Karl Franz but with Mongol Cav Tactics only!

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one day Carl friends was out taking his pet Hammer gal merez for walkies in the nearby reichland Woods enjoying the sights sounds and smells of the Woodland until suddenly something caught Carl's eye up ahead in the leaves as Carl leaned in to get a closer look he discovered a book A book about a man long gone who once conquered the world as Carl browsed through it he couldn't believe what he read by the comet the strategy yes the power yes now Carl decided he must incorporate these ideas into his armies I see no other option and thus jingus Carl was born in this campaign we're going to use nothing but Cavalry and incorporate some Mongol tactics and strategies along the way so let's go the first order of business then is to get rid of all the Infantry if we're going full on chengis Khan Mongol style we won't be needing no infantry and that puts our army down just to Carl and some reich's guard so we definitely need to fall back into outdoor for now and get the building that allows us to recruit Cavalry so we can get on our way now on the next turn I was given a wizard hero and I'm pretty sure that changes Khan would have used Wizards in his armies so we're going to incorporate him into the army for now as long as we put him on a horse it's pretty much fine now I'm going to upgrade Altdorf to make the stable so I can get all my cavalries and also the Armory and such to get the Empire Knights but I start to recruit a few pistol ears that's the first Cavalry we can get but oh shy sir I've been attacked by the Empire successionists or at least I'm going to be at their mounting on my borders and it's looking a little Bleak already so can we get out of this that's the first question their armies are mostly crappy spearmen and crappy archers so nothing too dangerous for now I've only got my ranks guard and a couple of units of pistol ears I realize that the only way I can probably get out of this is if I can separate their armies and that's only really going to come from an ambush so I'm going to try and set up an ambush here and hope to Sigma that it works I'm also going to recruit an extra law just for some extra Manpower and yeah that's about out all we can do so is this going to be the end of chingus Carl right here let's see if the Ambush gets them oh no it doesn't no Ambush no Ambush no good only two armies are attacking us but it's still predicted a valiant defeat we might be able to win this to be honest but there's a good chance we'll get beaten down so badly that the third Army will come and finish us off so we're gonna fall back and luckily they just besieged us and don't pursue us any further and by the grace of Sigma for some reason one of their armies is not supporting in The Siege this one is kind of off to the left and it's not supporting these other two and thus we can attack these other two with the Garrison with the help of the other Lord and it gets us a predicted pirick Victory and you know what I'm gonna take it even though it kind of puts us in the same situation as before if I should have just bought the battle instead but either way I've done this now I've committed to it I have to just hope that this other Army doesn't come and get us and what do you know thankfully it doesn't but I do eventually go and get it with my half dead Garrison and my small bit of Army and so we get rid of those three attacking armies and now we're safe for a while so I'm now free to take a few turns recruit some Empire Knights recruit some more pistol ears and get a full changes Khan style Army now upon doing a little research I discovered would you believe it that changes Khan actually didn't use Wizards in his army so we're not going to do that either but I will use him as an agent and as a scout along the way here old man kemmler come into war with me so I'm gonna have to watch out for him now Miami is nearly complete here we've nearly got a full stack of Cavalry so we're gonna head towards our first enemy Target and recruit the last few units and apparently Mongol armies were about 60 ranged units and then about 40 percent heavy large Cavalry so that's the composition we're gonna try and have as well and of course we're going to put Carl skill points into the Cavalry now I'm going to skip through the taking of the right Clan from the successionist because you've probably seen it a million times let's instead look at some of the battles and stupid tactics that I tried along the way here's one of the big battles I came into at a settlement now what I'm trying here is some kind of cantabrian Circle which first of all let me be clear this wasn't a Mongol tactic right this is just me being stupid a cantabrian circle is supposed to be done with just a single unit of Cavalry I'm doing it with like 10 right but as you can see the idea is that they all rotate around and as they get near to the enemy the ones nearest will shoot and then they'll keep rotating the next ones will come along they'll shoot they'll all keep rotating you hopefully get the idea now the way I tried to do this was by issuing a movement order for pretty much a semi-circle for every unit moving the semicircle around for each of the different units in the different positions right so that they would run a half circle and well it kind of worked it looks pretty damn cool it's quite a spectacle if nothing else I can't say it was probably terribly effective but I liked it it looked cool all right I had a big circle of Cavalry all blasting as they ran past taking a little bit of damage the idea of the cantabrian circle is supposed to be done with a single unit and then all of the horses will be single file and thus they'll be harder to hit with missiles right but when you're doing it with this many horses we're probably still pretty easy to hit so we're kind of you know losing the point point of the whole thing but it looks cool and as we all know that's what's most important in war now after the units had finished running their semi-circles they came to a stop of course so I then tried it again but with a full circle this time and well my unit shat themselves and didn't have a