Kamaru Usman says Canelo and GSP are Scared to Fight Him! | FULL SEND PODCAST

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're back at the hq that's [Music] yo this is sick kamaruzman wow the champ actually by the way saleem landed this [ __ ] uh yes yes i did celine landed this guest this is this is a really big one first ufc fighter believe it or not so we got camaro uzman coming on today this is a big one first ufc fighter i can't i thought we've had a ufc fighter on i don't know why we haven't surprising i think we've had a couple opportunities we're gonna do covington we're gonna do covington and then i got i got sick as [ __ ] yeah what was wrong with you dude i had a bad flu i was sick too mal's sweating dude i'm noticing everyone's getting this flu too i think the chinese put something else into the air really i think so because dude i'm noticing everyone's getting this flu and everyone that gets it it's like as bad as when they get covered but it wasn't covered you got tested it wasn't covered it was negative but it was just as bad i was like sweating in my sheets five nights in a row i think it was just a new cold in new york like it was just a new area i think the chinese are up to something how was the podcast by the way guys i uh sat one out i i got i kind of got some messages i didn't get a chance yeah because i think you're kind of like confusing the audience what do you mean as to why like you're in and out and everyone's like where's bob like i'll tell you exactly why it goes back the original plan is i think it's important you know the elk boys stick to the milk boys and you guys get to put out your stuff uh you do your episodes and whatnot i'm not i'm not an elk boy here all right i'm just coming in for the podcast when there's guests on and that's it you know i mean i think it's better i think that's what the people want too they want just the the original crew i don't want to be jumping in on that [ __ ] i don't want to be stepping on toes because we talk about controversial topics or not i mean i definitely saw the list of topics and i definitely failed out of that real quick but but you you're so controversial on your ig yeah but it's a character i play it doesn't matter it's a fake character so if anything goes wrong or any my vo stuff that i do i just blame it on no not the voiceovers i mean even your instagram stories what you say and [ __ ] you're probably more likely to get canceled off what you do on your instagram stories then [ __ ] talking about general topics with us i don't know i just get bugged out sometimes i just get bugged out with this [ __ ] so like what i decided is like anytime there's guests on i'd love to be on and then anytime there's not and i think it's good to have the the the crew just by themselves you know kind of shooting the [ __ ] once in a while stay to your roots you know yeah no i like doing those ones once in a while too what are you guys thinking for that are you guys going to try and do those every how many times i think we do it every whenever we feel like it honestly whenever there's just like new stuff to talk about or we think about new stories i feel like yeah when a lot of just random [ __ ] pops up that we want to talk about i think it's cool to just sit with the boys and just have a a combo do you guys i think it'd be great with you too it does it's not like we always just talk about milk boys and [ __ ] yeah yeah no i'd love to do it i just like you said i saw some of the topics the topics decided to just bow out of those you know but at the end of the day what do you guys have a porno site now we got full sun.com the members yeah but what is it what is the girls thing i see the girl so basically what we're looking to do is we're we're kind of looking to build like the ultimate guys club i would say is like what it is so there's just going to be so many different benefits to being a member like come even like a year from now already there is but i just feel like we're just trying to make this package to where there's so many benefits to being a member so one reason we have to do it is because all these platforms i think instagram is the worst youtube's on and off you never really know what's going on with youtube because you know like censoring wise yeah there's no strict set of rules on youtube so it just keeps getting worse and worse as the years go on and i feel like eventually nelk is just not going to be able to exist on youtube okay maybe for a podcast but not like the nilk show they're pushing you kinda out i don't think they're pushing us out i don't know if we're really like i don't know what it is but dude it's just it all comes down to money right we already explained this before so kleenex walks into youtube and says here's a hundred million dollars for for [ __ ] two years of advertising but then if kleenex sees their ads on an elk video of like us saying something [ __ ] up or doing like a [ __ ] fake ice prank they're gonna go to youtube and be like why the [ __ ] is my clean our kleenex ads on this fake ice prank and then and then youtube gets [ __ ] and then they pull their 100 million dollars so that's why youtube has to like you know what i mean yeah they have to be careful what's the scariest or the closest you guys have ever come to really being like cancer on youtube where you guys got a letter or a notification or something they were like never canceled but i remember a year ago we were like sitting at like two or three strikes on two strikes and you know how it works yeah so you have three strikes and if you get three strikes your youtube channel just gets deleted and you never get it back there's no re no from what from what i know i mean i don't know how many strikes you guys sitting on we we were sitting on two we're sitting we've been sitting on two a lot yeah right and then you never know because the strikes are always for like it's always the videos you don't expect too yeah so and then it's like we have all these public videos sometimes you get a strike for a video you uploaded like eight months ago like we just got a new strike recently and when you get a strike you can't do [ __ ] for like a whole week so we just got a strike for like an old ass video i forget which video it was i don't remember either um is there some guy like in a [ __ ] war room like just picking things or i don't know maybe i wonder how that works we should try and get my accessory on here adam of the ceo a lot of my old [ __ ] like yesterday i got a video deleted that was like five months ago yeah and a lot of my old [ __ ] is just getting deleted deleted deleted so yeah but so going back to the fullsend.com thing i think it's important for us to build our own platform to where we can say and do whatever we want and even on the podcast i feel like we got to cut so much [ __ ] out yeah especially pandemic talk you can't talk about that on youtube or instagram right you can't say your opinion on it they monitor that as well yes instagram does that really what do you mean whenever you talk about it oh it's just like when you talk even if you mention the word like vaccine or something well youtube and youtube we said it before but they released the thing where it says they're cracking down on vaccine misinformation right so if you just say your opinion on the vaccine you can't say that on youtube like that's like a known fact so you cannot talk about the vaccine you'll get something for sure you're probably getting a strike yeah so what's what's going to be the rule year from now or two years from now do you think it's just gonna keep getting straight yeah getting worse it's gonna get worse the internet's gonna be like tv probably where you can't like it's gonna be regulated as [ __ ] right which is a bummer all right boys we're gonna interrupt the pod really really quick this pod is sponsored by us sea geek [ __ ] you we already said it i think liquid iv no chance for sponsoring the podcast that just sucks manscaped don't really use that [ __ ] you know we like rocking the bush manscape you're not sponsoring the pod but fullsend.com we've relaunched it for our members and you guys are absolutely loving it so on fullsun.com guys this is a platform where with all the censorship going on on the internet right now it's a place that we can upload whatever we want so every week we have the uncensored elk episodes we have uncensored steve we have uncensored podcasts even on this podcast for example we cut so much [ __ ] out about hooker talk and like brothel [ __ ] it's just like you can't really upload anything on the internet these days and it's only going to get worse so we think it's so important that we slowly build our own platform make the videos that we want to make and say what we want to say we also got full send girls every sunday can't talk too much about that and we're also doing giveaways we're going to announce a giveaway right now if you guys are fans of nelk and steve every month we're going to be doing an elk and steve experience so we're going to fly you and a friend out if you win any members eligible we're gonna fly you out and you guys are gonna party with us have a whole day and night with us check the site for the winners on that we're gonna be announcing the winners really really soon but every month you have a chance to be flown out and [ __ ] party with us and just have a [ __ ] see what it's like to be like one of the boys and [ __ ] it's pretty cool but that's it thanks for being a member you guys are loving it let's get back in the pod by the way we have to catch this flight out i can't stay here i know i've said it yeah i don't want to stay here but oh by the way you is your do you have a girlfriend yeah i have a girlfriend how old is she she's my age oh really why'd you tell me she was 28 i was just lying to see her reaction oh all right no i just didn't so like it's your birthday strikes it at midnight you guys have anything special planned is she gonna zap you um we don't have to say that but uh yeah we're gonna have a good day tomorrow golf seven a.m eight a.m and is she like kind of like getting frustrated with all your golf [ __ ] no no not at all i'm dialed that's it by the way you know what i was thinking about two can you imagine how much [ __ ] bruce buffer must get oh my god i saw him walking by you're always talking about that every [ __ ] time like we're in the back room after the fights are in between the fights like even imitate he's always has two of the smokiest [ __ ] how old do you think he's like 55 yeah all he has to do is smile i feel like everyone thinks that dana's like [ __ ] the ring girls and [ __ ] but it's actually bruce no bruce buffer must [ __ ] and he uses the voice too i guess bruce is uh he [ __ ] every single girl and he turns on the [ __ ] voice and he bangs them [ __ ] with that voice yeah because a lot of people ask me they're like you use the voice when you [ __ ] the girls i'm like no i'm not gonna use my voice when i [ __ ] the girls just be weird but bruce i feel like i can get away with it like i bet you he sometimes i bet you there's some girls that are turned on by [ __ ] because there are girls that have came to me like you got up to the voiceover you're [ __ ] me and [ __ ] really i'm like i'm not gonna sit there like i'm pouting your ass oh yeah [ __ ] me [ __ ] me like no i'm not gonna do that it's weird i have a feeling bruce is so comfortable cause he's so bruce buffer is the most like confident guy i've ever seen you ever see him walking are you doing good to see him he's got two models by his side but he definitely turns that voice out he's [ __ ] singing him i believe that are you ever a little threatened when you like are you threatened by bruce buffer it's definitely competition yeah but you know he uh he's made it it's my it's like i think that's my father i wonder if dana would ever maybe you should replace bruce buffer if i was if if would you do that absolutely if bruce goes down i would do the 125 pounds dude out of the red corner yeah i mean he's gonna retire eventually i don't think so the guy's gonna keep popping viagra's banging 25 year olds and [ __ ] just zinging his way to like dude they're going to roll him out in a coffin that guy'll never go away i think he will eventually eventually not anytime soon and i you know but i think you should replace him i'd love to when his time has come and he says he's ready to put down the mic i think you should pick it up i am ready to do that i'm sure dana will love that idea bro that'd be jokes yo that has to happen or like dana should let me like sit in for one fight let me just go ape [ __ ] in there and like sort of grab the mic zapped out of my mind be like 135 pounds i really could do it i think i think i think i could do it it's not that hard no i think you could too you just gotta say i i'm