Snaggletooth and Dale WRESTLE over a HOG!

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[Music] [Applause] boom she  didn't even have to see it ah whoa look out there he goes a gator the  size of snaggletooth could easily bring   down an adult hog you hang back buddy  because this is gonna be Harry [Music] so a friend of mine got these Hawks and  this is gonna be the first time we feed   a hog to my Gators and what I'm I don't know  what to expect I really want to give this to   snaggletooth but Dale's already over here so  I've got to go up on this bridge uh you hang   back buddy because this is gonna be very so here's  Snapchat already um this is sketchy oh my God so basically guys what I'm trying to do  is give them whole prey now what I think   is going to happen is they're both going to go  for this thing um it's too big for just her to   get so best case scenario they both get a piece  of this animal the uh other thing is I I gotta I   hope they don't get so wound up that you know I  don't want him to hurt her or whatever but what   I'm gonna try and do is get him over here keep  him you're just gonna keep the camera rolling   on me we're gonna try and get him out these  guys are about 30 pounds I think I'm not snaggy look out there he goes come on well that's me oh  God he got it that's a big big meal and that's   what he would do he'd bring it he'd get it and he  drown it I see her she's fine let's just get him   he's gonna oh my gosh what I want to see is how  he handles such a big prey item it's gonna take   him a while to swallow this thing let's come on  over here look at this guys hopefully we'll get   to see some shaking but uh that's what I want  I want him to have to shake this thing loose he   bites hard he preferates it and then he's gonna  use his head and shake it so let's see he's gonna   keep on messing with it it's gonna be a like I  said a long ordeal uh and he does go underneath   we have some Spectators here Kate and Sophia and  Mom are gonna be watching there's the there's the   pig there's the hog right there this is crazy now  Dale it's so convenient that she hasn't come over   yeah well no that's kind of steep here she is  [Music] um I don't suspect it's gonna be easy   for her but once she gets wind of that thing she  is gonna go on over there and kind of mess with   him so I wanted to just focus on him because I  do have two more Hogs they're not thought out   and I suspect it would be a little too much for  her right now uh I mean I just not too much but   I didn't want to feed off two hogs because she's  still kind of fat she had some chicken last week   him on the other hand he's bigger and he should be  easily able to do it but the hog's right out there   um this is kind of interesting don't even know  if he's actually gripped onto it he might be on   the tail end of that thing it's almost like she  doesn't know that it's in there oh she doesn't   know no which is good right now all over that  right she would definitely be all over we got a   lot of mosquitoes right now it's definitely summer  here she comes once once she actually gets over   into this enclosure that's what I think it'll get  a little bit exciting uh for them he really came   out after that he really he really lunged yeah  it's it's true like he did say oh look this is   interesting yep she's gonna love it you go that  way you know she's gonna try and get up here she   knows that there's something to eat you know  recent rewards exactly what I'm gonna do and   I'm gonna try and see where snaggletooth is in  relation for that I don't know if he's even on   that that uh hog any longer do you want to go to  the other side uh I don't know if I can reach it   from the other side can I that's kind of a sketchy  area yeah it is there's really no Escape over   there and it's slippery oh look at her sneaking  back is she sneaking back over this way yeah   all right here she comes here she comes I almost  do want her to come over because yeah and then   it'll entice him to get things moving and do you  think Canon that they would hypothetically are   fight over a pull on it yeah that's kind of that's  kind of something that would be okay I just don't   want them to get hurt exactly I don't want it we  have to grab her leg or anything like that look   at her she thinks you've got food she come on  over here Dale well what I can do is come over   here that'll get her attention but I don't even  know where he is I don't even know if he's on   that thing do you see any ripples no ripples but  stand back I don't want you to get come on Dale where the heck is snaggletooth you  figure that out but this is actually   what they would do guys they would  actually grab oh he's on it oh he's   definitely still got it he's still  going under again oh that's scary   yeah he's still there because he could let go and  turn around and come over here if he thinks we've   got