Mike Tyson Crashes the Podcast with Dana White and The NELKBOYS!

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oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] smoke thank you we're supposed to give the gifts to you this is [ __ ] awesome you guys are our guests my son aiden would lose his mind right now the goods i don't know much about weed but wow smells good right yeah how's the family everybody good yeah thank you someone handed it to me and said mike's here you gotta smoke that's an excuse to put it that's the excuse to use it [Applause] [Music] [Music] right there dana do you have a preference in the seat oh sorry my bad [Music] mike you're leaving all right i thought we're doing part two no biggie huh brother bob brother bob you sitting in all right guys we got a we got a crazy day at the office here dana came through you guys get mike on the camera too he just popped in i think he's too stunned to do the pod right now actually he's never too stunned what am i saying by the way you know that gift dana you just got a gift from mike right i i said what you just got a gift from mike mike yeah i got a gift from mike i don't think that gift though was supposed to be for you it was supposed to be view kyle that's the funny thing i got one too oh you both got one yeah john came over to me and john said mike was kind of high and gave the gift to dana by mistake so yeah no no he i got one too oh did you get one no i didn't get a gift oh wow no did mike remember i was just you're awful quiet today you're awesome to pick with you are you mad at me you gotta i'm not mad at you why would i cool because i didn't know if i'd that's because you know the abs you're a paranoid lunatic i know as usual as usual know he said what he's bob talking about oh really i just thought he's mad at me because usually you know dana's pretty good about the text and everything and well when you text him 50 times in one week and if i don't answer 33 face times a night when he's drinking uh yeah my bad he's facetiming me at 2 45 in the morning and he thinks i'm mad at him because i didn't answer the face time no it's usually whenever i'm having anxiety or anything i call you like for some reason like calm me down you know yeah no no i'm i'm not mad at you i'll let those go soon i'll stop calling you i'm sorry but yeah we thought it would be cool to have uh dana back on the pod because it's doing so well now and dana was the first guest on the podcast so you helped us congrats boys like dana coming on i appreciate you coming on first because that gave us the leverage and the reputation you know dana coming on first and really believing in the pod and now it's it's killing it and we love doing it so pleasure brother anything for you guys you know that yeah so what's good you got in today just right now just landed and this is the first this is a cool place to hang out every day it came together like pretty quick too is this hidden the kids not know where this place is not really no no no no i'm gonna keep it that way yeah i know we got security at the front 24 7. so this is the first event in california in a while right yeah how long has it been i want to say it's been like two and a half years two and a half three years since we've been in california and uh and and definitely down here at the honda center but uh the the the we're we're the number one and number three all-time gate now at honda center it was the number one number 3.5 really million this weekend sold out five million dollar gate so we're number one and number three and the stones are number two damn that's a big fight tomorrow you got the fight i think my ticket's still active right yeah yeah you're in okay good by the way i'm bringing a good gap i'm bringing summer and bringing my girl summer is that right yes that's what you should that's what i should do it keeps me calm keeps me not partying keeps me in line in bed at 8 30 at night are you sober right now yeah i mean i had a couple you know i've had a couple beers the past couple days but yeah nothing like she's bringing timmy bounce back he's been hitting me up no no telling me he's sober and uh can i come to the event i'm sober that had nothing to do with me whatsoever because last time last time timmy came to the event he had mickey work in a [ __ ] headlock during the main event he's yeah that had nothing to do with me i love timmy but that's not my that's the play how big's this fight you think for like the ufc the one coming off it's a big one you know obviously every time that the heavyweight championship is on the line it's it's a big deal but when you have literally the two best heavyweights in the world and the two best heavyweight strikers in the world it's it's a fun night it's going to be awesome man it's going to be a killer event on on saturday night yeah surogan's like what 10-0 right he's undefeated and uh technically the greatest heavyweight striker in ufc history yeah what's he what's he ranked right now oh what's he ranked right now in the heavyweight he's the interim champion oh yeah the number one contender yeah so yeah it's going to be a good fight you know francis ingano is has a hundred percent finish rate yeah he's knocked out everybody that he's yeah he got some power and then you got the most technical striker in ufc history with cyril gone undefeated it just i mean vince mcmahon couldn't write a better script than this one bad blood that they have going on with each other contract negotiations you know all this crazy [ __ ] it's it doesn't get any better everyone's begging for money huh everyone's begging for money i hope so that's funny how do we get mike in the ufc yeah mike's he's listening to this heavyweight listen i love mike i don't want mike to fight here you want to step in for a minute i don't want mike to fight anymore last time mike was here didn't end well i got too high with your [ __ ] dude and i did it again you made me smoke again i wanted to say that too what do you think about the heavyweight championship it's going to be the whole world's gonna be watching this i had just saw um i never knew about the guy um pharaoh you know and that phone fight derek yep and man he just man broke him down he's a bad boy he was that's a wow you know i mean he's actually smart he's jazzed a hell of a jab and i was thinking the same thing how much does he weigh like he's got to be like 265. yeah cool zero yeah well that's good what do you think hey somebody tell me what cyril gone weighs maybe he's 240. yeah i mean like look it up and like really tell me what he weighs the whole room could guess 247 247 and so he john's bringing it over damn it underweight last time he's like 264 or something that effect right yeah well you know france is 265 he'll come in that dude's a monster man it's fast too yeah powerful i heard they sparred before yeah yeah they used to train together yeah yeah that's that's the the bad blood story of this thing