Moving ALL my Cichlids by Draining the Ponds!!

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[Music] remember this day there they go oh well I just grabbed this guy by the face look at this guys how what's he doing there what is that let's see if Lincoln will eat that thing oh my God oh yes what's going on everybody just a little pond maintenance today but this is actually a little bit different than normal instead of just showing you how I clean the Palms which you know I got to do once every six months we're actually going to be taking some cichlids that I actually still have in these ponds and we're going to put them in our big Recreation Pond out back so I've got to clean three ponds today get some cichlids out and uh one of the ponds happens to be slinkies he's got a lot of fish in there so I want to get them out get them back in the wreck pond because honestly I kind of am missing the fact that I used to have a lot of fish in it so that's what we're doing today fun [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys so we have done a lot of Maintenance quickly as you guys saw and this is always fun because I get to see my turtles this is a good time for me to check on everyone uh make sure they're doing well and just make sure these are happy little boogers these guys actually wander around the land and you'll notice they got ticks on them even though they go in the water they'll get ticks from wandering down on land but the ticks die they drown obviously so I'm not too worried about picking all these off they're just going to fall off and in fact another thing that happens with the ticks or Lydia borniensis hey wait you go the wrong way get out of here for a little while these guys just want to look one track mind he's gonna keep stumbling back get out of here go up there okay we got the badger [Music] it's crazy right like there's a lot of turtles in here guys we want to put them up so I can try and get these fish it's going to be a bit of a pan in the neck even with the water below because the fish oh God that's I don't like them can you hand that tortoise just put them up there somewhere okay I just have to keep them in here then oh no that's my big old hamiltonite so it's fun man lots of turtles obviously we're just gonna move some of these logs look at this guy yeah he's going for it he's going for it yeah it is pretty cool isn't it you never see a turtle doing something like this look at this this is by the way about like 70 degrees slope that he's just easily climbing up that's so you know you find you find that they're more athletic than you give them credit that's my point is I've never seen turtles do the things I've seen here with you until now this is wild this guy's just wanting to give I know they're nuts oh here's a fish oh it's a fish yeah they want to come back but I get worried because I don't want them to bash themselves oh whoa I just grabbed I just grabbed this guy by the face oh no maybe it's it's not a gator Snapper this is one of Fred's uh Snapper hybrids uh came to me Charlie moorcroft gave it to me from the moorcroft conservation side so it is a hybrid it's not actually a gator Snapper and it's not a normal Gator a normal Snapper it's just its own thing and it's funny it has a shell of a gator Snapper the head right here of a regular Snapper we have this Turtle coming back it's Turtle nightmares here I got them I got them I got them just helping them I don't want this guy in here though because I don't want my finger snipped so you grab him and put him behind you oh yeah take this finger snapping no big deal Turtle right there bud I gotta get some fish no big deal take this turtle snapping gosh guys I hope I can get fish out of this I might have to drain this even more all right do me a favor you're gonna go and plug this thing back in let's get this drained even more [Music] sure we gotta get the which plug um oh yeah can you see it yeah just plug it in I'll tell you when it sucks just hang there for a second hold on it won't be long oh just got it yeah just wait there until I give you the all clear wait it doesn't feel is it sucking yeah it's definitely gone I can see the water coming water's going down look at this guy on the far side unbelievable he made it all the way we made it all the way up dead or Lydia very very cool just to give you guys an idea this guy climbed all the way out but I gotta go shut up get ready shut the pump off hold on hold on this is gonna be the best way to get all these little fish out of here you ready keep going I've done this before but I've never gotten the fish not take your fingers in that sump pump no I won't get them stuck okay go all right here we are all right this is where the fish have congregated so behind you is that orange bucket if you want it with the water in it yeah that's water from this pond so what I'm doing is I'm just gonna grab that anymore the stuff and then I'm just gonna put it around it's so funny how these fish even in such a small area are able to evade my capture here we go there we go a little beautiful hand cut look at the hand caught and we're just going to keep getting fish out of here we might get oh I hear you'll also hear fish Behind these rocks here's one let me just shape up I went back in and this is this is going to be a difficult job but it's a job that needs to be done because there's a blue one right there by your right hand right hand yeah right fingers well there's one that just went in there that might be it it was bright blue wait is that a fish that is not a fish sometimes the fish get stuck behind these rocks as the water level drops there are a lot of fish in here guys can we use the net we can it might be easier yeah grab that net or hold the bucket because