Who's the BEST Low Tier Infantry? - Warhammer 2

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Fun. Except for some reason he brings Skinks for Lizardmen despite Saurus being Tier 1 Infantry.

Gor Herds are not available until Tier 3. If they're going with Skinks instead of Saurus they should have gone with Goblins instead of Orcs.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Roadkizzle 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

As he said in the video, I'm kind of surprised the HE Spearmen where that bad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Feibemann 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

I liked this video, but it feels inaccurate to make the greenskins repeatedly activate waagh when fighting, it doesn't really work that way in actual matches. Like nobody expects orc boys to 1v1 dwarf warriors and win when they're doing an online match, but when they have permanent armor-piercing dmg it makes the match up completely different. I get why the dark elves get to Murderous Mastery, you can't stop them, but there's no way orc boys would be this high on the list if they weren't spamming waagh the whole time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dystance24 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
who's the best we've done elite infantry elite cavalry elite monsters now it's time for the little guys the low tier infantry cheap but sometimes very effective not to be confused with expendable units though like skaven slaves peasant mob and zombies those are just crappy get in the way expendable units these units are also that but they can potentially do some damage so we're going to take the best low tier infantry from each faction smash them into each other and see which one is the best so if you've seen one of these before you probably know how it goes it's going to be a 5v5 of each unit competing if there's no clear winner and it happens to be close we'll run it again and maybe again until we get a definite winner and most of these units are going to be one-handed weapon and shield units there are going to be a few anomalies though as some factions don't have that or they have an anti-large version of that such as the high elf spearmen i decided to include these units though as i thought people would want to see how the matchups go with them because especially high elf spearman for example you always see them on hills very often so it's good to know which units can beat them this is going to be useful for multiplayer but also campaign as well although campaign can be a little bit more of a sketchy area because units get so many buffs that empire swordsmen that beat a certain unit might not beat a certain unit in campaign because that unit is buffed up so do take everything with a pinch assault if you're relating it to campaign but hey let's get on with it let's start by looking at all the units in the competition and there is one for every single faction for the beastie boys it's the gore herd with shields for the french the men at arms with shields for the sex elves bleak swords for the little guys it's the dwarf warriors sigmar's chosen the swordsman for the empire of course gawk and mork's chosen the orc boys for the green skins for the high elves hey it's those spearmen lizards rolling up with the skink cohort including happy skink look at his little face for the norskens marauders for the skaven clan rats with shields skeleton warriors for the tomb kings drunken looking pirates for the vampire coast in the deckhands mop or dick hands if you prefer more skeleton warriors for the vampire counts more marauders as well with the chaos this time chaos marauders and lastly for the wood elves the tree ladies the dryads so that's all the units we're going with they all cost between 300 and 550 i tried to keep it within a certain range and we're going to break this up into the bottom five the middle five and the top five of course so let us begin we'll kick it off with some of the little fellas the clan rats with shields and the skinks both at the lower end of the cost spectrum we'll see if one of these two is going to take the title of the worst unit in the competition the one that loses to all other infantry looks like the clan rats are pulling ahead here they do cost a little bit more than the skinks so you would think that they should win this but hey maybe happy skinking his boys have got a little trick up their sleeve well they don't unfortunately for the lizards clan rats completely wiped the floor with skinks taking a 5-0 okay so the poor skinks can't beat anything more expensive than them it seems what about something that costs the same the dick hands mob they cost 300 as well as the skinks do let's see if they can take them down very low damage output for the deckhands more but of course they are an undead unit so they're unbreakable maybe that will help them as this fight wears on fairly even damage for both sides a little bit more from the deckhands mob perhaps but we'll have to see if the skinks have the damage output to put those undead away before they route themselves it's looking pretty good so far it's about the same deckhands mob wavering they'll be crumbling a little bit that'll help the skinks out not so good over here though for the skinks oh they're wavering now it's not looking good and good it was not for the skinks in this competition overall unfortunately for lizardmen they do have the worst low tier infantry in the game it seems because skinks lost to everybody couldn't even beat the deckhand's mob the poor little fellas so there you go what about some skeletons and some marauders skeletons generally known for being one of those units that just sticks around and gets in the way most of the time they're not exactly super tough but they can last because they are unbreakable not really got a lot of damage output though whereas the marauders are kind of the other way around they won't stick around for a long time but they will do some fair damage while they are getting stuck in in this case though despite the skeletons having fear which will be good against that low leadership of the marauders they weren't able to put out enough damage and simply stand up to those chaos marauders so no good against those chaos