Shaq's Competitive “Beef” with Kobe Bryant & Secret to Getting Girls with Druski

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] show up finally what do you mean times have changed you bailed on the flight you flew out of la sit down let's go you're in the fastest way possible all right let's get into this we're at the red rock full sun podcast this episode four episode four episode uh shout out to the red rock for hosting us here shout out tall brothers shout out to the red rock but i mean i'm paying for [ __ ] chicken fingers over here and i'm bringing in a-listeners like mr drewski and i'm paying for chicken fingers the [ __ ] going on sorry but uh love this place let's get into that actually i heard i just met with tall who like sets us up at the red rock yeah most gracious guy he said he set us up with everything every time we come here we get this room totally for free yeah everything free and i heard i heard you were complaining last time you came here of course i was you know uh here's the deal they said you spent you expected everything to be comped and you spent ten thousand dollars on booze you know when you bring one of the most prestigious best running backs in the league j.k dobbins young guy by the way oh you brought him rod dobbins and by the way he was responsible for 9 900 so like i you know all i said was look you scratched my back i scratched yours you know you called dana i i did not call dana i i worked it through uh through tov he said he got a call from the fertitus well you know you call them the big guns yeah they're calling the big guns sometimes but you know this place is great it really is great i'm not gonna make this the [ __ ] red rock episode here but we are uh very nice to be here uh so our guest is drewski tonight trueski welcome into the uh full set podcast if you guys don't know drewski uh one of the funniest guys on the internet really funny absolutely killing it one of those guys just [ __ ] genuinely talented uh we're genuinely fans of we've been trying to get drewski on we had to we had to get shaq on just to get drewski on so that's that's that's what i'm about that's how much she's killing me they finagled me into the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is shaq man wait a minute just shut the [ __ ] up it's supposed to be a surprise for the audience guys what the [ __ ] you doing to me i'm only here for shaq it's true i know be patient he hasn't really responded back yet but listen this is a make or break right now if shaq doesn't show up how does it go with her without shaq let me get that clear i know but i'm just saying me as an add-on at the end okay just like probably you don't tell the whole thing yeah you'll never tell the whole thing no i just look i i felt that you know i screwed up a couple times in the episodes you know you've been crushing it yeah but if shaq doesn't show up this audience will turn fast your people are not nice getting some bad dm's but i think it's like i think a lot i think people love bob but just your people uh like a lot of them don't have youtube accounts i didn't tell you when i went home my people will be the people you'll never hear about they're lurking in the shadows and they will take you out at any given time [ __ ] are your fans bro bro when i went home i saw my uncle i saw my uncle he's like 50 something and he said he's been following you for like three years what the [ __ ] does that mean you know i mean i don't have six year old fans out there bro you know we don't have six-year-old fans no 16. yeah so what do you what you've been up to you've been [ __ ] oh man you've been traveling a lot and [ __ ] hanging with drizzy see how they do it see how y'all boys do i have nothing to do with this and it's crazy every time i come around i talk like this when i was talking to y'all behind the scenes people i'm like yeah yeah it's [ __ ] man nah uh i was actually on set yesterday for uh uh a movie i can't announce but it's gonna be i'm making a cameo on a pretty big movie coming up how many [ __ ] like different projects do you got like going i feel like you got like i have at least i have at least close to 10 big projects like behind the scenes that are not like that are unannounced right now wow and they're all like big [ __ ] yeah it's pretty big [ __ ] yeah like bob's like project is like promoting like a cryptocurrency or some [ __ ] but he's like guys he's fantasy leaders he's trying to get me in bob's promised me a million dollar fantasy league [ __ ] deal for two years shaquille o'neal walks through that door you're all [ __ ] bowing to me all right all right care about these people right here that's all i care about i'm gonna keep providing amazing guests and bring them in here for you guys that's why shaq's gonna walk through that [ __ ] door in 15 minutes but what do you got right now you got like the mountain dew thing yeah i got a mountain dew pepsi well mountain dew is pepsi um [ __ ] what do we got uh call of duty um we got beats by dre that we just did um it's amazing what's another one we just recently did god damn madden oh yeah we just did madden uh holy yeah we it's pretty pretty brand friendly here and you're [ __ ] with jack harlow's like your guy now i see every post with harlow but that's been your guy now actually i'm getting kind of worried about youtube spend a lot of time together well that's a good good friendship man we've been you know friends since 2019 but oh really now it's being like as we've grown together on like globally on tv it's showing like you know everybody thinks we're like this friendship that just started but we've honestly been friends since way before either one of us was popular you know does he just get [ __ ] thrown at him all the time actually at first yo he wasn't getting no [ __ ] bro i went on tour with him 2019 yeah dude yo he wouldn't get no goddamn [ __ ] man listen this [ __ ] he he's a goddamn sex symbol now i don't know what happened listen i couldn't even tell y'all what happened i don't know he left me in the dust though girls i tried i tried to get us some of the ones that say they they dm me like yo can i uh could you hook me up with her i'd be like yeah just you know come to me first you know that's crazy yeah but not he's all jokes aside he's he's like a legit like sex symbol now like he's that so he's getting [ __ ] like every day yeah isn't he [ __ ] that yeah he's got an old lady don't know oh he doesn't oh [ __ ] no he was cool when we went to him yeah man nah he's definitely he's crushing though i think he has the potential to be like like a mogul in the space too you could tell like i could tell he's like very smart with like the moves he makes and [ __ ] too like he's like he's like elevating quick drawings and that's that's that's why i [ __ ] with him so hard man we were just talking to somebody about it like our relationship is like we always compete so we're like super competitive so when i see him do something like i've recently just got on hbo i've seen that today yeah he got on hbo [ __ ] i'm gonna play with what i sent him in the dm because i told him i was like yo that's a huge look bet congratulations to all that right so now i'm like matches right after that just being competitive how i am i was just fat [ __ ] you know i just kind of said i'm not to let them know just let them know like yo i'm coming all right i got some more [ __ ] i can help you i can up to hannah you know but yeah nah i think it's a healthy friendship though cause we're both like competitive and trying to do big [ __ ] and so there's a lot there's a lot of people that [ __ ] with you though like when you see his people it's all everybody every rapper every nba guy every nfl guy everybody [ __ ] with you yeah i mean why is that funny but like you mean uh i think do any rappers like hate you huh do any rappers just like hate you like every rapper loves you but [ __ ] yeah okay i'm thinking is there that one rapper that's just like yo yeah yeah i'm waiting what reason yeah he's such a little that's what i'm wondering no i think well i've just been making i'm a friendly dude nobody ever want to fight you yeah you're a decent guy i mean but at the end of the day i'm also you know uh you're from atl yeah so that's like what did you what did you do before and i'm a label manager it could have been record so what did you do before that but no not to [ __ ] with us what did you do before this yeah like before what like before like you were doing all this [ __ ] like blew up i don't know instagram everything oh [ __ ] yeah like what was your like com like how did you start working on a goddamn red lobster somewhere i took it up damn yeah but no yeah how did you how did you just like start like i don't think we ever talked about that yeah no we never did uh i just had to give a little [ __ ] it bro cause i tried so much [ __ ] and i was i was uh just comparing myself to people that i wasn't like doing like i really wasn't doing [ __ ] like i i kept catching myself saying like yo like i'm funny like yo i mean that joke was funny but i couldn't set it funnier or yeah no that dude's funny but he's all right that i would say that about like people that i looked up to like i was comparing myself to somebody who was already doing this [ __ ] but i'm like yo i'm not [ __ ] doing it myself what the hell am i doing you know what i'm saying so i just had to get some [ __ ] in my system and uh and then while you started like like ig get a leap of faith man i was just like yo i'm i'm about to just i'm quitting everything and i'm going to focus on one thing no plan b everything's plan a and plan b my plan b is plan a so yeah this [ __ ] don't work i'm still going towards it what i'm saying so yeah are you with with any uh you like because obviously when you get the clout you