My Neighbor, Paul Cuffaro's House!

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oh that's rad look at that what's up buddy look at  this dude look at everybody if I do need a pig I   know who to come to one suggestion anyone that  might want to pick in close the enclosure they   will dig out they'll get out this building right  here this is your pride and joy right now this is   Ken in Paradise you could do the explaining here  oh that looks like a Joffrey side neck you know   that's the turtle that started it all for me  look out automata that is gorgeous no way dude   Cornelius no wait look at this thing oh dude look  at that little guy this is well done man a lot of   space a lot of greenery so now this right here  is the project I wanted to show you it's been   a while since you've been over here look at this  tub man this is an awesome tub you've got to get   that fly River in here man what's going on I'm  hanging out my neighbor's house it's amazing   dude two minutes away it's so cool if you're  living here so I thought I'd come over and   say hello to Paul I haven't been here we've  been living here how long now almost a year   wow that's awesome man check this out oh dude you  know when I was at my house my other neighbors   they sent me three goats to babysit about an  hour after they sent them I had four goats [Music]   well we sincerely thank all of you happy campers  out there your support makes a real difference in   our efforts here at Camp Kenneth this week shout  out goes to Brandon gramling thank you for all   you do and for loving reptiles they had one had a  baby in the pen I loved goats dude I'm surprised   you don't have any this is the thing if you put  your hand flat okay he'll use it as a head as a   head scratcher oh it's rad look at that what's  up buddy does he get horns too no they don't   shed their horns do they have horns and I'm to be  honest I'm not sure why so okay some don't but it   was a little baby he only had tiny little horns  and now he's got big horns oh that's so funny yeah   it's like you got your own proper petting zoo  dude that's awesome that's boots couple others   over there awesome this place looks great yeah  it's coming together really quickly like I said   we've only been we've been here less than a year  that's amazing man you do a lot of work I know how   much work it is but look how many pigs do you have  17. 17 pigs oh that's red dude well at least I'd   say 85 of them some were born here and then I had  to Spade them mama you know you gotcha no that's   cool though man holy smokes you know what's funny  though these pigs right here yep um if they get   into the wild okay within a generation they're  feral Hawks yeah they're straight up murderous   these are really domesticated right okay like  these are like she'll lay with you and snuggle   you type stuff um this guy this girl right here  this is a girl rescued her from Naples uh she was   gonna gonna be bacon by the father of no way of  the kid that was like hey come pick up my paper   my dad's gonna kill it no way this guy uh was just  you know the people were moving out of Miami and   they needed a place for him I got him like two  years ago mango mango and one thing okay more   like a married couple they don't they don't  no he's neutered so she's not spayed but they   can't do anything well that'll make sense yeah  what type of pigs are they see I have no idea   because I rescued him I have no idea oh that's  crazy they're just domestic pigs but I think   they're like I I don't know if they have their  I know nothing about pigs uh a lot of species look at this dude look at everybody what  what is it about the pigs that you love bro   um well it was it's like a backstory to it because  I was gonna get you know originally I don't think   I've ever said this I was gonna get a hedgehog  that was someone started all the animals I lived   with my parents I was gonna get a hedgehog and  then my mom was like look at this baby pig that   one right there that's Lulu she peed in my house  she did that's amazing Kate wasn't too happy about   that but it's okay that's Lulu so she was the  start of everything no um that's awesome yeah she   was the start of everything and then from there  she had I had rescued Bubba who is this one right   here this is Bubba all right he was so small and  I didn't know any better living my parents I just   had two pigs like dogs that lived in the house oh  my God he ended up giving you know get making her   pregnant and then I had the four babies which is  blue Duke right there Daisy walking away from us   cool right there and how many years ago was that  that was two and a half three years ago they grow   big they grow fast yeah yeah and then these other  little ones were kind of just from other you know   breeds or rescues did you spay all them as well  only the males are neutered in here okay yeah   gotcha because you don't want any you don't want  them to continue to breed right because yeah it   doesn't matter and dude don't don't freaking mess  around like rabbits babies babies babies babies   babies like left and right yeah I don't need any  pigs but if I do need a pig I know who to come   to me I know Sophia would lose her mind yeah if I  brought a pig home dude they're awesome especially   one suggestion anyone that might want to pick  uh-huh in close the enclosure they will dig   out they'll get out okay so as you can see it's  very simple just a good hard mesh you know High   gauge wire and then just a piece of wood drilled  into the main post that's concrete and they are   not getting out that's