The NELKBOYS on being Hunted by the Escobar Family and Cartel in South America!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right boys before we get into the pod it's the last full sun drop of the year we got a ton of christmas [ __ ] in this drop some jokes that [ __ ] we're actually selling this we only got 200 of these bad boys you can toss them on your lawn free shipping on orders over 150 all the orders are gonna get there by christmas unless your [ __ ] postal office [ __ ] up or someone's [ __ ] the dog we're getting all the orders out the door if you guys are watching we're actually gonna be picking one person that buys merch and we're gonna give you guys an all expenses paid trip to fly out to orange county here to the office to watch a podcast live which is pretty [ __ ] cool i think just read the description for all the terms manager drew's gonna be [ __ ] hammered putting the terms in there we're gonna give someone a truck stay tuned for that announcement badass truck be by merch we'll announce that probably sunday yeah and drop a thumbs up since it's merch streak if you guys want a bonus episode this sunday if you guys get it to [ __ ] 100 000 likes we'll do a bonus episode because we're going to hook her up [Music] yeah that's it merge drop let us know what you guys like comment and let's get into the pot all right so we got another [ __ ] [ __ ] show no boys episode but you guys like these and we like doing them so every once in a while we're just gonna do one where we just get people behind the scenes people in the crew last time we did one with brad we did one with steve where we just like talk about milk stories and just [ __ ] that's going on these ones are fun to do so we got a steiny good boys nightmare and we got osgod he's playing this on his gram if you guys don't know stiney it's steve will do its assistant slash i don't even know what would you say your position is with steve alcohol oh no i don't know man i kind of do just like a little bit of everything you just like why is that funny why are you laughing at that it's just funny how you're talking i mean um yeah you're like a guy you're like a good guy you're like a good guy like playing both sides of the fence right dude that's my best yeah you know what you're doing you know and uh he actually used to be bob menory's assistant yeah i used to work for bob and then bob went a little crazy so moved to steve how did you and then you guys know oz god obviously edits all the videos does a lot of [ __ ] the creative everything osgod's the goat um very talented guy obviously everyone knows that so what are you doing you good i'm good like we said steiny so we met steini because he used to be bob's assistant and then eventually when we went to abu dhabi um when bob left that's when steiny started talking to steve and me and he said yo i want to work for full send and bob was paying you like jack [ __ ] wasn't he no he was kind of fair about it but like he would pay me late as [ __ ] but i'd always get it but no contract nothing like that yeah no contract like totally breaking labor laws and [ __ ] no chains no watches no no chains no watch what's the crazy back and forth thing that bob has ever done where you're like [ __ ] now you want to do this and then you want to go back to this because i know he's very indecisive like the crazy well i mean abu dhabi bro so like was that like very yeah that was like the last straw like i've seen crazy [ __ ] for a year i can't believe that when kovid first hit right he like acted like the purge was happening like dawn of the dead went absolutely crazy like told me to board up the house i went and got enough water bottles for like three months brown rice like anything like he went full on dawn of the dead zombie apocalypse and i was like bro i think it's gonna be okay and he couldn't handle it so then like that hit and it just kept getting worse and worse like we moved to arizona for a few months he hung out with johnny manziel every day became a complete digest that's how you know it's bad eh yeah it was bad like we spent two months there and it was every day he'd wake up and meet up with johnny and it was just like downhill from there does he just rail blow mantel uh i mean he does his thing yeah yeah guy likes his cocaine huh there's a few drugs yeah he parties pretty hard yeah he [ __ ] a lot of chicks but like yeah yeah but he's a good golfer too like him and bob would go out there and bob would donate like every day just lose to that guy like he's a like one of the best college athletes of all time you know yeah bob's good but you can't bob's the class like that he's really fast he's really fast bob just can't focus long enough either no we don't need to talk about no we've yeah we've played multiple times with bob and he'll just like if he's like not playing good or something he'll he'll just dip like it's happened before where he like dips on like the six hole he's like i'm out his ex [ __ ] sleep is [ __ ] bashing this weekend she's crazy too she was crazy we ran into one of bob's old exes in [ __ ] denver same story line with that chick though like main creator you pumped her to weird stories the main thing in the end the relationship very interesting to me like how he does that every time it's the same path every time bro like every time it doesn't i don't get what he's thinking no but he's the funniest human being ever is he just trying to like secure it though like with that one dude he thinks he's got to give him the clout to keep him around gosh it just backfires like he he he did that with this one chick mike's not gonna say who it was but he was like blowing her up on the stories everything and then two weeks later she was dating a backup quarterback because he had seen her on bob stories yeah to me to to tag a [ __ ] it's like you might get her for a bit but why would you do that because then you know that even if you get her for a bit you know she's just gonna be there for the wrong reasons like you might as well just never tag her yeah because then like starts to transform a little bit right like that's i don't know i just feel like it always leads to bad things yeah i think that he thinks that she's not gonna stick around like that's why he's like she's with him in the first place you know what i mean like do you think if a girl is like used to getting tags and [ __ ] like you know when you get in like a fight with a girl and like there's like you get in a fight and like instead of just fixing it like do you feel like you just like toss them a tag to like make it a little better too like you [ __ ] make your own no i'm saying like i feel like that's what people do in like public relationships though like they like prove it to the world yeah probably right have you done that have you tagged a girl in your story no i'm not i'm not a big tagger to be honest i think it's dust i think it's like your private kind of shit's private and then like i don't know because then people get the wrong idea and then like especially like in this whole like environment you just get like a bunch of like dudes and like dms and [ __ ] it's just like this weird thing i don't know but it's kind of a flex though i feel like to tag them yeah if like you're not for certain flex i think it's more of a how is it to show them your instagram rather than like you know what i mean like yo stick around with me and like this will continue to happen but that's what that's what i mean then it has to continue yeah yeah you're kind of a loser if you do that then it's like for the complete wrong reasons yeah then it's like she's not into it because of you you know yeah yeah i mean if you don't want to date her and you just want to pound her then you know yeah [ __ ] it but i think if you tag her you got to know what you're in for have you guys ever done the showing one where you're like you just give them give them your uh their phone done that right yeah of course i would think that's more that's totally different like let's be honest it's a [ __ ] huge thing if you've ever wondered like do we use i wouldn't pull [ __ ] ten percent of the chicks i pulled in my life if if we didn't do what we do and we weren't like who we were you know what i mean yeah i'd probably be a [ __ ] loser jerking off and [ __ ] you know and i still do that but yeah you know yeah that's how i would get what you have to flash the ground you have to yeah but that's more of a nice like smooth flex and doing this i mean bro you probably go like from like i'm definitely not going to [ __ ] this guy to like yo i'll [ __ ] this guy i mean it is crazy it is a crazy how it can switch once a girl like looks at you like a girl will be talking to me and then be like who is this [ __ ] like who is this [ __ ] loser like not giving me the time of day the second they see your gram it just completely switches that should almost be a test bro like you should do that we should do that like try and hit on a chick and then probably why haven't we done that i don't know let's test it out on video good idea you could do it it'd be hard to kind of like find no so you go up to a girl at like a random bar yeah at a bar or like anywhere like we could do it on the cruise it's like kind of like a gold digger like this then it's like with clout yeah so you like test it out and then you show them your gram and then you see how it like kind of switches no i think you hit on them see how they react and if you it's not going well or they deny you you come back and you go oh yo i just wanted to get your instagram just in case i see you again and then see how it goes from there it's kind of like it's like the gold digger prank except it's a bigger prank yeah like i feel like you're gonna have to probably do it because you'll probably get denied and then once you show it then they're gonna they're they're still gonna see your gram and be like [ __ ] this guy's sleep what's what's what's your be like i don't want to go off with this guy and [ __ ] that's what they you know what's uh your tactic to like giving somebody your like your ig like like a girl your ig uh i mean what i used to do was like a low-key sly kind of like no you know what kind of guy i am i just like just type it in just like kyle yeah yeah and then like i think when you give them the phone it's always good to like do like the look away like you toss their phone back and then just start like another conversation yeah you just pass them then you just see the license i haven't seen that before or like they're like starting to type it's like okay what is it it's like s and then like you're just low-key waiting i'm like waiting for that blue to pop you know what i mean yeah i used to do that i used to do that yeah it's it's like it's a great way to do it do you think that the check mark has has helped you guys at all yeah i think check mark would always help of course yeah of course i would always help i mean i've never really like tried it though like but yeah i've never really tried it yeah what do you mean it's more of like when i used to do it it wasn't like because i have a blue check back then but um when they just see the followers like i just like it's kind of like [ __ ] like you got to press your profile now for them to fall you know what i mean but then seeing it on like top or whatever but yeah i