it's not gonna balance it God we are like just out of control today here I'll grab that you get the net yeah this is I think I hear it oh there's a fish right there guys look we gotta get this fish and save it there's a fish there's a fish right there that needs help like I said they'll sometimes get caught behind the Rocks I love this guy he's oh no don't oh God look at this guys we got them we're saving the fish we're saving the fish and they're gonna go in the big pond Outback so there's another one got that camera see look so there we go okay yeah I know I'm gonna have to check these rocks um it happens man so we know those rocks are done oh gosh this rock is there anyone under there no okay all right we got you any more in the bottom of the pond uh yeah there are I think I feel some we'll just do this guys oh look at that boom we got one right there chase them into this on all this fish in here guys nobody let's get them scattered away from this area [Music] well you have one two three four five six in here oh God that's not a lot it's not a lot I'm just checking these rocks guys because you will get fish stuck behind here look at all the sediment though look at all that sludge yikes now normally oh my God these guys down in here they want to get back in that water I'm gonna put this up here yeah put it up there I still want to keep there's another little one down there by the pump by the way oh yeah the turtle's gone yeah oh nice grab that fish sweet look at that getting fish loving it all right man let me just have a peek over here I'll be honest I kind of wish I had the time to film that mountain climber there oh dude that was insane dude no way you're standing over that guy I hope he wasn't squish enough there's Turtles everywhere while I'm at it I'm just scooping out any of this sludge putting down here there's a lot of that oh I got a fish hold on there is another fish in here I want as many as I can get are you guys at home keeping track of how many fish because I don't know how many I've got so far I'm gonna grow up to seven but yeah there's fish under here oh yeah I can see multiple right away oh my gosh tons of fish there they all are all right hold on a second yeah look at this we got two in there two there and believe it or not there's gonna be a bunch of little baby fish that are gonna survive and they'll grow up in this pond and this this Honda is not going to be devoid of fish I can tell you that much I just want to get that back on going again it's such a bummer that we lost all the fish thought I felt I feel Turtles I'm glad that snapping turtle's not in here anymore I can't believe that guy was in there I never knew he existed oh he exists he is he's beautiful he is pretty good gnarly show well you know what there's way more fish in slinky's pond so what I'm gonna do just button this back up see I was trying to catch fish with this little right right sorry get this thing out of here we got to get some oh there's there's two more fish there's there's definitely more fishing when you lifted that rock it was immediately apparent that we're fishing smart they you know they're trying to hide obviously Turtles are also trying to hide I think I saw and I'm just trying to get as many as possible can we lift another one of these baseboards uh like one of the rooms at the bottom well if you really think there are more I mean I think we're good I think that's enough for this we're gonna go and get slinkies because there's tons of fish inside these so what I'm going to do is start filling this back up it's going to take a little while we're going to go ahead and um yeah let's just get back to it I gotta wrap all this stuff up and we're gonna head out to the back because while I'm doing this it's important to do the pond maintenance very very important so uh all right we got the fish out let's start filling this back up I'll rinse down some of these rocks of course I see the fish and I'm like almost OCD about it because I want to grab every fish I see but I can't get that I can't get that way because it'll just you know it'll be just too much just too much just saying hello little turtle head poking out everyone gets a little turtle head from time to time now why did I put that in there because here's what I want to do real quick we'll just give it a good spray just turn this sucker on look out there's gonna be water coming not this big water pressure guys [Music] yeah the water pressure look at this guys I put these crayfish in here I want to put these crayfish in the back Pond too so we got a little ecosystem we're building in so what I do is I rinse off the Rocks best I can what you normally do is with a power washer but I'm just gonna do this real quick uh you guys don't need to be bored watching all this action but it's just a fun way to clean your pond and get fish out this actually is the easiest way with all these rocks and so on gosh I just want to be able to get the fish any other way I want to get this a little crud out of here look at that little crawdads we'll just put these two they'll be like the Adam and Eve of the back Pawn I hope I don't know if it could be Adam and Steve I don't know but they're gonna be in there and we'll see what happens in the meantime we're getting some water back in here and all is good all right let's speed this process up shall we yeah now we have to do what we did to the front ponds slinkies now the big challenge is we've got Slinky so as the water gets lower I don't want him to eat these fish because he will definitely eat them uh that's a bummer so we're starting to drain it right now you can see he's curious as to what's going on but uh check this out come with me we have another little system in place to speed this up so the good