Suga Sean on his Open Relationship with his Wife & Dana White Paying Fighters | FULL SEND PODCAST

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Nelk needs to drop a video for Christmas

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GarageLongjumping519 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up brother good how are you fun to meet you thank you congrats on all your success lately thank you thank you killing it we're the boys at they're all hiding not here yet no wait they gave me [ __ ] being light hey he beat them the food my question is why are you at the bar later that day because food poisoning goes away and i'm a trooper i'm a warrior so that's why food poisoning goes away another day another pod no saline slime's in the whip hold on bro there he is i feel like i know this guy okay right we got the man chica sean straight after the fight congrats thank you very much thank you is this you guys want to smoke i would die i would love to smoke weed i haven't spoken in a while are you cigarette i'll puff out the end a little bit let me stay sharp for a little bit yeah for sure [ __ ] been high since my fight feel like [ __ ] so what have you been up to since the fight honestly so we [ __ ] sunday morning flew back went and grabbed a good little breakfast and then uh went picked up my daughter and really just been chilling at home not really doing anything good last time did you go straight to miami or did you like chill no last time we i came back and then i think we went um thursday friday saturday sunday i don't know i can't do that again dude yeah where was the after party by the way you guys all went out after i know you saw that yeah zuke that was that was pretty cool it was fun that was fun it was yeah we got pretty i was pretty trashed i was yeah vibes were just so good all fight that it was just like the camera's running over steve put those gloves on dude and take them off punching brad love that [ __ ] is that the chain you got on is that steve's training yeah so steve said he went to buy this for me from uh he gave me this chain that night too what's going on with all these [ __ ] chains flying around left and right i mean what the [ __ ] is steve i haven't gotten any jewelry yet i've got [ __ ] what's the guy's time timepiece trading or whatever yeah he said that shout out steve went to go buy it and that guy said no i want to gift it to him so so both those guys hooked me up yeah that was cool [ __ ] uh steve threw it over and i told him put it on and i'll put it on backwards too right in the cage it's like was that was that plan though did you guys say that planned out no i didn't know that at all i had no idea i just [ __ ] saw him in his pink jersey and was just [ __ ] yelling let's go so i guess that was sweet they they came you were at the last one too though right no no i don't think no no no steve was who else was six nine probably no six went out there [ __ ] i thought maybe it was just steve was that in texas no i wasn't baggage dude my last eight fights i'm in vegas oh really only fighting in vegas pretty much forever really i don't want to fight anywhere else dude why not is the is just where i don't know i feel like if i fight anywhere else it's just not gonna be this sweet you got that option though dana gives you that option or how does it work i feel like i'm in a good position to where i can just say i want to fight in vegas like that's where i want to fight i'm dubai dude [ __ ] that you know the time difference that shit's crazy when i'm in vegas i'm dialed in my sleep it's like right now it's an hour different but dude i'm in vegas i'm just dialed in it'd be weird find somewhere else the dubai is a mission yeah it is fun i guess i guess it's very quick you just go to vegas and oh yeah yeah 40 minute flight yeah i'm there comfortable um yeah seven not 17 hours non-stop having to take like seven oh my god you still zamax's 12 hours left to [ __ ] fly there yeah that doesn't sound that's when i discovered xanax man that was the first time you ever took a like a like oh [ __ ] i've never done xanax it's good for sleeping i don't know if i'd ever take it for other any other reason than that the only time you should be able to i mean it's like that like a 17-hour flight just knocks you out or what it knocks you out you probably take it then otherwise i think some people have real problems with it yeah there's probably something you don't want to like jump onto no get hooked on xanax now yeah i'm poor but i was always more of an uppercut xanax made you leave what's that from made you leave from dubai you flew and then oh no no no i left you're never going to be able to escape i'm never going to be able to explain anymore oh yeah i kind of heard about that so dana said he's going to start paying you now is it confirmed um i still got i try not to talk too much about it because a couple fights ago i i had brought it up and then i got in this little scuffle with the the ufc and it's just best not to bring up fighter pay or fights on your contract in a i mean because and no matter what i say they'll be able to they'll someone will clip this and make it say a headline that's not true and the ufc won't watch the video they'll just watch the headline and then it's bad news but i'm happy with the ufc i've got some more fights on my contract i'm gonna fight my contract out and then i'm gonna we're gonna renegotiate with ufc and uh yeah you danny have you ever heard dana say we're gonna pay this guy no ever besides conor he said that about that he doesn't say that about much fighters but i he said that from my performances you know he didn't say it because on twitter talking [ __ ] he didn't say it because i wasn't on podcast talking about it and i had before and uh that never you know so i i've just been going out there and performing three kos this year three fight of the nights or bonuses yeah um i made a post today said fighter of the year and then me and daniel were looking up like kamara usman's spot like gilbert burns um masvidal colby covington like so i i probably a little behind there yeah for sure i think it's just funny i knew posting that people are gonna get pissed like you haven't fought anybody but they're gonna comment and that works for me but yeah tomorrow is probably the fire your fights are obviously [ __ ] amazing but like one thing that separates you is you you seem to be like extremely smart with like social media and stuff like that right i noticed that too yeah like i mean that's obviously so like how did you what's like your strategy with like social media and stuff like that i don't i don't remember like when when i started kind of like figuring that part of it out it was definitely before i was in the fc posting like i realized when i would post a video of me smoking a joint or something like people it would get a lot of attention because it was i mean even this was like four or five years ago tour was still kind of like what do you like i had people be like what are you doing ufc before i got signed the ufc is not gonna like that you're not gonna