they both come from the same camp and uh francis and gone you left that camp and uh now there's all this bad blood over that yeah okay bob's got some tyson 2.0 in his hand i said [ __ ] it mike's here thank you very much last time our talk was crazy let me cut you guys off but last you got me so high i got in a lot of trouble when i went home mike how's tyson 2.0 been doing since we last caught up it's been doing very well it's in 18 states and um we're still pushing 18 states yes that's over all the records that's never happened before in the history of cannabis just distribution that's crazy i didn't know you're in that many states i'm just happy i'm in one state yeah everything matters are you guys in canada yet or no i have no idea adam will not yet no yeah no no canada will go crazy for that were you supposed to fight jake paul i read something you know if an adventure thing no it's logan or logan i think it's jake right the youngest one right yeah every um they say it's 10 but it's like every 12 or 13 months boom something's missing like something's missing i give it to a boom i'm i'm losing muscle mass boom it's something it's always something different and i don't know i'm just guys want to fight me for 100 million bucks i don't think i'll ever do stuff like that anymore i wanted to do it the first time just for fun just to have fun and then some people took it and to another level and made it financial and then the fun went out of it i love you i don't want to see a fight anymore man i know you get mad at me when i say that but i do i don't want to see you fighting anymore no i don't think i will either but you never know again let everybody buy tyson 2.0 man and [ __ ] the fighting [ __ ] no that's the [ __ ] that makes you want to fight typhoon 2.0 exactly how far did that get did they like really try to make that happen by offering you like a deal or something it was all word of mouth and stuff yes i don't know the problem is anybody offering you 100 million to fight you're you're the draw i wouldn't you're you're the driver i'm not even interested in doing the stuff i'm just fine at the first if it was back on when it first started yes and we were both fighting in the same car we both active yeah would do it but it just turned into a uh this time it turned into bad it didn't turn that way did you get paid all the money you were supposed to get paid from your first fight you ever get that money most of it but still there's a bunch that's held up and i can't even say anything about this but yeah it was really tricky yeah yeah dana that's what they should call it tricky instead of triller yeah how does that work dana cause i see a lot of people like people always bring up the fighter [ __ ] fighter pay with the ufc but what's like isn't logan complaining right now that he didn't get his checks from floyd is that like a boxing issue versus boxing things you don't ever hear that coming out to this day you're here guys i don't know i i want to make 30 million i didn't get paid enough you don't ever hear guys going yeah they didn't pay me yet ever um this is a issues well here's what happens when you when you go in and you do these fights and and you make them and hunter correct me if i'm wrong you do these you do these fights that are exhibitions or whatever because the commission isn't overseeing it so let's say i did a fight with mike i got mike fighting you know francis or something the the the athletic commission gets the money up front so they pay the fighters they don't have to wait for that was the big problem in the past is that these boxing promoters would come in and they wouldn't make as much money as they thought they were going to do so they would stiff the fighters and not pay the guys and that's why these regulations are in place and and in these different states and that's why you you know i don't want to [ __ ] on any of the other states but you want to fight in like nevada or california these guys the best ever yeah the best ever yeah really so it makes it different like this the the boards like control like the payout 100 really okay 100 who's your favorite ufc fighter in the ufc wow too many i wouldn't it wouldn't be too modern if it would be um some guys during the um the middle passage of it you know when it first started somewhere yeah some of you guys was incredible now the guys everybody like i always loved police gracie he was everybody's fans and he was the david beating all the goliath but now everybody knows their style now you know so now it um it elevated to a new level and now all these guys coming out it's just um from a financial perspective it's just um it's blowing up and i don't know because like i said before it's the most entertaining fights just started doing what ufc started doing from the beginning entertainment when there's no when there's no fight there's a party going on music is going on and that's what boxing took away took from ufc and now guys from like the poor brothers now they're getting involved with this and it's fantasy but it's real and that's what makes it so um um financially successful seeing this guy blonde hair blue eye beautiful handsome baby face successful in a brutality monster sport that sells [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah mike's just so fun to watch speak it's just mesmerizing yeah i'm just a little reserved today because i don't even know he's done yeah now i'm high obviously you know hey is it okay for me to leave that much lips or chap yeah do you think yeah you're good thanks guys thanks for stopping in yeah thanks mike we appreciate it that was just a random pop-in that was pretty sick so dana back to uh back to uh real quick the jake paul thing you uh i mean it keeps going back and forth but you made that you made a video against him right didn't you make a that call out to you yeah well it was you know he keeps talking about me with uh with the cocaine thing i said let's uh let's do drug tests you can drug test me for the next 10 years for cocaine and for the next two years i can drug test you for performance enhancing drugs and he never he never really responded he said how about you test all your fighters the warlock should have told them we test all our fighters we do test all our fighters so in boxing they don't have to get tested it's not the same things that's what like you know in his flights they don't have to get tested at all our guys are tested by usada and boxing's not like the hardest no the the toughest drug testing policy in all of sports we have and you know he started saying uh oh i've been over here look at me i'm fat and i'm i don't care how long it was ago that you fought you just ought to drug test you and you took drugs they're gonna catch you um what would you have to do to like earn your respect well it's not that he doesn't have my respect um you know i don't even know the kid at the end of the day i don't even know the kid and you know what