get more the [ __ ] comes and that's an ongoing topic in our show right now what the [ __ ] i wonder everything revolves back to [ __ ] here no i mean we're just obviously we're three no no because like for me i i i didn't get any [ __ ] until i started with them so like i wonder like how it was like when you were because it's a different type of funny you know what i mean you were doing yeah i mean uh yeah you know listen man females are out there do you pull the card though like do you do like what i do i'm like hey nice to meet you i'm bobby nice to meet you drewski's the lover boy he's looking for the right one yeah like this time respect women be a good guy don't get pj washington you feel me don't get pj watched what i'm saying is you pull out the [ __ ] card like i'm drewski from instagram birds just recognized drewski bro obviously like yeah oh what do you mean i'm a 10 what the [ __ ] you thought i wasn't getting [ __ ] before what i'm looking like i'm not saying that i'm a massive [ __ ] dude no you don't drew you look good because we go we when we go out with drewski i see who comes up to him and [ __ ] yeah good like a girl would come up to dr like i saw a smoke show walk up to him and she was just like saying that i'm just asking if he's in a tough spot and you're trying to like you really like a girl right so you really like a girl and you walk up to your taco juice right and sometimes you just have to pull that card if she's not giving it to you right but you really want it oh so all right so what card do you mean like so like yeah so like hey you wanna you guys are saying all these [ __ ] secret words smoke shows okay okay the difference with drewski is no offense it's like the girl already knows who drewski is so like she knows he's not like you bob you have to like they gotta see that you have to like like you have to show them your graham then they're like whoa what the [ __ ] this guy's got three mills guess what did you see the girl right now i don't mind it yeah you're not gonna lie she's a smoke show when they know they know and it's over yeah i just look at 80 percent it's it's it's i'm proud of it i'm proud of what i built i just want to want to share with the ladies you guys uh do you see me and celine were talking about it uh the drake and kanye [ __ ] too i don't watch the news i just saw it yeah what is the hell yeah what is up with that y'all asking me hey listen i'm asking y'all i feel like you're the guy kanye kanye uh posted drake's address on his on his feed yeah i see that yesterday but like everybody knows i guess that's why i was asking saleem do people from that are not from toronto like think everyone from toronto knows where drake lives like it's not yeah i think that's why he left it off though because it was kind of like all right you're not doing [ __ ] and then i think people must have told kanye they must have been like bro everybody knows where drake lives like it's like a public thing like the addresses i think people it's like on that weird rant [ __ ] again man he goes up and down it seems like a little like a roller coaster of emotions i think drake has some like crazy [ __ ] on him that he's just like jabbing kanye and he's just waiting for kanye to say something and then he's just gonna [ __ ] you think he's gonna sweat demons you think he ain't sweating this kanye thing not not by a bit bro i think but that'd be a sick that'd be a thing that would be amazing yeah i mean yeah no they're they're they're both legends but i think right now we know who got it done of course obviously what do you mean like tom was here bro maybe i see people commenting they're like it's probably just a [ __ ] press run it's not if you want to listen be honest be honest yeah if you're if you're thinking about who's taking the [ __ ] summer oh and let's say both of them already dropped who's going to have obviously dreams the summer yeah i'm sorry drake's going to have the summer kanye hasn't like he hasn't had like a banger in like something yeah i don't even know what it is well no but everybody knows where his house lives like i think people just drive dude did he actually put him i i seen that kanye uh put drake in a group chat with pusha t i seen that i don't think i don't know if drake was in that chat though was he like i don't like i seen it and i was like whoa like everyone was like posting about it like i don't know anyways i think i think yeah i think drake's got some like ammo and he's just waiting for kanye to say something and then he's just gonna drop drake's gonna see you guys hear that he can't wait do you hear that deep voice from the distance sir shaq i think he's here oh my goodness and look what the cat dragged in huh you know he said he was reliable [Laughter] [Music] right there [ __ ] let's replay that you rammed my [ __ ] back no how about we but so my [ __ ] wasn't going against the black guy wait no no no this is why shaq i changed my number that's seven seven two straight guys take off labels did you change your number number you texted me on the number you already texted me on it we had a communication with my you have the wrong number on here but thank you for coming what's that is that that is hopefully miss memory i'm miss mary summers shaquille o'neal she's like no [ __ ] i told you i wasn't lying actually you dude you were uh you were i guess that's why you bring her to every podcast just shut up kyle for a minute just shut up look who i got on the podcast um hey you were a huge help to me i wanted to just thank you you were a really good wingman for me oh with her no that's the one no i broke up i broke up my ex-girlfriend but talking about that don't talk about ex-girlfriend's way girlfriend's around trust me just don't do it no ever okay she's right there i know i know no we're we have a good thing going on no okay go so we're gonna change topics to the nba we will start with bob gave me the wrong number i want to know because we always talk about how bob pitches [ __ ] to people like what how what did he tell you about this what did he even tell you so bob is probably on one of the only guys i'm jealous of because the way he does his stuff is something i've always wanted to start it i always wanted just to start an ebonic sports network because look there's two ways to talk it's the corporate way like we all talk and then how he does it so when i first heard him and i saw him i started following him he was nice to me and you know we've been friends ever since so whenever bob calls out i'm always there for bob because he he makes me laugh you know he does stuff that i wish i could do i wish me and chuck could talk like he talked on it on tnt that would that would definitely bring the ratings up you're getting closer do you ever come you guys ever slip up it's all live that you do right chuck slipped on one time is it little delay is there a little no it's uh it's our life yeah not one time one time what was it i think i know one time a year oh okay he uh what was the uh the what was i gonna say they no they wanted to get back to you though you were you were i have to say because you're a good wingman i don't care shaq with my ex-girlfriend went and bro what no he gave me he was he he facetimed her like the request that i asked jacqueline get kiki it's not gonna be listen we're working i'm telling you the truth i got it she went out of his way i said look at i said i said can you be i don't want to be like a good wingman and can you [ __ ] facetime her dad shaq [ __ ] facetime your dad like that's the kind of guy he is okay but if i was you i would have just like not told that story because right now it would have felt special that you brought shaq on your presence stupid i mean now you just [ __ ] it up all right what's going on i'm working on my relationships by day i'm being coming a better person and trying to be what are you doing in vegas by the way um d i'm a uh residency over at the win encore so i had a show saturday got another show friday in san bernardino calgary on saturday and then back at the win saturday night god damn that's crazy is it hip-hop like you play hip-hop or no dub stepping uh edm really yeah why uh dubstep and edm i went to a concert five years ago tomorrow world and i saw half a million people no cops no fights just jamming and they gave me something that i've been missing since i retired gave me that adrenaline boost because i like that's all i live for coming to arena whether it's at home or the opposing arena fifteen sixteen thousand people screaming and i watched tiesto and steve a uh steve aoki and when the beach drop you see a half a million people doing this and i've been djing since 88 i just got away from him when i started doing that [ __ ] shackman i've been dj since high school college but when i uh luckily got my album deal i kind of got away from it but so then i uh oh yeah yeah i hired this manager and you know they they put me in the celebrity dj category because all the celebrity djs are terrible right and they thought i didn't know what i'm doing so i had to pay my duels i i had a [ __ ] circuit and then finally i said hey give me give me one chance to rock a crowd 100 000 if i don't do well fire me i'll never do it again so i did lost lines about three years ago killed it and i did a lot of palooza last year but you know those like clubs are cool but the festivals bro that's just like being at the finals that must be game seven you up two games and if you win this game everybody's celebrating and you know good thing about music is i know the music i have kids that are really into it and i got a guy named brian that does the craziest drop so i've been doing pretty good so far you produced any of your own [ __ ] ever or no every now and then yeah yeah every night do you like do you party you get like [ __ ] up when you're doing it or i don't drink sir oh okay i remember that actually yeah i remember that nice quick with that response too my advice is hookah oh really sweet no no drinks no cannabis just woke up nice so you go like what's the big draw of hookah lounges i've never seen hookah's just so chill yeah okay cigar leaves a nasty smell on the nasty tastes cannabis never did it hookah's right in the middle you know they have different flavors doesn't leave the taste in your mouth or in your clothes so i just decided to you know start doing that and you know hooker bar is a chill i don't really go out to clubs and hang out anymore but rather than stay home all day and go to hookah bar sit chill you know just have a good time how many shows you got so you're helping with the interview again this week no i'm just saying like i did i did one thing you were doing you're doing nothing and you're doing something else wait me yeah you well i have two shows right this is this is a good show well i had ripped my goose and [ __ ] shaq him on ribbon goose you know so uh and you had another one i had them with lauren timmy remember girl um my thing with bob shack is i think i agree with you he's one of the most funny guys but i don't know how much he told about you but i think he just needs a you need like a strict regimen like this we need a little infrastructure because this guy's so funny and talented he just needs to he needs to focus on like one thing and just i have to disagree with you on that what do you think i was watching a movie and the guy said you could he said you could run down and do one or you could walk down and do them all think about what i'm saying you know we don't know when when when it's our time to go take advantage of all opportunities period like people look at me and say why are you doing so much one because it's opportunity and two because i have time and it's fun to do so focus on one thing never do you still have the biggest bed in the world i remember that what did we talk about yes it's orlando right yeah it's in orlando and how big is it it fits 50 people 50 what have you ever had 50 people in the bed do you have a piece of paper uh i'm sure we can get one yeah gabe or somebody can we uh get shaquille o'neal piece of paper and where i know youtube from bro i met you through your son okay on facetime yeah yeah i know i know shakir and uh sharif oh yeah i know you guys look this way big piece dude i brought him an index card he's he's brazilian i mean kyle's telling me you're talking about running a good operation here you're just here sticky note where's your assistant bro he's so god knows he's probably gambling downstairs he's probably he's probably gambling i ran away with your check man thank you no i don't need a pin asking that question again about have i ever had 50 people on my bed uh so have you ever had 50 people in that large bed of yours yeah one time [Laughter] got it got it it's hard to get a lot out of me we need the raw [ __ ] we need the real deal on this podcast a lot of static in your microphone just how we do we're censoring it's that day and age now are you ever afraid of that now with all that stuff going on i want to beat a dead horse with all the cancellation stuff and all that you ever nervous you're gonna slip up or anything like that i try to tell people that i'm a real model instead of a role model everybody makes mistakes one if i make a mistake i want you to learn from my mistake uh i probably won't make a purposeful mistake it may make an accidental mistake but i just try to be as respectful and righteous as i can times are different you can't say things like you used to can say and i'm all about people and respecting people so i just try to respect people as much as possible but it ain't something i worry about because i'm i'm a good guy you know cost you nothing to be nice if you're nice to me i'm gonna be nice i don't get in people's business i don't get in people's politics i don't want to be involved in that all i want to do is make people laugh similar to you all i want to do is help those in need and all i want to do is show children the right way to get it done and those are my three paths and you know i stay in my lane i don't bash people on social media i don't talk about people unless it's basketball players because that's my job but you know uh street rule number one is always mind your own business you think the nba has become like too sensitive oh yes yes very very sensitive very soft very political but you know and i hate this term but people say this is the era we live in so i guess we have to accept it one thing i will not accept is okay play being looked at as great play i ain't letting that [ __ ] slide ever uh you know i've been through the era mike charles malone stockton all these great guys so i don't know what greatness looks like so you know i i said something about don dimitry one time and everybody who everybody is start bashing me oh but they but they're not listening to what i'm saying what i'm saying is i play with penny hardaway kobe bryant d wade lebron james steve nash and if you ain't on that level i don't know what grade is no he he's really good player on his way but you know to try to crown him as the next and then i said okay if he's crowned the next where is he ranked you know right now and people were saying five six seven i said well i don't know where y'all come from but being fifth is not acceptable to me if i'm not number one or number two don't bring my name up ever who is the biggest [ __ ] talker that you used to go against back then when you're playing well a lot of them uh let's see gp used to talk a lot of trash garnet used to talk trash but when you come from the place that we come from it's normal i grew up like that talking crazy to me just gets me motivated like i used to try to talk to guys to see who i was dealing with like if i said something to you and you buckled up i knew i had you every time if i said something in the paper and you responded i knew i had you every time if i knew you were soft i would dig in a little deeper like is that your wife in the other room i'm gonna hit that you get it oh yeah all the time so you're going oh yeah yeah is that your wife and other people no no but i'm just saying i would do something like yo is that your wife another room let's see i got 15 now by the end of the game i'm gonna get 40 then i'm gonna get our number really oh yeah so you went deep you went dark very deep enough then after the game were you always like hey man that was just no you don't do that you went and actually got the wife [Laughter] has anything ever like set you off that a player has ever said to you like in a game where you're like okay now i'm coming after him no because when i grew up i grew up watching karate movies and the basis of all the movies i watched is at some point the student must take the teacher out and i like to take my jealousy and turn it into me taking care of business like the first time i seen magic johnson and tom cruise and eddie murphy and those guys how people treated them i was like that's what i want i want that and then okay how do i get that hey magic won five championships tom cruise did this eddie murphy did that i said okay no problem and you just and you know you just work towards it uh you know first time i i seen jordan and how he got the respect from the referees and how when he touched the ball and made a shot the crowd went crazy i want that so when you want something you just got to go get it and there's many ways to go get it you know my way is to just fight fight fight and just take it and i'm not i'm not shaking no hands i'm not you know i'm not disrespecting people i'm just you know going out there and take it i take pride in saying i was the last one to beat michael jordan in the playoff situation and everybody has their own did you just say it again one more time i take pride in being the last guy to beat michael jordan in playoff situation everybody's going to say oh he came back from baseball but my thing is if you step on that court and i know he has the same mentality if you own that court that means you're ready to go what would michael what would michael say back to you if you heard that michael would michael would say the same thing that i said yeah and then because i know michael actually learned from michael and the next year they came back and demolished us you know make sure we didn't win the game i'm sure he was a little rusty when he came back yeah mike suck when he came back y'all let's keep it real yeah he didn't suck i mean a year no he came back number 45. he knew not to get 23. he didn't suck what happened was they they they gave up their strategy oh we got these be three big guys we're just going to file shaq and i shot pretty good from the free throw line that year that's what happened is he the best i've ever played the game oh yeah yeah michael jordan what was your what was your your strongest team you think what year lakers what year they they three seated man yeah the three p years the three p years and then the year that we could have got number four but we lost two of detroit so you know those are my best years with orlando i i noticed you played for orlando obviously you think that could have ever you think uh your timing out in orlando would have ever worked out like could have worked out or we definitely could have got one no doubt the thing in orlando was listen when you're young and silly you chase useless titles like i know when i got there i was the man but then when penny got there he thought he was the man yeah and we were fighting over [ __ ] useless titles that didn't make sense so the year before i left penny set out because he wanted to get more money which is fine with me because i know if you get