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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story i don't work at the furniture store karen so i was out today with my boyfriend and two of our friends to go mattress furniture hunting we had already been to a couple of stores already and i started to need to relieve myself the employees of the store we went to were wearing business casual clothes i was wearing a sweatshirt from my college and some black joggers i asked a lady at the front desk where the restrooms were and she told me they had one behind two black swinging doors in the back warehouse type area when i was finished i went back to the floor area to find my boyfriend when i heard karen excuse me me looking at the source of the noise confusedly yes you i have been here 20 minutes already and none of you have offered to help me yet every other store i have been to the employees have greeted me at the door and asked me if they could help me well i am sure if you were to ask an employee one would be happy to help you well i am not supposed to have to ask for help you are supposed to offer it whether i need it or not i finally gave up on waiting so i am now asking you to help me so you better do your job before i get you fired and give this place a bad rating ma'am i don't work here i would recommend going to ask an actual employee for help i know you work here why else would you be coming from those back doors at this time i noticed my boyfriend was starting to walk towards me me yeah there is a restroom back there i'm here to look at furniture just like you boyfriend hey are you ready to leave friend one and friend two went back karen rudely cutting him off i want this girl fired she refused to help me and tried to pretend she doesn't work here first of all you are not going to talk to either of us like that secondly you have to be really dumb to not be able to tell that she doesn't work here i suggest you leave us alone before we get the manager he has a pretty stern sounding voice and her job basically hit the floor i think she got the hint after that and probably went to go bother someone else we left the store and he had to listen to me rant about how much a stupid witch she was being over dinner as well next story um dude no i don't work for you or how i was almost conscripted into working for a big box store with a fascination with the color blue let me preface this with my actual feel i work in i.t have all my life now this happened about six years ago i've told it to friends and i've had several arguments over it but i once after getting off work went into a store whose name rhymes with small tart and was confronted by an angry manager we'll call him sam from now on i went one afternoon with a short list of higher ticket items a laptop a drill and about two dozen cables of various description my cart loaded with drill and cables i approach the electronic service desk and request my laptop when i was very rudely spun forcefully about by sam who scowled menacingly at me and said son why are you out on the floor out of uniform get back to the break room change and be ready in five minutes me with my brain still spinning in my head took about six seconds to reply i'm sorry what get back to work he screamed forcefully while moving his face into my space so far i was forced to lean back onto the electronics counter and i replied with sir i don't work for you i'm an admin for a completely unrelated company this set sam off who boy did this set sam off sam grabbed me and literally frog marched me back into the employees area to the lockers and shouted in my ear which one is yours and before i could answer he said never mind i'll find out myself and snatched my wallet out of my pocket sat me down and went off to the office too well i assume he was going to look up my name i sat scared and confused in the break locker room for what felt like an eternity eventually a security guard came and sat by me and started her usual what did you steal i replied nothing miss the manager sam believes i work here he stormed me back here sat me down and ran off with my wallet miss security didn't believe me stating the obvious that's ridiculous sam knows everyone who works here you're obviously a thief if you're back here sweating bullets about three nanoseconds later sam screams in frustration and miss security hops up telling me to stay put and runs over towards the office sam can clearly be heard this stupid machine it's broken again irk sam and security come back at the door security asks sam so what did this guy try to take sam turns to her with a look that like he wanted to yell at her are you daft woman and blurts out time security shakes her head looks at me looks at sam and back at me with a wait you're not joking me are you dude look and immediately tells sam i don't think he works here boss this upsets sam moore who is now turning beat red and screams i'll get to the bottom of this and you sam points a shaky bony finger at me i'll make sure you never work in retail again now that i've had a moment to process the absurdity of all this i say fine sam stares daggers before huffing and stomping off to his office again security sat with me again and shook her head holy sam's off the deep end maybe you should just leave i'll escort you out now at this point i'd have happily taken this offer and hightailed it for