Who's the BEST & WORST of the Chaos Dwarfs? - Warhammer 3

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we're going to see how the chaos dwarf units stack up against some of the best the total war Warhammer 3 has to offer will any of these chaos dwarf units be able to Dethrone some of the champions of various categories let's find out we'll kick it off with the infernal guard with great weapons an armor-piercing anti-infantry unit can they beat the exalted bloodletters the current champion that beats up all the other infantry the non-raw stuff anyway now these infernal guard are a little bit of a hybrid unit they're kind of a damage dealer with their armor-piercing damage but they also have quite a bit of melee defense so they're kind of defensive as well now one advantage they do have in this fight is the bloodletters cause fire damage and the infernal guard if I can get to their goddamn unit card they have a fire resistance of 25 so they're going to reduce the bloodletter attack by 25 although it doesn't seem to be helping them too much so far they're putting up some good damage on the blood letters but they are ultimately losing the bloodletter damage output just too much for them it seems and that is the story of this fight unfortunately for the The Infernal guard not able to top the blood letters but hey it was a tall order so they can't be number one but maybe they could be number two let's try them out against the sword masters of Hoth the whole Masters if you will and the whole Masters in Warhammer 3 kind of got a bit Juiced up as their martial prowess now lasts longer than it did in Warhammer too so they became pretty powerful these whole Masters and it looks like they've still got it as they're putting these infernal guard quite quickly in the bin they've got them down below half Health already and you might notice the infernal guard have a charge defense but it's only against large so no point standing them still here they do considerably worse if you don't charge them but I think what's Happening Here is the higher melee defense isn't really saving these infernal Guard from the higher melee attack of these other units they're facing because the infernal guard melee attack is actually quite low it's like 32 which for this kind of unit is quite low comparatively the home Masters have like 50 something so maybe not quite up to task in this situation although the two units they have fought are more expensive than them so let's try something that it's the same prices then Blackhawks both of these units cost 11.50 so let's see if the infernal Guard Great weapons are maybe a little underpowered for their class of elite anti-infantry or whether they stack up the same or maybe better than Blackhawks honestly you'd expect them to be the same because they have kind of the same role in the same pricing you expect similar performance in the same situation so against each other it should be a pretty close pretty even fight could go either way that's how I predict this fight should go so far kinda looking like that it's pretty even damage amounts done to each other and the Blackhawks also don't have the highest amount of melee attack at 36 but they do have a considerably better charge bonus so that helps them drop some damage nice and early on but as we can see all these fights still looking very very close so who's gonna do it well jumping forward a little bit we can see it's a pretty bloody Affair and it's a pretty close one overall some Blackhawks going to break here but down the other end we see two units of infernal guard have broken and the other two remaining fights are very very close as expected so this could go either way but ultimately I think you can say these two pretty much the same performance so the infernal guard with great weapons much like the Blackhawks are pretty good great anti-infantry but not quite the best how about the infernal iron sworn then they are a different kind of unit though more of a holding unit not a damage dealer they don't have armor-piercing but how do they stack up against their counterpart the dwarf iron Breakers now it's worth noting that I decided not to use the blasting charges in this fight because I couldn't really get an even exchange of letting them both use their blasting charges the irons won't have a little more range so they get to use their sooner and then all the dwarfs get knocked over and it's just not really fair and in a real world situation that's absolutely fine but we just want to find out who's the tankiest here who's the most sturdy because they're basically the same unit but which one's the best now if you do let them use the blasting charges the iron Swan blast them charge is armor-piercing whereas the iron Breakers blasting charge isn't so that's a pretty huge Advantage straight off the bat so for the most part iron sworn are probably going to win because they can use their blasting charge first in a real world situation but if you do let them go Toe to Toe pure melee only well you better be in it for the long haul because it's gonna take a while [Applause] foreign [Applause] good God man this is worse than when tree kin fought iron Breakers this is quite possibly taking the title for the longest possible fight between two units in Total War Warhammer three this fight taking literally about 10 minutes to get done and as you may notice the iron sworn have pulled the head in these fights and they are going to be able to beat the iron Breakers fairly comfortably with a little bit of Health left to still do some other work so safe to say The Infernal iron sworn are better than iron Breakers