it very cool dude without  that piece of wood though they they're out they're   gone no way well I know you guys I have a reptile  Channel yeah people probably looking at the Forum   like wow this this is for the Gators I would never  do that I would never do that don't worry but   um this building right here I want to go check  that out because that's basically this is your   pride and joy right now yeah all right we got a  little bit more work to let me turn this water oh   he's gonna turn the water off but this is really  cool guys um it's just cool to see uh how you've   evolved over there yeah last five years man you  were like a little kid now you're all buffed   look at this guy's buff he's lifting weights holy  smokes and I'm going the other way I'm shrinking   because I'm riding my bike 200 miles a week all  right check this out guys so cannons this is   Canon's Paradise you could do the explaining here  oh okay we got we got a a good a good amount of   stuff going on I call this the turtle Corner okay  so it's a lot of progress we made Still Still new   we want to do a bamboo wall on the back um this  would be something I just you know I hear you man   uh this is where I keep all the baby turtles so we  got some SML bino right here some albino red ears   and a couple other turtles in there let's see who  else keep that in there they're all under here oh   there you go little cooters so like a little  bunch of little turtles that's awesome man   um and then inside here we have some really  cool turtles if you reach around they hide   Indians oh I love these man I have uh three adults  and sadly um about two summers ago unfortunately   oh there's a nice map yeah two summers ago man I  had a raccoon eat the mail I think I remember you   yeah it was a bummer dude so these are really nice  the Indian spot these little babies right there no   these things are great this is the uh you know  guys I always screw this up but there's this is   castaneus just so you know it's got a hinge you  see that yeah yeah um that's right yeah I have   these guys in my big pond um I have them and then  they have another subspecies called serrated the   serrated mud turtle but I always forget the genus  there's like some nerd stuff going on here there's   paleo Medusa and pelusius I believe these are  paleo Medusa because they have the hinge someone   in the comments so much knowledge yeah I'd lose  it too though someone in the comments is gonna   confirm her or call me a sucker so let me see whoa  oh that's uh that looks like a Joffrey's side neck   that's that's yeah that looks like Joffrey's side  neck turtle from South America these are awesome   um I have a relative of them uh the Hillary  side nocturnal but that looks like Joffrey's   side neck Guy this is a really cool Turtle  yeah where'd you get this guy Blake oh no   doubt yeah Blake would know what I mean yeah  I just haven't reached out you haven't reached   out oh my God Coldplay kill now for certain  but I believe that's a Joffrey's side neck   um that's a pretty turtle and look at the  underside of that so they're so beautiful   they're a side neck species in the you know I  don't know if you know this ball but all side   neck turtles from Australia and South America you  can only find them in the southern hemisphere so   below the equator yeah you'll never find these  guys uh it's just how they evolved man because   millions and millions of years ago there  was one continent the super continent Pangea   um and basically when it broke up part of them  went to South America part of them stayed in   Australia and Indonesia but you won't find them in  the northern hemisphere sharp points yeah that's   it man you don't know what speed oh if it's going  to be a male or a female it's kind of young still   but they're beautiful they're so pretty Isn't  that cool so pretty and it's funny how they're   colorful from the bottom and then and then the top  they're dark and that's depending on what side the   Predator is coming from it confuses them so that's  awesome this is a great little tub too by the way   you built this huh that'd be great man yeah this  thing's all three videos on that it's really cool   um coming over see how Paul's dug things well I  took a bike ride I just got up I'm dizzy bro I did   I did a bike ride and uh I I need to eat but okay  I'm back to normal oh man I almost passed out he's   been moving around so it's a little murky but of  course he is a snapping we got a snapping turtle   and basically everything that you're setting up  is temporary like your goal is to just create a   very cool all these different habitats oh there  you go nice comes you gotta have a snap do you   know that's the turtle that started it all for  me really that's like Lulu for me yeah exactly   dude like snapping turtles were to mean the most  primitive dinosaur looking Turtles and we had so   many of them in Long Island where I grew up look  at that they're awesome man they're so cool that   is awesome Turtle good for you dude yep and  then we have we have a bigger common outside   which we'll show you all right um pull that  out this guy is awesome they are awesome man   look out mata mata that is gorgeous whole smokes  looks like it's a male big one that is I mean head   on that thing is just yep amazing and again a  side neck turtle Yep they're from South America   see that look at that Isn't that cool and look  at this awesome Waterland tub beautifully done   man you got good filtration going yep it came  out so much better than I thought it was going   to be I love the plants he's got plants in there  