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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story sure i'll help you but i'll have to charge this just happened yesterday november 29 2020 for context i used to work at a partner company of the phone retailer with the red check mark i quit for reasons i won't go into i was going into the store to return the key as i was leaving a lady grabbed my arm tightly like i said this is mid covid i immediately recognized her as a regular who's always having issues with her phone or rather doesn't have a brain cell to learn how to use it i yanked my arm away grumbling a bit preparing for the abuse i knew came with helping her aren't you going to help me she shrieked her voice shrill nails on a chalkboard help you why would i i scoff because you work here she snapped no i don't i used to but i quit last week i don't care you're here help me i sighed and thought for a second then got a devilish smirk fine but since i don't work here i'll have to charge my freelance fees she got a look on her face as if i just told her grass was always pink freelance fees yep when i'm not on the clock i charge 40 bucks per hour minimum of two hours i knew she wouldn't go for it as expected she started screaming and berating me i didn't have time for her nonsense so i just walked out the door and continued my day with a bit of a smile on my face next story i'm standing behind the meat counter handing out meat why would you ask if i'm from a bakery so the title says it all but since it's happened more than a few times i'll write it out here so basically i a 23 year old female work in the meat department of a grocery store i'm almost the only female person in my department there's one other girl but she works evenings and i work mornings we see each other maybe five minutes each shift in my store each department has a different colored apron that corresponds to where you work produce is green the bakery is white for cake decorators and black for regular clerks and the meat department is red i wear my red apron stand behind the fresh meat counter and serve meat to customers who place an order but yet every week without fail i get the question do you work in the bakery i can't understand why anyone would think i work in bakery the only time i'm near bakery is if i'm passing through to grab something and that's about it once or twice i don't mind but every week it happens and it's never simple questions like where is the garlic bread or do you sell pies it's usually customers trying to place cake orders with me or have me decorate a cake for them something i have zero skill in sadly one time a man asked me to decorate a cake for him and when i politely informed him i did not work in the bakery but that i could find someone who did he answered why can't you just do it real quick it's not that hard it's to the point where i no longer have patience for customers who ask if i work in bakery i'll admit i get a little snarky with them i'll look around the meat department and say i don't think i'm in the bakery which never seems to work because then they just ask again if i work in bakery oh well i'm hopefully only there a short while longer but thanks for listening to my rant next story you otter no i don't work here we took the kids to the zoo today and walked by the otter exhibit twice the first time the otters were back in their den area and we didn't see them the next time we walked by the three otters were outside i was so excited to see them i shouted otters and rushed over there the otters were also apparently excited to see me they started vocalizing more and all three ran up to the edge of their area towards me chattering away it was really exciting and felt like they were legit happy to see just me when we were leaving the zoo an employee asked my kids what animal they liked seeing the most my kids didn't really respond so i did and i told her about the otters she said she really liked them too that they were really friendly and whenever they saw a zoo worker they would rush over begging for food looking down it appears i accidentally dressed like a zoo worker with khaki pants and a navy shirt next story that's a customer i'm the employee so i used to work in a store that sold a lot of gadgets and gizmos for techy geeky people and all admit before i was transferred and promoted i enjoyed this store more but that's another story we had demo items which we were to play with in the store to promote and sell them these included toy drones kinetic sand mobile phone vr goggles and my favorite the crossbow so one evening i was working with my manager and since it was quiet and an hour before close i had stocked up and decided to have a chat with the manager whilst playing with the crossbow and shooting sucker darts at a target which was facing away from the store entrance it was placed right next to the tills but we didn't mind the darts this was when a lad around the age of 18 to 20 comes in and he seems like someone who would have fitted in well with us and so i greeted him into the store and he asked if he could have a go of the crossbow to which i obliged because that's what it was there for but obviously i had to supervise him in case he tried to do anything silly but he didn't anyway he was firing the darts and i went around to the till area to collect the ones that both stuck to the dartboard and ones that fell on the floor just so it's clear our tops are black with the store's name on and i usually wore a black long-sleeved top underneath since i was body conscious about my arms and the customer was wearing a long-sleeved black top this is the confusion so the customer and i are chatting about some new games that have just come out and as i go around to the tills to pick up the darts i get on the floor to fish for one that's rolled underneath them and i hear this conversation this jerk who is the head of the shopping mall give me that this is promoting violence and i've had many complaints the customer oh okay sorry me excuse me what's the matter i've told him before that i don't want to see this being used as it's a weapon me right he doesn't work here so i don't know if you've confused him with another employee also i don't understand how a bit of plastic that shoots sucker darts is classed