off the zaps too by the way guys really yeah i don't think that i was i was prescribed to adderall how long how long was i prescribed or how about that how long have you been off it uh like seven days that's good yeah i mean it was just too much yeah all the urges when you take adderall adderall is very interesting drug adderall is when i took it i could literally shut the door paint this [ __ ] whole entire room [ __ ] blue and green seven times over and solve [ __ ] the vinci code but also at the same time all of my [ __ ] vices went through the roof like gambling drinking like it all adderall is not a good drug like i it helped me accomplish a lot of things like i took it for three years but i realized like it's just way when were you prescribed it i mean i the first member i have being prescribed adderall was in high school when my math teacher was like you're out of control i've never seen anything like you you have the worst adhd ever seen there's a drug here it is i swallowed a pill and it was like fly me to the moon and let me sing with all the stars and i was like this is amazing and then cut like nine years later i weighed like i lost like 95 pounds i was shriveled up rocking [ __ ] raisin and uh dude this guy's hilarious oh i'm not joking you don't eat on that [ __ ] you don't eat on adderall i swear to god i have gone okay every time i go out to [ __ ] eat with you you just have like one little chicken wing on your plate that doesn't get touched you just take one bite and in my head mentally like i'm trying to hide it that i'm not on it so like yeah i like fill up a plate and then like just whatever but yeah you take that i'm telling you the least i think i've taken it once like i went on a little bendy with him because the reason i kind of developed a problem with him so i remember three days i took him so much i had a crouton and a carrot for three days i swear i was like a [ __ ] reindeer dude i was like santa claus reindeer i took a [ __ ] i ate a carrot and a crouton the whole entire course three days i went from 160 pounds to 94 pounds literally so i'm done with the zaps i do not know how you do that because they make you feel so good like they do make you feel like you're [ __ ] dialed but just loss of appetite urge to do all the bad things just goes through the roof so that's why i was checked out for a little bit i had to get off that [ __ ] yeah you seemed dialed this week yeah i mean just kind of slowly you know last night we went out for dinner and uh we were eating and then bob just got up and left well because you you're like man i think i want to go out and go wild tonight no never sat down here never said that well not like a while but like you know you were like maybe we can go out in l.a i'm like gotta stay dialed you know yeah that's good where the [ __ ] is zoozman i know do you think all three of them three of us could kick the [ __ ] out are you looking at me for no [ __ ] no if we all get the ring in front of the ones no his manager moaned in my ear who's mine was like recording yeah shout out to saleem for locking down the uzman yeah good job buddy good job little birthday magic birthday magic how did you get it done with usman uh well his manager i see him at the fight um the geichi and chandler fight and then um yeah he just he said he liked my videos and then he uh he dm me and he said yo it's good to see you and then i hit him up to see if khabib or uzman or gaichi can get on on the podcast and he hit me up yesterday and he said would you want to do something with uzuman and i was like yeah [ __ ] yeah this one's a legend we all just literally if you guys wonder how we get these guests like last night we found out about this we were filming we're filming that uh meet the parents prank and then i tell kyle yo he just texted me uzman he's going to be in vegas tomorrow boom like we were [ __ ] i feel like i was thinking about today like we are the hardest working team in [ __ ] social media like people just i don't know what they think or they think like even when we are late on our uploads and [ __ ] i feel like they think we're lazy no [ __ ] we really gotta make a bunch of lot of work and [ __ ] and [ __ ] film all this [ __ ] because it's a lot of work nuts the whole team too like it's just non-stop finish a video [ __ ] lock down another guest fly out like we're just on planes all the time we've been to vegas twice this week yes was your turbulence bad on the way here because we were the plane behind you i think no no i thought we were gonna die we started to plunge we were gonna fly to florida we were gonna fly to florida to do an interview where we're like [ __ ] we gotta do it in vegas doing florida with who uzman uzman was gonna go back to florida tomorrow no um and then we locked it down for today so you know what we're doing next what you should come join us for a bit what is it we're doing uh a cruise okay and then we're gonna go to mexico city oh and then we're going to jamaica maybe in and then vegas for the sugar shawn fight okay pourier okay and then we're going to hawaii wow hawaii i'm in jamaica i'm in mexico cinnamon mexico city out wait what's this whole thing about mexico city not being like like what what is it about that city about i just watched i mean we went to rio de janeiro okay what's so bad about mexico city there's nothing bad about nothing i mean it's a third i mean is mexico a third world country i don't know but i mean there's obviously dangerous parts like we can't just like roll around but the the guys that we were brainstorming ideas with the they went to mexico city for like a bachelor party and they said it was like chill so there's dangerous parts in every city yeah yeah of course of course la's [ __ ] dangerous like it is it is i saw uh six nine was in new york city sitting the table across from me yeah i said i loaded him real quick and yeah obviously young dolph just got killed which is nuts yeah 100 shots man how did he die he got killed at the cookie store he went to the cookie store and somebody shot him up are you serious at a cookie store yeah at mckenna's cookies it's called oh man where in memphis i believe jesus get gunned down right in front of the store yeah i don't think i don't think he's crazy how many young rappers die it's like what is going on was there a reason why he got shot was just a shot no idea i didn't look too far into it i just saw that he had uh he died he was he was awesome too he was good he was one of my top top five you love to slap young dolph huh i loved young dolph i loved him he was great always i liked him on look alive it was good i like young golf what is that a movie look look alive drake that's black boy jake oh it's blackboard i'm tripping right now yeah it's black boy jv i'm tripping i'm tripping i'm tripping 100 shots 100 shots we also had a million subscribers on the pod oh yeah crazy that's lit million subs pretty quick that's really good the pod is jumping people love it it is good i love doing it it is fun to sit in there it is just the whole process is just yeah [ __ ] hilarious the fact that like all of us just come from all different parts and zing all over and then all of a sudden like we're like who do we have a guest today oh it's [ __ ] mike tyson you guys ready would prepare anything we're like nope all right let's all sit down i don't know dude they said they said they want to go for like two hours dude no we can't do that they want to make it like the longest podcast dude it's the pound is he the pound for found best fighter in the world and you guys want to [ __ ] leave he's time for palm beach dude i gotta bro coming off a huge fight hasn't done an interview sitting down with the full send podcast team we just hit a million subs saleem's birthday tonight and you guys want to [ __ ] leave vegas i it's disgusting just if i stay in vegas i'm going to redevelop a zap problem i'm going to [ __ ] text cole on the side and have coal sneak a [ __ ] zap in my drink and then just fly to the moon i won't even need a plane home i'll just put wings on it'll shoot down you can play chill with dana tonight too oh yeah i finally seen enough of [ __ ] dana all right lately like at dinner's with dana you know all right i facetimed him [ __ ] hammer the other night too yeah i was so zapped and i just [ __ ] i don't know because i like never expected pickups when he does like he's like i heard you were zapped i heard you were zapping scooter on too oh yeah i pranked scooter every day really i think yeah we came here can you say he's coming on the pod i think he was just like doing that to like kill time in the facetime because his awkwardness so after bob said that he has bob said he locked on scooter braun for the podcast and then after i went to the nice guy after and we met one of scooter's buddy buddies and he said he was with scooter and he just told you that stuff he would stop [ __ ] facetiming yeah i know exactly yeah i [ __ ] with him so hard yeah it's crazy yeah he's not gonna come on he's been he's being a little [ __ ] my man what's up guys what's going on what's up man what's up how are you doing what's going on good to see you good to see you why is it why is it a bad hand well you do something as uh rigorous as we do you might have broken hands here and there so i feel that did you break your hand for the kobe fight yeah i broke it before the fight you would have broken people didn't know that so really caught with a broken hand yeah i broke it three weeks before and i didn't throw it a day until the fight itself you can't let him know that right yeah wait wait wait so what when you were practicing and when you're practicing and warming up you weren't throwing any right hands at all really no for how long until the fight i didn't throw it until the back back right in the backstage you know when you were before the fight i didn't throw my hands for three weeks my right hand seriously yeah that's crazy how'd you break it you broke in training i broke into someone's head yeah just engaged really yeah why you got you guys spar together you engage yeah we support together well they're in the same yeah you have you guys have the same coach right yeah same coach like main training partners slash big brother little brother slash you know two assassins in the same place does he kick the [ __ ] out of you i mean he gets the better of me sometimes yeah really yeah yeah just in case she's a savage yeah that fight was i thought that was no offense or whatever but the fight of the night was i think chandler was unbelievable absolutely once they put that fight in the card i was like [ __ ] bro that was it that was there goes your bonus goes to fight of the night bonus i might as well try to get this performance bonus now that was a [ __ ] sick card though man that was that was it was it was which is i mean that's you know if you look at historically all the fights that ufc have put on at msg they come with it and um it was it was a perfect night it was a good night you you fought in abu dhabi too right yes in abu dhabi so it's crazy i've had i was the first um first fight back during fight island during after covert i was the first i mean uh you know on fight island i was the first fight back with fans in jacksonville and then getting to headline msg is just you know boom boom boom you got to top everything we watched the jacksonville fight too right we were there i was there i think yeah that was a good one i think we've been all his we didn't go to one in abu dhabi though we didn't we went to maz vidal where else would we go to yeah and then that's that's the fights we've been to of his yeah yeah they just went off another one how cool is that that all you guys on the same team like one on the same night that was that was really cool yeah so in jacksonville i had two it was me and rose that fought that same night yeah and justin was there but it wasn't the same he didn't get to have fun with us like we did you know we got to punch people in the face justin loves to punish people in the face yeah and so i was like man if i got the opportunity we got to get him on the car too and you know and miss she just was a perfect place that's awesome were there more people in favor i was trying to think back in favor of you there chanting your name or was it more covington seemed pretty back and forth it's pretty back and forth yeah i wouldn't say it was a happy medium because uh you know as much as people want to hate the guy i mean he's an excellent fighter so i think he he has that respect but you know you need someone who's gonna be that guy you know when you both be good guys then it's like these two guys are gonna fight i mean you have a good fight you have a good fight like chandler and gaichi but you know when you have a good than the bad guy yeah yeah i've seen you guys hash it out after