the hills however i had just been robbed of my wallet and i told security as much i've never actually seen someone's eye twitch shut in real life before hers was he took your wallet i nodded my affirmation and before she could say anything else sam walked out smug and as crotchety as ever now i just called the district manager you will be fired and you'll never work here again you hear me i opened my mouth but security spoke first sam he doesn't work here you're about to get fired sam's ire was now fully focused on security now listen here i'm writing you up too because you're supposed to be out on the floor making sure people aren't robbing my store blind not socializing with ex-employees security shut up and we sat for another eternity until the district manager showed up the district manager walks in finally okay sam what's this about an employee not doing their job and saying they don't work here why are you wasting my time sam explains with a huge smile while he also mentions he wants me blacklisted the district manager comes and sits by me and opens a laptop okay man give me your wallet i reply i can't sir why's that sam took my wallet and hasn't given it back all right hold on he says and stands up taking sam back to the manager's office then me and security heard the district manager explode you what sam had put my wallet in the ledger safe that was on a six-hour timer a few other employees scrambled into the room like birds fleeing to a tree from a hungry cat and we got an ear full of the dress down the district manager was giving sam you you're done you're fired sam i have to call corporate and get an override on this safe that's a customer sam you kidnapped a customer and stole his wallet i can't fathom what year no don't open your mouth pack up you're out now five minutes later and many loud i know s and yes that's right s at his own boss the district manager returns with my wallet and apologizes to me asking me if there's anything he can do to make this right i told him my order and he got the picture i walked out of that walmart with a free laptop and cables i had to pay for the drill because they're sold on commission and the district manager couldn't comp me that item to this day i only hope sam didn't die alone and broke i really felt bad but he dug his own hole next story don't stand up if you don't work here context i work with vulnerable adults assisting them with daily life including at medical appointments the vulnerable adults employ me directly in this case an elderly man with a variety of disabilities as well as dementia cast elderly man chris me the assistant scooter lady cora a woman who i know to chat to as she attends a lot of the same clinics as chris there's also the nurse the phlebotomist and lastly an angry man note the names are fake i'm taking chris to an outpatients clinic for blood tests due to kovid most people are on their own but he can't attend without support i'm wearing a black sweater with a nerdy slogan on it in navy jeans i'm a plump middle-aged woman all the nursing staff are wearing light-colored scrubs everyone is in masks except for chris and scooter lady cora because of their conditions chris and i are directed to our third waiting room of the day and there are no chairs next to a space for his wheelchair due to his difficulties i positioned him so that i stood across from him and he could see me we manage some conversation and then he wants to read something on his phone so i set that up for him then cora arrives and parks her scooter next to me and strikes up a conversation for a bit that eventually lapses into silence as we all wait for names to be called into one of the two clinics leading off the waiting area nurse emma fake name emma fake name woman gets up and heads to her ah this way love cora what name did she say me emma fake name oh not me then i hate waiting i know how you feel nurse peter pseudonym peter's pseudonym no one moves chris's phone rings and he starts talking on it i strain to listen in case it's something i need to help with it's not it's a family member i relax nurse peter pseudonym cora i hate it when people don't turn up for their appointments don't you me i usually worry they're stuck in the car park oh yes parking here is terrible long ramble about the terrible parking nurse peter pseudonym peter pseudonym sighs loudly and goes back into the clinic cora kept rambling about car parking an angry man gets up and storms towards me did you call my name what uh no i'm talking with this lady well shouldn't you be doing your job me automatically glances to chris because he mentioned my job i am doing my job the angry man starts to shout bloody well look at me when i'm bloody talking to you spoiled child did you call my name me beginning to understand he thinks i'm a nurse no but the nurse called peter pseudonym last so you did call my name you bloody jerk i'm not a nurse look i think at this point he takes his mask off and starts seriously advancing on me my reaction is to glance at chris who is looking scared i am now effectively pinned between cora's scooter the wall and the man the angry man interrupts me dear job which me okay so the nurse went that way when she called for you and you're just going to stand there and do nothing all about this i really have to be here could you go and find a the phlebotomist emerges from the clinic and says