Antonio Brown on His Friendship with Tom Brady & Why He Really Left the Game!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up what's up what's up what's up baby how are you doing good good good coffee's on deck type of day i took a red-eye flight and uh we barely slept at all but we're here from l.a to new york by the way we're still uh we're looking at still i think an 85 chance of yes so i'm waiting standing by i'm panicking are you going to change your pants that's funny my pants yeah no the [ __ ] happened kyle because i've been working around the clock too tacos for breakfast i've been working around the clock to get antonio brown's first interview and beating every mainstream media network on planet earth to get this done for us zaps just take a deep breath i just want this to happen i want this to happen sorry how did how did this get in touch i went directly to him and then i went to his guy and the perfect sized guy and then it was guy's dog and then i tried it on the pod god damn it dude that is nervous right now i don't know all right boys so we're back with uh should we call is this like season two of the full sem podcast yeah of course we were allowed to take time off because of the holidays we had to take a week off uh yeah we took two weeks off but we're back with an emergency episode if you guys are probably watching this it's we had to get it up we don't want to wait till next wednesday it's so hot and relevant you guys obviously know with the whole a b [ __ ] um yeah i mean right now by the way how does this how did this go down how did this go down uh if he shows up if he shows up don't know for sure you know you guys know a b i mean a lot of shit's going down we don't know for sure if he's gonna [ __ ] come or not and every time the news story you think he is i keep adjusting percentages like i was like all right i'm thinking right now i just what am i oh here we go another text we're at 90 i'd say we're at 85 percent chance he comes 15 minutes ago we're at a 50 chance he comes because every time something goes out he just got cut by the bucks so i'm assuming there's people whispering in his ear that like hey stay away from all the media don't touch anything and whatnot but i mean basically how it started was he was a relevant [ __ ] topic i mean he's a relevant guy right now in today's world and that's who we try and go after no no i know but like not everybody can [ __ ] get a b like how did how did you get in touch with him can you explain that a magician never reveals your secrets mr forgot no i uh no i i mean look at i went directly to a b a b and i'd [ __ ] with each other you have his number did you dm him i mean we've talked on dms i've met abe before and whatnot and so what did you dm him yeah i dm'd him but i also dm'd him i dm'd his agents i talked to his agents i taught his managers i talked to his [ __ ] clothing people i talked to whatever i wanted it more than anybody who responded who responded was somebody who does not want to be referenced okay so wants to stay low-key uh but uh basically here's the deal if he walks through that [ __ ] door we got his uh we got the job done i think all that matters is if we can provide the best guests at all times for the full send audience that's my goal as much as i get [ __ ] on by the way on every [ __ ] episode and i got reamed no this is impressive though you got [ __ ] destroyed on john daley i got destroyed well i think that probably because you can't take zips before episodes i didn't take zips before the ebbs you either have to go no zips or if you take a zip like you have to smoke weed before the podcast that's a new rule in 2022. silly music i'm actually adding like a sub thing to your contract that no zips and if you zip you have to take you have to smoke a joint before the pod okay cool and but this episode doesn't count because i can't really i mean right now he's in a fragile state probably with the media yeah i can't see him ripping blunts next to antonio brown yeah all right i'm moving it back up to 90 90 chance he comes it's right around 90. so what what is i'm not too big until like oh i'm not a super diehard nfl fan so like what is going on with this so in total situation so he walked i know he walked off the floor so apparently yeah the the coach bruce aryans right apparently antonio's like injured and stuff and he wanted him inside the game and antonio was like yo no like i'm hurt like i'm not you know what i mean and apparently he was like 50 yards away from getting like a big bonus so you know he had three incentive bonuses he had 333 he was about a million dollars literally yeah and he the coach was like all right if you're not gonna i think it was way bigger than what it was but he basically said if you're not gonna get on the field and like leave so i mean antonio you know how he is and tony was claiming that he had an injury yeah he had an ankle injury and that the bucks were like you got to play football no matter what and so what happened was when he said that he was hurting and he couldn't play his full potential he went to the sidelines and then when he went to the sidelines and didn't play they were basically like you're cut yeah he basically said they cut him on the sidelines so when antonio got the word that hey i'm hurt i can't play at my full potential bruce aries wasn't even i think was he on the sidelines for that game i don't know i'm not sure i don't think he was i think he was out so i think it was some of the coaching staff relayed to him that like hey look we need you to [ __ ] play and we'll get it from him if he comes in exactly what happened but uh the clip that went viral was mike evans went up to him on the sidelines said something that nobody really knows yet what mike said to him which again hopefully we'll find out and uh mike evans is a wide receiver for the wide receiver for the tampa buccaneers and so took his shirt off and just obviously threw his [ __ ] in the stands started running around peace out sign while the offense was still in the field and then his lawyer came out today and released a statement because everything's still happening right now yeah you know as we speak i mean so if we get this out tomorrow this happened 24 hours ago where he got caught from the tampa bay buccaneers five minutes before the tampa buccaneers got him we got him inside the door sitting on the full sim podcast so hopefully we get all the [ __ ] that we want to hear about he's had a couple issues but at the end of the day all i know is this he's i don't know i've never really gotten a chance to dive deep into the football role with him and so we'll figure it out yeah all these problems that like started with a b started in pittsburgh as soon as that happened it was like he was just trouble from like quote unquote trouble from there well that's what they're claiming so like that's what a b was saying is like hey the bucks are saying that it's all like he needs help it's a mental thing maybe he's saying no it's not it's not that i was [ __ ] hurt like i couldn't play football guys and that's what he's saying so but he also did if you remember back in the day when vonte's burfa came across the middle and probably the dirtiest cheapest hit yeah against the bengals yeah that everyone's basically saying that that was the hit that like quote-unquote made him like [ __ ] up in the head you know because he got hit pretty hard yeah and yeah i mean if we have i don't know if he'll uh remember it if we play in front of him i don't know if that's a good idea yeah i mean i think we pull up pull up devonte's birthday yeah antonio's a very interesting guy but he also by the way he also has what he wants to talk about us he has his rap [ __ ] that he just dropped yeah yeah he's posting all over instagram you've been slapping it or not i like his his rapping skills i think are great good but the beat is [ __ ] however wherever made that beat it's this hit oh my god this is it right here across the middle and i think that was considered one of the dirtiest hits to ever take place in the history of the nfl so basically right now what's happening is this you can't go oh you can't leave with your helmet into the other player's helmet and hit him head to head yeah no no helmet to helmet hit but i mean can can't they get fined for that he got [ __ ] more than that that was a that that basically fonte's perfect i think was suspended for dude that really hit him hard man multiple games after that so yeah that's basically it but now everybody's like after that vontae's perfect hit he wasn't the same and all that [ __ ] blah blah but the good news is hopefully we have him in the building i'm not cutting it down to 85 percent chance and we'll see stupid he's gonna show up man oh boy i'm so excited if he [ __ ] shows up so was he debating doing a lot of other shows like when you got into con i find this really cool you should talk about it bob but the thing is dude i swear to god i black out during these moments i don't know i promise you though i really don't know what i how do i do it i just [ __ ] i'm like i have a goal in my head and i'm like i want antonio brown's first interview on video of him talking about what happened and i just set my mind to it and i set the goal and i don't think it was the negotiation process like though so well i mean i did you got on the phone eventually what did you what did it take and what was he debating was he trying to do other shows i mean yeah everybody was in touch with them so i mean i know that i think logan reached out to him true ski reached out to him i'm assuming bar still probably had to have espn i mean everybody wants he's the biggest guy in the [ __ ] world right now yeah right it's the most popular story in the world right now and and people are going to wonder why did he choose the full send podcast why don't you ask him i don't [ __ ] know but let's just hope he gets in because this is this is crazy like this is like what a way to start off the year this is crazy we're gonna get a b on the [ __ ] pod hot off the press like this is [ __ ] nuts but he's he's that what kills me is that we could get him but [ __ ] sergeant zip over here not yet yep we got espn cutting should be a half hour guys half hour you got to reply in the right kind of cool way like i got to try and play it cool like all right we good bro just be like sounds good use words like champ and booming yeah you've been calling him champ the whole time i know i know what i'm doing you threw in some side [ __ ] yeah to kind of grease a b up to come in what did you throw a couple little side uh incentive bonuses i threw in without running it by the president of uh the ufc i told him that anytime he wants that i'm just connected to the ufc to sit front front row ringside so wait we haven't ran by are you gonna get in the front row looks like i have to now kyle i don't know i kind of have to now so uh why don't you call dana right now and ask him all right might as well hey dana so listen we're live right now in the full send podcast and i i think it's a good time to tell you real quickly uh not live but so antonio brown obviously is the hottest story in sports right right now so in order to get a guy like antonio brown on the show you got to kind of throw a bonus away once in a while right