Bad Chicken Feeding Frenzy!

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[Music] just follow that tail down [Music] oh we hit hater people I got some carnivores  that are gonna be very happy because our local   chicken Eatery I made friends with uh good  old red Fred there at Cr Chicks and they got   a shipment of chickens in that were just not  suitable up to the highest quality chicken for   human consumption but the good news is they're  just right for some of my critters right here   so uh shout out to Red Fred thank you my friend I  want to make this video and on a review let's get   um let's get uh some chicken wings for our black  throat monitors look at how happy they're gonna   be let's see watch this watch this there's one  come here come here look at what you got look   what you got look what you got look at this you  can eat that whole thing what is that what is   that oh well that's good that's good oh yeah  come on oh these guys are getting so big now   come on oh yeah pull pull that's a good boy let  me just break that there oh good boy yeah he'll   choke that down no problem how awesome is this huh  that's a happy character come here buddy let's get   his tongue out oh you never saw a chicken wing  before ow that's starting to hurt man hey come   on you Moon whoa whoa oh oh oh yeah see he didn't  know what that was sorry I'm squeezing against   you there buddy squeezing against Matt here oh  by the way look look at this uh not a problem   look at this guy there awesome man at least break  the bone a little bit I'll break it a little bit   so that they can properly here look I love how  they just start whipping me there it is see once   the tongue flicks on it he realizes oh that's a  good thing these guys are getting big huh psych   I can't believe he ate that already I'm gonna need  a full-on shower I'm worried about salmonella with   this than I am with turtles that's for sure  come on why why the whipping he just wants to   say what up look at that right oh no you better  get there quick buddy you better get down there   gosh gosh let me help him out excuse me [Music]  let me just oh we got a little piece now a little   piece that's all right just a little I'm just  getting off some of this dirt oh my god oh we   got my fingers a little bit oh you lunatic look  at him go oh look at that one right through the   glove did it really you're good I'm good look  at him go man he's just gonna position it   oh for crying out loud all right try not to lose  a whole finger this time I tell you man these kids   are messy eaters I'm getting whipped in my groin  by this one come here come down come down oh   that's a hard hit it it is man these guys hit hard  now will you eat it oh for crying out loud what's   the matter with you your teeth not working I'll  hold it a little bit until you can get a better   try to Extended his stomach yeah yeah that that's  their whole deal is that they're able to just turn   them around oh God oh God he's dropping it again  he dropped it again once he gets it on the ground   yeah once he gets it up then oh my God we're  turning this into a total cluster here we go isn't   that great you never saw that they're amazing that  how athletic they are look at this and don't worry   all that sand look at oh that all that trouble  and he just needed the uh right position to be in   there you go all right so they got two Wings these  guys got the bone the skin and they got the muscle   so they're pretty content let's continue let's go  get the Argus Monitor and of course Inky next and   then we're gonna work our way up to our bigger  and bigger Critters so much fun so much food I   want to feed it all off now um uh there's a big  brick of chicken ice chicken is what it was for   a moment so it took us a few hours to defrost  it but uh it's so worth it when you have these   days and this is one of the things you can do if  you wind up becoming friendly with some of your   local restaurants you can say Hey listen I have  a reptile farmer I have a couple animals I would   love to be able to take any of the product that  you can't use you just gotta think here hold on   I've got a young lady by the name of Buttercup and  she'll be happy to eat this too how cool is that   she's good she's definitely due for her feet  so let's get her situated give me one second   I wouldn't want to touch this  lock after I've touched it s butts out anyway I am appropriately slimy  so anyway yeah you can you know talk to some   of these local produce providers and you know all  that stuff we're gonna come in here she seems to   smell something oh she smells something look at  this she's on she's on it she's on it guys she's   on it look out watch out oh there she goes and  then you move it you move it because she wants to   think it's alive then she's gonna go around and  swallow it the right way how cool that's about   as exciting as she gets man I'm gonna go grab  her another one and lay it down on her