clue what to do and this happened so definitely didn't work very well that way so I gave up on that for now and opted for some more mongol-like tactics which is pretty much your standard kind of flanking and enveloping but with Skirmish cap which means we have the mobility to avoid any kind of melee combat and we can still stay roughly out of range of some of the missiles as well I did micro all this by hand rather than using Skirmish mode or anything so I could really get a precise movement on my cavalries to make sure they stayed safe and in the best possible place but the real beauty of these Mongol style tactics is two big things first of all we can constantly fire because we're skirmishers we can shoot 360. we're always doing damage to the enemy as we move away from them chipping away at their health and weakening them for the melee Cav who's gonna charge in hit them with those big Lance charges and finish them off because they're already so weak from being blasted it takes no time at all the second big part of this tactic aside from weakening them with the missiles is that we're pulling their army apart they've got little bits of their army now spread all over the place trying to chase us and that just sets up our melee cab to absolutely obliterate and flank and envelop all of these remaining units that are pretty much half dead and one or two charges and they're going to be routed and done for so incredibly powerful Cavalry tactics which really made me feel like I was in control of the battle at every single moment because I always had that Mobility Advantage although it was a hell of a lot of micro along the way here in taking the reckland there's a lot of Heinrich gamler armies knocking around so I'm very cautious of those along the way though in this period I was also attacked by beastmen so I had to go and deal with that and I once again tried my weird cantabrian Circle but I came up with a better way to do it this time instead I selected all the units and used the alt control left Mouse button drag movement order and then rotated the circle like a sixth every time and move them back as needed and they would keep rolling keep moving keep shooting and it worked way better and was somewhat kind of viable changes Carl commands from The High Ground up on the hill as the Army approaches waiting with the melee Kev and I kind of did the same thing as the other battle where once my circle had fizzled out I split them up into groups tried to get my Skirmish cab attacking from different angles and pulling the enemy Army apart although this was definitely much harder against the beastmen I think because they're a little bit quicker they move a bit faster they have some faster units thus I had to micro much faster which made it harder not to make so many mistakes but with lots of micro lots of blasting and lots of charging we were eventually able to wear down this beastmen Army but it was definitely harder than the other one because I don't think I wore them down with the Skirmish cab enough or pulled them apart enough so I needed to do that a bit more before sending in the melee cab I think either way chinkus Carl was able to fend them off now coming around to helmgart here sieges could be a bit of a problem for a Mongol Army because you know all horses aren't great at getting through walls but in this case I was able to Auto resolve I lost a few units but that set me up to get some new units which were really going to change the power of my armies the outrider grenade launchers and everybody knows that Genghis Khan absolutely loved his grenade launchers he never left home without his so we're gonna make good use of those the first test being Isle heart the last settlement in the reichland area we are going to Auto resolve this for a decisive Victory and we can notice the hundreds of kills on the grenade outrider units 300 400 300 they are going to be disgusting Carl then decided to take on old man kemla before he came at us we didn't see tons of his armies knocking around only one big full stack not sure where the other ones were the Genghis Khal rolled on Marion Berg to take his first settlement off Heinrich hundreds of kills on the grenade launchers again and again at Fort Berg and again at glycerol and needless to say at this point and before I had the grenade launches I was Finding Auto resolve very strong with a full Cav Army now the gisoro settlement that I took I actually took it to try and give it to protonia to make friends with them but they actually hate me apparently because they were friends with the successionists which is weird but I couldn't give it to them anyway because they didn't have any linking provinces so I moved on to take Castle Artois so they would have a linking Province but then I decided to sack this because it was worth a little bit of money and I could use it right now to be honest and I figured because I'd taken out the Garrison maybe britonia would go and take that for themselves anyway and they'd move along and secure this whole side and I could make friends with them and I wouldn't have to worry about it Heinrich at this point was crapping himself begging for peace of course I did not give him it he did sack yusero in frustration but I plan to give that to the French anyway so who cares I eventually rolled around to kemla's final settlement where he was nowhere to be seen I'm not sure where all of his big armies went and even though this was a big Siege with walls we were still able to get a decisive Victory once again those grenade launchers absent absolutely blowing the crap out of everything the pistol is an Empire Knights not doing a great deal in comparison I think an army of grenade launchers would be literally Unstoppable in order result this time I occupied that settlement though once again to give it to britonia to start building the relationship with them as they happen to have one of the other settlements in the province these men decided to attack one of my forts which was a great idea as Carl was stationed there himself and the Garrison was there in full force so it was completely pointless and they died great at this point I headed home to recruit a few more better units I got some