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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story karen thinks she owns the neighborhood park some background i'm an autistic 13 year old boy with a twin sister living in the chicago suburbs with my now five-year-old black labra chao lab chow chow mix there is a small park behind my house with a large field small playground and the neighborhood karen now for the story when i took my puppy to the park on a leash karen was there with her swarm of brats and told me to get my dog out of her park my sister's friend lily has a younger brother named james james took his toy to the park but couldn't find his toy when it was time to leave turns out karen's precious angel took his toy when his mom confronted karen her bratty son had broken the toy james's mom was fuming karen then said boys will be boys karen does not mandate anyone at her daycare of over 50 kids to wear masks karen stayed at the park until after dusk i pointed to the sign at the entrance to the park saying park hours dawn to dusk she said so karen called me an offensive r-word karen thinks she owns the park karen is a helicopter daycare worker i'm pretty sure her daycare is not licensed when i was using the swings at the playground she would always say get off my swing insert child's name wants to use it update after all the comments about how many caretakers there are i believe there are three update two i forgot to say that she probably took down the caution tape on the playground during lockdown update 3. my sister once wore a flannel shirt black jeans and combat boots and climbed a tree in the park and karen said you heathen you're a bad influence on my kids next story my mom technically roofied me i know this belongs to insane parents but as you cannot post text i'm here because it fits here too a little backstory i have extreme sleep apnea not the type that makes you snore but the type that wakes you up right as you're drifting off to sleep gasping for air because your body forgot to breathe for the past 30 seconds or so because of this i get very little sleep i was never close to my parents as they seemed to follow the same trend as every parent on this page they'd be extremely overbearing and would gaslight the hell out of me anyway all that kinda went away when i moved out of state to go to college it was great i didn't have to deal with them i was myself i had a girlfriend life was going good until i got the text my mom said that she wanted to meet with me to talk i met her at the coffee shop that she requested at the time she requested but i was 1.5 hours early i don't really blame her since she's coming from out of state when she finally got there she didn't greet me and didn't even show emotion i knew it was serious then she cracked a smile and said sorry as if she couldn't hold back her laughter then she flat-out told me that my great-uncle had died and they had already had the funeral and will be reading without even telling me i was obviously pissed as i was extremely close to him not only personally but his cabin was only an hour away from me on the fork river she told me that i got his cabin in the will which lowered my anger as she had at least been truthful to me unlike other parents on here and i can finally move out of a college dorm then i saw that she had that look that look that every mom has when they want to say something i asked her if there was something she wanted to say she gave me a dirty look and said i've heard you're going to the doctors to help with sleep i said yeah how did you know she told me it didn't matter and that i needed to mind my own business which was quite ironic she then said why are you going you should just take a sleeping pill i said i have in fact i've tried almost every sleeping supplement in the book and that doesn't help with it in fact when i told my doctor about it he looked scared and told me to never try taking sleeping pills with this type of apnea she then just said ha and then said i forgot my sunglasses in the car can you go get them for me i said sure even though it wasn't a bright day at all in fact we were on the brink of one of the worst winters missoula has ever seen i went to the car grabbed them then came back and gave them to her she said she had to go and i was confused as to why she needed me to get her the sunglasses if she's just going to leave i just shrugged it off though i stayed there for a little bit until i finished the work i was working on and continued to drink my coffee i then headed back to my dorm which was two blocks away so i just walked i got into the dorm closed the door and then i saw i had tunnel vision my girlfriend was frantically standing over me while calling on the phone at the same time i realized i was in my bed and that i couldn't breathe at all i started to panic and within a matter of seconds i was awake in the hospital it turns out i got into the dorm closed the door didn't acknowledge a word my girlfriend said to me went to the bedroom laid down and started sleeping since it was kind of late she started getting ready for bed too when she was finally heading toward the bed she saw me completely arched backwards gagging and holding my neck i was suffocating and i didn't even know she called 9-1-1 and the paramedics arrived just in time to get the oxygen mask on me they later told me if they hadn't gotten there when they did i 100 would have died it was a quick recovery i was in the hospital for no longer than a week then i got my blood test results it turned out my mom had snuck four times the amount of melatonin i'm using melatonin as a filler word as i was two days to hear what it was they exactly said that someone my size would have needed to pass out on the spot into my drink how i didn't notice i have no clue but that was the final straw i made sure to press charges as that was a near attempt in murder the judge had all the evidence they needed to prove me right and i nearly instantly won the battle and the restraining order was