get sponsors i would get called from like adults all the time like dude hey i don't think you'd be posting that these are [ __ ] stupid but i don't know where where it kind of just clicked but so for instagram it's just fun for me to think of a caption get a sick pic or a funny video i think the biggest thing is comedy like people don't want to see you just looking cool with chicks and money and like that that can get you views but comedy comedy works a lot funny you guys [ __ ] know it better than anyone comedy's gonna get you the views more than anything and knocking people out it's pretty sweet yeah no i just think that's cool how like i feel like it's something that like even like rappers or other fighters like don't understand some people just don't have that and you seem right well also i knew i'm not gonna get into the ufc early and make a lot of money for whatever reason i wanted to be rich i wanted to have a lot of money and i knew just fighting at least for the first you know i've been in the ufc for four or five years i'm not gonna be rich i have to promote myself i have to get brand deals i have to get sponsorships how do you do that views numbers ad revenue whatever it is and i just you know it just made sense to me it was almost common sense like okay you find your avenue caught like i'm not the most funny [ __ ] but i can post a bunny [ __ ] and figure out some [ __ ] um yeah so most of it it's pretty authentic too i i am being myself i'm not trying too hard and i feel like people people recognize that when did you kind of has anybody ever like came up to you randomly not know who you are and try to [ __ ] with you to bar because that's always interesting like i look at you and i'm like i think like yeah if i look at you right now i'm like i think i could kick the [ __ ] out of this guy yeah and that's like me not knowing what you actually do yeah and then i'd be obviously like really wrong yeah so like people have that [ __ ] ashes all over your sweater oh yeah i know sorry not sean saying you could knock him out no i'm not saying please i couldn't i know i couldn't but i'm saying like but i can still never happen when somebody goes up to you at a bar doesn't know who you are and tries to [ __ ] with you and aren't you like not allowed to fight him because you're [ __ ] like a weapon or something i mean yeah kind of technically i i feel like dude you've seen me drunk like well yeah i was pretty [ __ ] up when i'm yeah when i'm drunk dude there's not a chance i'm getting in a fight like you just can't i don't know what you could do maybe something would switch if he said i don't know but when i'm drunk i'm just chilling vibing usually just being a freak but no one's really ever [ __ ] with me and thought i don't i don't think i've ever oh yeah that was not a club but wouldn't i want to hear the apartment story this one's good this one's good when i first moved down here tim and i got an apartment that's we can talk about how one i came down to yeah but when i first moved down tim and i had an apartment uh i was 19 years old skinny little [ __ ] i was just real skinny he has tattoos and [ __ ] and this tony lived by himself had like nine cats was [ __ ] jacked he was probably what 40 40 years old jack bald like and he met us and he's like found out that we're fighters and stuff and and that we can make money fighting i think i was still an amateur but uh he's like what's how did you even get to that point he said he wanted to try it or yeah he didn't believe that i was a fighter and was tim worked at this ufc gym so they had a ring and we brought him over there not like a i mean he wanted to fight me he wanted to not fight he wanted a spar i [ __ ] kicked him in the body and he's [ __ ] all over the mat like literally literally [ __ ] all over the map just like instant kick like like wait it just came out we didn't know like we kept going we kept fighting i stepped in it like stepped on the [ __ ] stepped in his [ __ ] it was horrible just come out like that i just [ __ ] i don't know what the [ __ ] you just hit him in the right is there like something that can trigger a [ __ ] coming out of your body i don't know yeah and then wait so you actually step in and then did you go like no i stepped in it we finished the round and then and then tim's like there's [ __ ] and we thought it was my dog because we recorded the video like we had the video i wish we still had it dude you got to have it somewhere like that it was probably seven or eight years ago you gotta find that bro i was probably eight years i was 19 i'm 27 eight years ago um in the video you can we thought it was my dog my little dog was there so i ended up cleaning it up i thought it was my dog we watched the video back you can see the [ __ ] come out of his shorts this is the most viral video maybe on the internet there's not a chance we have i don't even know what phone we used but that was [ __ ] that was the only time anyone ever kind of wanted to fight me didn't believe i was a fighter other than that i just i don't i i didn't really ever go out last year when i started going a little bit more this year after that last fight when i went out with steve was the first time i really went out to clubs and [ __ ] so i've never been [ __ ] with how's that been partying with steve and stuff dude i heard that was a bendy dude yeah because we went out there thursday and it's like i'm meeting danny six and meeting steve hanging out with the boys and i was like all right we're [ __ ] full sending every single night and we did thursday friday saturday we just went 10 out of 10 hard as i could go dude that was a come down though that was like a [ __ ] dude that was like a four or five day mental like anxious depressed like i was a calm down cause i was i was you know drink alcohol little little fun party toys you know what i'm saying yeah so it was like i did some [ __ ] that was your longest span like partying wisely oh yeah how long was the bender thursday friday saturday just going home it's like a short bender for bob that's [ __ ] nothing but then but then again like then the next weekend we went to [ __ ] la then the next weekend we went to cleveland like we went out like six weekends in a row and it was just [ __ ] tough on the body but i got it out of my system because right now i just fought i have no desire to go [ __ ] hard you think you're getting smarter now with more success you have the ufc and making like better life decisions as far as i think so i think my daughter's older now too she's she's one she's saying dad absolutely but that's changing me as a person so that helps a lot too um i think uh just i had to experience going out yeah and i'm still gonna go on we're still gonna go to the club like it's still gonna happen but not like it did that that was like [ __ ] that was hardcore for me um but the [ __ ] you the fight you recently just had right yeah prior to that how many days are you taking off i was like no i was done 10 weeks locked in dialed in so that means 10 weeks going to bed the same time every day dude my sleep i said it