a little bit i don't know what do you mean you guys hug each other no he sticks to his guns though after he's still like i mean he's supposed to though yeah he can't break he can't break that like undertaker was rusted for how many years have you ever seen him break character really you know so i mean it is what it is he has to do what he can well what did you guys do at the end of the fight did you guys i mean you guys shook hands and all that stuff i mean when you punch you punch a guy in the face with 25 minutes and they're still standing that it's like i respect yeah because he was he was he was an [ __ ] to you right i mean he didn't have to go to certain places with [ __ ] with you yeah but you know that's kind of what these guys do now you know they have to i mean if you think about it you're a guy i'm a guy we you know i don't know you you don't know me but somehow we signed a contract that we're gonna meet on this day and we're gonna fight in front of millions of fans you know he did the best he could to talk [ __ ] and sell it you don't know me but you talked all this [ __ ] and then of course it i get in there and we duke it out then it's like okay you have to earn each other's respect but if he wants to continue to stick to his guns that's fine would you say he was your toughest opponent ever to fight yeah i want to say he was probably the most complete yeah he's the most complete because he could he could wrestle he could strike he could he has a good gas tank you know usually everybody else i could kind of pinpoint something about him that that's like that's my might be a weakness that i could exploit and i could push for but you know he was probably the most that first fight that you guys fought was like crazy i feel like he did a lot better than the first fight i feel like the second fight you really got the better he did a lot better in the first fight because of how i wanted to fight him you know it was even more animosity in that first fight because you know we hadn't fought each other we've known about each other for years that's how crazy how our path has been you know it goes way back beyond even mma yeah what was the past it's wrestling like so me and jon jones met each other uh in high school like senior senior years in high school we met really like became cool so i was like oh man where you going to school next year for college he's like some school in iowa he's like where you going i'm ah some school in iowa it's like oh cool let's just change numbers we'll stay in touch all right cool so that next year we're both freshmen in college it's my fall break so i go over to uh to their school to hang out with john for the week because you get a week off and we're hanging out and we get a uh hey there's this guy on friend of the team he wants us to come to his fight party let's go like all right turns out that is the first time myself and jon jones ever seen a mma fight you know at the same that same house party and so you know the place where i that his place his his dorm room that i slept in the whole week with john this was the same dorm room kobe covington slept the following year when he went to school with john jones yeah so intertwined that much we we wrestled similar guys through college but we just never was same weight class we just never ran into each other and then of course he ends up in south florida i end up in south florida he's doing mma for the opposing team american top team i'm doing mma for the opposing team the black zillion we know of each other i guess uh my my name was brought up my second professional fight that i ended up losing was brought up to kobe like would you fight this guy and i know this because one of his main coaches at american top team was then my coach when i fought him eventually years later and that happened to be my first ever wrestling coach when i started wrestling when i was like 13 years old and they brought my name up hey you wanna fight this guy and he said oh he's a wrestler too uh no i don't wanna fight him you know so he was a little shook even way back then i had one professional fight and then years later we knew of each other we were around the same circle but i was offered to him like three or four times during the ufc he turned it down until he had no choice you know once i'd be kept the only way i would have fought kobe covington was the way it went me becoming champion and then him having a challenge i seen you guys oh my go ahead go ahead what no i've seen you guys um you were like at the airport or something and you walked up yeah that was that's when i like really seen it like i think that was that the first time you guys actually like seen each other in like yeah so so funny story kobe uh started doing this whole because of course he wasn't getting any love like he was fighting he might have he was winning but he just i mean he's just a pale boring bdi little mother you know no one really cared about this guy yeah and so i'm winning and i'm i'm just kind of moving up more than he is and so he started doing the shtick he started talking [ __ ] online so he started tweeting and saying stuff online and then i've seen it like damn because we just got into ufc maybe two fights deep each and i'm like damn why does this guy have a problem with me and so we went to a fight i believe i forget where that was at but we went somewhere so we're flying back so we're all at the airport and it's me i have uh my teammate tyrone spong king of the ring who's one of the best kickboxers ever and um another one of my teammate jc jackson who fights for bellator so we seen him at the airport and he's by himself and he's got that stupid little neck pillow on and i see him across i'm like all right i'm gonna run upon him if he talk crazy i'm i'm still on him right here we about to fight him right here but then at the same time i'm thinking damn i don't want to be on a no fly list you know because if you mess around the airport yeah you get put on that list i don't want to do that yeah so it didn't happen so i'm thinking okay how do i approach it you know let's approach him here you know give him give him give him the look let him know hey this is not cool so i go up to him and my teammate is recording it like a jackass so he's recording he's like all right and he's instigating it you know how it is he's like you won't do nothing i bet you won't do nothing so i walk up to him and i'm like all right let me let me not come too aggressive but at the same time let him know that i'm i'm serious so i go and i sit in front of him and i'm like what's going on man i give him the look like the tough look what's going on man and he was so nice that i felt like a jackass right after the break like i was like damn i was trying to be mean and he's trying to be nice he's like what's up man how are you doing i was like uh i'm cool i'm cool what's up you know so i was all ready for action but he was so nice i was like damn like i'm kind of a jackass here and he's like oh you got something coming up and then he's like looking around and then he looked back and saw my my two dudes over there he's like do you know it was you yeah you know oh [ __ ] because he had been talking [ __ ] online so he knew it was me so i now i felt like a jerk and i'm like all right um yeah i'll see you later so i get up and i'm like damn i felt like a jerk for that then the next week this [ __ ] gets online he's like next time you see me at the airport i'ma smack the [ __ ] out of you if i see you i'm like he's a troll i'm like bro you were just a nice guy and that's kind of really at that point i was like okay at some point me and him are gonna be locked in that octagon and we're gonna scrap was uh was jones jones was older than you right no no me and john are about the exact same age what do you what do you think about him is he ever gonna be back fighting again or john it seems like he's getting i mean john's a man yeah john john's the man you know minus all the um minus all the controversies and the controversies and that he's had i i think john's probably one of the greatest to ever do this oh by far i mean um i i saw him you know like i said we met like in high school and i saw how talented he was early on so i mean he's an amazing talent amazing mind you know if all those extras weren't in there i think john would probably be uh you know one of the best to ever do this do you think was some of the [ __ ] colby was saying did it like does it piss you off like how do you like he was saying some savage [ __ ] at that press conference about like your father and [ __ ] like does that not like boil your blood or like how do you how do you block that out yeah i mean i just over over time i used to be sensitive about it but then i was like yeah that's just stupid you know because at the end of the day he can say whatever he wants about my dad but my dad doesn't have to get in there fight him i do and so i i've learned a long time ago i've mastered the art of i i can't be emotional out there i have to be as calm as i can so i can think as much as i want to and just really outclass them so he thought he did but it didn't mean [ __ ] to me it was good though it sold the fight yeah but it didn't mean [ __ ] to me yeah absolutely not what age were you when you're when your father got arrested i wanna say two 19 sophomore yeah i was still in iowa so i would say 19. 19. did you guys have any idea what's coming it was just kind of out of the blue no it was out of that's crazy [ __ ] it was out of the blue because he had um he had been like kind of like a a civil case with the government and they were kind of like they knew they [ __ ] up they were like all right damn okay here's all your [ __ ] back but um you got to sign this nda that you can't come back and sue us so he got all that done he's like all right i'm gonna go start a new business do the best i can so it was two years after that so everything was okay just trying to start over then all of a sudden it was the day that i was actually flying back home for like summer break and i was flying back home i was at the airport getting ready to board the flight and i get a call from my mom like oh [ __ ] they just like came and got him out of nowhere damn so it was that was the last time that i fizz well physically saw him like free yeah of course i visited him after that was he very supportive of you fighting like wanted to fight him wrestle not really not really you guys got to understand i got a nigerian dad yeah i got they are they foreign you to be all right doctor lawyers yeah the guy in blood lawyer you would be a lawyer a pharmacist or a doctor go to your room go to your room yeah you could have been the movie blood diamond dicabrio you're pretty good you i think you i think you lowkey want to be an actor too like you can do cars of course yeah you get more famous make more money and not get pushed in the face why not right right right i can see that question i see them acting they even it's so far off to where they even have a double to fake punch right right right you know so why not of course i would love that but what were you what was the path that he wanted to stay on he wanted to do something he wanted me to become a doctor so that's the response the [ __ ] man are you doing surgery yeah and that's that's the crazy thing is i went to school my first two years i was at a small school in in iowa and i was uh majoring in pre-professional biology which i was like okay i get done with this get this degree and i'm gonna go to med school so after two years i was trucking through it i had like more than half the credits already but then i was just like yo this [ __ ] is so boring bro this [ __ ] was so boring and so i'm sitting there and i'm like and i i loved wrestling and i was getting better at it i was starting to really take off at working at it so i'm just like you know what i need to get to a better school because my team here all these dudes just want to smoke weed and not really train and push each other i was like i need to get somewhere else and so i just trans i just like all right i called my dad hey dad um i'm gonna transfer to a bigger better school and he was kind of low-key like you know yeah he's skeptical but the dad always has to have the final say and you know my son are you sure this is what you want to do this is the decision you want to make that ask that question like multiple times just like nah i was like yeah yeah yeah that's it so i eventually transferred it was the best decision i ever made and um i mean it's one of those things you show and prove with african parents you have to show you have to basically prove them wrong yes so it's like go and become a doctor and i'm like no i want to i want to i want to do this wrestling thing no then you start doing it you start succeeding then it's like it's like they