Most Oddly Satisfying Video to watch before sleep

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Hello friends it's me and today is satisfying Sunday so prepare to be satisfied um sweet nectar you told me that's how they make the honey bottles man the juice form looks just as delicious so shimmery drink that and it will definitely restore your HP oh I don't know what they are walking on what corner of the earth they found this Mossy field whoa that is some squishy grass not any grass that's Nature's carpet also y'all got a lot of trust imagine just following right through it ending up in the pits of hell y'all don't know how deep it is um forbidden Wendy's frosty this looks too delicious to be making buildings out of it y'all ever get hungry during worry like no I was thinking about I'm not actually gonna do it it was chocolate scented that would be a different story pork coasters oh those smushed like sand before they exploded unfortunately I would say they put up a press and they got to be pressed is that a potato ooh yummy wait what is that is that potato it looked like an apple but I also like so much like a potato easiest way to make mashed potato a bouncy ball oh I ain't never seen somebody squish one of these before you know if I just saw this I would have thought it was like crystals or something an Orbeez banana probably the weakest link out of the bunch oh yummy it survived the sack of Orbeez survived congratulations y'all gonna make it to the next round is that Sam are you still in a hole with some liquid metal I thought it was gonna be a satisfying video the liquid was gonna solidify and they were just gonna pull it out and despite it really had to come at me it was too late the guy didn't stop it in time the spider got to me before he could save me they put a watermelon in a bread slicer I don't think I've ever seen this done but I don't see why it shouldn't work so it comes out with this claw grabs it brings it back to its layer before it slices it oh man that is a strong slicer I think that blade is a little overkill for slicing bread slices through the Flesh of a watermelon with ease and then just like turned it around and then cut it once and you got like perfect halves and it was actually genius why don't they cut the watermelon like this camera hits the glass I think something went wrong literally the opposite was supposed to happen the glass was supposed to break the hammer but the hammer somehow canceled each other out in white Universe there's a hammer and a glass cancel each other out okay I have tried this only once and I failed miserably it just kind of broke apart but if you take Chopsticks and you gotta be real gentle with this and then just keep spinning the egg spin it let it cook and then put it over the rice hey that egg ain't done cooking yet I would have flipped it but it basically Cooks like a curtain like wrapped it all up covered the rice like it was a cold child every single dad Sunday morning trimming the grass you're a pro if you see what I did wrong what is he doing wrong I ain't no grass cutting Pro bro you asking the wrong person I have weed whacked one lawn in my lifetime what did he do wrong didn't ask the grass for consent now you really don't mess this one up oh so I've had this before this is actually butterfly PT and it's blue look at that that shade of blue delicious and then when you put lemon juice in it and mix it up it turns purple yes this is a real thing and if you don't mix it you got this like beautiful ombre effect also where you get these ice cubes from they look like sugar cubes but that's ice it was also very delicious and good for you hydraulic press versus thread who will prevail oh I was like wow they're actually getting swished but what what's gonna happen it just smooshes it condenses it just bursts thread kind of handle all that tread glass ball oh I barely even put up a fight demolished zero out of ten Pro Rubik's Cube oh this is what I would do it's just angry I could not solve it so we chose violence an eight ball those are indestructible I I well it appears I have witnessed several murders it seems that none of these items stood a single chance they barely even put up a fight you know I want to see hydraulic press versus hydraulic press finally we're the adversary six-year-old me making potions in the bathtub oh with all this glitter pour it in is that glue that is the most perfect slime I've ever seen I kind of look like a kidney like Preston oh that is nice we got that Hollow foil ultra rare slime oh years and years of not washing their pillows and so they wash them in the bathtub added all these cleaning products oh those are filthy basically they let them soak 24 hours later look at the water look out this disgusting that is I still gotta go round two through the washer okay this is kind of gross but I've had one of my pillows since I was a kid and I still sleep on it it's very old I really like that pillow I've had it for almost 20 years you don't want to see it it kind of looks like this I've never washed it but I now put two pillow covers on it if my teacher sees this she will definitely cry they crushed up some chocolate guac bowls mix it up with some glue it oh me and art class mixing this around mmm good soup watermelon versus incinerator ah the tip the best piece of the watermelon and it's gone just like that I never know where it disappears off to literally incinerated shredded that thing up until the Rind where did it go nobody will know not