used to do that and when they see the followers that's when they're like damn that's when it's like damn but when they see the blue though first it has to be different it must be different it must be some girls just still don't care though i don't know where you are in this in this city or miami yeah yeah it's like the girls in miami i think yeah i would just show like i'll show steve's page yeah that's what you do eh you don't even show your own game no this is what i manage that's what you say you say dude i've said a variety of [ __ ] but like whatever it's just like yo you want to come to this table and then you just show them who it is it's like how much how much more have you been slamming since you like started being in like with steve and [ __ ] like a lot more double or triple and you were telling me like like you're definitely like a lot of double probably trips right yeah maybe quads maybe quads yeah stein's been showing me some of the girls he's been pumping like yeah it's been pretty late pretty impressive if it is happening i don't know but it's happening bro you can ask alex what is it on that is it on that hooker website no i've we've hit that knights don't go the right way but no not getting from there dude it's just the setup like steve has a driver there like an insane amount of whips and like it's just helped me a lot not gonna lie like girls are [ __ ] up bro you go into you go have dinner at komodo with girls like you haven't met you go with a [ __ ] driver and a custom maybach and like steve's in a relationship alex is in a relationship so i'm kind of the only option true she's like which is lit right like if those guys were single [ __ ] would probably be different like you're like a [ __ ] last option i know that and they're like [ __ ] dude we got this homeless guy cleaned up and he started looking good and he was kind of a threat more than i was so we kicked him out of the squad but no i was last option but only option so i go for steve's driver before uh what's his name oh man nelson he's married thank god i thought how about you guys oc it's been like that or i got a girl so she's been chilling yeah we know oc is oh she's oh she's not gonna place nothing ah buddy it's fine i will uh we'll leave that one alone you know for now this weekend was [ __ ] crazy in denver though so we just we uh we finished the [ __ ] virgin video the the trilogy no more virgin videos and uh we're in colorado it's pretty crazy yeah colorado was nice it's so [ __ ] dry in colorado hiking it was really nice [ __ ] destroyed yeah i was so ashy it wasn't good it's dry [ __ ] but um it's whatever i'm from there yeah there's no girls there it's beautiful like it's a beautiful city and [ __ ] but there's just so much action well downtown denver's like kind of hipster vibes right it's just yeah there's just not like it's like a very small like for example the [ __ ] is there they don't really care about clout no at all that's why we suck yeah right you almost come off as more of like a douchebag yeah it's like it doesn't hurt you but it just definitely doesn't help true yeah like if we go to like scottsdale arizona that's more like you need parties but denver was like it's all hipster [ __ ] and like but boulder was like cool but like sorry i went to college i went to school there that was nice got a degree from there did you pull or no a little bit but yeah we went to the club and we got [ __ ] like kicked out heavy that was [ __ ] i saw that yeah i wasn't there you got to tell what happened so it was this club that like hit us up temple denver great spot we had a great time there um i think it's a great club but um we went there the first night it was all good they gave us like a free setup we just had to like tag them on our story which we did some great tags and they gave us champagne the first night like they sent us free champagne i was like oh [ __ ] lit free champagne we took it and we [ __ ] sprayed it for the video like i mean we spray champagne in almost like every club yeah so whatever we sprayed it the first night and then the second night we go back we run it back we're like should we go to temple um free setup again and then we go and they send a champagne again so i get it and you know juan my my virgin i won the championship and [ __ ] we had the cup and we were celebrating so i took the champagne and i sprayed it again and they got [ __ ] so pissed the security guard he was wearing like a shitty like red shirt like all the other securities were just like you know nice they were looking good did he have a man bun too he had a man bun there you go i'm gonna go t there there you go that's how you know it was the one it was the one that like a man but yeah he's wearing like a shitty shirt denver [ __ ] yeah that's what he was there and he had like feel like a must yeah he yeah but he just grabbed me like so hard after i sprayed it and he just like grabbed me and like started like almost like tackling me and then so i just like kind of like went like this like got him off me and then he just like pushed me back and that's when our security came in and just like like kind of like pushed him off and then all the other security ran in and jumped on r2 security our security is scary bro our security is beast like we have no one's [ __ ] with him chris is the best security i think yeah he's a guy in the game and i've had like a few different ones now yeah some are absolute [ __ ] losers like some of them get too comfortable it is the hardest thing to find a good security security bro just don't even like know like they have no awareness and yeah they're so different it's like a job where you kind of can't like have a life in a way well when you're on the job like you are a hundred and ten percent have to be dialed at all times and chris our security is like he's lit that guy where he's just dialed bro like there's no breaks there's no this there's no like that guy's just on we had a bad one remember in texas the gun shots oh my that was like it was just crazy yo wait where was did you did you see temple denver's instagram though no so funny all the comments are like great spot but fire the guy in the red shirt no way yeah that is definitely fine if uh temple denver if you're watching you should fire the guy in the red shirt because he's just a loser but uh great spot temple damn was gabe in the scuffle or no gabe oh yeah gabe was he got gabe got punched what's good gabe's like yeah like i'm going to sue you guys and [ __ ] here steve i think you guys got to rock paper scissors no it's fine i mean i kind of want to talk to you on there for a second here yeah gabe god has your back like that he would get it gabe got gabe got punched in the stomach are you okay i think it was a hate crime honestly yeah we should have used that you know just put guy in the red hit our gay assistant i mean no no no one else got punched except for our gay assistant gabe it's good what's good steve how are you i'm fantastic you just came from the gym yeah in cryo drove to the house you picked how many how many workouts you hit today two that's well didn't you lift this morning yeah but then i saw you do cardio didn't you or what'd you do outside cardio just a little bit and then you lift it again yeah so that's three workouts yeah so yeah if you guys don't know um what we're about to do for for nelk is we're about to go on a pretty crazy trip so we're gonna go i guess i don't know what to call it but i guess it's like kind of like a central america type trip mixed with like [ __ ] maybe it's like an island trip but uh we're going on a cruise after thanksgiving um and then we're probably gonna i think it goes to mexico bahamas and then we're gonna try to do mexico city and then jamaica and then we're going to go to vegas for the sugar sham fight poirier fight and then we're going to go to hawaii and then we're going to go that's it right so yeah and we're going to shoot like we're going to shoot like six videos in like two weeks so cancun yeah so we're in jamaica too right we're going to jamaica oh that's gonna be fun i feel like we haven't done this all together gabe right here i mean it's like yo who decided to do this we just kind of oh really well we've always wanted to do a cruise we've been talking about doing so random i feel like yeah well i just think like the videos are so cool i feel like we've done everything in like north america honestly yeah we have you know and it's also i don't know it's it's hard to do pranks because everyone recognizes us you can't do like you know it's like you're so limited here and i feel like the international [ __ ] when we travel is just like the content is so good and it's fun too right yeah mexico's cancun's like we've been to cancun a lot yeah cancun a lot is going on there bro yeah can't couldn't be lit i just feel like when we haven't done like a a team trip like that in like a while right steve yeah no those are the best the best one is like you go to like [ __ ] brazil and the favelas or like [ __ ] that's completely different yeah that's true sounds like it's a little touristy south american south america was cool but it was like it was long and it was [ __ ] like that's where you really see a different culture in cancun you just see [ __ ] tourists trying to get wasted well i've never been to mexico city mexico is apparently crazy it's lit yeah yes and it's like there's nothing that's dangerous and [ __ ] bro one thing i kind of learned too is like like people are so close-minded too like every time you want to go somewhere like when we told people we're going to abu dhabi every single person i talked to was like no you guys can't go there like you can't go there you can't do this you can't do that you can't drink you can't blah blah blah and then when you go there it's like totally opposite i never thought mexico city was dangerous people said the same thing about south america you guys can't go to south america like you know and then we went to the [ __ ] favelas like there's always a way to go to every place in this world as long as you like go with the right people and do it right yeah for sure and it's so cool to be able to like do that [ __ ] the favelas was like that was crazy one of the most insane things i've ever done that was the best thing of truth like riding up in motorcycles yeah i was tired insane like we literally we were with security that was like police and they weren't allowed to go into the favelas so we had like three armed security that were rolling everywhere with us in rio and they literally said they're like yo we can't go into the favelas because police aren't allowed there so they're like were you guys sketched out or no huh sketched out or no not really because we so you never felt like that on any of the trips because in abu dhabi i felt so safe yeah no i'm i'm always like as long as you go with the right people like you can't just go to rio like if we just packed up and went to rio with no like planning we'd be [ __ ] we would have got robbed we would've got [ __ ] rape two [ __ ] nose right like it would have been horrible but if you go you have to have connects everywhere you go right like imagine going to abu dhabi without without royalty yeah be a little different exactly like favela we we met these guys on motorcycles right that like they all