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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled woman shouts at me after having a seizure at work backstory i've always been a medical disaster from the day i was born literally with heart problems and severely underweight up to today when i'm blind in one eye have a speaking disability and have recently been told that i have a high chance of being diagnosed with epilepsy from a severe head injury i had four years ago i was referred to a specialist a few weeks ago but he didn't do anything so currently working my way through the medical system to get it properly looked at but i haven't shown any signs or symptoms until recently in the form of partial seizures which cause me to lose my balance become extremely dizzy feel very scared see flashing lights spasms in my leg and doesn't allow me to respond to events happening around me properly chapter 1 the meeting so this took place in work not long after i had been told there's a high chance i have epilepsy i had told one of my co-workers as a safeguard just in case but hadn't told any of the managers as i didn't want it to put my job in jeopardy and i didn't feel comfortable with them knowing at the time my coworker and i were working and she was checking up on me every hour or so to make sure i was all right and i was trying to stay in a good mood after about 2 30 p.m when the lunch rush had finished work had quietened down and we had a small stream of customers come in including our entitled mother who we'll name karen as per usual she came in with her husband and her two kids a boy and a girl who were lovely people as they enter i greet them and they go to order their food at the counter no biggie they get it and sit down and all is good chapter 2 the incident not long after they had sat down karen points at me from across the restaurant trying to flag me down and wave me over i comply and go over to attend to them asking what the problem is karen then goes on to say that she's missing several things from her order as she's doing this i get a feeling that something isn't right and a couple seconds later i realize that i'm about to have a seizure i tell her i'll sort out the issue and quickly walk into the back to make sure no one sees once i get to the back the symptoms kick in and i have as predicted i had a seizure it was about two to three minutes with a minute of recovery and giving myself time to readjust and get myself straight before walking back out to do my job as soon as i walk back out karen comes stomping up to me red-faced where the hell have you been where is our food etc etc with a few insults thrown in for good measure i apologize and tell her that i had some medical business to sort well it isn't more important than the customer she replied with that typical karen tone i of course was not in the mood to put up with this woman and take her receipt to the counter without saying a word and after looking at it i realized that all the food was handed to her and nothing was actually missing i walk back over and explain that nothing was missing but she cuts in karen first you skive for 10 minutes then you lie to a customer and now you tell me that i'm wrong worst customer service ever me i'm sorry ma'am but i told you that i had some medical problems to sort out urgently bearing in mind she's in front of her kids she says you're probably just a lazy little jerk that's too stupid for a real job at this point her husband cuts in him karen leave the man alone if he says he had something medical to sort then it's an urgent thing he then turned to me i'm so sorry may i ask as to what the medical problem was if it's not too much seeing the opportunity i reply i was having a seizure the husband then looks at me in surprise and karen's face has gone completely red he's lying if you did you'd be in an ambulance no ma'am there are different types of seizures and the ones i have last about three minutes and aren't as serious as a fit so i can get back to work straight after husband i'm very sorry to hear that i hope it gets better for you and i'm sorry for all the trouble caused me thank you sir enjoy your meal i then walked away karen being talked to by her husband who was pretty angry at her chapter 3 the aftermath about 20 minutes later they were getting up to leave making sure to clean up any mess that they had left which was nice and the husband came over to me while karen got the kids ready i'm very sorry about that she's like that sometimes i really hope things get better for you as again i'm sorry i told him that it's perfectly fine and he isn't the one who should be apologizing but trying to get a karen to say sorry is like trying to get blood from a stone they left with karen hanging her head in shame after what i can only imagine were some words from her husband i just hope that she learns her lesson and she treats more people with respect from now on thank you for reading thank you to everyone for your support i really didn't expect this amount of support from such a lovely and caring community next story too old to enjoy video games this makes me a pervert i guess so i recently went to walmart i don't generally go to walmart because i don't like the atmosphere but been stuck at home for a while and needed some social interaction and wanted to grab some stuff to work on the outside area just some plants and soil and whatnot while walking through walmart i decided i would look at the video game section i was looking at the nintendo section when i noticed that they have one new nintendo 2ds xl left not only as this last one it's the last nintendo console they have i was blown away recently i had been doing some door dash to earn some extra cash so i decided to splurge i grabbed a person and was asking about honoring