platform   so she's got a nice she's gonna have a nice  fat belly we'll leave that one right there for   her she'll find it need it right now she's just  constricting it because that's how she understands   to kill that's how she's programmed and let me  shut this stuff up and we have got her fat and   she hasn't eaten for about a month and a half  it's been cool and the last meal she had was   quite large so she's all good all right guys where  are we going all right let's go see The Argus look   he's already peeking up at us look at him right  there look at him he's full-size you could eat   one of these drumsticks I think that's what we'll  get on I got one right here I think two drumsticks   what do you guys think I think I think if he  swallows from the thin portion first oh thank you   so much it's very kind of you sir to open that for  me get on in here because you know this guy does   get a real excitable and he's gonna come charging  out at us oh hi there handsome look what I've got   for you I should be getting my tongues but it's  more fun to risk wow geez Louise what did I say   it's more fun to risk your life you you getting  this go ahead eat that will you will you eat that   eat that whoa he's doing something he's doing some  he's doing some mock jumps for me I don't think he   these guys don't know what the chicken is he's got  to smell it first wow that's so weird right yeah   they don't actually know what it is super scared  I you know what it is I have these black gloves on and I never use black gloves get your  tongue on that will you what's that oh oh   oh what's the sadness and stops  yep all that fancy hissing   I think I'm just gonna feed him one drumstick  you know wait for him to get off your shoe or   you're gonna you want to move back oh no  I don't know I mean I'm looking at him he   can definitely easily open his mouth that wide  I'm gonna go ahead you know what I want to do   just to be safe I'm gonna break this I want to  break the leg let me go break this leg because   I do not want you know I just would feel a lot  better if I break it in half here a little bit there was oh it was on your hat the  lizard he was on your hat did you   get that well now he's in this he's in the chicken guy come here I'm so bad at  catching these little guys come on   there we go get out of here will you okay where  were we look out you like all your fingers right   I do yeah yeah you hear a break all right  now this to me yep seems more manageable anybody here see a little lizard deer did anybody  here see my little lizard here there's a little   lizard there's a little food get in your belly  now oh my gosh yeah he does let's just leave   that there for him he'll figure it out and we'll  check back on him because I know the next lizard   is not going to have any drama there's gonna  be no issues with this lizard we're of course   talking about Inky he'll be tasting it before  we even get there exactly icky's gonna get   broken pretty gross this is just  like a uh hygiene nightmare isn't it   I love my job man I need a good question machete  just oh my god did that make you nervous I'm fine   dude everything's good come on let's go now these  two loonies aren't getting any of that these two   loonies don't get any like yeah I hear you Maniacs  speaking of Looney yeah exactly thanks yeah that's   good old Blue Iguana you didn't properly shut that  door he'll go right on at it watch the excitement   and Gusto that our buddy the Inkster here we go  icky oh he's gonna be here in two seconds flick   flick flick eat eat let's watch this one now this  lizard is the coolest she's gonna have to start   from the thin end she'll Shake all that bark  off you might get a little chicken stuff on you   look out I tried to put it on there but  she decided to take it so here she goes   she's going to go oh she's going to start with  the fat end first huh what am I going to do   how am I supposed to teach them she'll figure it  out but it's so cool watching her let's see well   I can see pretty well but I could also open one  side up if you want can you guys see she's doing   her thing she likes to be a little bit um private  when she eats but I wish she would just turn it   around and start it from the thin portion of the  leg but then she wouldn't be able to whip exactly   she is such a character yep oh you know it here  look at this this one's a little tight [Music]   I like feeding her over here anyway this is  better just open it all the way it's lizards   everywhere oh yeah there's that [ __ ] oh geez  what are you doing Matt you never go high go   low let's see let's see if she'll just figure it  out look she's really trying to rip at it look   at that look at her go she's trying to rip off a  chunk look at her go she's de-gloving that leg oh   well done young lady oh she got her first  morsel she's getting that oh that's so good see this is fun because it's enrichment they're  eating oh look at this look at this I