3 important characters in 40k (ft. Live! From the Black Library and The Remembrancer)

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uh hi I'm Arthur and you are all in for a treat today I will say in the 40K Universe there are a lot of characters like a lot a lot so many that one of the hardest things to do is to parse what is important what isn't some characters are obvious like remember with a gilliman in the modern setting is pretty important same goes for Abbott on the dick soiler but there are so many characters that deserve a spotlight that they likely will never get it's important to mix and match the lore you consume so you can bring up characters that are important in ways that you wouldn't get just from those Mainstay poster boys like good example Abaddon is cool and all but Huron Blackheart is significantly cooler he leaves the red corsairs which are evil chaos pirates that control a small tear in reality like the eye of Terror called the Maelstrom so I decided to round up two other folks I think are A1 lore Scholars and get them to discuss characters that they think are cool if you can't do the math that means three characters total the only criteria for this list is a character that you should know about be them significant or just fun to know about there isn't really any restriction so without further Ado we shall get into the list of three individuals that you should probably know about greetings everyone my name is the remembrancer and today I'm here on Mr Bones channel to discuss cool characters in 40K that you might not have heard of so today I have chosen a renegade legionary during the Horus heresy whose actions would change the fate of every living soul of the Galaxy from the humblest of serfs to the most venerated of primarks barabus dantioch barabast Antioch was an iron Warrior Captain which the legion calls warsmiths he led the 51st expeditionary Fleet during the Great Crusade and attempted to bring the guguan system into compliance that's gugan not gungan fighting the harad species the xenos would manipulate the flow of time to drastically age the iron Warriors during the campaign leading to dank and many of his men aging approximately 300 years and decimating its now wearied ranks objecting to his Primark per tarabo's actions and sending his men underprepared for their doomed campaign dandyok would be stripped of his Terminator armor and banished to the world of lesser damentine garrisoning the fortification known as the Chardon hold dandyok and his men would seemingly be fated to wait out the remainder of the great Crusade until the arrival of warsmith Idris Crandall the iron Warriors Legion had turned on the Imperium during his Exile with Crandall demanding dandelk to resupply his own warscard forces refusing to betray the Imperium danteok would reject Crandall's orders and command the 366-day long defense of the Chardon hold the so-called sons of dandelk would push back the 14th grand company until the arrival of a nurgal corrupted emperor-class Titan which would be deployed to finally end The Siege ordering his men to abandon the Fortress Antioch would transport his men into a sons of Horus Legion vessel and detonate The Shard and hold as the traitors ended its walls crushing them beneath all the debris and blown up bits of walls and explosions it's pretty cool Crandall would be wounded the Titan would be destroyed and Antioch would escape to Holy Terror now meeting with the Loyalists the Renegade warsmith would be tasked with for divine Imperial Palace as a nine Warrior his Insight would be invaluable about what the Traders might do to try and breach the gates and the walls but with that done he would then be tasked to venture to the world of sofa to study a device known as the sofa device alongside the Imperial fist Alexis Pollux dantdog would work diligently to understand the ancient artifact in its teleportation mechanisms saving the lives of both rebute Gilman and the lion during their battle with Conrad kers on the world of mccrag dantduck would also teleport Alexis Pollux to the planet of sofa during the battle and alongside his unlikely brother once more faced the Wrath of the night Lords during the Battle of sofa besieged by krukesh of the eighth Legion dandyuk would prevent the silver device from falling into enemy Hands by overloading it and succeed at the cost of his life dying in the arms of Alexis danjok would earn the title of hero of the Imperium and leave a legacy to be inherited into the successor chapters of the ultramarines the size of the emperor and for that matter possibly also the Silver Skulls though that's not confirmed the mask of the warden of the faros would become a badge of office for the chapter Master of the size until sofas near destruction by a tyranid invasion known as the traitor redeemed Antioch is by far one of the coolest characters in 40K despite that he unknowingly would Doom the Galaxy to never-ending invasions of the tyranids due to the detonation of the sofa device I did a full-length video on him a while back if you're interested but you might want a box of tissues handy for when he dies in The narration but otherwise I'd like to say thank you to Mr Bones for letting me do a little piece on his channel and I look forward to the video and seeing what else Mr Bones makes in the future until then this has been a tale from the remembrancer and I'll see you guys another time that's a great character whoever it is Arthur put ahead of me in the video unless of course I'm first in which case Arthur you're a bastard anyway when talking about the characters everyone ought to know in 40K what if a character is not a character but is in fact an inanimate object [Music] yep that's right I'm gonna be talking about the land Raider known as rin's might you see when the Homeworld of the Crimson fists chapter of Space Marines was besieged by Orcs there was a bit of a problem when one of their defense missiles a plasma missile mind you malfunctioned and flew back and hit the monastery killing many of the surviving Marines which were already in a bad way after some pretty grueling crusading beforehand now the Crimson fists were able to hold on thanks to the efforts of chapter Master Pedro Cantor but they wouldn't do it alone because after the blast one of the surviving land Raiders which had been blown away by the explosion had its machine Spirit awaken and would proceed to go on a one Raider Rampage through the orc forces unloading its Munitions hunting groups of Orcs that were massing up and generally being a massive nuisance this would all come to a head when the land Raider completely out of ammunition would notice the orc War Boss and some of his best massing up for a final push on the surviving Crimson fists so again out of ammunition it ran straight into the orc lines crushing anything it could and ramming into any orc trucks it could find blaring hymns to the emperor and presumably Charge of the Light Brigade but it was not to last because the orc War Boss would get off a solid shot on