to be honest with you i'll tell you right here right now this is the last time you'll hear me talking about him i'm i'm done i put out the challenge he said you know you do coke you know i said i think you use performance and answer drugs let's do it he never responded to it so fire away kid do your thing i'm you know i'm sitting here i'm arguing with this kid that doesn't fight for me and it's never going to fight for me so what's what's the point even he and i going back and forth with each other what if he was to come into the ufc what if he went what if he came into mma would you let him would i let him well he can do whatever he wants to do like what if he's like i want to fight in the ufc i don't know i don't know i don't think that would ever happen but listen i never say never anymore you know that'd be pretty i didn't think floyd and connor would end up or i would do end up doing any of my guys versus floyd because that just makes absolutely no sense but it happened so i know i wonder if he had the balls if jake like really said i'm not coming to the ufc that like [ __ ] i've seen i've seen something like no one's done that no one's i mean who did it back in the day came from who came in the box you would be the biggest guy james tony james tony he did it but no one's had the balls to come into the ufc that'd be [ __ ] that'd be crazy he said he's going to train with like khabib or something like that i heard like i suppose jake paul was like i'm reaching out to khabib or something like that that's what i've seen but i mean i don't know if he'll do it but that would be crazy if he was in the ufc though it'd be entertaining i mean just to see him get his [ __ ] because i know you like i want to see him get knocked out you know he's heard i heard you want that yeah so i i would like to not not because i hate him that'd be crazy dana watching from the tvs us in the stands right there that'd be [ __ ] i don't hate him either i don't even know him i don't hate him but i mean what a lot of people would like to see him like lose you're not what i mean i i'm one of them you're not any and he plays for that he knows that he yeah yeah his whole uh schteck that's rana's course the paul dana thing is done what i said you're a little it's randy's course you're saying so you're not gonna respond to it ever again i'm done done perfect i love it nfts by the way big day for you guys pretty crazy are you [ __ ] crazy do you think about these nfts listen yeah i mean we're we're in that space too um you know we're getting all our [ __ ] together to launch ours and you know i was i was watching i had uh ari's son leo hit me up today saying i i can't get into this white list can you help me get into this white list like kids are freaking out and uh you know i saw that you guys killed it man but when don't you kill it everything you do kills it you guys are killing it in everything that you do it's impressive what you guys have pulled off and what you've done i think the nft shit's so cool because to me it's like it's like a modern day or like a decentralized way to for people to like invest in us so like wool the way i understand it and i don't think many people are doing this but it's kind of like we our fans give us money right so we just sold a bunch so we have the money and then in exchange we give them a metacard and then so they have something right that they can verify is theirs and now we have all this money and our job is to build [ __ ] so we're going to launch like physical locations like we're going to launch full send lounges we're going to start here and then maybe do one in vegas miami new york so we're gonna launch like physical [ __ ] that's only available for our holders and then that's just like one of the many things we're gonna do but that'll drive up the price of their meta card you know so it's like they're giving us money we get the money we do as much [ __ ] possible to drive up the price of their metacard so it's kind of like they're investing in getting a return you know and you're taking that money and fueling it into all these different things you're building right yeah yeah a ton of money like now we have like a real budget off the money that we made to hire like a full team just to focus on the utilities for meta card holders which is pretty cool i think right wow very cool so you guys got a long time it's like a long journey so i think in the nft space a lot of people are just in it they're like day traders on stocks so they're just like sell this buy they sell this like buy it for an hour sell it for the next so we kind of really did something different with it which is like it's a long-term thing you know yep it's pretty crazy what we could build over the next five years if if it's done properly you know but we've already been thinking on this playing field of we could have full send locations we could have full sun festivals like coachella or rolling loud right now so now that we have holders it's just all kind of merging together it's pretty cool i think the ufc [ __ ] will be what was that what was that helicopter real quick what was that helicopter holler head thing that i saw there were the things were dropping this guy yeah i seen that the other day too what was that station casinos created that on their uh what did you get did you guys ask them to do that or did they get tall they do that stuff all the time for us yeah they're big supporters of happy dad and how their head is howlerhead doing well yeah well it ain't so how many states howlerhead in now we're in every state except one and i can't remember what the one state is that we're not in but it's something like uh you know west virginia or something right i mean i can't remember what it is but yeah how did how did like the whole inception of like howler had come about the rock i was at dinner with the rock one night and uh and and i always wanted to get into a liquor you know i didn't think i would be in it like i am holler head but you know just a piece and and you know i would promote promote it and do whatever and we were talking about it that night and uh he's like you know what you're in let's let's do it then he called me back two days later and said [ __ ] man i'm sorry there's no more there's no more to give i didn't realize that night and i said it's all good then his agent called me back like two days later and goes you're not going to believe this you know there's a guy that wants to do a a liquor deal and he's looking for somebody and i and i told him uh he should talk to you we hit it off and he sent me over like i don't know 60 bottles of liquor to try and uh i went through them i had a bartender at my house we were just making shrinks and and mixing it up and howler head was the one i went with what's your like favorite thing about like the alcohol business guy listen i've always wanted to be in it besides it's the fact that it's [ __ ] cool exactly i'm super passionate about