placed the only downside is the only time i can see my brothers is with my dad only but i'm sure they couldn't care less next story how i ruined 2013 thanksgiving by getting mad at entitled kid for deliberately hitting me with a wooden chair to start off this story is actually based off of an r am i the a word post i made earlier but was deleted because it broke a rule but since it got a lot of positive answers before it got deleted i might as well share the whole story here so this all happened seven years ago when i was a 16 year old boy it was thanksgiving and the family was going to get together for it but the majority of people going to the party was a part of my stepmom's family and her entire family including herself happened to be the most narcissistic folk you would ever know in your life they could accidentally give you a serious injury and still somehow make it your fault my dad wasn't any better honestly all he ever cared about was women and his reputation i used to lie to save his reputation but i'm not hiding it anymore anyways my dad my step-mom my step-brother and i all got ready and started heading over to my step-mom's parents house and on the way they both gave me and my step-brother a lecture on being on our best behavior and we will take you home if you ruin this day i was honestly not at all interested in going to this party i knew that i was the only teen there so there wouldn't be anyone my age to socialize with and trying to socialize with a bunch of narcissists is like trying to find the edge of a sphere also there was a specific person who was gonna be there a sadistic eight-year-old demon child we will call tyrant because his real name honestly sounded very close to that tyrant is literally the ideal nightmare bully we all were scared of encountering when we were in elementary school he would pick on others for his own amusement get physical kill bugs and rodents and have a maniacal giggle as he did any of this worst of all tyrant's parents enabled this they would excuse anything he did no matter how bad it was and say it's because he has a learning disability and we should go easy on him this i honestly had a hard time believing because i was born with a learning disability myself and high functioning autism so i just could not accept the thought that all of this was at fault of a learning disability now that i looked back on it he and his parents were very much like the dursley family when we arrived at the house we were led in by my step-mom's dad and the house was full of people some i know and some i didn't know i looked around and did not see tyrant or his parents in sight and got a little excited thinking i wouldn't have to deal with the little devil but before i could relax my dad told me that i need to go to the children's room with my step-brother i paused for a moment and then asked him why i can't stay out in the living room and he said the owner's rule as children go into the children's room now go in there i tried to rebel telling him that at 16 i shouldn't be forced into a room full of kids way younger than me but he got mad and threatened to take me home with no food i honestly don't know why i didn't take that instead of staying because it would have been a lot better than what is to come but i was hungry and chose to stay so i went to the children's room the children's room was a small square shaped room that had one couch some toy bins a children's wooden table with chairs and a tv there were at least three kids in there one being the demon spawn himself tyrant who is talking to his parents his parents are just dropping him off into the room telling him to be a good little angel etc and go to leave the room as they are leaving they don't even acknowledge my existence nearly bumping into me as they approach the door it boggles my mind how people are fine with being so rude especially to those way younger than them after they left the room tyrant let out an excited screech and went ballistic on the toy bins throwing things out everywhere i just sat there on the couch trying to cancel out the inhumane noises made by this child when i remembered that there is a tv in this room i thought that maybe if i turned on some cartoons that i would be able to calm him down so i looked for the remote i search around the room and there is no remote to be found after looking for it i decided to leave the room to go ask my stepmom's parents if they knew where it was when i got to them i was greeted with a what are you doing out here and asked them if they knew where the remotes were my step-mom's dad then told me that he took them away before we all got here so he can make the kids play together and not stare at a screen like zombies they then told me to go back to the room and my stepmom's mom followed me back when i got back to the room it was a mess tyrant managed to trash the entire room the one single minute i was gone my stepmom's mom told me since you are the oldest in here i expect you to clean up after the kids thanks but before i could even protest that she shut the door i groaned in disappointment and went to go clean up the toys scattered all over after cleaning it all up i sat on the couch and closed my eyes letting out a sigh in boredom then suddenly i hear a loud bang i look and see tyrant throwing toys like an nfl quarterback some of the kids including my step-brother move out of the way to dodge some of the flying action figures and blocks i went out of the room and tried to get the attention of tyrant's parents when i got up to them i tried to tell them what was happening but they interrupted me saying no you aren't allowed out here go back to the kid's room of course me being the typical forcefully obedient teenager i turned around and went back to the room which again was a mess yet another round of cleaning up after another person's child hooray honestly i can't believe back then why i never questioned why this eight-year-old was behaving like a four-year-old but i guess i already had the answer when i met