pointed at your opponent no matter how you maneuver allowing you to quickly and rapidly change your position it also feels incredibly light in my hands this sword is about 3.8 pounds it's a full pound heavier than the cold seal long sword but it feels lighter feels way more lively in the hands because the distal tapering it's a little hard to explain but the tip of the sword just wants to go out it just wants to move I could swing this sword so much faster than that one even though it's full pound heavier so the percussion points wider on this sword than it is that one all right I'm going to start real simple I'm going to just do a simple Dino cut but I'm going to do it with as little effort as possible [Music] those last couple cuts I'm just getting lazy with it and it's still it's like cheating I love that sound the sword makes that was beautiful wow that took basically no effort and the recovery is really easy because of how well balanced it is look how fast I can move this blade look out it cannot be understated how important that balance is [Music] foreign [Music] that cold steel sword man it's like a laser I love this I could come with this thing all day all right well I think the results speak for themselves it's still just as sharp as when I started this might be my new favorite sword how swiftly it moves and how Lively it is in my hands [Music] beautiful besides sharpness the main difference between a real long sword and a fake long sword is the balance the balance is extremely difficult to get right it takes a lot of precision a lot of skill in terms of engineering and blacksmithing to get it to be properly balanced and that's where a lot of the money goes because if you're buying a 200 300 long sword they're just Mass producing those things they're just pumping them out because they know the people using them won't even know the difference those people are going to buy those long swords and they'll be like oh cool I have a sword and they're gonna just be chugging that copium saying like yeah it feels light there's a difference between light and properly bounce and I think I just proved that pretty well today now while I'm impressed the cold steel sword was able to make it through the target it was no easy feat a less experienced cutter would struggle to cut anything with a sword this dull and poorly balanced overall I'm going to give the cold steel Italian long sword man at Arms Edition one pair of cargo shorts out of five I'll give it a point for affordability in decent Aesthetics but overall it's not a real sword compared to any other decent sword this thing's like something you'd win at a renfair sausage eating contest in contrast the Lockwood sword exceeded all of my expectations which were already pretty high considering it cost me around 2 Grand plus an additional 500 for the custom Scabbard but even with the high-end price tag this sword still blew me away overall I'm gonna give the Lockwood sword five swooning maidens out of five my Lord from the fit and finish to its brilliant Keen Edge and Perfect Balance I have no complaints it takes a sword of this caliber for you to really notice all the flaws of a mass produce sword only downside besides the price is the long wait time each Lockwood sword is custom made to order and the production time is stated to be 8 to 12 months but due to covid I had to wait almost two years to receive mine but it's understandable this level of quality takes time to achieve and there isn't one millimeter on this sword where the attention to detail and love for the craft aren't strikingly evident so if you're in the market for an exceptionally well made blade and you're willing to wait check out Lockwood swords I'll have links to both swords down in the description and before you go I want to thank the sponsor for today's video and that's Warframe you may have heard of Warframe but they just released their biggest update yet with duveri Paradox this brand new story based Adventure introduces a massive ever-changing open world to explore Loot and battle your way through best of all it's free to play on both PC and console with crossplay if you like swords and gritty sci-fi adventures with intense third person combat the Warframe is the game for you armed with an arsenal of alien Weaponry special abilities and characters to choose from you'll slice and dice your way through the Galaxy with style so click the link in the description below to download Warframe today and use my promo code to get a bunch of free items including the Bratton assault rifle three days of affinity and a credit booster all just for signing up thanks again to Warframe for sponsoring this video I'll catch you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cerberusarms
Views: 63,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swords, hema, medieval, knight, funny, review, beyond belief, amazon, lockwood swords, cold steel, D&D, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, Lord of the rings, LOTR, Excalibur, Mr. Beast
Id: UUDME9Kvc_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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