boys were the skeletons [Music] alright here's one for all you necrophiliacs a little corpse on corpse action can i say that probably don't skeleton warriors versus skeleton warriors for the tomb kings and the vampire counts little advantage for the tomb kings in that they'll get their healing as the battle goes on and they do cost a fraction more than the vampire count skeleton warriors so they should win they cost a little more they have healing they're pretty much identical in the stats although the tomb kings have a silver shield oh this guy's lost his head is he still going to keep fighting of course he is what a trooper this guy doesn't need a skull to fight at least he's immune to head shots now i suppose uh but yeah the tomb king shield is much bigger and is actually a silver shield whereas the vampire count shield is only a bronze shield so maybe that's what you're paying a little bit extra for here comes the healing though but you'd think with the tomb kings having a much bigger shield than the vampire count skeletons that they would get more melee defense but they actually don't they have the same so that's kind of odd they should probably have a little bit more as their shield is considerably larger it would make more sense but in this case can the healing help the tomb kings hold on they've been wavering for a while they've been getting all their heels and it's looking like well it's looking pretty even actually oh they've won at the end two kings win one two kings win two and three can they take a four and five it's close it's close it's close it's close down they go tomb king's taking it and it seems like they are the best undead unit able to beat the skeleton warriors the deckhand's mob and also those skinks but can they beat the britonians the men at arms with shields brittonians not known for their infantry of course their low leadership often a problem for them the fear of the skeletons might come into play here and make those bretonnians route before they get a chance to do enough damage but skeleton's taking a fair bit of damage here from these plutoniums they're not messing around not taking too much damage in return either as we said skeletons don't have great damage output they're just about being sticky and annoying and getting in the way for a while getting some heels maybe those can help them hold on a little longer and route off those brutonians although it's not looking good the biggest problem for the skeleton warriors is their lack of melee attacks so they don't land their hits very often thus their damage output is pretty damn slow which is why they need to fight for a long time to really be able to do anything although like i said they're not really about doing damage in this case the brutonians are able to trump them and the bretonnians able to trump all of the undead and the skinks making them the top of the bottom five and these were our bottom five units we've got them marked up on this graph here red representing a lost green representing a win skink's unable to beat anybody in this competition as i mentioned followed by the deckhand's mob who could only beat the skinks and lost to all the other undead and all the other units then it's the skeleton warriors with the vampire counts having the lesser skeleton warriors that lost to the tomb king skeleton warriors and as i mentioned tomb kings the best of the best in the undead factions able to be the other two undead and the skinks but not able to beat the brutonians the men at arms who were able to beat all of those units but nobody else so that's the bottom five let's move on to the middle five let's kick it off with the two units that are kind of the anomalies in this competition the dryads and the high elf spearmen the spearmen are an anti-large unit so not quite the same as most of these other units and the dryads don't have a shield so they're kind of a little bit different and slightly more of a damage dealer and more at the expensive end of this competition now i did choose dryads over eternal garb with shields because i thought that eternal god was shields would kind of be the same as hail spearmen but i forgot that they had armor piercing so what we're going to do at the end is we are going to check the eternal guard against some of the top three units to see how well they do and see if they would actually really be up there with some of the top units because eternal guard with shields are a very common unit to see used for the wood elves maybe more than dryads i don't know you seem to see dryads a lot these days and i thought they'd fit a bit more with the competition being more of kind of a damage type unit rather than anti-large but so far it looks like the dryads are slapping the high elf spearmen down pretty effectively although the dryads are taking a fair bit of punishment from the high elf spearman this isn't a great competition for the high elf spearmen as i mentioned they're more of an anti-large unit you're paying for that anti-large and it's not really coming into effect here but of course this is the cheapest unit for the high elves this is their chaff option which isn't really chaff at all because it's pretty expensive and pretty strong but it doesn't look like it's going to be strong enough here to withstand the dryads who do cost a slight bit more they do have magical attacks though which you're kind of not really getting the use of in this competition so there's things that you're paying for with both of these units which you're not necessarily always getting use of like the magic damage like the anti-large bonus but in this case dryads able to top the high elf spearmen okay so they couldn't take on the more expensive dryers but can they take on the less expensive clan rats with shields the high elves that is charges coming in only a little damage taken by the spearman and by the clan rats the trouble for the high off spearman in this kind of competition is that against infantry they don't have their extra melee attack from their bonus versus large so that kind of slows down their output their damage output which is why anti-large units are really best fighting large stuff they can hold off these kind of lesser units infantry units well enough but it's never really going to be the best use of