especially if they get to use that blasting charge which not only has a little bit more range but also his armor-piercing so they're definitely gonna win if they use that but overall we have a new tankiest unit in town and it is the infernal iron swarm now let's move on to the real fight that I know you came to see the other end of the spectrum are the goblin laborers the new worst infantry in the game can they take the title from The Peasant mob stats wise they're both similarly so it's anybody's guess who's gonna be the crapest an income they're absolutely pathetic charges into each other the peasant mob with the advantage there though with their eight charge bonus to the six of the Goblins that could make all the difference look at this Nutter just charging in oh he's paid the price the price was his head down he goes a slight advantage to The Peasant mob they have a little bit of armor to the zero of the gobbos slight advantage in melee attack to The Peasants but advantage and weapon strength to the gobbos so it's anybody's guess here it's looking pretty even so far slight advantage to the gobbos in unit size as well they have a little bit of a bigger unit size at 180 to the 160 of the peasants uh what an absolutely thrilling slobber knocker this is I bet you're glad you clicked on this video now huh absolute premium content but it looks like the peasant mob are trying to retain their title they are slowly starting to lose will the gobbos have it in them to not be right at the bottom it looks like they will there's some wavering from The Peasant mob and what an absolutely fantastic performance they've put up here looking like they're gonna maintain their title the poor gobbos they're just too good they're too good to get the worst title oh look at the peasant mob look at them all wavering they know how to make a pathetic exit well played so can confirm peasant still the worst unit in the game now back to the other end of the spectrum one of the best units in the roster The Immortals the Regiment of renowned infernal iron sworn they got fire and Magic damage bonus versus infantry Undying Will so they won't die for the first 25 of their health but they do lack armor-piercing damage now can they topple the strongest infantry in the game the hellforged host the Regiment of renown exalted blood letters they're both coming in hot pun intended doing some strong damage on the charge for both sides but a few advantages for the Immortals they're going to take 25 less damage because of their fire resistance they also have magical attacks to negate the physical resistance of the bloodletters also the bloodletters don't have a ton of armor so the lack of armor piercing doesn't really matter too much for the Immortals and this one is moving quick the bloodletters are going down it seems they're down to a quarter of the help left while the Immortals still at half and it looks like we are gonna have a new champion in the elite anti-infantry department so hot damn who knew these two units cost the same as well so it's a fair fight from that perspective but I think the Immortals just had all the right tools here to be able to take the blood letters down so I asked myself well are they really good are they really the best unit or is it just they had all the right things going for them in this fight well there's only one way to find out right let's see who else they can take down we're gonna try the whole Masters first of all who a lot of the Immortals advantages won't be any use against their fire resistance useless here their magical attack this poor fella imagine getting knocked out straight away on contact being the first guy down nobody wants to be that guy anyway what was I on about yeah they're magical attacks no use here fire resistance no use here their lack of armor piercing might hurt them a little more here because they do have more armor the homeasters 90 compared to the bloodletter 60 but it looks like they might be putting the whole Masters away pretty well anyway and one thing it doesn't actually mention on the unit card of this unit is that they do seem to have death blow you know the Slayers when they die they do a little two-handed ax attack as they die The Immortals do that so they have that kind of extra attack that they're always going to have when any one of them dies and that is going to allow them to do a fair bit of extra damage so able to beat the home Masters here looking like the Immortals might be able to beat even the heavily armored units but of course the Immortals are a little bit more expensive than the home Masters they are a regiment of renown as well which generally gives them some advantages but there is one unit that is more expensive than the Immortals at 1550 the chosen of nurgle let's see if they've got what it takes to take down the Immortals pretty much the same cost here so it's gonna be a close one I reckon fairly similar damage coming off the charge no one really taking the lead jet The Immortals do have the advantage that their units won't die though for the first 25 percent of their health so that can leave them with a numbers advantage in the long run another thing about the Immortals as well is that they do have really high leadership at 95 so that's pretty huge and certainly he's going to help them in this kind of testing but still pretty even in the damage output so far the chosen do have 120 armor and as the Immortals don't have that armor piercing this might be the kind of area where it's going to be a bit more problem for them and as this fight wears on it still stays pretty close with some fights leaning towards