Kamp Kenan Tour at Blake's Ranch!

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oh my gosh Blake this is another level bro Jesus  they're huge man we were just hanging out with   capybara at Wild Florida but look at the size of  this one's kookaburra no way that's a full-grown   deer that's Willie and his best friends of goose  get out of here oh that's beautiful shell dude I   I'm just I'll tell you what man like I keep a lot  of animals yeah and I get overwhelmed so who's   helping you with all this realistically  it's just me it's a dinosaur eventually I can't believe this so you have to  have a permit for those right I'm   like the last person in Florida the  highest apartment no she's like wow   great job whoa that's awesome man very rare  nobody really nobody really worked with them [Music] I don't know what the hell's taking me so long  man everybody you know we live within about an   hour and a half yeah and uh it's blank everybody  from Blake's exotic animal Ranch and we're gonna   get a tour of his facility I've never been here  so I figured let's all I ever do exactly exactly   I met him he was a young lad and I think you got  a couple of tortoises off me years ago little guys   a long time ago that was funny how old are you now  25. oh wow that's insane became a dad recently how   how old your little one almost four months old  now no way dear little dude that's awesome bro   so he's got the craziest animal of all now yeah  you've got a little kid yeah congratulations dude   thank you thank you what do we got so this is  one of my second Aquascape ecosystems there's   a bunch of cichlids and mixed fish in here  okay then we have a pair of capybara a male   and a female oh Jesus they're huge man we just  did we were just hanging out with capybara at   Wild Florida but look at the size of this one  see if you could sneak on adult male about four   years old and the female's about four years  old as well wow that's awesome bro how'd you   get these guys I got it from another breeder  in North Florida and they were real oh mother   Ray so that's why they're a little skittish okay  and that's the best for them to be breeding when   the real real dog tame they're really not the  best breeders okay it stays away he does his   thing keeps his face and he's good that's really  cool and they run this whole area yeah you'll see   they walk on this whole area that's really  cool man this whole area is six foot fenced when you have a baby in your hand they start  barking at you differently they get a little   spooky oh yeah oh boy yeah giant rat that's  exactly a Johnny guinea pig that's nuts man   and this is my order enclosure they're actually  at the vet right now they'll be home in about   15-20 minutes uh maybe we'll get to see those but  yeah more importantly I love the window man that's   something that I I don't get jealous often this is  epic but the window makes me jealous because guys   can you imagine having one of the my fly River  Turtles swimming around oh yeah you could view   it from the top or you can get down and see yeah  for you it'd be a pawn so it'll be better so you   don't have to have the whole cage oh man I have  that for the auditor I would love that this is   amazing and then again uh the Aquascape guys are  just incredible I mean look at all these beautiful   Stones man yeah you went to Alabama together  yeah we picked out the big giant rocks that's   incredible yeah I always use the um Native cap  rock well I did that one limestone and then my   Aviary ponds Limestone I was like let me switch  it up yeah that's so cool and that's not cheap   dude let me tell you and then the biggest cost  is shipping everything down here so this is my   like feed room okay so I have my refrigerators  in there and I have my uh my prep room in there   kookaburra yeah and then the Autos get  locked out in there as well I can show   you what do you mean the Otters come in  every night yeah they come in every single   night that's pretty cool so there's like tinty  smell inside of here because that's what the   otter smell like yep but they sleep inside  here tonight that's amazing they go in here   they have the AC and then the refrigerator and  freezer what species of OtterBox Asian order that's awesome now others are gnarly though aren't  they though don't bite the heck out of you yeah   they're they're spicy yeah my male Oliver have  had them for three years I've had them for three   years now and I bottle raised them I got one of  the week old so he's real calm with me anybody   else so how'd you get into animals man like my  Dad what's up like my dad got me a tortoise a   parrot a dog and fish and I just did everything  10 times bigger okay so that's awesome yeah and   you guys live out in this really cool area near  Fort Lauderdale correct but it's it's like you   guys yeah and the locks but this is the ranches  exactly we just kind of outskirts there's Jupiter   and Jupiter Farms and that's where you get to have  your horses cows chickens all that fun stuff what   