a hundred no disrespect to you my brother i got to get 150. did you not respect that no i loved it like i i i said look he gonna miss some games take care of him give him what he want they gave it to him but then when it was time for me to get my money he kind of disappeared so i was like okay you want it it's all yours now and then me going to la it was i was already familiar with the lakers every time we lost in orlando i'm in l.a the next day movies albums just hanging out so i already had a beach i already knew my beach house i already knew my way around so it was it was you know fun for me and it was you know time for me to do something different growing up in a military family i'm used to moving every four years and if it don't work on the four years you re-up and you relocate so since i was familiar with and and they had a similar team i was like i'm gonna go to la but but the craziest thing and i always tell a story jerry west met me in a hotel he said i got some good news and some bad news i said what's the bad news this i can't get you to 150 you guys for but i can get you 120 and i got some movie deals signed up for it that'll come out to about 180. and i said [ __ ] let me see the contract so he showed me the contract and i've never seen so many zeros in my life my first contract was 40 million and but when i've seen that one 24 7 with the option after three to renew i was like man and as i'm signing he puts his hand on my shoulder he said let me tell you something i just got this kid i just got this kid he said in two or three years you and him going a lot of championships but i'm not i'm like yeah okay but i'm trying to sign and he was talking about kobe jerry west yep happy birthday yeah happy birthday what kind of teammate was he you guys are both competitive as ever you know do you have a brother i have a brother your fight we fight exactly what it is and i kind of perpetuated it out of the locker room because one thing i understood was marketing so yeah i don't like him he don't like me and everybody talked about us that's all i want that's all i want oh what's what's kobe and shaq gonna do are they still fight that's all i wanted and kind of went too far to where people kind of believed it but if you believed it if we believed that you think we went three out of four if it was real you think that when we won our first championship 30 000 people in the arena one guy runs and jumps in my arm so it's all it was was a respectful big brother little brother relationship and i have a brother we don't get i mean i'm no one said we don't get along it ain't peaches in green we fight we argue we love and respect i know when he came to the hole and got double team he was looking for me when i got double team i was looking for him you don't always have to agree you don't always have to be pussyfooting around kissing each other holding hands it's all about respect i respected that he was going out to get 20. he respected i was going out to get 30 35 and it worked and you know he had the same mentality that i had when it was time for him to take over and he wanted to be the man they said you know what we're gonna stay with the younger shaq and we're gonna i mean we're gonna stay with the younger coal and get rid of the old shack and it's business i understand business i still have a great relationship with the bus family and i just said to myself okay i was in la i spent two terms this game has no loyalty i was getting older and they knew that you know after winning all those championships i'm coming back in the 200 range and then they was like well we don't want to pay a guy all this money he's going to be 42 would do something else so i accepted it you know we still you know act like we didn't like each other and you know the game was fun but it was all about respect if the respect was lost then we'd have a real story but ain't no real story you know some of the greatest groups and duos had had had beef look at the beatles look at the beatles one of the greatest groups of all time they had especially during such a competitive game you know when you're playing such a competitive game it just comes out naturally he was he was obviously you know super competitive guy you got any good stories that just showed that competitive edge that he had remember his remember his rookie year you know he'd always like i could do stuff in my head without practicing but he would do stuff in his head in practice so like we in the game going over warm-ups and he'd just get up and go what the [ __ ] really yeah just like you know like you know like get get us moving take a dribble to his leg but come back pump fake [ __ ] like he'd like he would actually do that already yeah like he was our thing but and then he and then he'd go in the game and do it and he was like damn so you know we knew that uh we knew that with his determination that you know he was going to be somebody yeah and like he's he's the guy he's like a he's he's a a workaholic workaholic i'm a workaholic but i got [ __ ] to do before an athlete he's he's a workaholic worker worker like he'll get it done and then like he'll do his other stuff but i'm you know you know club yeah records yeah spreading it out a little bit but he was he was all over the [ __ ] yeah he was all was he always the last one to leave the gym first one to show up first one there definitely i mean you know like like all that last to leadership that don't really mean nothing like what if you can't play it doesn't let me like you feel that yeah i mean like what if you can't play and you're the last one to leave the gym i don't mean nothing but it's the first one there yeah yeah he was always but he always practiced like it was a game i'm the type like i had to pace myself who is uh who do you think is like similar to kobe now nobody stop it well i mean like you got kyrie and devon stop do you think the sun's gonna beat the uh the bucks this year i thought they had a shot remember giannis wasn't playing but but to answer your question over there young fella similar to kobe no one even close no one yeah kyrie and then and then i don't think they want to be compared to kobe i think they're trying to make their own mark but yeah like you know you always ask people who's who's who are you compared to mike i don't compare anybody to mike but if i had to answer the question kobe is the closest thing to mike and is there somebody that's close to kobe no is lebron close to surpassing mj and your book no not at all where do you rank them like top five top seven and well definitely top three but but i don't like having this conversation because i i actually know all these guys but i know lebron and i think this is lebron's plan i think he wants to pass up kareem because if he passes kareem and point we all got to shut the hell up yeah think about it for sure he's gonna have four rings you're ready to pass up cove he already passed up mike now he passed up kareem so if that don't make him the greatest basketball player is i don't know you know what we're talking about but like when it comes to ranking it's always just going to be mike gonna be colby and then probably lebron but you know that's that's always you know debatable but again i don't think lebron wants to be compared to kobe and mike lebron has definitely made his own mark yeah but i know him and known since he was a kid he trying to pass up kareem abdul-jabbar and if i was him i'd do the same thing because i'd be like once i pass up kareem i don't want to hear shitholes about who the best player is where's he at 36 thousand no i think he's i think he's number three wow malone and then cream yep wow we got it we gotta go and uh we gotta go support shaq's show once i mean we never i never got the really formal invite for you but yeah i'd love to [ __ ] we gotta go inside we gotta go when so when's the show's this week will y'all in vegas no in uh san bernardino san bernardino friday kyle the festival tour is gonna be outside it's gonna be like thousands what's your availability thursday what do you mean like i wonder if we book shaq for steve's birthday i don't know what his rate is yeah steve will do it he's one of the guys in our crew i know i've never heard of steve i'll do it so that'll be 200 000. two hundred dollars listen we both have the same rate so it's what bob will leave you to negotiate this one maybe and listen shaq is done shaq has gone above and beyond but i do want to i want to go so friday san bernardino this episode releases well today but wednesday so okay hey do me a favor close your freaking legs oh sorry about that jeez i'm sorry i'm just shocked no this the camera shoots from here up oh okay well i'm trying to intimidate you i'll see you like if i can get inside your head what uh what investments or like industries are you like most excited about for like the future that you haven't like told anyone or like i don't know what you're familiar with i don't know anything that so you're doing this the best thing i've ever done in my life is listen like i've done a lot of things and it turned out well and from the outside looking in it makes it look like oh he's an expert that's not the case so my strategy is i invest in things that's going to change people's lives that's the first thing i look at the second thing i look at if it's too good to be true i stay away from it even if i lose money like everybody uh nfts and bitcoin i don't understand that i'm not doing it so you hold any crypto at all no not at all because because i don't understand it and you know like people oh you put this in you win that i just can't do it so you know a lot of things i've just you know if it's gonna help people out you do it uh my my latest big thing is we my company authentic brands group we just purchased reebok and we're trying to get back