the land Raiders tracks sending it spiraling out and disabling it but the little raider that could had one trick up its sleeve because it was so determined to kill these Orcs that when the boss and his boys went into loot it closed the hatches and overloaded its reactor in order to fill the chamber with radiation and poison runoff gas now don't start crying because the chapter Master would find the machine and upon interrogating its machine Spirit learn of what it did and give it a whole new chassis so it continued to serve the chapter thereafter but it's not just a cool story that you'll see pop up in a video here and there or in a YouTube short I think there's something bigger here because I believe rin's might is a prime example of why machine Spirits qualify as Imperial demons now the concept of demons of the Imperium is not a particularly new one look at the Legion of the Damned or living Saints like Celestine but it's often been wondered where machine Spirits fit in and I do think they really fit the bill rin's might is a good example because it's capable of things that are not just following orders but also emotions such as vindictiveness and a sense of Duty furthermore many people write it off as saying oh rin's might was just following the last directive it knew well the last director if it knew would be to defend Fortress probably link up with troops shoot weapons it wouldn't be Ramen to the enemy leader blaring hymns and then overload your reactor to flood yourself with gas in a kamikaze maneuver that shows a level of creativity and cognition as well as emotional intention because it doesn't need to blare prayers but anyone on a suicidal last charge absolutely would do that the machine spirits of smaller Technologies may have just a bit of a living vibe to them I guess that needs to be appeased a little bit in the same way the most minor Demons of chaos are just like wisps of psychic energy or an emotion given form in the warp but larger ones are capable of these kinds of actions and independent thoughts while being loyal to a core cause or identity bloodthirsters will have a maybe a certain way they like to go about killing but their main directive is Spill blood Demons of slaanesh may have a specific sensation or method of achieving Sensations that they a favor but the main theme Remains the Same and with rin's might and other machine Spirit demons it is be loyal to the Imperium but they go about it in different ways some are particularly angry some are particularly loyal to the very last and I think rinse might is a perfect example of effectively a demon engine of the emperor and it makes sense considering how long people have been worshiping machines in the Imperium so next time anyone asks what your favorite demon is in 40K you might have a more interesting answer than everyone else in the room and I think that's what really matters hi I'm here to end off the list and who would have thunk it Arthur bonesman is covering night Lords so who's it gonna be fancy right probably someone from first claw of 10th company nah well sort of in the night Lords trilogy there is many different important characters you have uzas Talos Syrian Zara mercutian and vario each one having distinctive talents and abilities that make them useful but at the end of the last book in the series every last one of them aside from viral ends up um spoiler alert sorry if you didn't read the last book dying but from their ashes a new Warrior is born likely created from The Offspring of talos's last slaves Octavia and Septimus came a perfect thunderstorm to make the scariest [ __ ] in history wearing the ritualistic Helm of Zara having the flayed skin and skulls of uzas the lightning bolt markings of Syrian the bolt gun of the war Sage malkarian the ancient sword of a fallen blood Angel and I I guess mercutian got [ __ ] in the equation because they forgot about him but the important part is he has the personality and ability of Talos valcarron Talos was a rare specimen an apothecary for the legion he was cursed to go into spasming seizures that would lead to him seeing the future but also being out of commission for sometimes months this flaw was explained better in the book but to oversimplify it his body was overly adapted to the gene seed of the Night Hunter meaning his body was slowly tearing itself apart but with this Gene seed in another warrior with the Navigator's blood which Octavia was the gift of foresight was now under control as well as perfected in this Warrior who was this man Decimus the prophet of the eighth Legion he is the culmination of everything the night Lords needed to become a whole Legion again written into existence as almost a second coming of the Haunter himself he was poised to lead the night Lords into combat alongside Abaddon during the 13th Black Crusade specifically going after some cheeky aldar that he particularly had a disdain for and also saw visions that it'd be the best thing to do at this time this character had barely a chapter dedicated to him but has been one of the most interesting focal points to the night Lords up until this point I can't wait to see where they go with oh [ __ ] me they didn't bring him up in over 10 years since why can't I have nice things I get it you let them have a trilogy but you can't paint them as a significant threat and then do nothing with them [ __ ] fine regardless Decimus as a character is interesting as he represents how far the night Lords could climb if they didn't want to murder each other all the time there isn't much lore to him but I think he is a character worth knowing about that being said just read the night Lords Trilogy it's so good I will not stop saying that sorry not sorry but that's just me so what did you think which of these characters were your favorites and what are some underappreciated characters that you like let me know I genuinely want to know as per the usual thanks to Chrono and the remembrance sir for helping me out with this video their videos are probably better than anything I've ever done so go and check them out if you like this kind of content their channels will be in the description alongside that I want to thank my channel members for supporting me as with your help I am able to afford my salt pork and hard tack rations for this month and if you want to support me become a channel member you'll get access to all my videos the second they are uploaded rather than waiting for the scheduled release until next time I just want to say really GW 11 [ __ ] years and you can't say anything about Decimus it was kind of
Channel: Mr. Bones 40k
Views: 10,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, collab, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, wh40k, 40k, 40k lore, space marines, horus heresy, barabas dantioch, arthur bones, the remembrancer, chrono the harlequin, rynns might, crimson fists, night lords, decimus, night lords trilogy
Id: r4Xqa2Y4aRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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