They won't teach you this one in tactics school...

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so you know how we always make our units as wide as possible maybe it's made you wonder why we don't ever make our units as narrow as possible well with this tactic we're going to make use of this narrow phallic-like formation with a tactic that I once christened the phallus of Doom that's just what I accidentally called it last time I made this video all right now to make good use of your phallus you are going to need a hole and do prepare yourself for the unrelenting amount of puns that this video is going to bring but we're looking for a space a gap an opening in the front line where we can sneak our phallus of Doom through to essentially bypass the enemy front line and if you're somebody that naturally forms up your front line something like this with gaps in between every Frontline infantry unit you've got lots of openings to make use of with your phallus of Doom now phallus has come in all shapes and sizes in different factions and as your wife likes to remind you it's not about the size it's about what you do with it so to pull this tactic off Jesus Christ so to execute this tactic taking advantage of all the gaps between our units we're just going to March towards the enemy front line and be careful if the enemy front line is smaller than yours because if you give attack orders too early it'll make all your units run inwards kind of like this and that's going to close all our precious gaps that we need to make use of so the enemy units will come out to engage us and you'll see they'll leave all these gaps they won't try to take advantage of them themselves because that's the AI but this is perfect for us and our fallacies of Doom are narrow formations able to just sneak through the Gap and get into whatever they want behind the front line as you can see our trolls are Cavalry are infantry whatever it is able to just slip through that Gap and get into the back line or you can just flank the front line to sandwich those front line units and maybe break them quicker those are the main two aims of this tactic anyway but it can just be a great way to save time on trying to flank all the way around an enemy front line where you might run into some units that are going to try and stop you maybe they'll be stronger than your units are so if it looks like it's going to be difficult to flank around the edge you've always got the phallus of Doom to fall back on no to use you can use the tactic when you see a Gap like this you just want to move your unit over to it first of all arranging the formation line yourself up for a nice clean run through and then look at this lovely execution straight through the middle nice and clean only a couple of models getting caught on the edge there but that's not a big deal they should be able to pull through occasionally you might have to reissue the order to move because if a unit touches another unit they might get pulled into combat with that unit too early so be aware of that it might take a little bit of micro to get them through sometimes but as you can see here it pays off when you get that big hammer in Anvil and while you can actively try to execute this tactic by leaving the gaps and setting up your fallacies of Doom ready to go through sometimes it can happen naturally or you can make little adjustments just to create a hole like here I'm pulling this unit back hoping that the enemy unit will pursue me but instead they decide to fight the unit on their right and in doing so has opened up a gap on their left or my right which is now a good little gap for me to get my dogos through for a pretty nasty phallus of Doom attack I can get into their missiles now do whatever a faster unit like doggos is especially good for this or any faster unit really but even infantry at slower Pace can do it too even the dwarfs could do it although naturally at a slower Pace there's more chance you might get intercepted before you fully get through and you'll get pulled into a fight so generally better with quicker units all the same and here's just a few in-battle examples this one a campaign battle facing a larger norskin Force I've got a big long front line trying to hold the kind of choke point but some gaps have naturally opened up and I've got some Cavalry they've got some missiles that need disrupting so in goes my Cavalry in the nice phallus of Doom formation able to sneak through and do a useful job so keep an eye out for those gaps that just happen to open up see if you've got any units that'll fit through there not all units can be made narrow enough to fit through all gaps but some units can go very very skinny like the trolls so it's a situational thing another example here is the Empire this time I had my line spread out but there just happens to be some huge gaps left so perfect for the wide Empire Cavalry and this tactic honestly can just be more effective than trying to flank out wide sometimes but it does depend what units the enemy has around if you're going to charge a Cavalry phallus of Doom through only to be met by some Dragon ogres that will come up behind you when you attack another unit well that's probably not a great idea to charge into so do be aware of what you're charging into don't just charge into any old hole it may be better to wait for a more favorable situation or to try and flank around the sides as you normally would another use for this tactic is in choke point situations where it can be difficult to get behind the enemy if you position your troops in this kind of v-shape with a bit of a gap at