weighed on motorcycles and i guess we like paid them and then we you hop on the back of a random guy's motorcycle and you just drive all the way up through the favelas and it was like a different world bro like that was that was [ __ ] nuts one of our team members their phone almost got stolen remember oh yeah sammy's phone yeah it's not crazy but he got it back though good thing so yeah sammy was on the bike and like he had his phone out taking a video and someone just [ __ ] snatched it they just snatched the phones bro that's crazy that [ __ ] it's different because like most fans like me i've never seen the favelas but then you see it in a milk video that's instead of like something else you know what i mean so then it's super crazy so we were in colombia and we went to i think we had to cut this out of the video i'm not sure but we went to colombia when we did the coke prank on colombian cops we toured pablo escobar's one of his old houses that's now owned by his brother and his brother's like smoking hot young wife like he's like 70 or some [ __ ] and he's like blind and his wife just was like 40 and has like the fattest [ __ ] fake ass like it's [ __ ] massive yeah like it's like it's huge it's crazy was she in the video huh she was in the video she was in the video yeah so we toured it and like we were like kind of making fun of like pablo escobar's brother saying like his wife's so hot he probably cheats on there because he's blind and [ __ ] so like we're kind of insulting the escobar family which was kind of well you were taking shots with the wife yeah steve was going ham yeah come on yeah you were you don't remember that i remember being there i don't remember oh yeah i was probably drinking yeah we were drunk i mean steve you say you don't like doing pranks but i think when you you need to get back to like when we do those like vlog pranks yeah like you're a savage yeah i still don't like doing them but what like wine tour type yeah like those type wine tour yeah wine yeah yeah so but yeah after we uploaded that escobar video um [Music] they contacted us and they said take that [ __ ] video down yeah like we were on the way home like leaving colombia and they right when they saw the video like they were like threatening to i don't know they were making like threats they contacted us and they were making all sorts of threats how much did they they demanded a lot of money i forget what it was it was something stupid like a millie it was like a legit law firm from colombia like a milli i don't remember what it was no i think it was like in the 50k like type of range yeah but but no but it was more like it was more like this kind of selling more like it was more like weird threats oh like like we have people like we have people everywhere type [ __ ] well dude you said we have chris bro we're good that's this was before we had chris he was so sketchy out there that's not good remember i got in that cop car i thought you guys were [ __ ] with me oh yeah that was like scary as hell after finding out you guys weren't [ __ ] around i was like in guatemala too one of the we had like a local producer there that helped us try to do this sex tantrum prank and she like [ __ ] us over like she didn't get us to do the prank properly like she took us to some yoga class when we wanted to do like a sex tantrum prank so we didn't want to pay her the full amount so we're like yo we're paying you half because you totally [ __ ] us and then they said no you're not and like our hotel wouldn't let us leave like everything in those countries is like well i just wouldn't bro foreign countries when that's not like your soil i would just say [ __ ] it [ __ ] the money at that point yeah well we paid it like we literally had no choice like our hotel like called us and we got a weird call and they're like you're not leaving the hotel unless you pay this producer like i guess she called someone and then they called some sort of cartel in guatemala jesus christ it's like yeah we don't have to worry about that in cancun and [ __ ] in bahamas no i mean not when you're on a resort yeah right well i think when you go off the resort you got to be like a bit i mean it depends who we're rolling with right we've had good ass times in cancun yeah but you guys got like did you guys go off the resort no but yeah we did we went downtown oh yeah we went downtown but it's like america bro tavern was there fool but one time i flew into cancun with weed and um oh yeah yeah and they said they were gonna arrest me and we're going back and forth and translator i was literally under my hands and knees just saying please don't arrest me please no and anyways he i he ended up meeting me he took all my he took my passport and then he met me at my hotel 30 minutes later and i had to give him 10 dollars cash crazy that's [ __ ] that was awesome yeah yeah but you gotta [ __ ] that's what's good about mexico mexico money can get you out of anything that's what's kind of dope because you can kind of [ __ ] around take that gun in the drugs in like at the end of the day i knew like steve would pay it off hopefully you'd have to pay it off but they gave me all my weed back which is crazy all of it really all the weed yeah they just because they're not making no money they're like that's literally part of their job like they're just finessing yeah they took my passport and then he probably might hug for himself and [ __ ] yeah yeah they're edibles yeah he ate some but yeah that was the craziest thing ever because i thought i was gonna go to mexican jail which is doesn't seem fun well no cancun jail is probably fun that's a bunch of bunch of americans partying and [ __ ] i would like that i don't think it's like that i would be [ __ ] scared shitless to go to jail in another country yeah this is [ __ ] terrifying bro but can't you ever see him locked down boris and you guys probably just party in there i don't think it's like that i think it's like that we i think we got to be careful in jamaica too jamaican no you got me and cousin you guys aren't jamaican you know yeah but that's what i was thinking i feel like you guys would be the ones to [ __ ] it up there [ __ ] it up no i think so no we respect her you'll like take it too far you said you were a muslim in abu dhabi and you [ __ ] no well that's really different because like you cut you can't shake you can't shake but that's where i was from but i now that i realize it's very hardcore out there yeah but not jamaican man we we [ __ ] with the jamaicans they're dope you're jumping off on the trip and [ __ ] or whatever yeah i'm taking my clubs i have to i really do where you're gonna try and golf in jamaica is that what he just said try going he's gonna have any time huh when's this phase gonna end it's never gonna end standing's a hater i'm not yeah he's a hater i'm not a hater he's hating on you i'm just gonna go out there with you beat you break you down and then we'll move on i'm trying to save you time sonny there's so much other [ __ ] you could focus on and be great at bro well yeah golf too i can i think i could be great in golf why not breaking a hundred with drops was that what he said earlier well i mean i only i support i support like the first team the commitment to the game is dope but it's like dude come on it takes time a lot of people have said that like to like people that started golf yeah it's all about if saleem will stick with it or not that's the only question that's all it takes sticking with it you never know what's gonna happen it's gonna happen you guys see all the dave portnoy [ __ ] yeah i think it's awesome i don't know what happened but dave is just [ __ ] on business insider and i love it he's he's like it's such a different era now with this cancellation [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] he's got sex allegations well he's definitely like yeah i guess the guy likes the [ __ ] you know so i don't know didn't he he had like a sex tape with like he's into like handcuffs and [ __ ] like we all watched the video the video said it felt like r but like um yeah she she just felt like it was like everybody knew that guy was a freak like everybody's watching this video and then it's like that guy he's crazy down there yeah he likes was it that i guess what he said was that like someone was working on a hit piece on him for like eight months like bro imagine you just found out like imagine like we found out like yo this article this [ __ ] reporter hit up a girl that you [ __ ] like two years ago imagine a girl you [ __ ] two years ago dmd and said hey this reporter just hit me up and said like ask me questions about when we [ __ ] okay how [ __ ] weird is that that's really weird that is so [ __ ] really weird like i don't know it's not apparently that's what happened to him that's not that weird business isn't such a powerful guy it's like any chick that's slept with him like some girl that needs some things and be like yo i'm gonna [ __ ] target this guy but i think i think reporters were like going after girls like it wasn't like girls like stepping up okay did you watch that video yeah no it was pretty wild bro like that's what videos girls are no i'm not really into the handcuff [ __ ] but girls that wasn't a handcuff that was a dog leash around her neck wait wait what video there's a video yes she's like from four months ago can we pop it up she videoed them having sex and someone popped it up pop it up on full size i think this is the chick but he are you serious are we supposed to have uh he had a leash around this chick and he was can we pull it in doggy style that's crazy and then he [ __ ] turned her face around and spit in her face and like everybody had seen it it was like three months ago but do you think the girl like wanted that yes i'm assuming she didn't know that girls are into that [ __ ] yeah i think she wanted it yeah but i don't know it's crazy how you can go back on your words especially with that [ __ ] like you could [ __ ] someone and then like oh [ __ ] i regret it the next day it's like done i think some girls are definitely into that [ __ ] though i personally noticed like the older they get to they're like into like that like really rough [ __ ] you probably like that you like being dominated yeah i feel like you are i mean like not like a red ball in my mouth i had a girl i was making out with and she said she said like if when we [ __ ] i want you to hit me and i was like oh like like it's like hit like what do you mean she's like i want you to hit me as hard as you can yeah that's like i was like what she's like i want you to punch me in the face she said punch come on man i was like punched like closed hands she's like yeah i was like no like i'm not doing that like that's just i feel like that's how you just get like set up like isn't that [ __ ] the make out ended after that yeah no i got i got freaked out i get freaked out by that [ __ ] yeah that actually is kind of crazy i'm always thinking long term yeah i don't i don't get fooled by that [ __ ] i could never punch a girl during sex at least okay you kill her but during i mean it's not the time in place you actually hit her and you knock her out and she wakes up like that was the best thing ever she woke up that yeah that's harmful i couldn't do that yeah the hitting there's