there's a quote because i said it in like the pres like the before the fight said i have the best sleep in the ufc i've been tracking my sleep for probably three three plus years um i just got my sleep dialed in time to go to bed uh around 9 30 10 but then i'm up around 7 30. i just wake up whenever i don't really have an alarm um but i have like the sleep is the number one performance enhancing anything like sleep is where you can go work out have a good ass workout eat quality food but stay up all night [ __ ] gaming you're going out doing whatever and you're not gonna get a tenth of the benefits you would get from those that day of training if you don't sleep in recovery feel so good going to bed early and waking up early when you're on that grind it's so dope i have the worst sleep schedule of all time it's hard for me to sleep that's why i'm asking like curious like sleeping is a skill when you wake up in the morning your sleep how you sleep is going to determine how your day is right if you're drinking too much caffeine that's very true if you eat too close to bed my sleep was so good like like i said i tracked my sleep so when i wasn't when i'm in fight camp i was pushing like three hours of deep sleep a lot of the nights which is it's a that's a lot of [ __ ] that's where your body's recovering and your muscles are recovering but it's because i was cutting out caffeine you know i have one cup of coffee in the morning you have coffee has a half-life of eight hours so you have you have a cup of coffee at you know one o'clock at nine o'clock you're still gonna have if you have 200 milligrams of caffeine at one you're still gonna have 100 milligrams of caffeine in your body at like 8 p.m so cutting out caffeine at the right time not overeating your so your body's not digesting food while you're trying to sleep all those all those little things just make sure making sure you're hydrated when you go to bed you know blue light blockers watch if you're going to watch tv later at night make sure you cut it out a certain time there's so much [ __ ] that goes into sleeping that it's a legitimate skill you can be good at sleeping do you ever listen to like ocean waves and like crickets chirping on the phone i do i usually play like uh there's this app ten percent happier there's a lot of apps yeah uh play a 30 minute meditation that'll guide you to sleep get you into your breath out of your mind because you know you lay down you close your eyes it's just [ __ ] if you even do that some people just stare at their phone until they fall asleep which is you're not gonna get quality sleep you're not gonna get the rem sleep the deep sleep the sleep cycles that you need to get to wake up and feel good and actually have a good day you get all that blue light hitting you right if you're just [ __ ] sitting there surfing yeah i do harry harry potter puts me to sleep is that weird but reading or listening uh i just put his jacket under water like just harry potter we love harry potter i don't know what it is somebody harry potter reminds me of home or something if i don't pop it on i don't think i've ever watched you never watched it i don't think so no well what's it like like managing like you know fighting and then you have a daughter as well like because you're sleeping very early i bet you're doing a bunch of things my girl is the best danny like she's we i slept in my in my own room the whole probably last three three and a half four weeks of because yeah elena's one and she she breastfeed still she'll wake up and want to suck on any tits and like wake me up so they've been sleeping in the other room so it's like she's been a [ __ ] huge help to uh for for sleeping because yeah when it with elena like if she wakes up at all wakes me up in the middle of night it'll throw your whole sleep off sometimes you wake up you can't [ __ ] go back to sleep you know so it was nice having her sleep in another room that's why when you have a daughter it's like everything's gonna go away it's not about you anymore dude it's is that true it's a [ __ ] trip right now like it's different than when she was because i fought twice the beginning of this year when elena was a lot smaller she was she was like a baby baby like just tiny and i leave for fight week every tuesday tuesday before the fight we leave so the first two times leaving was it was hard because she's just [ __ ] a little princess but now like leaving this time like she knew i was like leaving kind of assuming she won it was it was tougher leaving this time and that's another thing like i don't really want to go out like i don't really want to go to miami and then go to l.a and then go to cleveland i don't want to be away from her it's [ __ ] tough like she's her teeth are popping through the top like you miss i didn't see her for five days and i swear she's like you could noticeably see like she's a bigger girl now so that's what's really changing like a lot of [ __ ] for me is is that is her how long have you been with your girl yeah um we've been together just 27 years you're still you're still with the same girl yeah yeah yeah she's the best she's [ __ ] you don't you guys have an older relationship or something yeah i heard about that yeah i mean it's it's i don't know everyone's everyone has like a different take on what an open relationship is i like to think of ours like just an open-minded relationship where we don't own each other i don't own her and she doesn't own me we've we've you know we have to read and when you go into something like that it's like you look for other things other people have done similar things books podcasts there's a lot of people that have done different relations relationships than just a monogamous relationship because but when i met danny i told her i'm like i don't know why somebody would [ __ ] the same chick for the rest of their life like i can't do that so me and danny had she knew she didn't fall in love with a fake me she knew who she was falling in love with because i was myself i talked about chicks i like was just genuinely myself and didn't uh lie to her i wasn't didn't say like i don't think about [ __ ] chicks or i was just straight up with her since day one and uh yeah so i i'd say our relationship is is open but it's not like people think it's not like i'm gonna leave here and go [ __ ] a chick yeah then go [ __ ] that on that yeah it's just whatever whatever just happens happens it's whatever happens yeah happens happens obviously we take into consideration like if i go [ __ ] this chick and then i have feelings for it's like [ __ ] now that's gonna [ __ ] up this whole relationship the the coolest thing that's probably ever happened in our relationship like we've had some bad at like some dope threesomes like those are the every relationship should be okay with that like that's just needs to happen but when i was in an autograph signing or a [ __ ] whatever meet and greet and and wherever i was at i was sharing the stories when people people come up take a picture and share it on instagram there's this hot chick and she shared it