these are great tubs yeah yeah that's why I'm here   I want Cornelius he's an American bullfrog We  rescued from an Asian food market let me see it   no way yeah dude Cornelius Cornelius dude you're  chilling out there was like 100 of them in a   little bucket people were going to buy frogs frog  legs look at how chill he is oh he's so cool no   way and he eats like anything you put in his face  tilapia mice anything and he just like he could   hop out of here oh yeah he just chills easily oh  well sometimes I'll find him hanging out in the TV   stand that's awesome man no for the most part he's  saying he's hangs up that is so red Cornelius how   you doing he's puffing up he's showing off those  guys are ready they make the coolest sound yeah at   night you hear them sometimes that's really that's  really dope dude there's so many possibilities yes   there's a beautiful flowerhorn over here oh let's  see this guy J Ford flowerhorns hook me up with   this beautiful I turn the lights on but he gets  scared all the time oh okay that is crazy but he's   really really pretty you want to see something  really cool yeah I do he comes up he's as scared   of the light I don't know that's why I keep it  off well looks like he doesn't want to come say   hi to his friends that's his buddy that's his  buddy yeah wait sometimes if the lights are off   especially he'll come up and he'll just it fires  him up like really 10 15 minutes a day so come   over there and do that and it enhances his colors  you know keeps him dominant like he just wants to   own anything dude so we got all sorts of things  how do you say Axolotl Axolotl I I never could say   that right but these are basically a salamander  that never fully metamorphosized and they still   have gills so that's so crazy there's a golden  albino behind that no way look at this thing   yeah nuts bro how hard are these inside there not  hard at all for me at least well you're good with   fish my experience has been great with axolotls  but wow this right here inside there is the   coolest one he happens to be hiding right now it's  always bluegill lucistic no and he's cool he's got   all like this light you know white blue this is a  flowerhorning quarantine okay we have a beautiful   fly river right here oh dude look at that little  guy a little baby no way little baby fly River   that's growing out oh yeah dude you know hopefully  one day make his way over into the big pond right   on dude I love fly Rivers inside here I haven't  turned the lights on this morning yet if you look   is this a saltwater cat yeah it is so there's a  mantis a peacock mantis shrimp kind of in there   yeah he's coming there he is he's really really  really cool those things are bizarre with their   eye stalks and yeah if I put my hand in there  it might think I have food and he'll come out look at that a mantis shrimp no way will that  hurt oh yeah it'll probably hurt a little bit   no way for sure he's still small when they  get big it really hurts holy crap but this is   another garage tank so we have uh albino arowana  in here that that'll eventually make its way to   the big tunnel which we'll show you in a little  bit uh both hiding behind the woods of course   the second you pull the camera out they're  like let me hide they're a little uh royal   royal clown knife and a giant white gourami back  there that's awesome honey in the back and then   something that's up more even more yeah we just  got this we obviously have to get a big tree in   here a couple more hiding and hanging spots dude  this is really well done though man I just built   this actually Hector didn't build this one okay  I'm gonna talk to the guy that builds everything   that's cool let's see what's in here bud oh  no way where is he at there is right there   a little chameleon what species is this a veil  yes it is a veiled okay that is so cool little   Camellia this I'll tell you it's a baby though  it's gonna get a lot more colors absolutely no   it's beautiful and this is well done man a lot  of space a lot of greenery that is awesome dude   wow look at this you're killing it bro I love your  new place look at that Vines it's actually regular   uh what do they call them the normal lizards  around here a animals animals yeah right the   animals animals yeah yeah things running around  this enclosure with a chameleon get out of here   he's gonna get his ass eaten here that is so  funny when that Holy yes now this right here is   the project I wanted to show you it's been a while  since you've been over here I've never been over   here yeah you actually have it this is the first  time ever being here look at this tub man this   is an awesome tub so this is a really big project  for my channel okay um it's 5 500 gallons to the   capacity that I haven't filled up to at least uh  we have everything from peacock bass to Oscars the   Jaguar cichlids iridescent catfish marble the Cara  albino iridescent you know you name it it's in   here pretty much predatory fish wise okay and um  it was a lot clearer just about 30 minutes ago but   as you can see over here we just had to do some  work okay I had four big old concrete you know   dang cinder blocks and that was to keep this piece  of wood down but it wouldn't stay down so the pH   was spiking too much from all the concrete blocks  so I had to I had to cut it out and it ended up   floating up it didn't have enough time to see did  you get this from The Bushel Stop you know what   I think I got that out of a house that I had  purchased okay that's that that's a nice piece   of wood it was in the backyard the front