Can you survive a campaign with ONLY ONE province in Warhammer 3!?!?

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you know when you start a new campaign and you take a look at the campaign map and you think to yourself one day all this land will be mine and then you proceed through your campaign taking a massive chunk of land because that's what you need to do to solidify your Empire right well I'm gonna challenge that idea today by doing three campaigns each with a different play style and we'll see how well we can do with just the one Province our starting Province so for the first campaign is indeed here as I wanted to do a kind of raiding and sacking playstyle so I went with my favorite boys the green men playing all these campaigns on very hard hard by the way naturally to start off with I took the starting Province and this campaign has helped by the fact that we have a gold mine in our first Province so that's very nice so the first order of business was to come down and take care of correct kadrin I sent in a hero to try and find their armies they did have one small Force knocking around but it eventually moved off which allowed me to attack the first settlement of theirs I had just been reading them a little bit there and so begins our war with correct kadrin who can be a problem if you let them get too big as they are dwarfs but if we can beat them down early they shouldn't be too much of an issue and I fought this battle just to get the best results so we could keep on moving and aside from the reading this is where our Big Money Maker opportunity is we're of course going to sack to start getting in our income that way because we're not going to get it from taking the settlements I will then of course come back and raise the place to completely get rid of it which also helps grow my water that little bit quicker I discovered that khadrin Army was down in a settlement just to the South I ignored it for now though and just went on to take out their main settlement correct cadrin as I approached though I was declared war on by astronob Iron which presented me a serious threat coming in from the East so I had to be wary of that I attacked correct cadrin besieged it for a turn but then decided to just go in for it and fight the battle to get it over with quickly worried that astrogoth might come over and attack my one precious Province but we stacked the balls out of that place we've now got another six grand coming in from this nice with the threat of astrogoth able to underway his way straight into my territory if he wants to I started to build up a second Army back in my Province just to have a little bit of a Defense Force I then of course raised correct cadrin but my Army was fairly depleted and beaten up from that fight so I headed home to replenish and regroup yeah meowing on the other side of the world wants some money from me yeah off so azak returns home to rebuild his army and I'm actually gonna try to get two full Stacks because I'm nearly at my wire and if I get two full Stacks I get two full wires with that however money is getting pretty damn tight right now so I've got to be careful and I gotta do some fighting and soon this gold mine upgrade could certainly help with that as I head back down towards correct cadrin I met by two of their armies one half full of Slayers which I do not like the look of so I tried to retreat back to get my Garrison from my nearby settlement involved which I eventually am able to do and I'm gonna get a pirick Victory Auto resolve I honestly I'm not sure I could beat that if I fought that with those Juiced up Slayers I try to get rid of ungrin but he's just too much of a Beefcake so I'm gonna let him go for now and replenish myself I continue with my plan though I build two full Stacks I bring in the war and that's gonna give me two full War armies I need to act fast though as money is really on The Limited side I've got about three turns maybe before I'm totally out of cash then I'm done so I head self to begin the final destruction of correct cadrin I do a little bit of raiding on the way because you know that's gonna buy me a turn or two until I can get some real money I then end up in a weird match with a whole bunch of armies although I do realize that one of my wires has two aragnarok spiders which is nice though seem to be rare these days so I take the auto resolve get the victory wipe out all those correct kadrin armies take out this goddamn settlement again suck it of course though nice bit of money to be made there too I should also mention with azak's skill points I've been putting them into increasing the reading and the sacking income so that's really helping out with this playstyle I've also got a big boss who can do the same increase post battle income so it's going to become easier to make money from this as I progress but I raise up that settlement I'm now ready to take out the last ungrammed settlement I've got my main settlement back in my Province up to tier four so that's coming along nicely I also start to scout astronobs territory as this is where I intend to go next as those chaos dwarf settlements are worth the big sacking bucks anyway I finish off the final hunger settlement raised that to the ground and that should put him on his last legs his