i know i shared it and danny was here and messaged me she said oh you should see if she's single and i hit her i didn't think so she said that to you danny messaged me and said you should you should hit her up and i hit her up and smash that night so like i wasn't going to hit her up because i didn't think she i didn't get that vibes from her when she told you to smash that danny messaged me and said you should hit her up see it's very interesting so that was probably like i was like that's that was sweet and i did it and then i got back to phoenix and she asked me said how'd it go i was like yeah smash thanks and like she dabbed each other oh yeah and she got a little emotional because she's like she was like it's just you a lot of feelings come up when when you when you're going through a relationship like that and but that's how we've grown so much together is by doing things like that having those uncomfortable conversations to where it's just hard to even talk to your partner about certain things because you don't know what emotions are going to come up you don't want to hurt each other's feelings but you also have to realize you're not in control of each other's feelings tell do you tell your girl like if you ever like i don't know if you ever fell in love or like had feelings for another girl that you smashed do you tell her that we broke up at one point for for probably a couple months because i [ __ ] up i was in vegas smashed some biscuits and in [ __ ] you know biscuits dude sometimes that's the thing with me it's hard for me to put emotion out of it i smashed biscuits and i was like i like her and i [ __ ] up dude that happened a lot not anymore since that since that time it has not happened anymore i feel like i definitely learned from that and grew from that but uh what's that phone call like when you got to pick up the phone you'll say hey i just smashed a couple it wasn't a phone call it was like when i got off the plane it was tough it was very good moved out she moved out and we went our separate ways for a couple months and then uh so it wasn't as open then no it was but it's just though like i said it was emotions that's going to happen it's not just going to be like it's being open and it's perfect we're going to deal with the emotions and it's [ __ ] a lot it's probably harder than anything any you know it's harder than training camp dealing with those emotions like so the insecurity and the jealousy that arises is crazy but on the other side of that is [ __ ] a lot of happiness i wonder has she ever told you she smashed another guy and then you guys dabbed each other up that's right she hasn't she hasn't she hasn't smashed any biscuits before but she told me one time she because i was having i was i was hooking up with this one chick and and danny knew we had we'd hooked up with her together at one point and uh she she was getting a little jealous she was feeling those emotions and and she's like i want to have sex with with someone and you know him like it was one of my buddies and so i said i said who is it she told me i swear to god i messaged that kid and i said you know what kind of relationship we're in i'm not gonna be mad at you if it happen if she mess if she hits you up you have my word i don't know like that's that was it was that you're a boy you're you've got a good very like up front you always make things up wow but but he he hit me back up and he's like he's like okay like he knows what kind of relationship we're in like we're buddies and he uh he said yeah i'll have to think about this and like we met up at a tea shop coffee shop talked it out he's like i i just don't think i could do that you guys went to a coffee shop talked it out you know what i mean it's important communication and we talked about it it might take a little bit she never she never hit him up it never went anywhere but at in my mind i accepted and was okay with if she were to do that that it's because it's something she wants to do it has nothing to do with me it's not because i'm ugly it's not because i can't [ __ ] her good it's not any of those things it's because it's something she it's one of her desires that she wanted to do god right thank god it's not that yeah she decided to ever get married one day we've been married for like we've been married for a long time but it's research but for the fact that i was ex i was okay if that happened it meant a lot to myself that i'm like okay i can get to the point where i'm okay i'm okay with whatever happens and that was powerful and the and me and her grow so much when we have conversations like that and things like this happen right now it's been a lot different we do have a little princess like she went through pregnancy she's insecure which i don't know why most girls are even when they're [ __ ] hot like she's insecure because she had a baby all this [ __ ] so right now it's been different um it's been not i mean it's still open relationship like a [ __ ] if there's a hot ass chick if i go somewhere to miami with the boys and there's a hot chick i'm smashing if i have the opportunity she's ten i'm sorry that's [ __ ] lit and she's like danny we're not gonna break up with that we're not gonna she we're not gonna break up because i want to have if i hook up with a chick that makes no sense why would we break up what we have which is so [ __ ] good because i'm horned up mm-hmm i don't know how pumped you get when she's like when she wants to do the threesome talk i mean you guys have that down ot so like how does that go about like if you guys want to have a threesome yeah dude chicks are hard to find like especially you we're in peoria [ __ ] arizona there's not a lot of chicks up this way and we don't really go out ever so it is kind of hard to find we got we lucked out on tinder once earlier this year um y'all went on tinder yeah i went on tinder it was pretty cool this is a very straight up honest dude at night i love it big relationships everybody's kind of yeah this is great i know it open relationship's always interesting and it's always easier for me to talk about when she's here because then it's like the questions like yeah but what if you want to [ __ ] a guy like i can't answer things like that for her but also it's like jealousy is the biggest [ __ ] in all of us guys i know gabe gets jealous if he [ __ ] i i go nuts too crazy i can't he does he don't you don't i've been i don't know when i hear listen to pause gabe's [ __ ] smashing everything i don't know about that gabe you need to get a couple biscuits soon enough yeah you need to smash some biscuits here soon in peoria he's gonna need him he's gonna need a big biscuit yeah so you're a bit you're you're big you're bigger than marijuana too though i don't know if you've ever talked about it yeah i mean i think [ __ ] weeds weeds one of the best medicines in this [ __ ] earth what do you use it for specifically um i think i use it specifically for i use a stone yeah to get stoned mainly i use it at night it really uh it helps me wind down it's like uh it's like my body knows okay we're winding