it you know and uh i like to drink yeah i like to drink and um and i love getting out there and meeting with the distributors i love hearing what what the fans think of it and uh you know getting the feedback on it and there's nothing cooler than when you walk into a bar somewhere and your bottle of liquor sitting up on the uh on the back of the bar pretty cool [ __ ] 100 i saw you talk i saw that interview i don't know which one you were on it was on like a podcast those older guys were you told that mob story mm-hmm well i was wondering if you could tell us that like what went down with that this was back in the day when you used to live in boston yeah you had to escape boston yeah i was in the in the late 80s early 90s and uh you know i lived in south boston you know there's a bunch of movies and documentaries that were made about whitey bulger and his crew there and uh is that your territory bob or boston yeah yeah yeah so uh and everybody says it was whitey bulger it wasn't it was one of his guys and uh you know they basically rolled into one of my one of my gyms one day and basically said i owe them 2 500 bucks for what for being there just for working there for doing work yeah so uh you know to me that was like 25 grand back that night of 2500 bucks so uh you know i tried to avoid him for a while and you can only avoid that [ __ ] for so long and one day i was at my house and i got a call and the guy says you got till tomorrow it was a saturday the guy's like you got till tomorrow at one to pay us and i said or what are you gonna find out what so i literally hung up the phone picked it back up and called delta got a [ __ ] one-way ticket to vegas damn and that was a wrap so is that like mob like kind of done in boston now um or they still you know that gang is you know has like favor like but these weren't like uh this was still coming for the team this wasn't like something 2500 if you've seen any of the movies these aren't some [ __ ] pop no yeah calling you up for 2500 these are real guys like real guys like it's frightening yeah they they [ __ ] killed people man they have they ever tried to like get in contact with you when you like got big no never i mean not long after i left is when they started digging up all the bodies down at the beach and you know the whole thing started to unravel when when whitey went on the run damn that's crazy and the craziest thing about that whole thing back then is is that they had like this code of silence thing in southie which meant if if you and i had a [ __ ] problem right even if i shot you say i [ __ ] shot you you don't go to the police right me and you work it out or or we don't you know and it was a really it was like living in another [ __ ] planet when when when i lived there and uh you end up finding out that whitey was in with the police you know the fbi was informing him of people that would call and you know try to rat him out or whatever he was caught out here right white belt was caught in santa monica i think yeah he was caught in santa monica they got him out here in the apartment buildings i forget the exact story how it happened but what's good with uh we we were gonna go because we did the podcast with usman and then ali invited us to khabib's [ __ ] yeah we got invited yeah what's up with that oh no where is it miami miami on the 28th yeah yeah um is he starting like a league or is it like a one-off event yeah no i think he's starting a league wow like to compete against you well you know i'm sure yeah that's the goal yeah damn it's called eagle eagle fc eagle fc right mm-hmm yeah that's awesome and uh but there's tons of these events that go on every weekend right that you guys probably don't even realize that happened every weekend all over the world so but yeah he's got some real money behind him and and uh you know i i i keep telling him you're going to learn what it's like to be on this side of the [ __ ] fence did he come to you when he when he decided to do that he's the most respectful [ __ ] kid in the world man he's a he's a great dude um always been straight up with us and you know all good with him i think we're going to get him on the podcast race yeah awesome that'd be sick yeah he's a dope guy yeah so he won't be he's he's so is he gonna fight in this league or is he gonna just no no no he's basically like dana of the league he's retired dana of his league yeah so you came here in steve's van that he got you no they're driving it out here right now that guy eric you know eric yeah you're driving it out here right really yeah people go crazy when they see you driving by yeah people are hanging out their windows and oh yeah really that that [ __ ] thing gets a lot of attention man how crazy are their fans yeah it's awesome it's not you're the most loyal fan base of all time you were really caught off guard but now i feel like dana and us have like integrated so like dana's like an honorary number dude 100 every [ __ ] where i go people roll up to me asking if the boys are coming everywhere i go it's true really we did this badass motorcycle ride uh last summer we started in jackson hole wyoming rode all the way through wyoming up through montana we're in this tiny little [ __ ] town i want to say it was called cody i can't remember but i think it was cody and we come to this hotel and all these [ __ ] kids are standing out front of the place right and you know i don't know they're there for me so so i get off the bike and they're all like hey i'm like oh [ __ ] what's up and they're like are the dark boys coming i'm like the knock boys aren't coming that's my life is the same way everywhere i go it's always like it's kyle and steve here it's like i really [ __ ] want to just off myself it's i don't know how you guys do it you don't like it no not at all i don't like it i think you secretly love it no i secretly don't love it no no i like to stay low-key chilling face time dana occasionally at three in the morning and just live my life you know by the way the face time what did you watch the antonio brown interview yes i did i have the you have the brady shirt on did you feel like he was for you [ __ ] well by the way once again probably the biggest tom brady hey brady all right that's fine i don't think brady knows you know what your problem is with brady tom brady is my favorite quarterback my one with my family the way tom brady brought that city of boston together for all the time i lived there you know i [ __ ] love tom brady that's why the media spun that antonio brown didn't bash it that hard do you think he did in that interview do you think antoine i agree i agree if you actually watch the [ __ ] when you called me after and explained it to me i got it what was he trying to say like i didn't really understand him i mean he was basically just saying like they just took that one little clip it yeah yeah i know that and then like you just i realized the first time ever how crazy the media can spin oh yeah yeah it's insane because if you go and watch that interview from start to finish it is a whole different story than what espn and all these different outlets yeah i love dave i love espn but i'm saying podcast everyone's just looking for clicks yeah even with this nft [ __ ] now too even if it's just a tweet people are just looking for likes how can i just get the most likes you guys are getting hit a little bit in the uh twitter right now a little bit too a little bit but i think that's just because we're shaking up the space i think we're coming in and we're doing something different and people don't quite understand it i don't really care and also too i know what we're doing also too how many people do you have the discord 320 000. 