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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story double i don't work here lady don't shop tired this happened about 12 years ago but the memory is still fresh it was an evening after a long day of work and my wife and i needed to buy a printer for some reason that's lost to me now we went to the closest place one might find such things best buy wear the store uniform is a blue polo shirt with the best buy logo on it as i said i had just come from work and was wearing the summer office casual attire of a short sleeve polo shirt if you guessed that polo shirt was blue you can probably see where this is going so we're strolling down an aisle looking at cheap home printers when i notice a man in blue approaching out of the corner of my eye the interaction goes like this man excuse me do you have fax machines me no i don't ok thanks anyway and walks away wife about 10 seconds later oh my god i think he thought you worked here and wanted help finding a fax machine what do you mean he works here and was just doing the salesman thing look he's wearing the uniform and that's when it clicked for me as i looked up and realized two things at once first he's just shopping himself as i see him comparing shelf tags for a couple of items and he's just wearing a regular blue shirt not a uniform second i'm also wearing a blue shirt that looks an awful lot like the store uniform thus mistaking me for an employee and that's how i got to be on both sides of an i don't work here lady encounter at the same time we did get the cheap printer we came for and i have tried to make it a point not to go shopping after being zombified by a long day in the office since next story but i'm the homeowner this just happened and i'm still a little confused bit of background i like most people in our neighborhood have been working from home since covid started we have a townhouse and there's another row of houses behind ours i wear blue t-shirts because i like blue and m on the spectrum and mostly because i like blue anyway i've had a bit of a work lull and have been stepping up my cleaning routine i spent a solid hour on my knees today scrubbing the kitchen grout that turned out to be light beige not dark brown who knew about an hour ago our doorbell rang i answered and found a random karen on my front steps without any introduction she started right in cast me karen my husband the she-devil's poor husband karen how much do you charge me pardon me she prolongs every word how much do you charge charge for what she gives a dramatic eye roll with an equally dramatic sigh and she says under her breath they let just about anyone in here unbelievable in an overly loud tone and extra slowly she says how much do you charge for your cleaning services at this point it dawned on me that she thought i was here cleaning this is a bit odd our front drapes were closed all day so the only way she would have seen me cleaning is if she was looking in our back second floor windows so yeah creepy i'm not a fan of people who are rude doesn't matter if you think they are beneath you there's no reason to be a jerk me oh i see i don't charge to clean my house do you think i should send my husband an invoice karen give me your husband's phone number clearly all need to negotiate with him oh no need he should be taking his lunch break soon let me go get him for you at this point i shut the door in her face the high today was 28 in windy so i can't imagine that she was comfortable standing out there but at least she has some time to cool off my husband was coming upstairs at this point and opened the door do you speak english husband yes do you not this is america we all speak english here your employee was very rude to me i want to hire your cleaning services but she will not be welcome in my home bring someone else i'll need a full house clean tomorrow morning and i will pay 80 if your stafford is a good job at this point karen stomped off clearly convinced she was getting her house cleaned i guess she told her husband because he came by about 20 minutes later and profusely apologized apparently this had been discussed already and she absolutely refused to believe that we lived there have for more than six months now he had told her to leave us alone but she was evidently determined her husband i told her you guys were the new neighbors she just refused to believe me she said you always wear blue uniform shirts and just couldn't be persuaded i'm so sorry for the interruption next story please fire me from this store i never worked at this story happened quite a few years ago probably around seven or eight background i a 29 year old female was in my early 20s in a very popular department store that bears a blue banner with yellow lettering in the middle of canadian winter so to set the image i had a very puffy winter jacket gloves and a toucon complete with winter boots that can withstand temperatures you wouldn't dream of i also had earbuds that had a very bright color wire very easy to see contrasted to my jacket i worked as a cashier in a very canadian donut shop during those years but i wasn't even wearing the uniform for that place i think i was wearing sweatpants or something along those lines the story i'm shopping around with my cart looking for a curtain rod for my room in the apartment i'd be