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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story two cairns at philly airport i was flying out of philadelphia after visiting a good friend for a week i travel pretty frequently and like to make security checks as painless as possible for me and everyone else involved so usually the only thing i need to get on the belt is my carry-on bag shoes and phone i get to the security table kick off my shoes throw them in the bin with my phone and boarding pass so there's nothing in my hands bag is on my shoulder and the bin is in my hands and i'm ready to go enter two wild cairns perhaps they are not full-blown cairns separately but together their powers have amplified combined the carrots have about six bins of toiletries electronics shoes and other nonsense and they are taking their sweet time they obviously know this as moments before i entered the line karen one had allowed someone to pass on front of them anxious to get through as i'm in a tight spot between the cairns in front the stand where they check your boarding pass and id behind me and the table to my left i cut around the other side to the table and asked karen one do you mind if i just jump ahead she is instantly miffed and responds no and i don't know where you think you're going that side is blocked off not one to stay quiet i respond just trying to get my stuff on the belt but fine take your time both karens ignore me leave their bins on the table and proceed to the body scanner i stand there confused for a moment i was still at the end of the table about three feet from the belt where items are supposed to be placed did they expect me to place all their items on the belt for them no thanks i grabbed my bin and bag place it on the belt and begin walking towards the body scanner the guy who checks the boarding passes stops me to ask if the items left behind are mine nope keep moving forward i hear him calling across the security checkpoint to ask whose items have been left behind i apologize to the casual bystander in this nonsense i encountered the cairns on the other side as they look perplexed as my items come through first i hear karen one whisper to karen too our stuff is still on the table on the other side yikes i grab my items and leave and the karens have to return to the other side push their items through and get re-scanned just don't be rude to people if you're going to leave your stuff with them next story karen and her daughter with a flat tire this happened a few years back but i have been reading some of the posts here and thought you might like this short backstory this happened years ago when i was still young and strong and thought people were nice and should be helped if i could i was on my way to school a junior college in a small city in idaho and as i was going down the road i saw a car with a flat tire and two women trying to use a jack upside down so i knew they didn't know what they were doing so i pulled over and asked if they needed help after the spare was on the car and before the lug nuts were tight karen started saying how i must be really proud of myself thinking that they could not do the tire by themselves then the daughter started calling me a male chauvinist pig and a few other good terms all the while they were berating me i was removing the tire i had installed and put the flat one back on and tightened the lug nuts up as tight as i could i had been working prior in the mines of the area and was used to lifting 100 plus lbs several times an hour so was fairly stout so the lugs were not coming loose easily i then let the jack back down and took the base off and set the whole thing down and started walking back to my truck as they too realized that the tire was flat and i had put the bad one back on as they asked me to correct that i just looked at them and told them maybe you make sure the job is done before you start calling people names and that the kindness of someone's heart does have limitations i drove off knowing that those lugs were not coming off easily and had no feelings of shame or sorrow for what i did next story karen vs karen in the library i've given up and am embracing the obnoxiousness of my name in memes but declaring myself to be a little k karen an entirely different species ha i was in my hometown this weekend and drove past the branch library where i misspent so much of my youth reminded me of this story i very rarely had to go downtown to the mothership library five stories almost a city block but that day i was in the main reading room doing research as usual the room had quite a few homeless people all mostly keeping to themselves and enjoying the air conditioning it was brutally hot that day there were several rows of rectangular tables each with six chairs giving folks plenty of room to spread out suddenly i hear this plop sound an armload of magazines slams down on the table across from me karen sits down and only then asks if she can share the table because she doesn't want to sit near homeless people i don't recall the exact words but she was not trying to be tactful at all nor quiet several occupied tables were in earshot she sits there for about 25 minutes and never shuts up she has the magazines cooking magazines strewn all over the table she wants to talk about recipes she wants to profess her love for some grocery store she used to visit back home that makes publix look like crap