in the game because adidas bought reebok a couple years ago and they kind of made them go away so we're gonna you know try to try to bring them back and that benefits people people like shoes they like they like clothes they like stuff like that random shacks you've done so many businesses for elementary too that's salsa right jamie saltzer my last big one was was ring and ring was big because it's affordable home security this is the first time in my career i'm not living like a spoiled brat what i mean by that no no gate security gate hey bob's here to see you i'll let them through none of that i live amongst the people so i called the security company and said hey need to put cameras in the house and the guy sixty dozen not paying that [ __ ] call another guy 45 i'm not paying that either so i go to best buy and i get the little doorbell thing and i get the floodlight out and i put them on myself you take red on red black on black screw it so i'm in china one day and my phone kept going i'm like you know i'm talking to this little kid that's at my door i'm like holy [ __ ] so then i come to a conference here in vegas and i meet meet the guy jamie uh seminole if i say hey man i want to invest in your company and i want to help get the word out because this i'm telling you i don't have a lot of these expensive camera system nothing works like ring bro no matter where you at you can you know you can talk to people you can see people it records it you send it to like the neighborhood watch programs so you can take it share with the police like it's awesome so that's interesting he was already out but i wanted to help duncan you know get the word again i wanted to help you know how long how was that this is i mean he sold his soul to uh amazon dirty as a [ __ ] too yeah i used to [ __ ] about three man listen i was young and i was [ __ ] them little shack low tops up but they was at marshalls and [ __ ] so you know i'm i said yeah you gotta do it yeah man i had the wage too the waves used to be at marshalls whatever was that marshalls [Music] he had his [ __ ] too but yeah he sold amazon for a billion so you know that was a nice nice chunk so what are you so you're in vegas for how many days i don't know i'll leave whenever i feel like it you leave never feel like i mean you you gambled all down here no no it's no gambling no drinking what's another like cool business story like that that's interesting i didn't know that he's a big papa john's guy you know that publicly yes papa john's uh no is it always just more they need a voice by the way is more like endorsement deals or you're like you know we're so early on and stuff you know we set it up to look like endorsement but we also have you know ownership in the company so the papa john's look everybody loves pizza do you have a lot of pool there of course i do so i mean like just to let you know i used to be the voices buffalo wild wings and they kind of cut tithe for three years so if there's anything yeah what happened nothing they just you know we ran this course three years you know kind of misled me a little bit but they were just like we're done with you so they went with somebody else so papa john's is looking you know wherever i put it i'll put in a good word for you perfect so when the guy was having trouble uh new partners came on and they said hey we want you to be involved and i said the only way i'd be involved is if the other guys finito forever and then i said well i'm looking at your board you don't have any african-americans on your board like to invest in some stores oh [ __ ] yeah yeah i like to be on the board they agreed we made it down and now it's you know back on track we have a a beautifully diverse board hispanic people people from london ladies and you know we're we're doing the right thing my best story is i had a reebok deal 40 for five and i'm leaving the arena one day and this lady is she's ripping me into a you [ __ ] charging these babies all this money for the shoes so i had like a 2 000 in my pocket i was like ma'am i don't make the prices here you go and she smacked the money in my head why would you [ __ ] make a shoe that's affordable and i thought about it i was like you know what she's right so that day cut ties with reebok starting my own brand yeah that day define cut ties i told him i said keep the money and saying right don't want to make it no fight i'll still wear the shoes that i wear during the season but i'll be looking to do my own thing they say okay we understand you know at the end of the year we're going to i said just the money on me keep it so started the shack brand and i went to my favorite store walmart and we did a deal and uh i was in all stores and my price point for the shoes were 29.19 and since then we sold over 400 million people and then that's why i make it i make because i realize with kids right it's not that kids don't want to wear 20 shoes they don't want to wear shoes that look like they cost 20 so the designs that they had at reebok i said y'all coming with me now and we gonna design some shoes i don't give a [ __ ] how much money i lose make these kids look good and feel good so even though they're 20 shoes you can still feel good about them because shaq not the best in the world but he's not the worst but he's up in that top five category when it comes to you know bad mofos that play the game so kiss and get away with wearing my stuff we'll see you're obviously good with your money and all that stuff but you gotta have some advice you know what's your if you ever what's your biggest curse cars yeah i was gonna ask you about that are you still working with that one company they was faking it faking you into that small car well first of all you're in the back seat no i wasn't feeling exactly like that i had so many people ask me about buick that i went out and bought one and one day i was i was driving from atlanta to florida speeding i mean a cop pulled me over licensed registration please and when he came out the window he said oh [ __ ] you really do fit and he let me go i was in the building i fit i look forward to cars how many cars you got i have 40. i probably got about seven or eight now what's your favorite one i got a dodge demon that song going so fast i don't know i don't i don't embarrass ferraris lamborghinis tesla's i think i've seen a video of you on instagram where people was walking up to you at the gas station you in that oh yeah yep yeah i don't know if you guys know but he spent you spent like a million dollars at walmart once right no not in one way i spent a million dollars the first day i got it and it's the story i tell all these nba players when they come in learn business i had no idea who fico was never never heard of that ever so get the million i put it in the bank cause i'm smart i put it all in the bank they give me these little checkbooks i go to the dealership i got to get that black on black my [ __ ] bins black interior the wheels cost 150. so i get to the crib my dad said where's mine at i ain't the smartest in the world but i know a million minus 150 [ __ ] i got 850 left go buy him one now i got 700 left go buy my mom the little 100 now i got six on the left i know that's right you know i got to get the chain the rolly the rings yeah [Music] gave my girlfriend some money to get shopping the next day the bank manager called me he called me and said uh miss o'neill won't talk to you and i said yeah what's up he said uh i don't want you to be like the rest of these athletes you know sixty percent of athletes after they're done they have no money i don't want you to be like that he said i know she spent a lot of money i said i was like yeah it's been some and when he looked at the piece of paper fica that took about 200 the sales tax that took about another 150. so i really only had 650. so so like you know i thought that the million dollar means i was netting the man it wasn't so i spent my whole i spent my whole 650 and i was in the hole i hold the bank about 50 so after that i was like you know what i got to get me a business manager and i met with this guy i met with five people three of them well i'll do this i do that nope and then the last guy his name was lester this but he said hey i have a i have a small little firm i'll teach you about bonds and you know taxes and all that and he said i represent nwa and i told my mom said that's what i want to solve right there that's and i've been with him ever since 1992. so is that how you learned like all your business [ __ ] or like so my father was a disciplinarian every time i did something crazy i got but what that told me was never to make the same mistake twice i try not to make the same mistake twice ever so doing that you know being that frivolous with the money it never happened again hardest part's got to be though you know like you have so many people coming at you no matter what everybody's doing this room whatever but it's hard to trust you know how do you find somebody that you that you can actually trust when so many people are coming at you to do stuff as far as what i mean just money management deals that they're setting up for you blah blah everything you know everybody's coming and pulling at you in every different way how do you find a guy agent manager anybody who you can actually trust when you have to be educated to know what they're doing that's the first thing and the second one you know trust is hard uh you could trust somebody for 20 years and they could be broken in one day so trust is a is the thing you just have conversations you have a relationship and you always have to let them know what you want like you know my my first agent i'm looking to learn i'm looking to do stuff i'm looking to own stuff we're gonna have a good time doing it and we had a great relationship another