the gamestop price walmart still offers the price match guarantee and gamestop had theirs 50 cheaper the person agrees and says he needs to go find someone with keys to open the case i stand there waiting and flipping through reddit for about 10 minutes or so when a woman the entitled parent her brat son and a walmart associate comes up i look up nod my head and look back at my phone out of the blue i hear the kid shout that one right there the shouting had startled me so i looked up to see the walmart associate getting ready to unlock the case i then stop him and say excuse me i have been here for about 10 minutes waiting for someone to unlock the case to grab that item keep in mind that the only item in the case is the nintendo ds entitled parent well sorry but we beat you to it better luck next time maybe you should grow up instead of wasting your time on stuff made for kids i kid you not these were her words no exaggeration i was immediately furious and it takes a lot to push me over the edge how could you talk to a total stranger like that i wasn't rude in the slightest just mentioned i had been waiting for someone already now i understand am i really such a jerk that i am going to deprive a kid maybe 10 years old of the only ds they have well yes merely because i had been waiting and she was rude about it me ma'am that was uncalled for there is no need to be rude i have been waiting for a walmart associate for almost 15 minutes to get this item and unless you have been waiting longer i'm going to stand firm that i have the right to it her that's total nonsense i have been here for almost an hour and been waiting for a walmart associate for almost that whole time to unlock the case walmart associate secretly my hero wait you just came up to me a few minutes ago if this guy has been waiting longer it's his discretion on what he wants to do i had asked someone before you duh not a joke she said duh where is the manager this is ridiculous i'm not going to tell my son who has wanted this for over a year that he can't get one because some pervert wants to play with kids toys i would like to reiterate that few will believe this but this story is true and there is very little to no exaggeration at all this woman really was this crazy brat mom tell him to get it tell him to get it at this point the kid keeps chanting this because the walmart associate has stopped until the manager arrives entitled parent wow you are really going to make a child cry over your selfishness you really are a piece of work you know that do you know how sad it is to let a child cry because you literally are taking the toy right out of his hand ma'am please calm down there is no need to be nasty the manager will come and we will see who inquired first this whole time i kept completely quiet the other walmart associate the first one i had asked to open the case comes up we will call him walmart associate 2. walmart associate 2 sorry that took so long i couldn't find a key is there a problem at this point the two walmart associates are discussing the situation i am texting the insanity of this to my wife and the kid is crying really loudly finally the manager arrives he goes and talks to walmart associates for a few minutes and the entitled parent answers her phone i know i'm taking too long some pervert is trying to take the last toy and the at walmart is actually trying to let a grown man take a toy away from a kid i know what a joke it's okay the manager is here walmart manager then signals for me to walk over away from the kid and mother so based on what i know of the situation you were here first now that means it's up to you what you wanna do i understand this lady has been very rude but i just wanted to talk with you for a second i am keen to keep things calm over here so what i can do for you is give you the original discount plus 20 additional off when the next round comes in if you are okay with waiting me i'll admit i'm not stoked about it but i appreciate your help walmart manager thank you this entire time the entitled parent went off the walmart associate claiming that this was by far the most insane thing she had ever seen walmart supports perverts like me and then calling the news and informing them that they let a pervert but all the kids toys right in front of the kid's eyes okay this gentleman has decided to wait for them to come back in stock if you want to take this one this is for real she really said are you kidding me this jerk kept me here for over 20 minutes it was more like 10 tops just to finally agree to let my son have it screw him i spoke with him and we came to an agreement on terms that worked best for everyone involved wait he was the person who caused all this nonsense and you offered him free stuff that's nonsense i was the one that was subject to sitting here while he played this stupid game what are you going to do for me for my time and letting this make my son so upset ma'am you are getting the item i am sorry that this took a second but i had to get all the information that doesn't answer my question you're letting this loser get all kinds of discounts for literally being a creep and a jerk and making my son cry but i get nothing but what i deserve in the first place god this is insane and walmart corporate will be hearing about this at this point i walked away and chuckled to myself a week later i got the call that they had another one in and went to pick up wow just wow update so a few of you have had some questions about missing details i didn't change my mind as a favor to the manager he was trying to work with me and i didn't want to disrespect him that lady i didn't care about much at all i understand that walmart doesn't offer the price match guarantee any longer i assumed that's why they had offered to price