Knights of the blazing sun and obviously a couple more grenade launchers but after mostly dealing with Heinrich I tried to decide what to do next and I took a look at the beautiful Empire lands and saw how they were in complete ruin with beastmen everywhere and Festus around but worst of all there were elves still around elves a truly detestable sight I had to clear the land of this disgusting corruption so gengar's car pushed on first of all with the beastmen occupying just a single settlement I would Newfound Army put a decisive Victory on them absolutely obliterating them and what do you know that was the end of the beastmen right there so that was easy one down many more to go we wanted to take all this territory because chenkus Khan had a huge Empire so Jenkins Carl needs a huge Empire I did end up with a rather large Rebellion at Marion Berg so Carl went over to try and sort that out and to try out some more elaborate Mongol tactics with this one I was going to attempt something called the Caracol which has been used in many parts of history in many different kinds of forms and this is somewhat similar to the cantabrian circle I tried earlier at least sort of in the idea anyway but what we're gonna have is one line of Cavalry that's gonna fire and then fall back as the second one moves up in the gaps fires and then falls back rinse and repeat moving backwards the whole time and you basically get this constant receding Firing Line always outputting damage in this case I've got one line of grenade launchers and one line of pistoliers alternating and well against this Army of pretty much entirely infantry they are getting absolutely destroyed especially by the grenade launchers but the pistol ears can still do their work because they can fire 360 so they can still fire while they're running away and once I've rolled my missile units all the way back to this tree line guess who's waiting in the trees for them it's my melee Cavalry that's gonna come charging down the hill out of the trees in absolutely obliterate whatever's left of this already pretty destroyed Empire Army and here comes the Cavalry charging Out of the Woods downhill as well that's going to give them some extra oomph lending to the absolutely annihilating charges of these pretty beaten up units that most of them aren't going to take more than one charge before they're going home I've got a couple of units spare out this side I'm gonna flank around with them start hitting some hammer and Anvil as well it's just gonna get even more disgusting and this tactic honestly worked incredibly well and this felt like one of the most cleanest most perfect tactical battles I've ever pulled off trying to use a specific tactic and getting it to work this just worked so goddamn well we weakened the enemy heavily with all the missiles until they eventually came in range of our melee and just absolutely ran them down you can see the hammer and Anvil here putting it into things very quickly little damage done to us as well beautiful a Flawless performance by jingus Carl maximum damage output with minimal damage received from here on Carl went back over to Midland to try and secure some of this wastelanded to make it beautiful again so we colonized some of these settlements and then set our sights on Festus we headed for brass keep declared war and engaged a pretty tough Garrison Army lots of heavily armored chaos Warriors some trolls finally an army that we couldn't just Auto resolve our way through we built some equipment besieged them but they came at us they sallied out to come and get us which would give us a decisive Victory but where's the fun in that I wanted to try out some more tactics against a tougher Army this time so I tried the Caracol again but I expected it to be tougher this time because there wasn't just infantry now there was Cavalry there was trolls there was chariots there were some faster stuff that might make this tactic harder to execute and harder it was I couldn't quite roll back for as long as before so I couldn't wear down the Infantry as much I had to bring the melee Cavalry in much sooner than I did before so definitely a tougher affair because there was a lot of heavy armor and shields as well it made the missiles a little bit less effective from the pistolier specifically as they don't have armor piercing although I have now in this Army as you can see recruited some of the normal outriders that do have armor-piercing but they don't have 360 firing so I was trying to make them work as well they could be very powerful if you focus fire three units onto one specific enemy especially good on single entities or cavalry heavily armored units they're great for blasting down those eventually I was able to get this battle done though and get the W just needed a lot of cycle charging a lot of trying to pick apart enemy units individual units with the missiles it was certainly tough but we got the W however while I was taking brass keep some little army came and took out the two settlements that I colonized so now I've lost all that work but this little army here needs taken care of it's got some strong units in there I'm gonna lose a few units of Iota resolve so I gotta fight it this time I just keep it simple though using the old Skirmish surround and develop tactics blast them from all angles try and take out those stronger units focus them down with the outriders here first the armor piercing ones use the pistolier ones just to kind of harass it worked out pretty well using the melee ones to try and slow things down to keep them away from the ranged calves and then just have them absolutely blast them to Pieces without ever being in any danger very nice around this time oh Vlad the dad declared war on me though he had a pretty big Empire so that was going to be our next challenge it seemed but first we needed to finish off Festus so Carl was back replenishing I'd recolonize those two settlements that I'd lost things were more stabilized in this area now all I needed to do was come and finish off festus's armies and take his last couple of settlements so that we did getting two birds with one stone in this battle Festus himself a nice big army and a settlement