don't say nothing but what do they say to you what are they like why the [ __ ] are you doing blowing into people's ears and [ __ ] i mean i mean when i at first when i did do it like they were definitely not supportive like i was gonna get kicked out of the house i moved out when i was 17. so like once i became more successful with it they just it died down like they never like he's on his [ __ ] like you know so they're they're cool with it so i know that was you that was doing all that yeah i seen i seen clips before online and i was like this dude is doing some dangerous thing because what if you run into like would you like to i don't know what you would what would you do yeah if you whisper in your ear like that and give a really good moan and like [ __ ] right in your ear and [ __ ] weird you're just buying some steaks at ralph's and then comes up and just moans in your hand i think i would react like uh there was one that i saw with this uh this little skinny dude uh nerdy looking dude he turns around he goes [ __ ] was that oh yeah oh yeah [ __ ] your [ __ ] up huh [Laughter] i was like i might react probably like that you know um because you're not allowed to hit anybody right like aren't you don't you like a weapon a licensed weapon not that i'm not allowed to hit anybody it's just like you know of course i can't instigate it i can't not a good luck and plus if it comes down to where they're handing off the sentence you know this guy picked a fight with you you completely dismantled him now you look like the bad guy well when they touch you yes yeah i can defend myself yeah you have to defend yourself yeah i could defend myself but i just can't do people ever try to like press you no i just um we were about to for being late i just don't give that energy though i just i feel like some people have that energy you know there's some fighters that just they got to be the tough guy when they walk into a bar they need to be the tough guy they need to give that energy i don't give a [ __ ] i like to be the guy in the back in the corner who you don't know that i'll [ __ ] your day up you know that's that's that's the guy that i am i i want to be just cool and chilling you know do you think do you think uh why are you looking at me like that why are you [ __ ] grilling i feel like he was going to say something don't be staring at me they're at a [ __ ] ufc champion look at me like that you guys are safe you guys are saying tighten it up a little bit what about this whole thing i'm seeing online about uh i saw it 10 hours ago or something article about uh canelo would [ __ ] you up is that what i heard uh i don't think so did you say you want to fight canelo absolutely see this is a crazy thing and i was i it's crazy i woke up i was thinking about this this morning is uh so you guys i'm assuming you guys follow canelo right you guys know who he is you know who he is yeah yeah you guys so canelo has essentially cleaned out the divisions that he's been in boxing and i've done the same um i don't think in history there's ever been two combat athletes from different sports at the prime both pound-for-pound best in the world compete together i don't think it's ever been done and so now canelo's ran out of guys to fight because it's just like it's not interesting like who would i pay to see you fight that you haven't beat up did he fight tank davis no no no they tank davis is like he's on another okay tank dave is like a 25 30 pounder yeah i don't know canelo goes from like 55 all the way up to like 70 something he just falls or and now he's about to fight a guy at cruiserweight which is i think 195. wow the guy has 14 000 instagram followers what that's about no i don't know okay tank davis we all know who tank davis is right yeah who's tank david's fighting next uh isaac cruz who is it isaac cruz that's only because we just interviewed him but yeah otherwise isaac cruz who's isaac cruz i don't know who is he's supposed to fight rolly romero or whatever and then who's that i don't know i have no [ __ ] idea one of these yeah that's crazy exactly that is true yeah so this is this is a situation i'm like i'm willing to take the risk as a fighter that's the thing with mma fighters we are brave enough to say [ __ ] that's dangerous that's scary but we're brave enough to where we're going to go in your field and we're going to take that risk and challenge you guys what boxer have you seen say you know what [ __ ] that i'm going to go into mma who's the odd the og guy that fought randy james tony james tony james tony was a badass dude you know said you know what [ __ ] that i'ma go over there and try it but who else what are the boxes you know that's willing to do that right they're not willing to take that risk and even when it comes to we coming over there to boxing they're like um no that doesn't really interest me because they understand that it's a risk i could get beat up by these guys these guys are actual fighters so then they act like uh i don't know that guy no [ __ ] you know who we are yeah don't say we don't because if you look at the the demographic of who's watching box who's watching fighting right now you know what are the people watching more mma ufc or boxing right you know boxing of course has its histories long history but these guys are destroying it when they just don't fight the biggest baddest dude out there yeah like tyson holyfield back in the day yeah they were going after that's the only phil reddick bold lennox lewis these guys all fought each other that's when boxing was in glory days right but right now these guys just people just put this there's no stars there's no stars in boston yeah there isn't a lot of stars and they're like they're like oh this is for my legacy how is it for your legacy when you're picking and choosing you just oh the easiest guy so i can go take his belt and that's it don't a lot of other pieces have to fall in place though like dana and [ __ ] whoever else yeah absolutely for this to be the biggest fight ever which i truly believe it would be because this has never been done the biggest fight ever probably generate for it to generate the most money ever of course the greatest promoter has to do it dana white is promote i mean for you doesn't dana have to be involved like don't don't you guys have contracts as ufc fighters that like they could say yes or no i mean yeah of course we have to talk to dana yeah yeah we have to talk to dana and plus i wouldn't want it any other way you know dana knows what he's doing for him to turn with the ufc to what it is today think about that yeah you you you absolutely have to have him involved yeah look at what he did with connor and and yeah yeah that was crazy i was like that was crazy he's doing so why would we go in the other route do you think you think he'll go for it i mean i think if it makes sense you know canelo doesn't want to do that because money makes sense but that's what i'm saying though look why wouldn't you want to do that if you know that you're going to win anyways you're confident that you're going to win why wouldn't you do it when you're going to get way more famous you're going to make way more money than you ever make in every fight why would you not do it right you're a little worried you're like ah you know what no let me just keep beating up these guys over here no one knows that you know and strictly it would be obviously strictly boxing yeah i mean you know he comes up here and there yeah yeah [Music] that'd be hilarious you just boxed him and just threw a [ __ ] think about that okay now let's think about this okay uh boxer he comes over here what more he has a better chance he comes over here or me goes over there who has a better chance of potentially you going over there yeah you're going over there he going over here is just the way yeah it's gonna be he understands that he knows that so of course he's gonna play it no i don't like these i don't know this don't make sense for me so why don't why don't you ever consider if you're running if you're running through your weight class and all that when you ever consider going up because uh i would i would if the champion who wasn't who the champion was absolutely israel israel israel had a style bender edison you know adesanya if he wasn't the champion absolutely so i'm sorry already so what does that mean why you guys are boys israel is a fellow nigerian okay there is i can count probably on my hands and feet how many africans are in the ufc and for to have that many africans in the ufc and to have three champions i want to keep throwing every three champions that is crazy freaking literally three champ that's never like we don't even know the sport like that and to have three champions that means so much to me that it's why would i want to do that and i've said it before having two nigerian or two african champions is more important to me than one african champions with tupac do people usually go up and wait their people ever go down to fight yeah uh yeah uh i believe uh tj dillashaw did that it didn't work out well for him why is that because you gotta cut so much it's just tough he had to cut weight but he also went down to fight a savage in henry cejudo and and you know probably one of the best combat athletes ever and it didn't work out well for him yeah so you're just gonna stay in this weight class for a while unless that guy's getting thrown who's like who else let's say let's say canelo doesn't play out what what could you even do like well i mean you've got guys leon edwards has made a lot of a lot of headlines now you know he's uh well i mean as far as he's been doing his job his last loss was to me and that was in 2015 or 16. and you know he's rebounded he's been getting wind after wins after wins you know it probably isn't the prettiest but he's been doing his job so it makes sense for me to defend against him but you know it's kind of like a short list of guys that could really potentially give me that yeah your win streak where where are you at night right now with your win streak 18 you see what are you 25 and 1 you're 20 you're 21 and one right 21 and what am i twenty one does that one loss just [ __ ] kill you no you know why because um like they say you don't you don't lose you learn that laws fueled me so much to where i remember it to this day like i i remember the fight just like it was yesterday you know and and this was the biggest thing is before the fight leading up everyone was like i never trained jiu jitsu because i was just such a more i just left the olympic training center in wrestling and i was just so much superior than these guys i was like um you know me i don't need you just to you know i'm good you got it yeah i'm good so i'm learning striking a little bit so i'm like i'm i could take these guys down when i want i could prevent them from taking me down i don't need it so everyone all leading up to fight everyone my teammates all they because they knew the guy they were from the area they were like you're gonna kill this guy or my brazilian brazilian teammate you're gonna kill him you're gonna do well i'm gonna i'm like all right yeah i'm gonna kill him i'm gonna do well so i started feeling myself a little bit and then we get in the fight it's easy work i'm moving i throw one two bum bum i hit him i change levels double leg him take him down full mount i get on top and i'm just kind of punching away i'm like oh man this is easy it's gonna be easy breeze the dude's like six four six five and long and skinny and uh kind of look like you [Laughter] just kidding so he he throws his legs around me like around my body i never seen this before and uh and i just remember like oh [ __ ] oh that's his legs oh [ __ ] so his legs come around my waist flying into my armpits because i'm on him i'm full mount i'm on top of him he's on his back and he throws his legs around my waist like what the f i've never seen this [ __ ] before so i'm like let me turn around let me get up because i it's foreign i'm kind of scared i don't know what's going on so i tried to get up which is not what you do and so he went right into a leglock i'd never seen that [ __ ] before either like i'm like no the return to get out so i try to run out of weight and this is like literally a minute and a half into the fight and we're dry we're not sweating yet and he just climbed up in my back and i'm standing i'm holding this guy up for like almost two minutes and um it just got he got he got heavy as [ __ ] my legs started shaking and then i started thinking and he's trying to sink the choke in he's fighting for the choke and then now your mind starts playing tricks on you i start remembering all the conversations that was in the back and the commission had a conversation with us yeah and the commission when we're in the back they told us if you