320 000 right probably all vying for a 10 000 person spot right yeah 10 000 people are gonna get them right so the rest are just gonna automatically [ __ ] lose their [ __ ] but obviously you guys have future projects that you're building and so if it's [ __ ] in a year then they can talk to us you know or even three months and i don't think you guys will let it be shitty no this fails it's not it kills the brand you know what i mean absolutely kills the brand so like why the [ __ ] you guys aren't interested in 25 million dollars i know you guys want to grow this thing to [ __ ] a half billion dollar company i think our holders are going to be extremely happy the people that aren't holding are going to be the ones bitching and yeah my alarm didn't go off by the way but we have a chat on discord there my alarm didn't go up you didn't yeah you didn't show up i didn't find no i showed up late just because i had but my alarm didn't go off came so i always tell him come down to oc like chill you could stay at my house and [ __ ] he never comes down yesterday when he saw all the buzz about the nfts and how many numbers we were getting in the chat he came down to try to get his cut he drove down he said hey i'm coming down today i came down like the [ __ ] mob and i came down i'm surprised he's not [ __ ] trying to all right this is not turning into the memory story here this is not a memory rose session gosh you guys would have never sold this many meta cards you know why don't so listen back to back to jake paul let's go back to jake paul for a minute how about that let's go deep dive into jake paul and all that i feel like talking about that a little more you know so uh but were you but brady did brady reach out to you to all about our interview no no no no okay good now no we're just not relevant enough for brady to even care he must have seen it boy you gotta i i was too listen right after abc said that i said tom grady brady's the greatest ever i'm a [ __ ] die-hard brady fan and so like yeah i didn't know if like antonio brown could he still come to the fight huh can antonio brady said if i ever see that punk bob minnery on the [ __ ] streets let me tell you what's gonna happen [ __ ] yeah i made it i made it he thinks you're serious too i want to see it maybe we talk some business [ __ ] i was wondering like what do you think is like us and everyone in this office like what's your best piece of like business advice that you've learned through like growing the ufc and all the ups and downs you've been like i remember that i saw you talk about once you were uh when you guys were like in a hole how much in debt were you guys yeah 44 million 44 million so so like you guys had money and you're spending it to like exactly that lorenzo called me one day and said the [ __ ] tsunami warning hopefully it's not that [ __ ] tsunami warning that's a tsunami endangered and elderly what [ __ ] nothing endangered elderly endangered elderly all right well i thought that was my phone at first i was like oh [ __ ] my friend no but that which you hear about that volcano dana do you hear about the volcano that blew up in hawaii whatever crazy right yeah everybody got the tsunami warnings crazy i know but it would have happened by now wouldn't enough that was like two days ago i hope so i hope so i think so too staying right on the beach it actually doesn't make sense that it hasn't that there hasn't been a tsunami from that yeah i don't know i don't think i don't think it was big enough big enough it shot [ __ ] like 15 miles i know but also i think our [ __ ] i don't know i don't know i'm hive wakes that caused tsunamis look at the surveillance video but it's like earth exploded 15 15 feet up into the air or 50 feet or something i can't remember what the number was but yeah anyway 44 mil 44 mil yeah and uh lorenzo calls me one night and says i i i can't keep funding this [ __ ] thing man me and me and my brother are blowing all our [ __ ] money and get out there and see what you can sell this thing for and i was like [ __ ] so i started calling making some calls by the end of the night i said probably get six maybe seven million um and they were like completely out at that point like they're like we gotta sell it that's well that was where his head was yeah you know probably had a shitty day at work stock probably took a hit that day who knows what went on in his world that day to make him make that call or he probably had to send another funding check over and uh he's like i'll call you tomorrow so all night i'm thinking oh man this is a [ __ ] rap this is the end of this so the next morning he calls me like 7 30 and goes [ __ ] it let's keep going how much more did he need to put in well then what happened was not long after that was when we you know came up with the uh the concept for the ultimate fighter and uh you know none of the networks wanted it none of the networks were willing to pay you guys were like blacklisted at the beginning right like ufc yeah and and you got to realize a lot of these television i mean same [ __ ] with the growth of of all these alternative platforms now i mean it's it's a whole different world now than it was back then um you know you're talking this is 2001 between 2001 and 2005. i remember like i remember watching because i used to watch a lot back then and i remember uh like bat you guys were battling to like get into states right like you were like you were like speaking and saying like the states won't let us in like well think about that explaining the safety of mma versus boxing that's crazy we were trying to get back on pay-per-view right so as a grown adult you couldn't make the the the you could you didn't have the option to pay and watch this porn was on pay-per-view ufc was not allowed that's how [ __ ] bad it was you know what i mean so nobody wanted the ultimate fighter the fertitta brothers said what if we pay for it and give it to you and let you hear it they like that idea that's we did we did the deal at spike and uh that was the last 10 million dollar investment the brothers were putting in really fight or flop that was the end of it oh right and then where did the money start to come