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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story don't mess with my grandma karen the denotations of the people involved are pretty obvious so i am not going to list them summary grandma with alzheimer's puts karen in her place my grandmother has alzheimer's so she often doesn't know where she is or who is with her i know for a fact that she has no idea who i am therefore i make an effort to call her grandma multiple times in any sitting or activity we participate in recently i noticed she needed her hair and nails done as the color in both those areas was fading or chipped so i made an appointment with a family member who owns a beauty salon and took her there normally customers or those waiting for someone sit in the front area and rarely accompany a person they came with inside the actual salon floor so i understand why assumptions were made but still don't mess with my grandmother i was on the salon floor with my grandmother sitting in a seat in front of her while my cousin colored her hair i was there to make sure to keep her calm and engaged while her hair and nails were being done she was telling me the same story she had told me 10 times in the last 10 minutes bless her heart when i felt someone behind me now we were in the farthest corner of the room not near a bathroom or wash station so there was really no reason someone should be behind me my grandmother stops talking and looks behind me grandma chipper as ever hi are you another grandchild karen no i am not and why are you not working there is a line over there me upon realizing she is talking to me says over my shoulder i don't work here karen now i can believe that you are on the floor which means you work here she's talking to me condescendingly and i do not take that sort of tone well neither does my grandmother in a moment of clarity i watch that bright chipper smile fall and a glimpse of my brainiac grandmother peek through i shoot a warning glance at my cousin who is pursing her lips to keep from laughing prematurely grandma well by your own logic my dear you must be a worker go get me a new coke would you that's a good honey bunch karen starts sputtering and my grandma laughs the chipper look returns to her face and she says hi are you one of my grandchildren as karen stomps off in her loud high heels my grandma turns and says loudly i guess not my grandchildren are not witches quote oh my gird i love my grandma i don't know where karen went i wasn't really paying attention after that next story i don't work here i'm here for my lunch let go of me or i'm calling the police okay so two years ago i worked at my local mall poundland basically the british version of the dollar store it was three days before christmas and if you've ever worked retail you know what a nightmare that is in the mall there is this cute little cafe which i sometimes like to get my lunch at it's a bit on the pricey side so it's a rare treat for myself i was dressed in my shop's uniform which was black dress trousers a black polo black leather dress shoes and a name tag with hair tied up if long it very closely resembles the cafe's uniform except for the fact my nametag clearly says poundland on it and they wear shirts not polos the times have been there for lunch before i have sometimes been mistaken for staff but people are generally very good about it when i explain but this day that was not the case on this day the cafe was of course quite busy i mean the christmas rush is as eager to eat as i am i get a table and sit down waiting for my order when i feel a woman tapping my shoulder quite roughly i actually ended up with a bruise from this as i bruise easily do you really think you should be taking up a table when people are waiting to be served i explained to her that i'm on my lunch break and don't actually work here but in the shop across the mall of course she doesn't believe me and insisted i'm lying i point to my nametag and then ask that she leaves me alone this seems to be the wrong thing to do as she then drags me out of my seat by my arm now i'm a tiny girl i'm five foot two inches if i'm lucky so moving me was easy for her and she begins to scream for a manager while dragging me from my seat by now everyone is staring at us and i tell her i don't work here i'm here for my lunch let go of me or i'm calling the police at this time the manager runs over and shouts at her to let go of me she begins to scream about how the servers here are lazy and how i was taking up a table that should go to a customer and he just looks at me then her tells her i am a customer and do not work for his cafe in the end mall security threw her out and i was asked if i wanted to press charges i said yes i got a free lunch that day from the cafe so thanks for the free lunch crazy woman who can't read a name tag next story give me your phone my kids want it text had been translated to it isn't word word an encounter from about a few years ago when i was young not even a teenager but i don't specifically remember how old so this story happens in the lobby of a hospital i had some throat problems not important and had come to get that checked i had come with my father who has the title of an important foreign diplomat and when we go into crowded places such as that hospital we have a few guards with us we had just finished and we were sitting in a corner away from all public waiting for the reception to clear up so he could pay the bills a few minutes pass and he goes to pay i'm all alone with no one and no guards around me although they kept with the occasional glances to see if everything was okay along comes karen and her hex bond of four children not really the karen by appearance but boy did her personality speak for itself i was playing a game on my phone a helicopter game or something not important and just minding my own business when one of the kids came over to me and looked at my phone he just kept staring at the screen and eventually asked what i was playing i replied with the name of the game he then watched for a few minutes and the other children also came up grouping around me one of the guards took a glance and gestured if he should intervene but i not being that type gestured him away now all was good till one of the kids asked if he could play i wasn't really comfortable but i don't know why i still let him play and he ran off with it the entirety of the hex-bond following he went to his mother and i quickly got up and followed him his mother looked like she didn't care about the fact her son randomly had a phone and just pretended to listen to his endless blabbing about how i gave him my phone and when i asked for my phone back she quickly turned to me and the conversation goes as follows cast entitled mother entitled kids 1 2 and three guards one and two dad and me i asked for my phone back entitled mother sorry what me ma'am can i have my phone back please what phone that one i point to it my son found that phone it's his no ma'am he took it from me no he wouldn't do that why would he want to steal from such a cheap slob anyway i don't even think you have won me being a kid i am speechless the entitled kid 1 who took the phone in the first place came up with another kid this one will be kid 3 who was older than me kid 3 pushed me and told me to get lost i wasn't thinking to look around for the guards because my brain at that time was a peanut i slowly start sobbing and the entitled kid 1 starts laughing as kid 3 mocks my crying and calls me a baby and stuff which came out harsh to me at the time i'm so embarrassed saying this it was at this time that my dad was done with the bills and came around the