what you're paying for but sometimes that's inevitable you just have to go with what comes at you sometimes in battles you can't pick and choose perfectly every single match up but hey that's the way of battles high off spam and actually taking a fair bit of damage here from these clan rats let's see how it goes as we press on clan rats of course taking a fair amount of damage too but giving it back to those high elves wavering from the rats wavering from all the rats and it looks like the highest spearmen are gonna do it but the clan rats with shields done a respectable amount of damage i think got them down to half health not bad for a unit that costs considerably less than the high elf spearmen so they're not going to beat them and get through them but they can take half the health off not too bad from the clan rats but unfortunately for the clan rats this is where they draw the line they weren't able to beat anyone in this competition other than the bottom five so they are the bottom of the middle five but what about these high elf spearmen then how far can they take it well they'll surely be tested by the empire swordsmen not swordsmen that are really known for their prowess on the battlefield but they're not bad they're not bad the empire swordsman they're the epitome of average let's see we'll see if they can take down the more expensive high elf spearmen but of course expensive in this case doesn't really apply so much because the high elf spearmen aren't in their ideal situation so can the empire swordsmen put enough damage on the spearmen who do have pretty good melee defense so they can survive pretty well against infantry regardless of it not being the perfect fight for them looks like a pretty even fight so far empire swordsman may be pulling ahead slightly in some cases but will that hold on as the fight goes on well yes it will the swordsmen are able to beat the high elf spearmen for the most part winning one here taking a fair pounding themselves but still got enough health left to do a little something else after they're not completely useless now high elf spearman though unable to top the empire swordsman and that is the end of the line for the high elf spearman they're not able to beat anybody else they were able to beat the clan rats and all of the bottom five and that's it nobody else so not quite doing as well as i would have expected i honestly thought they would hold off empire swordsmen and maybe the marauders as well but they couldn't do it although they are going to eventually win this little fight so they will take it a 4-1 not a complete sweep let's give the empire swordsman a real test then with the green skins orc boys a very hard hitting front line unit coming in on the charge against the empire swordsman empire's horseman taking damage quickly or boys taking some as well but not quite as much war coming in we are going to allow the war because it is one of the things that you would most likely have to face if you were fighting the green skins and they would get that little buff against you same as the murderous mastery for the dark elves the healing for the tomb kings the martial prowess for the high elves so we decided to allow it in the competition as we always do empire swordsman though not really up to task here getting absolutely smashed by the orc boys very quickly as well no time wasted it's bye bye for the sigmars lads greenskins taking this one how far can the empire swordsmen go can they take on the norsken marauders who are a little bit different than the other chaos marauders because they have the rage ability which makes them stronger the longer they fight basically whether they'll get long enough to fight in these battles to make use of that we shall see pretty even damage on the charge from these two units no clear leader really pretty much the same amount of health lost you can see the rage trait gives leadership after 45 seconds and then adds on physical resistance after another 45 seconds and then adds on some melee attack after another 45 seconds but whether these boys can fight for that long is really the question i don't think they very often reach their final stage they've gained their leadership there they've got the first stage of rage and maybe it is helping them here against the empire swordsman they beat them there one up for the marauders can they take them all we can see the extra eight leadership down in the bottom left on the unit card and that's really going to help them out as they generally have pretty low leadership anyway as norsken units do but one win for the marauders two wins for the marauders a close one here a win for the empire down the end so 2-1 it's 2-1 so far the other fight still up in the air so these two are going to be the deciders marauders struggling it's very very close though they both have very little left the marauders a little bit worse off though empire taking it 2-2 it all comes down to this final one and the marauders be wavering they're struggling looks like they're a little outnumbered although not by much only just can they hang on if they get that extra buff after another 45 seconds they might be able to wing it back the marauders that is but this was actually one of the closest fights in the competition that we had to run a bunch of times and they're both wavering here you can see how goddamn close this is i'll save us some time though because this does go on for a while ultimately it was the marauders who lost this one they lost more often than the empire swordsmen did so we declared swordsman the winner of this match up very very close though could call it either way what about some marauder on marauder action then who's the best marauder the chaos marauders or the norsken marauders norsken marauders are slightly more expensive and do have that rage ability which the chaos marauders don't have so in theory we should see the north korean marauders take the victory here but it's pretty even so far both dishing out a fair amount of damage their base stats though are identical you can see the unit cards not changing at all when i switch between the two units the only difference is that rage ability so it's pretty much an even fight until 45 seconds hits and then the north korean marauders get the extra leadership