so let's just say i committed to him pretty much any time he wants front row ringside seats at any ufc event all right perfect all right good all right good but at least we know now that and so here's the deal antonio brown wants to go to ufc event uh can you accommodate and get him maybe front row [Music] on several seats uh he's a good dude and yes he can always get tickets to the usa you see that guy see that i promise to you who i shall deliver mr white it's an honor and a pleasure bye see ya so there you have it you're in dana's relationship it's the funniest [ __ ] ever dude it's so funny you're the best i don't even know what it is bro the best is when i just prank him sometimes so zapped at like 2 a.m i'll just get bored and i'll just call him ten times i'll just prank him and like he'll pick up and i'll just have nothing to say and i'll just like it's just it's it's better i gotta clean my [ __ ] up a little bit here i get a little wild sometimes but at the end of the day you just heard it here first antonio will hopefully be ringside at the ufc uh we should go to the anaheim fight i'm going already you gone yep i'm gonna go to that fight anaheim fight yeah there's [ __ ] nagano oh in anaheim yeah right by our house oh [ __ ] i actually think that uh that's the one that we promised him so he might be going to that one so hopefully we'll see but there you have it so now it's just a waiting game we got about a half hour till he comes so ryan clark this is the first time that i ever saw him not be willing to compete not be willing to play which may show why that ankle reason might be a real thing here's the only here's the hard part for me with the ankle did you see the route that he ran in the first half did you watch him did you watch him you know damn that jumping jack off the field yes you know and no i would say this too my last year i had i didn't have a fracture but i had the bone spurs i had the loose fragments i had the ligament damage in my ankle from week five to week 17. and that just does it is extremely painful you know and they offered me surgery but i knew i was retiring so i just played on it the whole year um okay and so and so like i get like i get that you can play if your ankle is beat up like that so the ankle thing like he's definitely been hurt so i can't say he's not hurt it's hard it's hard for me to see you go out there and do it like that and then all of a sudden not be able to and then be able to leave the field like that like i would limp walking but adrenaline adrenaline kicks in sometimes if you're pissed off enough sometimes you're you don't feel the pain if you're certain things are or certain emotions are running through your body yeah but if you got that much emotion running through your body you can and you don't feel it you can run around well by the way we gotta get him in the [ __ ] room first place so we have all these talks we gotta still get him in the [ __ ] room jim grimes he's one of the more unreliable people this might he might be a little late no comment i think he's been great to me the whole entire time so you know the other day we hope he shows up [Music] this is nuts so i'm wired right now listen we're trying it so it shows up right here you know we're here it's he's way more important than he is you know this is dave what up what's going on what's up guys kyle john john maybe we'll just jump right in all right they were giving me [ __ ] they didn't think that you were gonna they were they were giving me [ __ ] they said they didn't think you were gonna show up i said he's showing up well guess what i had your back the whole [ __ ] time you're the one i had your back the whole [ __ ] time did you just say that you said that he wasn't gonna i said i i made it from a 50 i moved to 80 90 now i said not i said i knew he was showing up the whole time you said 45 bro yeah i got it this is so trippy gabe jesus gabe can you [ __ ] hurry up a little bit here [Laughter] i love it um shoot the [ __ ] you want it yeah there's good whatever you want whatever you're what do you have what are we talking about we're just shooting we're just shooting [ __ ] bro we're all good welcome in by the way we got a b in the building antonio brown thank you antonio brown ladies and gentlemen antonio brown thanks for coming through bro i appreciate it yeah thanks for having me crazy bro great you ever been in this building probably did you know they all look like so many big buildings around new york i want to give a shout out to andrew mathias it's the one vanderbilt summit it's got the the craziest view in new york it's [ __ ] nice remember we went up there what by the way what are those what are those glasses it looks like you're over what what what are they it's my dragon ball z glasses you know i could kind of scan the room to see like who levels i was high you know all right how are my levels looking my level's all right bob you up there baby there you go baby there you go we we appreciate you coming in here more than ever brother you've been i mean you've been going through the ringer with all this [ __ ] going on you know so i mean we want to touch on a bunch of different [ __ ] on the show we want to talk about your rap [ __ ] obviously the social media stuff you're doing outside of football man i'm grateful to be here man hit me with it i love it i mean well here's the deal i mean you came in here 10 minutes ago right bucks just they released you right i think so so you are you intending on playing football again of course man it's my passion this is what i do man every year is a fresh start a new year i still like to get in shape i still like to compete and you know just getting started you know uh obviously we had some stuff that went on you know it's all about integrity and you know handling people the right way and you know a b is a it's a football first i'm a i'm a football player first you know that's my business you know that's what i do that's not who i am man sometimes people would like to say i had a past like yo i didn't i've never done anything to no one let's get this clear like all i ever did was play football yeah have i acted irrational did some things people may have not understand yeah but that's a part of life for some reason you know i get a bad tag i get a bad name i get handled the wrong way and you know we as humans and we as people just want to be treated civilized right well why do you think that is i'm flying flashy man what do you think what do you think you know does it does it bother you you know when because obviously you're talking about everywhere right now does it bother you all the [ __ ] that you're getting in all the [ __ ] comments and when 21 000 people comment on your last instagram post talking [ __ ] to you does it bother you no man you can't let nothing bother you you know no one else sets my temperature on how i feel you know it's a certain part of your brain you gotta have that people can't get there and if you let people get there you need to be around people that love you to tell you like bro you tripping you know see it bothers me i get i mean i don't get as much engagement as you do but yeah i get rid of the dm sometimes and it just kind of gets to my head i kind of get a little flustered you got to just be around people that love you to tell you like bro you can't let nobody get in your head man you know you just gotta yeah 100 so take us through real quick let's just let's just get it out of the way here because there's a lot of [ __ ] we're going to talk about yeah what what what happened you know on the sideline obviously you your lawyer released a statement about you know that you had an ankle injury so right now you had an ankle injury is that what happened i mean like you know i'm here to podcast and fellowship man i think you guys already know what happened yeah you know i'm a professional football player you know my business is playing football games imagine if a coach tells you get the [ __ ] out of here what are you gonna do you tell the coach you can't go in the game do you guys want to see my ankle or no you wanna just zoom in on ankle tell you what we do have the capability to zoom in on the ankle we have the most high-tech cameras here mr brown now we gotta let the daughters do their job man it ain't you know my whole thing is it's about integrity and if you got a player players have rights and you got a right to tell the coach yo coach i can't go in the game you know if if it make the coach irrational emotional i can't do my job then you know that's not humane if you know you work for any type of job and you're told your uh you know the employees or someone told you hey bob we need you on the fries baby the fries you know we need you to get on the fries you like yo man my hand man i can't i can't get on the fries man but i take that kind of insulting when you think i work at mcdonald's no listen you know see that's the problem with the world everyone's taking things the wrong way i was using that as a analogy to give you a real prospective scenario obviously i noticed a big-time podcast we're not at mcdonald's but you know everyone loves some fries on mac flurry every now and then you know you see what i'm saying but i would use it as an analogy to say if you wasn't able to do your job pretty much 100 if you can't do your job you have the right to not to be able to do your job you know and prior to the game i know you guys seen a text message that went out that showed uh communicated with the coach in regards you guys follow football you notice i didn't practice thursday friday so you know i was questionable for the game so these guys was all aware but i think you know when you know i make things look easy i handle things with poise like you just asked me bob how is it like to deal with so many people hating you and be able to handle it because i know who i am no one else dictate how i feel you ask me how i feel bob i feel good okay you know what i mean because no one else dictate my temperature in regards of my truth and my life why do you think like if they knew you were injured why would they like family fam film i can't answer questions for like everyone else i'm here to tell you what it is i don't know why what they doing i'm just telling you what they did and what i did i only got control of my actions i can't control what you say he says she say when no one else do all i control how i handle myself so in the midst of the game these guys telling me again i'm already on the bench i'm telling like yo my ankles it's done man that's all i got the guy said get the [ __ ] out of here and say you're done with cutting his throat at that point bro i'm taking your [ __ ] logos off i don't want to wear that [ __ ] i'm out of here then you got freaking the whole met life stadium i was feeling like fabulous one of the famous rapper guys they like clapping for me like i become too sexy for my shirt bro we saw that [ __ ] poster we saw that post because you know what it is i think you're a secret [ __ ] genius i think you got a master plan behind this play too because guess what i'm assuming that your streams went up too with your with your rapture now i just got a good team of people that love me man i'm out of the hate uh my god roy at video does a great job with uh making sure my screaming