new agent i got now got three agents now and we have great conversations we have arguments you know don't do this don't say that and it's a team thing and i also realized that if you're the smartest guy in the room sometimes that's not a good thing i love being surrounded by people that are smarter than me love it learning it's more of a learning thing yeah love it yeah that's amazing it's [ __ ] cool you're so like into the business like it's obvious you are but it's just cool to hear in person it's too late i need to get into the relationship thing you're talking about your ex-girlfriend on your part no no you got a girlfriend i i just actually like i actually have a question because like yeah go ahead with like you know huh i love it no because this is my favorite part of everything i always tell when saleem is about to talk about chicks because you played for a lot of nba teams you know you played for sons cavs all these teams right what was like like where were the like most attractive women like what city or like you know toronto and dallas dallas and new york and miami toronto you think yeah yeah yeah toronto's off the chain yeah like the black women like white women i mean i meant to i mentioned i'm into nice to nice nice people you know and i was an idiot because i was i was you know my first girlfriend my daughter's mother she was perfect i messed that up and then miles mom shawn and she was perfect i messed up so i was more of an idiot than i was a true man and uh but you know to answer your question miami dallas toronto and l.a hell sounds about right i know houston in there i don't know i used to no houston nice i mean how do you try how do you trust these women as an nba player like you know what i mean um like i mean obviously you're going to have your stunts my thing is if you treat people with honor and respect nothing can go wrong you ever had a girl ever try to like steal from your like hotel room while you're sleeping or something like that oh okay now when you're meeting the wrong girls i guess no i'm asking him because he wasn't i mean you're a nba player so i mean obviously i was just throwing it at you yeah but one like my method was you can't pick me um you can't pick me i would have to pick you and then like i said if you treat people with honor and respect 99 of the time they're gonna treat you back the same so i i've never had those problems and i don't perceive myself having no problems he hasn't but a lot of guys do just like the dumb girls do you think it's bad that like they always give me [ __ ] we're talking about before that like sometimes i keep bringing up but i use my instagram sometimes to like get a girl is that bad like you know if they oh [ __ ] he's out of here with that girl back there i ain't gonna lie she's on the first flight out this i'm just listen i'm just straight honest but i'm an honest guy i'm just happy to ask the question for you okay um we asked it before but bob yeah bob loves to use his instagram right right when he meets a girl he'll he'll take a story of her and just tag her right away and i tell him it's it's good for the short term no i don't tag the ones i like though i don't think it's the smartest move but if you just want to smash no and it's no no no listen it's not it's it's just when things aren't going well so you know i'll go up and i'll just when things aren't going well it's getting towards the end and i think my time's running out and i don't get much of a shot here i'm like bang you've tried everything you've tried every trick in the book i've exercised all options but imagine if drewski takes a girl compared to a few tags you're in trouble like drewski's gonna gain her 10k yeah bob you're going to get like 150 followers now listen you've done it so many times you know let's just say i got i'm in a good place it's the best it's it's the best dating app instagram it is yeah yeah it's like really what it is oh yeah it is he said you know you people out there paying money for these dating apps instagram and tick tock the best way to meet girls i think girls literally like some girls like motive when they wake up is to just like take photos so they can eventually like beg like a rich guy well yeah like they're literally just flexing on the gram and they're just talking about the ladies because i i like my privileges with the ladies messages on instagram that's what i don't mess with i tried to get on tinder but they didn't believe it was me really yeah ryan you've been a riot huh no no i'm too big to get on tinder but it's fun sometimes it's part of my kitchen i got on it i put me and i was like hey meet me at the play i don't know you you're not shaq shaq shaq checker that's for a girl that's an automatic like catfish that's like then you know and i was like call me call me this is my number this isn't shaq shaq would never be here so do you have to you know delete it you like the the smaller chicks or are you more like uh you know you try to get a girl that's kind of like almost you know closer to you maybe tbs tnt you know remember you know i like nice people brother you know i mean i'm it's all about respecting women if you're nice and we have a little vibe you know we'll get to know each other so you don't pull out your gram when things aren't going good in a conversation for you don't pull up the instagram pull up my what like what's your how does shaq have to pull out oh yeah that's right i forgot you're like a famous nba guy too i think what he's trying to what's your [ __ ] bird call like what's your all right if you see a girl over here you're not addressing that yeah do you approach or that's what he's saying you see a knife that's what all these dudes are asking right this is my birth call right here [Laughter] what about the face that you make like yeah no i don't i don't be like the beautiful just like that i see right now i'm testing out your sense of humor so if you smile back okay you pass the first test second test how are you doing and then like i get my stupid name like hey my name lebron james you know that okay she passed that test and then i'll just i'll just go real slow ain't no real sweet with it you ever read that smith the thing is with you right obviously you're huge dude blah blah like these guys everywhere they go [ __ ] people know what what are you getting posture right now what i'm just singing in the comments yeah sexual positions since we started yeah what the hell are you doing listen listen i had a late i did have it last night we got locked out of the apartment we couldn't get in the apartment so i had like two hours sitting outside apartment fight with a [ __ ] landlord and then it was just messy and i had to prepare for shaq and that's your fault it was not my fault oh is your pro why because you take your woman to a hotel yeah i was trying to but we had all our [ __ ] in there come see like we needed our all our bags were locked no i just have to fight take her to a hotel and then when you land you take it to the fashion mall you get here at 12 o'clock you let her go to the spa you take a shower watch your balls that you got all spread out right now no yeah we on a [ __ ] plane today [ __ ] you man all right let's not make this the [ __ ] bash bob hour let's change subjects here what were you asking him about who what check i don't know i already that's recognized oh yeah yeah like you it's does it get annoying like every second i was at the super bowl though and bro when i remember i came up to you and you were like uh uh you're walking out and i said what's up to you and i was like thinking in my head about this guy everywhere he goes cuz you can't hide you're a big ass [ __ ] dude so it's like you know you go out you go out people recognize you you know but it's every second of every single day that has got to drive you [ __ ] nuts yeah do you ever say no to a photo shack what i'm eating that's what i think too yeah but i never said no to a kid whether i mean or not but we celebrities we have a small niche where people know us they love us they want to see us right so i'm amazed that i haven't played in 12 years kids still in a while because you've done a good job maintaining your brand but but but and then again it costs you nothing to be nice so if you're nice to me i'm gonna be i'm gonna be nice to you and then if i'm if i'm ever in a mood where i don't wanna be bothered i won't leave a house i'll just netflix watch tv but when i'm out as you see i'm by myself all the time i know i don't do the entourage or you know the boys thing all my boys actually have jobs uh including miles you know that that you know they actually work so whenever a person approaches me they're nice i'm nice they're not nice i'm not nice and so that's your question i'm not annoyed i'm actually honored and blessed that people still know me 12 years after playing because i know i'm gonna make up for this i'm gonna take i'm gonna take can i take her to the san bernardino thing on friday of course all right word that'll make me look good that's a big favor if you do that oh you're gonna need to do more than that that might be oh yeah i will but that's just a step in the right direction no you have to do more more all right i got that shopping okay okay how much you got in your pocket zero how much you got on your credit card we don't discuss that on the air here we're not going to go deep into that i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i already said i'm doing something very is so this is what you do you say babe you know i'm i do certain stuff to maintain my brand i didn't mean it i apologize if i offended you here you go go get yourself something nice okay that's it see i like to be yeah that's one way to go about it no no hey trust me okay i will babe i'm just doing my job i said like that's how i got on