love   watching this as you guys know I like to show you  guys all this stuff but I want her to really she's   gonna just use those serrated teeth to kind of  make preparations in that and then she'll take her   leg again and probably she can't swallow it whole  she's gonna try and shred it with her front claws   but look at how they just kind of walk into it  they shove it right down their throats they're   um the hinges on their jaws are also flexible  to a degree as some of the snakes not quite as   um developed here let me pull this out there  we go did that make it better I don't know but   it's so cool for her to uh do her thing man it's  amazing there we go yeah she's she's mangled it up   like Quick Quit filming me I want my privacy yeah  but what's cool is you see that the wood chips   and the other foreign objects they mostly are  coming out it's funny how she she got so excited   she hasn't tried to um if you really ate it from  the other direction first it would have gone down   a lot easier but you really get to see what she's  doing trying to push and lift it apart exactly so it's not not the cleanest in nature  I like to do this because they are   clearly able to shred it and use their jaws it  builds their muscles in their jaws when you feed   them like this you can chop it up smaller it would  be easier but you know I mean this is full body   enrichment right yeah that's exactly what's going  on and you want them to dissolve bone you want   them to dissolve the skin they digest mostly  everything except feathers and hair so it's   um super cool to watch yeah it's really something  man I can see yeah she's doing good um she's just   trying to push it against any solid objects you  can and much like Slinky whenever you get near   her when she's eating you get whipped because  it's a vulnerable time and she really doesn't   want to be bothered but she's gonna have to keep  mangling this it's going to take a little while   holding this with my schmeg my hands anyway go  ahead in there so you see she's she is gonna   wind up figuring out that maybe I should start  with the other side and give it to these guys   yeah look look at this see boom see look she's  like what is this what's up it's getting smarter   that's okay no she's not coming slapping she's  just look at how she's mangling it see this is   great it is good it's look at you putting on a  show now yeah she's showing us how to do it this   is how they do it in the wild so it's really  a cool way see how she slices with her claws and we're gonna see when we feed the whole  chickens to The Croc monitors in a little bit just   how effective they can be at slicing through but  you know again I like this guys great enrichment   up did you get this small side I can't quite  tell from here I can't either it's a lot of work   man it's not easy ain't easy when you don't have  hands is it for a knife they got some set of teeth   I love that lizard God look at how they choke  it down man look at that is a mouthful oh yeah   and it's getting in there and watch this you see  there's a lot you know a lot of stuff on it like   wood chips and stuff I'm not stressed because  she'll go ahead and rub some of that stuff off   can't believe she hasn't slapped me now not yet  man she's really doing a good job of this though   that is going to be a good meal for her she's able  to breathe through that tube at the bottom of her   jaw it's a lot of work for her see so I just kind  of mangle it up I guess what masticated well with   my hands not with my mouth mastication I believe  is when a mother animal will chew something and   then makes it smaller for The Offspring to  eat otherwise known as baby bird baby bird   they actually regurged so they'll eat it and  then regurgitate it into the mouth of the babies   wow this is amazing though huh she is really  I almost feel like you know committed yeah   really trying hard maybe I want  to try and get her onto this piece   and then I can steal that piece from her she it's  just taking forever really look at her go though   certainly saw that she did see it  okay she knows what else is coming   we'll just leave that one there that is  going to be a good oh here she goes again   oh God that's such painful yeah that that little  whip of it definitely stuck yes yeah she's still   working on it oh my God you really can get a  smash she really wants that one she's not not   willing to say I want half of the shrimp the whole  thing watch the whole thing she's almost got it hold on guys I almost want to take  it away and make it easier but I   know she can do it but it's  just gosh it's been so long yeah she's just trying to clean stuff off  exactly I was gonna help her I want to try   and grab it I'll give her the other one yeah  she'll regerge that one let me see I'm gonna   get over by your side I'm just gonna go for it and  see if I can get her to drop it maybe [Applause]   bro keep that away from your face oh my god well  she's