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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story you're scottish so you must speak near the small depot where i work is a town that during the summer is used as a port from large cruise liners this can be fun for a few reasons such as when you pull up to the stop and see enough people standing to fill you to capacity three to four times over the majority of the passengers are americans and most of the time they are pleasant although you do get the odd arrogant ones last year i had a family who were decked out in maga hats and t-shirts who required the police but i'll tell you that another time today's tale is about the family that came on the bus decked out like extras from the movie braveheart one of the most inaccurate movies ever made seriously they came on in kilts and the dad looked at me and smugly asked to travel to nearby city in gaelic sorry what he repeats gaelic i'm not understanding you where are you going i wish to go to ex-city do you not speak the mother tongue he asks with a look of disgust on his face my mum's from drum chapel area of glasgow made she speaks scottish scottish english but you are scottish you speak gaelic not a word but your heritage used to be gaelic before it was basically taken out of you my wife is english mate and just so you know your gibberish was only spoken in the highlands and islands it wasn't spoken elsewhere in scotland also that will be 21 pounds please i'm not paying that you were rude so we're getting on for free by this time this man's family were embarrassed and started asking him to shut up and pay the fare either pay the fare or get off there's a queue forming if you don't then i'll phone the police but then you will be late i'm paid by the hour so longer i take more i get paid he then hands me 21 dollars sorry don't accept funny money only sterling i told him with a smile on my face at this point the wife grabs him and drags him away yelling at him the next american passenger comes on and immediately apologizes for his actions stay safe everyone and enjoy your weekend next story entitled woman needs this house over the past couple of months i've been looking at rental properties in anticipation of moving i have to be out of my current house by october due to the landlord wanting to demolish my current rental house to build apartments on the land yesterday i went to an open house to view a rental property i discussed it with my partner we both agreed we loved the house and wanted to fill in an application for the property i head up to the real estate agent and ask her how we go about applying for the property and ask a few general questions about the property this is what happened so how do i apply for the property well you can grab one of these forms or apply online how many people over 18 will be living in the house just two my partner and myself the real estate agent gets her clipboard and takes two forms off it and hands them to me so just fill out the forms and bring them back into the office with your id and payslips at this point karen storms up to us and snatches the forms out of my hand i need these i am going to apply for this house okay well i do have more forms available the agent tells her she gets another two and goes to hand them to me karen snatches them out of her hand no she isn't applying for this house i am applying for this house the agent looks confused ma'am more than one person can apply and then we send the forms to the owner and they can pick who they want to rent the house to no one can apply for this house other than me i need this house i need it no one else can apply for it ma'am i'm fairly certain anyone looking at this house probably needs it too if you fill out an application i'll send it on to the owner with the rest karen was still yelling and then says i've already applied for six houses and no one will rent to me because someone wrote on my rental ledger that i damaged their house i need this house more than anyone else here no one else can apply so the owner will have to rent to me ok ma'am fill out an application and all send it on to the owner karen smugly says okay clearly thinking she has won and takes her forms you can finish the open house if you want but make it clear this house has already been leased and don't hand out any application forms for my house she leaves the real estate agent and i exchange a look and start laughing here are two more application forms i've heard about this woman she has applied through our agency a couple of times apparently she did over two thousand dollars worth of damage to the last two properties she rented and our agency doesn't even send her application onto the owner because she is so difficult to deal with she will be lucky to find anyone willing to rent her a house anyway send your application form through when it's completed and we will forward it to the owner thank you i hope you don't have to deal with any more crazy people the agent laughs and i leave with my application forms as i'm going back to my car i see karen walking towards me screaming that i need to give her the application forms in my hand i jump in my car lock the doors and drive off it was a crazy experience next story no sir i can't valet your car i don't care if you're friends with the president of the company once upon a time i was a valet for a semi-local hotel chain my hotel