and then another 45 seconds or a minute and a half they'll get that physical resistance whether the fight will go on that long though is another question when it came down to it though the norsken marauders were able to prevail the chaos marauders winning one though they did pull one back losing the other four however so chaos marauders able to beat norsken marauders high elf spearmen and the clan rats but not quite able to top anybody else so it's the end of the line for them and to come back to the dryads they've been able to beat all the previous units we've looked at the chaos marauders the high of swim and the clan rats and the bottom five as have the empire swordsmen they've all beaten all of those units so this one is gonna see who makes it in to the top five and who is at the top of the middle five if that makes sense so whoever wins this one is going into the top five pretty even damage so far dryads cost about 150 more than empire swordsmen so you think they should win it they have the physical resistance to reduce the damage they take from units that don't have magical attacks which is pretty much all the units in this competition apart from dryads themselves looks like they're edging it on the swordsman which is kind of surprising that they're not running over them a lot easier because they do cost more they obviously get bonuses in the forest as well do the dryads which they're not going to get out here in these tests so there are some of their abilities like the woodsman or strider trait whatever it's called not really coming into use here but they're able to put away the empire swordsmen by the looks of it they're all wavering they've all got decent health left the dryads so this should be a pretty easy sweep and the dryads are going to take it into the top five leaving the empire though at the top of the middle five maybe doing better than you might have expected so taking a closer look at the middle five at the bottom of them we've got the clan rats with shields able to beat all of the bottom five but nobody else above them though somewhat surprisingly the high elf spearmen able to beat the clan rats but none of the others not even empire swordsmen not bleak swords not marauders a little bit surprising i thought i imagined with their martial prowess giving the extra melee defense and things they would just be able to hold out and out grind the other units a bit more but apparently not they couldn't take the damage too well after that it was the chaos marauders beating everyone below them but not able to top the norsken marauders who are superior with their rage trait but they're not superior enough to beat the empire swordsman but only just it was very close if you do send your marauders to fight empire swordsman it's going to be pretty much a stalemate for the most part you might win you might lose it's going to be very very close and both units are getting absolutely pounded either way but empire swordsmen sitting on the top of the middle five not quite able to break into the top five which leaves the orc boys dryads dwarf warriors bleak swords and gore herd with shields in the top five able to beat all of these units we've seen so far so let's see who's the best we'll kick it off with some boys we haven't seen yet in the bleak swords they're taking on the dryads fairly even damage on the initial charge dried of course a little bit more expensive about 100 more expensive than bleak swords but they are taking a pounding bleak swords actually dishing out quite a bit of damage as the fight wears on and they don't really have anything too special about them they are pretty much the same as empire swordsmen except they have much better melee attack so they do more damage generally a little bit quicker than most and obviously they'll have their murderous prowess in a minute as well which will likely push them into the victory which they're probably going to get anyway although dryads giving it back but maybe not quite enough oh one wavering one bleak swords be wavering these dryads might win here they're looking good oh maybe two maybe i spoke too soon about the bleak swords although there goes murderous pro s that'll give them the extra damage output maybe the bleak swords can turn it around with that wavering dryads looks like they are going to turn it around and they do able to beat the dryads although very very very close as you can see these battles are all right on the edge very very close could go either way but bleak swords are able to just about scrape ahead here even though they do cost less so they are going to top a more expensive unit so they can top all of the units below them in the middle and bottom five they can beat the dryads what about the dwarf warriors orc boys and gore herd well let's get some goats in there and find out gore herd versus bleak swords gore hood are one of the more expensive units at 550 so they're a little bit above most both taking a fair pounding so far forehead though able to beat all of that bottom and middle five we're also able to put the dryads away so looking good for the top three or four perhaps and gohan of course have pretty low leadership being beast men but they do have frenzy which keeps them going and when that frenzy goes away that's when they might start to struggle which is when the bleak swords might get their murderous mastery which might actually help them turn this one around which they might need because the gore herd pulling ahead in some cases gorham do hit pretty hard they do have a decent charge bonus and with that frenzy it can add up here comes murderous prowess though can that help the bleak swords turning around they do get a lot of extra damage output from this extra melee attack extra damage leadership as well vigor quite a lot going for them when this pops it lasts a while as well so will it help them hold on some wavering gorehood looks like they might be able to do it they might be able to turn this one around some of them are really close some a little bit more decided like this one looks like the gorham to win that one this one again gorehood looking good it's 27 to 45 goats left that's a pretty big difference so both of these good damage dealers even though this is kind of a low tier thing they're good at damage