down for the night smoke i do i have a hot tub in cold plunge at home that i do pretty religiously like in camp i hot tub cold plunge every night um about three weeks out i quit smoking because the [ __ ] munchies dude the munchies will get you and you gotta diet i gotta diet and i gotta [ __ ] feel like you're a big hot cheeto guy no dude i don't know i don't eat [ __ ] like that i eat pretty clean clean quality organic and food that's you know whole foods for the most part i mean right now i'm [ __ ] definitely eating a little bit not as good but i'm for the most part i'm being pretty cool smoked with snoop smoked with snoop dude that was the craziest because that was the night i got into the ufc that was the night i got signed by the ufc you remember that did you see the knockout where you went crazy yeah one of the sweetest knockouts [ __ ] just outside of the ufc so i'm high as [ __ ] off just life in general and then i'm smoking in snoop's trailer just higher than [ __ ] like the whole night or that whole just seemed like i was on a movie it was so high it was like a trip celebrities is like snoopy literally feel like you're in a movie you're like what the [ __ ] going on yeah dude and like i walked out the trailer and there's like people like taking pictures and [ __ ] and i was like floating dude i felt like i was floating oh that was a trip how long was the smoke session with snoop we were probably in there 15 20 minutes uh since you really could have been an hour i don't know tyson didn't stop did you realize that throughout our whole two-hour pot we sat down with tyson we got really really high with him and he smoked for two hours straight yeah i don't i couldn't i can't not like that i can't do that a [ __ ] a dunk out um yeah i mean should we actually talk ufc or is it no i i wonder what when did that whole like cody garbrandt um start like because i i seen you um you guys were about to do a face-off right yeah i was trying to dude i for me i mean this kind of goes back to how like the social media effect of business stuff for me i saw i was on the press conference i saw the whole main card was on the press conference so i knew my guy hardly speaks english he's poor he's brazilian speaks portuguese not gonna have too many good back and forth with back and forth with with him i think okay cody cody's my target today cody's my target i'm gonna steal the press conference what am i going to do tim and i we sit down i think for some ideas i'm like perfect i'll i'll ask dana if me and cody can square up that'd be epic no we're not even fighting each other and we've had beef in the past so you know that that and then uh um you know just the one-liners like tim and i were at the hotel thinking like what would be perfect to say then the tim said i should say he's gonna be one fight away from the pod or the the commentary booth so just those little lines one fight away from the car he's one and six in his last seven yeah he's lost a lot yeah yeah he the thing is he's a stud and if anyone's gonna come back he could maybe come back it's that would be tough like mentally where do you where where's his head at he's one and six one and six he's still fine every time i hear him he's won one fight since 2007. i just remember him fighting dominique cruz or good 2016. yeah that was a great fight do you think dana's gonna cut him off now is he done i think he still can sell a little bit i think he's still somewhat of a star but he might either retire he's still young or or you know fight again i don't know i have no idea but yeah we i will we me and him ever fight i don't know probably not hopefully no way his yeah i mean he that was at 120 i was a weight class below and that dude he fought was five four i'm six six baby yeah you know what i'm saying who is your guy that you looked up to but i'd say probably connor i didn't really watch ufc much growing up i thought [ __ ] thought the sport was disgusting like watching it when i was 13 14 years old i couldn't watch it i couldn't see them get kicked and punched i just yeah kicks are like man brutal really i mean even still i was like [ __ ] crazy now it's different but when i was young i couldn't watch it so i didn't really watch it growing up pretty much started watching ufc when i moved here to try to get into the ufc but uh it was probably conor connor was i think fighting max holloway so it was before conor blew up and i was like he was captivating i was like wanting to walk i'm like dude what the [ __ ] i want to watch these interviews i want to watch a post fight conference i want to watch who is he fighting next i want to follow this guy so conor was probably the first guy that i ever was like interested in you ever trying to steal any of his style when you i would say steal his style i see what works curious he taught the whole game a lot of [ __ ] he did i mean he did before conor blew up i saw myself as that kind of person to to get into the ufc and kind of take it to a next level but it was sweet that conor did it before me and i can i can learn from connor connor's a [ __ ] legend he's a genius marketer and i can learn from him i'm not i wouldn't say steal from him but uh there's definitely things that he does that people like that i can do as well i wonder if he'll ever come back man i wonder he seems like he's coming back he will probably come back for that nate trilogy i mean he's looking jacked yeah he looks he looks like beefy dude and i don't necessarily think you know if he's walking around and i think he said 189 190 and he fights at 155 i don't think he plans on coming back to 155 he'll probably fight one seven seven yeah so you guys said tomorrow on yeah that was cool i was a [ __ ] legend pound for pound are you most comfortable when you're standing up striking dude i've i'm a knockout artist i'm a knockout king i feel like yeah i'm definitely uh most comfortable when i'm standing up but i also do a lot of grappling a lot of jiu jitsu and i haven't even got to show any of that and uh [ __ ] and uh the big steve just actually know um yeah i mean i will see where my grapplings at when someone can take me down who was your one loss that you had i haven't lost he says you're 1501 no air that was when you got hurt oh that was yeah no yeah that one's that one's funny um yeah i got kicked in this perennial nerve there's the nerve right here behind you behind your knee and it made my leg go completely numb and my i [ __ ] had a limp limp foot so every time i'd step forward i'd roll my ankle and i [ __ ] blitzed this dude and threw some punches and i fell down on my back and he got on top elbowed me ref stopped it um so you don't really count it let's see what you should i don't feel like i lost that fight because my skills were worse than his i think a freak accident happened how many thousands of leg kicks hundreds of thousands of leg kicks have landed in the ufc and how many times has that happened it's probably happened three or four times so the that's the worst way to lose so rare yeah that's not yeah and it's like if i was fighting someone that happened to