what's happening why are you shouting the angry man this brat called my name and now she won't move i don't know where to go the phlebotomist sees the mask in the man's hand are you able to wear a mask sir me excuse me chris is now distressed and so i push past the angry man to get to him did you see that this brat assaulted me phlebotomist i really need you to put on your mask sir i was calming chris and explaining that the man just mistook me for a nurse the angry man hearing the conversation well if you're not a nurse you shouldn't have stood up then phlebotomist could you put your mask on please nurse emerges from clinic why don't you have your mask on because the staff here gestures at me don't understand a simple question cora in a sweet tone the dumb patients don't understand whose staff here and who's not the angry man gawks at her the nurse come with me leads him away phlebotomist i need to go sanitize there'll be a short delay heads off cora i hate long waits chris me too i go back to standing by the wall and hand sanitizing for all i'm worth next story i live here i bought a house back in august i was out raking some leaves in an old construction t-shirt bright orange with the company logo etc i have a ton of them so i wear them around the house a woman in an suv pulls into my yard i go over to see what she wants her do you know if this house is still for sale me no ma'am it's been sold her do you know who bought it me i do i bought it she looked surprised i guess she thought i was some construction crew next story i don't work here but i know the answers a couple towns away from my current residence while running errands i came across this massive joanne fabrics it was very conveniently located right next to the store i was needing to pick something up from so being the crafty nerd that i am i couldn't resist venturing inside this behemoth of a hobby house i wandered a bit aimlessly dazed by all the ooh shiny moments i was having when i found myself in front of a clearance section in the back as i admired how even their clearance section was delightfully organized i saw someone approach me from an adjacent aisle out of the corner of my eye excuse me but do you have any idea how to find the price on this there are so many stickers but none of them have the price i turned to find a woman in her 50s with graying blonde bobbed hair staring at me plaintively clutching a large box of glass mason jars to her chest her tone of voice suggested that she didn't actually think i worked there but it was obvious her confused frustration had her vocally reaching out to the nearest person in the vicinity she might have just been looking for someone to commiserate with her about the confusing number of barcodes this single box had been slathered with but she lucked out i had worked for several years at a big box craft store in days of yore and had the answers she needed i recognized those tricksy shipping barcodes bane of all new retail employees just trying to find the right barcode to scan i pointed out the small one on the bottom corner of the box printed on the cardboard beneath the plastic wrap well that's the one they'll need to scan but the unspoken words of there's no price near it hung in the air as she turned to where she had found the box i noted that all of the pricing stickers usually placed on the shelves beneath various items had been removed so there was genuinely no hint as to the possible cost of any of the items on that aisle but then i remembered a price scanner i had seen a couple aisles away next to the ribbon i literally had the thought a price scanner neat as it flashed red in my eyes from being placed rather oddly high on a pole i conveyed as much to the woman about there being a price scanner nearby not that it so scandalously flashed me and proceeded to hunt down the ribbon aisle while she followed me i gave myself a mental high five for remembering the location correctly and showed her how to use the scanner 15.99 she looked crestfallen that's a bit much i guess i'll go put this back as she turned to leave i pulled out my phone do you have their app they might have a good coupon going on not sponsored i swear she stopped acknowledged my comment with a hopeful tone and began trying to dig her phone out of her pocket while i pulled up the app i scrolled through the coupons and found a lovely little 50 off coupon i showed her my phone screen i watched as mental calculations occurred and then her face became bright with happiness i'm going to go get a bigger box thank you so much she enthusiastically called over her shoulder as she hurried back to the bulk jar section i might have been a little bit ridiculous after that strolling out of there like i was king thinking i made them a sale and i don't even work here they should just hire me now i do really well here i know most of the oh snap is that 60 off and that was my rather undramatic i don't work here lady experience might be a bit boring but it made me really freaking happy to make some else happy and you guys don't seem to get much of that on this sub the like all party satisfied type of thing i mean and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 18,897
Rating: 4.95087 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: aOrdI5JQfAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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