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today we're going to show you our morning routine here at the ranch our first step is to throw feed all over the sidewalk so we just grabbed two squares of hay and now we're gonna throw it here we go girl that girl is a healthy cow our Munchak deer are really hungry today so let's start feeding these guys here we go putting it on their little slab they have right here so we grabbed the bowl from last night pick it up put that one down and all that food will be gone in the next 15-20 minutes or so what is going on everybody welcome back to Blake's exotic animal ranch today is a beautiful day here in South Florida and we're about to start our morning routine here at the ranch and this is how we start it every single day you guys are probably looking at me right now a little awkwardly a little weird yeah I kind of shaved my beard for the new year and we're gonna see how that rides so let me know in the comments you think I should let it cut or let it long anyways let's get to the back and let's start doing our things I've already been back there already actually because I had to clean the floors make sure everything looks beautiful and nice because this is something that has to get done every single day let's get back there and let's start feeding all right so I felt a little bit of food for everybody every single morning all the birds over here are just misman aliens birds that I have no idea why they're even over here they should be in the chicken side but they always fly back over and they always figure their way out so they're the special ones and they just stay over here so we're gonna keep on going and dropping food around so the goat section and the chicken section is a little muddy right now because of the fact that last night we had a cold front that came in and it's not cold today it's gonna get cold this weekend and we're gonna show you a bunch bunch of videos coming up in the next few days because it's about to get really cold here in South Florida and the animals don't like it and prayers for all you guys up in North United States I see all the videos on Tick Tock and Instagram and everything you guys are going through it it is crazy how deep the snow is I would not be able to survive in that kind of weather now we're entering our farm area of our goat section and like I mentioned it's a little muddy today because it rained last night so we have this whole bucket of feed right here and this whole bucket of feed we do it two times a day so right now what we're about to do everybody start throwing feed down so we throw feed in all the dry spots every single time and Everybody Eats this it gets picked up very very very quickly and like I mentioned the goats are only going to tap the top of the grain after that they move on to another pile because they don't want to eat the dirt or anything of that sort and then all the little crumbs and all that stuff the birds pick out all up so that no rats or anything is touch from that all right so we're dropping food down and we drop a lot of food down because we have a lot of birds we have about 60 something chickens here on the ranch and it's a Miss manilius of birds inside of here and then on top of that as you guys know we have the city girls that are inside of here too now are two rias and then we also have our African Crown cranes we have guinea fowl we have turkeys and then just a bunch of different types of chicken and then we're gonna go over here real quick because my favorite chicken while I'm doing this you guys are probably not realizing I'm not looking at you at the camera because I am making sure that every single bird is coming and eating the reason why I like to feed in this way is because I have a lot of animals here and I like to make sure all the birds are eating if I don't see all the birds you're eating that means something might be happening with Bird right now which means it could be sick something could happen I might have to treat it with antibiotics or any of that things so we come over here and we come this way because I know my girl football is right underneath there so what I'll do is go a little bit food on for my girl football and she'll come out and come and eat she knows she's the special one and she doesn't want to go with all the other chickens and fight too much because she's my oldest chicken here on the ranch she's almost 15 years old and living her best life so you guys are probably wondering why is everybody eating this stuff so inside of here is a little bit of scratch corn a little bit of layer pellet and then a mixture of livestock grain I've been doing this for years and all my animals are 100 healthy with this and there's no situation with me feeding them all this whatsoever so now we're gonna move over and come into this section as you guys saw we literally have three sections of chickens we have the first section the main section and in this section the chickens can go back and forth because there's a hole underneath the fence which is fine and um they love it so that's Moors she gets a little bit of green right there again she'll only eat to the top layer stop and the chicken to eat the rest we're walking this way now we got Benny and he likes a little bit I don't give him a lot just a little bit just like that and then the rest of this bucket right here goes inside of here and that grain right there is a mixture of like I just said livestock grain scratch and layer pellet and then in the afternoons you guys will see that in another video they get emu diet from Missouri so my male uh emus right here my female guess where you'll find her somewhere in here and every single day now we are about to be seasoned for our laying season so we're going to be getting eggs very very soon with our emus and I'm really hoping that these guys are going to be fertile uh so I'm always looking around for a bright green egg sometimes the male might hide it last year we only got four eggs hopefully this year we break that point and we get some more eggs so now we're gonna come over here and make sure all my birds are good come inside check it all out all right everybody's good any eggs anything of that sort nope everything looks great water food all good birds look amazing we're still not flying yet because they still need to get used to this area and we're actually gonna be re-homing a few of these Birds because some of them are not all Racers and I don't want to have any mixed Birds inside here the only mixed birds that we're gonna have are these high flyer pair that's right there but then we have this one right here I forget the name of it but I know that's not a species of racer and then we have these two type of Cuban pigeons that are right here that we don't want either so we're going to be re-homing those as well let's get out and keep on moving so we just checked that section over there she's not over there so