making sure it drops like i'm not going around uploading dsps i got a guy i work at video you know those guys do that for me represent me in those regards and i'm just grateful for a great team you know i'm supposed to be here today at 12 i was waiting for my fashion nova gear i got a big deal coming some big things coming up with them so by the way fashion nova real quickly yeah because i keep hearing fashionable josh gordon the guy that i'm close with do a lot of work with and whatnot he just did a little deal with fashion over what are you are you repping this way but he's not doing the a b deal don't get it i know all right we understand he's not on your it's not about levels it's about positioning the world where we at right now you see all right i didn't say logan paul uh podcast you know yeah i know i mean you gotta respect people for who they are i'm not trying to be a comparable or compete you feel me but what is it you got on is this all fashionable not this fashion i posed to have on fashion nova this right here this is oh some [ __ ] things up right now yeah you [ __ ] it all right well we can edit it later we could always figure it out i know how to handle [ __ ] ups all right good deal with a lot of [ __ ] ups lately all right so so so so back to back to back to this little thing here because the viral video was the viral video the whatever was taking the shirt off mike evans came over what did mike say to you well my my teammates uh o.j the juice man oj howard these guys come over like hey b don't do it man don't do it we need you you're great we love you man and who but imagine your head coach the guy that you talked to before the trip that you just told coach i can't run for speed man my ankles [ __ ] he like hey man we need you man we not he put in a couple of letters we're not resting before the playoffs yeah i've seen that yeah bro do you know what a you do you even know what a deltoid ligament is i have no idea come on who got a who got that with all these screens you got your pulse deltoid ligaments pull it out please please when did that injury start to like bro listen i injured myself during the season october 10th man and i've been out for two months on this deltoid ligament you know your deltoid ligament is so that's that's in the foot a b that's what connect your uh ligament to your bone was that the problem you were in week six you were sidelined right exactly for what how many games did you sit on week six after weeks now i mean i was i've announced this v6 so let me ask you this though real quickly when you you know i do commentary you know i do comedic commentary i watch your stuff all the time it's amazing out of respect for you i stayed away because i i [ __ ] with you but i want to know what happened because in the way i commentate a play you leave the stadium you got your shirt off oh you're back on my shirt i'll play yeah no but i'm saying i won't know where you went after this listen i got too sexy for the stadium all right that's all you had to say get the [ __ ] out of here i'm like yo [ __ ] you guys too i'm taking off your logo i'm not wearing this [ __ ] no more i threw it now i imagine you hear 60 000 people like yeah ap my [ __ ] adrenaline got so high i just got too sexy for my clothes but yeah i started giving the fans what they want they want gloves they want church that you know yeah but was it like when you got in that tunnel did you like take an uber home or like did they have a car for you or no man i may be man police police escort man maybe man i saw you uber man i got a driver and the [ __ ] driver that's what happened when he was successful took a video he called in bar stools he doing interviews now really that's where the world at man people want to be around you manipulate you get fame off it how much do people just make [ __ ] up about you there's probably a lot you've seen a lot of stuff right there come on yeah the media is definitely like we're nowhere near the level of fame that you are obviously but i even find that's something that when the bigger you get i noticed that people just don't have no sympathy for you how many people you know who hate you who wants stuff from you and make up a lot to get it from you especially a lot of full time that's a lot of people but do you do you feel like you could have handled the situation better with how you want me to handle it i mean a guy could just make up money that i hold on right say anything the media running in the ground now he's making up a case for me on me because he said i owed him x amount of dollars well i was talking about mainly when you took off the shirt took off your jersey are you still on that time we'll move on yeah no i really want to know because tell me what you asked like do you feel like you could have handled the situation better but bro listen i'm antonio brown man no one bro you know what it's like to be in the football field nah all right then so like imagine you playing a game football game imagine the guys you came to battle with while you know your freaking ankles [ __ ] your belly could run and the guy that you think got your back this your team these two guys that you flew here with to do a mission they knew about my situation before we even came i communicated with the coach the trainer everyone know that and they get there and be battling them and god tell you because you can't go to war with them get the [ __ ] out of here what do you want me to do sit there like bro my alpha male you say [ __ ] me i'm not gonna react bro because it don't really matter what you say like you can't affect me but like if you like discriminate on my public image and my name and like bro at that point is [ __ ] you too rolled professionally it sounds like they had an ulterior motive or something of course bro they targeted hate on me bro like why would you do a guy like that then hold on you cut me in a press conference after the game these guys know my injuries these guys in my eyes they know what i got going on but you know maybe i make everything look too good like you guys say you guys worried about my shirt you know everyone see what i does they don't want to see what the other side does exactly it made me get to that point you see what i'm saying yeah i mean i definitely wouldn't you can't you know you felt super disrespecting the coach just tell you get the [ __ ] out of here kind of just feels like the full send podcast the audience like film where you want me to go fam i flew here with you to do a job like now they worrying about where what my ride bro i got a police escrow like you know maybe i wonder uh i seen on on your instagram that you don't follow tom brady i like i i d deep dive into it but uh why don't you follow tom brady is there something nah it's not a personal man tom is actually my friend one of my close friends but you know like like ball was saying what are you saying i work at mcdonald's you see what i'm saying some people have a different definition of friend because when i say you i'm your friend that means i got your back i mean tomito that's what a friend mean but a friend is not like that in you know in this world and how we living and you know we play professional sports like not everybody in sports is gonna be your friend tom brady's my friend why because i'm good football player he need me to play football right these guys called me to win the super bowl not for the toilet bowl they didn't say hey b we having problems with the toilet over here and tampa you think you can flush the [ __ ] down and help us out no they called me and said hey a.b we need you to win the super bowl because tom brady saw me come to uh the past and run through those guys the patrons run a good system with practice and details and he learned that abs are professional no matter what you say about a b a b put his heart on the line a b know the play when his fourth down money because he was studying up all night he know the two huddle i cannot count on him but that's on the football field so as a person with you and tom you wouldn't consider him your friend or would you consider now you're taking it too far i just said people got different meanings of friendship like when i used the example and said bob was on the fries he thought i was disowning him saying he worked for mcdonald's using the analogy to say if we're running a business and i need you to be on this and you can't be honest well what what makes what do you think ab what do you think ab makes tom so good what makes him the greatest quarterback listen we talking to my principals now you talking about what makes tom so good yeah tom can't do nothing by himself he got to play on a team this is a football game but this is what a world becoming man i just watch tv and they say the coach just lied and said hey b never he never told me about an injury then i put up the text it's still negativity on my name i just watched aaron rodgers say a guy's a dummy then everybody say yes the guy's a dummy so you tell me you guys tell me i'm here to figure out what it is and what's going on and why is it like this way because it's what it is right now right i just don't think nobody's been in your position so nobody knows really like not a lot of people get to live the a b life so it's hard to kind of figure out something simple man imagine someone starting your character the guys these guys called me to win the super bowl after a suspension i'd come and help him do that if tom brady's my boy why am i playing for earn this salary right you my boy though right right gronkowski is boy right right how much he get paid significant all right so so why is a b on the proof of deal who's better than me over there let's be real right but don't no no it's no let's not not be right let's be honest be real i'll be right back who's the best guy over there baby you guys know football for sure for sure the best guy over at that team no a b football receiver who is the guy that get it popping i mean i think it's a combination of all you guys i think it was a nomination dude i've always said for me i've watched you but you gotta write to your opinion bro i'm not trying to force your opinion i'm just a die-hard brady listen man it's what it is it's not about being a fan it's about being a realistic humanity a human that's what it's about bro a brady friend brady can't do [ __ ] by herself but you guys gonna make it seem like he just this horror guy bro we're all humans bro we all depending on somebody else to do the job just like your show show you depending on the the video team the the audio team you you you count on people to set this up right so you don't think he helped you at all brady now you saying who helped listen i'm not saying that i'm saying it was the realistica right now how did he help me what did he help my career to come back no because his house and chatter and bro i i got my own houses guys do that to influence you guys in the publicly like oh he's at he's at tom house then he's maybe a good guy right right but i thought i was a good guy i was a great football player that's why you guys know me right but as far as we don't get to see a b we don't get to see the behind the scenes [ __ ] and that's what you do though though you guys don't know i don't get to see the behind the scenes i'm always the guy under the scrutiny