people at Aquascape set this little tea valve up oh boy fire ants there we go this is going to start pumping out here so it'll speed up the process but uh Matt remind me to close that later yeah because before we start filling exactly I'll just mess things up okay so you're gonna have to babysit Slinky dude can you handle that I got that all right because I'm gonna go ahead and clean out all these uh oh you know all this stuff it looks like he's gonna be sunbathing so yeah let's watch him let me get to work and uh we'll meet up when we're catching fish here in a little bit he looks pretty comfy he looks good so far so good all right [Music] so as often happens when you start doing any kind of Maintenance you find out you should have been doing maintenance a long long time ago so this Papyrus has actually grown down into the bio balls and into the filter pads of this bio Falls now that's what you want to have happen you want this to become a mini Wetland filter but trying to service it guys oh I have to rip out all this clean it and put it back together now it's a double-edged sword The Roots everything that happened in here you can see look at all the mud that it collects look at the amount of mud I mean this is incredible The Roots hold on to all this stuff and that's what really filters out uh these awesome ecosystem ponds but um I think it's time to trim this thing back let it start anew and uh just kind of pull out all this muck that we've got in here so that's what I'm doing at the moment and this is not easy this one here the bio balls have fused to the filter pad because of those roots so what I have to do is gently almost like a surgeon friends pull away these roots best I can and then go ahead and use this little drywall knife this is this is a project friends this is what I'm doing yay meanwhile I found a nice little spot in the shade to just hold the camera perfect for you buddy that's not funny job description you having to do this Slinky also has taken up a few different posts yeah since we began oh man there's a big big piece of limestone there that it grew into so what are those bio balls that are in the bag yeah these bio balls aren't just what they sound they're a place where beneficial bacteria can actually colonize so there's a lot of surface area in these plastic balls you put them in the bag and what happens is all the mud everything collects but bacteria live in there and those bacteria break down all the animal waste the king plant matter they're basically eating the waste that's in the pond and that's what gives us these awesome clear ponds with healthy fish and uh you could say and you have a couple bags of those balls in each of these filters with a couple filter pads I got a couple of ball bags in here let me tell you yeah there's a lot of bags in here and I think I got them oh this is it 25 minutes later yeah where there is a will there's a way after chopping down two full plants look at that that's it but I still got to pull out these really slimy filled things here oh my God this this is crazy this is the craziest I've ever seen it because these bags are now most likely used to each other plus Slinky Jigs and he kicks up all that dirt from the walls and winds up in the filter you said you where is slinky way over there oh my God guys this is a major project that I never would have even started had I not been doing this thing how's the water levels in the pond I think we're still okay it's getting low for sure though I can see a lot of concentration in fish okay guys this is so crazy gotta light getting dirty you know what the fish level it's almost time yeah all right you may want to take the Breather on this um yeah there's definitely hand catchable fish right now all right let's do it let's get some fish I'll come back to that here in a minute this is slinky's Pond of which Slinky is very knows that there's a high concentration of fish over here yikes all right let's see you're right in oh he's gonna screw everything up we only want the cichlids we don't want any of the other look at this guy fish hunting ground you think slinky's interested a little bit look at that it's like I'd love to distract you but you look like you're in feeding mode pull this up [Music] yeah I think so oh yeah so as you can see slinky's definitely getting excited but I don't want him too excited because we don't want them eating these fish and that's going to be the challenge here with the slinks plus these lilies now that it's dirty you can't quite see them no but it's all right it'll drain fairly quickly here he is he smells that there's fishing he's such a little character my lizard oh my gosh all right this is so funny oh yeah yeah he knows A lot's going on it's like because we've got lots to do hey combo there almost gone almost got him I guess I can still scoop to try and get some yeah here's and like I said earlier we're not going to be able to get everyone but here's a nice bumblebee I don't know what that's called I'm not pretty they're pretty okay here we got two two more I think we're doing good well we've got like 20 fish at least but once we put them in that pond you're all right we need a lot to make a lot in the corners right look at the blue one right in the corner all right [Music] oh he's going in that'd be the best case scenario he's over it he could care less about what we're doing I think as soon as I put the camera in his face he's like ah I've had enough of these characters another specialized video now I'm gonna go in the Rock exactly slapping slap the slap Happy look at this yeah he loves his own he loves his home dude foreign [Applause] let me know in the comments below look at how feisty they are put my hand in there they almost jump out of the bucket