sharing during my back to college time jamming to my music i see an older woman waving at me she's probably in her late 50s early 60s anyways i take one earbud out big mistake and ask if i can help her i always try to be nice if i can lady well i need to find item x me oh i'm sorry i have absolutely no idea where that would be i think you should ask one of the store employees you need to help me now and for the love of god remove those earbuds while working it's not polite at all me looking down at my outfit i'm sorry ma'am i don't work here you're lying i've been watching you i'm utterly confused i look at my cart there's deodorant a lamp a shirt and some other random crap in my purse i'm clearly not an employee at this point i'm done i put my earbud back in and continue my shopping i can hear her talk but can't make what she says as i walk away a few minutes later i turn into a new aisle and it so happens to switch songs in my ears i see the lady with a store employee wearing a nicer shirt clearly a manager all i hear is lady there she is i immediately yank my earbuds out i need to hear this lady she's refused to help me and ignored my requests and look she even listens to music while on shift you need to fire her the manager looked at me and i could see in his face his soul had just left for a better place manager ma'am she's not employed here i've never seen her in my life before that's all i wanted to hear i just left afterwards didn't see it pan out poor guy must have had an earful i don't understand how this woman could have confused me for an employee i was geared to brave a blizzard next story where's the air conditioners this happened last week at my local walmart cast as me off the clock employee and random redneck recently my roommate picked up the wrong brand of cat treats when she did the grocery shopping she was trying to save a few bucks but unfortunately i have a picky cat who won't eat the brand roommate picked up i tried to return them to walmart and they told me it wouldn't be accepted due to the current pandemic so i was already in a mood but no big deal i still had to buy the right cat treats as i was on my way to the pet supplies section of the store i saw an employee walking in the opposite direction towards the front door she is staring at the floor not making eye contact and talking on her phone i am a manager at a clothing store and this behavior says to me this employee is not on the clock right now either on a break or going home for the day do not interact apparently not everyone gets this memo that this body language implies enter random redneck who is standing dumbfounded in the aisle and he yells where's the air conditioners at the back of this poor employee's head the employee ignores him and keeps walking away towards the exit doors but this interaction has caught my attention because i hate being spoken to that way when i'm on the clock do not bark orders at me as i am walking away from you unfortunately when i am at work i can't react to it but i don't work for walmart so i stop in my tracks for a second to watch listen employee is still walking away and random redneck starts following her screaming again hey where's the air conditioners at this point i am feeling uncomfortable because he has started puffing up his chest and physically started following her so i yell at him back to say dude she's on a break this guy then turns on me to shout his request again where's the air conditioners i say i don't know because i don't work here and she's off the clock in case you couldn't tell since she's on her phone and walking away from you redneck screams i don't care if she's on her phone mind your business as i am walking away and flipping him the bird needless to say i got my cat treats and booked it out of there but i mentioned to the greeter that there was a belligerent jerk screaming at employees and customers over on the other side of the store i don't know if management would care but i didn't want to take chances to be honest it felt amazing to be able to stand up for myself and an employee in a retail store when i normally have to keep my composure and not say a damn thing next story old classmate of mine mistook me for a bookstore worker so in the same town as my university there's an awesome little bookstore that's great for historical research particularly american history because they have an incredible library of primary sources that they let you scan for like 10 bucks a pop along with a bunch of old books that would have been ridiculously expensive at any retailer but are comparably cheap there so to set the scene i'm looking through different books and putting them back where i found them so i can ascertain which ones would be best for me to buy i'm dressed in a cardigan and dress shirt because i had a date that evening which will be important later anyway they're me big guy and the manager the big guy walks up next to me while i'm looking through the books to see which ones i want to buy and just stands there until i notice this guy was ripped he probably could have supplexed me if he had wanted to so i was pretty nervous i take my airpod out and say i'm sorry do i know you he seemed familiar though i didn't know why yet big guy i need help finding research materials for my essay on british mercantilism i was doing my essay on the same topic so i said talk to