get choked unconscious or knocked out because you know you as a fighter you're like no i'm never tap yeah yeah never tapping you gotta kill me i'm never tapping and then the commission says if you get choked unconscious you're gonna be suspended for six months that means you can't fight for six months really i'm getting paid fifteen hundred dollars and fifteen hundred dollars for this fight so if i win i get three thousand and i'm broke as hell so i'm like if i get choked unconscious that means i can't fight for six months that means i can't get another 1500 for six months and then now i start hearing his corners going he's gonna tap i wasn't thinking tap but now he's going to set it and now i'm thinking i might jump so he's like he's going to tap and i'm like [ __ ] i need that check for six months ah [ __ ] it all right let me let me try to let me let me flip the fight another day so as soon as i tap i felt so worthless i was like wow not only did i just give up i gave up on myself i gave up my dream i gave up on everything i was like i will never ever feel this feeling again is that your biggest regret definitely that fight no it's not my big biggest regret it because that i learned lesson so i i walked out of the cage i went in the back there was this hallway was nobody there but just me i paced for like two hours i missed the rest of i was like the second fight i missed the rest of all the fights i was just back there pacing and i was just thinking like i [ __ ] suck i need to learn everything there is to learn about the sport if i'm gonna be champion and then i took a week off came back the next week i bought a ghee i was at jiu jitsu practice every monday wednesdays and fridays that guy's probably flexing so hard right now like just right now just being like oh that's his claim to fame right he's got to be like the man is he washed up now or is he still i mean is he in there i just don't know no hell no no no you want to remember we set that up i would one thousand percent love a rematch if he would pay this we could set up now we can set up like the backyard or something i mean i don't fight for free no more you know i mean if he would pay for 1 thousand percent i would love you you got to want a little revenge on that guy yeah you know i think about it i'm like i want to be like apollo creed and just say you know what i get to pick and choose anybody now let's go get this guy it would be pretty savage we were like you know what just for free i'm just gonna [ __ ] this guy up like that like you should maybe do like for whatever free once you should do one like free fight what does that mean like it means you don't get paid anything whoa are you are you in the ufc anyway profanity here yo no we don't do that for free anymore no no absolutely i mean broken hands we don't do these for free now so so is this your i mean i guess same question but was this your biggest payday was this this fight i mean they get bigger and better each everyone we don't take lateral steps you know they gotta they gotta make sense so is that a tough conversation with dana what you know as far as when the the money comes into play i mean dana does his job well that's why he is who he is and so that's why i have you know home management team who do their job well and so when it's time to have that conversation we go sit down and we have that conversation yeah aren't you guys meeting with him tonight are you gonna guys you guys are gonna come to the meeting and help defend you i can't i mean i might need you i can make those numbers go up you know i might need you so i don't know yet i might need you was there was there ever any gsp talk absolutely i wanted it because that'd be crazy man see that's see he's old isn't he i just i just man that's like that's such a [ __ ] that's like bro that was best shogun and gsp those days were [ __ ] awesome yeah see that's the thing is see george is the shadow that haunts the division kind of well it did not anymore but definitely did when tyron woodley was champs you know that he haunted the division when robbie lawler's champ george haunted the division because it was like everyone knew the champ never lost his belt and he just kind of was floating out there still training you could tell that he was still working out and he was just kind of out there it's like khabib why does that never why does that never like now yeah he haunts the lightweight division because everyone's like you know yeah yeah if a champ never really loses that belt and they can still perform so if you wanted it why do you think like the gs gsp wasn't into it george doesn't want it i mean it makes sense because there was the khabib talk too with gsp yeah it makes sense you know with khabib it'd probably be more of a grappling affair which i think khabib might get the better of him you know i know a lot of people would think oh no he's a smaller guy khabib's bigger than me right now wait right now though isn't isn't george like old and he's 40 something for george he's still working out yeah he's still doing his [ __ ] yeah he's older came back up a division and became the champion but i heard he wanted back with khabib so yeah of course he wanted that he wanted to do that but it just it didn't make sense you know why would you want to fight the lighter guy at a higher weight makes no sense for a non-title it makes no sense you want to come back you know you're the welterweight champion come for kamara come back to your weight class you know i feel like we should get that going you know but he he don't want it i know he doesn't want it so it's okay i'm i've let that that ship sail because you know he's retired let him retire in peace you know eat and drink and do whatever you want who was the the champ again above your weight class again you said you wouldn't fight israel so he loses and you're running through will you jump up yeah yeah absolutely i don't think he's losing though i don't think so either israel israel's dangerous man yeah i don't think so very dangerous guy he's so dynamic and what he does i just i don't think those guys got anything for him so it's just going to be an african takeover you know right now we're going to every [ __ ] division at this point yeah we got three belts right now there's more coming so are you seeing a lot of people from over there now after you guys have probably you know shown success up starting to come over here and fight absolutely but a lot of it a lot of it starts with us too you know they ca you know they can watch it all they want they can be fans but if there's no nothing there no organization to really create the dynamic to help these guys get into the sport then we we failed them so you're saying there's no resources over there there wasn't but now we're we're working on that you know i've uh you know i've started i partnered up with the company the five four company which is uh we've done our own our first reality show which is the same thing as the ultimate fighter just a little different it's called african knockout ako and um they've already done one season they're gonna do a second season and basically we we have to we want to create that foundation to where now let's be honest you start getting africans in this thing should we take over yeah we're taking over let's just be honest necessarily the ethiopians but nigerians yeah yeah for sure for sure take over yeah the ethiopians are the the brains the americans we're the brains they've managed everything they're the skinny like you know with the brains you know they're the brains they're gonna manage everything make sure that everybody's getting paid yeah what year did you leave to come over here uh when i was like eight so i think that was like 90 i want to say 95. wow 25 how has nigeria like shaped your career like i mean like living there i mean i've i just went back uh in june and just to see how i saw both both sides you see the good and the bad but it's like it's not what you think because everyone says uh africa and then immediately when you hear africa immediately here in africa you think lions you think oh they're just running around just savagely eating people and just you know but then you go there and you see mcdonald's uh you see uh papa you see kfc yeah people think there's dirt road so is it is it dangerous what is it dangerous it's dangerous everywhere right you go to chicago you get a shout out that's what i say too yeah wear plaid in certain hoods or wear green or red you know like it's dangerous everywhere you know that's the thing there's places you go and places you don't go if you don't know anything about so but so you came from poverty yeah i mean i wouldn't say poverty we didn't have you know of course i didn't i didn't have what we had now like we farmed in order to be able to to make ends meet my mom was a teacher she owned a shop as well and was still farmed in certain seasons you know and my dad was already here um trying to work and you know potentially make some money and help us so we weren't the richest that's damn sure but what i considered poor is pr not what we were you know it wasn't like we woke up and there was nothing the next day there was no plan no way to do anything to acquire anything and i saw that going back and when you see that it completely changes your perspective on life so that's that's poverty i got to go see ethiopia yeah that would be crazy i've never been there never been born here my yeah my mom owned uh injera spot great like in ethiopia too same thing okay kind of similar to your situation yeah yeah i gotta go see it i must be absolutely absolutely absolutely yeah it's um so there's good and bad parts just like just like bro there's parts you would be out you'd be like damn am i in downtown l.a or mine downtown yeah i mean uh 9g especially in nigeria nigeria's got to be one of the wealthiest nations you know as far as resources we have everything um it's just of course there's been some bad you know things have happened for generations that have kind of ate away at the country but you'll see i mean building sky like a couple of my buddies own skyscrapers like 26 stories in the penthouse you're like what the kind of door is i've never seen that before you know what kind of furniture is what kind of sound system is that i never heard that you know it's stuff is top of the line then you can go two miles down the road it's like whoa yeah americans are scared of every other country but america i feel i think america is the best marketing machine in the world you know the absolutely best marketing machine because america tells the world what's good and what's not good america tells the world what to wear how to smell you know and um and i think that's what it has on everybody else so when a different culture comes over and they're trying to like you know fit in but what do we say here you know you get someone that comes into the country and they don't speak english learn english that's what we do learn english if you want to stay here you got to learn english you know what kind of food is that oh no eat eat burgers eat what we you know to where in most countries especially in african countries you go there your differences are celebrated if you go to africa they look at you oh my god yeah come here take pictures with you oh you're new oh no boy that's what they will call you that's exactly we celebrate differences we're here it's kind of like bro learn the language you know i spoke that earlier and you gave me this look like what the f what was that how the language was that no i didn't i know i'm saying it sounded like the [ __ ] movie i just you should you should hear it my mom talks we're like ethiopia man it's like it's it's crazy do you does she speak does she speak fluent yeah from from idc can you hear it do you understand it i can understand her i can't really speak it but i can understand everything that she's saying that's just weird how that works yeah is khabib is real quick is could be retired now is that what it is yeah so he's done he's never fighting again he's retired retired yeah yeah he's retired why are you looking like that is there something i don't know what are you saying he's retired but comey's what 33 years old he's you know so you don't think he's retired no i'm so he's retired no he's not you're looking at your guy something's going on here you know something that we don't he's tired you think he's retired do you think he'll ever fight again i don't know i don't know it has to make sense for him i don't i don't think he would because i mean let's be honest like khabib is is doing so well even retired he went 29-0 that's it he did it why did he just drop out you accomplished everything what else yeah what do you mean what but i will say i think it's like kind of a strategy to retire too i mean floyd retired a lot of people do that