his parents back then for the first time anyways after cleaning up yet another mess i try to lay down on the couch i thought that maybe if i got a little nap in i was able to make this night go by faster tyrant started to calm down so it was a perfect time i started to doze off when i heard the sound of children arguing i sit back up and see tyrant pulling toys away from my step-brother while saying it's mine i intervened and told them to stop fighting i pulled out some building blocks that i originally put away and suggested they play with these together and they actually agreed thank god an uneventful hour passes and i'm starting to wonder when the food will be done i stood up to go ask the adults but then i remembered that they don't like me out there so i peeked out the door the adults were all at the table talking about various stuff and laughing over terrible jokes i saw that no food was out on the table so i assumed that it wasn't done cooking yet then i hear a loud smack sound i turn around and see one of the kids crying holding their cheek while tyrant giggles in the corner i asked him what happened and he told me that tyron hid him i went over to tyrant who was still giggling like a pest and tried to tell him what he did was wrong but he interrupted me by saying you're not my dad and went back to playing with toys i was just standing there wondering what to do seeing this little brat act like this and the other kid still holding his cheek and sniffling i knew that going out of the room to tell his parents would make them mad but i gave into it and went out anyways before they could tell me to go back to the room i interrupted them and said no you have to listen tyrant is hitting the other kids and making them cry the entire table went silent at that point i thought i finally got their attention but tyrant's mom then said why don't you do something about it then i told her that i in fact did but he didn't listen to me the adults were all mumbling to each other and tyrant's dad then said you are old enough to know how to deal with this stop being a tattletail i looked around to the other adults with a is he serious face but they all looked at me disappointingly even my dad who looked red and angry at me i said fine and went back to the room i was done with the nonsense at this rate tyrant was being awful and the adults were not helping so i thought to myself that if they wanted me to handle it then fine i will handle it my way as i entered the room i of course expected it to be a mess but it was beyond that the children's table was knocked over puzzle pieces everywhere and the kids trying to pick them up i groaned knowing who exactly did this but i didn't see tyrant i looked around thinking he was hiding in a corner but he was not in sight although it was odd he just vanished like that i bent down onto my knees to pick up the table and help the kids pick up the puzzle pieces that's when i hear that disturbing giggle i pause knowing whose giggle that was i looked up and then it happened tyrant swung a small wooden chair right into my face the pain was so intense i rolled backwards my hands on my face moaning in pain trying to process what just happened after the pain started to calm down i got on one knee looking at how tyrant was giggling and holding the chair as all the other kids stared in shock at him that's when it all came to me this little demon had planned this he deliberately made a large mess knowing i would bend down to clean it so he would be able to hit me at that point all i felt was anger i stood up glaring at tyrant as he giggled then this kid had the audacity to go in for another strike this time aiming for my stomach but i grabbed the chair mid-swing pulled it out of his hands and slammed it on the ground and let out a loud enough i said it so loud that it boomed throughout the entire house everything stopped the kids the noises and even the adults talking oh tyrant just stared at me surprised as i stood there still with anger but then i heard a loud stomping coming the door swings open and it's my dad he yells at me to come out of the room right now and to go to talk with the adults when i go out i see that the adults were all staring at me like i just poisoned the water hole my step-mom then said why are you yelling at kids i tried to tell her but i was interrupted by tyrant's mom who said you have no reason to yell at kids it was then i got lectured by each and every adult there at the same time each talking over each other at me telling me how awful and disrespectful i am i started to cry and shouted at them to stop i shouted that i yelled because tyrant had hit me on the head with a chair they all stopped and looked at each other again thinking i finally got their attention but i was wrong tyrant's mom spoke up and said but he's way shorter than you how can he do that and before i could explain it his dad says even if he did it can't hurt that bad he's only eight these morons have no idea what it feels like to be hit in the face with a chair i snapped and told them that if they listened and let me speak they would get it i guess i said it in a really pissed off tone because the adults gasped and looked at me like i just killed someone my dad then said that's it stood up and grabbed me by the arm he dragged me out into his car and started it i asked him what he is doing and he told me your attitude has ruined thanksgiving for us i am taking you back home you don't deserve to have thanksgiving dinner i didn't even want to argue with him i was angry sick of all the nonsense and actually wanted to go home at that point he drops me off back at home and he sped off in a hurry there i was home alone where i made my thanksgiving dinner some soup and grilled cheese it was depressing but it was a hell of a lot better than being stuck in that house with that demon spawn the next day i got the usual you are grounded for a month and i am taking your stuff away but i didn't care i was used to being punished regularly and treated like a troubled