I Met SSSniperWolf In Real Life Animation Reaction

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hello friends it's me it's been brought to my attention that my story animated uploaded a video about me wait a minute i meet ss sniper wolf in real life best moment of my life so i'm thinking wait this is a real story about somebody that i met we're gonna find out today hi my name is sarah and i'm from la hi sarah from l.a kind of sound like jake from state farm my parents were only 16 when they had me but i never knew them they passed away soon after i was born and i grew up with my grandma whoa they had her at 16 and then just both of them seems a little sussy to me and she was crazy grandma had wild parties and concert-like shows in her house with all her girlfriends and she even had a mini pool that is not a grandma that is a guilt grandma i'd like to financially support once when i was three my preschool teacher called my granny and told her that i might have some speech problems granny got mad and came running like a cheetah she barged in and attacked my teacher how can you say that my grandchild is dumb you she is perfect just like me man we're calling you to tell you that your child failed the test how could you what is the slander you brought up on my child i pulled my shoulder like sorry your kid's dumb facts when i was four my worlds turned upside down one day grandma was freaking pregnant a few months passed and grandma gave birth to a baby girl i know her grandma is not that old but still hearing like grandma giving birth in the same sentence that's a little weird to me like well there but she was a devilish child she would crawl around the house stealing my stuff and then throw it all into the toilet oh no we got one of these children literally dump everything in the toilet and record one of those low quality tick tocks before the parents take their phone back once when she was four i saw emma trashing all my favorite clothes with scissors oh my god emma what are you doing what do you mean oh my god emma you're wearing all my clothes that child would have been dead i want to take the scissors and cut her true story by the way next time i will cut it while you are wearing it so maybe i can cut your arm too whoa y'all better dunk that child in some holy water pretty sure that's satan himself reincarnated into this child once when she was five she set the living room on fire and called the police herself luckily i came on time and was able to put out the fire before any harm was done oh my lordy lord what a mess when the police officer arrived emma started yelling it's sarah she wanted to kill me it's okay we deal with kids like her don't worry we're not arresting you as the cop was leaving without me emma ran to him and fit his leg really hard wait wait wait wait wait wait where am i when do i come in okay hear me out does this devil child meet ss sniper wolf and then suddenly the demon is cleansed is this where we're going here the only escape i had from her was school that happiness was also ruined when she joined the same school as mine on the very first day she told everyone that she was my aunt and other stupid stories about me she pees in her sleep and eats her boogers y'all are supposed to be on the same team bro also what y'all feeding this kid y'all just fast forward her life she growing times too i feel like she was just born she's really mean to me at home too oh my god what a drama queen she was oh my sister pees the bed and also beats me pick one one time in the seventh grade i was playing basketball on the court when she came and insisted she'd play too you're too young for this emma you're too young for this emma perfect opportunity to just bonk her with the ball i let her play because i didn't want her to create another scene in front of everyone but god she was actually good at this within seconds the other team was losing so badly but suddenly i saw emma fall to the ground and she screamed i can't move my legs we rushed her over to the doctor emma had some neurological issues and she would never walk properly again what oh i bet you feel real bad let her hold the ball now all it took is just one slip busting her kneecaps i started sleeping in emma's room so that i could help her one night when i saw her struggling to go to the bathroom i ran to pick her up but she slapped me really hard i can go to the bathroom myself i don't need you i was gonna say no since all this trauma happened to her maybe she'd be a little nicer to her old sister the very next morning when i took the first bite of my food i immediately spat it out it tasted like dirt i looked at emma and she had this wicked smile on her face a wheelchair the busted kneecaps and go stop her the demon lives on still a problem child put dirt in her cocoa puffs you naughty whackers bonkers what did you put in this emma she stuck her tongue out at me and then took the bowl of soup and poured it all over her head then she ran into a wheelchair insane look sarah did this to me and she says i'm a burden on this earth uh yeah you are who don't believe that after she mauled the police officer's leg like he was a rotisserie drumstick you ain't got no street cred anymore but i didn't do anything so you mean she poured soup over herself she always fakes everything to put the blame on me i've had enough of your stories apologize to emma right now and then emma burst into crocodile tears and hugged granny i was so angry that i just stormed out of the house and went to get some ice cream roll her off a cliff or something ah no you unfortunately cannot do that okay but where am i i'm getting impatient where am i you're a hyawn suddenly a girl who was standing next to me in line laughed that person is a jerk i looked up to see oh my god sniper wolf i was like wait is that me yes me omg i love your videos i've been following you for so long why thank you but that person you're