scratching the hell out of me that's for   sure yeah good she dropped it that's what I wanted  to happen okay relax relax I'm Gonna Let You Go   let's give her this one come on come on let's  give her this one yeah because this one I know   she'll be able to eat better but I want to clean  the real thing is it's got so much dirt and stuff   on it I want to just clean it up come on baby  all right let me get out of here here I'm gonna   get out she'll eat that one it was just taking  too long man and I wanted to make sure that it   was clean because at this point it's covered in  too much filth so let's give her a little rincey now let me just hold it oh rip there you  go there you go there you go look that's a   girl there you go see she flicks out some of this  other stuff look at her go see if I just hold it   a lot easier you see she's pulled that out make  sure she doesn't mistake your finger nope I think   we're okay this is good that's what I like this  is great too I can see your whole body climbing   up in a log yeah see what I want to start  doing is pinning these things down so that   they have leverage and number number two they  will be locked into the shot that would give   them that's true that's for real that's half  the battles yeah Matt's always thinking like   a camera person oh no she got it all I'll just  leave that there so they will be able to digest   those digestible two days yeah a few days wow look  at this I think she tore up my thing oh excuse me   with your eyes I'm closing them yeah leave that  one there oh yeah oh she goes back into the dirt   she's such a pain in the neck look at that  tail I was [ __ ] ready to go look at her oh she's gonna get it there it goes the whole  thing yep all at once yeah that's all that fuss   here we go guys let's get this well we knew we  just needed to make it a little bit easier for her I love this little dinosaur she's amazing huh  good girl I'll just hold the ankle bone down   here look at that now she'll keep pushing see  she'll just twist her neck and push you got you   got a little something on your nose oh there you  go you are a beauty yes you are oh look at that   there's another bone she's gonna get that really  effective huh look at her that's beautiful so she   got to use her claws we got her to really have to  battle for it which I like you know whoa that's my   finger thing come here [Music] hey get over there  it's over there you maniac here we go look at this   guys come on over here let's get a good shot she's  gonna finish this up no worries see that so good   and that's it two drumsticks in she knows I'm over  here oh yeah but she just just uses her neck like   an accordion she just squeezes it now once she  got it arranged that's it all right she's done we   still have more lizards and crocodilians to feed I  love it what about you two nuts huh let's continue   our feeding Journey all right our next Critter  is actually out and about let's see usually   these guys eat later in the day it's kind of the  hottest part of the day right now so let's see I think I need a better knife what do  you guys think yeah this is this is good   this is good all right come on come on Louie look what I  got are you in the mood today to eat   oh yes you are there he goes get on  over here oh that's some good food oh   look there's the recipe he's gonna bring it to  the water where he feels nice and safe awesome that is a cool Critter right there  he's happy with his little tail going see he likes to stay here because he can lift his  head up and it'll just fall into the belly I just   love how his little tail is going it's almost  like he's wagging his tail out of happiness   look who's over here by the  way look he's smelling the food somebody smells the food two of them look in the  cave oh there it goes I slipped slipped out of   my hands let's just grabbed it real quick  she'll grab that there's too much going on   we've got Pullman over here yeah oh look out  there's going oh my God not again Marge oh   this one oh my God our GoPro overheated right when  Marge started wrestling with Lucifer we're gonna   go in there in a moment there we go look at him  oh my God Marge does not mess around [Applause]   Marge is climbing right up on a Cayman  to try to get look at this look at this is she something she's amazing oh rip it oh  there you go girl this is why Marge is loud   yes I love these guys there's  something else to watch eat   Marge being more aggressive than Lucifer look at  her oh my God pull my boat oh there you go swallow   that now will you God Marge is like a pain in the  neck oh close call for me awesome good job Louie   oh he's hissing at me all right let's go feed the  smooth fronts she's kind of stuck in here let's   get her out and then we can see if she wants to  eat you want more food oh this is the wrong eye look holy smokes there you go oh there you go   she loves her chicken forgot she's got that  bad eye on that side how great Cayman