the guy in the back there are a few documents he can help you find thinking i was done with this interaction i put my airpod back in and continued looking through books he taps my shoulder i really hate being touched especially by strangers so i say somewhat raising my voice don't touch me before taking out my airpod again he looks angry and says i already have my primary sources i need help finding books then talk to the guy in the back he stormed off as i put my airpod back in so i could look for my sources in peace i could hear his voice over my music so he must have been talking loud he came back with the manager in tow the manager looks confused manager what's wrong sir him your employee was giving me lip that's when it clicked for me the workers there were all dressed very nicely i happened to be wearing what looked like a store uniform manager he doesn't work here sir the look on the guy's face was priceless i left with my books and went home to start writing my essay next week i saw him coming into class i already seated at my desk smiled and waved at the guy he looked embarrassed and avoided me for the rest of the semester oh and i know it's not relevant to the story but i got a 96 on the essay next story i do work here lady black friday this is actually an experience my grandma shared with me she is 62 and works at an outlet store that's fairly popular in our area they can wear whatever business casual attire they like there and don't put on their name tags until they clock in she had to open on black friday they had a crowd waiting at the door she tried to politely make her way inside and someone said hey there's a line for a reason lady wait your turn there was no line just a crowd milling around the door grandma said sorry i actually work here i'm going to go open up real quick and i'll see you inside as she pulled out her keys apparently this received a sigh i rolls and zero cooperation after repeating excuse me i work here excuse me with her keys out as she wove her way to the door someone else literally leaned against the door blocking it until she reached around them and put the key in the lock finally she gets the door open and as she's trying to get in they all start trying to push in past her the lights are still off inside at this point she has to shout excuse me we open in half an hour you'll need to wait and manages to get the door closed and locked behind her no one apologized after seeing her inside working later or acknowledged their mistake edit i should mention it was generally people about the same age as her and only about a dozen she was in no real danger also it's an outlet for a network created for shopping at home that uses an acronym for its name next story armed guard mistaken for store employee lady gets arrested now to the story so i work as an armed guard for armed truck service for those of you who don't know we are responsible for picking up money and checks from other businesses i.e banks stores restaurants etc as part of my job as handling large amounts of cash i carry a sidearm or handgun for those not into guns in order to protect myself and the money where i live you have to have what's called a concealed carry permit to have such a firearm outside of work hours which i have so i am on my way home and have to stop at the store to pick up dinner for myself the store i go to has employees that wear a blue polo and tan pants my uniform is black pants and red polo with the company name on it and as i had just got off work i still have my name badge on inside arm in its holster on my hip cue crazy lady i'm browsing the freezer aisle and she stops me and starts to ask where product z is she stops dead in her tracks as she sees my gun in its holster stops talking and fast walks out of the aisle i just assume she realized i don't work there and left to find someone who does i go about my business and proceed up to the cashier line as i'm waiting to get up to check out there comes a swarm of about eight police officers they come straight to me with crazy lady behind shouting that's him that's the guy with the gun they point their guns at me and order my hands up i drop what i have and comply i state that i work for company z and that i have a permit for my weapon they lower and holster their guns after the commotion and apologizes for the confusion but said they got a call about a guy walking around the store waving a gun around i say i'm sorry but since i have been here my gun has been holstered never left the holster they turn to the lady and ask if it's true that i never took my gun out of the holster she yells that i'm lying and that i can't have a gun in the store anyway they of course go and check the security footage and see that i did nothing wrong and let me go on about my business and apologize again for the misunderstanding they then turn around and handcuff the lady who called and told her she is being arrested for misusing the 9-1-1 system and inciting panic not sure this entirely belongs here and i am open to comments for clarity i am white male but look hispanic due to the dark skin tone i have year round and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 82,899
Rating: 4.8779049 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: jOxZoYcJdDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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