it's always my favorite but not no no absolutely i don't need no pity parties from none of you guys it is what it is how i feel i'm not having you guys dictate my position how i feel how i feel i'm not here i'm here to break bread with you guys and like kumbaya yes you know we we like you know we fellowshipping but i don't need you guys to try to prove points to me or try to prove my mind i'm here to like tell you what it is and that's what it is you guys are sup no or whatever love it uh but i do have a football question because i love that love that i do have a football question though because i am a listen i'm a die-hard bill belichick fan i grew up a fan for new england who's chewed you out harder at one time aryans tomlin or belichick like during one minute listen i'm a special player i'm the guy that get the ball to the end zone coaches don't chew me out what are they gonna chew me out for doing my job at a high level okay you know what they chew me out for oh this guy over here said abe did that that's when i'm getting treated out for he say she say from jealous people who not in my position well does belichick run like a stricter camp than ever listen like i don't play for bellatrix i don't know what his kemp does i just know the patriot weight is the way to like to keep players dialed in and and playing good ball but i don't get chewed out by the coach like i'm one of the best players in the world 100 i'm the player that make the highlight that's why i'm the player that don't run out of gas i'm the player that got the most energy i'm the player with the most stamina i'm the player with the most swag like you know what i mean like i'm the likes i'm the electric but you guys like these people just to switch so they play with me on and off but they need this type of energy to beyond that's why tom brady came and got a b so let's not lose the purpose of my importance and what my role is and all of this well i need you and how they get treated me this way listen no one need no one but they needed me at a point when they needed to do what that's what i'm winning super bowl exactly when i got to the team who led the team in receptions on the back end of the year coming in as a third receiver antonio brown so why are people not saying that so why am i playing for the same uh why am i playing for a proven deal if it was about money don't you think i would have stayed in the game on a bad ankle for sure yeah could i have a moment of silence for antonio brown one of the greatest football players of all time thank you i will agree on that you are one of the greatest but uh i mean you said you want to play football you still want to play football what time i was football in what's my stats pull my stats up right now oh yeah you don't know they're dead leaders so let's talk about it why are we not talking you talking about my shirt off getting killed everything i'm talking about my production what was your what was your best story i'm still looking for it i'm still active i know that i know and i ain't never and i haven't been the main guy for four years i've been coming off the bench hold on i've been coming off the bench i'm not even a bench player 545 coming off the bench for 30 plays 12 291 career yards per reception apparently listen but listen who's who's throwing me the rock four tds wow who was the best at throwing you the rock bro i love all my quarterbacks bro i can't do it without none of them i love them all who was your favorite that you felt you had the most chemistry with bro you already know who's the most chemistry you're looking at the numbers the numbers tell the story okay just give me a second here that's crazy man 15 wow when they talk about abs let's talk about work production the story the walking talking resume this is my this is my walking talking reason mate right here resume right here results results coming off the bench does tom brady throw me the ball like ben rothenberger let's be honest let me ask you i'm asking you guys tom of course tom tom throw me more than ben oh throw you more or better who's who do you like you're not headed to bay quarterbacks bro we're here to talk about a b in the production you guys said well big ben yeah tom loves you as a target who throw to me the ball most big ben big ben ralph thank you big ben why is that uh why do i think that he threw the ball i mean what was the year what year was the best wide receiver on i'm still the best though you looking at the tape right here yeah no i know that i know that yeah yeah so i'm asking you guys why is i'm not getting the ball target like a number one receiver i mean why maybe it's just i think they got some sort of ulterior motive or personality you're pretty smart i like this guy he's wearing essential we need to get him in fashion nova i don't know i don't know if i'm rocking fashion i don't know why i like fashion over there the baddest [ __ ] is that is that what is it oh by the way speaking of the baddest [ __ ] you know some girl said she wants to ah here you go no i'm not going here i'm my dick famous right no you're saying that i'm saying some girl hit you up that i'm jealous of china who was it who's that girl uh whatever child is that your asian doll no i don't know about no dogs who the [ __ ] is asian dog i don't know that's why he brought it up to me earlier i was like letting him up now a lot of girls probably just can i can we see what she looks like asian doll no no we're not putting her up i'm not trying to i just want to see him don't ruin my segment with no girls right now i'm not trying no i'm not even saying in relation to you i'm not even thinking boy listen i'm a chocolate guy in america who don't want i don't think you're pulling asians at all like i don't think you need to put this one oh asian girls this i just want to see her for my own curious no no we don't want to see it listen ladies i'm taking i'm relaxed i'm on reserve right now i got a lot more things than women right now so let's get that clear okay well abe with all this you know you know your resume speech for yourself obviously and then you're going to continue to do more great things right do you think what you did well i mean what you've done off the field could affect your hall of fame induction now everyone want to speak on my hall of fame induction well i think you're showing playing football well yeah they take five years to talk about you in the hall of fame once you're done but this is the problem with the game we got old players that's not leaders but you can't blame these guys they don't like you think terrell owens had an example who he looked up to when he was playing ball or he understand the position he in of leadership and roles he played to the younger generation you think he understands that what a 48 guy oh god saying he still could play football you think we could play football the rest of our life or you think it inc impair your health at some point at some point you're healthy all right so what is a 48 guy doing making comparables to a guy that's active right now in this time about hall of fame i'm still playing i still on the mission i'm still writing the story you think though do you think that that i don't think about nothing i think about what's important right now why am i worried about what are they saying for me for five years you think dion sanders was playing ball worried about the hall of fame for five years right why was everybody jumping to conclusions with me i got girls jumping in the conclusion guys am i that famous or whatever you are famous yeah you are that famous like ap he's been crazy you know but i don't think about it listen no but listen i don't walk around in the world thinking like y'all maybe i'm gonna probably get this reaction to someone that's not who i am i'm walking around as a normal civilian to know i'm on a mission to be great and that battles is not ending every freaking day it's a little kid who want to be a b who want to pass me up it's a defensive back in college right now like you know what i want to jam that guy and i'm living with that urgency every day to dominate these guys on that type of basis i'm not living in my fears i'm not living in the past i'm not living in the future i'm living in a right now in the instance of what my goals are and what i want to do not what everyone says i need to do not what everyone says they think about this like this is real life have big deals like business type of deals like the fashion nova type [ __ ] what's it been like recently with all this it's like big deals like coming your way i know you're always getting [ __ ] but come on what's that like how's business that's what i'm saying i want to know you know when i say that you know it's not like just just say that to be cool or to bring attention i'm here out of love there's no argument i'm cumber yelling with you guys nah bro have you ever had a kumbaya that's what it is i've never had a kumbaya well welcome to the kumar yeah man we talking about the good the bad the ugly it's here on cooper's biggest like business seriously that was like off football you guys got to stay tuned man you know i tell you guys about fashion nova yeah so this must be a [ __ ] fact where's richie at where's ritchie richie's probably getting the haircut he just got back from dubai love richie ritchie's a great guy richie rich is the man he's the [ __ ] man richard we gotta get you in fashion though what the hell you gotta do i need a bag too from fashion nova though i'm not just rocking my style real quick bro you gotta catch up on the zoom in on his [ __ ] jeans i know why i was spending 16 hours trying to get you on the phone to get this done this guy's got i was always hot dogs you know i was pumping but you got it done for me bro what are you first off before i came in today these guys when i walked in it was doubt about my existence even coming you see how the world worked i didn't doubt it they didn't doubt it i'm not saying point to finger i'm saying that was the point that was the cologne when i walked in the room mm-hmm showing up well bro cause it's [ __ ] cool that you're here so it's it's like hard to believe no we appreciate it it really is hard to do it's like it's more like it's cool that we got this opportunity it's hard to believe so it's not more like we were doubting you but the aroma in the air was smelling like doubt i smelled a show all the time nah and it's worse than the fart of someone who ate some batter i smelled excitement i smoked it was like hey what was the wager of ab showing up today okay let's just say i'm down a lot of money baby so i would just tell them like you know they want to know where i'll come in and about business yeah bro how's business i love it boom hey by the way too by the way there's a there's a bigger bag potentially down the road if uh we got i got a football league arena football league the fcfl you ever think they may be coming and coaching a game we don't need you to play now i'm glad you bring that up because that was a funny ass topic before i got here one of my old coaches named todd haley he [ __ ] coached for let me say it's a team in temple look what he said can you zoom in on this because look you're probably thinking i'm making this [ __ ] up sometime when you connected to higher power people say [ __ ] that