fed just the whole chicken yeah she'll just chop it  in half no big deal they are such amazing animals   though these guys are bulletproof man that is  a powerful little dude she is something else so fascinating to watch is her jaw to dislocating  no no it's not what she's what she's doing is   she's just got such power uh these guys Elite  crustaceans in the wild they'll basically uh   Crush through you know shells of uh invertebrates  and even small turtles and um they've got real   powerful jaws that's the truth so she's just kind  of arranging it in her mouth she crushes it bones   break see see that and then basically it's a bone  bag that'll just slide down their gullet the funny   thing is is they basically open the flap that  they have at the back of their throat and the food   falls into their stomach there's no peristalsis  uh through the esophagus there just falls in the   stomach pretty amazing that's why they all lift  their heads all crocodilians lift their heads way   up out of the water or up into the air to get  that food in there just a powerful little dude   they're like a bulldog you know and crocodilian  form just tough armored these are definitely uh   you know primitive beasts so awesome but you know  what we got a lot more to feed so we'll let her   finish her meal we gotta get these Croc monitors  and Slinky fed see you later our next animal   it's gonna be Lulu this is like a  huge feeding video huh I mean this   is pretty much every carnivorous animal  I've got this will go down easy [Music]   let's go she's on the ground  on the far left way over there she's bathing in the Sun bathing inside Luna  Lulu don't you move you're good right there   oh no no no smell that chicken chicken  again this is the first oh there you go   there you go boo boo it's the first one well this  is just she hasn't eaten a chicken leg in a while   so she'll just hold on to it but we're gonna  keep moving because I have two other lizards   that are gonna be way more excited about chicken  see you later and uh of course I'm talking of   the male and female chasing diamond  oh boy a chicken hmm pretty ripe oh there's my girl oh is it no that's my boy   how long he is I had no idea yeah  he's a big guy hey buddy hi Chase I don't see oh she's over here she's  at home I didn't see her hey buddy oh   look at that oh look at that guy  look at that guy come on oh yeah   he's great yeah let me go get another  piece he's gonna swallow that quick oh boy that went pretty quick didn't it  see if you can grab a piece and then rip   it we'll just hold this she's right there yep  behind you look at this this is no joke oh I just really want him to rip that look at this  it's ripping off look at that he was ready to   fall right off the branch for it oh no not with  those claws he is locked on let me tell you look   at this watch he'll get into a good position and  he'll just start pulling watch it I see that too   not worried about the tail he's really fixated  on this food keep watching I just want him to   this is part of what I like to do you're good oh  look at that come on come on he's got that wing   look at how he's look at that look at how he's  pulling oh he got my from the thongs oh gosh oh   it's almost like he knows to hook it on that V and  yank it out that's what I was doing I was actually   helping him just doing this it gives a little and  then those big teeth shred oh he's pushing forward   now they like to push forward come on bubba look  at that how strong he is huh is that amazing it's   ridiculous I was pulling on it yeah so I want him  to grab that and then we'll go ahead I actually   want this other wing for her okay let's go let's  get him to eat that leg eat that leg [Music] come on look at the saliva dripping wow look  at that guy oh she's coming over too look at   this oh look at his mouth full of saliva  that's like a Komodo dragon look at this   oh he's got that section this is incredible with  this look at his tail oh my God he's so beautiful   oh good boy he wants that Wing more of that wind  and look who's coming over here they'll both   actually help tear it apart in the wild komodo  dragons uh which these guys are related to they   are going to wind up attacking a large animal and  they both work in concert they'll all just work   together look at how beautifully he cut through  that skin this is a very powerful Critter here   she comes we're gonna have a little more action  here because they're both going to tug and that's   fine oh my God look at that she stole an entire  squirrel from him at one point oh look here we   go here we go careful I see yeah I see I see I  don't even know it looks real tasty look at that   oh yeah good job look at these two oh my God is  that amazing is this just amazing there's actually   like two feet from this look at her oh look she's  doing a great she is no joke oh she got the skin   oh my God these guys are great and you see they're  not like in a frenzied State no