in particular had multiple floors of event space and no on-site garage therefore sometimes we would have 400 people attending an event and we could only park a handful of cars this night was one of those nights we had two large events which had already begun two hours ago and for some reason people were still showing up in arrives are entitled man i'm busy opening a door for someone when he pulls up in our loading zone and stands outside his car talking to someone on the phone i walk over and he just holds out his hand with his keys and continues with his conversation hi sorry but we're full for event parking i tell him uh then just leave it where it's at i'm late unfortunately that's not a spot i can certainly direct you to the nearest parking structure oh what's one more car just park it i'm sorry but we just can't accommodate any more vehicles it's a car it'll fit anywhere i'm sorry but i really don't have room he angrily walks back to his car phone's still in hand then turns back towards me does it help that i'm friends with the president of your company no then i'm going to call him and tell him that his hotel can't even valet like they're supposed to this is unacceptable okay and he huffs his way back to his car and speeds off into the sunset or around the block but whatever and i did not run into him the rest of the night which was nice because i thought for sure he would come back to scream at me he actually did call the president and told him how we couldn't valet him in which the president laughed at him and told him to arrive earlier next story woman harasses mcdonald's over fries i female 16 work at mcdonald's a woman 65 i think who for purposes that should be clear by the title of this post we will call karen came through our drive through one night and ordered a large fry barbecue sauce and a large drink now this was a sunday night and if you've ever worked in customer service you know what that means self-righteous church people making things difficult for us all day long needless to say i'd been there for seven hours with two more to go so i was not feeling very friendly however i handed karen her order and was about to send her on her way when she growls are these fries fresh i politely told her yes they had come out of the fryer less than a minute before i wanted them fresh from the oil she screeched back at me i halfway expected bat wings and talons to appear as she carried me away to a hell worse than my sad mcdonald's window on a sunday night if there is a hell worse than that i explained we could not make a whole new basket of fries just for her as we had fresh fries already i closed the window and she sped away 30 seconds later i hear my name over the headset it's the girl taking orders at the first window hey there's a woman i'm sending you your way she says she didn't get barbecue sauce and now she's had to wait in line for it for so long her fries are cold i immediately knew who it was karen pulls up looking very smug like she's just won the prize for biggest pain in my life all week which she had she hands me the fries and flashes her fangs i explained to my manager what was going on after which she took the bag opened the window and handed them back after arguing with the woman my manager walked away karen proceeds to scream that she never got her barbecue sauce and now her fries have gotten cold i told her she did in fact get her the sauce and she hissed back are you calling me a liar i simply asked are you telling me my manager doesn't know how to bag an order correctly after more yelling about cold fries i told her microwaved them and walked away time goes by and we're still crap-face busy the phone rings and a different manager answers listens for a while and violently hangs up you'll never guess who was calling about her cold fries next story entitled cousin tries to get a car for free as a favor to my bedridden uncle my uncle is very ill and currently bedridden he asked my cousin his son to drive his car every now and then to make sure it doesn't seize up now it's looking likely my uncle won't drive again so my dad said he should sell the car which is on lease so it's just losing him no small chunk of change each month but my cousin says no don't sell it i'm using it okay says my uncle can you take up the cost of the lease then please if it's become your main car no says my cousin i can't afford that even though he is employed and my ill uncle obviously isn't okay says my overly generous uncle can you pay the insurance then at least at this point my cousin loses patience and replies no i'm only driving it as a favor to you you know why should i have to pay the insurance so at this point my dad loses patience takes the keys to the car and takes it back to the car dealer my cousin is furious and my dad is no longer speaking to him what a mess next story karen won't move so my electric wheelchair will move karen you know those inconsiderate people that congregate in a high traffic area in a shop or a public area and are oblivious that they're in the way and when a tap on the shoulder and excuse me goes unnoticed this was one of those occasions only they didn't account for me and my power wheelchair my electric wheelchair is very powerful i can easily drag heavy objects to the floor as long as it's not bolted to the floor i can move it this includes people i'm not a violent or dangerous person and i would never