you actually got going can you read that message from this [ __ ] just took us fl head job pull up starts in march tampa i need you to come see play win a championship i love you is that the thing [ __ ] out of bro listen i'm antonio brown bro i played football no i'm not hiding i don't know playing football ap i need you to like you just asked me for a sorry ass club to play no i don't need you to play i need you to just come in and coach again teach these younger kids how to play football for a year huh you want me to be a head coach for one game for a [ __ ] big bag all you gotta do is come in for he's talking my language exactly you see my little shades i got the rainbow b what i'm talking about you ain't playing football what you're doing is this you're mentoring these young [ __ ] football players i love the way you're talking i would love to come help out your squad if it's for inspiration there it is there is no need to play football i thought you was going the direction of time out of your [ __ ] mind what do you think this is a game no i'm telling i was telling him i know bob i like the way you're talking thank you i know what i'm doing absolutely rich we're sending bob some fashion overpass he got [ __ ] ketchup ketchup on his pants oh man i need it so we'll talk about that later real quick though you're making it you got bob you got to look like it's going on even if it's not going on i give off an impression i know that everything's all right you know but i can't pull it off like oh you're a good-looking guy you can do anything you want huh it's all about what you believe all right that is very true it's all about your heart bro okay so you're right where to show off my dollars everyone want to show off what i'm getting what i'm making what i'm doing [ __ ] all that let's talk about the story the work the commitment to greatness actually football is not who i am it's what i do i just so happen to do it better than others and it make others jealous who is others others could be a lot of people it could be the players it could be the coach it could be the gm fans even it could be the fans shout out to the fans in metlife that made me feel like a special player would is that where you get a round of applause for the people in met life [Laughter] would you do your music video in my life yeah what's good with the rap [ __ ] bro the rap [ __ ] is crazy shout out for roy for video for dropping that crazy track the pit from the palace that i'll tell you what it's good what's your goal what's your goal with the music [ __ ] like where do you want to take it how far how's business oh man but music wise bro this is a lifestyle we don't just say this for football touchdowns and bob can you bring some more bags yeah right this one minute mr brown i'm coming right this way with more bags don't you worry man i know you're a [ __ ] genius come on now you're the bag man you already know where the rather set of backs listen listen you know listen listen man music i scratch yours yeah tony music is a way to create yourself i'm not trying to make enemies a build drama but i'm trying to express myself mm-hmm bob you haven't been i'm saying his life somebody screwed you over a girlfriend told you something didn't do it who let you down in the world how did you handle your letdown did you walk away did you walk away with your shirt off did you run away with your shirt probably wait where's the body tell me what you did did you did you moon them because i thought about munoz this is a very uncomfortable topic i thought about just mooning them a big old chocolate ass and met life what would they did if i would have did that have been fun would you have done the twerking celebration bro you only took when you score a touchdown no you only twerk when you dick over dbs and then no but listen it's a different level of adrenaline when you burn the god to the end zone and you score a touchdown you excited other than the coach telling you get the [ __ ] out of here you're done you see what i'm saying it's a different level of energy and happiness i would have died if you mooned them i know but then you would have been like yo he's crazy oh no baby i've never thought you were crazy but listen i'm not saying you brother i like you i'm just saying other you said i'm saying yeah yeah other okay but other just not no specific group it could be a variety of people maybe by the way i might get you another bag i swear to god on this text just let you know i love you yeah i'm not even gonna lie i really will get you a little no i love bob bob the [ __ ] man bro listen i watch bob come and take funny [ __ ] i do i heard he got you ufc front row too we just called dana bro bob is my homie man i top in with him a lot i didn't come over here to be a dick i came over here to shut it off i love it but dana dana just gave you a big i love dana brown come on let's go to get him uh january 15th anaheim anaheim we're going i got to vegas no it's in it's in anaheim i don't know where is that where's anaheim is in life we live right next to it oh and cali yeah but you already have the go ahead dana said front row any time they b wants to just go i'm gonna come through whatever you want some ass kicking let's do it that's it you ever get in well actually you fought didn't you fight back in there something you were gonna fight weren't you i don't know i've been fighting all my life i'm fighting right now am i not you are thank you but you know logan paul wanted to fight me you know i've been famous a long time whatever happened i started off logan paul boston career he used me for the promo for impulsive oh he did bro if i'm not on the intro ball of impulsive were you gonna go on there they asked you to come on bob is my friend you know these guys they want to fight me they want to use my name they want you know listen we have your back we love you we appreciate you doing this a big help to us obviously both ways well i feel like i'm hanging out bro we not even knowing him exactly that's how it is that sounds but hold on real quick rap [ __ ] because i am focused on i like interesting rap [ __ ] how do we how do we [ __ ] you think you could get a feature from drake you know drake is my friend you know you see me in the gods plan video years ago right you know that right i don't remember play the video please can we catch these guys up he's mustard we got to catch him you know how to eat animal product but this guy looking real beefy could we pull up the a b with drake and god's plan bro i'm over here chilling bro no drake's my god man he loved me god's plan is key man we look we know we'll come to this position this song listen just go to my part fast part to the ab cameo this video right here is a hundred billion views this is champagne poppy biggest video this song came out of nowhere too like it was just a real lifestyle back in the days that propelled us to the point that we at right now did he come at you and say hey you want to be in this video or do you just like put me in a box why everybody want to know what the source because i'm honest it's interesting i'm sorry i'm sorry bob thank you for clarifying that kick bob coach me up check me if you got to bro i need it yeah it's interesting bro listen i was if jake was doing a video in miami yeah and i'm like hit him on the dm look at me right there oh that's you mm-hmm all right can you catch mustard up this guy's [ __ ] eating animal products yo why you call me mustard sometimes people gotta get them what are you ketchup or relish i'm catching you up i get it all right i am mustard you're right all right so we got he's mayonnaise now i love making i'll just mess with you bro yeah we cool by y'all bro all right so this is the drake video here that antonio brown was featured in uh where are you i don't see uab what's going on here they they give you minimal screen time here you gotta watch the video bob right there look how are you all right come on how good did you feel right there listen no listen oh that baby's got a bag too no listen listen i'm glad you say how good you feel right because because that's an important question because when people listen in the midst of everything going on chaos when someone asks me how i feel i feel good no literally life is blessed life is a blessing right truly you only get one i don't know everything could always be a lot worse yes it's not about what happened to you it's how you handle what happened to you because in light bro you're going to prevent it with a lot of [ __ ] that's what my dad was what's your outlook on life are you like a religious guy or like do you believe of course i believe in god man it's real did you girl call god at religion is just you know whatever you choose it's like an option i just don't believe in the higher power and i know i got purpose and reason being and and it's not about what happened to you is like how you handle what happened to you that's what my my dad gave me the best advice he said what you know you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna [ __ ] up what's the next baby i'm giving a really spirit you're basically i'm listening i'm listening right now listen what's the best next thing you can do that's what he said so you can make mistakes what's the next best thing you know and that's how i look at it how could i get myself in the position of my goal not what everyone else doing how do i put myself in a position to get what i want it's not about being right cause i just told a lot of points that you probably like man he's right but in life it's a lot of people in bad situation cause they felt like they was right you know what i mean it's not about being righteous about being happy i'm most happy i feel like i did the right things i feel like i'm standing on principles i feel like you know i feel like i'm being a good representation of of humanity so what do you tell somebody right now who's not maybe in the best mental state that's not happy and what can they do to get in a better positive place realize your goal what's your goal how do you get your goal i think some people have a tough time realizing like what their goal is exactly so i'm glad you say that because people don't know who they are you got to know who you are and know what you want to know how to maneuver through bs bs could be anything drama someone pulling you back someone talking negative being able to know who you are and to know what you want and know how you get there in the midst of no matter where you're at that's a true instruction of being successful in life the hardest part is starting to like you know people have their goals the hardest part is starting once you get started and get a little more i know yourself know yourself know what you want and be real about how you get there if you if you don't have a plan and you plan to fail if you got a plan and you know what you want and know who you are this stuff like this don't affect me because i don't feel like i didn't come here to prove who i am i came here to hang out with bob kumbaya i ain't come here to prove we got to go to kumbaya yeah we're having the kumaya right now we just gotta you know cut the lights down and add a couple more essentials you know you might like the sage you know bob got his cigarette drool i don't know what he's over that point