right no i feel like if there's a fight there might who knows there might come a fight alone strategy behind that the problem it makes it more hype though the problem is the world is programmed this way to where someone is undefeated they've ran through everybody but it's like no you can't leave until you lose yeah so no that guy this is the next guy this guy is going to beat you you know you stay until you lose and it's like that we just want to see them lose we want to see them humanize you know we don't want to see superheroes when they go out like floyd you wanted to see him keep fighting until someone stepped up and beat him same with khabib why would he keep fighting he's made money to where he's comfortable he's good so why wouldn't he leave i just feel like if he's in shape i feel like maybe there might there might be a chance that a fight comes along that maybe interests him and he'll still be in shape so he could do it i think it'd be amazing to see him fight again but i i think retiring was a great choice obviously he ran through everyone there's nothing left for him to do but in two years i wonder if someone will come along that gets that chatter going and then i i feel like once because i feel like he loves it but who knows but that's the thing like look right now is like i beat everybody yeah now i'm beating them twice but it's like oh if i if i decided to say oh i wanted to retire which i'm not saying that at all if i decided to say something like that then it's like everyone's like no you can't retire what that's no you no we want to see you lose like no we got this guy this is the next guy this guy can beat you or it's that guy or it's that guy that's just how we're programmed someone has to beat to beat them in order for people to accept retirement that must be hard going back and forth huh just hearing fans say no please like and then like i gotta retire like that must be like hard on him i feel like anything else yeah i don't think he could but no it was such a such a nice move to finish on top like that's that's 296. you know family's good and then of course when you go through something like that losing your father it's um from what i i've seen and what i understand about his bond with his father this was you know he said his father's dream was for him to become champion his father wanted to show the world that i raised a son that was the best in the world and he did that he accomplished that with his father he was able to have his father coach him for a fight while he defended the bell and he checked off all those boxes so why still stick around yeah i just felt when he said it he that's it i just felt like he was just we were we were at that fight in abu dhabi and so we went there for that whole trip and like did the quarantine and everything and then we saw the fight and we're like we thought it was going to be a big celebration after the fight with like dana and stuff yeah and then khabib just gets the mic and retires and all them just walk out of the [ __ ] out of the arena and we're like oh yeah i was treated pretty dead after that don't do this we went in the back room after and it was just silent silent yeah that that was crazy yeah i had a feeling it was coming but i didn't [ __ ] up kyle i know i wasn't all right i [ __ ] know i wasn't yeah he flew all the way there did the quarantine for 48 hours and then flew home left because he thought he thought something bad was gonna happen my job was literally i did my job was waiting i dropped away i dropped these guys off i introduced them to the name of dana i [ __ ] dropped them off introduce them to dana set that relationship how you're talking about okay why would you what what what back you know you're talking about how we're talking about people are scared of other countries yeah that's this guy right here wow that's true i [ __ ] believe he left right away my father had a minor eye infection and i had to go check on him that's what happened but i did i ended up i did leave i don't know his dad had pink eye and he said he had to go home and i did kind of kick myself after wow i got adhd so i can't like sit still very often yeah that was kind of i'm honestly it was a little difficult it's just like you know it's like it's i just didn't know but i'm sure you guys have those rooms are nice though they look great we said it though you guys are those humongous clothes you know they just bring food to you like it's yeah it's amazing but you got you can't do it it's you can't were you by yourself uh we were all together oh but there was like seven hotel rooms though because it was covered so we had like quarantine 48 and then everybody after that 48 hours yeah did you guys go in each other's room yeah we snuck through the little barriers yeah yeah yeah we went around the balcony how how you guys didn't have games and nothing card games like that well actually we did we were betting on your uh we're betting on the fights we're betting on fights that's when i watched all of khabib [ __ ] because i wasn't like a big i mean i didn't know too much about it but i've seen all his fights his back though is a fight i've seen everything like that that's high sorry sorry about that yeah no the cauliflower air thing is that the most pain do they say that's the most painful process cause there is there any way to prevent that every fighter has cauliflower ears i don't know if every fighter doesn't i mean i just every guy it's close it's close you know but i don't know if you could i mean headgear you know like in wrestling we have these headgears that we wear and somewhat they they kind of protect it a little bit but at the end of the day no you just when you're that rigorous on it and you continue to grind it and drive it through and at some point those you know it's gonna pop and does it so it's just from what just it's from like a buildup of trauma no it's not plus it's all blood okay it's just the trauma to it trauma to it so like the little you know veins and i guess start to pop and then it just kind of fills up with blood yeah and and it hardens fairly quickly so if you don't drain it and kind of keep it down then it just kind of hardens yeah it's just kind of like drawing huh yeah the blood's just hard there so you can touch it right now it feels like stone it's just hard right how long do you have to drain it to prevent it well i would drain it immediately to try to get all the blood out and then cast it to try to keep it normal looking for the most part but you know it gets to a point where i relatively yeah no i have that's not even the worst did you see uh there's a girl that us former ufc fighter leslie was it leslie smith who her ear popped oh my god he got hit and he blew up and it was just like hanging out oh my god it was crazy and i think that's not good uh rda rafael dasanya is the same his ear pop like because it gets so hard and he sticks out like this it's easy to just kind of rub it in you guys can't listen to your like earphone no no no can't believe that i could steal it i just can't yeah can you guys use your airpods yeah i can still use my airplane that's all right you're lucky yeah yeah i'm getting lucky what do they do they just shove a needle in it and zap it out or yeah you just stick a needle in it and you just you know you draw the blood out yeah and then you want to cast there's like this rubber way that they they put this rubber foam in there and it kind of squeezes it together it's painful though right yeah it is very pretty right because i was hearing it is one of the most very painful painful things possible so when would you retire if you ever would make what would force you to return when um i would force you into forced me in retirement that's the thing is that's the goals i don't want to be forced into retirement i um yeah what do you want to achieve like left like i want to continue to just build off of everything you know i want to go you just want to keep dominating basically yeah i want to get to the heights you know like obviously what tops what i just did you know before that was you know of course um i was i want to be the champion accomplish that i want to headline pay-per-view in las vegas t-mobile arena did that okay headline abu dhabi did that okay be the first fight back with fans in the world headline to jacksonville and knock somebody on unconscious did that how do i top that headline madison square garden the most famous arena in the world did that how do you top that how about i go beat the [ __ ] out of the pound for pound best boxer in the world you know but he's like i don't want to do it do you think you could beat him in boxing i think i can do anything to be honest with you if i didn't trust like if i didn't believe in myself of course i'm scared i'm scared of course that's canelo he's you know considered the best powerful pound boxer right now of course i'm scared but that fear that's what we do we're so courageous as mixed martial arts you have no idea every for every mma fighter if they tell you i'm never scared i just go out there and i just win they're lying they're lying because it's almost like to be it's it's being human is to be scared in the back because you signed a contract to go physically fight another man in front of millions around the world like you i'm gonna you're gonna be scared but we're courageous enough to where we're gonna walk towards that fear and punch it in the mouth and that's what i'm trying to do but does that fear go away when you step in the rings when does it go away when you get hit it's like [ __ ] as soon as that vaseline is on that's it as soon as you get hit it's like oh [ __ ] this is real all right find a way to win here and um and that's what i do best so when you're walking out in your little walk by the way i almost bumped into you i like dana gave me the vip access yeah so i didn't know that you would come out you were coming out with your flag on on your back and all that you were just like that interrupted my walk out i did i swear to god yeah that's my bad i was trying to throw you off i had money on covington okay i started trying to [ __ ] you up a little bit i tried to spill this leg or something i saw your face i i knew it he was a covington fan when i saw it i was not a covington fan at all no i was actually i had no dog in that fight no i had no dog in that fight i looked right in the eye and tied the guards on the street no dog in the fight i just want to see a good fight i want to see the best guy win that was a good fight just like the gate chandler one that was a really good fight man like that it was easy were you pissed you didn't knock him out i wouldn't say pissed i was a little disappointed so you're [ __ ] close it's weird i was in the background you rocked the whole the whole time ig's manifest i'm like i'm gonna knock him out yeah the first one you broke his jaw yeah i was like i'm so much better than him now i'm gonna knock him out but what i didn't realize too is that i haven't done my right hand in three weeks leading up to this fight it takes timing you have to really be clicking to really be able to find that shot so this is gonna be the first time i'm throwing my right hand in three three and a half weeks and so i get in the fight and go on i'm like damn i just can't find him with that right hand but that's because my timing wasn't there but the left hand i i was finding him though and he's tough he showed how tough he was he was able to recover very quickly uh you know i made him kind of do the stanky leg a couple of times but yeah he he was able to recover quickly and hold on and not get finished what do you have to say about him like saying like you faked the ipoke and like the nut shot like because he was he was saying that we pulled that up of course yeah he did i mean he did but like the world wants you finger my eyeball like on national television we will be the judge of that we will be the joke okay that's word on the street he said i faked the i injured or the i poke or whatever the [ __ ] is and i'll i'll replay it for you guys yeah that is yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute oh they got the zoom in this looks like an over exaggeration here a little bit no okay so let me tell you exactly what happened in this so we're banging we're banging and then he pokes his hand out and while he puts his hand out what he does because usually between the rounds you have vaseline on they put vaseline on you and um but the cut man they come in and put vaseline on you so you don't cut so we're going and he grazes the vaseline from this eye into the eye and then fingers into the other eye so i'm like [ __ ] he fingered my eye but the vaseline was on this side so it was completely clouded i can see so then we get the referee in there i'm like why not to referee the doctor and i'm like bro just wipe