as a weapon i've seen him working in here plenty of times and i've warned him on occasions to put this away as it promotes violence so at this point i'm flabbergasted at the sheer arrogance of this man and he's supposed to be the owner of the shopping mall our shop is situated in as i'm questioning him as to why a toy crossbow is promoting violence my manager walks into him saying because this looks like a weapon and fires projectiles regardless of whether they're plastic it's still promoting violence and weaponry and i don't want this in the mall m ok then so what about the armed police that walk around here daily or the game shop that's currently promoting call of duty or even shops that sell films games and music relating to violence wars and weapons well they're licensed to sell those products the manager no you've harassed my staff many times now for petty reasons you have just spoken rudely to a customer and i will happily back him up when he makes a formal complaint about you at this point the jerk threw the crossbow onto a table and walked away my manager just looked at me and the customer and said what a prick which we both laughed at i apologized to the customer about the situation but he saw the funny side of it and was confused why that jerk targeted us to which manager and i shrugged the customer bought a crossbow and target to which i knocked 10 percent off and he left happy extra the customer came in plenty more times and we became friendly with each other and are still good friends to this day he brought the situation up to me yesterday which i said i had to post on here next story karen recognizes me from a job i stopped working at over a year prior one day after work i stopped by the local pet superstore where all the pets go in order to get some more litter for my two cats this particular location has a station where you can refill your own jugs with the store brand litter at a discount if you buy one of their containers first i have main mixes so i buy in bulk when i can and this time had three empty jugs in my cart and a fourth in my hand that i was refilling with litter it's at this point that i hear a woman clear her throat it was cold season so a lot of people were doing that and became vaguely aware of an older woman getting closer to me i just moved closer to the bin so she could pass behind me if she needed to finish up with the first jug and move on to the second this was apparently the wrong thing to do as the woman huffs at me where are the poop scoops i stop what i'm doing and glance around thinking that maybe she had spoken to an employee that was stalking shelves or something but no she's scowling right at me it was early in the afternoon in the middle of the week so there weren't many employees in the store yet whatever no big deal i have a vague idea of where things are since they remodeled the store i take a second to glance down the aisle i'm standing next to and am relieved to see litter boxes i reflexively give her a customer service smile and gesture down the aisle there at the end of this aisle against the wall karen doesn't bother to thank me as she moves closer to the aisle and looks down at before huffing again those ones are too small i need a big one i realize at this point she means the dog shovel scoop things i shrug and move on to my third litter container well i only have cats so i don't know where the dog stuff is now that they remodeled the store you should probably ask an employee but you're an employee i see you here all the time i should probably point out that i work in an office and was dressed in black trousers heels and a green patterned blouse with a small purse hanging off the shoulder facing karen the employees here wear sneakers jeans and either a red or blue t-shirt with the company name and logo in big white letters on the front and back of the t-shirt i have two large cats so they go through litter pretty fast so i'm here on an almost weekly basis but i don't work here that's a lie you gave my dog a bath and i've seen you on the registers it's at this point i'm a little shocked i had worked in the grooming salon of this particular store for a couple of months dot but that was well over a year ago i'm sorry i should clarify i haven't worked for company name in over a year they've remodeled the store since i was an employee so i really don't know where they moved the dog shovels to i believe they were at the front of the store when i worked here but that area is now where they have the dog food i finally see an employee approaching probably drawn to karen's steadily rising voice and point him out to karen who promptly stomps over to him to complain i'd finished refilling my jugs so i pushed my cart towards the registers only catching part of karen's complaints about my poor customer service before i tuned the rest out funny thing is i would have helped her find where it had been moved to if she hadn't started talking to me like i was beneath her next story gamer gets press ganged into working by a customer this happened to a customer i was trying to help i did work there let me paint the scene there's me who was wearing my store's blue polo with a red logo there's brain a very nice customer who worked for a different store with blue polos and a yellow logo and finally karen so i used to work in the electronics section of a big box store that has since closed most of its doors by now one day brian comes in and asks if we have a game that his store had sold out of now i knew we did but our game section was a disaster because of reasons so it would take a minute to find it while i'm looking and having a pleasant conversation with brian a wild karen appears and asks one of us to help her in the home phone section yes i'm that old i tell her i'll be with her in a minute and continue to look for brian's game while i'm searching karen grabs brian by the wrist and drags him to the phones i find brian's game place it next to the register and go see if i can help brian get away from karen when i get there i see karen happily walking away with a pause phone and brian and i have a good laugh about karen's while i ring him up i gave him the employee discount for helping me with karen next story they still haven't figured it out i worked in bars and restaurants for years