from after that so then what happened was the ultimate fighter was a [ __ ] huge hit smash what was the first oh it was force griffin was a contestant yeah forrest griffin versus stefan bonner right was the main event on on the finale right which ended up being a [ __ ] one of the biggest fights right yeah it was it was the coaches huh who were the coaches you remember the coaches were uh randy couture and chuck liddell okay yeah and then so you had 13 episodes of that by by episode three we were pulling 2.3 million viewers on cable at that time was [ __ ] huge that was a huge number and uh so then we did the uh the coaches fought on pay-per-view and it was massive and then from there just took off that's crazy so at you you'd agree 2005 every year previous year and six we beat five and seven we beat six and uh in 20 we beat 19 and 21 we beat 20. i mean it's been like that since the ultimate fighter so what do you think what's your advice to someone when it's like the money's like tough like that if you want to achieve something that's like the mindset you need to have you don't quit man you have to once you once you make set your mind up and you and you say this is what i'm doing i believe in this thing and i think this thing's gonna work you just keep grinding because you don't know i mean there's people and you guys probably know some of these people too hanging out in la and [ __ ] but you know there's people that have been working on movies for 10 15 years before the movie gets made you know it's just nothing happens overnight and nothing is easy look how hard you work nice you kids work hard man you guys are all over the place you're you're all over everything and and everybody thinks that it's easy all let's let's get a [ __ ] a youtube channel and let's do this and that you have to grind and work yourself you guys are in different cities every day almost and you know because now we have podcast yeah before it was just milk videos right so it was our main channel shoot pranks whatever but now we got that we got podcast and we got happy dad are you gonna you're gonna be able to keep up with this right with the as far as like are you guys gonna continue to do the same amount of prank videos every year well in elk now we're doing like seasons so we're going to hype up like six episodes okay we just did that um and then we got like two videos left then we'll take a little bit of a break give the editors like some chill time all chill not chill but you know just kind of reset creatively and then boom another six we did one we did the meet the parents one the other day oh yeah we're still filming milk we did uh the one where uh we pretend to be a girlfriend's boyfriend to the parents oh yeah yeah so we prank people's parents like we pretend to be their boyfriend and show up at their house for dinner i pranked a jewish family that's awesome that's actually a good one how about when they [ __ ] [ __ ] in the pool when saleem's walking down and just faking taking shits in the pool that's probably your favorite one oh yeah i love that one you know what i never got to see the video where i i didn't watch this one but the guy was splashing the camera oh yeah it looked like you guys were did you guys getting the beef with that dude yeah that was our filmer adrian i guess he was filming and the guy was just splashing his cameras actually i laughed at that part what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you guys when you like has anybody ever like fought you guys uh i've got punched once or twice i got kicked in the nuts no no but imagine like like seeing the person you like made hella mad like in person like another time you know what i mean like imagine if you've seen him at like walmart or whatever that [ __ ] scares me i'm scared of that because like what can you do what do these guys do when they figure out their pranks some people love it some people just some people love it some people don't like it but like when they're really really pissed it's man it's hard to tell them there's a camera because then you're going to piss them off a little more telling them that you're filming themselves that's the hard part but do you got to get these guys to sign releases um i mean we tell them like if they're pissed i mean if they're pissed like we just tell them like oh we're filming if they tell them if they tell us yo i don't want to be on camera we tell them like it's a little different now but back in the day we'd kind of just be like if they got pissed then we'd blur their face but if they didn't we wouldn't and then if they complain youtube has a tool where you can just like blur their face when the video is up before you had to take it down but yeah people have sued us i mean one still going on that one guy one story the first time i went to jail in canada was because we did a harmless prank we had like 25 pizza box uh boxes me and jesse and uh we were just delivering them to people's houses and saying like did you order pizza like it was the most you know they're like no i didn't order 50 bucks at pizza it was the most harmless prank ever no one got mad but this one lady she got just so pissed at it when she saw like and she was so pissed and she gave us this crazy reaction she ran out onto the street and like screamed at us and she called me george hennen because i had a i had an id for i had a business card from a barber that said george hennen so she called me george hennen and i was like who's george hennan it became a meme and when the video was posted we had blurred her license plate her address we blurred everything like we made sure but somehow people found out where she lived even though we blurred everything out the neighborhood i guess i think it was like a neighbor from across the street that leaked it or some [ __ ] because kids were watching outside what did they do so people started prank calling her oh god and saying george hen and george hen and george hennen we just folder they knew where she actually physically looked they did but they they googled her address but it was blurred it was 100 blurred we double checked even on the video we're like how did they know yeah so they're prank calling they're saying who's george hennon blah blah blah so she goes to the police station and we get charged with criminal harassment even when you blurt they get she was like a rich doctor in a rich neighborhood so like she had some pull with the police a little bit and they went hard on us so they charged us with criminal harassment and mischief over five thousand dollars what was the penalty i had to do 150 community service hours did you really love to find out what those were at a food bank what were these we had to people would come in and they would like we'd like help them shop around the food bank like you push their card around and [ __ ] like you want some beans which is great which is great for you to do but i don't know what did you i swear i did it