this [ __ ] vaseline on my eyes so i can get go back in there so i can get going because i'm about to knock this dude out and the the the what is it the doctor goes i can't touch her i was like are you [ __ ] kidding me you hear me say to him like just wipe my damn eye so i can get that so i can go back into this fight and he's like i then he wipes to my eye he finally walks let's [ __ ] go and we get back to going and he's like a fake die how do i fake an eye poke was this was this to the point though in the fight you could have used a little break what was this at the point in the fight you could have used a little break i don't need a little what go back to the beginning of the round let's watch that whole round okay let's watch i never need a break bro i control every fight i push every pace you do yeah like i don't need a break no i know i'm just saying there's a lot of moving parts vaseline up people's fingernails and eyeballs and all this [ __ ] i mean i don't know yeah of course of course no let's let's let's play the round and watch how i dominated the round and i want to go strictly to see zoom in on the vaseline on the fingers yeah that's what i want to see no go to go to after it happens go to after it happens it was in the final round no it was like round three i mean here's the deal you beat him [ __ ] twice anyways you beat him twice let's see let's see it happen and i want i want i want to see you guys hear me talk to the doctor i want to go in between the rounds too and see if he dipped his fingers in the vaseline okay yeah um there's always the vaseline drama in the ufc remember when gsp got in trouble for that too but that's because we we our fingers are out so but then they grease them up first bj i don't know i i allegedly i'm not i'm not speaking on that because i was not there i didn't watch them grease him in the back so i can't really say but all i can say is i had vaseline on me he grazed it and pulled it into my eye and i was like obviously we're [ __ ] with you yeah i know you are i think that i think you're a covington fan i know i am not a cup this is the thing i'm not a covington fan at all i'm he's a covenant fan so i know he was one of my life i'm not a covington fan he cried he cried when trump lost the election i i was not even he was funny they were a lot of people hey i was i was not i'll tell you god's honest truth i was in your fight i didn't give a [ __ ] who won i was i was just wanted to see violence i wanted to see i wanted to see a good fight i've seen you react uh to his uh video when he had the maga hat on and he was like you're dead oh my god that was so yeah you know what it was such a good build up like you said like the fight was it was there was so much hype for the fight like yo he was really pissed because think about it think about it you talked so much [ __ ] and then you got your jaw broken on national television you attract the heavy [ __ ] talkers i i do how about moz dude i love it though that must have felt good you've to knock it that much felt really good was that like as real beef as covington's like was that like the same level of like real beef it it was there's a lot of moving parts that happened to these fights because they it gets deeper than just the two fighters now you got to talk about you know managers you talk talk about the people that are behind the scenes the coaches and fathers like people that are behind the fighters yeah ours was a little deeper me and master doll was me and mastodor per say i don't think we'd have a problem with each other if we were around each other it wouldn't be a problem he'd just be over there i'd be over here so it's the manager beefs that really i mean that's absolutely amplified about that amplified that one a lot because then you got to ride for your squad you know my managers don't like your managers you got to ride for your squad if if my fighter doesn't like your fighter man just gotta ride for their squad you know so that played a part in it but i think if it was me and master dog was in a room i think we could be cordial enough to know that you stay in your spot i stay in my spot there's no beef but if me and covington was in a room there would be a lot of furniture moving in that room what's the beef with uh you and connor i've seen you guys like talking back and forth as well connor's just um did you guys see chael's uh um quote to him you know lately chelsea what was that you know what he said that conor's just a rich little weirdo right now and he is he's on some [ __ ] he's behaving he's yeah he's a rich little weirdo right now and that's exactly where what he is is like come on bro you're not even like people fighters don't even you're punching dj djs aren't even scared of you outside right now you know that's the level that you're on you fell so high you know to where even these even old dudes at the bar aren't even scared of you anymore yeah machine gun kelly too like yeah kelly's not even scared of you you know that's the level that conor's on conor used to be conor mcgregor in the ufc fighting knocking people out now he's after that fight he just completely dominated on his way down obviously well he's been he's been on his way down it was game over for him like come completely done and now all he tries to do and it's and it's strategically system everything right yeah he's systematic he's strategic when he sees anything happening that's bigger than him he tries to steal the clock he'll tweet every major fight that happens what happens conor tweets about it oh tweets about this every time i fight he's talking about me he tweets about me oh you're stealing my style how what are you talking about you know like at the end of the day i state what i'm capable of doing and what i'm going to do you know so he's oh you stole stole the way that i threw this combination or this punch bro it's fighting if it works just thinking about that this two one two works it works oh no that was mine i i did the one two were you the first one to ever do it you [ __ ] weirdo it's kind of sad to see honestly a little bit like man honestly i mean he had his brain but he'll probably do it he'll probably make his money doing he'll probably shift well he's already made a lot of money he's made his money so he makes more of his money he'll probably end up doing these fights against but that's what but you know he's locked up he's not doing anything he deserves unless dana white says so he's not doing anything he's locked up he's he's not doing nothing if dana doesn't say he can do it he's not doing nothing he i mean honestly he deserved it like after like when i seen what he was saying to like khabib and stuff like dude you deserve to get smacked the father thing was like that was very like disrespectful yeah because me i can't i come from a muslim background and for him to like say all that to like khabib like about khabib's dad is like wow man you got like no yeah these guys these guys just forget that there's a there's a place that there's there's a limit there's a threshold what you can say you know and what you can't say yeah you could try to build a fight but we just we're just in this generation to where people just don't care they'll say anything and to build a fight and you know he got dealt with for it that must haunt him that loss i feel like oh yeah he got destroyed bro like wait like it was like the ground and pound was like it was just vicious man crazy just beat on him like you know you know you truly beat the fight out of somebody because when they start going oh it's just business it's just business oh khabib was like unstoppable that means like yo [ __ ] don't don't kill me in here bro i was just it was just business i was just trying to sell the fight you know like when someone starts doing that you know that you've you've took in their soul and he should know that they would take it personally obviously like that's very like he should but when they i just think there's no moral compass there there's none there so when these guys don't have that moral compass they just say and do whatever so any indication on when your next flight's gonna be obviously just happened but i don't know you know like i said at this time it's just you're chilling like i'm just like yeah take a number relax when i feel it i'll call you spend time with me we gotta give dana a bunch of howler head and just slip the contract at the dinner table and just but does how does that work does he does dana pick up the phone and call you guys do you call him and say that hey i got something i'm interested how does that work kind of a joint ever you know um obviously in the ufc it's like oh that's why we have a ranking system this guy's number one contender that's the next guy to fight he's coming off the streak and and this like that's the next guy and we say okay let's do it and we fight but you know when we're doing something as as uh we're about to do something as crazy as the canelo fight then it's it's got to be okay we talk to their team they talk to our team and then it's you know that dana has to sit down and see how he's going to promote it and make this the biggest thing ever you think canelo would like take it like even though he's like saying i know i could beat him like i don't see why why wouldn't he think about it why why wouldn't you what other reason do you have a big bag not take it it wouldn't even diminish his career at all like how does that diminish your career do you think there's another ufc fighter you'd want to fight you'll see fighter no i think it's just um like if he did it maybe someone that poses less danger maybe like yeah if you feel like this guy poses no threat at all then it's like all right i'll just money grab but there's no bigger fight than the pound for pound and that's crazy we're closer in weight than everybody i fight at one seven he's about to fight a guy that fights at 195. he's already booked his next fight already yeah yeah next fight yeah boxers just boom boom boom because they have a they signed a long-term deal with someone i think maybe showtime or something like that so it's just like all right we're gonna do this we're gonna fight this guy we'll pick that guy we'll pick that guy that guy's less dangerous we'll pick him you know like what's bigger than us fighting right now and we're closer in weight but i think he um honestly i was thinking about it today i think he does see the threat there and then he's like ah it's not worth it because you know i can't mess around go i lose to the mma dude yeah and i can't be that guy so i get it you know if you want to keep doing that then that's fine no no harm to him i think he's a great fighter you gotta you got any anxiety that you get from all this fat how fast life is going and how you know obviously your life has changed you know pretty quickly but is there any yes anxiety that you get from from all this [ __ ] so quickly yes absolutely i was um i was pretty outgoing i'm still i still am but it's now it's i feel like i'm more of an introvert when i'm home i don't like to leave my house because it's like think about it whenever you go somewhere i'm at a point now to where i'm always recognized anywhere you know so i could be having dinner with my daughter and i like i said i was going for that last fight i was gone for almost six weeks straight yeah i've seen you wanted to i've never i've never missed that much time yeah you do facetime but it's not the same yeah it's not just it's not the same so now i come back i'm like all right take you because i like to take my daughter in like little mini dates you know i like to like you know take her out so i want her to understand what a date is like go on a date and we're sitting there if we're just having dinner and the guys at the table next to us are just [ __ ] staring at us the whole time damn you must be scared for her yeah she must be there like looking at her yeah yeah i mean she's used to it now because she's you know i i let her grow up in it so she saw me every day going she saw the progression and so but it's it's weird because it's like you're sitting there but they're just looking at you some of them are even just like pick the phone yo chilling with the chat your chat yeah yo we're eating yeah the worst part i think about that's the worst yeah is i think you're just so self-aware all the time of everywhere you go so you're so self-aware of every now it disrupts your everyday thinking because you're like worrying about every move that you make how you eat how you look at least that's you know not your level but at the same time you know you know how it is we know how it is it's like you're just so self-aware of every movement you make and it just [ __ ] with you so that's why i get that like not wanting to go out you know out of the house and it does especially when you're