army is going to run out of juice soon but upon some diplomacy with a nearby orc faction that seems to be doing well for itself I notice old scheisser did I just see what I thought I saw on Grim's Army which I thought was done for I don't think so isn't taking attrition which means he's got another goddamn settlement somewhere and there it is just a bit farther down south so I've got to go finish that off otherwise he's just gonna come back on me so a bit of a pain in the ass I've got to chase him down long story short I'm gonna do that I'm gonna besee Jim I'm gonna wear him down I'm gonna take him out sack his settlement for a nice bit of monies then of course raise it up and finally finish off goddamn correct cadrin they're done for faction destroyed happy days so up to this point only having one Province it's been okay we've made our money mostly from sacking but a little bit of raiding as well we did have the one close call where ungrim came up with the two armies if I didn't have that second Army built there we might have been in some serious trouble and we did come a few turns away from running out of money but it's been okay we shall press on while my main Army was making its way back up north I sent my second Army into chaos dwarf territory to see if we could maybe get a little cheeky second race somewhere because we do have that full wire stack with us but I quickly ended up with two chaos 12 armies bearing down on me so I decided to retreat for now and wait for the azak Army astrogoth himself decided to push around and try to get after me though at one point his army wasn't terribly terrifying but it wasn't a pushover either I thought about fighting it but I decided I didn't want my wire to get too beaten up before we went into their main territory so I fell back and tried to get an ambush instead which I was lucky enough to be able to get which meant I should be able to get some better results from this battle I did fight it it went okay didn't lose too much in the process cool so I beat the boy up sent him packing went back home replenished and then re-entered the chaos dwarf territory again to try my luck the second time but alas the same thing again a bunch of armies just appear all over the place there's nowhere really good for me to attack and naturally I did end up having to fight a couple of them I did win I did push them and back but we were severely beaten up I thought maybe I'd have enough to take down one settlement but no dice there was no gaps they were always in the settlements which made the garrisons a little bit too big with the armies there as well but my big Main Army was now arriving back up north ready to join in the fun so things were about to get spicy and spicy they did get as astrogoth started chasing around my beaten up army with a full stack and a bit so I had to just Retreat and ended up in a bit of a Benny Hill situation but this actually did me a big favor as it cleared that astrogoth Army away from the settlements which allowed my main azag Army to come in and get some work done and work we did I fought some of these battles to get better results so that I could keep on rolling and keep on second although this first place I could have sacked it for 14 Grand but given that time was probably short because astrogoth might be on his way back I decided to just raise it and head on to the next place this was going to be a little tougher as it was a Siege settlement but I fought it the Army Garrison wasn't too big or dangerous and when it came to sacking or raising this place well I couldn't turn down 24 Grand steadily it was looking like the end for astragoth as this big green skins Army that I've been getting friendly with also rolled into town they were at war with them I started sacking their remaining settlements in the area although there was a couple up north which I ignored but with a tidy little 12 Grand here a tasty little 21 Grand there I felt pretty good about my current position with 90 grand in the bank although not a lot of income per turn but who cares when he got 90 grand in the bank I could have called it here with this campaign and said I'm in a pretty good position I could finish this campaign as I have been with the one single Province but I decided there's one more move I want to make before I finish this out sac zanagrund and by the time I got over there it looked like grimgore had the same idea but luckily I did manage to just about get there first and how much could I sack it for oh just a little 90 grand so safe to say the reading and sacking playstyle is profitable enough to survive if you only have the one Province I'm gonna stop this play through here at 142 Grand in the bank a little bit of income got a wire ready I could finish this campaign no problem I think with my one province for the next campaign I wanted to take more of a merchant Trader route playing total diplomacy rather than Total War so could they seem like a good option for this so once again we will try with just one Province to see if we can get on our way to winning the campaign the first order of business is taking out the dissenters of Jin chin to the North or whatever they're called and of course as Cathay I'm gonna get my Caravans on the move for income as well I'm gonna position myself between two