i had to do it because you have to go to a registered i tried to finesse i'm not gonna yeah of course i tried to finesse it but you had to get it you had to get it approved by uh by the people so i did it at the food bank so you're over there helping people like shopping and all that stuff i'm like you want some beans you want some pasta like some people are like entitled they like take their time they look at the beans and like they choose like wait so was anybody during that moment ever like that's crazy weren't you kyle from boys a little bit yeah but we weren't as big back then right oh yeah and they probably didn't know you were doing community service but all the people that worked there did it no they knew okay i owned it i was like [ __ ] it all right cool how about when you guys did antonio brown that every one of these sports uh shows and reporters and newspapers and that was wild credit you for the yeah you know must be nice and i was looking through that [ __ ] and that they weren't credited right i was getting i know [ __ ] just always looking out for us blowing him up man don't let those [ __ ] get away with that make them put [ __ ] full send podcasts right on the bottom and did you guys get all over those guys a little bit i mean they tagged us but that's about it we kind of reached out to them but it is what it is it was dope seeing it though yeah dana these guys were all over mainstream media i know i saw it with that here we go here we go hey how'd you guys get that on how'd you get the interview how'd that work out well some articles some articles just said i've been using this for a long time brown sits down with bob bennery i think bob split in a few of those too remember the time bob bought us dinner in new york yeah cat chat remember that time but um well because the ufc relationship the introduction thing was running its course so i had to panic quickly so i said hey boys you ever heard of mainstream media remember when bob had the idea to start the milk boys so yeah that's that just happened too so i got a little bit of leverage dana yeah with some different ventures is ab hitting you up a lot i mean i went to the studio with a b uh that's where i broke the no drinking streak i had a seven 14-day bet and i was seven days in and uh i was at the studio and i you know i just bought a 1942 ball for a b kind of just thanking him gave him the bottle and uh he's basically like yeah let's drink and i was like ah man i can't i have a bet and he's like you [ __ ] drink and i did you a favor i'm like all right here we go lost the bet boom threw back some 1942's jammed out to rap music uh it was just that was it god summer was there too did you meet kanye or no no i was trying to trying to get kanye on this full podcast show here i'm trying to work my angles and you know let me see what i can do you guys got one of the big biggest podcasts in the country i'm surprised he doesn't just jump in and do it what's good with the joe rogan [ __ ] trying to shut down his podcast crazy right well i know they had come out and said there was like uh 200 250 doctors and whatever i guess when they started researching these people they weren't really doctors they're not apparently not no i feel like he just has too much support behind him yeah oh [ __ ] like he's the one guy where it's like if they come for him there's like a army you're not canceling rogan and the thing is with rogan he's a brilliant guy he does his homework and he knows what he's talking about and guess what this is [ __ ] america and you can have your own opinions about these things and you can voice them that's what this [ __ ] country was built on and all these little whiny [ __ ] [ __ ] that don't like it too [ __ ] bad man too bad who cares do you think something like this you think spotify will crack no no not in america you know it's interesting too though because i like we were talking it's all about [ __ ] money if it was youtube they'd be getting pressure from their advertisers but spotify's all subscription model so rogan's making the money so and it's people they don't have to rely on people right right now that you're involved in the project what what what's your what's your plans for it what's your plans my plans whatever you guys asked me to do to help build this thing up i'm in what do you think of the lounges and [ __ ] i love the cigar lounge because kind of like you know what john was talking about the cigar lounge thing is awesome i think that in that would be ten thousand people can only go to that thing yeah so you'd have a card that maybe you could bring a guest so you'd scan to get in yep and how would they know it's your thing that's easy you can that that technology already exists so you go to this that's yeah that's crazy like a soho house yeah i love it yeah i think it's a great cool it'll be one start maybe yeah a lounge what else what are the other things that people are gonna get with all this stuff well if you're into the nft [ __ ] too um we're gonna be dropping a lot of projects right so all those projects the collabs we could be like the supreme of the metaverse i feel so all these collabs that we do with like our merch it's hard to do them in real life with like vans or something [ __ ] because they're so politically correct they don't want to touch us but in the nft world all the owners of projects are like cool people like us and they understand the brand so we can do so many collabs and those will be only available to our holders first you know so our holders have a lot of opportunity to i don't want to say make money but they're going to get access to these big projects and you know let's say anyone else wants to do a project bob that you know let's say any of our connects want to do a project maybe those are going to be available to our holders first right very cool we have a lot of people that want to probably do projects big players in the space right 100 i'm not going to say names but i have some people that that i know that own the meta card so maybe we can offer those exclusively to our holders too very cool idea right 100 i love that it's cool is this all spanish to you like all the metaverse and all this no no no we're looking to do a fight in the metaverse what does that mean we've been working on it for what would be a live fight an actual fight that takes place inside the metaverse and whoa what the what does that look like i think i mean that does there actually probably can't yeah well it'd be kids at home could you know you put on your [ __ ] goggles and you could [ __ ] get up and go walk around and you know we're we're still working it out but yeah it'll be soon we'll be doing a fight in the middle of the metaverse metaverse fighters yo that's so cool it would be a real you're just at home in your room just [ __ ] swinging and like who do you get like ringside seats or something like if you have the goggles you could buy seats yeah so you but you