with family yeah or it's like someone like you can't even like you like you want to wake up like if i'm like [ __ ] hung over one day and it's like 5 30 and i want to roll out of bed look like a piece of [ __ ] run in the store it's like you just in your head you're like probably you know he's going to come up to me you know i'm gonna have to engage i'm at the [ __ ] and talk to him when we did the yeah because you can't be an [ __ ] you know you can't be an [ __ ] and it's you some guys saw me at the grocery store i was at the grocery store and the guy's like walking through aisles and uh he passes i'm like looking at some of the i think i was looking for i think i was buying honey and i'm looking at honey honey and tea i'm buying tea and he's like he passes by so of course i'm very self-aware of what's going on around me of course so i see him pass that aisle he keeps going and i'm just okay looking at t then he passes back this way but he passes back and he's looking and he's looking at his phone he's looking i'm like [ __ ] okay i just really don't want to talk i was like in shorts i had like slides on like you know i'm like i don't really want to talk but then he passes again i'm like ah you're like it's happening so yeah so i'm like okay let's let's walk that way let's walk that way so i'm walking the opposite way and he comes in the aisle and he's not he's walking and he's walking a little faster so i'm like oh [ __ ] and then he like stops me he's like yo hey hey has anyone ever told you you look like us i was like who he's like camaro uzman bro is that you bro is that you the best they know too i was especially when they know i'm like fans do say that though they're like yo you know who saleem is like some guys i don't know i don't know sometimes i just say nah i don't know what you're talking about just like that's fine and then i like say yeah but it's a blessing at the same time it comes to the territory it is but then it was like bro you shop that's the well they always ask that they're like what are you doing what are you doing here bro like you'll be at the gym what are you doing here i'm [ __ ] working out yeah i'm like i have legs i'm [ __ ] hitting cats so you shop i'm like yeah yeah i was trying to get some honey some tea all right he's like bro that's crazy you do your own shopping bro yeah i was like yeah what someone's supposed to do it for me it's like yeah but that that's and i'm like yeah can i take a picture like yeah sure yeah we take a picture and then he's like he's looking at the picture and shaking his head he's walking away i'm like the worst is when they when they the worst is when you got to realize is the trick is i don't know if you figure this out yet is when somebody's like hey can i get a picture right but the problem is when they give it the phone to somebody else to try and take it and it adds an extra like twenty five yeah that is the phone and you do the quick you have you do you grab the phone i have a few times like you know with some ladies i would but it's like the dude i'm like and then plus now we're in the corona era when the you know covert era you can't just be grabbing people's phone and you know own things like that and then the camera person got to take a photo after wait wait let me tell you one yeah of course but sometimes especially if they give the phone to someone to take the picture now it causes a scene yeah even if somebody doesn't even know who you are they're like oh it's all about that time management the longer you let it go the more it just kind of happens but you know i do like that though it's like you want to take a picture yeah that's what i do and you become really good at it you become really good at because like they already have their camera thing out right you just press one button the bottom right flip boom and you're out what about the ones who don't though the ones that yeah those are the ones the ones that don't it's just that you know you're like yeah you know it just depends on the movie dude just like some kids we meet can't even literally hold the camera but they're literally like doing this i get it though i mean like seeing somebody like you or seeing somebody like us it's very very like nerve wracking yeah i guess it just comes with it man territory look at it i love it you love it we love it and i love it everybody buys a pay-per-view everybody that [ __ ] comes to the fight all the tickets all the people that [ __ ] repost and buy your [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is you appreciate it the other day once in a while does that absolutely mean you have to go out of your way as a human being to give them a piece of your energy i mean do we live a luxurious enough lifestyle that it it for the most part i think that there's always being a good a good trooper in that situation no i mean when you're eating i asked i asked mike tyson that when we did that with him that's that's that's a good debate that's a good debate if you're the daughter you can tell people to go [ __ ] themselves right if you're with your dog no but like in a way of like no i'm eating like you know what i mean but yeah dude fans will never fans will never understand it's always it's always easier to just take the photo and move on yeah they don't because they're like wow bro you're not going to take a photo with me like i forgot to watch all your [ __ ] look at it like every t-shirt sale now i'm like that guy's not gonna buy a t-shirt now like that's not gonna you know i think the best is when you just meet like oh they're respectful he doesn't buy a t-shirt but you you're still you got your job you still do your job right majority of the business but yeah you know but it's it's it's like does that mean because they're fan and they watch you does that mean that you have to go out of your way to give your time and energy that you should be giving your family if there's 700 people i know you're not going to give your attention to everybody yeah but if it's an isolated situation like i can't ever see myself if it happens where i'm like you know you're shopping that's instance and the guy walks by there's nobody else around it's not gonna cause any [ __ ] chaos yeah of course that's fine there's a time and a place where it's gonna spiral out of control with seven thousand other people and it's a painting which is the majority of that right at certain places some situations yeah you you unless you're causing a scene i feel like you just gotta do it like you gotta do it always gotta do it always gotta do it but it all for for me now i know you mean it does cause a lot of anxiety a scene but you ever come does it ever come to the point where there's like a 20-minute span where you go out nobody notices you and you're like [ __ ] am i becoming irrelevant no no that's nice no i i actually um i actually like it yeah like i would take all the money in the world with no fame 100 that's worse like i would i would love to be that for sure i want to own this nightclub i want to own the strip club everybody's partying in that all this yeah yeah i don't care i would like to have the money in the world but you don't know who i am i'm completely cool with it but in the bit but prior to all your success was that the same mentality were you prior to your success you wanted it when you're small you want it when you're small we all do i wanted to be recognized for the work that i put in like i worked hard to be the champion so i want you to recognize me as the champion that did all this work to be the champion but they asked for extras now nice action it's extra [ __ ] now bro this dude's outside they got 10 gloves yo bro bro you're not gonna sign these other two you're gonna sign eight of them you're not gonna sign the other two bro come on bro it's like bro yeah i gotta go well the good news is you are the champ and it was an honor and a pleasure sitting with you here tonight uh i i think that if i get stuck in vegas i'm gonna die i'm gonna oh he's gonna die tonight i gotta go back i gotta go live uh yeah i'm the same way i'm low-key i don't like the [ __ ] [ __ ] running around with [ __ ] vlogs and cameras [ __ ] fresh kids your life's the truman show like you're i mean you know obviously you're doing well we're doing all right yeah this show is great and we appreciate having you have a coming on here so yeah you guys are doing well you guys get to go to the ufc fans vip that's the dream [ __ ] i fly for the ufc i don't even get vip like that you know you guys get the vips and everything so yeah life's good for you guys listen to that it's amazing you want to deal with my [ __ ] going on over here you don't [ __ ] want to you know what you know what i learned this lesson when i was young my mom used to say this to me uh and i had to really think about this and she used to tell me all the time if we all threw our problems in a pile i guarantee you would take your [ __ ] back and run yes so let that let that sit in for a little bit think about it i am i'm thinking that pile i don't know what you're saying be great like be grateful for what we have yeah because for sure if you if we all through our problems in the pile i guarantee you would take your [ __ ] back and run what was it i need to write that down if we if we all if we all through our problems in a pile if god came down and said yay so we will be busting these out for chicks later yeah that's gotta be our that's gotta be our instagram capture like this episode if we if you all through our problems in a pile i guarantee you you would take yours and run saleem's getting that tatted tomorrow yeah exactly he's gonna be pulling out to every chick at the bar whatever he's gonna be using that [ __ ] girl man yeah i think think about that man there's there's people right now that are battling cancer stage you know there's people who have no food like there's no way i know you wake up the next day and they're just like you just you're just up there's no food there's nothing it is [ __ ] how we just bitched about getting recognized when people can't even have yeah it's great yeah it's it's it's when you put it in a normal perspective like that you just gotta be thankful for the station that you're in in life you know i could have been that you know another life i'm i was that probably like you you never know so yeah gotta be different god said throw your [ __ ] in the pot right now you know then i'm like yo never mind i'm gonna take my [ __ ] back i was complaining last week i'm good i'm good i'm taking my [ __ ] back uh-huh you know so like your biggest problem bob's that we're gonna stay the night in vegas and have a great one he's like no i gotta get back for harry potter i gotta go it's very [ __ ] potter tonight uh all right so i mean i think we've had a great talk all the time i think that we're all we good here i think so the champ is uh great having you you're the [ __ ] man we appreciate it great this is crazy thank you guys the best part in the world and uh we got to make that canelo fight happen man yes we do you know maybe i just have to just walk up to him get in his ears honestly that would probably kick it off just just prank that gets it done you guys do a joint uh prank collab on canelo saleem why don't you find canelo and get him yeah i don't have to have camaro next to me because it wouldn't look like yeah do your thing in his ear and then he turns around and say bro what the [ __ ] is that bro and then uh i step out like i step out like yo he's with me oh you want to do something you know he'll probably be like no i don't want no problem no problem with you so no problem so no problem okay it's no problem okay you okay i'm good i'm good you're good at impersonations um attention folks we are boarding the plane final boarding final boarding all right my man all right i go to jail if i said everything i did and i'm gonna do some straight up if i ever interview this piece of [ __ ] down in nana's or mcgregor i'm gonna [ __ ] all of you up for the right reasons all right we gotta bounce we gotta run to the airport boys drop a thumbs up it fires us up we pound them our easement on man best fighter in the [ __ ] world that was unbelievable that's it subscribe we just hit a million subscribers shout out to the boys too see you boys next week [Music] you
Views: 2,580,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Kamaru Usman says Canelo and GSP are Scared to Fight Him! | FULL SEND PODCAST, usman, usman colby, usman ufc, kamaru, kamaru usman, kamaru usman vs colby covington, kamaru usman podcast, kamaru usman highlights, usman vs covington, canelo, gsp, georges st-pierre, ufc podcast, ufc highlights, ufc 269, ufc 268
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 51sec (5871 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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