they're getting nervous this is crazy to see it this way well there's some big fish over here [Music] it's really hard to see how many are there until the water gets low and then they're all exactly together oh yeah this is a much more complex Little Pond system than you can see oh look at this blue guy right here oh get him dead got him you still alive yeah of course oh there we go gotcha buddy good eyes dude there we go [Music] yeah look there's a whole bunch get them awesome ow watch their stores yeah they have little spies that's what's cool these ponds there's always [Music] you're good I can see the bright blue ones look at this oh we got finished bro look at this guy he's way in here I'll grab it I got it I got him yeah I got him oh he's a big boy look at this awesome man get him in there oh good thing I didn't step on that I had no idea it was a plastic layer yeah but it's very sturdy those are the aqua blocks yeah you can put thousands of pounds on that really yup yes so just look at this I mean there's so much going on here right underneath the bridge [Music] surprise I thought I'd see more on the ground here's some more I got two right here oh we're gonna fish in our pond again it's gonna be great anyone jumped onto my forearm hello oh yeah right there look right there I'm [Music] awesome grab that though I hear I know I can hear I can hear him in the Rock here we go you don't want these little things no those little guys we don't need there's plenty in there we got a million of these things and we're not taking them these are going back I think we may be almost oh look at all these fish right here right here look at it look at all these guys oh my God here it's crazy this is almost like that okay right here oh they're all trying to go behind yep I can see that there we go Camp Ken and shoot days usually involve two pair of shorts three t-shirts one pair of boots maybe a bathing suit a snorkel oh man I got a bunch of fish that were behind here let's put them in there real quick oh yeah look at that it's crazy you find like these little hiding places yeah let's get them out of here then I can put that rock back you scoop that out actually almost any of these rosters I can see like right here look at this this guy's sitting here thinking he's all fine and I got you [Applause] best I can [Music] you always have enough that should be supposed to actually breed in here right oh yeah that's why it's good for me to bend these guys out at the moment oh that little guy they are really so not a quick processes basically the takeaway no today nope definitely not but necessary but rewarding because you get all these fish I know free that we've been breeding for a few years and Slinky stain and what I hope is they'll do the same thing in our big pond and they survive the winter fine in a smaller environment which is awesome I thought we got one here these guys are getting almost able to jump out of the bucket when I put my hand in a bunch of them just try to jump really well those are now they're a little bit more well we have to get them out of that bucket soon because they're probably using up some oxygen in there explain that so basically you know we've been keeping these fish in an uh in water that a lot of fish are breathing in So eventually all the dissolved oxygen that they breathe because they do breathe oxygen fish um they're going to use up that oxygen and we're going to want to make sure that they're okay oh my God guys I hit the motherload back here I mean you better get it because slinky's crawling out of his cave over there oh great fistful and like I'm able to pull like at the fish out like crazy oh here's a big so I'm gonna go hit the pumpkin because oh yeah what's this ah look at this guys how what's he doing there what is that it's a catfish it's actually a walking catfish how the heck did he get in here kill that pump don't be careful they have a spine that can hurt me let's see if Slinky wants it holy smokes quick give me this let's see if Slinky will eat that thing they're from his neck of the woods Slinky look what I got it's a catfish looks like it's like a don't hit me sticky Slinky look look looks like Slinky slinky looks like he ow it's like a he's got hurt Jesus you just got slopped hard why does he do this to his dad oh look at that oh careful now watch careful look at that I'm in the slap zone now oh yeah you are look at it right down okay cool he did it big little treat their little treat for you slinks no no my God I can't believe it oh God man you hit you hard yeah he did thanks for noticing yeah oh I pretty much triggered it so guys check this out I was in here uh Slinky came out of his house and he is now losing his body as a net he's corralling the fish look at this and he's grabbing him and you know what that's okay I want Slinky to be he is the Big Daddy here and um if he gets a few fish today it's a little bit of enrichment you can see some over here any ones that I can grab I'm gonna grab the process of him getting down into this low water and creating those walls so that he can catch easier was so quick and so efficient yep and watch this look now he's gonna sense it look he's sensing where they are there and mind you there are plenty oh yeah there are plenty of fish in here still it's just amazing um that he you know he's so aware of his body yeah I mean it sounds silly but you know this is an animal that's really intelligent uh in my opinion look he's probing in there he's gonna grab one I got this one oh be careful if he sees that yeah okay so you see that you see that oh look yeah there it is right there look right there oh my God this fish I don't even just let it go no no I gotta save it oh look look at this oh my God I think he's got one oh I can