during that time i developed too many pet peeves to count and left the industry with a huge chip on my shoulder and enough trauma that i still have server nightmares years later i miss liking humans this is the story of how i served a table very very badly because they were stupid and had a crappy attitude and because i didn't work there despite no longer working as a server i guess i still look like one i went through a phase where i only owned one pair of black converse two pairs of black jeans and seven black t-shirts i called it my batman wardrobe it made getting dressed in the morning very easy but it made walking through a restaurant very difficult with this outfit in mind i will absolutely concede that in some restaurant settings i might have been bringing this on myself but as common as this outfit is among service staff it certainly isn't what most servers in most restaurants wear it's also a very normal outfit to see on the street most of the time if i'm just trying to walk to the bathroom and someone at a table tries to order from me i'll just quickly let them know i don't work there but one time i'm tempted to try and justify this by outlining for you the laundry list of annoying behaviors i had already witnessed from this table in the interest of saving time i'll just assure you that this table of six absolutely knew who their server was and had absolutely been treating her poorly they were one of those groups where the first guy orders his beer and by the time the other five finally tell the server their orders the first guy is already complaining that his beer is taking too long when the server hasn't even left the table side yeah this actually happens a lot while returning to my table from the bathroom one of these winners stops me with a hey get me a bad beer because i'm an amateur with bad taste i give him a cheerful sure and proceed toward my table quickly his repulsive girlfriend pipes up with a whiney and i want another of one of this gesturing towards some pink sludge in a cup because of course that's her taste in beverages i decide to stick around and let the whole table place orders with me before returning to my table and wait for them to notice me sitting there with my friends i really didn't think this would go on long i'm seated in plain sight about two tables away they don't notice their server is tableside again within moments and their round is promptly ordered again since they're definitely the type to double order items from different staff so my prank goes unnoticed later i go to visit the bartender have a brief chat and grab a couple drinks i'm walking back to my table with two beers in hand is that mine a voice asks as a hand reaches out to snatch it nope i reply and carry on my actions had the potential to make life harder for the staff and i'd feel bad about it if i wasn't friends with all of them and if they hadn't been in on it this table is so badly behaved and has been determined to have a bad time since before they arrived they're really a lost cause any attempt to clear things up for them wouldn't be worth missing out on the entertainment of messing with them so i start looking for excuses to innocently walk past their table i take a few more bathroom visits than i really need and go visit my friend at the bar a couple more times i never initiate contact with these clowns but if they take the bait i'll take the order they are becoming increasingly agitated and abusive with each encounter they tell me how bad i am at my job and i just cheerfully correct them no i'm actually really good at my job they are more infuriated at how unfazed i am at the abuse than at the several drink orders i've failed to bring them remember my friends and i have been seated in plain sight a few feet away drinking and laughing it up all night anyhow they drink three rounds despite having ordered about nine and decide to leave naturally when their bill arrives they try to contest it arguing that we didn't actually get most of the drinks we ordered so they shouldn't be on the bill the manager informs them that the bill represents only the drinks they did receive they try to argue the point and i just can't stand to watch my prank escalate too far so i pipe up your bill represents the drinks you ordered from your server i don't even have to say it that loudly since i am seated so close to them they all turn to look at me and i want to say they realize what's going on but that's giving them too much credit since one of them immediately lays in with the threats to call my boss i offer them my boss's phone number and dare him to try and get a jeweler to fire their assistant for being bad at table service he then tries to accuse me of putting items on his bill that shouldn't be there you know with the access card i use to log into the poss at the restaurant where i am a customer he still hasn't figured it out next story karen needs the walmart manager right now this happened some time ago i work at a big bank and just happened to be wearing a blue dress shirt and a black tie and sport coat when i was working after we closed i went to walmart dot and left my coat in the car i am browsing aisles without a cart looking to see if they have any good deals on video games and such when i hear this lady freaking out obviously i look over to the short-haired blonde middle-aged women we all know far too well karen must have seen me looking over at the ruckus and came storming over i demand that you do something about your employees i checked online for the nintendo and it said there was one in stock and now your employee is telling me it was sold me that sucks you should have bought it earlier we don't have to hold anything for you karen excuse me no wonder your employees are rude what is your name this is completely outrageous i am calling corporate you just lost a customer you're getting fired she storms off saying unbelievable over and over again asterisk i say to the original employee wow she was a witch employee thanks man it happens more often than you would think and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 17,670
Rating: 4.8868895 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: wjgRLs4Pyz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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