she wants to talk about what a nasty city this is and she really wants to talk about how the library is being ruined by vagrants and bums and they should not be allowed inside i was doing my best to just am an aha instead of actually answering her hoping she would shut up my simmering dislike of her went up to boiling hatred when she started tearing recipes out of the magazines i finally looked her right in the eye and told her to stop it she started to sputter and i said geez just take pictures with your phone she vibrates in place for about 20 seconds and then decides my behavior is too offensive to endure so she slams her stuff together leaving the half-destroyed magazines in a messy pile and does the flounce and bounce as she's walking away i see a notebook she left on the table i think about it for a minute then pick it up run after her and give it to her very saccharine sweet you forgot this and she had to pretend to be thankful pretty lame right but wait what you need to know about this library was that parking was in a giant garage about a block and a half away and library patrons could park there for three hours free with a validation slip from the library you handed them your ticket at the reference desk and they'd staple the slip to it no slip you paid the hourly rate indicated by your time punch ticket it was like 2 dollars and 50 cents an hour no ticket you paid the daily rate which at that time was about twenty dollars when i picked karen's notebook up i could see the little ticket sticking out of the top with the slip stapled to it when i handed karen her notebook well oh god where did that ticket go shame hope you had a 20 in that giant purse karen next story casino karen so last night late in the evening at a nearby casino i was meandering my way back to my hotel room after breaking even for the night yay i stopped at a penny slot machine i like and decided to throw a few bucks in and play the minimum of 25 cents per spin just for fun and giggles shortly after sitting down casino karen plops down at a slot machine two over from me which i know is generally not a great machine never see anyone really win on it and it is not played much as a result and immediately lights up a cigarette while her boyfriend stands there to watch her after a few spins at one dollar and 25 cents a spin she immediately starts complaining and her boyfriend joins her saying these machines are rigged this is awful i see why the casino regulars play the minimum now normally i am happy to see others winning because it makes the vibe more fun but karen's no i hope they lose so it just so happens just about the time karen starts complaining i get in a bonus this pisses off karen and her boyfriend and i hear them make a snide comment about how of course i am in the bonus and only playing 25 cents jerk you know i can hear you right karen then gets in the bonus on her machine too and gets 40 free spins and only wins about 11 which is about what i got on my bonus playing 25 cents to her 1.25 cents you would have thought the world had stopped the complaining ramped up about 10 more notches and they kept whining about 40 free spins and barely 10 dollars so karmic fates shine down and my machine decided to bonus several more times in very quick succession cue even more complaints i tried to be nice and tell them that i played it earlier at one dollar and 25 cents a spin and couldn't get a bonus to save my life and isn't that how it goes i get in the bonus at minimum bet silence from karen and her boyfriend okay that's how it is going to go was already irritated at the snide remark casino karen proceeds to continue her non-stop complaining normal people just get up off a bad machine and i could tell she was eyeing my machine up and would jump at the chance to get on it if i left been gambling a long time i know when someone wants my machine despite being tired part 1 of my revenge as i decide to keep playing just to annoy her and manage to hit a 50 bonus which you can imagine irritated her as it would have been 250 dollars if i was playing one dollar and 25 cents like her about three karen cigarettes later she finally leaves but only goes about seven to eight machines down i can tell the boyfriend keeps looking my way to see if i have left part 2 of the revenge as i pull out a ticket i haven't cashed in yet from another machine that has about 250 dollars in slot credits on it and i insert it into my machine this way it looks like i want a really big bonus if they walk by to see how i am doing and how many credits are on my machine of course about 10 to 15 minutes later they stroll by and i can tell they are super annoyed to see i have over 350 dollars in credits on the machine huh once it was clear they were gone for good i cashed out and went to bed moral of the story if you get that upset at what is supposed to be a fun activity you either have a gambling problem or are a casino karen or kevin and i will happily do what i can to get under your skin and make you even more annoyed because i'm petty like this to be honest thanks for reading next story entitled woman at a coffee shop can't wait for her turn so this entitled woman looked like mary berry if she wasn't british or classy but still carried an energy of being a bit intimidating i was next in line to order at a coffee shop yesterday but the family in front of me had three small children and the kids were really excited about their