the time you're like you're like you're like a lovey-dovey lover yeah you and jay play like [ __ ] private dancer and like no no no i don't i don't cousin does i just like i take a smooth like i like to be like denzel you know like like just you know smooth will like will smith what's no will smith's gay isn't he no he's got a wife bro that cheats on him and [ __ ] apparently yeah yeah yeah that's beta as [ __ ] so yeah i heard well i thought will smith's gay no gabe gabriel gabe isn't like all right we're gonna interrupt this podcast quick to do a little sponsor which is sponsored by us um sea geek [ __ ] you manscape [ __ ] you liquid iv [ __ ] you you guys all reached out you're not sponsoring the pod um merch drop this monday november 22nd it's our last drop of the year the only drop before christmas so we'll show you guys some of the items some of our favorites we got the full sun varsity jacket i got the the happy dad mary said miss jesus did party back in the day he did guzz wine it's a christmas sweater right he has transitioned to happy dad now it's a christmas sweater oh my god what do you got i'll be high for christmas i love christmas so i [ __ ] love this we got christmas rap happy dad rap and we got christmas cards what are those cards this is my favorite bite in love's nose beers the biden's doo doo blow so we got trump make america send again chris is much more fun when you send it with the ones you love [Music] biden loves knows beers it's been proven that hunter biden does shred a lot of blow i'll be high this christmas and jesus parties christmas ornaments these are amazing we got to send these to my mother come down full stand automata for your christmas trees uh [ __ ] you see geek that's why let's get back into the pod yeah travis scott like he's getting i don't like i don't think he wasn't really it wasn't i mean wasn't he checking up on them like asking them are you guys good like during the concert there's this one clip where it shows like where he says stop it like oh yeah really stop it is security but people don't ever show like see that like that's one clip i don't know how i saw it but the clips i feel bad for him yeah like honestly but no one no one chose that clip right it's out there and wasn't drake there too right yeah yeah i feel bad man drake performed yeah he came out and didn't stick on damn and people were getting injected by like fentanyl and stuff is that what was happening yeah i mean i don't think it's like travis scott's fault no no no no i think it's like security law enforcement's fault i'm seeing like a bunch of [ __ ] like they're they're like canceling like a ton of [ __ ] i don't know if it's true you never can't really believe the headlines but i saw one he got canceled like a five million dollar performance in like abu dhabi dude even someone as big as him and he's so like kind of clean too like in with the jenners and [ __ ] like yeah even the cancel shit's really affecting him i guess his concerts would like go like that though there's like a [ __ ] ton of people they love travis scott like that's that's crazy i feel like you're a travis scott fan i saw someone travis guy yeah yeah his music slaps that because he's black no but i mean like you'd probably go to astroworld with jay no watch she's listening to music in the car why doesn't kyle look like a travis scott fan he's a drake fan travis likes aim or uh kyle likes amen amen that's a good yeah no well travis is music huh is that meek mill no no i think the hardest part is to when you release the video after you know what i mean like your apology video like you have like dobrik and the other guys who like cry about it which is i think kind of it's just hard bro like how do you even respond where people are like wow that's genuine like you're [ __ ] either way you're [ __ ] either way i mean for him people died so like there's no winning but did you i know you saw the video where he's like in the camera like kind of fixing his hair and [ __ ] ah i didn't see it i didn't see it now where his apology video yeah yeah people were awesome all the comments were saying it's like not sincere yeah how do you really know though like yeah i mean he's just bit he's he's reaching out you know that's what i'm saying that's the hardest part bro i was like how do you think people are also just sheep and comments too i mean i know they're sheep like they'll comment what everyone else is commenting too right you remember you're like that homeless guy in miami oh yeah i'm done with this [ __ ] man no no no no this guy this this guy comes up to me oh that guy was a [ __ ] freak he's dirty he looks it's the craziest he comes with the bible with all these sticky notes he says steve you're gonna perish tomorrow you're gonna die and a random guy a random guy he's a homeless he's trying to save me he needs some he needs some of my time and i wasn't having it because i didn't believe him but then for a few days whenever i walked down my building he would follow me everywhere and saying he's not going to eat any food he's not drinking our water the lord's talking to him i'm a prophet and he's trying to save me [ __ ] i hate that [ __ ] but he followed me this was like next level it was literally it was next level weird but it was like literally i went and then i didn't believe him then i went to the gym and i literally turned around because i started tripping i smoked weed and i was tripping out i was like am i going to die tomorrow am i going to die and i go and i talk to him but anyways well i thought i thought you're going to say i was in the gym behind you no no no he just followed me everywhere like i'd be in a restaurant and then he'd come in and he'd be sobbing like like he wants to save me how many times this went on for like four days where he followed me everywhere yeah dude because you save all the try and save all these homeless people and then they like get word of it yeah like yo steve will do it's my savior but it's not what happens true it was crazy to be sitting down at a restaurant some guy that just like looks like complete [ __ ] not that i don't mean it in that bad way but just crying like to me in front of all these people like packed restaurant like like he wants to save me he wants his bible back yeah i told him like dude you're making steve and celina super uncomfortable like don't come around here and then like security and stuff it was too much and then now nothing no but he wanted to be my partner in life and just we he said we could wear wool and we'll fast together and uh and on the 28th the lord's going to speak to me only if i fast though the 28th of november yeah that's coming up yeah that's when the lord's going to speak to me but isn't that the day we go on the cruise 27th i must maybe oh yeah you're right let's say we go on the cruise yeah [ __ ] that maybe you should fast titanic too oh that'd be sick imagine we see him on the cruise oh yeah that'd be scary that would be so funny should we bring him on the cruise and just see what he has to say and that's funny we've tried too many [ __ ] homeless people like he [ __ ] my brain up i wouldn't be able to sleep if he's like something it's hard to follow me in the gym like i went he'd go to the front did he spot you no but he followed me that would be funny if he's like on the bench press next to you but he's like putting up weight gotta stop with these homeless people bro yeah this is like third homeless guy and like i'm not even gonna tell you what he's been talking about me lately but i can't deal with it anymore how about gerald just never stop asking man it's like yo dude you're at the [ __ ] sls lux hotel we got him a city view we got him a nice view like he's chilling out there in the robe having coffee bro from the streets the day before like we're hooking this guy up 3k cash which oh i should have been a little lighter for an addict but it's like whatever but she's done that yeah but like dude they're living the good life and then we're like yo we got you a job they're kind of like delaying starting the job and then like the last video we brought this guy in the yacht and like you just i i think we're going too fast with them well steve did you ever hear next thing you know the homeless guy is driving the [ __ ] lambo around miami yeah can't do that did you ever hear anything from that one homeless guy steve that you took the boa and gave the guitar no brody brody no but i gotta fight with that guy that's the thing you got no fight with him like an argument he seemed cool he seemed cool but i get turned off easily when i'm bro he's like asking like yo why's like why don't i have why can't i order room service oh [ __ ] like that it's like dude like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like we're really trying to help you if you want us to help you then we want to but you give them so much and then they come back and ask for the world and it's like you can get that but at least get a job and do [ __ ] no i'm serious dude i've been talking to hector what did the j what did gerald do no gerald just started um well we should explain to to people that don't know steve how did you meet him in new york uh right okay so we were yeah and i was just like kind of pumped up because i just went to dinner with six nine for the first time and this is when six nine was like batman too like he just got out of jail like he didn't even seem real yeah no for real and then we went to a liquor store after and then gerald was just outside and now he asked for money i said i don't got no money but i get you liquor and then got him liquor and i said you're just like get in the car i remember jason was like no way and you're like let's do it yeah [Laughter] ernie was like don't let this guy in the car it's going to be bad and [ __ ] me and steve like buddy shut up this was the first like guy first yeah but anyways i'll try to make it as fast as possible i got him hotel for a few weeks iphone but then it turned into i let him i brought him out to florida florida i gave him a place to stay on the beach i got him a job that was like a 10-minute bike ride from his place and my mom was there filled his fridge with food he had he didn't have to worry about anything food sleeping water anything and he had a job and he didn't have to spend every hour he worked he didn't have to spend anything he just saved it up and then anyway so he was left i mean how more perfect from what i saw was like a complete life transformation that actually looked like it was going good but you're a homeless guy and the next thing you know you have a full-time job where you don't have to spend any money because you have free living and free food free beer free cigarette my mom bought them beer cigarettes food everything was he doing good at the job at the beginning he was doing really good and then he just stopped showing up to uh to work he was having hookers at my place which is which is fine yeah yeah which is and then the thing is he just couldn't like listen to my mom on simple things like it's like no smoking cigarettes in the house which is cool that is pretty dope no it's dope but it's just the fact my mom like it doesn't matter what it is even though it's an awesome thing like cigarettes and hookers like should be allowed but to my mo it was my mom was taking care of him