are you looking at here is it called munjack there  where are they from they're from Asia okay there's   a female right here shoot the ball to raise heels  bottle raised but you don't want the males to be   too close to you because then they become spicy  as well and they'll beat you up so that'll keep   their space and it's a lot better in the girls is  this full grown adults they're three years old get   out of here no way that's a full-grown deer one  of the smallest species there they're real neat   because they honestly call them they bark this was  really cool and then they actually uh fangs on the   side of the mouth the male gets you can see them  a little bit better oh no way I've heard of that   action and Uh something's going viral right now  with their eyes their glands open up and close   open up that's the same species no way that's so  good I have like a million people sending them oh   you should get these deer I'm like yeah I've had  them forever now that's so funny see that but he   says he stays his distance yeah and this is going  to be an Avery as well that's why I have the poles   in the middle so I'll close it all up and put  a free flying birds in here that's really cool   man now one of the things we got to talk about I  want to find out about how you get that netting   because I know that stuff in the butt yeah how do  you do that I'm gonna do the neck stuff like this   I'll explain everything why later that's uh my  pig Willie it's a Galapagos tortoise yeah that's   Willie and his best friends of goose get out of  here he's spicy though so don't get too close   don't get too close to him Matt but uh spicy is  the word of the day here yeah I always say that   word uh look at him pot belly pig about 11 year  12 years old and it's a pig uh Pig Goose from   Australia I got her mate and it didn't go well  she killed him and she's best friends with him   yeah I had a girlfriend like that too luckily  I survived now I have a beautiful nice wife   there you go that's it yeah awesome where'd you  get this is it Jason he donated to me yeah oh   that's beautiful shell dude yeah Jesus that's  a beautiful show oh she's like I say it's a   she I would say about four and a half years  old now yeah beautiful job man just gets to   live out here she's eating grass walking all  over I just actually released her I had her in   a smaller pen with just Mulch and I was like  you know what it's time to let her out time   to grow I was just scared with the Aquascape  but she's been good with it that's pretty cool   yeah what would he flattening why do you  say that because we got we got Sam here yeah yeah I got it so you'd be amazed how much  I'll dumb up he don't I hope I hope it's a male   I'd rather have one pet male and be happy yeah  that's cool beautiful though so these are just   some cherry heads inside of here gotcha I have  a four Mountain tortoises that live inside here   blacks or brown blacks cool I have one Speck  and one American alligator that live inside here   oh cool somewhere in here there's a thing you  can see the Speck's tail in the far left corner   you know how they are they can be a little  spicy yeah and a little American alligator   this is actually the concrete pond liner from  Aquascape oh that's good stuff yeah yeah that's   cool man Phantoms chickens I got all different  types of chickens and stuff hermanai yeah   um Herman's tortoise kookaburra kookaburra  yeah I'm just I'll tell you what man like I   keep a lot of animals yeah and I get overwhelmed  so who's helping you with all this realistically   it's just me shoot you don't leave no I leave  I do leave yeah I leave probably once a month   and go somewhere like I'm going to Columbia this  year oh cool go to the Jungle this whole area is   my baby tortoise area every time he goes to  the Jungle he he goes somewhere he buys the   tortoises in the market yeah and I go let them  back up that's awesome man big group of red foot   tortoises yellow tortoises elongated tortoises and  then we're going through here I'll show you all   the different things and more like the rare stuff  inside there this was my original uh Chicken Coop   then I had almost only just Turtles and tortoises  then I had um I still have uh Ronald Lemmy's insta   and then I have spotted like wood Turtles on there  they have two different types of wood Turtles   right and then these guys are you know what type  of species these are you actually been to their   country yeah that's a castle where they are how  the hell do you have cassowaries I'm looking at   them that's not an emu dude that's a cassowary  yeah that's a spicy animal when they come adults   yeah that's the reason why I need so much fruit  because these guys eat two buckets of fruit every   single day you have casseroids it's basically like  having a velociraptor in your backyard they're   unrelated pair yeah they'll if I mean that's you  do not want to get kicked by a castle worse yeah   they're going to be no contact in them about two  years two years wow they're good right