teen but thankfully all that ended when i finally got to move out in 2018. my dad did divorce my stepmom before that but none of that mattered at the time because even though one problem was out of the house there was still another but now my life is not a part of his anymore now i'm a lot better and just recently had a great socially distanced m thanksgiving with my friends and my grandmother and hope in the future i will continue to have good thanksgivings next story entitled mother parks her extra car in my space just because i own a bike and it doesn't need much space i live in a residential building in india and we are allotted only one parking space per flat so when i went out to buy essential items i came back to find my parking occupied and immediately called the security he went and fetched the owner of the car and entered the entitled mother i ask her to move her car as i need to park my bike there she tells me that since i own a bike i need to park it outside and her son deserves the parking for his new car i refuse to budge and demand that she takes her car out or else that i will proceed legally if she doesn't move out she did so and moved the car but not without calling me a malu and then moving her car she is a north indian and has in fact settled in my state and yet has the courage to call me so next story entitled mother says her kid doesn't want to eat veggies so she decided to raid my fridge and cook a dozen eggs i had visitors a week ago in my new house and some of them brought their kids lots of little kids aged 9 and below anyway i tried to be a gracious host i entertained the kids and let them play on my video games switch so their parents and my parents can have time to talk and enjoy each other's company the kids pretty much enjoyed splatoon 2 and 4 of them can play at the same time my house was filled with the laughter of kids and for breakfast since they came early i decided to leave the kids playing in the adult with their conversation and i prepared chicken soup i slipped in tiny slices of carrots and cabbages same recipe as how my mom does it to make it healthy for the kids by the time i finished i was surprised to see that one of the parents is now playing and the kids are now just watching anyway i called them over the kitchen and served them breakfast the adults let the kids eat first since i have a small dining table only seats up to six people the kids loved it after a while one of the kids asked uncle this tastes so good what's your secret i was overwhelmed it's my first time cooking for other people than myself so feeling like a pro chef i explained that i blanched the veggies so when i put them in the soup they retain their crispness the kids are so amazed that what they actually ate just now are carrots and cabbages they said they hated this thing so now they are all gathering around and so eager for what i cook next they are now very eager to taste the rest of the veggies in my fridge so i told them all stir fried noodles topped with veggies for lunch using a chinese recipe i learned from my dad i showed them string beans sweet potatoes eggplant bitter melon garlic and some onion i was surprised that some of them don't even know what they look like yes they know the name because they say they learned it from school but they didn't have a chance to see it in person anyway as i showed them how to cut but didn't let them touch the knife cause i was afraid they would lose a finger one of the parents saw them and screamed at them she brought them out of the kitchen and as they left i can hear the kids so eager to tell her stories about vegetables so i proceeded on cooking and when it's time for lunch i called them over this time around the adults should eat with us so i took some extra chairs and i allowed some of them to eat on the couch now the kids are all excited to eat my veggies except one all the other kids kept asking each other how it tastes like and they all exclaim how delicious it was one even said it doesn't taste like any veggies she had ever eaten before but one of them was quiet and had an empty plate so i asked him why aren't you eating don't you like it poor kid i can see that he wants to say something but he glanced at his mom instead the entitled mother he doesn't eat vegetables me oh okay is he allergic or something nope he's just a very picky eater oh why don't you have a bite and just don't finish it if you don't like it i said to the kid and the kid just glanced over his mom again if you only knew how hard i tried to force him to eat them but no he cries his eyes out and throws his plates ok shall i cook you something else then bacon fried chicken just don't bother with him i'll just cook him eggs i gave up encouraging the kid to eat and just ate lunch myself after the mother was finished she went over my fridge and decided to take a tray of eggs out and started cracking them one by one i asked her if she needed any help but know she insisted on cooking herself she even said i must be tired of all the cooking so i should just relax okay so i left her and joined the kids they still keep on asking how i did it like it was some magic i envy their innocence how fun would it be to experience life as a kid again it took a while until the kid got back the other kids began teasing him that he was not able to taste my dish but now he's boasting about how many eggs both him and his mom had eaten a dozen eggs for lunch i am feeling sorry for the kid but i don't want to embarrass him he's proud of himself i'm not quite sure if this was normal for this kid and his mom to go visit another house and cook their food without asking permission or it's just that i was quite hospitable that they forgot they don't live here and for goodness sake a dozen eggs for lunch and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 38,742
Rating: 4.8961682 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: ZrQ0xrw82gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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