and she didn't allow cigarettes and hookers and it's just weird when it's like why would he stop smoking like he just kept smoking cigarettes in the house like even my mom would tell him like two three times and he's kept doing it and then just turned into he just stopped going to work and when he'd go to work he uh they thought he was on drugs that's sad it's sad because how long was he successful no but not only did he have a job and he had to save up all his money he had 25 i gave him like if he would have just kept doing it i'd he had not only all the money he would save up but then an additional 25 000 from me so yeah he [ __ ] up so after he walks away from a tesla but yes yeah so after that it's hard it's harder to help out these homeless people just like i don't really have that much faith in them which is sad because i want to help him but it's just tough because i invested so much into gerald like and it's like he had it he had it so perfect and he [ __ ] it up it's hard so then and then what happened how did you guys kick him out didn't something like really weird happen though like where you're kind of started to question your mom's safety oh yeah my mom would say um wasn't like pacing around the backyard or something yeah so there was times where like the the condo he was living in was like rented in advance so he'd have to stay in the guest house because i have a house that i have a house on the beach that my parents stay at and there's a guest house but so at like three in the morning he was just like he would just pace in the grass just like just pace and just really weird and scary and he'd always try to like go in the house with my mom anyway she was just super scared and um so how'd you guys finally get him out this dude was before me i don't know um because that's crazy that he trusted him to live with your mom i remember dana told us remember dana gave us that speech too and he pretty much said like yo you can't trust people like that that's when i that's when we got him out yeah but he he lasted a while though like he was by far the best yeah well he was good it was like he seemed like he was good for a while yeah and the way we got him out is um it was actually the where he worked at uncle chickens like the the owner got him to go on a bus to new york and um next thing you know uh gerald calls celina and he's in jail in texas and selena hangs up and that's it so i swear some kid there like a video came out of like meeting him oh thanks dude oh yeah there was a tick tock video where he's in new york and he's searching for steve we'll do it and that was after that was probably like a month or two after and i actually went to new york and i was looking for gerald and uh never found him i mean there's got to be a reason they're homeless in the first place right yeah it's put it is it like all it's pretty much i don't want to [ __ ] make that statement but it's like a goal now that you have to at least get one right they need like they need like there'll be one they need like therapy at the same time or some [ __ ] bro no our strategy is just not there like it's like yo dude get in the [ __ ] sprinter yeah they're like royalty bro yeah streets royalty we gotta and then they gotta get smarter that's all thank you so it's yeah this is not a good way because you give them like a few thousand bucks and then it's like okay here's a dishwashing job that's like ten dollars an hour yeah the guy was like come 300 hourly it's like dude yeah that's great on the street bro and they get like cocky because steve like no fancy but you like you can't give these guys [ __ ] 510k i think yeah but i'm not off the streets yeah it's not you're very greedy i'm not greedy stein thinks he's the president no you've gave you finesse steve for some [ __ ] too yeah you have to gabe you got a car a watch and a bag from steve yeah and yeah yeah you did you're good at finessing gabe you're the finesse king because you just put on like this like i'm super you're like oh i love that bag oh man yeah oh man you know you know steve spending and then you're like i'm standing there just lie like that [ __ ] he finessed you man i don't remember how you said he pulls the game i would never finesse you that guy he did when we were in the louis store and he was looking at the bags and you're like you laugh because you think it's funny dude you you finessed me today well you take a viagra and then say oh steve you need to buy me a hook to finesse that's true dude gabe's the biggest finesser though steiny's an easy guy to read sometimes what the [ __ ] no yeah you can never read me yeah yeah you can't it's pretty you can't read [ __ ] i could read you now like a book i'll beat your ass tomorrow and golf like whatever but when when can you ever read me no i just knew that like i know you're an oc and you're just like i don't blame you you're used to getting steady puss you're back in oc it's a little quieter so you're down to [ __ ] a hooker but you'd also like you don't want to be a d-gen and like everyone judge you for [ __ ] hooker like without you know what i mean so you made some content out of it so you popped the viagra because then you knew like oh i'll be funny and [ __ ] a hooker for the video then i get the [ __ ] a hooker it's good not a bad play isn't it that's a good play it's dope what kind of hookers you like dude honestly i wasn't a huge hooker guy before steve will do it llc like i'd probably been with like one now it's probably in like easily a lot of people hate on hookers yeah no i think it's like i think once in a while i think you get the boys together and you have a hooker night and that's like memories that you'll literally carry with you forever like some like i don't know honestly i haven't had that many i probably had i probably had under 10 hooker nights with the boys maybe i don't know if we've had double digit hooky nights i've had over 20 it's some of the best some of the best memories i've made yeah the best especially a brothel like when you go to like a registered like physical establishment yeah and you walk into a business you get you know you get id'd you pay at the door you walk in walk into the locker room all the boys toss on their robes and their flip-flops that's how it was in brazil take a couple selfies in the locker room with the robes some road picks it's [ __ ] dope man then you slide in you know get some drinks it's so much fun what was the first one we went to um in germany yeah it was funny and then i'm trying to remember that one oh yeah there's like a bar it was a bar and they had a lunch buffet oh no that was we went that wasn't the first one we went to actually this is a brothel though now yeah that's a brothel there was a brothel where you go you were single that trip too in europe right me no no no i was but i was not at the beginning you were single no no i was old i was openly i was in a relationship oh you got to play in the past no no i had a i claimed the hooker pass for myself i didn't ask for permission and i openly told the internet millions of people that i was [ __ ] hookers and remember i was like uh i [ __ ] a hooker named selena my girlfriend selena hi selena on youtube that was one of the most savage videos of all time like i don't tell her and she watches the video like i know yeah i was a that was crazy but yeah it's so much fun but i remember we walked in steve steve snagged two hookies right away oh my god we all the robes oh my god cigars by the bar that's insane that was in germany yeah yeah hooker europe it's like different amsterdam is a little no those are i haven't done like that those are dust the most i've done is tijuana the red district i mean it's tijuana was fun no the red just just t1 was to business yeah it's it's kind of it's an experience though like it's an experience but it's not like it's not tijuana you've been there that's the spot do you want a school i haven't been in a while bro you agree or no you can't talk about that hong kong yeah so much fun yeah it was like the first bonding moment yeah we got we gotta have one soon just go there it's only an hour and a half from here straight up i know we should go should go tonight should we should we flip a coin got the sprinter outside i'd gone i would go bro you've never been there yeah but during the handle of a place like that you can handle a place like that i've been pleased like talking to a hooker about his golf game it's like you don't need to do that i've been to the tijuana one right it's 400 times but during covet it's even more fun i feel like you get super emotional with like your hookers i don't get them i just you have to don't so what kind of what kind of hooker do you like look for it's the hottest one you can find one that's free i pay for yeah when we used to go to cancun a lot like it was crazy but we did we had the the baddest line up there like the hottest hookers ever oh they weren't that hot for me they were pretty hot like we would go with bradley bradley would pick him bro bradley like would point remember you remember colombia oh yeah the hooker boat party holy oh i've heard about that columbia yo told me about that probably four or five columbia was a vibe i still follow one of my one of my hookies you guys in touch yeah no no we've been distant but follow up but i still follow her yeah i haven't really checked in maybe i will fly her out yeah i just want to make sure i head her up at the right time yeah dear jokes yeah i remember that interesting but it was it's a lot of fun i highly suggest it [ __ ] i wonder what we'll get into on this trip we'll see hopefully hookers i don't even i'll go to a hooker place and not even [ __ ] one and just go there to put on the ropes just the vibe just have a beer nothing like tossing on that robe yeah just to toss it i haven't experienced that that's like a foreign thing for sure that was so sick in the road i wonder if we could bring our own robes can we bring full set like seriously that's some like that's crazy but that's also like yo i'm a veteran here yeah you know nothing wrong with being a bad at the brothel that's a flex move i feel like i am this one i've gone to solo brothel trips i've ubered there just to go to the hall you can eat you were a [ __ ] you're an animal in europe when steve first discovered the brothel we were in germany and then this guy went like three times in one day bro so you're like paying you're like like nine i was trying to finesse you too like he's like i'll come if you pay for me and [ __ ] remember is it yeah no i remember that i paid for a lot of nano's hooker she always down the [ __ ] if i paid for it kind of like this guy but um you ever missed dino i do miss naino he was really funny i know like he was a really funny guy and um i'm glad he's doing stuff it seems like on on the internet i do wish the best for nano yeah he's lifting now that he's lifting i saw him bro i never got to meet her he's funny as [ __ ] he's very funny i'm hoping i don't know if we can or if we'll get canceled but i would love to film with nino one day i know i don't know if it's possible because i mean i picked maybe we'll see i don't judge you know that would be that'd go crazy i would go crazy do like another wine tour with 905. should we bring him from the cruise for the cruise ship that'd be cool because doing