now we're gonna come over here and check this out I'd like to get a head count every single day two to three times a day on all my animals to make sure everybody's good and everybody's well you guys can probably see in the distance over there we have our African spur thigh sulcadas or I made two different names in one it's over there just uh tanning getting their morning tan and I can see that my girl is inside of here right now what's up girl you good everything's all right no eggs yet all right girl no eggs yet she's doing good she'll come out and get some food soon uh oh Morris is that you got food for me you got food for me no I don't got no food for you girl we're gonna get you hay right now that's what's next all right so we come inside of here every single morning and we collect all of our eggs so that our eggs don't sit here overnight and they go bad or anything like that so we gotta we got a good amount of eggs every single day now we're getting about a dozen eggs so it's pretty awesome so fresh eggs is never a bad thing and uh we get a bunch of different color eggs so it's pretty dope check that out let's go in the library guys look at that nice group of eggs right there now we gotta feed our head so we just grabbed two squares of hay and now we're gonna throw it here we go girl that girl is a healthy cow so we just threw some hates and lures now we spread out three squares of hay for all the goats the donkeys and our zebras that are inside of this area the zubus have calmed down a lot they've been chilling out they've been coming up to us a lot more often we still haven't gotten halters for them yet so we definitely need to do that but other than that everyone's doing good let me grab one more square and then we're done in the farm area all right so this is our next step right here going to the back section of the ranch and like we talked about earlier all the grain is completely gone just enough for all the birds to get filled up and just enough that there's no more on the ground and nothing is Left Behind so now where we're going is we're heading to the back and first off who we're gonna feed are our cassowaries so we have our Bowl right here for our cassowaries we're gonna head there right now it looks like Christmas back here because we have our cold front coming in so we have lights all around back here right now for all of our tortoises so it's gonna be a little bit different but it's all right so we grabbed the bowl from last night pick it up put that one down and all that food will be gone in the next 15-20 minutes or so inside of there right now we have a protein diet we have a Missouri ratat diet and a bunch of different types of bananas blueberries grapes and all sorts of effects of fruits and everything in it but um this is every single day 365 days a year everything that you guys are seeing we do it every single day rain shine cold hot doesn't matter what it is now we gotta get inside leave here walking inside the Aviary our trumpeters are hungry and ready to go as you can see their bowl is completely empty and they're waiting for their next meal keep on moving our tarakos know that this is our food section as you guys can see so there they go watch out girls and boys come inside here come over here keep that door closed food is completely gone because they are hungry okay excited guys today huh yeah all right they are some funny birds all right moving right along and inside of here we have a little bit of scratch layer pellet and waterfowl diet for the food trades right here you go right here drop some there let me come down this way all the Ducks know it's feeding time everyone's talking as you can see and drop the rest here now we walk our hole around with Avia real quick make sure everything is good always got to make sure our net and everything look good our water's running birds look good Turtles look good this is our biggest ecosystem on the ranch so it takes a lot more time and a lot more looking over than any other enclosure because the fact of there's so many plants and everything so here we go everything looks good I'm looking at everything and one good thing about me walking around this whole entire thing it just uh I'm like the the spider web knocker offer so my first my head's the one that gets the knock off every single morning and concerts right there behind us everything looks good everything looks good if you guys have not been following me on Instagram you guys are missing out on the big giant surprise that we had here at the ranch there's something absolutely special over there right now so make sure you give this video a thumbs up 5 000 likes and put it down in the comments if you guys want to see that surprise let's keep on moving because now where we're going is we are gonna go feed a moon Jack deer we see Marty we see the horses we're looking at everybody making sure everybody looks great and perfect and everybody looks amazing our moon Jack deer are really hungry today so let's start feeding these guys here we go putting it on their little slab they have right here I put through this twice a day we're getting a little sweet potato apple green beans and a little bit of mixed corn and grain there you go girls and boys now let's move on and go take out Oliver and Callie entering inside of Oliver's home they are ready to come out I turn on the water just a little bit so they have a little bit extra Splash come over here close that door behind us open that up Oliver comes out so it's a little hard to film Oliver and Cali but right when they come out because they get really excited and we feed them at lunch time but that is all you guys that is a full morning tour here at Blake exotic animal Ranch and we still have a couple more animals we still have to go see we have our crop pigeons in the front that we have to feed and we gotta check out our fish but make sure you guys subscribe to the channel put your post notification on because stay tuned I think me and Cassandra are gonna be posting for the rest of the month to end off the year absolutely amazing hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out everyone foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blakes Exotic Animal Ranch
Views: 177,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal planet, blakes exotic animal ranch, farm, ranch, donkey, turtle, tortoise, baby animals, cute animals, dogs, puppies, zoo, snakes, pond, fish, bully dogs, goat, monster fish keepers, birds, capybara, eggs, emu, reptiles, alligator, cow, horse, bear, pool pond, barn, nature, wildlife, education, breeding, travel, exotic animals, otters, aviary, parrots, D.I.Y, rhea, zebra, giraffe, elephant, cassowary, blake, peacock bass, catfish, arapaima, monster fish, africa, peru, costa rica, amazon, yard work, building, tree, plant
Id: -IQxRi8mDF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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