it just seems   yeah actually less friendly than normal when they  come in and kind of startled them they know that   they're getting fed ready that's right and this  is this is preoccupied this is also fun because   it's a good positive interaction between myself  and the lizards they're happy right like you're   only this far away I know it's pretty nuts but I  feel I feel safe because their their attentions   are on the food yeah you know look at her and  I I hate to say it out loud but despite their   tail orientation they haven't coiled and they  haven't hit us either exactly which I thought   observator I was gonna get hit and then they  looked relaxed that's exactly what you got to   read that body language the span of those tails is  it's incredible a lot longer than what I thought   they were come on you don't want it he seems more  interested in you I know it's strange like looking   right in the face you can hear them hear the bones  yeah the skin there and the ligaments ripping wow   but again this is like really good you see they're  using all their muscles oh look at that look at   that oh she did a good job there now you can have  this part buddy and he seems so preoccupied he is   he's so funny he's like maybe it's easier to eat  your face off yeah that's an issue Look at Her Go   and she's gonna take it and split now he can have  this one there you go well she knows so I'll let   them have this and they'll work on that stuff  right now how great is that huh is she gorgeous   look at this guys now these guys would definitely  be eating birds in the wild look at that this   is the best I've ever seen them of taking up and  using the whole uh habitat yeah the whole whatever   reason he wants to be up there maybe it's easier  just to eat in a more uh stable platform right I   mean the teamwork wasn't hurting no definitely not  that is you gotta arrange that tail though no that   Tail's in fully extended he's not looking to whip  it but it's a good shot if you want to take a look   friends just follow that tail down look at how  much of this animal is tail that is incredible   that is a truly arboreal animal it uses that tail  as a counterbalance for balance as a weapon and it   is semi-prehensile which means it can wrap around  tree limbs to further anchor this animal when it   is way above the forest floor so it's uh it's just  they're beautiful beautiful Critters man and uh   right now they're doing a great job just chomping  away here and those amazingly sharp teeth are   are just proving so valuable I mean they can  slice through the Flesh and much like we saw   Inky do in the earlier portion of this video  they kind of wedged their heads against the   food and push the food down their mouths by  putting the food against something firm and this   is not going to be a problem for two lizards of  this size they take a breath check on us yep and   then just keep swallowing she's uh doing pretty  good she's almost done she got chicken neck as   well that's awesome yeah I'm right here you're not  worried about it I am not worried because of his   I'm not worried about his tail because look at the  orientation he's comfortable he's calm and uh the   last few times I've been in here I've been doing  a lot of work with these guys been in here a lot   um and they're starting to really understand  me and I'm understanding them and so it's just   they're starting to trust me which is just it's  the best part it is really the best part about   these animals is when they choose to trust you and  allow you to be a part of their uh environment so   now we got a little tail curl but I'm just going  to keep my distance here and give him enough safe   distance but he's almost got that fully done she  is close to finished as well she got that chicken   neck they'll eat it all they'll digest it all this  is a very good meal for these guys how cool huh   what do you think Matt was fun it's wild that was  the best that we've seen of Lulu and Chase yeah   they're just so for sure look at her girl look at  her swallow that thing oh that's amazing it's so   cool to see them be allowed to be so effective  at ripping something like that apart I I mean   you know I am fascinated by these animals as are  many of the viewers of this Channel and you know   I allow them to be what they are I want them to be  what they are I don't want to turn them into like   dogs that's just not something I'm interested in  I want to see them uh have a full range of their   um you know physicality and Physiology and mental  acuity all those things come into play listen that   breathing like he's gonna get that in that they'll  use these objects to shred the meat as well look   she's got it she finished beautiful beautiful  lizards uh these are just I mean this is like   the Pinnacle of lizard keeping right here and  reptiles in general if you're able to keep Croc   monitors you've definitely hit um another level  in my opinion I just think they're