a certain side but it's a little bit of both some fights the chosen are winning some fights the Immortals are winning it's anybody's guess and I'll cut to the chase because it is a bit of a slow one to finish this but as predicted their price being roughly the same their performance is pretty much the same as well but overall from this we at least found a unit that can beat the hellforge host who could beat every other unit before well now they do have one they lose to so GG Immortals now onto a Cavalry type unit in the bull Center renders with great weapons as an anti-large unit their target is of course other large things monsters and Cavalry in this case we're going to try them against other Cavalry starting off with the Skull Crushers who are also anti-large and armor-piercing so same role and they have taken an absolute hammering on the charge they're down to half Health already Lord Jesus what is happening this is actually quite alarming because the ball sent or great weapons cost 14.50 and the Skull Crushers 1700. now for two units in the same kind of bracket and roll and type shall we say price usually dictates performance you'll see like a hierarchy with the more expensive units being better but here we see the considerably cheaper unit 250 cheaper putting up a better performance than the more expensive one now price isn't everything absolutely sometimes there's some anomalies where a unit will just have the right traits to beat a certain enemy like we kind of saw with the Immortals and hellforge host so I decided to try the bull Center great weapons against some other even more expensive even stronger anti-large armor-piercing cavalries how about the Royal oakdorf graphite another one of the strongest units in this role 1850 they cost 400 more than the bull Center great weapons they are anti-large they're armor-piercing as well they should be able to take these down no problem we'll see what they can do now you could make the point that the ball Centos are more on the Monstrous side but the graphites are also a monstrous Cavalry as were the Skull Crushers just now but we can see the griffites struggling here too the ball centaurs with the great weapons looking like they're going to be able to beat these much more expensive Royal oakdorf Griffiths so oh Chrysler at this point the ball Center renders are looking like they're either too strong or not expensive enough and how about one last test then to really nail it down and figure it out well there can be only one test it's the Summoners of Rage the best anti-large unit in the kind of Cavalry slash monster type Department anti-large armor-piercing just like all these other units and they cost a big old 2000 although they do have a bound spell which you're not really going to use here so think of them maybe as more like 18 1900 but still they should be able to beat a 1450 cost unit even if it is the same type they have much better stats overall so this shouldn't be a problem for them but it's looking like it's gonna be it's kind of even in some of these fights the ball centaurs are putting up a goddamn good fight knocking down a lot of these Dragon ogres they're winning this fight here by the looks of it they've got more Health left anyway I think what's allowing them to be so strong is that they've got a big charge bonus and big weapon strength more so than the Summoners of Rage in this case and overall this contest is going to be a pretty even one some of the ball centaurs losing some of the Summoners losing so they're kind of on an even playing field these two units which as I say in my book if a unit costs 14.50 and it's hanging in there with the unit that costs 2 000 something is off I think the ball centers are either a little bit too strong or a little bit underpriced or quite underpriced and I think it's the latter they need to be much more expensive they've got similar stats to the Summoners of Rage they've got big weapon strength like the Summoners of Rage whereas the weapon strength of the Skull Crushers and Griffiths is only like 50 60 compared to the 100 110 of these two units so yeah ball centers with great weapons overpowered at the moment in my opinion don't be surprised if they get much more expensive before release though or maybe they catch a Nerf before you get your hands on them pretty beefy right now though speaking of beefy how about the biggest boy that could I Destroyer how does it stack up against other top monsters now to be fair to the Destroyer this is not its fight it's more of an anti-infantry monster doesn't have a bonus versus large does have huge weapon strength and armor piercing but you'll notice by some of its attack animations that it's supposed to be blowing up crowds and stuff it fires like three Fireballs out at one point then they just kind of like grenade fall onto the ground and explode that's obviously kind of useless against a single entity like this there it is you saw it there so do bear that in mind for these fights this is not the destroyer's domain really but how well will it do against those other single entities that you will likely come across during battles well so far against the Terracotta Sentinel here it's doing okay these two cost roughly the same and we have seen before that the Terracotta Sentinel is able to beat up all the other monsters in this game even the anti-large ones whereas himself is not anti-large but this fight's going to go on for a good old while and the Terracotta Sentinel has the one big advantage in these kind of fights that it is unbreakable whereas all these other monsters are not so unfortunately for the old destroyers