now I've   had them since they're smaller than this top  of metal we um we're at St Augustine Animal   Farm uh alligator farm and they have a beautiful  cassowary there and it's they made the pond there   I know everyone did it yeah yeah that's nuts wow  Blake you really are you love all kinds of all the   parrots and then I have cows I have goats I have  donkeys I have the other species of Rhode Island no way yeah that's pretty cool man oh look at  this guys we're walking into an Aviary and this   is awesome double door entry look at these what  is this is insane yeah this is one of my favorite   enclosures so you get greeted every single time  you come in here we buy these guys who are these   These are called gray ring trumpeters Poncho and  Pinky where are they from Peru these are Peruvian   no way they're omnivores they live on the bottom  of the Jungle and every night they sleep up high   they're really yeah they ate a lot of fruits as  well and anything small they go overpower and   then right next to them are called rurals they're  from Asia but they're all best friends no way the   male's the one with the Mohawk the female's  the one in all green dudes are always looking   way better the males have everything's full grown  here yeah and it's really cool about these little   guys is the male will make a nest Trapper inside  of it and she'll stay there until she incubates   him and then he'll let her out it's crazy that  is crazy beautiful yeah everybody loves them   everybody loves his Birds they're really really  curious yep they sleep all the way on the top   of the Aviator every single night look at this  man it's like you can have monkeys in here you   can have all kinds this is like yeah I I always  joke guys I always joke about putting a dome over   Camp Cannon man I would love to enclose my whole  backyard look at this Aquascape ecosystem so this   is the Wetland obviously I don't know about that  yep that's really cool so this is the Wetland up   here and then down here is the main Pond oh my  gosh Blake this is another level bro yeah this   thing's awesome everybody loves it this is like  the song everything's coexisting in here so I   have all different types of waterfowl so that's  the Ducks then I have the floor dwelling Birds I   have canopy birds and then on top of that I have  uh different types of turtles in here so I have   black wood turtles in here I have Hillary side  neck turtles in here cool and I have a fuel Banner   radio sliders yeah that is really awesome man I  just released these guys in right now I don't know   how to say the name though exactly but I saw them  Peru and I had him in quarantine for a few a while   at my buddy's place and I just got them they're  like yellow oh they're up in the papaya yeah right   there and there's another there in the corners  beautiful the trio of them and they actually make   a big big weaving Nest over the top of the water  I've seen them improve multiple times I was like I   need to get those birds these are awesome man how  I mean tons of fish this is a lot of work people   yeah this is my most busy enclosure because I  always have there you go Sam you got a chair that's a perfect spot for you we'll let Sam  hang out with the birds but this is beautiful   they did an amazing job on this so This actually  has no liner and it's only fabric really because   there's a swamp right next door to me and every  single time we're digging we're just getting too   much mud so we decided just to make a liner and  the water table will this water table raise and   fall during it it's actually really high right now  because I filled it up and it rained like two days   ago a lot awesome but it'll drop down really low  and you've got cichlids in here I see somebody   to make stuff just mixed up why don't you make  stuff in here wild man yeah this is and that's the   intake correct okay so then it runs back up it's  like a river system yeah originally it's supposed   to be for the Cappy Bears okay but then I decided  that the capybers will destroy this whole place   and make it look disgusting yeah so I was like  you know what it's gonna be a lot better to be   an Aviary yeah it turned out to be better no this  this is I mean I can't even and I said these guys   just follow us everywhere this is amazing like  I I've just never had this experience with birds   like this I don't know much about birds and the  fact that these animals yeah and they're smarter   it's just weird it's a dinosaur essentially it's  like a reptile too they're just real smart and so   Furious yeah I love them man I get more and more  intrigued by them you know the more a lot of work   because you know they need fresh fruit every  single day 24 said like 365 days a year don't   matter when it's cold you have to feed them even  earlier oh so there's a lot of you know do you   have to pull some of these animals out or they can  handle them every I didn't touch anything here in   the cold wow everything was fine well what was the  coldest you experienced here it was