some more food now he's still on it you're  underestimate the Gators yeah never trust me no   I don't and I never will there he is look look at  this I'm watching her get up on there yeah good   so yeah he's just he's doing what he's normally  supposed to do he's trying to make sure it's   dead and drowned and then what he'll do  is he'll start to position the animal in   his jaws and potentially shake and loosen up  the meat and tenderize it and uh swallow the   chunks he could swallow but she's gonna make  it a lot easier when she comes over here come   on Dale I like how you're calling Dale now that  yeah pretty good come on girl Dale come on girl   oh look at this Dale likes to Mean Mug me I feel  she's only got one mug yeah Pig was under the pig   is under let's see and he's moving it around look  at this he's moving it around that's a slow death   roll now she let's see what she does look at this  look at that guys zoom lens what we really want to   do is I want to see him lift that whole pig out  of the water and shake it is one heck of a sight   when you see a gator shaking its prey it is just  a powerful animal you you get bored into thinking   that they're lazy and slow but they are capable of  such incredible bursts of power that man no flesh   can just take what they're able to do they are a  Nature's tenderizer but I think he's pretty happy   and this is the perfect example here walk on over  see if you can get a good shot because this is a   perfect example of how they hunt animals of that  size and you can see that's that Hogs about the   size of a dog and this is what happens they'll  grab a dog they don't care who's in between the   dog uh they want their prey item they get it and  then they drown it she's gonna she's coming back   the other way she's going backwards we should  get her to go over yeah Dale come on come on Dale there she goes that's it girl that's what I  want come on come on keep going because I think good girl go in there no no he likes you right now she's a little wound  up she knows this food out here go in you   can smell it go in just give her a gentle poke  there you go go girl go back back good girl go but look at him Dale's still gonna come up to  us I I don't even it seems like she does not   know that yeah that that he has anything because  look at how he's really trying he doesn't want   her to know that she's there oh boy what's she  doing oh God we're in a bad position here people   oh thank you my poll will save us oh  look at her up there look she's like   she looks so good she looks like a pointing  dog that's such a great photo of her oh my God she needs to see what's in that water she's  got no idea nope absolutely none and it's   just right behind her look at he's still  trying to position it I knew this would   be a longer video because they just don't  eat these things quickly why don't we both   go over there and see if she'll come  over there God snaggletooth is so huge awesome look at this there we go nope  [Music] and he knows he just doesn't   wanted to see it well I mean he's who  knows but that's so funny snaggletooth Trump not anymore she's like that doesn't  look like snaggletooth head that looks like there we go this is craziness look at these two this is what oh my God it's so  amazing just the mud turning she's got it he's   got it did he get it away from her uh tough to  tell it's definitely underwater because it's not   there it is did they both drop it there's no  way he's going right towards it look at this [Applause] incredible there we're gonna see  a death roll I would love to see because   she's gonna roll am I excited yeah so what  it's amazing just to see how powerful these   animals are as long as they're not hurting  each other I'm fine with them wrestling   um look at that there it is she's going  to turn towards it he's going under Bob there we go each got a good clamp on  the end there but he's a big boy I   think she's smart I think she let's go that  is so cool man that was that was bananas   look now it's over here he keeps look he's going  oh my God no that was happening look at this guys   look he's gonna go to the other section oh he's  big how big and beautiful is he oh my God look at   her oh look she's right behind him oh yeah she's  coming he knows what's up she knows who got it now   look at that look at that he  let out a little bit of a hiss I think he thinks it's deeper  in here right I don't I think he   just wanted to get to a different area boom she didn't even have to see it that's incredible he's got such a good purchase on that look at this so exciting got the whole Harkin family in  the back yeah just missing Leo but he he is   getting it away from her I just saw laceration  on the hog so what I'm hoping is through this   tug of war that she at least gets a lag or you  know gets a bit of it off and that just starts   the whole process there it is you think