like you oh okay yeah wow it's pretty crazy will that take away you think from like what i don't know we're going to find out are you nervous about all this metaverse [ __ ] things up for you in your business no no no technology has been very good to us man you know our stuff works very well with all the ufc has such a cult following too and it just works with everything it works with social media it works with streaming it works with uh you know i think you guys have a huge opportunity in that nft space for like an exclusive club that gets you really exclusive [ __ ] with the ufc yeah yeah huge 100 that's exactly what we're doing huge huge hooch hey i was going to ask you too i'm going i'm going to kansas city what's the date hunter do you know no no not august yeah is it fab five you want to do that fighter do you want to do it so i told come yes i told that disc our discord chat today i told them too we gotta get a a full send ufc media correspondent remember i told you that a while ago that can ask kind of like the mack life yeah our version of that we should do that well this is the one that we talked about where you sign the fighters we should sign a fighter yeah can you explain that how would we do it yeah so what we're going to do is this is crazy the boys are going to come down to kansas city where this fight is happening i have the show on youtube like feb 5th or 6th nicole what's the date 6th feb 6 and uh so looking for a fight is where we go to these small events and and these different towns all over the country we take in what the town has to offer then we go to the fights and we sign fighters to come into the ufc so what kyle and i talked about is the nelk boys will actually pick their own fighter they'll sign him he'll get into the ufc and he'll be sponsored by nelk oh that'll be nuts yeah that'll be awesome so it'll be their guy that's pretty sick so yo you know what we should do we should if you guys are in the discord chat right now we should we should bring out maybe let's bring like five holders with us maybe two and i want to see in the discord chat of holders who's like a real big ufc fan and also like knows their [ __ ] on who we should sign and maybe we'll bring five holders with us and we'll we'll sign a fighter that day yep so is there gonna be like some good talent there yeah i'm gonna make sure there is that is that would be crazy i'll give them a deal now are you still gonna have are you still gonna have things for the you know the 10 000 holders that have this card are you still gonna have things going on for the people that don't have this card well yeah and i mean we have our members too that we're going to be doing a lot but still the same giveaways for as well okay but um i mean in our i think it just benefits our community as a whole to sign like a fighter and you know yeah i mean it just leads to better content it leads to is taking over i mean it's [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] that's that's like a dream come true if we do that so how do you go about getting like good talent at that spot well you're gonna go and i'll give you i'll give you the background on on the guys that are fighting and and point you in the direction of like three or four guys and then you sit there and you watch and and and any time you're you're looking for talent obviously he's got a he's got to fight that night and he's got an impression but you want to see how the crowd reacts to him how he speaks after the fight his how he interacts with you you know there's a lot of different things you look at you guys are pretty good i mean when you guys go to the fights i mean you guys have become close to sugar shawn o'malley you guys have become close to tai tuavasa i mean there's going to be somebody there that connects with you that that's going to be this is great and it's so cool because it's like a great opportunity for the fighter too right like we're going to [ __ ] blow them up exactly you know what kind of a following they're a cult following they're going to have behind them that's incredible i love rooting for them at every fight it's [ __ ] cool where are you dana where are you two next where do you go next from here going to espn i got an interview with espn after this in l.a and uh laguna they're coming to me down there sweet yeah uh what other event we got coming up march colby hospital yeah holy [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] fun one um bro that i can't wait i just love i love when there's beef and i love the press conferences bro me too i love that colby press conference that was my first time live i was just laughing the whole time remember yeah we're just just so [ __ ] [ __ ] cold he's hilarious he really is he is [ __ ] telling the thing is he talks a lot of [ __ ] anybody he fights it exactly he backs it up if if co if camaro usman did not exist colby would be the world champion right now you know what i mean he's a bad boy he's tough i got my money on colby for sure oh we're going to houston israel out of sanya fights in houston coming early for the fight and start filming yeah um i think this is good yeah i mean it's cool to have dana on we should just do this every once in a while because i feel like you're just an honorary [ __ ] dog boy you know just sitting in with us shooting the [ __ ] can you give me one of those sweatshirts make sure it's i'll get you one thank you brother appreciate it appreciate it brady and yeah shout out to everyone that uh thanks for the nft launch this [ __ ] was crazy i think it's like it's a new chapter for us man it's like the company's brand new and uh discord's my new favorite [ __ ] you got to come in the discord don't do it it gives you too much anxiety it's non-stop that's a lot it's crazy i know that it's the scariest thing ever just give me a couple of your xanax before i go in i don't take santa i've taken it like five times but listen don't discord discord you're the assistant yeah he will kill him your assistant should never play poker he's never he is so obsessed with you he wants a picture he's like i've never done xanax and he's like you came in prepared today well done all right and we're gonna uh we're gonna be at the fight this weekend we're gonna be drinking howler head drinking happy dad having a good time with the fight so uh tune in let's go i'm pumped for this fight all right let's do it let's go thanks dana thanks for having me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 4,479,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Mike Tyson Crashes the Podcast with Dana White and The Nelkboys! | FULL SEND PODCAST, dana white, dana white podcast, mike tyson, mike tyson nelk, mike tyson podcast, full send metacard, full send nft, nelk nft, nelk boys nft
Id: yRYF8t2swqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 44sec (3224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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