probably right   in its 39 40s yeah almost half my cichlids went  that's see that's now I have heaters right here   that I just plugged into the spot that helps  what type of heaters are these I don't know I   found them off Amazon some de-ice heater okay yeah  yeah I don't think I really like them that much no   it's you know what I was wondering because this  is why it's good for us to get together because I   I am a little colder than you but you know I have  these uh my friends at Angel's Hatchery yeah have   these stock tub heaters as well and I think if  you take us get one of the Aquascape power heads   okay you know those stages of water yeah just  have the if you could put the heaters in like   a tube okay and then run water through that tube  those feeders it'll cycle the water better because   what I'm finding happening is the heat just stays  around the heater and it's not going all over so   that's that's a problem or even throw them in the  vaults yeah you know they can push it up maybe   who knows yeah I don't know how much it would do  um is this a mangrove no Pond Apple it's a pond   Apple Pond Apple pineapple Pond Apple there's a  bunch of great native man most of trees in here   are fruit trees too Japanese blueberry tree fig  tree papaya tree guava tree native Florida trees   yeah that's nice yeah I was gonna get you one  I was actually trying to get one from next door   let me do whatever I want how cool is this place  that's actually true right now you're seeing me   kind of see it for the first time ever and so I  have a lot of questions for example all right so   how difficult was it to hang this network I'll be  quiet over there hold on my dumb mistake I put up   every single one of the outside poles first right  before we did this pond because I knew that's what   I had to do I brought up the dirt a little bit  higher so that it because it's my area my yard   floods a little bit okay so I had to bring up the  dirt a little bit so that the pond was higher up   so none of my fish could leave and you know go  into the ecosystem everything stays here locked in   Pond is done no plants are in it just dirt area  and just the pond then I was like I brought   one of my buddies I was like all right let's  start putting the net up I forgot my main post   so I had to bring the main pose and dig it out  by hand right there in that spot all it because   I had all these augered in oh and I had it all  augered in and filled them with a concrete truck   with concrete and everything and that would have  to do by hand look at the duck coming out of the   nest right now that's beautiful look at this  yeah but how you needed a machine to lift that   yeah so we had a big bobcat threw it up put it in  place filled the whole thing with concrete let it   sit and that's it there you go now do you have  the Stony ground here when you're digging this   section no front section yes okay so we're  like the First Pawn is they couldn't go no   deeper than like four yeah down further south in  Florida you hit uh the hard pan and and the cap   Rock it's so hard to dig man this is a massive  feat I Gotta Give massive props to uh Blake for   doing this because that is no joke man this is a  lot of work I mean I'm it's rare that I'm in awe   like I know the amount of work that this took uh  and just to upkeep it two a year and a half now   of the trees the trees are really looking good  like so like that's true over there in the far   right yeah just touching the net I don't like  any of the trees touching the net okay because   then Predators this is a soft build bird net as  in no parrots that go inside of here don't bite   through bite through it yeah so everything there's  a soft soft Bill okay so they won't buy threads so   like squirrels and rats can so I have to make  sure I have traps around and catch them all   day long and God you know with animals you have  rats yeah Birds you have three times more yep   they love that seat this is crazy man did you  ever think about putting tortoises in here too   or I did but I haven't because I'm nervous  that they might fall in and I might just let   my yellow foots go in here because I perp I still  haven't produced them yet I've had them like nine   years yeah so they're just there yeah so maybe  I'll just let them go in here I gotta be honest   um I've had my red foots there near my ponds  I've had yellow foots near the ponds I've never   had issues it looks like these animals can like  Wade in and then come back out well with these   and the yellow foots are from in Peru the Amazons  and everything floods so they have to figure it   out something wow this is mental dude holy smoke  that's and like that's like my hobby now what's   that pigeons racing pigeons I bought a bunch of  racing videos I think you're more add than I am they're all the nest boxers are filled right now  these birds are beautiful yeah look at this bird   what's this bird yeah we didn't see that one yet  that's called a white crested Toronto Africa holy   smoke so all these oh