by saying crazy stuff i'ma always say crazy stuff to get the boom the bam he was in the other room i should have been more you know decisive with my words and all that stuff and then just got it about it apologize first listen if you go in the room and don't say nothing about it you're done i bet you tonight when it comes time now give me that now apologize right now no no in the camera say say her name baby but also wait wait what do you do this though what do you do with some people to some girls that like to probably stand on the radar and not be associated with all this so you know like some girls like we obviously a little bit in the public eye right all of us that's not the point the point is apologize to you when we're right now say baby i apologize uh i just want to apologize for um everything i've done it's up to this point so you see how you see how they do i'm gonna take you shopping and then friday we're gonna be on stage mixing tables with shaq in san bernadino and there was some more to come i just haven't thought about it yet was that awful i thought about it and i'm sitting and i'm now sitting in indians crisscross i'm sorry all right listen how about this i'll [ __ ] report back to you all right i got this i know what i'm doing i gotta get myself these [ __ ] predicaments all the time i'll figure it out i just want to pull up to bob mannery's wedding one day man pupils be existent you're gonna shut the [ __ ] up are you coming back like people always say the same size [ __ ] yeah because listen my people say the same thing no [ __ ] listen you're gonna throw me over the uh i don't know how you pick bob we used to go to the used club go to vegas and get hookers all the time one time they stole my credit card and i saw 12 hookers in 12 hours dark days i'll tell you but the good thing is those dark days honey those dark days are behind me the hookers no longer exist and i want to let you know that i care so much about you no more hookers no i never did hookers let's stop done i can't do this conversation anymore that's [ __ ] ridiculous i remember this can't believe don't look at me like that no what are you doing don't even [ __ ] look at me yeah saleem smart go watch the tory lanez interview he's [ __ ] baked out of his mind i'm just i know women are very like the the top of the shack i'm actually down worried about your credibility here if you're saying [ __ ] silly i'm smart here just women are interesting man so how was that interview victoria was good no i just asked him about rihanna a lot um wait so never no security would you ever never before no what you never tried it at one point where people tried to like say i got some security i have a uncle with my security but he's not he's not keeping them he's not keeping me secure from them yeah he's keeping them secure for me what the [ __ ] think about what i just said i feel that like i'm like i'm a regular person so if you you know if you do certain things i'm not gonna just you know oh he's saying you're saying he's keeping them secure from you exactly so a lot of respect for you probably now the way they approach you too like look i'm i'm from the streets i know i know how to read i know how to read all languages i try not to put myself in positions to where things would go crazy none of me and then i always show respect i don't care who you are what you do what you believe in how you living i always your respect so you gotta then you gotta have one at least couple you have to have a couple crazy crazy ass fan interactions though like you've had you've had something like anything like weird looks like they were just the most annoying like in a way fans are outside you've had to have something [ __ ] up happen no really fans at our house jumped our yeah they got into the gated community and they jumped our like like we have the gates to open like that like the big ones the fans these [ __ ] kids you want to sell your dj shows it's [ __ ] nuts these guys have everybody i think with our fans you vetted it you did the whole thing miles okay what did you say when you said i'm going to see bob mary was like no he told me he told him about this guy i knew his face but i've like you said i'm listening man i'm here you know congratulations to you i'm proud of you thank you well yeah yo shaq so what like this is our thing happy dad we just started our own like alcohol thing what's like your advice in terms of like holding on to equity and like when to sell it like i know it's a tough question case by case but like something like that i don't know if you have any when you're in this business first thing you need great distribution yeah and once you have great distribution that means you can show great numbers and then when you can show great numbers then it's time time to sell everything's for sale so if you put certain amount into it and you have that conversation you're gonna get this and it's the top of the line you do it like whenever i get involved in the business with a person always ask them what's their out like if bob said hey i want you to invest in his pocket and be like okay what you're out my house is to sell the apple my house then i'll do it so distribution brand awareness brand likeness and and you know at the end sell sell sell everything's for sale you know a lot of people are doing it now you know building these brands up dropping a table on there you guys what about what about shaq's investment happy dad i can't because i got my own liquor coming i got your own thing what is it okay so i'm going to announce it here oh it's not out yet yeah maybe we can invest in shacks yeah sure i just small little chunk well like we're we're contemplating over two different names so i i don't know i thought you were an open book though can you say what kind of liquor or not fish when we finish we're done with that scary gut no i'm not gonna listen i'm i'm never gonna beat you up all right because if i didn't want certain stuff to be out i wouldn't be here [ __ ] with you mm-hmm think about it i said i mean i understood this i wouldn't be here with bob because it's your guys's job to ask questions so if i don't know the answer would you what oh you just trying to kill any olaf speak up yeah you whispering kind of loud over there go ahead you know we're all family here i wouldn't want to be you saw that you saw that just snapped right up what advice would you give your younger self like when you first came into the nba everything that you thought about doing or everything that you've done what advice would you give your younger self nothing and the reason why is i came in with determination with a dream with a plan and i did it my way a lot of ups and downs a lot of mistakes but i still did it my way so no regrets at all no none and again my greatest attribute is i was a listener like having a conversation with magic you don't want to be a celebrity all the time at some point you want to start owning things what does that mean i don't know what it means figure it out go to school get my master's in business i want to own krispy kreme i want to own 30 papa john's i want to own 20 like you just you know i got to talk to you but when did you get your masters in business i got my master's in business i uh great story too so graduated from lsu and you know my parents jack's [ __ ] bro this is crazy my parents were always my parents are always big on on education so after i got my bachelor's i would go to meetings right let's just say i'm trying to do a deal with harley davidson i'd come in and they would shack me hey then they would talk to my representatives but my representatives works for me i'm in charge i'm always the ceo they wouldn't even look at me they talked to my guys i was like this this has to stop so i went to university of phoenix i said hey i wanna get my masters they say you wanna do online i said no i don't want to do online so i know if i did online it's going to be some wise guys oh shaq paid somebody so then they said well we don't usually set up a classroom setting for one guy we need 10 to 15 people call you back in a week 10 to 15 of my friends took care of it we all got masters together never miss a day never did not one online class was always in class it took me four or five years to get it done did that wow so now i want people to know and understand i have a master's in business administration so now when we go to means you know [ __ ] yes you don't talk to them you talk to me and then after i got my master's my mom was like you know we don't have any phds in our family so that took me five years [ __ ] doctor two yes doctor o'neill you have doctor on the podcast today yes so i i i actually did that i actually did that for the children it's okay because that children's just a title my kids i want them to like they know chef steve that's what kind of dog drinks it's just like a heart what kind of doctor i'm not being there i'm not that type of doctor all right i don't know i don't know i don't know this i'm not in some street i'm street smart boyfriend says the same dumbo do you own a krispy kreme in atlanta yeah it keeps burning down what the [ __ ] is going on with that krispy kreme i think i was like i swear to god the first one was believed to be arson oh my god the second one was to believe some homeless people my thing is i'm not going to be putting on charges on the homeless people so don't know what we're going to do is let's just stop building that [ __ ] back yeah let's just get it done no no so now we're going to do them and tear it down just rebuild it i mean because the second one like we went over there and we found there was some homeless people they just trying to stay warm yeah i'm not i'm not calling the cop putting no charges on them but nobody get hurt right now we heard it no nobody got hurt so we're just