of these enemy settlements forcing them to pick one to defend and I'll just attack whichever one they're not at and I'm mostly just gonna raise these places as I come across them I'm not going to sack too much because that's not how I'm trying to play and also you don't really get that much money anyway but these little dissenter have attacked my Caravan and have taken it out so I've lost that already but I'm gonna go back replenish and then come back on them with a mighty Vengeance as I go and attack Shang Yang which doesn't offer me the best results in Auto resolve so I'm gonna besiege them but lucky for me they decided to Sally out and fight us which actually gives me a close Victory so that's a nice easy way to get rid of that bunch of peasants and of course we're gonna raise them up to get rid of that settlement as well think they've only got one or two more to the north in the meantime I've been trying to get trade agreements with my local cathayans as well as setting off another Caravan so going all in on the good old Merchant life making my way North I find the last descenter settlement I'm able to get a peric victory from the big army and Garrison that they have there it is quite a costly battle I lose a few units but it sets me up to take their final settlement regardless and finish them off I could get a nice little bit of money from sacking this place three grand but I'm not going to like I say I'm not trying to play that weight so I'm gonna leave it and I'm just going to raise instead that gives us the first objective of this campaign done but for one of the other objectives taking the certain provinces I have to control the Ivory Road but of course I can't take it myself this run so I need to make friends with whoever does control it in this case it's greases and for the warp Stone desert Province well meowing should take this so that one should be a bit easier to get so I start playing total diplomacy and I go in to start trying to make friends with greases and just about any other nice faction around I noticed that there's these other Rogas but they're at war with greasers so I get a non-aggression with them it's going to piss off greasers and I don't want to do that so I'm just going to get another aggression and I can even get trade here with greases and that's going to set me up a nice start to our relationship so we can work towards a military alliance with greases and we can control that territory without actually controlling that territory and now that our work is done in the north I'm gonna head back home replenish regroup Recruit new boys and also hoping that meow Ying takes all the settlements I just raised but all shies are my Caravans under attack again this time by ogres it's an ambush I feel like I can maybe win this though if I fight it I don't trust the auto resolve with an ambush I've got some pretty good units in this Army some halberd some missiles great for taking down those ogres and I was able to get rid of them so that my Caravan could carry on and end up in this situation where I need to sacrifice some cargo to get some relationship with greases so again total diplomacy I need to make friends with greases this is a great way to do it for my next move I think about heading down south so I send a spy to have a little look around see what's going on see what Hellman ghost is up to apparently he's not doing too well and kugath is on his doorstep yep and that's fine with me shortly after this though Captain Chunk boy declares war on me so I've got a little bit of a threat potentially coming from myself but I'm not hugely worried I feel like it's rare you see kugaf come over this far but we'll see it's just one war though no big deal right right balls so now with the imminent threat of rats coming from my north and east there goes my plans to go down south so I'm gonna head back up north and prepare for the incoming rat Invasion I do manage to finally get a defensive alliance with greases at this point so we're making good friends with him that could come to help us in our war with kugap but there be rats and there'll be lots of rats although their armies aren't really anything to worry about mostly skaven slaves and we can also note here turn 36 I've got a pretty healthy income and a nice bit of money in the bank on Investigation I find that Clan nation has 11 settlements so they could be very tough to deal with especially as they often have lots of armies and I've only got one Province and what do you know lots of armies start descending on me one of them comes at me it's pretty crappy though it's a decisive Victory no problem there's one of them wiped out already that was one trying to attack one of my settlements I take the fight to klanation though as they seem to have infested all those settlements I raised earlier so I'm gonna come back and raise them all again bring down their settlement count and weaken those goddamn rats I also managed to to get that military alliance with greeters so now that piece of territory that I needed to control through him is sorted he's also just doing pretty well for himself he's a powerful Ally to have he's got some armies here he's probably keeping Hellman ghost and kugapath in check which is really saving me a job over time the rats keep coming at me here and