corner to where i was sitting saw me crying a few feet ahead with some teenager mocking me one of the guards quickly ran up and pushed entitled kid 3 aside guard 1 get back now entitled kid 3 is taken aback not expecting this to happen what's your problem the entitled mother screams he pushed my son he's trying to hurt us help the security officer who had come up was in a suit and you don't see that in my country often so the entitled mother didn't think even the slightest bit that it was a security officer at this point my father had come up and he's pretty angry but he kept his cool and shot some angry looks with the officers who left to speak with the woman the officer who came to save me quickly took me aside guard 2 are you ok did they hurt you me he pushed me i point to kid 3. ok i'll talk to him at this point entitled kid number 2 walks up to me he has my phone in his hand and looks like the youngest he hands me my phone and says sorry with a long face i was taken to the car and my father showed up some time later who said he had gone to talk with the reception to complain about the family it's a pretty dumb story but i guess i need to post it somewhere next story karen yells like a child because i don't work there this happened a few years ago so i don't remember everything cast me a six foot four giant my girlfriend now wife karen and a worker so one day my girlfriend and i were at costco getting things for a football game it was penn state at ohio state that i had tickets to the game was in a few hours so we had jerseys on we also had some face panic because we were students i was going to grab some chips when i felt a tap on my shoulder i turn around and this conversation happens karen excuse me where is the electronic area me oh hi i don't know did you try near the front well you work here so you should know no i don't work here i am just in college well you look old so you must work here no i am just 22 and please leave me alone now yelling she says 22 22 you should be out of college you liar please calm down i am learning to become a doctor get me you manger now now my girlfriend finds me and tries to help hi honey did you get the chips and soda then karen grabs my girlfriend's arm and pushes the card a few feet what the mess let go of her now now screaming like a child no get the manager now now she got noticed by a worker who stepped in worker what is the problem here me this lady is bothering me and karen cuts me off this employee is not helping me and i want him fired sorry ma'am but he doesn't work here karen well well i am leaving and never coming back so that was one of sadly many people who mistook me before next story lady left a bruise so i finally had an i don't work here lady moment this past weekend i was out to eat at a cafe in a rather nice botanical garden with my parents my brother and his fiance for my brother's birthday this restaurant cafe has kind of a confusing setup where they seat you and give you a menu but then you go up to this counter type thing tell them what you want off the menu pay and then take your food back to your seat you also self bus and they have bins to put dishes in and a cart to put the menus back on after my family got all of our food and stuff settled i grabbed all of our menus to take them and put them on the cart as i was walking through tables an older lady stopped me and politely asked me if i could take their table's menus and held out a stack to me i tell her i don't work here but i don't mind taking your menus i now have a hefty stack of menus 10 i think i wasn't quite struggling but i wouldn't have been able to hold any more even if i wanted to their menus are stylized and each is on its own clipboard i begin walking toward the menu cart again and at the next table i pass this grumpy woman snaps her fingers at me i stop mostly because i'm taken by surprise and mildly insulted that anyone thinks it's okay to snap their fingers at anyone even if i was wait staff as soon as i stop she grabs a stack of menus from her table and shoves them at me with very surprising force for a woman of her age and size they hit my arm very hard causing the other menus to cascade out of my hands everyone in earshot which is pretty much everyone since it's a small cafe turns to look at me i start to blush and hurriedly start picking up the menus that i dropped and meanwhile this lady is just loudly clearing her throat and still brandishing her menus at me i'm very shy and hate the feeling of having eyes on me so my brain is in panic mode and i don't really know what to do luckily at that moment my dad who saw everything came over to intervene i just finished picking up the menus and straighten up to see my dad fuming standing next to me now my dad is six foot three inches and about 250 pounds he's 60 and generally a gentle giant but he can still look extremely threatening when he's pissed he politely asks the lady if there's a problem obviously mistaking him for some sort of manager she says no everything is fine you just have some very clumsy wait staff she gives me a smug look and once again thrusts her stack of menus at me my dad changes his tone of voice to be much quieter and slightly more threatening that's not a waiter that's my daughter that you just physically assaulted i don't think i've ever seen someone change their demeanor so quickly in my life her smug smile melts and she starts blustering out an apology but my dad just turns to me and says let's go sit down and finish the rest of our delightful lunch very far away from this crow i dumped our menus into the cart and on my way back through the tables i overheard the witch getting tons of flack from her friends why do you always have to be so rude you embarrass us everywhere we go etc one of them reaches out to apologize as i pass i nod and just keep walking i will never understand why people think it's okay to touch strangers without their consent ever i have a small bruise on my arm from the incident next story i don't work here i'm a passenger as well just so you know this isn't a story of a karen it's quite wholesome in 2016 i went on a cruise with three friends we were all 20 which made us stick out the cruise line we chose is designed for older people and families so being very young and not having parents with us was very noticeable so anyway every night there's this thing called movies under the stars where you go to the top deck and there's a movie playing outside on this deck was also a burger stand a pizza stand and a bar which was pretty cool so my friends and i go up for the movie they decide to get us some good deck chairs i go over to the burger stand to get all of us some food i bring the food to my friends put my food on my deck chair and then start walking to the bar for a drink i walk maybe five meters and this little old asian woman sitting on her own at a table grabs my arm as i walk past woman in a very heavy accent i would like a coke me excuse me can you get me a coke um thank you sweetheart i kinda turn to my friends who are witness to all this really confused i start walking to the bar again as i'm walking i flag down a server this deck always had like six servers walking around to get you a drink if you wanted one i point the woman out and say she'd like a coke the server goes to tend to her i get my drink and then go sit down in hindsight bringing food to my friends and being quite young confused this little old lady to think i was a server she wasn't rude or mean it just makes for a cute funny story and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 58,000
Rating: 4.8952475 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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