he's smoking me and [ __ ] you know i'm over here trying to that's crazy how you said that about life though are you are you cool with uh are you cool with uh like fans of [ __ ] coming up i was i got most curious all my fans but before i came in here i was on the elevator with a guy i'm like he wouldn't take a picture go ahead flick me up yeah but what if you're eating everybody you know what drives me crazy is when people like oh i'm eating dinner don't disturb me during dinner and all that stuff does that bother you i'm always ready to share a moment with someone because you never know what the moment mean to that person love that no matter if i'm eating taking the [ __ ] if i got a [ __ ] taking a [ __ ] i could do a cameo video on a toilet you know so if you were taking a [ __ ] in that bathroom and someone barged in the stall and said can i snap a flick you'd say sure see now he's going too far well i'm just yeah every time would you still take the picture i think you would i think that's offensive i'll be like bro you [ __ ] blowing my [ __ ] right now get out of here close the door give me a moment you know what i mean you can't rush the [ __ ] that's that's what are you trying to be happy to the point is like bro you never know someone else's moment like imagine what a guy think got to be thinking to walk in the [ __ ] and want my picture this guy got to be [ __ ] out of his mind yeah he's gonna be psychotic yeah you can't no but he'd probably look up to me it probably inspire you never know his moment this is god maybe we just have to do it he's like i got one chance i'll never see him again lisa if i got access to the shower yeah i get a guy's shitty autograph you know yeah yeah yeah got that but realistic it's all about making a moment for someone you never know what that moment does for someone so any moment i could be inspiring to someone and give them a moment you know i'm always willing to do that because it's a bigger picture in helping people and making people feel a certain way you know you ever had a fan that like think about if you made people feel good what they'll do for you imagine if you respected ab and like made him feel good about playing ball what do you do for you well that'll never happen because of the media and all that [ __ ] it's just it's impossible you never know and never have you could never say never no i know what i'm saying it's just impossible because when we talk to them one day they may be like you know what ab you was right you know what i'm gonna say it's not about being right it's about being happy right there's gonna be a lot of guys in prison they say man i was right but they're not happy hell no but they was right though yeah some people live on principles that want to be right but that don't make them wrong hey b want to be happy i like to be happy so i mean here i go here i go back to the wrap thing again i want to do one more i'm trying to pit not the palace i know but i'm saying we're going to stop there i think i'm here to get in bags but are you stopping at hitting the palace you're going to keep going are you going to keep going with this rap [ __ ] bro ain't nothing never stops what stops in the world time keep going all right who would you want to collab with bro stay tuned bro we got a lot of collabs coming i'm sure you do sure you do it's a whole lot of [ __ ] going crazy you know what he just said so you guys who are you collabing with olivia rodrigo you never know who is that anyway like a singer i think you just randomly mentor no i just thought it'd be a good collab like olivia rodriguez antonio brown yeah it's not about being right about being happy olivia rodriguez you like that huh no well everyone's going to see you for this guy he's inspired no but you got to pick one everyone's expecting future gunners exactly olivia rodriguez that's amazing bro whoever you want dm me cab records 84 gm call royale video if you like my music tap in on spotify hey pull up my spotify i got 60 000 listeners right that's her did the spike do the spike in in streams and views go up after the thing happens i'm not worried about spikes that's right from video job my job is to be great at whatever i choose to do and give my best out of whatever i choose what i'm saying is it might have been like a genius marketing play if you were promoting your rap song and then like all this [ __ ] happened right when your rap song dropped listen we literally dropped this rap song when i was at the airport leaving the stadium i know with the police and it had nothing to do with me i just got a great guy at video named roy you could call this guy he's in control of all the drops i just make the music they do the releases they do all that for me yeah who's your like top three favorite rappers that you like slap before like a game well like what fires you up has to be well you gotta play yourself young dolph's gonna be besides if i don't play myself then i'm playing myself so you're just running the palace on repeat how long is the song how many how long is it it's two minutes two minutes i make it bubba this [ __ ] is tough fresh off the payment they bring the pain i bring the payment throw in the hate this is an arrangement i'll be honest i swear i will not just [ __ ] suck your dick cause you're here i [ __ ] with it don't say you sucking people dick on camera no more ever please my bad my bad i didn't mean that but he might have been saying it though take that back i mean i know he was jamming with that anybody enough for that he said he was just i'm saying yeah all the time yeah bro listen but we have an akuma yeah yeah so you can't say nothing that offensive it's prerogatory people watching it but bob was pretty much saying he respect my crap but i just chose the words of sucking a dick which is wrong i should just do it differently we might have a kid watch this and he and this is what's wrong with the world right people don't want to give people their flowers when people like bob was giving me my flowers right there yeah he was saying that he respected but before he said that he had to clarify he's not a dick rider or woo but that's the world we live in right people don't want you i'm going to get [ __ ] for this ap i'm going to get [ __ ] now i'm going to get you no no you're not going to get [ __ ] okay no there was a real kumbaya experience because in the world you got young players no you got young players that come in the league and they think they just gonna beat ab right and they already respect my craft but before they give you your flowers they gotta say man i ain't gonna be doing that they riding man everybody love a.b they always saying his name and blowing them i said but before you give people they love you got to say i'm not a dick rider so basically yeah yeah yeah no no no yeah but i really like it in the world you wasn't doing nothing wrong there's not none wrong this is kumbaya this is human tendencies it's not not wrong but this the stuff that we got to talk about because when people give people their flowers before they say hey man you was good at that i respect that you're good at that they want to make it seem like they enlighten not of the norm of people kissing your ass or following you bro it's okay to say i respect barb i love his [ __ ] podcast i love his energy i love how he detailed videos and be funny i don't have to feel like i'm a dick rider to give this man credit because he's really good at it but the world make people feel like hey man i don't want to build abl man he's an [ __ ] so before i give an [ __ ] a credit i got to say hey i'm not an [ __ ] eater but i like what he does you see what i'm saying when you giving people love you don't have to minimize your role or minimize their role i think hey bob i love you man your [ __ ] podcast is amazing when people do dumb [ __ ] in football and you talk about it on videos bro if i need a laugh for the day i'll go watch it you know why your voice your charisma your energy is amazing and i go to watch it because it's surreal it's inspiring it's heartfelt and i could tell you that in the kumbaya tell you what i know it without feeling like i'm a dick rider feeling like i'm a bad guy feeling like i'm doing something negative no it's okay to compliment people for being special big bad coming your way i don't need the bag bro you already know i appreciate that thank you hold on a lot of money i don't think can you put up my football contracts and no i got it i we got it thank you a lot of cash you're an amazing guy so listen i don't need to make money to tell someone no you're genuine and i respect it and i appreciate it some people don't want to sound cliche too no some people have probably because you get told a lot of [ __ ] no but you can't be looking at me for what do you think i get told true i'm not walking around and thinking a maine mother effort said this about me because imagine how that'll make your mind think if you worried about what people say life is not about worrying it's about living and being happy when you at your greatest energy are you worried about somebody are you just all in no it does happen you got it you got it there are times though because it's we don't live in a perfect world you can i think you brainwash yourself as much as it is to be positive you control your own destiny it's about how can you take those moments when you're down and out and then sally that's why you had kumbaya with people that love you that could tell you bob it's okay to get his guy credit man this guy got good [ __ ] going on the music is it's surreal it's okay you don't have to worry these days people worry about this what happened people worry about your followers your likes your engagement so people a little jealous because now you got people looking at other people like man he got all this going on imagine if you're on a football team and guys feel like yeah [ __ ] everything he posts is going this way everything i post is not going this way right so just naturally attention with these guys if you don't have good people around you they'll be like hey man i don't like that part of you hey man that's your teammate man bring him up show him love it cost nothing to like someone to show them love it cause nothing to give someone a compliment and say that don't take away your greatness so you know what you do good just make you a better person to just be able to give someone their flowers so this year with kumbaya let's give people their flowers if they're good not if not worried about what someone else said about them or what they got going on let's just walk up and be a good samaritan and say bob that [ __ ] last video was amazing bro keep going thank you sir you know what i mean hey ab i ain't [ __ ] with like listen if i did some clown [ __ ] bob tell me you could kumbaya but like that [ __ ] you did right there it was cool but i ain't [ __ ] with that you know what i was saying all right dog i feel that all right so abe you did some cloud [ __ ] recently tell me i just want to let you know uh recently you did do some clown [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] with you i'm joking i'm joking no but in kumayaka take it like my boys they always like hey yo right there we don't [ __ ] with that right there yeah and i'd be like oh [ __ ] no you're right though