it with gabe is cool but gabe is really gay though he's really gay so yeah i know what you mean but it's cool having nissan 905 who hates it maybe we'll let the fans decide i don't know if comment what you guys think real quick but the thing is i also don't want to be like i don't want to be like a hypocrite because i've also said that like i would never want to do something like bringing him back it's like it's that fine line between like he would obviously be dope to bring back but it's also like he did really have kind of no respect for like the brand yeah was the respect really that like was it like [ __ ] we already talked about it i mean but like oh you're talking it wasn't just that it was just like there was multiple [ __ ] like he just wasn't doing his job like yeah filming he wasn't editing he was like he put me in a position where i was just like dude like i've told you this five times like stop or like i don't know what to do now like you're literally like kind of holding me at gunpoint here like i've [ __ ] told you this five times like just stop just stop and you just wouldn't yeah i don't sell but would it be funny yeah stephen i know is hilarious yeah he's good to work with but he'd also get really pissed at you i feel like he got pissed at everyone but man he got pissed at you i don't think i've never seen anybody i swear he he get pissed at me but he wouldn't show it even brad like it's like [ __ ] up like you can make any joke to that guy he won't get pissed at you and i don't dm me after canada he was like i hope we are not like mad at each other or something like that i'mma really dm me he was like i never really got to meet you i'm just like i hope everything goes well for you and [ __ ] like he's going out to like all the canadian like homecoming college parties and like people are like swarming him yeah that's crazy and like they're kind of like bullying him a little bit yeah yeah well it's funny you see yeah i feel i feel bad for him a bit but but he's kind of got to know like dude like how do you think you can go there like you were on one of the most biggest youtube channels and [ __ ] you're going into the dragons then you're going to a [ __ ] canadian homecoming and like people are people are swarming him i bet he's still sending dick pics i think so i'd say so i don't know about dick pics but he's still he's still messaging girls oh yeah i think like i don't know yeah if i had to bet money i'd bet he's still being aggressive probably aggressive that's why have you guys ever seen like it was it just like the girls dming you guys letting you know how aggressive he was or have you guys ever seen it like seen him do something i was like [ __ ] no it would be like i don't think she's physically ever done it no it's all on the floor he was just aggressive in the dms he's kind of like you know when you're drunk at a club bro i am never aggressive like what the [ __ ] and how you treat women it's kind of like i never treat women like that that's funny you kind of turn into 905 when you get that's such a cap bro this is complete cap right now i think when you're drunk no explain explain um i've never done any of that [ __ ] what's the when you're aggressive bro this is [ __ ] um touchy no i've never been like that um thinking every girl wants to [ __ ] you i've thought that before but like i've never been like touchy i think that's the first thing and then which leads into aggressive and what the [ __ ] this is this is [ __ ] by the way i don't know this is [ __ ] i don't know i don't know what goes on over there in miami you know it's not like no i think when he gets drunk he looks at his ice and watch and he sees them he's in my car and then he has my security he's like oh every girl wants to [ __ ] me let's be aggressive they can't say no no never that aggressive thought i'm gonna piss but you guys keep going if you want just get on there all right so first i want to [ __ ] know what the [ __ ] you doing here first of all what do you mean like i don't see nothing you can get here together you're gonna [ __ ] say [ __ ] you're always [ __ ] high or you're drunk i'm not always hired this is complete [ __ ] first time one time i always do my job i don't know how steven has not fired you yet i don't know i don't understand he has but he's brought me back yes because you like i don't know [ __ ] you but i'm not always tired i'm not always drunk that's complete [ __ ] you are no he's always gonna know you guys i got mike tyson you've got brady martin and it's like dude i'm doing this again that's it i'm doing easily doing i'm doing like easy higher like intellect [ __ ] than you like i'm just letting you know you have one guy and his [ __ ] no it's not one guy you know how many guys he rolls with yes i don't give a [ __ ] a lot here i know bro but you're getting high like i said you're getting [ __ ] you're getting kyle calvin klein's at [ __ ] ross when he needs underwear i'm doing bigger [ __ ] than that like it's like hey what are you getting [ __ ] hookers no yes that that's like getting watching [ __ ] bars what else dude this guy asked for crazy [ __ ] the day before yeah he called me [ __ ] gamer can you do that from me do it for me i cannot do it i'm too drunk dude i have so many times and i don't drink i don't want to be drunk no i can't handle that right now can you help me no i have not ever done it all right i think he just wants to speak to you when he's strong yeah he loves me i know that i love gaming we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna set that up later on later on live on but steve yeah he's always hot well i'm not always why you let stein drink and like do [ __ ] like that like what's the bear what like how can you see him as your assistant is slash i don't [ __ ] know what it is but like how you manage this he's a wild animal that can't be tamed um first of all i don't always drink like when we always drink he always he's always smoking he's gotta join us when i'm going out with steve i don't drink only when i'm not going out with him i'm i'm like i'm really worried about you sometimes because like somebody got gotta take care of you now no i have my uh my driver when it's nineties you know getting too drunk he kind of takes care of me that's good yeah i listen to that you have the security at least those two guys are like yeah they're sober stein's not now that you guys and you'll see do you want to talk about a little bit more like what are your plans for next days and [ __ ] like you guys gonna be filming here there's never any plans bro we just go with the flow yeah just kidding that says yo bro plans and then like until they'll that time they stole his bitcoin and now you're here bro if i stole that [ __ ] you guys would see a crazy stuff going on like i didn't see it yeah how many cars you have one car yeah well really one that i have and then i drive a few but i only have one but yo you know i didn't even steal that yeah no i know he did um yeah i didn't steal it yeah someone did yeah i'm not like that like when it when you go out like what the [ __ ] you pay for nothing right like what are you there to look out for steve i'm there to look i'm there to look out for steve bro you do the same [ __ ] yeah dude you finally have friends bro this guy has freedom we went to miami he was like yeah i've gotta [ __ ] let me shut up dude my apartment like like gabe come on let's go yeah i'm adjusting right now i'm adjusting right now it's not your own apartment steve you're such a hypocrite but guys we're gonna settle this in the future it's gonna be up in from members only all right i could have knocked you out that day and i didn't want it because you got to take your fitness very seriously well let's let's get done i have mike tyson and kyle myself shows me his [ __ ] workout playing every day yo i don't even want like a trainer or nothing i want to just get in shape and just fight this guy all right let's do it we'll stand that corner then i want to fight like drew hill right before and beat your hill's ass and then fight gabe after manager drew you want manager drew too it's just like an easy like warm-up you want to run through the company yeah just drew hill and gabe that's it drew hill's like an easy little quick thing and then gabe like i'll feel better about gabe because he's talking so much [ __ ] about that okay i was not ready i was thinking you're gonna be slow and like nice about it but you actually wait for it so i was i was trying to do this how was it going to be nice about it bro you came in there and you're talking so much [ __ ] to me expecting that hard man i wasn't ready for that and i was like knock your ass out you can't come in there and talk [ __ ] to somebody and not like be ready to be hit all right right that's fine sorry i love you go back to my understanding go back to miami what's good with you guys though everything's good relationship wise yeah employee i put gabe in his place when he needs to be put in his place i mean everyone needs everyone needs a little when does he gotta be like putting his place though uh cause i know when steve has to put me in like the guy [ __ ] like you said the happy dad [ __ ] i just okay my thing is like back to the nine oh [ __ ] it's like when you [ __ ] up and you [ __ ] up yeah you're like if you do something repetitively that we disagree with it's not like we're scared like we won't just sue someone like we're not scared of getting canceled to where we'll just like sue someone but if it's like if we personally like don't like something and someone keeps doing it it's more like i'm telling him for his own good i'm like yo dude like stop doing this or like but job wise he's pretty on point gabe's a beast yeah he's good i love what i do there's a that's a secret gabe's a beast me too cares about the company genuinely cares yeah me too hard worker i like planning so i was like yeah i'm gonna have his agenda he's gonna know what the [ __ ] he's gonna do i really like the dad hat look by the way oh thank you i think that's your look yeah so we did a lie detector test on gabe and he said that really he failed on he said he would [ __ ] me you and nick was not like this the question like that and and and all right what what and that's and that's everyone yeah he only failed get on the gamble what was the exact question but would you hook up would you [ __ ] steve i never have that feeling to be honest like i mean you guys are my like like both of you guys i have guys on my balls and i respect you guys so much i never have that feeling but like try to think of an example i mean i think we should probably like allocate sometimes for some hooker nights on this upcoming trip for gabe to be honest yeah i totally support that it's a smart move for work yeah i gotta have some fun sometimes bro did you hear a fan tried to sneak into my room in denver too oh yeah so let's talk about this a little bit so when we travel we have a little bit eh yeah when we travel we have like maybe we have twenty rooms twenty five minutes on that case yeah yeah let me show you let's open this see it's easy to open are they cold and there come code already so we have 20 25 rooms and then this guy comes at 2 a.m comes to the front that's okay hey hey i'm part of now vampire fulsan i'm a photographer and uh kai has a big