there's one is that the same  yeah guys they're male and a female look look at   that look at how mental that is bro yeah those  are ring kills Matt is this insane from Bolivia I can't believe this I love this Pond  yeah I love this all the logs are real   logs I brought in my buddies a big tree  company guy they brought in the oak trees   for me awesome yeah yeah those are good  and a lot of these trees now come with   like this this thing yeah yeah and then this  weird looking tree thing there a little Fern   looking I have those too I don't know what  they are they're beautiful yeah they showed   up in slinky's enclosure because you were at my  house when we were building this place yeah yeah   um and the older these ecosystems get the better  they look yeah I love all this I love when the   Rocks you know the burns the crow out of it  it's cool so that's like a lockout cage right   there okay whenever I get new species of birds I  keep them in there for about a week or two they   learn to eat and go inside of there and always  know that's a safety zone okay so those yellow   birds I just actually released them from there  they left no problem they go in the whole Aviary   but they every day they go back inside of there  eat their fruits and everything of that sort and   they can leave whenever they want so that cage  like if there's a hurricane or anything everybody   knows to go in there three or four days before  lock them up catch them all because trying to   capture an area so everyone's trains go in there  eat inside in there that's actually you answered a   question I had in my head like how do you prepare  for a hurricane with these birds but mulberry   trees strawberry trees all different types of  stuff inside here dude this place is awesome   man I gotta re-mulch the whole thing I'm actually  gonna remote to next week soon wow dude like I I   get sometimes I get a little over clamped it's an  old Yiddish word let's go I'm gonna go grab these   otters regret let's go to the audience let's do  it but but I I just know how much work is on this   dude's plate so this is nothing wait until you  go inside here how many turtles and torches oh   my god let's see the Otters though yeah let's grab  the Otters this is a super sized video man now you   guys I'm sure some of you follow Blake and if you  don't you guys can check out his YouTube channel   Lake's exotic animals galapi used to live right  here but I was like you know what let's get him   out of here cool I opened it up and now he has the  whole thing has great life awesome man I'm happy   to carry anything yeah maybe help me grab a crate  if you want all right check it out we got Oliver   right here that's your boy that's Oliver and this  is Cali yep oh my gosh guys they're pretty I've   never look at these cute guys so they got a clean  bill of health they got their shots everything the   yearly check that's the one thing that I don't do  on my own with these guys because they're a little   too exotic for me okay I like to make sure they're  getting properly the right way like treated copy   that but the goats the birds the capybara all  that stuff really you can be more Hands-On yeah all right yeah this is cool yeah I'll take them in  you got it I'll put them and let them go in there   I used to let people go in Greg was actually  the last like adult that went in there and I   was like all right that's it Greg you built the  pawn yeah I get it man you do what you got to do   yeah I got you I'm all about following the rules  because you know what guys these days everyone's   looking at exotic animal owners and you know  if an accident happened or something like that   yeah we'll go back you got to go back outside  and film from there we got it I had it like   triple door cool yeah that's awesome it's cool  to see just how serious Blake takes these are   only class three animals yeah and I'm treating  them like class two animals that's awesome   it just makes your life uh better man much respect  look at this oh my God Cali come on Oliver look at   this there they go go over they are cute man oh  my God I'm out of here now that you're gonna have   some real good footage of them filming uh swimming  that is awesome so they meet up with their buddy   they're real buddies huh oh yeah they're male  and female they're unrelated but they're like   yeah they love each other they're best friends  what the hell that is awesome now mink and Otter   and weasels they're all in the same family right I  forget the name of it yeah or something yeah that   is awesome look at these guys yeah yeah I see how  you going yeah long time I'm doing well thank you   this is trout tilapia and chicks oh exactly  cool check this out check the food man trout   tilapia and chicks and they get a little bit  of vegetables here and there too that's awesome good old Sam look at these guys man they  are cute yeah they're pretty smart man yeah they're late on food today that's right come on the cool thing about them is  they only pee and poop on that concrete