they are not going to be able to beat the Terracotta Sentinel although it's very very close in some situations a couple of these Sentinels going down to 400 Health but they're not quite able to finish any of them off here's the dying animation of the Destroyer which is pretty cool as well as the soul leaves its body uh there he goes he's just an empty husk now pretty cool I also tested the Destroyer against the good old bloodthirster who is an anti-large Beast gonna allow him to have his flying attack coming in as he would so no charge bonus for the old Destroyer but will it make a difference we shall see both very strong monster killing units a few sort of synced animations going on which is always nice bloodthirster taking a bit of big damage early there is the blazing body ability that the Destroyer has which means these things will take damage being nearby but it's not a lot I guess to something like a bloodthirster but the damage is going on the bloodthirster pretty quick and the Destroyer has the advantage of a fire resistance they both have physical resistances and they both have magical attacks though so they're both negating that on each other but still an advantage to the Destroyer with that fire resistance and ultimately the Destroyer is able to put the bloodthirster away which is pretty good it does cost a little more than the bloodthirster but the bloodthirster is anti-large and is supposed to take down large things but I think it's that 25 fire resistance really helping the Destroyer there and it does absolutely destroy the bloodthirster in this case plus it does have just absolutely Mass if weapons strength at 680 which is more considerably more actually than the bloodthirster so a fair destroying from the Destroyer here and I did test it against a couple of other monsters but it's pretty much like watching the same fight and it did win some lose some so it's pretty good at taking on other monsters but not the best and as I say it's more of an anti-infantry monster overall I think now with the dread Quake mortar on the scene it's a very similar Thing Two Old Queen Bessie let's see which one is better at killing stuff and what better way to test this than by killing elves one of my favorite pastimes let's see how much damage Queen best does on her initial shot on some Phoenix guard the first missiles are coming down gonna land pretty damn well and it does about a third of the health of the Phoenix guard and that seems pretty consistent across all these units the ones that hit well anyway seems to be about a third of the health gone pretty nice pretty strong good old Queen Beth now the other way we're going to measure this is just to see how many shots it takes to Route off all of these elf units because of course there's always the chance of missing and stuff like that so it might not always be as quick as you might think a fairly good shot there but I'm going to save her some time and skip to the end point here it takes eight shots from Queen best to get rid of all of these high elf units one of them routed sooner maybe around five or six but ultimately let's say it's eight shots to Route off all these units of high elf Phoenix now we're going to do the same thing with the dread Quake mortar we'll see what its initial damage is on its first shot and then how many shots it takes to completely route off all of those units so it bombs away first shots are off let's see what the initial damage is it does do like an after effect damage on this as well as you'll see in a second huge explosion and then you see this kind of quaking going on that's doing damage to these units as well and you can see they've taken about a third of their help and then they're taking even more taking the Phoenix guard down to half Health pretty much from the first shot alone so that shot landed pretty well but they haven't all done that some of these are only like a quarter maybe a third Health off so it's like the damages between somewhere between a half and a third let's see how that second shot does of course if a unit is moving they're gonna move out of range of that Quake effect so that won't do so much damage there so potential for this not to do as much damage as it is here but it's got these Phoenix guard pretty beaten up already how many shots does it take though eight from Queen Bess how many for the drag Quake mortar well this is the sixth shot not coming in and this is going to be the one to end it although one of the units did break after three shots so I think it's fair to say that the dread quick mortar is stronger than Queen best although it seemed less accurate a lot of the shots were missing and as I say you could just run away from that mortar effect so it's probably still a fairly even playing field but in just a straight up test like this The Dread Quake mortar seems to be capable of more damage in a single shot if it lands well but there we go some of the chaos dwarf units tested against the best that Warhammer 3 has to offer these are going to mix up the game a little bit with some strong units being added in excited to see how those go overall hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this here Channel if you want to get involved you can join the secret Discord get some giveaways it's all good hope you enjoyed this thanks for watching I will see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 192,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, WHOS THE best, chaos dwarfs, units, testing, strong, op, nerf
Id: mY0W4q85NiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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