them i wouldn't i wouldn't be like yeah i beat that guy i wouldn't think that way i want to knock someone out i want the ref to stop because the dude's [ __ ] crawling around his head's bobbling that's a finish that's a [ __ ] win not because someone's foot goes limp yes he kicked it but it's not like his goal i'm gonna go in there and kick his nerve that's not that doesn't make sense it was literally his big toe hit some random [ __ ] nerve back here if me and him rematch and he did it again i would be like that [ __ ] he knows how to kick someone's nerve that would be different but he hasn't done it to anyone else so it's not like it's a skill you know what i'm saying what you're saying it's like you're behind the scenes like what is like tim's role you talk a lot about him and like what's like your circle like and like the different people you got around you yeah that's a good question um so i kind of schedule my camps and stuff more so like a boxer than like a typical mma fight it's where it's i'm the main [ __ ] i'm what we're focused on at like you go to a bigger gyms it's like there's there's six seven fighters that have fights coming up like all the coaches are focused on yeah it's kind of weird i'm my own dude and and i think that's kind of you know you take when you're a champion that happens people like that tends to happen i've been doing it for last for the last couple fights i gotta [ __ ] the best team i got tim who holds mitts he's more like the mma coach who who he's a black belt in jiu jitsu so he understands that he understands my striking as much as i do i'm like pretty much because he's held mitts for me for so long and uh so he's like the mma the overall mma head coach then um so we hit mitts um once or twice a week and then you know he's always watching my sparring and stuff and then brandon harris who's my strength and conditioning coach who's just like honestly is more of a friend now than a coach he's a [ __ ] just a cool ass dude and really really really gives a hundred percent of his effort into making sure that i am peaking fight night and my my weight is good we're not doing we're not lifting two he wants to know where he messes me every morning how'd you sleep what was your hrv what was your sleep score this is what you're doing today like he's like on top of everything i talk to him every day and then tan quino uh who is the other guy in my corner 180cc world nogi i think in 2019 a couple years ago which means he was the best grappler in a similar weight class to me and he's around my size and he's my uh he's like he's tim's professor too who gave him his black belt uh so i just have a killer team around me and then i train at the mma lab here in phoenix and uh just have so many awesome sparring partners guys that are in the uc kyler phillips mario batista casey kenny guys on the come up abdul there's just so many people that i have that are just such good training partners that um i feel like i have one of the best teams surrounding me how about like business-wise and stuff like that is that all you kind of business-wise i would yeah i feel like uh my buddy emron who who's like one of my main sponsors sanibel who's been with me probably longer than any sponsor i've had he's been my he's my right-hand man like i i talk to him every single day about uh about what's going on business-wise and there's a lot dude nowadays it's it's every single day a business all day which is which was tricky it's good but it's tricky when i'm in fight camp it [ __ ] with your head it can [ __ ] with your head it's like okay that's like there's a lot there's a lot going on that these this last fight i did really well kind of organizing that better um because the last four or five were pretty crazy and they just keep getting more crazy but this one i felt very comfortable with organizing all the business and not doing too much doing just enough but um yeah amron's my my right hand man so who who do you want next who who's your perfect fight next yeah i said i got ranked today which is a big deal in some people's eyes to me it's one of the dumbest [ __ ] things ever rankings if if it if the rankings were like more um if there was like an actual ranking system that made sense and everyone understood like okay you be this you get this but they're just made up for the most part like i'm number 13 now which is uh are you serious it's just it's weird i've never been weight class who's the number one in your weight class right now peter young peter john the russian dude you guys know yeah yeah i know the [ __ ] announcement is peter young peter young little russian dude he's about five he's uh you know that's the end goal i think he's i guess he's not the champ algerian sterling's champ right now but they're they're gonna rematch and and decide who's the champ but yeah no the whole bantamweight division from one to ten are really like the whole top 15 is a [ __ ] it's stacked it's the best division in the ufc right now all right boys we're going to interrupt the pod really really quick this pod is sponsored by us [ __ ] all the brands that want to sponsor the pod you're not sponsoring it you guys know we have a membership on and every month we're doing epic ass experience giveaways so if you're a member on you're automatically entered you don't got to do anything this month the experience is a new year's eve experience with me and steve you're going to get flown out to miami with a friend of your choice all expenses paid you're actually going to stay at steve's penthouse with us in miami and you're going to have the most epic night of your [ __ ] life trust me if you you have not [ __ ] party until you party with us in miami so boys if you guys want to enter for this experience you want the chance to meet me and steve party with me and steve you honestly never know if we like you and we vibe with you you might just [ __ ] join elk your [ __ ] steve's [ __ ] crew you never know man honestly anything's possible we're announcing the winners this friday the 17th so sign up to become a member we also got full cent grills on there we got a bunch of [ __ ] on there and uh thanks boys let's get back into the pod you think you're at that level right now where you could take down the number one guy dude i'm i i feel like i'm 27 years old i don't think anyone has better striking than me i believe in my grappling and uh i have a championship mindset so yeah i think i could be i i in my mind am the champ right now and people ask me why do you think you're the champ and it's because if all of us fought at the same time you could only pick one person to watch everyone's watching me so so realistically how long do you think it'll take and what needs to happen for you to be able to fight that guy it's number one whatever um probably win two more fights win the next two fights and i could be fighting for the belt um that's realistic i don't know how much longer my this last weight cut was pretty [ __ ] dialed in the ones before that i would have said i'm probably gonna move up to 145 soon because they were so [ __ ] brutal but i was