there with their crappy armies not too much of a problem I moved my main Army up to start heading north again and I find Meow Ying is down here now there is one Army but she's gonna start taking care of them in the north and that's going to help us out a lot but the rats are always pushing always taking territory however their armies have started to kind of all wander into roughly the same place and that could be a good opportunity I take xiaoming and push into their territory a little bit taking out another one of their settlements here we've also been getting friendly with meowing this whole time we're into a defensive Alliance now you can see she's taking a lot of territory she's starting to push down south now there's two of her armies there the cathayan people finally coming together and the Rats also coming together in this nice little move that puts about four of their armies all pretty close to each other and that spells a good opportunity and meow Ying sees it as she goes in and takes out two of those armies I then get attacked by the other ones which includes deathmaster snitch himself in an ambush and you know I gotta fight this to try and save myself and let me tell you this was one of the most horrible battles I think I've ever fought in Total War Warhammer 3 it was disgusting there was a big massive Army ambushing me then there was a couple of reinforcement armies their missiles hit like they were thunderers their skaven slaves were unbreakable basically deathmaster snitch had ridiculous stats like 80 melee defense I couldn't hit the bastard I've never cried before when playing Total War but I think this was the closest I've ever come eventually though I was able to get the W and me and meowing were able to bin off four Clan Asian armies very nice and this battle here I could have water resolved it for an easy decisive Victory but it would have cost me one of my jade Warriors and I couldn't do them like that they just fought their ass off in the previous battle there's no way I could let him go out like that so I had to fight this battle just to make sure that that unit didn't die and then we could be mostly free of the clan Asian tyranny that was all around us and we push on their remaining settlements and get rid of that damn deathmaster after this battle my cathayan brothers started to take some of their territory back pushing klanation back into the hills from whence they came which kind of bundled them up nicely nice and easy to deal with now as we push through and take their final settlements shouldn't be any problem to deal with now and with that I decided to call an end to this campaign as I felt like I pretty much proved the point that we can survive with one province with this Trader Merchant play style it's nicely upgraded I'm on my way to tier 5 with the main settlement we don't have much income per term but we do have two full armies and we've got plenty of money in the bank from all the Caravans bit of trading going on as well of course and we can finish this campaign with the one Province I think all we got to do here is take out Clan Nation we've got to take out what's his face back here as well lock here and then Bob's your teapot we're pretty much done with this campaign and you can see meowing's got a lot of territory the other Cathay in factions are doing pretty well for themselves and you'll see as we come into diplomacy and start looking through the cafe factions we can actually get Confederation with this faction right here there's two provinces we can could quickly take off them all while having only one Province ourselves and if we look at meowing she's nearly there only -6 so with a bit of money we could probably get her on board or just wait a few more turns and she'd probably be on board so we can now control potentially half of Cathay all by only having one Province on like turn 50 something why bother taking all the settlements yourself when you can just take him off somebody else so Cathay with just one Province playing to their strength in the trader Merchant kind of role works pretty damn well on to the final campaign then with King albritonia let's write the king of britonia Luanne leonker now what I wanted to do with this campaign was to play kind of out of its comfort zone not playing to its strength like I did with the other two campaigns so I'm kind of gonna play a sacking and raiding play style but I'm not gonna sack and raid I'm mostly gonna raise because I lose chivalry doing those other two things whereas if I raise I actually gain chivalry if it's a bad guy and with that I'm coming after muzilong first of all because they are one of my enemies that I need to take out for victory conditions I do roll into this battle but I realize I don't trust my lady ship against all these spooky zombies so I fall back for now to recruit a bigger Army but while I do that some green skins roll up on one of my settlements so I have to run back there to sort them out first lest I lose my one Province before I've even got started but that's fine I need to recruit some more units anyway so I sort out those damn dirty green skins and then begin to replenish my army recruit some more boys and build up a nice Force to go and take out moves in all post haste while I'm doing that though I get declared