i could have did that better yeah but that's part of being human i don't have no pride when no one can tell me anything bro if i did something wrong i told you maybe i should have not took it on my shirt and ran off but at that point i was feeling too sexy the whole [ __ ] stadium yelling this guy just said [ __ ] me he get the [ __ ] out of here so i'm throwing your [ __ ] i'm not wanting to wear your logos i'm out were you hearing that song in your head at that moment like way too slow i'm really feeling sexy literally not the song [Music] bro listen i wake up the [ __ ] be my best self training eating right doing all the right things so when i take my side off i'm feeling sexy not the song that must be good i know it's a song but it's surreal about if you ever feel sexy like when you come out the shower are you feeling fresh not me i need to get that body right you guys got to get more kumbayas no we just got to go to the gym more we don't go to the gym you don't go to the gym you don't have to feel sexy to go to the gym you could have went to the sauna yeah but what you just said what did you get when you just have sex you don't feel sexy i mean he had to pass oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's why you guys need more kumbayas to feel that to be able to had his intimacy as bromance to be a to be our better cells so you have advice on improvements if he's thinking a certain way you think in a certain way we never talking about in fellowship that means we all going in the world and represent four different things but are we all on the same level where if you're talking about not doing clown stuff and we acknowledge it then when he when you got something going on you're gonna be like yo we talked about that we can't reenact like that mm-hmm because that's what we represent right see what i'm saying not a percent 100 percent i do want to ask you but one thing because we're in kumbaya mode a lot of people say a lot of people say the cte [ __ ] right they're like antonio brown because you get [ __ ] zapped in the head by perfect he's lost his [ __ ] mind he's [ __ ] nuts he's crazy his brain's [ __ ] dead that's why he reacted like that what's your answer to that bro people don't always have something negative to say how you react or what you do it's always going to be scrutiny of what you do in this world if you do it right if you oh he could have did this but specifically listen cte you can't scan the person for cte today dad first off what do you mean what do you mean you don't know about ct i know about c so how do they test ct i i know when you freaking died at cstc so how you gonna say a player that's living in real time who putting a real stats who's standing for real purposes who doing real things got ct but do you think for instance hits like the utilities because i'm a wide receiver what wide receiver you know has ct vincent jackson did you heard the timber bay bus talk about vincent jackson ct i have not i have not see you opened up a whole lot of candle whoop ass what does that mean we kumbayan a lot of stuff starting to come to the surface you just asked me about cte i play i play for the time of a buccaneers temple a buccaneers won the super bowl last year and they had a player who died from what bob yeah i'm guessing you mean cte no don't guess i mean it's factual cause someone put it on the computer so i'm saying this no no i know listen we talking factual what are we saying can you put that on the computer vincent jackson just died from cte play for the button buccaneers that's uh yeah because they actually made a movie about that and john was telling me the will smith you ever saw exactly do you see that movie of course i did a whole chapel about that movie in pittsburgh a long time ago you only could text ct when you die bro so what are you asking me what i got while i'm living you see what i'm saying yeah i feel you but that doesn't mean you might not likes one month i'm an nfl receiver that man is stressed well i got a blood level equivalent like i get a blood test i can't just go out and eat a certain food i got levels i need to stay up on my blood level is equivalent to a navy seal know what that mean you manage stress i just came here with a million people talking about me i didn't come for the money bro you don't think i got money already i got you the buck's still got to pay me until you know what i mean no i know yeah so listen i'm here to have kumbaya i love bob i like you guys i come to fellowship with you guys and now bob asked me a genuine question it wasn't to get mad no i got excited what about kumbaya because in this moment we all could learn from this not only us people that watch this the people that is here because we need to learn this this this is about fellowship and learning so bob asked me i'm gonna repeat this question because i know what's going on i'm not listen people like to say you get irrational you get crazy i just get excited you get passionate i get excited passionate not even passionate like i'm not passionate about talking about this it's just exciting right no one want to talk about someone else like people die because it is and i'm being asked the real question about cte so listen bob i want to educate now only you guys can you gotta actually me i know you guys don't know you said you don't know so i wanted to put it up on the screen so we could talk about real logistics how many years i've been playing in the nfl so it says though i'm making point we in the kumbaya can i lead the kumaya go for it all right how many years have i played in nfl could someone tell me since online right since 2010 2010 i can't do math how many years is that 12 30 years or 12 years 12 years yeah can you pull out vince jackson how many years did vincent jackson play 12 12 years okay so you think there's gonna be more cases like this going forward bro listen football is a violent game when you sign up for this [ __ ] you know what it is when hell no huh football is a violent game when you sign up for this [ __ ] you know what it is first off right yeah it's not a i'm gonna snatch your flab i'm gonna touch your butt on the way don't know bro this is a war game bob when you running that ball defensive guy is literally thinking that mom literally i'm gonna kill you you say i'm saying that's their mentality because that's what they have to have but you think there's guys that take it to another level like vontae's perfect when he hit you across the middle listen it's a part of the game you don't think someone want to hit me if someone hit me they're going viral i know that's what i'm saying no but listen i don't think you know what you're saying you asking me questions but you're not listening to the answers i'm trying to break this thing down so we could kumbaya so we learn from this not to be irrational it's purpose in this it's learning and it's it's details and it's it's a lot of substance in this you know i'm saying i'm trying to give you the perspective of football players first of all before we get to cte all right so listen i play receiver in the nfl 12 years cte is the autopsy revealed on your brain from trauma to the head being a football player you're gonna have some trauma to the head regardless of what you do any skill position no matter what you play it's gonna be some trauma to the head so vincent jackson can you pull him up because he used to play for the bucks he died from ct what ct yeah and the bucks on the other hand say a b pro a b is crazy he uh he may have ct he need to get some help you think these people care about i've got ct do you see them do anything for vince jackson like they did for damaris thomas did they put his number on the field is it bad for business i didn't even get to that part yet like life is not about business it's about people man human beings that's what i'm saying in this world we live in people think business what about this guy used to work for your business he died for ct these guys didn't put none on the field bring his family they didn't do anything to bring awareness to this guy now these guys tell me get the [ __ ] off the field and now i got to answer questions about maybe having cte this guy really committed suicide right you don't think what these guys doing against me is is say say i was one of them too oh it's been a lot of guys a lot of guys say i was one that john just put up there junior sail had the same thing he killed himself right remember this guy killed himself too off drugs he drunk himself till he died right so what do you think make guys do shot himself in the chest wait of course because you guys think oh no yeah let me explain you the mentality of a football player so you could just have some common courtesy of your mindset and how you gotta have why kumayas is so important because these guys carry this mindset and it's not the same mindset from the football field to life when i was here today i i gave you guys life principles now we're talking about football principles on the field junior seaguar was a linebacker bro you know what kind of trauma he's seeing when he's taking on the football full back head on head you know what trauma he's seeing when every time he see a guy open field when he's talking what do you think he's talking to him what do you think he's talking what do you think he's thinking bob kill exactly so when you tackling and hitting guys for 60 plays for 20 something weeks per your mindset every time you see a guy's like y'all i'm gonna [ __ ] kill this guy that's your mentality when you tackle these guys now you gotta come home and deal with people talking about you in a negative way writing about you any kind of way then you gotta deal with your successful people taking advantage of you then you gotta deal with when you become a player and you're not that good people just treat you like salami they just say get the [ __ ] out of here like the coach told me you're done get the [ __ ] out of here so imagine a guy mine who waking up for 12 years to work for some people then he finally realized oh they never gave a [ __ ] about me then he realized what he was doing for the job for the people that didn't give a [ __ ] about him was killing himself then he realized he missed time with his family he missed time with his kids he missed time with his girlfriend who's probably seeking trauma not a guy left to be by himself with no one who didn't even care about him and how did he cope with that he didn't like a b where he got good people in his corner we gotta cool my yards and he could be like you know what hey junior man let it go man you have you made so many memories in it man you were so great man don't even worry about it man you know anyway he never had that moment to talk about it vincent jackson never had no one from tampa bay to tell him hey man we love you man no matter how i went down we still got your back so imagine these players like terrell owens who live in that 48 still living with people doing him wrong so are there any ways to change and prevent that from happening from going forward to make the game a little safer bro how are you going to change a job that's been going around for 100 something years i don't know make sense safer technology for helmets and [ __ ] i don't think there's anything that's really really really really nice i don't