it'll  happen oh yeah absolutely absolutely I think   there's air in that in the body well the animal's  decomposing a bit and that's what they like also   they'll eat sometimes they can hold on to a prey  item for days just to allow it to decompose a bit   to make it easier for them to kind of shred and  swallow again Gators um she's just chilling right   yeah I know Gators generally are more smaller  prey item Specialists and that animal fits into   that category it's a smaller prey item believe it  or not so they're just gonna you know continue to   work on it but um yeah it's just so cool to see  the the power and just the way they're moving   through this mud and churning everything up it's  really really exciting before we even enter the   enclosure they're aware and their lift there  whatever you call it Rising tripoding coming   right up to the fence yeah and just like we saw  snaggletooth went after that like you did you   were definitely surprised oh I was surprised at  how quick because he's like food boom yeah and   that's that's what Gator seconds seconds they just  go for it but look at you know here's the thing   she does have a bit of respect for his size she  definitely does respect him I I always say that   she's the boss because she generally you know kind  of pushes him around but with the prey item he's   holding on to it she's right there with it but  she's not overly aggressive trying to rip it out   of his mouth because he's a 12 foot probably  800 pound animal and as I say that she's just   gone for it a little but let's see I think she's  testing the waters you will she is an incredible   the personality on her is just incredible where  is he he's in there can you believe he's 12 foot   so it's just so cool how hidden he can become  when he needs to be and of course If This Were   A Wild situation he uh he would absolutely  have been hunting by stealth he wouldn't   surprise the hog uh just really really cool so  again she's just waiting for him to possibly   like loosen up his grip as he positions it he's  blowing bubbles so his nose is right there yep   she's right over top of them oh you can see like  one little scar on the back of the hog yeah I saw   that earlier that yeah it doesn't look so recent  but oh is that what you saw in the water yeah no   he just they just did that yeah yeah okay she's  right on top of them look at that oh my God that's   cool she's like trying to like sweet talk him at  the moment right you want to give that up oh and   he's you be careful buddy can you hear that he's  hissing at her yeah wow you be careful mom where   are those um right here you got that food let's  give her some food so she's not totally frustrated   while you shut it over babe yeah yeah Kate's got  some crop diet there you go good shot not quite   good but over here yep yep there you go there  you go she has a little food for him girl good   we'll just keep her maybe a little bit busy oh he  just ran her right into it ran the pig right into   her yeah you're not getting that pig back and  that's the thing if your dog is in the animal's   mouth in a Gator's mouth almost impossible you're  getting that animal back there was a video of a   of a man prying the Jaws off of his puppy uh the  gator grabbed his puppy and he went in the water   got it and all the while didn't actually take  a cigarette out of his mouth true Florida man   crazy but yeah he's hissing because now he's  possessive over that food that's his food and he's   probably gonna walk back into the other section  but again the attitudes change when food's around there it is so she's getting a  feed she's all right he's going   back over look she's sneaking away  he's sneaking away he's sneaking away wow look at this guy what a Monster yeah he's  he's that's dinosaur all the way totally that's   just it's incredible this is in my backyard man  it is incredible that I don't have to go but a   few steps Out My Back Door to see these guys  in action and I'm psyched to show it to you   guys look at this look at this I think I'm gonna  take a moment and try and get a little Instagram   shot totally he's just gonna sit there with it  yeah I think he is I think you can see on the   top of the pig how they had a little bit of  a they did a tussle okay do you want to come   in okay come on baby steps huh yeah baby steps  my beautiful wife so cool huh well he's gonna   break it apart yeah he's got a he's gotta shred it  that could take some time it could take some time [Music] I hear you I respect you okay look you sneaky girl [Music] here we go here she comes [Applause] foreign [Music] good move Matt just coming to see me now it's funny she'll put it in her mouth the organ   meat like the intestines but she  doesn't ever really swallow it oh got a I was just about to say it's  starting to smell like a dead animal [Music] shoes that's the inners look at this guys oh she's got  a