we had it all to gain right here I was going to lose a unit if I ought to resolved so I decided to fight it more caracal fun worked pretty well in this one because there was a lot of slow infantry although there were some doggos that were causing me some problems but still it worked pretty okay in this one able to just blast things down we spread the enemy Army out really well in this one so we were really divided we were able to just pick apart every little unit here and there no problems I actually really enjoyed using this tactic as well in these battles it gave me something different to use than I would normally use having a balanced army let's say so really enjoyed the Caracol tactic with that Festus was pretty much defeated at this point we took this settlement took out his big army and I think some other Empire faction eventually finished him off he has another settlement off to the east but someone later on in a few turns takes that out in the meantime as zazel has declared war on me and he's pretty close so he's a bit of a worry and can be a pretty strong faction to deal with but at this point I noticed that Von karstein is getting pretty big down there with a lot of settlements I need to go and do something about that post haste so I head on down to the vampirelands nicely replenished ready for action decisive Victory taking some of these settlements I've also got a second Army at this point as well which I'm going to use to take some of the Lesser settlements over in the west of the area that's going to allow us to put these vampires down a little bit quicker than if it was just old jenga's car by himself so we pushed on through the southern Empire lands pretty comfortably taking down the vampire settlements and armies as we went not really any great battles going on here the armies were beaten up so as you saw there we just Auto resolved them got this area cleaned up nice and quick then started to head East towards the sylvanian lands to go and take the Von karstine main settlements I also had another big army this was actually my second Army this one and the other one earlier was my third Army I forgot and we had some Azazel enemy armies incoming so he was going to have his work cut out for him but as if I wasn't in enough big Wars already I had norskirt declare war on me I had throat declare war on me and I had Grom declare war on me all in the space of a few turns so that was good that was really fun having these random armies just suddenly interject into my lands I had to get my other little armies to come and scramble over to try and fight them off we had Garrison buildings everywhere though so I was able to mostly hold off armies from these factions didn't cause us too much of a problem Azazel however was quite the problem he had one big old army coming our way I did have my stack there to meet them and I tried to get an ambush throughout all of this though I did lose a couple of settlements here and there Vlad came at one of my places zazel ran straight past me in my ambush and went to just attack those little places I did try to go after these salami but Auto resolve was no good and I didn't fancy my chances in the actual battle because I didn't have a lot of melee cavan they had a lot of dogs and they'd stop me from firing a lot and I would most probably lose it so I did what Genghis Khan would do and I recruited a few regiments of renown and that certainly helped out it was some Siege equipment which Genghis Khan did eventually use at some point during his time he used some Siege equipment so it's fine right it's fine there's no Wizards it's fine I was able to get rid of that azizalami at the cost of most of my Army but at least the threat was out the way at this point I got the opportunity to Confederate the golden order I had a bunch of these throughout the campaign but I mostly said no to them just because I knew I wouldn't be able to defend all the lands kind of in the Northern Territory so I just left it I took that one though just to grow my Empire still pushing East Genghis Khal came on to some more sylvanian settlements and Bon cast iron settlements started taking them Vlad came back on us at the moot besieging us there but we had the big old Carl Army there to which he stood no chance so we absolutely obliterated that that was the end of Vlad for now which probably probably meant that was the end of Vlad as I was about to push into Sylvania itself and take his main starting settlements and that I did I went extra big balls as Genghis Khan would have done himself attacking the settlement when Vlad was there with a full stack that he's now replenished with a full Garrison and I'm still able to get the goddamn auto resolve Victory against a walled settlement as well these Kev armies are incredibly strong at least this one lots of gold Chevrons it's got Carl himself we are going to lose a few units but that's no biggie we'll get new ones new boys and there we go with this we capture this settlement could have got some big money there but as you can see my money's quite good right now anyway I got seven Grand of income I've got a few armies I'm pretty well off this campaign is gonna be a success if I keep going with it but I'm pretty much gonna call it here I do roll through and keep on taking out Von karstine making sure they are finally done with I had used one of my other armies back near reichlen to take out all of the settlements that Grom had nearby me so he's not so much of a problem anymore got some Demi griffs in that Army as well so it's extra beefy but overall we pretty much get the job done here jingus Carl's Empire is a mighty one and it's not even over we'll be able to Confederate all these Empire factions I've just got those filthy elves to get rid of and all will be lovely all hail the great Genghis Carl I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this channel I will see you with the future foreign
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 81,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, campaign, karl franz, empire, genghis, khan, mongol
Id: IOlYuWuS0xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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