war on by goddamn bellacor and the shadow Legion to the north on Albion so there's a threat I'm gonna have to worry about for now though I must press on and take out moves along so head back down south and then the old red Duke comes along and says oh no please don't kill me please take the piece so naturally I follow the teachings of Sun Tzu and I pimp slap him and call him a and tell him I'm coming for him and thankfully there's no Army there defending this time so I'm able to get into a one-on-one fight with just the settlement Garrison so I'm gonna have to fight it but this is no big deal I use my Cavalry advantage and Mobility to take the victory objective then I raise it up and start heading back North but there's some Vanna heimlings on my doorstep I recruit a Lord and try to get some units to defend there just in case it does attack in the next turn or two Grom then decides he wants to declare war on me so that's good things are looking great in this campaign and it only gets better as the banner heimlings come after my goddamn settlement pretty much no chance of defending this when half your army is peasant mob and as if things couldn't get any more fun muzalon just came and retook their settlement with a full stack and I've lost my settlement so fantastic so far it's like I never even took out moves along and I basically haven't done anything so far in about 12 turns but I am going to retake Le angle and get my Province back and deal with these dirty Norse and bastards however they disappear for a few turns but then reappear on my Shores with a bunch of other buddies but this time luens are ready and we take the fight to them this time it taking out their couple of armies that are waiting for us clear them away with a close Victory and finally get a little bit of breathing room also I thought until the shadow Legion appeared in the distance in the ocean but this time I had a Garrison building in languil so I let that defend and sent Luanne down south where I ran into the goddamn red Juke again and had to fight his full stack off unless he take out mine but we beat him up anyway took care of that Army didn't lose too much ourselves in the process in the meantime the shadow Legion were on our Shores this time but I had one turn to wait until I had that Garrison building finished so I decided to recruit a small army just so history didn't repeat itself and I pressed on trying to get rid of goddamn musilol this time around I was able to get a decisive Victory lost one unit no big deal finally getting rid of muzalon wiping them out raising this up taking care of their last Army finally it was done persistence has prevailed one good thing around this time is that I was building a relationship with Carl Franz who is a good man to have on your side eventually that shadow Legion Army backed off but came back with an extra stack so things were looking great although those two armies actually disappeared on the next turn I have no idea where they went but they didn't bother me however then there was a Vanna heimling stack on my Shaw so I said this I'm going to get you little bastards and take your place out so I sailed Lewin over there with a big old army and prepared to take it to Albion because Luanne had had enough that Army did indeed come after me but luckily we were able to get a pirate Victory from this and get rid of them that Army was no problem Lewin then arrived on the shores of Albion to make sure the Vanna homelinks felt the full force of his Fury he came he saw he raised raised defended against the shadow Legion Army back home sacked this time because five grand and then raised again and with that the residents of Albion were destroyed the banner heimlings were gone by taking down the shadow Legion I was free of their Relentless assault of armies Grom also decided to come over with a three-unit army which apparently I couldn't beat so I had to fight this battle but no big deal I dealt with that I now didn't have any pressure from muzalon from the shadow Legion of anaheimlings so I decided to try and take Luen on a bit of a tear with the raising playstyle just going and raising all the bad guys stuff so we're headed towards the Sea of claws which is between Norse and the Empire as there's some nice norskin Port settlement I could go for there however attacking ports proved quite difficult as I couldn't just sail up onto the land next to the settlement and attack it all in one turn I had to land somewhere near it and then run to it which was going to take me an extra turn and cost me some attrition but I went for it leaned into it went to war with wolfrick I could have sacked this for a nice eight grand but we lose chivalry we want the chivalry because that's how we win this campaign with chivalry rather than money I then carried on down the coast to try and get to their next settlement but there was a full stack waking they came at me I felt like my Army wasn't really there I was still missing my Frontline infantry which I lost when fighting Albion I should have recruited some more units before I came over here but I kind of rushed into it but anyway I fell back recruited a few more units that norskin Army came after me though and I could get them with a close Victory so I still be in pretty good condition so I decided