match it but truth does i asked them and they homered it plain and simple that is a minor insignificant part of the story so not sure why so many people are offended by this we exchanged information phone numbers when we had our conversation didn't really see it necessary to add to the story next story ant tries to take my computer parts and my cousins pull an insane power move that saves me my friend and i were laughing about this and he convinced me to post it here some context it was my birthday and my parents thought that i was old enough to build my own gaming computer i carefully picked parts and had them laid out on my desk my cousin was looking to upgrade her computer she's 13. my aunt has never shown behavior like this to us but now i'm sure her daughter has to suffer through it all the time anyways so my aunt and my cousin were visiting among a few other family friends for my birthday and my cousin and i were at my desk in my room talking about the parts and i was showing off all the stuff i had very meticulously placed on my desk we were in the middle of a conversation of how she wants to buy a new graphics card and some other components to make her build better when my aunt walks in entitled ant hey do you guys want anything to oh hey are these your new computer do hickeys too technical for me i'm sure me um yeah these are all the things that i picked out so what's this one oh that's the power supply it's kind of like a battery pack wow you kids are very smart to know all this stuff where's the screen oh the monitor hasn't arrived yet we just ordered it mom from the kitchen okay everyone dinner is ready and we're cutting cake afterwards i'm relieved to be pulled from the awkwardness and head to dinner but this is where the real trouble starts ant so i heard your kid was building a new computer how cool actually my kid is upgrading hers right cousin oh yeah i wanted to upgrade the graphics card dad interesting so what are you looking for nvidia or something else mine is pretty old so maybe something like an rtx card i noticed he has a 2060 super something like that would be cool ant oh wow so he already has the one you want sure mom but i don't well shipping times are slow because of covet so what if my baby could take your graphic cartridge and you could order another one your screen isn't even here and what can you even do without a screen you know when it arrives we'll pay you back for the cartridge too dad well see my kid really worked hard to pick out all the parts and there's no telling when other things will arrive well it's the easiest option just think about it later after dinner and cake we go back to start figuring out how to slap all the components together my aunt walks in and starts asking for the graphics cartridge she looks angry but i still keep rejecting all her tries to take it eventually my parents come in and try to get her to leave dad look sis if you want we'll order one for you your kid's birthday is also in another month and i wouldn't mind gifting her a new graphics card he looks pointedly at my cousin as long as it's not too expensive cousin thanks uncle i don't mind waiting i'm saving money though i could get it myself aunt no no no i'm your older sister i'm not leaving this house without that cartridge you were always such a miser you aren't even smart enough to see the sense in my argument baby come here which is it we'll grab it and leave come on then my mad lass of a cousin points at the box not for my graphics card and instead for the box of the old computer mouse that i was going to throw out my aunt angrily grabs it and storms out with my cousin in tow and gets in her car they live in another state and i'm sure that my cousin got hell from her mom the whole way when she found out that the graphics cartridge was a computer mouse we haven't heard from them for a day or two but i called my cousin on their house's landline phone and she said she didn't get chewed out but she doesn't know if a punishment will happen yet i'm afraid the money she's been saving will be taken away but if this blows up and if she calls back then i'll add an update update so since so many people were asking for updates i kept trying to contact my cousin and eventually she just came over again and we talked essentially what happened that day after she got home was that she put the box aside and talked to her dad about the whole thing my uncle is a super chill dude and totally understood the whole thing and came over with her apparently this isn't the first time my aunt has acted like this surprise surprise and they've been trying to talk to her for a while now about it she's really nice at home but if something doesn't go her way it becomes a whole problem so my cousin's mom never found out that she never actually took home the graphics card which is good she might have gone absolutely bonkers so in turn my cousin never got her saved up money taken away from her and now my dad and i are helping her pick stuff out to make her own pc i might put something up on r build apc but building a pc is a whole nother beast i got my monitor in the mail on friday and pretty much everything else i needed so i'll just wait for her to pick stuff up and we'll build it together this will definitely be the last thing i post about this whole situation because my parents have no idea that i've posted this on reddit and if her aunt somehow finds out then we are all dead meat i'm also saving up to get her 75 dollar steam credit or something higher so that she can get some games that she wants and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 19,076
Rating: 4.9216495 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: 7Bf3fF4i4qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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