yard  of one of the houses I had bought and I was like   dude this would be sick hell yeah so I took it  back home it was in the snapping turtle and pull   your for a little bit and I ended up throwing  it in here it didn't sink in time so now I'm   gonna use it for something else that's really  cool though bro this is amazing though yeah So   eventually they'll get some structure but the  water was a lot clearer it's still pretty cool   I I think these tubs are amazing man um look at  that that's a beautiful melanistic guard what yeah   all black jet black holy smokes and don't you  love the window do you know the window is key   yeah you can experience it we've got to get  that fly River in here man it's just I have   to that animal is gonna love it in here you're  growing it out that makes sense that's an Oscar   right yep that's sick dude he's just swimming  in here that's how I got it all out I know you   still look at this the plan is to get this this  piece of wood with that wild this is awesome dude yeah let's see and basically what Paul's building  is this indoor Set uh where you can do all these   videos oh we got a there's a soft shell turtle  look at this guys yeah so essentially each part   of the building would be a different set okay  and that's like the whole vibe like this is the   Amazon Corner there'll be the cichlid which I  haven't showed you yet how to kind of finish it   off here but uh there's gonna be another Pond  over there the turtle corner all the tanks you   know I'd love different vibe everywhere you are  and you guys check this out now you did a video   on this didn't you yeah yeah I filmed a little bit  of it yeah okay so check it out that's a garbage   can uh filter and very simple too yeah you may  want to check out that video because that'll work   for Turtles as well and uh it's really good you  can yeah okay yeah it's pretty good you can turn   those into uh filtration uh with some pumps and  uh filter floss and PVC so you may want to check   that out but it's doing a good job on this oh when  I mean yesterday this water had a little bit of   cloud to it and in just like six hours overnight  when I plug that in okay Crystal Clear awesome   it's that filter floss that filter floss and that  photo carbon yeah rid of all the like you know the   tints yeah water it's just like that's awesome  beautiful and I love it now look at this I mean   this place is looking good let's uh check out  those cichlids yep but this is amazing man lots   of work you've been doing yeah [Music] plus all  the other animals have to eat every day so it's   like non-stop over here look at this it's a nice  simple um this is beautiful man they'll outgrow   it at some point but right at least for the time  being I'll give them to Kenny when they get too   big no I could use them mine are all gone that was  a bummer dude yeah man it's part of the hobby you   know yeah but these these are beautiful so a lot  of these are growing rapidly fast like okay these   are babies just a couple weeks ago now they're  growing I do have a frontosa in here you can see   a baller shark down there yeah and I saw that ball  of shark I have a I still have the frontosa which   I'm happy about I love my front very easy in here  they love to hide in those rocks oh there he is he   just can't he's he's right under okay all right  barely barely sand yeah yeah this is pretty cool   man so these are like just temporary uh tubs that  they make yeah a little setup on a gallon tub the   company actually bogwell ponds I think it is okay  they sent it over for me why not you know nice and   simple if you're if you're doing work or you're  cleaning out something you have a nice temporary   uh yeah you got a little place to hold them a  little scrubber oh yeah there's a glass that's   so cool man well I gotta tell you brother I'm  really happy for you man I love everything you're   doing it's coming along I would say go check out  his channel but I don't think you need any help   from me you're doing pretty good man yeah it's  been pretty awesome you've been doing awesome   go check it out if you're interested uh we're the  chameleon something wrapped out dude he does some   stuff with McDonald's he does some stuff and when  he when he doesn't know something you always call   me I'm always hooking you up when I asked the  fly River cool yeah what happened oh he had a   bad bacterial okay very cool look at him now he's  perfect check it out the acroflavin worked right   yep perfect yeah Hey listen when you're keeping  animals something's you know especially at the   at the quantity that means right you know you're  always gonna have a sick animals uh at some point   but that's awesome and that's the good thing  about we share information uh we care about   the animals and it's very important to uh make  sure that when you're taking care of all these   exotic animals you have a good pool of people  to help you out it's done right brother thank   you so much hey no problem we're gonna go get  some lunch right now because I'm gonna pass   out if I don't we won't ride the bike no no let's  drive I'll see you guys later uh don't forget to   like And subscribe and uh hey let me know what you  think of what Paul's got going on peace out see ya
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 120,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, pual cuffaro, house, neighbor, neighbors, now, fish, visit, brian barczyk, tyler nolan, chandler's wildlife, yard
Id: A9vGZSPnY14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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