path you   just got to clean over there really so they don't  really pull in people all the whole thing and make   it disgusting because they have that wildly game  smell so if it was the whole thing it'd be a pain   in the butt wow that's really cool man pretty  amazing I mean this is a serious setup for some   otters the Aviary is mental but I want to take  a peek in that baby tortoise yeah yeah we'll   do that right now let's go check it out man I  know you guys love tortoises if you're watching   this channel you got to see this guy he's been  collecting tortoises since he was I mean forever   dude yeah probably 15 years plus now wow I mean  like five years old man yeah my first SoCal is all   the way up there yeah that's cool we'll go inside  of here okay so I guess if any of you guys want   to start filming once we go on the outside of the  second part in here I'll show you I have a bunch   of fish okay I'm gonna have no problem okay but  I'm building a project that not everybody's seen   that done yet oh so all right so we're not allowed  to see that so look these are the babies real   quick oh we can take them out we'll get better  yeah we'll get them out wow that's gnarly dude so   I'm building this oh wow that's going to be a full  official yeah holy dude this big girl right here   what our primer yeah so you have to have a  permit for those right I'm like the last person   in Florida that has Department no she's like five  years old now what that thing's skull is just hard   as a ride you can keep filming her I built this  building just for her this building was built just   for her that's awesome yeah because she's gonna  get so big what the hell what it's an airplane it's one of the world's largest freshwater fish holy [ __ ] [Music] arowanas arapaima don't you  remember River Monsters the dude is always fishing   for those things I'm going to Peru again Andrew  to go catch some more that's awesome wow catfish   and different types of barbs and iridescent sharks  and stuff but they'll all go inside this tank what   the hell see how big is getting Sam check this  guy out this is nuts man the Arab Emma oh yeah   it's getting big that's cool yeah he's cool all  right come on Matt let's go see some tortoises   so baby area pose smokes I have Central American  Wood turtles in the far right yeah let's go get   up close and personal watch your step let's  see what we got in here we got radiata yeah   a bunch of beautiful man you got a lot of  nice looking radiated tortoises yeah these   guys have been since hatchlings wow great  job with those shells dude that's awesome   now that a leopard over here yeah a little  leopard that somebody gave me awesome it's   a pretty leopard yeah he's nice they don't do too  well with them here but I'm 13. yeah I I no longer   keep them myself underneath this area is actually  pretty well they do pretty well here yeah out of   the rain yeah that's cool man look at that nice  looking leopard tortoise and what do you got over   here uh Central American Wood turtles yeah they're  cool I produce a ton of those that's really rad   the wood Turtles are actually one of my favorite  Turtles and tortoises I have a ton of them yeah I've heard that yeah they've run maze  as a wood turtle the American unbelievable   yeah these are southern Stars oh the Sri  Lankans that's right cool man and again   that's cool you keep them under here yeah  you know I I can't keep Indian stars alive   I don't try yeah it's tough but the Sri Lankans  might be a little better and I know the berms   some elongators I produce some cherry heads  produced yeah little guys little elongata   yeah this is actually Sam gifted me this  little dude at the baby shower so he had   a little secret there to get off he's growing  it's growing that's nice man yeah he's doing   good that's a beautiful little tortoise anything  you get from Sam's gonna do good dude oh yeah   yeah he's a weird guy Morrison Lincoln  Stars some I'm keeping someone selling Wild   look at this guy it's like a bunch of jewels in  there red foots Eastern Herman's more red foots   uh two groups of uh North American spotted  turtles that are breeding oh that's nice can   I pull one up go ahead is that all right um  check these out guys look at these beautiful   where are you look at these beautiful spotted  Turtles these guys are great when I lived in   Pennsylvania you could see these in the wild you  could see these guys in the wild and they have   these patterns like this because they look like  the bottom of a muddy leaf-filled swamp so that's   a really good camouflage but they don't get much  larger than this if this is a male and it is the   males do not get much larger than that females  are going to get a little bigger but they're a   uh a very small group small sized turtle and  they're awesome and they could take really   cold yeah they kind of stayed out the whole time  yeah kind of cold no problem that's cool another   group there wild and then uh more different types  of wood Turtles I get to tell you the whole