walking around a couple pounds less this fight camp which was just being more disciplined on my diet um so so this weight cut wasn't as bad and i'd definitely be able to fight at 35 a couple more times can you talk us through how that works like weight cutting and [ __ ] or weight cutting like how much weight do you cut i see how torch like yeah i do it dude i hired a guy named dan garner and he's he have helps me just dial it into a you know we're measuring out every single meal you know four ounces of four ounces of chicken like when does that start right like is it all campers yeah about six weeks six weeks before you start cutting yep and then i cut carbs out about this time it was like eight nine days out before weigh-ins so cutting carbs no carbs at all cutting carbs is the word and still training that's fun it's [ __ ] it sucks you lose you feel you just like have an energy dump you're not re-hiding you're not your muscles aren't fueling it cutting carbs is tough so i do that around 154 pounds ish let's say and then i cut carbs in in a fight weeks i was walking around one what was i fight week 149 149 fight week so monday um and i'd log all this every 14 pounds in like one week yeah and then uh so tuesday and and so sunday monday tuesday these are sunday monday tuesday wednesday are very important days for waterlogging just [ __ ] drinking 6.7 liters of water which is like almost 2 gallons of water which is that helps get the weight off um and then thursday cutting salt and cutting water so i'm just [ __ ] pissing you probably do you guys like [ __ ] a lot too once you once you cut carbs you're not really [ __ ] all your food it's not like the guy in the ring right you're just yeah i like the guy in the ring not quite all the food you're eating is going to your body refueling how much weight you so when you have to step on that scale so thursday night i cut five pounds in the in the hot tub sweating just dying you're laying there [ __ ] feel you're dying and then then i woke up and cut um i floated one pound overnight and then i cut two pounds 1.8 pounds friday morning so you weigh in at nine i woke up 6 37 and it took me about what 30 minutes to cut 30 35 minutes to cut what do you do to cut that last a little bit get on a hot [ __ ] bath fill up that bath sit in there we did 10 minutes sat in the sauna for um 10 10 minutes and then lay down and get covered with towels and just sweat it out it's such a weird experience that everyone should do because you feel like you're dying you can feel your heart and it kind of hurts it's pounding and you're just your head hurts like it's hospital and then how do you mean like and then the next day you're just fighting after all well then you weigh in at nine and you start rehydrating you start you start drinking a lot of liquids like you crave you don't crave food at that point really you could give a [ __ ] less about it you just want to do it you just want water you so you hydrate really well and then throughout the day you just like you don't feel [ __ ] folded you could eat all day i'm like pull the trigger to just make weight like last minute just throw up no you can't you probably wouldn't be able to throw up after sweating as much as you do you have nothing you can't pee you can't [ __ ] you can't spit your mouth is so dry oh how much did you gain on fight night so i was i was standing on the scale with my shoes on and uh what was i 156 156 so i gained about 20 pounds ish 24 hours yeah 20 pounds so isn't it 15 right or no usually that's right usually i weigh that much pretty much like a day and a half but it's on friday so i weigh in friday at 9 00 a.m usually friday night because you're so you eat all day drink all day you usually gain about i'd gain about 20 pounds back what damn does it kind of hurt your stomach though after you like when you're eating if you're yeah you got to be careful with what you can't eat [ __ ] like i'm not eating [ __ ] cheetos and yeah and uh just pizza like some people do i see fighters [ __ ] eating waffles and pizza after weigh-ins and like not so much anymore as like as much but you still see fighters doing that and that's such an important part of your performance what you eat and rehydrate with is how you're going to perform the next night um so yeah dude saturday wit the like you wake up i wake up eat like we go work out in the morning just like a light get a sweat go and get some blood flowing get some the food and everything moving and it's like you're sitting there for [ __ ] hours just waiting because i fight at seven so we get on the bus to go over from the hotel at 4 30 and it just takes all [ __ ] day you feel like you're sitting there forever just waiting to go fight it's such a weird day the trip oh man what made you do the hair thing the uh colorful hair um just that was i for someone i thought eddie wineland that was the first time i did my hair i did the rainbow hair like i did like a similar hairstyle to like six nine it was it was uh i had thought about doing something like that and then where i was gaming with my buddies and they're like you should do your hair like that i'm like [ __ ] yeah i should my girl then she does hair for a living that's her profession she's a [ __ ] black woman she loves doing hair so when like i tell her let's do something crazy she gets jacked like she gets excited to [ __ ] come up with these different hairs hairstyles and and colors and [ __ ] so and the fans love it dude every time i fight people like watercolor hair yeah people [ __ ] love it dude and there's so much you can do with hair like it matches my merch a lot of times i'll do merge drops with it it's [ __ ] it's just marketing how much would have somebody had to pay you right now to shave your head shave my head like right now somebody was like hey i'll pay you a nice amount just shave your head and you can't have the rainbow thing well it'll grow i could see a ball right now i went to a boot camp when i was 16 they shaved my head and i like a fro and they [ __ ] just i used to rock the frog froze nice chicks uh two male 1 oh really that high probably something like that ah maybe a mill i don't know it'd be tough yeah but it's a part of your thing now you're you're that's your that's your yeah i know the hairs the hairs but people love the hair so back to the business [ __ ] what do you what what other kind of stuff do you want to achieve besides just like obviously becoming champ like is there any other business ventures you're looking to get into and stuff like that i think the big the one that'll probably be the biggest hasn't happened yet and that's going to be a strain a certain strain the sugar strain yeah it's perfect and it's it's it's getting into that that business is like we've tried it a couple times but it's tough there's a lot of a lot of things you got to figure out like laws federal law like the weed game's tough i think that's something i definitely want to get into um but you have to pick the right people the right partners it's so weird how it's federally illegal here you can't ship it here and there's there's