little organ meat from that holy smokes they're   doing a good job ripping it apart I guess it's  been a few hours and we just came back to check   on him and it looks like Dale has been bugging  him but she's got some of the organ meat now amazing there we go wild God that's  like a whole organ right there or in this is like actually really good  for these guys because they're   getting organ meat they're getting  bone they're getting everything I guess you didn't like it she dropped it  yeah wow it's intestines oh so they're just   pulling it out yep they're starting to  pull it oh wow that hog is gone though it's almost like he he's offering it to her and that's what's going on look at that  I think he wants her to pull on it yeah   yeah there we go a bit of  his stomach's distended there would you say this is the largest thing in  quite some time that they've had to work   on from living here for the last year this  is the biggest thing I've given maybe that   baby pig that pig was nowhere near I feel like  you've had raccoons bigger than that oh no not   bigger than this no bigger than the other one  yeah no no nothing bigger than this yeah the   raccoons are definitely a good a good prey item  for them as well but I've been waiting for a hog   and we've got three well two so given the size  of this and how much you think they're each gonna   get would you be feeding another one anytime  soon no probably be a month before I feed them   another hole I might give it some Croc Chow but  um I don't want to over feed them you can easily   over feed these guys in captivity and you don't  want to do that um we do have a pretty good size   enclosure here and the water is rising up so they  are going to get more exercise plus I come in here   and they follow me around so they get a little  bit of movement that way as well but they're   certainly able to explore the enclosure and  they're pretty happy all their needs are met so   um they won't be expending the same amount  of energy as a warm-blooded animal would   so I think that's just about enough  she seems content to pull the parts off that's what she's doing up she pulled the  stomach out oh I think he let go did he let go   I think they're interested in me no no he is not  now I don't think he has it anymore it's just   floating in between them wow that's interesting  that's something I didn't expect to happen   unless it is it is in fact been broken half  I just feel like she let go of the mass of it   I could be wrong which she seems to be yeah I  don't know if she has it in her mouth anymore   I don't think so weird what's so cool is  even though this water you can barely you   can't see through it they've got those  isos on their jaws those integumentary   sensory organs they can feel in the water they  could feel around for their food in there so   eyes are helpful but they're not the end all bill  look at her if you're just pushing on his face she's so Brazen it's like he's such a  big Gator and if he wanted to he can   inflict some real injury on her but  she's so like not worried about him well as you can see snaggletooth is taking  his time dismantling this hog uh these guys   are definitely savoring the flavor basically  he wants to try and find a nice quiet place   where he can continue to break apart that animal  and then swallow it of course Dale keeps bugging   him so it's gonna be a little bit while longer  so I thought you know what we got a lot of cool   behavioral uh examples from these animals and  was really exciting to watch them and just the   power at which he's able to shake that animal  underwater to break it apart so we're gonna let   him finish his meal this was a pretty exciting  day for me because it's the first time I fed   them a full-size hog or a a full hog that animal  clearly is not a full-size hog but a gator the   size of snaggletooth could easily bring down an  adult hog it would however take a lot longer for   him to eat it because this 40 pounder is uh well  taken better part of a day so all right folks   that's what's going on I hope you enjoyed the  video and learned something with these animals   so cool I'm learning as I go as well so it's  pretty fun so thanks for watching leave me a   comment below let me know what you thought  of today's video and of course we'll have   more out of these two alligators real soon  thanks so much for hanging out with me at   Camp Cannon and Fred's Lagoon and we'll  talk to you again real soon take care [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 37,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, kenan, army, kamp kenan army, fans, feed, large, prey, item, resident, gators, snaggletooth, dale, wish, granted, feeding, whole, hog, wrestle, over, wrestling, tear, apart, snake discovery, fred, lagoon
Id: Bw3a16rUvRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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