beautiful   and uh just want to shout out Matt's pretty  brave these days too he's pretty darn close man   yeah not bad Matt all right but again look at this  beauty pushing taking a breath she's still working   it down oh my God I'm so amazed that he she is  so fine with us right here like yeah well he's   busy he knows we haven't made any move towards  him right um he knows to be clear for people   who can't see we are literally less than two  feet away staring at her eating which we would   never have done and do not felt like we could have  approached it yeah it's so cool I did this is what   you know when I was a kid one of the things that I  loved seeing were Komodo dragons consuming like a   deer or you know just just seeing these animals  eat it always was like a window back into some   prehistoric time you know they offer us that and  so for me to be able to have these animals here at   my Camp uh my little sanctuary and then to share  this with the next generation of animal lovers   it really is awesome it's amazing what we can  achieve uh when we just you know read study uh you   know look at all the people who've come before us  and learn from them you hear that that's him just   taking a breath you can you can see he inhales and  yep watch this off now you're getting your hands   a little too close buddy but you see he's got a  lot of saliva in there and his Jaws are just wide   open he's almost done he's very close to being  done here but he heard a noise and that was her   moving so he's he's just kind of like what's going  on a little breath I think she still wants more   maybe I'll get her some like wings or a leg  something easy to swallow barbecue wings   exactly that was like a whole chicken they  tore in half it's pretty awesome does not get   old what do you guys think of the Croc monitors  let me know man uh do you guys like seeing them   on the channel do you appreciate them uh what's  your favorite monitor lizard that I have I want   to know but for right now these two are just  incredible and we are not even done with this   video we still have Slinky Dale and snaggletooth  feet and it's gonna be good oh I hear Slinky now I want to see him finish this though and she  is peeking over all you guys can see her right   oh yeah she's not scared of him we're in March  unafraid yep two Brave ladies coming over here   she's looking at my tongue there's any food left she might even try and steal a little  bit out of his mouth yeah look at this look at her look at him he knows that  he's got to get moving here because she   she is known for being a little bit how  cool is that oh boy she's gonna go for an   easy meal but it actually might help him  out now she's being good she's being good   she curled that tail for him not for us right  and you see how much the Jaws can Flex open   on the bottom of their mouths he's almost  there takes a breath then he goes for it   this this is amazing does not get old oh that was  a big that was a big job he's pushing next on that   oh the whole thing's almost in her mouth look at  how he can open you know something I don't know   if I've told you guys before these guys have the  ability to open their mouths almost 180 degrees   that's pretty incredible um that's that's you  know serious mobility in that jaw look at that   he's just shoving it in there best he can he just  needs a good piece of Leverage to help push it   gosh it's it's amazing right when you watch this  you think oh that must be so annoying right just   give this guy a fork a knife from the sides  of the closet but that's what he's got he's   got those claws that he hasn't even implemented  at the moment she seems to have retreated yeah   she knows that it's too close to his mouth  he's not going to let go of that so funny   how much more relaxed they look now that they've  determined like I'm not a threat or anything well   we've been at it for a few months now here with  you and then I've had them also a few months and   you know like you know when the cameras aren't  rolling I come in here and I hang out and it's   what you got to do it's it's one of those  things you just got to be a part of these   animals lives you got to be a part of the  you know for lack of a better word ecosystem   habitat and I build a relationship that's  it oh it just needs to get a little bit more am I crazy foreign buddy trying to help you out look you can see  that tooth that whole chicken is in there now   you can hear Slinky behind us oh  yeah Slinky is so ready for his   own chicken he's staring at a wheelbarrow  yeah exactly what are we doing before slinky oh he's right there man here it is that's it that's it   good job buddy good job I love it man such a  cool animal now we don't have far to go because   we're gonna go hook Slinky up with something  you look at him look at him right now look yeah it's like he's a little excited well  let's not keep in mind him ready ready go   open [Applause] nothing takes long with  