to do it get this Army out the way replenish up as we move back over towards their settlement and then try to take them again or when I also discovered that the shadow Legion weren't dead so that was great and they've even moved into musalon's old gav as Luanne would say melt now when I came over to try and take the next norskin settlement I noticed in the settlement over there was a full stack and I kinda saw where this was going on the next turn that full stack went into the settlement I wanted to take and thus I was getting nowhere so I gave up on this plan and thought screw this let's get the hell out of an Oscar it's too cold let's go back to the old Frenchie lands after I spent some time back home chilling out and upgrading my building so that I could finally get a decent front line in battle pilgrims I decided Well there's plenty of bad guys around where I start so I should just go and take them out before anything I've got Grom to deal with there's Heinrich kemmler around here let's take these bastards out and I should note at this point I haven't really had any trouble with money in this campaign only having the one Province I haven't really had a lot of money but I've had enough to survive I've got rid of my second Army now and I'm gonna start pushing on Heinrich kemmler I'm not at war with them at the moment I want to launch a surprise attack on his main settlement as it's got all his big tier 4 buildings so if I can get rid of those it's going to weaken him as a faction significantly he won't be able to recruit any of the good stuff he can get from these that's our Target as I approach Heinrich grows wary of me as he ends our non-aggression pact which is fine with me because on the next few turns it's time to get after it we're going to declare the war take out this settlement he did have two stacks to the north of this settlement so we do have that to worry about and I've got to be careful and cautious of that my two settlements in my one Province do have big garrisons with the Garrison building so they're pretty safe at the moment and I'm gonna fight this battle I managed to take the victory point it's an easy Victory didn't lose too much at all and it's gonna be a fine reason for this place although we could sack it for a very nice 22 Grand but that's not what old luanne's about and this is pretty much the beginning of the end for Heinrich kemmler as I take out his main settlement here I then go on to take Castle Artois there's another big money sack to be had from this place about 20 grand and this is all from Luanne who doesn't even have any stat points or skill points that buff up the amount of money you get from Post battle stuff or sacking like azak did for example I forgot to mention though that Heinrich kemmler did do one useful thing for us and that is that he took out the shadow Legion so we we never actually had to worry about them and I came to try and take muzal on there but it's a bit too much so I leave for now I go into Ambush dance in the hope that I might catch him but instead he just forgets that I'm there and off he goes and leaves the settlement undefended that works for me as long as I can take the settlement out I'm happy so we're slowly destroying Heinrich kemmler here getting all this chivalry for raising all these bad guy places as well and it's kind of weirdly working out even though we're playing ratonia in a way that they're not really meant to be played you want to take land and build farms with britonia but we've just got the one Province we've been running around raising people up and it's working for us we're about a third of the way there on our chivalry we've got Heinrich kemmler on his last legs and with a little bit of help from Karl France who took out the big heimrich kemmler army for us we're now able to push on their last settlement and get a decisive Victory to finish them off and with that I think we're about done with this campaign and like I said our chivalry is about a third of the way there so that's not too bad considering how this campaign is gone and if you look at how we're doing here at turn 77 it's not too shabby we've got a nice little bit of income we got 18 Grand in the bank we're on our way to a tier V settlement and this maybe isn't great for turn 77 but that's because we went off messing around in norska for a bit what I should have done is just stayed back here and taken out all these enemies around me before anything else but it just goes to show even when you play a campaign the kind of wrong way and you don't play it very well and you only have one Province you can still Prevail I think the real benefit of playing with just one province is that you don't have much land to worry about defending it's pretty easy to defend because it's just one small space playing this way is Gonna Make Me Think Twice anyway about how much land I really need to take in a campaign I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this Channel and hey you know what CP is no not that kind of CP the total war CP have a look I will see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 165,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, campaign, one province
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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