texting is she an arab no that's just my little sister what is she a arab i don't remember any of this happening what is going on here wait you're from iraq aren't you you don't look arab though sniper wolf is not arab but she speaks arabic what okay i'm confused i am arabic turkish and greek i speak arabic i am arabic what do you mean let me go get some milk and my camel and invite you to my tent then you might believe me how do you want me to prove it to you come on hop on my camel oh sorry that's not what i meant you're so funny leah and such a queen yes yes yeah yeah i heard enough it was funny i've never seen myself animated before i'm getting a thrill out of it and let me tell you that word hyun it's arabic and it means animal oh taiwan yes i was gonna say when she said it right there yeah that means animal bro that's what my mom used to call it so we acted up what grandma thought i was an animal i felt so upset but then sniper wolf saw right through me and hugged me she asked me what happened and i told her all about it it's okay to be sad and feel this way but i can tell that you're really strong just believe in yourself and be kind to others that's all that matters oh she's the sweetest i loved sniper wolf even more now am i hallucinating i don't remember this happening in real life oh you know how this is accurate i got my ice cream in a cup because i can't eat a cone y'all got the details right i made sure to follow her advice a few days later i walked into the school backyard into my shop i saw a bunch of senior kids messing around with emma they were running around in circles with her lunch ah time to join in teach her a lesson that she will never forget stop it give me back my lunch my sister made it for me give her the lunch back you jerks oh we're so scared are you gonna kill us with your cuteness we just wanted to ride her chair for a bit see someone with a wheelchair get up let me ride in it y'all bully's a different breed i kicked him hard in his leg and he fell to the ground now you can ride one for real leave before i kick all of your butts that talk with me did her good she whispered a thank you to me and then i took her home she didn't say a word the entire way but i felt so terrible for not knowing earlier what she'd been going through if this was an anime she still would have been like why did you defend me back there i didn't need your help just leave me alone after that i made sure to look after her all the time i also started playing basketball again while i was changing in the dressing room someone locked me in there hours later the door opened and i was shocked to see emma there i didn't know who locked me in here i missed everything didn't i yeah you did and i locked you in i would have been like okay there is something very wrong with this child we gonna have to grab the exorcist pushing the wheelchair off a cliff don't sound so bad right now huh why would you do that because i just hate you you're ohio one it was you wasn't it you texted me that word from granny's phone so what if i did it fits you perfectly why should you call her an animal in arabic can you just call it animal in english y'all can't even say it right that's like you're a puta why are you doing this to me you have this perfect life where you have everything and me i'm just a kid with no talent and no walking legs i can't even play basketball that i love so much okay that doesn't explain why you were acting like a demon before you got in the wheelchair it didn't change anything so i won't let you play either i can't believe you do something so terrible to me it was my dream i thought you'd be proud to see me play but now i see that you can't stand to see me happy ah you see what she's in there you can't stand to see me happy that one hurted right in the kneecaps emma science fair came around and granny came down with the flu reluctantly i went when i got there i found emma in tears her project was all broken and all her team members were gone did someone hear projects why is it crack like that emma what happened here i accidentally crashed into the project model and and it broke all my team members left me saying it was my fault and now i don't know what to do anymore i don't know what to do what do you wear bestie i can't keep defending you like you proved time after time again that you are a horrible person she don't deserve to have a sister like that i'll help you fix it i borrowed some tools from someone and helped emma quickly build her project once again i shrieked in delight when they announced the winner it was emma i'm so grateful to sarah my sister who helped me build this awesome project today she's an amazing person who's always ready to catch me when i fall oh why the sudden change of heart she's been by your side helping you this whole time and now you finally realize like imagine if she went on stage like yeah i did this project all by myself nobody to thank but me i'm differently abled and strong because of you sarah please forgive me forgive your little sister okay this is a real thing some people are just so unhappy with themselves that they're gonna be taking it out on you like it has nothing to do with you like that is a them problem i love you too emma after that emma and i grew quite close oh and then uh they bonded over watching sniper wolf on the tv also how did y'all just take me and stick me into this story it didn't even make no sense i don't know how they did it but yeah i hope you all enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button and make sure you check out my story animated and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 20,602,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animated, animation, actually happened, animated short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: Zl193fmGVCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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