emergency emergency i was like what the [ __ ] it's like yeah i gotta get your kaiser and gotta get to kyle's room but this is what he was saying to the front to the front ask yes and for some reason the guy from the front desk called houseguard's room i was like what the [ __ ] why not me but anyways so austin comes down to the lobby and this kid he kept trying to tell austin that he's a photographer of nelk trying so hard for like five minutes telling us to know i'm here for an emergency for kyle i gotta go up i gotta go up get me up and then austin's like man like i work with them like i'm i'm the one to do like does everything so then this guy's like oh yeah i'm so sorry to lie but like i'm actually a huge fan and i want to meet kyle so that's it went up and then like this kid was about to just snag a room key to my room and just walk up and just tap my room key and walk into my room in the middle of the night that's crazy and he almost did it yeah but like how [ __ ] weird is that in it on the next day next austin went down and [ __ ] shredded them that's lovely next day i woke up and i have a three miss phone calls on instagram of his account bro please let me go up please let me go up guy that was sitting outside of brick like what the [ __ ] so weird okay remember that no what guy huh what guy the weird guy that like was messaging me yo he's had that too but like with the weirdest of weird guys well someone came up to your guy's room no like he was just dming me like he traveled like across dude he like traveled like across the country and just sitting on the couch outside of uh outside of steve's place he's just waiting there yeah and then when steve pulls up he's like i don't even know i wasn't there but we had security there and [ __ ] but it's [ __ ] crazy bro yeah it's going it's getting hard he said he had a stalker chick too though that like would come to every club that we went to and sure like honestly like loki like she was pretty hot like definitely taking her down no she she was beautiful what's that girl we had the blonde girl that is kind of hot yeah you should have passed her to me bro i would have taken it no cuz i took her i took her that chick was bad you saw her too that she was hot no she was like a girl you would like like really brunette beautiful no she was [ __ ] she is gorgeous she's gorgeous oh yeah that was the same trick that yeah the same girl that turned me on [ __ ] because she's like she should try to [ __ ] me but so i brought her to my place and then she would just ask me just like uh oh yeah money questions that's the biggest like how much money i make how much is this condo any money question you could think of like or any just sews like i ended up just like not doing anything with it yeah faded her she was at my place at like four in the morning and i just went to bed because she asked me money questions after that we saw her like multiple times at the club like this was like a she's a stalker do you want that uh oh yeah you should have passed her to me no she's crazy she's hot you don't want that [ __ ] yeah but anyways getting traveling traveling and getting the security topic again we need to get better on this and i like i think the next trip we need to start doing like getting alias name to you guys room because i don't want that [ __ ] to happen no middle of the night this guy goes in and [ __ ] started jerking off and [ __ ] like the [ __ ] all right well we're not trying to [ __ ] have that happen but like there's a fire chick in your door yeah like what are you gonna do imagine it's like steve's a good guy imagine he actually had like more chick fans and a chick fan would just like go get a key to your room and just walk up and scan it and just walk in oh my god gonna give ideas to cheeks fans right now no don't do that gabe's like waiting like if like there's a guy if there's a guy stalker gabe's waiting like yo he's sleeping but like gabe will take him down you know that that's a different story yeah gabe's gonna tell the front desk like it's actually like a good deal or anyone to my room that requests it yeah any guys that request rooms you're gonna start posting your room number on your ig yeah you should play a vision that's how you do it are you guys looking good what's good miami what's good in this and just to get [ __ ] the amazing i don't do this buddy yeah you do you post it right when we land i probably land but like it's different you're a runway assassin right when you get data after the plane you just put your phone off the [ __ ] window like i like to tell people yeah you know like you got a little you're 26 now take a photo on the runway anymore yeah you do i love travel when i do that to like save they don't they don't accept like they don't have bitcoins at david grumman's part huh they don't they don't have big coins there so what the [ __ ] i have is amex is that a trip okay no i'm just kidding but yo like yeah you're tripping they don't sell bitcoins i would say they don't they don't because it's a brutal chair yeah it's bad it's like almost as bad as the cat thing straight up you know trip the cat thing really help me out but yeah it's gone up a lot like steve gave me permission to do those things yeah it gave i think that's the worst question in full scene podcast yeah yeah yeah yeah the cat question yeah you were crushing until then that question was you almost took bob's chair yeah you were the man for a second you're saying keep gabe yeah and then after the cat question you're just like do you ever uh what did you say i say like do you have no i don't know girls or just do you do that because forget girls because you love cats for real yeah that was yours that's the real question no that was everyone watching at home just probably [ __ ] clicked off our audience retention just [ __ ] sank everybody loved me on mike tyson episode by the way yeah i mean bro mike tyson's asking you to smoke a joint like man who's not gonna love that and like okay out of the respect of mike i do not smoke with tyson though like i don't smoke man like i don't do it i'm not as tiny i mean people tripped us for not doing dmt with them but you didn't even i don't get what's wrong with smoking you shouldn't i don't like smoking have you ever smoked no i'm not and i haven't so how do you know you don't like it because i don't know i don't want to walk up my mom [ __ ] dm me and texting me the [ __ ] hell out of me i don't know i just i don't know i never i never try it i never want to try i don't know maybe one day i don't know sure i'll never say never but kyle question for you i think let me ask questions pick up the public one i want to hear that and i want to ask you kyle and steve this in the here because we're talking a lot of like full standard conflicts and girls how are you ready are you going to bring up cats no i'm not like how's that going like how full stand that comes going it's good well like what can what can the fans expect for next year i just personally think that i think like youtube's fine right now but i think there's going to be a world in like i don't know how long but just in my experience on youtube like it's just and i don't want to just single at youtube because it is dope what youtube is is dope but i think there's going to be a world soon where like i mean dude who knows if we're going to be able to post like anything dude yeah like i don't know instagram right like instagram's getting deleted i have my condolences twice i honestly think instagram's way worse than youtube right now instagram's on some next level [ __ ] like it's like yeah that's my opinion but i believe that with the and the members only they're going to open more room for nelk to do more content like and show more yeah i just think like we got to prepare for if our youtube channel gets deleted or youtube's been kind of off our back with like age restricting videos a little bit but now it's starting to like they're starting to kind of like pick at us again and like you never know one week it could just completely change and they could just come out with some new rule that you can't do this you know and then if all our videos get age restricted we won't be able to sell merch yeah because we won't be able to like reach as many people and then it'll just slowly start to dwindle away so that's why i think we gotta like create our own platform anything that's gonna get more active with the test days more content more like creative stuff because right now we have the girls if we can make enough off that then we won't even need youtube no more and then we can like i don't know it'd be cool imagine not really worrying about like the views that much too like not worrying about the title and the thumbnail and just making like you had enough money where you could just like make whatever content you found funny and just like all you have to do is like kind of please the fans yeah because i wouldn't like worry as much about like views and it like doing so well every week and like you know what i mean steve yeah like that's a lot of pressure so much pressure man the pressure of it doing well is like the worst part of the job in my opinion yeah i think is gonna be huge bro yeah and then do you think with the full as well we're talking about fighting and and you say it about what do you say about signing signing efforts and fighter do you think they're gonna be that's something related to or it's like something who are you trying to sign i don't know i mean we're not gonna sign uh a fighter that's already big ever so we were with dana the other in denver dana was randomly in denver um he hit me up and he's like what are you doing and i i was like you're in denver this weekend he's like no way i'm in denver so we met up with them for the the fights and he uh he was doing is looking for a fight show where he scouts random fighters and then he told me he's like yo let's do an episode where like all of us go and he'll put together like a sick card of up-and-coming fighters like up like some good fighters and he'll sign a guy to the ufc and we can choose someone that gets a ufc contract like any we'll watch like 10 fights that night and we'll choose someone like yo you have a ufc contract and we also give you a full send contract that's crazy so we're we're going to choose a up and coming fighter everyone was replying saying like sign colby covington signed sugar shawn but i mean we would love why like to sign him exclusively i'm sure he's getting like crazy offers right we'll have the bag one day to do that but it would also be cool to just sign an up-and-coming fighter and like lock him down and then also like that's our guy that we're like cheering for yeah that's something that's that's really good as well for moving both channels that'd be sick a lot of stuff that we can show that we can show to on the so it's gonna be like yeah but that's not really a thing no no i mean gabe is so funny i'm sorry just the way you talk man you're so good you're gay professionals gabe thinks he's oprah are we going to the are we going to the fight in vegas and 11 yeah we're going yeah you going i don't know where we're going bro what do you mean you're coming with us i don't know if you're reaching yo okay but like yo it's kind of gabe out of that we'll roll with the boys but um sean's fighting