see it right there does he got one on the other side oh my God he's gotta leave Slinky oh there's two of them right on the other side there's so many I want to get in there but I'm afraid to put my hand anywhere I wouldn't even do it don't risk it yeah but they're right on the other side of that leaf look at this that is crazy let them look he's got this little one he just grabbed a little that little guy like surgical look at him oh my gosh look at this and he knows it's just amazing it's so cool that mouth is so big we never get I don't see it open that much man wow yeah see this is a monitor lizard this is what they do their tongue is working overtime he's really working here and watch this one right there I know oh he knows it oh my God all right let me see something here [Music] careful don't step on his tail I know he is wrapped up in it he is in Hunt mode just be careful with your foot there because just move slow good God in heaven this oh look look at how effective he is oh my gosh [Music] this lizard is nice watch your feet look at his mouth's open look he he lets them swim through his mouth it's really a cool technique he's just got his mouth a little bit open and then oh boy oh oh my God no Slinky I want that one oh no Slinky oh so he's happy whatever I'm not getting nothing slinky I guess it's terrible I can't believe we didn't see him in there he's so camouflaged oh my God he the better animal yeah well for now he's probably been seeing that fish for years and said one day I'm gonna get you and he got him um and it's gone can you believe this can you guys believe that I can't believe that that just happened I didn't even know there was a fish that big in here crud nope yeah yeah you're a little nervous now you ain't so bright but Slinky at the moment are you I just wanted to know that my shoes are connected to me yeah exactly as opposed to the dirt or another fish man he got that quick I think down the Hat I think we did good guys I think let me see how many fish we got probably we've got 35. yeah we've got one point I think we need to call this dead because the longer I keep this water level like that the morat he is to just look at hey who me what am I doing I'm innocent this is just breakfast yeah holy smokes that he caught that big fish is just incredible but look at how he uses his body we're sitting there going oh he doesn't see the little ones he had a bigger plan he did he most certainly did well we should probably add water yeah let's let's get back to filling this up I gotta continue let's go put these fish in the big pump and uh after that I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna do the maintenance which you guys don't need to see I just made a lot of work for myself which is what the spraying down the Rocks cleaning off the filter pads I think you guys have seen enough let's get these fish in the pump be right there all right so what I'm going to do is even though it's the same water I'm just going to go ahead and add a little bit of this let it kind of mix in give them a few minutes just to uh kind of mix in but I'm really happy to have some cichlids back in here and hopefully these guys will breed and reproduce we're getting into our spring we're not going to have any cold days that I'm worried about here in South Florida so that's good news but today was a necessary thing I had to do the maintenance on those ponds and uh we got the fish out so we've thinned it out I guarantee you when we fill up that pond in front there'll be fishing there they'll just keep breeding so I've got my own little Feeder system I am going to probably take a trip up to Ohio fish rescue sometime this year uh to get some cichlids from them so we can restock this and of course visit my friends at Angel's Hatchery again because I I really love having the cichlids in this Pond I think they're amazing fish they're very interesting this is exactly what those cichlids like as far as the Limestone Rock they are a rock fish they eat the algae off of it they keep all these gambuja populations down so I want to get that ecosystem started up again we still have some cichlids like du Boise that are algae eaters in here that we got from Angel's Hatchery a couple months ago so I'm happy about seeing them because they were much smaller they're getting bigger and so basically these guys are uh definitely thriving haven't seen many birds and uh like I said weather is better so okay here's what we're gonna do these guys like I said I'm not stressing out too much about the water quality because it's the same water that's feeding all these different ponds so here we go guys some more cichlids for our pond remember this day there they go very very cool oh that's pretty good amount we'll see we got some fish again we'll let those guys get used to their new beautiful Pond we'll keep an eye on them and I'll make sure that no birds get them but uh thanks for joining me today man it's awesome I always like when I have you guys around to help me get work done here at the camp and see what goes on everything that happens here is real this is real reality programming I suppose I don't know anyway got a little injury too boohoo I'm gonna go back and clean everything up in slinky's pond I'll see you guys later thanks for hanging [Music] so quick anymore see you
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 65,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, fans, herons, aquascape, rec pond, pond, ponds, big, big pond, depleted, cichlids, african, african cichlids, fish, front yard, yard, slinky, time, clean, enclosure, catch, catch all, drained, relocate, swim, matt
Id: -MWDYW4s8P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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