Slinky look at this guy oh my gosh oh   good Lord it's like you're making  up for all that waiting time yep yep turn around that's awesome man yeah you see that too take one  step in that tail [ __ ] up   let's see it hence yeah just step right in how's  he doing he's working on it he gets two chickens   today oh he's almost done with that he just wants  the whole thing all at once yeah he's enough God we can hear it like this forest  in which he's pushing his head back   wow so powerful he's just got this one piece  that's sticking out on his left he just need to   wedge that one piece on his left like sometimes  how they push I want him to push that left hand   there it is there it is nice  job I did not see that coming oh yeah easy this is gonna be easy I I hacked at  it pretty good with the uh machete these are just   amazing animals man that is so cool no problem  right no that one was no big deal at all this one   won't matter either can you try to hold on to it  longer or whether he just Yanks it right out here   that's fine there we go right there oh he got  it you see the tail is it counterbalanced yeah   watch this now get that leg in  one of these supercardinals tail you haven't lived unless you've  been whipped by Slinky oh I have   all right got one more piece links  the next two whole chickens he ate   oh yeah sneaky slinks come on he swallows  that last piece that's a good boy that's my   boy Slinky I sure do love him what do you guys  think do you think the reptiles are happy today   I think so all right let's go we still  got a couple more animals that need to eat oh yeah I think they're excited so basically guys  what happened was we took a five minute break and   I let the wheelbauer over by the fence by the  gate and as you can see my gator pups look at   him standing all over the growl and oh my God  they are starving there are only two layers of   fence between us but yeah no that should be good  now uh you go back and open the gate like undo it   you know the code right oh my God come on guys  come on guys come here be do it quietly so he   doesn't hear the uh the chinging come here  boy hey hey guys look at her is that funny   she is just ready to eat these guys are starved  but not really if you look at their bellies   uh they are quite ready to go all right come  on over here and you grab this phone I mean   this camera and then I'm gonna race back over  there because I gotta go fast if the doors latch come on come on snackle tooth come on boy yeah he can move pretty quick I  want to get them over here [Music]   oh looks like she's gonna be first as  always come on come on come on oh boy   oh boy oh that's a girl look at that girl go  all right you stay there all right snaggy boy   here it comes wow you missed it why does  he always miss it good grief there it is he's standing on the other one still doesn't watch  out now here she is yeah come on Mama come on Mama   there you go nice and easy nice and  easy oh [ __ ] all right snaggy up up up you hear that pop oh that's a  good boy oh yeah watch yourself oh yeah good boy oh my God that is so quick  so fast this is it guys we're getting down   to the final pieces of chicken oh here  he comes There You Go Bubba what a girl   oh you hear that snaparoo Bone's just breaking  that's it come on boys right there pal he's so   big he is so big is there still one underneath  there is still one of them there it is oh so cool   I do not want to wind up in the belly of  snaggletooth what a guy anything more for her yep   feel you hungry this is it God this is so dry in  here now oh it's so crazy isn't it come on girl   come on girl up up come on   good luck what a good one down the hatch yeah  immediately there you have it everybody's fed   good stuff well shout out my friend red Fred  thank you so much for the chicken if you're in   Jupiter head over to see our chicks say hello to  Red Fred sell them at you uh saw our video feeding   the animals so you can have the best chicken for  human beings over there in the meantime if you   guys like what you see how you doing kid if you  like what you see head on over to Camp   Canon where you can join us every Monday hang out  see these animals live on our live video I walked   the entire uh camp and we have these animals here  uh live every Monday or Tuesday on future so all   right guys let me know what you thought today's  video leave me a comment below thanks so much   for joining us today uh the animals appreciate  it and I'll talk to you again real soon see ya oh [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 116,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, local, restaurant, surprised, huge, gift, huge gift, bad, chicken, bad chicken, humans, great, feeding, frenzy, must see, scenes, marge, lucifer, chase, diamond, inky, slinky, snaggletooth, dale, monitor lizard, monitor
Id: MjclzX_J1Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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