we've been we've been we've had that on the calendar yeah he's good friends with sugar this guy yeah steiny well me yeah i mean steve's boys he's a cool guy i never met him he's a [ __ ] man bro he can't work hard play hard yo that weekend he came out one weekend i think you hit him up right isn't it isn't he an open relationship yeah yeah bro that weekend i think he pulled it off right you hit him up um no he he messaged me the day after his fight he stayed up all night and he was um he was like severely [ __ ] up he messaged me uh a video of himself i learned i forgot what the video was but anyways i said to come through to miami and he did because i knew he was a big 69 fan so i was like do you want to just hang out with six nine and he's just like yeah then came to miami and stayed with us for like bro four days that was the craziest weekend of my life the craziest weekend partying no it was like we picked this guy from the airport i was kind of star struck to meet him because he's like the man dude yeah man and then we pick him up we go to six nine softball game yeah him and tim his trainer start like partying so it's sorry to interrupt but is six nine is he is he good at softball he was okay i mean they put him at shore stop like that's the best position he shouldn't have been there like can six times like catch like a ground ball and [ __ ] or you see we had [ __ ] uh like home run derby in the video yeah and yo bro so that's part of the thing is like you went you hit you actually hit a good ball but six nine goes hits a grounder bradley strikes out suga shawn walks in there bro and hits a [ __ ] bomb like yeah where you're like yo this guy's a [ __ ] athlete you know what i mean like crazy you're just like holy [ __ ] like it was badass bro i saw them talking about on the on the logan paul park uh on impulsive and they were saying his buddy his buddies there too right what's his buddy's name tim tim was saying like tim was kind of saying that they were partying too much like he's like he was saying like yo sugar shawn like if we want to be champ i think we gotta like stop partying or we gotta change our goals and just say like we're not going to be champ like like so he just like sends hard i don't have a boss that weekend when he's not training he does yeah he just got a dub though right yeah but when he's training like he's training yeah steve bought him an ap just buzzes tiny rainbow amp ap and then so tough to not send like how can you not send when you're like like imagine someone just said like you can't send no more i'd be like [ __ ] that guy's gotta send yeah well that's why he goes so hard because he he doesn't drink for like yeah however many weeks yeah so when he can he he doesn't but it was like crazy that's dope and open crazy open relationship open relationship that's right and this girl is cool with it it's the best relationship i feel like girls are never cool with it forever though i feel like open relationships are always a temporary thing i think that they just say yesterday does she get the relationship a little bit more like you're fighting dave what do you think about that i'm saying like i think in the beginning they would just say that together relationship is spice it up a little bit more have you been maybe in the beginning i've never been in a relationship before you've never been lost no i've never been locked before too horny for like like multiple guys i do want to i've been like i've been looking forward to camping i don't know like i think with my lifestyle right now like traveling and stuff like that the way we do you'll be a little bit hard but i want to i want to have somebody so i can call like hang out you're too much of a dog too yeah i'm really romantic i'm not a dog we're finding somebody with somebody i'm like no you're a dog i'll be no i'm not man if gabe if gabe started like traveling with his partner on trips would you be pissed you can't that can't happen right no i mean no other assistants bring their like chicks and [ __ ] yeah if you had a girl you wouldn't bring your chick no oh he would 100 no he wouldn't if he could still definitely maybe like a one-night thing maybe yeah my birthday maybe right my birthday pass when's your when's your birthday next year april 21st yeah it's good i think opening relationship is fine yeah you are a romantic [ __ ] guy though i am i like the roses i like to give flowers like you know because when i do stuff for you like you want your boyfriend to like feed you cheesecake in bed and [ __ ] ahead yeah that would be so good no i'm like no let me stop by there oh yeah what's your type like what do you look for in a guy besides a fat [ __ ] which we know you like i know gabe he loves a good fat [ __ ] how do you know that he said he talks about it yeah mikhail have some talks uh i don't know i like a guy that's like [ __ ] i don't know from the spot right now yeah of like steiny right no no you would be into me though but it's not gonna happen like you like like big jack guys yeah you do like fans i haven't i have my styles i have my skinny dudes i have my like my like big and jacked or like barely 18 looking from what i've noticed oh my god well i'm like a guy like you like i like you like 19. pretty boy looking i'm not saying 19 years old kids no i'm like people younger than me i don't feel guys that like university like you see in movies they're like those guys that bully people in the [ __ ] college [ __ ] you know like those guys like oh i'm the man i share but like in the end they're not a man trust me they i always go to the side and then yeah those guys what does that mean he's in the bullies knowing bully's team was like what you're saying so the bully guys they always take it in the ass i'm saying those guys they're like in school like oh i'm the [ __ ] man i'm like like i'm everything they're not that they're not that much man like in bed no they're not that straight they always go sideways sometimes oh so i like those kind of guys i don't know i don't even know what my type of guy to be honest i like a cute guy somebody romantic like blue eyes maybe green eyes i don't know brown eyes brown eyes black i mean four people passed right anyone but blacks no yeah no blacks i don't feel attractive for african-american people no i don't it's not black or not black white and it's not like that it just i don't but yeah i'm i'm looking for somebody i think he's right no i'm not like why is that a thing no i think no you like i don't have i don't i have blue eyes but like you're good like it's okay i'll tell you that i feel for that for somebody else i would have said i have to be really really [ __ ] up but it's like funny i feel like you've seen that i feel like you guys bicker so much you just like like each other it's like it's all love but i'm like i'm straight bro yeah would you ever just get just [ __ ] up and just try it steiny i feel like you would if i could basically dude like baseball it's like yo i'm focused you today i feel like if you were on like a really dry streak [Laughter] you'd you'd get like a quick gun you'd get a quick gummer from gabe holy [ __ ] i was observing you today and like bro you're kind of like when steve would ask you like you'd hesitate a little bit i have said i wouldn't say no i mean we've gone on like we've gone not like yo dude i'm 100 straight you guys like ever like flirt on dates no bro like this is crazy we go out for dinner and stuff but i'll take gabe to dinner because it's like fun to talk to gabe and like he's a friend of mine and he buys himself but like i'll buy stuff from him i'll buy because it's like fun for me it's like funny like it's like yo you bought me shoes already but it's not like that no like i'm not i like that i don't like these expensive shoes steiny yeah i know they work like it's not like that okay but i love you but like not like you bought it with the with the bitcoins he stole from you yeah yeah there you go you either stole my bitcoin or you're in the gabe yeah so anyways thanks for watching guys i think we should wrap up right now oh what gabe is the host who the [ __ ] do you think you are someone just put that [ __ ] there right now he's your boss well you just footed that [ __ ] right there this is [ __ ] [ __ ] see he bosses you around like how do you just think you could just end the pod like yeah because that's actually a little disrespectful yo you actually no like i'm sure the fans are watching and they never want us to end the pod yo and you just jumped in you got to discipline him you don't ever discipline because i think on the fence too we got to put that part up for tomorrow you've got to do something in the later scene i get to work so hard so like kyle you let him do whatever he wants bro it's funny so so when you say that nick's editing the pod is that because you just like have feelings for him and [ __ ] and you're like i do have fitness no i feel like a hard worker i feel like your affection for one of our employees is getting in the way of your work ethic no it's not hard it is though well like i just wanted to have time able to work so what was that what if chaffee was adding the podcast would you feel us sympathetic for him you [ __ ] look at the whole night i'm gonna [ __ ] about him this is crazy man control your guy bro seriously yes we run a tight ship over here i told you i don't control the style you don't listen to it so but serious though all right guys so we're going to wrap up the pod because we got to get this up we're filming it the day before but um a hundred thousand likes and like we said we're going on a big trip to like mexico and [ __ ] probably gonna be some hookers involved um it's a lot of work to bring the whole pod set up we didn't plan on doing a pod but if we got 100 000 likes we'll do a hooker pod so we'll you know we'll we'll sit down we'll chat and we'll have some hookers with us so we'll talk with the hookers or we'll just each have our own hooker as kind of like our little pet dog maybe like each of us has like a side hustle means time also um yeah all right yeah i don't know if you'll be on the pod but a hundred thousand likes a hundred thousand we'll get games come on boys please a hundred thousand likes this this part right here oh my god man we'll get you a hooker just just have fun no yeah you'll you'll you'll get a hooker for sure that's right a hundred thousand likes let's go and yeah like we said the full sun drop goes live this monday november 22nd it's the last drop of the year um we fired up all the [ __ ] in the warehouse and [ __ ] and we actually intimidated them and got a little physical so uh if they don't get the drop out in time by christmas um things are gonna be very very bad for them and [ __ ] so um there's also free shipping on orders over 150 dollars so ooh last drop of the year boys let's go [Music]
Views: 5,073,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, The NELKBOYS on being Hunted by the Escobar Family and Cartel in South America! | FULL SEND PODCAST, salim, saliimthedream, full send podcast, fullsend podcast, nelk golf, nelk prank, steve will do it, nelk wine, nelk mike tyson, nelk podcast channel, virgins nelk, we got our virgin fan to pump again
Id: f9xgrsfm-Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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