know you still bro no matter what helmet you go on bro you run into a guy over and over bro yeah she's gonna get slapped so you can't blame the nfl but you got to be a strong person in this world it's not to blame anyone bro it's just as people that's what we signed up for we didn't really read the memo and then when bad stuff happens it's too late to kumbaya it's too late bro all they can do is find ways to maybe detect it before someone's dead so if it's starting to listen until you die bro you can't detect it till you die bro yeah there's nothing you could do i mean listen it is something you could do bro is the realistic of how people living their life after football the nfl need to work with these players in regards to helping these guys after football everybody can be a b and be talented for 12 years still you know what i mean so some guys after 12 years they get told by the coach get the [ __ ] out of here you doing how would you feel when you risked your life you risked your time away from your family and these guys just treat you like a pawn imagine calling your ex-girlfriend who you just probably [ __ ] over did wrong ask her how she feel ask people how they feel when they treat it wrong and they giving they all out to someone and they've been [ __ ] over not like to the utmost some of these guys got to get shot up with stuff some of these guys gotta do [Music] right right the over and beyond they don't have kumbayas to tell them like bro settle down you was right but you gotta be happy and that's why kumbaya is important because imagine if someone from the tampa bay buccaneers could have made vincent jackson realized his potential gave him his flowers bob imagine if someone would have made him feel special you think he would have drunk himself or right right no i'm on board what you're saying 100 i just never really have not involved so when people say i got cte what do you want me to say i got hit bro you play the game long enough you're gonna get your ass kicked you're gonna get hit everyone playing the game has been hit hard you relax them yeah but they want to blame people in the world really make you crazy but you got to have your own self-sufficiency that part of the brain i talk about that part of the brain i was talking about earlier on the show where i say bob it's got to be a part in your brain where you don't let nobody get to and if you have let somebody get to we have to sit down and kumaya to yeah because if you can't let people live in that brain space that you keep to yourself like you said bro how does it feel like you probably be [ __ ] your pants right now if you was in my position because you wouldn't be able to handle what people say like you say or you want to have the kumayas that are the great people that actually ap how you feel man like y'all feel good you know what i'm saying because i got good people in my corner i told you it's not about being right it's about being what happened okay so if i'm happy in my life and i'm protecting that brain space of not letting that people get in because some people bro they live pissed off right like bro some people live pissed off like watching dream cell bro he shot himself in the chest right just so they could scan his head because he knew what he wasn't right no one's going to feel right when you've been freaking playing 16 years putting your life on the line for this organization this this league this game and after a while people just stash you away like a chat seeing an ally you don't even matter no more that's what the tampa bay just did to me they i like i didn't they i like i didn't matter anymore like bro you can't run for us get the [ __ ] out of here and people who's laughing at me from running off the field with my shirt bro what do you would have did if the coach you just told before the game that you was hurt couldn't play just brought you on the field or just treat you like a pawn and that's why these guys get in cte because they carrying that in their mental space right so would you say right now then with everybody questioning your mental space and your mental head you're in a good place you're chilling you're happier than ever listen i don't need no one i don't need no one to judge my mental space i mean i got mental health i got mental wealth matters fact not mental health i got mental wealth i just came on the show dropped you guys jews i came here to kumbaya love that it's been a pretty good kumbaya i'd say i feel like we just settled in the kumayasa it's crazy you guys was irrational because the media have made you guys irrational about what's written about me what's said about me was handle about me and i feel like now we at a point of you could feel the energy you could feel the presence of peace and purpose in the room you could feel the kumbayas starting to settle in and what are we learning we knowing how to be we know how to you know what i mean we're educating we acknowledging we we we're shopping in our knives like all right i'm coming here with bob man it's iron shopping iron when good people get together that's what we doing so we go back in the world bob could be a leader i could be a leader we could represent something that's higher than ourselves and that's what greatness is committing to something that's higher than yourself that's why i love playing football because you know why a bunch of people from all over the world could come together for one commitment winning football is our game our business is what winning people love tom brady because he's a what he's what's your winner of course tom brady loved me because i'm a winner it's not about being friends it's about relating to people that's a winner i relate the ball because noah he's a winner he's an overcomer clip that please uh that is what i'm saying so people got the wrong you know it's not about being it's about being a winner my business is winning i love that football is our game i want to see vincent jackson be a winner you know mm-hmm so are you so are you so with with uh football this year you think it's you think it's are you going to play again this year it's done probably bro listen please go to the ravens that'd be crazy i'd be sorry technically can anybody pick you up if they want to i don't even know man i just i was at the dentist because i was going to get my teeth clean every three months like you know i like the black coffee so you're just going to let it come to you you're going to wait and let it go listen i'm trying to explain them bob you really ask you in the comments i have i have adhd bro that's why i think i have to prescribe so when i don't like no it's okay we're going to work with you all right thank you so you're at that point sorry i'm at the dentist because you know i had to come on the show with bob i'm a little dehydrated because you know i've been talking a lot of [ __ ] lately you know but like i was getting my teeth clean to make sure my smile and [ __ ] all point you know i be getting coffee stains behind my teeth i like the black coffee in the morning so yeah i was getting it clean and i came over here to kumaya acting like mustard right now a little bit yeah i need to catch up thank you man where to [ __ ] coach me so you're at the dentist teeth cleaning hot black coffee yeah then you came here yeah but i was you guys asked me a question i'd ask you a question basically i was getting to this you want to get to where i was getting to yeah i was getting to like if you could go right now and play for a football team what would it be yeah who would you bro listen i really can't play at a hundred percent dog like if you were 100 if i was 100 any team that needs service to win the championship i'm committed whatever you wanted me to do i'm all in right now bro i can't really run at my max speed i can't do what i do and do it at a comfortable rate you know what i mean so so you're saying all right so look at week 17 going to the playoffs rap game pump that [ __ ] whatever you got on the social media also the same time head coaching my team the zappers getting a big bag for that yeah you know and then next year we're gonna maybe pump you in whatever the [ __ ] it is in the nfl still your still goal is to play in the nfl 100 because you're still capable of doing that at the same time make your bag in the off season yeah man i got to go out and be example man raise awareness for positive calls you know just just be myself man i don't have to run around and make nothing man i just gotta live my life and be at peace okay i'm a football player man first off i got to get my ankles cleaned out i got to get my deltoid ligament repaired detached to my ankle i got to get my bone spurs out so i could play at a high level man my whole goal is i want to play a whole season it's 17 games now so much opportunity to run the numbers up and do great things and have fun in nfl so that's still my goal always going to be my goal i mean we at this point now we're finishing the year with mishaps i think i just want to you know relax get my body right get my ankle right so i might have to have a procedure coming up soon to get that cleaned up uh shout out to my boy katie he's here i've been hanging out with him he got a great doctor tom o'malley here one of the best foot surgeons in the country so you know life is just beginning for me man every year is a fresh start it's 22 new year so my goal is still in front of me i'll be doing a disservice to any other team showing up i can hardly practice man like this [ __ ] is not a game so i'm just ready to you know go within myself have more cumulatives and get my leg cleaned up so i could get to get a fresh shot you know a couple coaches been wreaking out a lot of people like how i stood up and and uh represented myself and i'll let people just continue to slander me and ruin my name so football is like you know i love to play man i ain't done playing so you will be back yeah ain't nobody it ain't over for the boy i ain't saying that let's go let's go then you know they put it out there you probably read that no i didn't research they say that you know i'm just i'm talking about you i'm talking about other people there's a lot of people watching this i know i'm defending the republicans but you don't have to defend people we just got to put that out there it's not a war life is not a versus we are the same people from going the same place bro it's not a verses all right well i love it i mean i think that i think that this has been you're the man by we appreciate you [ __ ] with us you don't know how much this means to us you helped us yeah because you could have gone you could have gone anywhere or you didn't even have to go anywhere but i appreciate it thanks bro it's very very cool that's awesome honor let's go [Music] thank you you
Views: 4,449,604
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Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Antonio Brown on His Friendship with Tom Brady & Why He Really Left the Game! | FULL SEND PODCAST, ab, antonio brown, antonio brown podcast, ryan clark, ryan clark podcast, antonio brown leaves game, antonio brown rap song, John Daly on Tiger Woods Beef! | FULL SEND PODCAST, the truth pivot podcast
Id: a0G2hSmr8o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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