dealing against other low tier infantry and maybe some middle tier infantry as well as long as there isn't too much armor on them but it's looking like the gore heard oh no they're wavering there's a couple of gorehood wavering it's anybody's guess who's going to win this scorehead of 1-1 here one up for the goal boys oh two up for the goal boys they're looking good oh there's the third that's the win of the round the fourth oh dear and maybe the fifth maybe the fifth maybe the bleak swords can pull one back get a little bit of honor back although it's not looking good for him to be honest there's a lot of goats left but it's a very very very close matchup in the heat of battle that could definitely go either way depending on battlefield factors around them but gore heard looking good do the beast men actually have the best of something now to some more fellas we haven't seen yet the dwarf warriors facing the dryads and dwarf warriors of course very high in the armor which makes it difficult for a lot of these low tier infantries to deal with because they don't have armor piercing typically so naturally they've beaten all of the middle five and the bottom five but where will they land in the top five not taking too much damage so far and given a fair bit to the dryads and despite being pretty tough the dwarf warriors don't have great damage output it's pretty slow overall so they're not going to kill anyone quickly but they simply outlast people right that's what the dwarfs do best they just stay alive while you die slowly that's the dwarf way in total war warhammer and they're looking good to beat these dryads dryers just simply can't get enough damage through that big tough heavy armor of the dwarfs also drives with their magical attacks against the 25 magic resistance of the dwarfs is gonna make them struggle even more dryads mostly down to half health same story in all of these fights really it's not looking good for them and good they weren't unable to beat the dwarf warriors a clean sweep for the dwarf warriors as well looking pretty tough pretty good in this competition are they the best let's find out what they can do against the green boys the green skins well known for their tough infantry and their frontline killing power but is it enough to take down heavily armored dwarfs of the same cost these two units cost exactly the same at 450 the wire coming off is that going to help them turn it around orc boys are taking a fair bit of damage slowly churning through the dwarfs but it's pretty even actually will the frontline killing power top the endurance of the dwarfs while gives him that extra armor piercing maybe that can help him maybe that can help him do it still fairly even about halfway for both sides in most cases another wire coming off though that while going up quick early on that could be the decider green skins generally some of the best infantry in the game dwarfs though also some of the best infantry in the game but that's mostly because their entire army is only infantry anyway so they kind of win by default in that sense greenskins though may be pulling ahead these dwarf warriors falling behind can the green boys do it looking good in this one the health gap is widening pretty much double health for the green skins in some of these matchups compared to the dwarfs and what do you know it's a gg for the dwarfs they're done unable to beat the orc boys orc boys able to smash him down although very beaten up in the process not much left for them to do after they've beaten them because they're going to be routed by whatever hits them next but they can win this one they can beat the dwarfs 5-0 easy mate but can the dwarfs take on the gore herd then same issue as the green skins that they have low leadership but they do hit hard and obviously no armor-piercing so that's going to make it harder for them but can the dwarves hold out that little bit longer once frenzy wears off they probably are going to struggle to stick around they've done some good damage on this charge though the dwarfs caught up less health already the goats though really lacking in the armor overall the green skins at least have a little bit more of course you're paying for vanguard deployment as well with some of these beastmen units so that's kind of affecting what the price is even though the gorehood are more expensive here you're not using what you're really paying for in the vanguard deployment maybe that woodsman perk as well where they can run through forests that isn't helping them here so you're kind of paying for that and it's not going to be much use so them being more expensive doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be a superior unit just because they cost a little bit more starting to even out a little bit dwarf warriors looking good in this one maybe looking good in this end one as well it's pretty close though we'll see how it wears on dwarf warriors losing more and more health and the gap is widening between goat and dwarf it's looking good for the goats depends if their leadership holds up it's not looking too bad but neither is the dwarfs leadership they will very often fight to the last few dwarfs looking good on this end one maybe they can win a few maybe they can push us into a 3-2 even if they lose make us run it again and truth be told it was a very very close one again but the dwarfs couldn't do it they were topped by the goats they didn't quite have the staying power to hang around they did win one match up actually so not completely worked out and the dwarf warriors were able to beat the dryads and the bleak swords putting them in third place in this competition as the bleak swords were able to beat the dryads but nobody else so they took fourth so who's number one well we're gonna find out right here because it's the gore herd versus gawker mork's lads the orc boys both of these two infantries able to beat all of these other infantries in this competition the greenskins well known for having those tough front line units as are the beast men but the beast men have been one of those factions that have kind of fallen behind in the balancing and they've not really done very well in any of these who's the best test making their faction look pretty damn crappy but here they are making