going to tear it down rebuild it and it should probably take about a year and a half to get down but maybe that was the number one krissy kareem in america it's like a central area yes and it will be back you have krispy kreme too damn wow wow it's uh it must be nice so what does that model look like like is it just like a franchise or like how does that work my favorite chapter in in business school or you know was joint venture ships so if i was getting to the podcast business i'd do a joint venture ship with some podcasters so i don't want to be in the podcast business that's where you guys would come in and we'd have a deal i invest this much how much i'm getting back every week or we grow keep investing until we sell get back that and that's how i like to do business that that keeps my brain like just parking your money certain places not only that but that keeps my brain free because think about i own you don't got time to hold 15 crispy green how the hell am i going to run 15 chris again how the hell am i going to run 40 25 out of 50 you could put your family in business you know that's your trust but you have to be educated to know what you're looking at and therefore i can stay so you know crazy rick ross told me the same thing yeah about just the wings drop right there brother nice subtle drop rick ross he won't answer like yeah who are you close with but you know jake when i was talking to jay-z you know man i'll tell you something thanksgiving dinner you know that one time rick ross you know you guys no but rick ross is doing great things like i you know else snoop oh yeah yeah dog snoop dogg it's big yeah wow wow yeah i get snoopy yeah i like it i like that [ __ ] i like looking at all i like looking at all successful people and learning from them you know goes back to that jealousy thing but when i get jealous it's not a hate thing it's like damn bob has a podcast for four people i'm gonna go get it like rather you're competitive in every way one of the greatest players ever but everything i do but everything i do is out of a competition in love so bob i'm coming for your podcast that listen but the big podcast was shaq look it i just all i care about is san bernardino friday i want to go and i want to tell you where we buy tickets how do we get tickets for this thing what do i do we put the link in the description i know you just didn't disrespect me like that no no no no but you know where we go to buy them like what do we got i want to i want to buy them i don't want you give me free [ __ ] anymore you do too good to me i don't i don't believe you just asked me that all right so i get her vip experience yeah all right friday night date night you're that hold on by the way i've been texting the whole time no responses back let me would you like to go on friday or would you like to go to dinner spa ghosts goddamn i lost a shack again yeah you lost candlelight dinner and that wraps up episode four you know if i could give my girl to any guy it would be you if i just sacrifice so when are you gonna get your own listen this right here is my dream for you yeah well you can do a whole game how you want to do it well it's hard to get the rights to the nba nfl you know they're expensive so you got to figure out we've tried to figure out for a while you know i think these guys because how could that ever how could that ever be possible for him though how would they ever give him the rights to do that twitch had twitch i had found a little angle twitch twitch got the rights for thursday night football right so we could go through twitch to stream the game and i could be in the corner you know of that [ __ ] thing when the game's going on just on that one day one game a week thursday but i'd love to do that do you think that like you could work something out with dana of all people ufc is the easiest sport to do it because they told me one time that he offered you a deal and you just kind of didn't even go through with it you know i'll talk with mr white too trust me because a lot of things he's saying that aren't true up here but i think the ufc would be his best they're the leaders trust me i'm excited football because you know so much [ __ ] like as you go and get a little bigger whatever more like you said more adventures come up and but going back to the fundamentals and the stuff that kind of got me to where i was that little funny little spoof you know i love doing that [ __ ] okay so you can't record a game i mean and then you can monetize off you can't like because you know the second you try and run any ads associated with any other product you can't do it because you know if i try and like run a mickello ball trip ad somehow using the nfl you need to i'm gonna give you some advice you need to learn how to become a loophole master figure it out yeah no we we don't need to talk about it because i know the feds are watching yeah loophole master yeah loophole mastery [Music] i think shaq took over your role as you guys yeah jack definitely got the godfather now who is this that is a complimentary skittles or eminem sir if you'd like something don't you know cover still going around we do yeah i mean if you want to get into that i don't i don't know if you do well i don't know well i don't know what drewski nasty hand's been last night i'd be worried about a lot more than cobra those fingers there you're gonna franchise that show here we go going back to the franchise i used to be i used to be a minority on the sacramento kings but i just did this uh deal with with the win that deals with gambling and you can't be involved with gambling and being an nba so check out win bet oh i had it nice to deal with them there you go they didn't want to work with me what i don't know they dropped we were supposed to do something together they were like no it was it was at the point where they just they let me go why did you have something to do with it i do now i mean ben affleck you've been i'm like well [ __ ] once you get me back in there the loophole master will [ __ ] figure it you know listen he will never let i'm letting you know no no he's gonna [ __ ] that's my new thing he might even put that on his instagram it's not about the deal it's about the renewals well you're gonna get a deal first don't you well you don't tell me about two deals that you lost already unless you're we're talking about hookers and blow as a fake sports commentator i mean it's not the easiest thing to be brand friendly stop it e is for excuses cut it out once you get the deal it's about renewing the deal i got 17 renewals that i see higher mm-hmm 17. yeah with but we also we we push these excuses it's all right to die robert oakley's name is my mother please have that deal getting another deal i can't keep saying i had that you had it that that that don't look good so john [ __ ] krispy kreme i mean you know like the buffalo was it was the best thing you had going on well they just they went a different direction the world's changing a little bit so they keep they got to tighten up a little bit oh okay you know so they're like i mean they went with a different guy yeah let's keep on a different guy bob's listen we're good all right we're good are we [ __ ] done here all right i feel like i lost my girl i lost you know yeah you did lose your just but but i am coming friday so that's nice let me know you guys available i think we're going to be in miami actually yeah i might be in atlanta but i'm i'd love to come here yeah that's where i live oh me too sweat i live in mcdonald georgia yeah stop blind from going up yeah i respect you well not lawrenceville snowville all right cool you might know a place named snowville i don't know if you do not know well cause i used to live in lawrenceville when i first got there yeah man snowville orangeville is actually like the central area that's where the amigos are from so i'll get your number for miles and we'll hook up so i don't mean to cut this short but i've said five texts during that i didn't mean to do that any more questions tiger woods i'm talking to you tiger woods i told you that there you go you don't need godfather i've seen i seen that video all right well that was [ __ ] cool shaq i appreciate you coming through that was actually like cool and bob continued to make me laugh you're the best buddy you know you're the man love that yeah that was amazing gentlemen yeah so i appreciate shaq thank you for coming through bro i appreciate it uh boys if you're listening and watching uh we're uploading episodes every wednesday it's episode four uh so make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel if you're going to san bernardino bring some full sent flags so shaq can see him in the comments there you go yes actually let's [ __ ] rally the troops friday night going i'm bringing my girlfriend's name in this podcast full podcast it's awesome boys i want to see some full send uh flags in the same breeding who came up with dinner this is the mastermind he's building amazing brands good definitely amazing brand that's a joint venture the infrastructure is good but if you just said you're the big killer then they might have been like yeah i know well since he did it since the genius did it kick a man while he's down you
Views: 5,574,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, shaq, druski, shaquille o'neal, shaq podcast, shaquille o'neal podcast, shaq highlights, kobe bryant, druski jack harlow, kobe shaq, Donald Trump Jr. talks Afghanistan with Seal Team 6 Veteran!, druski podcast, druski funny, kobe, Shaq's Competitive “Beef” with Kobe Bryant & Secret to Getting Girls with Druski
Id: UnaxjPugBwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 40sec (4720 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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