the bottom it'll encourage the enemies to come in and fight you at those angles so they will in theory leave this Gap open if there's a lot of enemy units they may fill it up but there's a good chance they won't like so they'll all engage the units on the side leaving the Gap and here comes my little phallus of Doom party some Cavalry some crocsagors and we're free to get behind this otherwise very difficult to flank enemy Army and we can get some nasty hammer and Anvil all over the place now while I'm generally saying to use this tactic here and there where you see the opportunity I wondered how would it work if I actually came into a battle with this as an army formation to have a front line and then just fallacies of Doom ready on each Gap to go through straight away regardless of whatever happens like some weird kind of Triple T formation I've got minotaurs and Cavalry on one minotaurs and infantry on another and just some infantry on the last one let's see how well it works Frontline is approaching with the gaps in spaces gonna try to maintain those as we approach the enemy front line I did deliberately give the enemy lots of infantry to give them the opportunity to plug all the holes we'll see how well they do looks like they've kind of filled the spaces but there we go a gap has been created there so that's one hole we can make use of this one's been filled up by peasants for now the minor tour is going to make use of this Gap though our first phallus of Doom going in and over here another Gap is being created that's another opportunity for another phallus of Doom another Minotaur phallus of Doom and we're getting into their back line now and this camera unit out wide seemed like it was easier and quicker to just go round the flank like normal instead of trying to get through the middle and these minor tours getting a little bit stuck this like I said you've got to reissue the order a few times sometimes they might get stuck a big massive unit like minotaurs will have no problem pushing away from infantry and as you can see absolutely starting to devastate their back line here comes the Cavalry as well gonna get after that artillery and well that's going to be a bye-bye for Cathay as we start to hammer and Anvil their front line and such as well so yeah seems like you can build armies to come and arrive in this formation and to attack as a fellas of Doom Triple T party as I will call this Army apparently it worked here anyway with the beastmen against this infantry heavy Cafe Army and possibly one of the most useful places to use your phallus of Doom is in minor settlements and sieges you see if we angle ourselves ever so slightly at a bit of a funny angle we can create gaps that is enough for our fallacies of Doom to get through so something like this is going to be the angle I take instead of being parallel to the enemy unit like this which is just going to block the whole thing up we're going to be a little bit at an angle and it's going to create this gap on the right hand side allowing our fallacies of Doom to sneak through I'm going to do that there and I'm also going to do it down here just going to put this infantry unit in a bit of a square formation so it's quite narrow at a bit of an angle and it's going to create a space over here so here's the first example of It kind of in our square formation going to attack the enemy unit draw them into attacking us they'll start to gather around my unit creating that little bit of space just enough to get my phallus of Doom through my skin wolves able to get through here they do get a little bit caught and need another attack order to fully pull through but when they do they're free to do as they please around the rest of the settlement and in this case I've got some infantry boys fighting on the other side here I'm gonna flank round and Hammer and build the units they're fighting to try and get rid of them quicker and we're just opening everything up in this minus settlement so if you're like me and you're not a huge fan of minor settlements and you want to try and get through them as quickly as possible this can be a good way to help you get through them some doggos coming through here you can sneak units through in places you wouldn't normally be able to get them and that can be enough to start getting some flanking going in to open up gaps you see here if I had the rest of my Army set out here they could all funnel in here now because that spear unit is chasing my unit that snuck through so we're creating all kinds of opportunities here just with a little tactical placement of our infantry unit to pin the enemy down create in the Gap and then sneaking in some kind of phallus of Doom obviously this is only really going to work with the more narrow units like monstrous infantry and doggos and trolls Cavalry is probably going to be too wide to pull this off but yeah this can be super useful you see these doggos here getting into these missiles that were just raining down shots on my boys below over here so a very powerful tactic in minor settlements and sieges as well as in the open field so there we go your phallus of Doom use it wisely I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this Channel and hey you ever wondered if legendary is really much harder than very hard difficulty let's find out in this video here otherwise I'll see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 187,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, phallus of doom, tactic, zerkovich
Id: DDuvJoEeOOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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