a play to be the best can they do it versus the orc boys here comes the big charge both going to take a lot of damage on this i imagine both hit pretty hard on that charge the frenzy for the beast meant the wire will come in shortly for the green skins i'm sure both taking a fair amount of damage green skins a little bit more perhaps but here comes the what can that turn it around both losing health pretty quick i don't think this one's going to last very long very even it's bang on even of course the gorham do cost more but like i said their traits aren't really going to be useful here green skin starting to edge it in this one i think oh wavering gore heard two lots of wavering goats all the wires coming in that might finish him off that might make it a green victory day can they hold on nope these ones are gone these ones are gone that's two down three down oh there's four down and five down it's a clean sweep for the goddamn green skins they are the best this is why i always tell people don't try to beat the green skins on the front line this is their house it's their game you can't win don't even try good effort though from the gore herd but orc boys are the best and with that we get our final results we can see dryads able to beat everyone except any of the other top five units followed by the bleak swords who do have good damage output and enough to beat up everybody except the top three which includes those dwarf warriors in at number three very tough the armor makes them survive and just outlast everybody for the most part but it is the two damage dealer units that have taken the top spot with the gore herd able to beat everybody and this was kind of surprising to me i didn't quite expect the gorham to do so well even though they are one of the more expensive units in the competition their traits weren't really being used so they were probably more like 450 500 which is about the same price as most of the units in this competition but the green skins taking the top spot able to beat all of the other low tier infantries in the game there are no doubt coming into play to help that happen as well but there it is the green skins are the best if we put all this information in a ranking with the units cost next to them we can see it all pretty much shows that price dictates performance we start at the bottom with the low 300 units moving up through 325 350 375 the only anomaly there being the spearman who of course aren't really built for this competition and then we move up through the 400 and up to 550 with it all looking pretty normal except for the dryers who again don't really fit the bill of this competition normally they don't have skills that are useful in this competition the same as the gore herd they're at the top but they were beaten by a less expensive unit in the orc boys but they have those traits that aren't being used thus it's not really a wrong place for them to be although it did come a bit of a surprise that the gorehood were able to beat the dwarf warriors and the bleak swords as well so good on the beastmen for actually doing well in one of these competitions for a change but we'll see what happens if the beastmen get an update maybe that'll make them better or worse or maybe they'll stay the same they seem okay where they are but you really need to make use of either vanguard deployment or the forest to make the use of all their abilities i have to say though that i thought the high elf spearmen would do better in this competition at least maybe being able to beat the marauders and the swordsmen as they cost 100 less perhaps not the 450 and 550 cost units but at least those slightly cheaper ones but apparently not i thought their extra high melee defense from marshall prowess would help them survive those kind of units but there you go what do you know but for the most part price dictated performance in this competition but what about those eternal guard with shields i hear you cry well let's test them out against those top three orc boys gorehood and dwarf warriors so as i mentioned earlier didn't put these in the competition because i thought they'd be the same as hail spearman really but they do have armor piercing which i forgot about so against the dwarfs here this could come into play this could help them because they're the only unit in this competition that will actually have armor piercing i think so maybe they could beat the dwarfs and they do cost 550. so you are getting those kind of wasted anti-large scales but still you've got the armor-piercing there and that's only going to be useful in this kind of competition so useful in fact it does allow the eternal guard with shields to beat the dwarf warriors that's right so they would knock them off the third spot potentially they're up there they're up there with the big boys but can they take on the big boys well going up against gorham they take a lot of damage on that charge that really does hurt them quite a lot and the armor-piercing damage of the eternal guard not gonna be that useful here because the beastmen don't really have much armor on anyway they're used to taking the full effect of a unit's damage unfortunately for the eternal guard though they are not made of the top two stuff they did lose to the gore herd and also got pretty damn badly crumped by the orc boys as well so definitely up there as one of the top units in the top five and certainly performing better than the high elf spearmen did and i didn't test it but i do imagine they would outlast the chaos marauders and the swordsman as well because of that armor-piercing damage but there we go wood elves not too shabby with their eternal guard but orc boys still the best so there we have it the best low tier infantry in total war war hammer 2. is this what you expected did you expect somebody to do better or worse than they actually did let me know i hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching i'll see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 272,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 2, total war, guide, whos the best, low tier, infantry, units, strongest, tournament, vs, battles, testing
Id: 0_3A00w6Dus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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