How to Prune zucchini plant and grow vertically | Save Space ! Increase MAX Production ! #zucchini

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hey guys welcome back to Green Tea Gardens in this video I have the zucchini plan going into five gallon container and I'm going to show you guys how to prune it and how to grow it vertically so the reason why you should prune it if you have a short gardening seasoning and you only have a couple months of gardening this is a great idea to do um growing it vertically it helps you save space in the garden and uh in a container it's really good to prune because you only have a limited amount of soil and nutrients in this container before I start guys don't forget if you're into Garden videos and you want to learn a lot about gardening so subscribe by clicking the red button is 100 free so you guys can see I have a couple zucchini is growing already and you want to make sure you start pruning when your plant is uh producing some stuff and I'm gonna tell you guys don't be afraid to prune just don't prune too much this plant has multiple leaves has bigger leaves smaller leaves we have about at least 12 leaves we're only going to remove maybe four of them today and I'm going to show you and if you guys have any dead male flowers I suggest you guys go ahead and remove them too so this Leaf is literally attached to this right here so this Leaf is small and it's gonna grow big so our plant's going to use a lot of energy from this Leaf this Leaf is all the way to the bottom so I don't we're gonna take that leaf out right now we're gonna always start pruning from the bottom you see this is all extra male flower that went away we have so much male flowers over there we we literally don't need that one all the way to the bottom right there so I'm gonna remove that and you could see the bottom big leaf right here come close and we're gonna remove that guy right there too we don't need that so I'm gonna step back to show you guys right now so we're going around literally around the bottom start with the bottom when this is all meal flower that already pollinate that's another baby leave all the way to the bottom so we got another Leaf here look all the way to the bottom get rid of that We're Gonna Leave This one male over there he's already big and we got a double they will open up attract some bees and if we need to pollinate other plants you could see right here we have another section right here that's coming out from the side notice that in the zucchini plant has a main stem that's growing upward right here and to you're gonna get one side here and the other side that grows an extended part that will produce more zucchinis and stuff like that sometimes what I do later on I remove the two sides so the plant only focus in the middle I'm gonna leave that right now because I do have time and you can see this this all the big one that's hanging down we have we still have about eight leaves so we're gonna remove this bottom one right here as I said we're kind of going around to the bottom removing all lower leaves and we have another small one right here again I'm gonna show you guys so right there we got another small meal but if you look up top we have a lot of mail coming around so what are we gonna do we're gonna remove the small meal with a small leaf kind of stuck in there right you see that so now we have one meal two meal three meal four five we have a lot of meal and three um zucchini plant and then if we check we'll leave we have one big one two three four five and then we have six seven eight nine ten so we still have a lot of leaf I you know at least leave about eight leaves in your plant if you guys are you know afraid you could leave 10 leaves I'm gonna remove one more because this one is all the way to the bottom I'm gonna remove that let's say we leave nine leave for now we're gonna come back sorry about the camera guys so we're gonna come back and you can see we have nine leaves and you could see how the bottom is open up like it's less um crowded now if the bee has the pollen it'll come into the bottom and go fly right up and pollen it is easy for them I don't have any leaves touching the bottom the floor forget no disease or anything like that and if any bugs come it's so open up that I could see any bugs right now and you could see I kind of have a tie already there so what are we gonna do we want to make sure you get yourself one of these tie so our Point plant stops right here so we're gonna come at least three quarter we up and tie it from here to here when you're staking your plant make sure you stick three to four inches away from the root even you know best to do it early has the plant has grown but if you don't get it early it's fine so what I do I kind of make this like a U or a V and then simply squeeze it like between you want to go between the two main stem try even if you go around uh a flower it's I mean even if you go around one of the big leaf is fine just make sure you don't uh pull out one of your um female flower because that did happen to me back in the days this is a shorter me we're gonna have to get a bigger one all right so you got to take your time definitely if you have small baby um male flowers or female flowers that you need so I'm gonna what I do kind of pull the plant towards it and then I twist it we have a lot of high wind here and I'm training these plants for outdoors so I keep them close to my steak so I did a couple twists there let me show you guys so all right turn this around so you see that so that's how my plant looking right now so now look at this from this side we have nothing touching the bottom and look we have open spot so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tie it remove this below or one we don't need this lower one because I could reuse this tie for when it gets higher when it grows bigger so what happened we could add more soil here our compost and remember zucchini plant could grow up to four or five feet in length so you're going to be needing pruning and tying and keep doing this step as the plant grow leave about you know eight eight leaves on the plant I have about nine leaves and then look if we count the small baby ones we do have a bunch of baby well look we have a lot of female so now think about this now we prune all the leaves out from the bottom the plants don't have to give these big unnecessary leaves energy so now what it does the energy comes from the root and then it will push more energy to this fruit it you know get a couple leaves it'll grow these meal flowers fast or grow this fast and as we're pruning going the energy will flow up to the plant making the plant grow more and produce more so we could get a faster harvest in a less period of time so it's an example your female flower in this zucchini plant open and you don't have any mail here check around in your other plants if you have on another zucchini plant or squash plant you guys could always cross pollinate so you could see look at that spacing room right now this is look still back to show you guys see then it's not crowded and that's a five gallon container and then if you look right here I have to prune all these guys yet and get to them yet they're round with zucchinis oh my God these round ones are the worst they grow so fast and so much so I have to prune non-stop this plant grows really really fast and just for beginners this right here this is not powder mildew or any disease these this is how the plant the leaves are it's a different variety and that's how the pattern look like it's white but it's not no disease guys alright guys so thank you so much for watching uh follow my tip if you have any question comment below and don't be afraid if you need to prune especially if you have a short Garden in time I did this before multiple times you know last year I had over 20 zucchini and squash plant the other year I had you know a bunch and this year I'm gonna probably have over 20 30 plant so I do experiment with my plants this is why I could share my knowledge with you guys you know if I didn't do this I would have tell you guys I didn't do it but I done this many times before and I know every Gardener out there you know they have their own belief and they have their own way to do gardening so you know and I respect everybody but you know this is my way a lot of people don't like to prune but I have to prune because I have to you know Garden for a while and you know realizing that summer is very short over here in New York and you know my family and I neighbor's friends my pet pig we all love fresh zucchini or squash or anything from the garden so by the time you know a zucchini plant grow all the big leaf and all the meal flowers you know you're missing you know so much weeks it could be months that you know before you're having a harvest so I like to get the most out of my plant in a little bit of time if I live in a place that you know I didn't had a prune I have Garden all year long well I wouldn't prune I you know I probably would have pruned a couple lower Leaf but just leave it to grow but I have no choice so if you have no choice then do this if you have a choice you don't have to do it all right guys and um don't be afraid do it get some Harvest and if you're new welcome to Green Tea Garden I'm all about growing a better home garden and thank you guys so much for watching the support if you click the red subscribe button you'll subscribe to my channel and if you click the Bell icon it gives you a notification said every time I upload a video by subscribing you get all my videos all my tips and tricks and hanging out we're going to Garden for 100 free and I'll uh I'll see you guys next time got more videos coming up and thank you guys so much
Channel: GreenTGarden
Views: 213,623
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Keywords: How to prune zucchini plant, pruning zucchini plant, how to grow zucchini vertically, growing zucchini vertically, growing zucchini plant, zucchini plant growing, why should I prune zucchini plants, how to prune zucchini plants for beginners, benifits of pruning zucchini, growing zucchini, growing zucchini in containers, how to grow zucchini in containers, zucchini plant pruning, pruning zucchini to grow vertically, pruning squash plant, growing squash vertically, zucchini, #plant
Id: ZtIE76mdmIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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