list   of I'm horrible saying my names but that's right  this is a brown wood turtle then it's a froed wood   turtle then I have a spotted like wood Turtles and  then all the different Aquatics wow but more wood   Turtles mostly wood Turtles I produced a crap ton  of these spotter-like Woods okay and then we like   to buy them so I just hold them all back and made  one day they'll take off yeah cool tons of babies   lots of babies man albino turtles yeah nutty these  are pretty neat I'm sure you probably haven't seen   one of these I know you tore a lot of people  so I'll show you this one all right so all your   turtle people on there anybody has a male any one  of these guys all right what are you looking for   here this is another species of wood turtle it's  a Colombian blue-eyed wood turtle wow whoa that's   awesome man very rare nobody really nobody really  works with them there's maybe a handful of them   his little carpet on his back that's fine yeah  that's that's a pretty Turtle dude yeah striking   female here flick it if you if we pull it this way  you'll really be able to see how blue the eyes are   that is so cool man yeah real neat did you get  this in Columbia or no I got it as a baby here   Arizona tortoise compound oh yeah man Andrew yeah  he produced them I actually got the first two from   him Unfortunately they got here and they were  dead on unfortunately the shipping and then I   got another two one pass and this one's doing  perfect yeah but I had some little hatchlings   yeah that's about four years old now that's so  cool dude that's an awesome terrible holy crap   yeah Blake man this is nuts I can't believe  and then everything's on our water system so   like you know I could just turn it on and  it all just flush through so I let it run   for like 20 minutes right it all goes through  yeah so that's pretty good automation baby yeah   and then I have all here drains up top and I pull  the plugs they all go down that's it yeah easy   that's wild man but yeah that's pretty much  my uh that's your Camp yeah that's your ranch   right Ranch that's his Ranch yeah exactly show  them the Buffalo the Buffalo not yet but yeah   I'll go show the cow you're like her all right  let's go see a cow these rias are where Ria's   from South America oh wow it's like the biggest  bird on this side of the world okay yeah and   they have the biggest wingspan of like the bird  one of the biggest wingspans they look ostriches   ostrich-like they do but that's like just about  full size oh that's so cool do you need a class   two for those no no just three agriculture Farm  permits okay hi hi buddy [Applause] so nuts guys wow and there of course is an emu little donkey  yeah a parrot emus in here that's Benny hi baby   every and even everything is paired up everything  has a pair of something okay the cranes the cows   everyone's paired up wait the cows got a bowl  well no that one though that she's she's a pet   she's a pet yeah but I have zebus the miniature  cows over there and I've heard two hours from here   15 of them over there I'm starting a whole new  thing over there yeah is that you were telling   me a few years ago yeah awesome I'm starting to  fence it off and get it going very cool hi as   moers she's a limousine like meat beef tongue no  way yeah so it should have been someone's Burger   a while back but no burgers for you brother  she's a friend that's so cool man everybody   loves her big old dog oh my God guys can you  believe this place this is nuts I I'd say Blake   definitely loves animals uh I got quite a quite  a ton of animals yeah man thank you so much for   taking the time I know you're busy buddy I know  what it's like oh she's a big love Lucas Love   Bug she could play rough when it gets cold out  she'll run around this place like a freaking   giant dog look she's gonna rub up and love on me  hey how you doing Mama oh my God I gotta I want   a cow Sophia should I get us a cow what do you  think Leo all right well listen man thank you   so much for taking the time no problem anytime  uh I'm really glad I made it all the way over   here I mean it's so funny I visited Sam all the  time these two don't live too far away and it's   really cool to see what he's been able to do at  such a young age and he's still going imagine   where he's an old man like me what this place is  going to look like so congratulations dude thank   you thank you give him a follow if you don't  always see you guys later let me know what you   think in the comments below uh we'll talk to you  later I'm gonna love up on my calendar later guys [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 229,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, visit, blake, blake's exotic animal ranch, exotic, ranch, exotic animal, animal ranch, tour, tours, birds, bird, interesting, mammals, plus, close, look, beautiful, enclosures, cages, aquascape, ponds, person, appreciate
Id: tztRJJIc960
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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