baked goods and not super aware of their surroundings so it took their parents a few extra seconds to get them out of the way of the counter the employee at the register motioned for me to come forward and the woman behind me pushed ahead of me and started rattling off her order the employee told her she would have to wait a moment because i was actually next the woman argues that it wasn't obvious that i was in line because i was standing off to the side to give the family with kids room to leave and it was serious for a mere few seconds so i shouldn't be allowed to cut the employee says i can help you after i help this person first me and the woman scowls says fine and glares at me as she takes a whole two micro steps off to the side and is also not wearing her mask properly despite the state order for masks and social distancing while i'm ordering two drip coffees pretty much the quickest order possible she stamps her foot the whole time and sighs loudly every time the employee asks me a question eg dark light roast cream sugar what size etc as the employee is getting the coffees ready the woman comes back up to the counter and crowds me out and starts telling her order to the employee even though she still isn't finished ringing me up the employee tells her that she will have to wait because she's not done ringing up my order and she wants to make sure to get the woman's order right and the woman states that she's been waiting long enough even though she wasn't even in line until right before it was my turn and that it's a simple enough order so the employee should be able to manage it for your information it was a very starbucksian drink and not really the kind of coffee shop we were at once my order is complete i precariously stacked the two rocket hot coffees and the couple of grab-and-go items i purchased so i could get out of the woman's way faster but apparently not fast enough and the lady bumps my right arm when ushering me out of the way causing a small splash of coffee to spill on the floor she gives me a huge stink eye and then tells the employee she needs to get it cleaned up before she can order so that no one slips and falls and that people have better things to do than wait in line at a coffee shop all day for people who seem to think it's meant to be a grocery store and how there needs to be an express line for people who shouldn't have to wait around for people to figure out their order when they get to the counter and on and on i exited the building at that point so i don't know if there was any more to it than that but on my way out two women were going in and they looked like they could be identical twins with the woman in the coffee shop and they were already saying to each other that they hoped it wouldn't take forever to get their order apparently it's a town full of people that doesn't like waiting for context it was a touristy resort town and i'm guessing the woman inside and the two outside of the coffee shop were locals we were just passing through on our way back home next story entitled mother tries to kidnap her own child okay so this is another story about my absolute dumpster of parents i had while growing up quick summarization entitled mother karen got custody of me and my three brothers basically tortured us kept us away from our father and did a bunch of crazy nonsense and then child protective services got involved and we went to live with our father this is a story of the time karen tried to get me and my brothers back from my dad luckily we are all adults and don't deal with this anymore my brothers and i were all in the living room and she called my phone and despite how pissed i was i answered and the call went a bit like i'm on my way to pick you up right now i'm sorry what what on god's green earth makes you think we want to see you i tell my brothers what's going on and they start panicking you are all my kids and you're coming back to live with me no we aren't i don't want to nor do my brothers i'm pulling in now click and so my brothers and i go outside to stop her and tell her off the youngest brother runs to get our father and when he does karen tries to grab the middle brother she does and i jump in to help separate them and i eventually break him free he runs back into the house and i start screaming and yelling at her the youngest kid then comes back with my father following him and when karen sees him she jumps in the car and tells my youngest brother he might actually be my dad's son he started bawling his eyes out and i went ballistic karen drove away and i hugged my little brother i assured him he is his dad's son and he's always going to be my brother and my father sat and talked with him she was an absolute nut job and still claimed to have done nothing wrong before this event and after two the middle brother is out of breath and crying of sheer fear and anger this has been forever burned into our memories and it just fuels a unrelenting hatred for our mother we fought tooth and nail to get away from her the first time and the idea of being back there so easily was absolutely heart-wrenching my brothers and i are keeping her out of our lives at any means necessary and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 73,183
Rating: 4.8581195 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: dxm2QJ1BdxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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