intentionally hurt someone with my chair but that's not to say i'm afraid to show dominance or authority in certain situations if needed this happened late last year in the good old days before kovid i had a few things to do downtown and a bit of shopping to get done i went to my local grocery store woolies for my fellow yabbos out there to pick up the essentials after i finished in the deli i went in search of coffee and cat food but as i rounded the corner i saw about six people in a circle having a conversation and blocking the walkway to their left with a wall and to their right was a stocked shelf and there was no way through them excuse me ignored excuse me ignored i tapped one of them firmly on the shoulder and said excuse me again nothing instead of admitting defeat and going to the back of the store to get what i wanted i wanted them to move so i could get past i lightly tapped the back of the leg of one of them with the front of my power chair in hopes of getting their attention let's call her karen no luck there either so i kept easing my chair slowly forward making sure i wasn't running over her foot or hurting her in the process i edged her forward a few inches before she finally noticed i was there omg what are you doing can i please get past what can't you see we're having a conversation how dare you interrupt us you're lucky i don't press charges for you running into me didn't your mum teach you better than that my mum couldn't teach a fish to swim but if she was here she would have pushed you all out of the way already i was being polite by asking you nicely to move but clearly you're too wrapped up in your important conversation to acknowledge anyone else but yourselves so i will ask you one last time will you please move aside so i can get past by this point their conversion stopped and they were all glaring at me like i was the rude one for wanting to get past them you should have waited for us to finish our conversation and not interrupted us kids these days i'm 29 so not a kid but either way respect is earned not given you're in a public place and you're blocking this area for everyone please be more respectful and considerate to everyone else and maybe have your important conversation somewhere else just a suggestion there was enough of a gap for me to escape through so i took it i could hear karen and her cronies muttering something insulting as i was leaving but i didn't feel like hanging around to hear it karen clearly had a stick up her pipes and i didn't want to push it who knows what a wild karen would do nothing else happened after that i finished my shopping and went on my way i know i didn't push my chair hard enough to hurt her so please don't come at me about that karen was fine well as fine as a karen can get the moral of the story don't block a public space with your social gathering do it in an area that's big enough to do so i'm sure you've seen people do this and if you're one of them shame on you next story stop touching people my sister is deaf and works in a store stocking shelves and is an essential worker the number of entitled people who have touched her to get her attention in the past month is atrocious one guy actually shook her shoulder to ask her a question and since he was wearing a mask she couldn't understand him or respond if he didn't know sign language he scared the crap out of her and then got annoyed with the fact that she couldn't communicate with him if you are trying to get someone's attention and they don't respond to your verbal cues or a wave walk away and find someone else don't touch other people really at any time but especially during a pandemic with a mandate to stay six feet away from other people note i personally think it's very entitled to touch a stranger i also think it's entitled to assume that because someone is stalking shelves it's their job to help you their job is to stock shelves maybe in a tiny family-owned business the family workers are jacks of all trades but most places have different job descriptions for different jobs the bakery person doesn't stock cat food the deli counter person doesn't ring you up at the register and the stock people are not there for customer service so many people stocking grocery shelves don't even work there they work for independent vendors and don't know the layout of the store anyway if someone offers you help that's one thing but if you have a question the proper place to ask it is the customer service desk or if no one else is there possibly a cashier only because they're paid to have contact with you and generally know the layout of the store sorry some people don't find this as outrageously entitled as some of the stories on this sub but to me this is oblivious entitlement at its finest expecting someone to be available to you for service when it's clearly not their job to speak to you also if it wasn't clear my sister lives in new york and this happened during covet 19. i posted my opinions about tapping people but obviously when we are mandated to stay six feet away from others you should definitely not be tapping strangers on the shoulder for any reason let alone shaking them and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 17,817
Rating: 4.8574939 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: tJ2xd1FW8AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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