in my belly that's for sure I love me some good old satisfying tape peeling anyway hold up the painting it's not done it ain't finished yet or maybe it's supposed to look like that oh but it's so nice when it comes off and it's just clean oh I think it's supposed to look like that it doesn't look like Zendaya but it's amazing thing I think it does look like her Sprite but he just ate the dang bottle wait the bottle it's edible oh he made it out of gelatin I was like hold up y'all can't be biting through bottles like that illegal you so hungry and thirsty at the same time that y'all drink and eat the bottle of soda they are making slime mmm industrial slime mix it all up what we got on nice pink lemonade flavor is that Sugar it ain't sugar take a nice big lemonade sorbet but it's slime you mean you can't eat it why you play with it though I saw them making this on Tick Tock they took these ice cream shaped cake pops dip them in chocolate blue chocolate I might add took some rock candy crystallized the dang thing look how fancy these look when they dip it it just comes out so smooth and perfect removing an acrylic nail oh it came off in one piece oh that is beautiful oh I gotta see that again usually they cut it in half file it down keep filing it and then you have to like soak it off but the fact that the fake nail just came off oh and one piece that is very satisfying to me and the glue that was on the nail just peeled off it was starting fresh a brand new finger Wow have you ever seen something more satisfying than this look at that application bro um um you missed a spot you missed several spots You Gonna Fill those up oh yes they are oh that is not okay that's that's very good I was about to be angry there's a lot of love and effort for one side of a cabinet door this brownie looking real sassy I don't think it's a real brownie no eyes because slime I can't believe they sell slime like this it'll look like a hot fudge sundae and then when they break that's it it's no longer a hot fudge sundae this is brown slime I know you can't eat it but it looks so edible like the chocolate sauce the walnuts how could y'all just see me like this I feel betrayed and lied to oh he made a green one oh these bottles are so satisfying a clear one oh that is nice take a bite that was delicious as it looked it's just straight up corn syrup mmm chocolate flavored slime I know it looks so good but all I can think about is just one bite and it's gonna be stuck in my teeth for the next five hours this cookie is looking quite sussy I love when they do the frosting on the cookies it's just so satisfying oh and then they mix it up get all the little bubbles out I can't believe they make each individual cookie like this hand filled a sassy baka that is a pretty color oh the way the brush just dipped in and oh so smooth what is this this ain't nail polish you know if only it was that simple just paint my nails like this in a perfect world it would be this easy hey it's kind of the same color when you realize that's not glazed icing then what is it this is my kingdom come what else could it be those are donuts also I had no idea they frosted like that literally bucketfuls they ain't stingy with it either some good icing I've been obsessed with these cleaning videos I don't know how well they work but look they sprayed the whole door wiped it off it's like brand new spray this all over yourself it'll cleanse you of your sins how if y'all can see how crusty and musty my car door is right now I don't even think they were that dirty until they took a wipe it ain't even the same car anymore oh man that was nice what kind of nuclear cleaners y'all using uh even the foot pedal y'all literally doubled the value of this car by giving it a good old cleaning um that is nice for somebody who hates cleaning I really enjoy seeing things clean engine too they cleaning the entire engine wipe the bubbles away let me see that dang beautiful and sell it for a lot more now too they filled these tubes up and then shaved the rubber second I thought they were shaping the rubber pop it but it's actually made of chocolate and then stacked up the molds that they made put some frosting and then oh that came out so beautiful y'all didn't like this on your first try like pour the frosting on top the pop it's shavings that's a mighty fine looking cake there's this little device that paints the wall and it is so smooth and satisfying it gets all the hard to reach Corners it's like a wall Swiffer but for painting not clean out yo you missed the spot you missed the spot why is there a hole in the wall who punched a hole in the wall Kyle I'm looking at you they had a crack in this table and instead of filling it with Ramen and super glue they just painted over it why is this pink hairy put some tape over it do you think that's gonna solve all your problems tape and paint for now I mean as long as I got rid of the crack table is dirty filthy even oh they cleaned all that sand off the table you know if it was only that easy to just wipe my countertops just do dishes everything one Fell Swoop but as that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and comment below which one was the most satisfying and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,170,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, oddly satisfying, satisfying video, oddly satisfying video
Id: 1WzZ9nH-8tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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