a lot of buck yeah a lot of [ __ ] must be a pain in the ass but i think that's gonna be like similar to the whiskey connor's whiskey i think that could be my [ __ ] my hundred million dollar yeah so you guys have tried to do it but it just we've tried to and you know it's it's it's tough you just got to be you gotta and i and i'm waiting for the right people to be patient with my partners to come along exactly and learn as you go yeah but for the most part everything else is like i've been i've been selling shirts merch since i was an amateur back in helena montana where i'm from sell i'd be like i'd sell 100 shirts and i'd be like holy [ __ ] so i've been doing merch for like a long time so now it's nice to be able to have a company that can you know supply and like demand or supply everything and take care of all the shipping and all that stuff so merch is like one of my favorite business things that i'm like always a part of with like what what's it going to look like what colors are we going to use what are we going to come out with um is that like a bigger business than the actual like pay right now or is it like similar i'd say it's pretty similar yeah i would say total this year i've probably been half and half like half ufc i've made half of money you've seen half sponsors business stuff are there restrictions around what they allow you to do the ufc with merch sales um no they're no i haven't ran into any issues um i know they they sell their own sugar shot on my merch but you know i always tell people to [ __ ] buy it for my [ __ ] rather than because i think i get like such a tiny percent of their sales so uh but yeah it was cool because this fight was like the first fight like the press conference the weigh-ins in the fight like looking out into the crowd seeing a [ __ ] ton of sugar merch and it was that was that was the first time i really had seen like damn that's that's pretty cool that was [ __ ] sweet how about the nft [ __ ] is that you just launched that yeah the nft that was telling you uh emerald my right hand man like he's we've been we've been diving into the nft world and well it's a [ __ ] it's a crazy world man it's like uh i'm still learning more about it more about it but really it's just creating a really really cool community like we're growing our discord and it's like a cool way to talk to fans that on instagram you're gonna have haters on on twitter you're gonna have haters on even when i go on twitch like it's not just sugar fans it's haters discord is really the only community we've built um that's just [ __ ] sugar fans like it feels like a sweet family in there so yeah the nfts in the discord has been going hand in hand promoting it in there and stuff but it's cool that we're gonna be able to do sweet things with the nfts as far as incentive wise um you know certain nfts are going to have different different uh benefits you know you could win i was going to give my gloves away gloves away but i had to give them to [ __ ] steve dude i had to give them to steve but giving away giving my fight merch tickets to the fights flying people out i've flown so many people out like from my twitch subscribers to [ __ ] come hang out like i fought one of my twitch subs in my cage like i didn't hurt him but yeah it's on you it's [ __ ] dude you gotta watch the video it's so funny but uh yeah so [ __ ] like that i'm i'm really gonna get excited about that because those are gonna be like genuine sugar fans that are that that are just part of part of the rise dude and yeah the nft project's been doing really well and it's continuing how many did you launch you know we launched nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine so and i i think we might have done the ten thousand where it was like the one rare the one rare one but they're all there's different categories whoa no he's pulling up the oh dude that we did three three minute rounds and we had tim ref and it was the funniest [ __ ] ever and i give him [ __ ] i see bob over here vape and sucking on his vape pen yeah i always give my buddy this so this kid was a twitch subscriber from canada flew him down [ __ ] smoked with him hung out stayed at my house and it was just [ __ ] hilarious dude this was probably three years ago oh wow what are you giving right now you give it like five percent effort during this uh five's accurate yeah just let him feel good like like he's for a little bit but it's funny because i always make fun of her vaping i'm like dude you're going to gas out no it won't and uh he's dude he was a minute and a half two minutes in he was trying to quit tim's like nope you can't quit so we made him do the full three three minute rounds look at this is funny try to take me down runs in the cage oh this shit's so funny by the end is he just dead oh yeah but not from me hurting him from fatigue but then i flew this kid the same kid out um earlier this year actually like two three months ago before i went into fight camp with another buddy who's whose name's schmidty he's six seven two how big is he 300 pounds 300 320 and he and this kid fought on on our yeah with him yeah it was funny but uh i had a we had like a whole that was actually a real punch that must be dope oh you're giving more than five percent no no no no no are you missing on purpose i was just tapping him i wasn't hurt i wasn't hitting him hard you see what i do to people the [ __ ] wouldn't be standing there if i was hitting him hard no that did you say your cardio is good my cardio is good yeah i mean i broke last little fight before that i think i broke the record for the most significant punches thrown in three-round fights so i'd say it's pretty [ __ ] good have you had a five-round fight yet no no five-round fights are main events and championship fights and i don't want a [ __ ] five-round fight what they're gonna give me like twenty thousand extra dollars to go fight basically another fight ten minutes yeah i heard that i'm like i'm not gonna [ __ ] do that but eventually you're gonna have to have a fight yeah i mean i mean there's there comes a point where you don't you can't say no to the ufc you know what i mean like i'd rather not fight five rounds unless you want to pay me a [ __ ] lot more money because you know how much more training is going to go in that was like a 10-week camp for 15 minutes i mean that's a hard camp i think though with the level of cardio i was in i could have went five rounds just because when you're in there you have you know i'm not gonna give up i'm not gonna fall you're gonna you're gonna fight but five five five is a lot that's 25 minutes of [ __ ] fist fighting so i'd like to be paid if i'm gonna do that hey that's very understandable that's a long time to [ __ ] fight dude yeah and you think about the guys you have to do it all the time yeah like tomorrow like that's [ __ ] that's just normal to them now yeah yeah for sure i mean i mean it's dope to know though that you could like whoop someone's ass though yeah i mean it is [ __ ] knowing that you [ __ ] someone up yeah it must be cool to actually like walk in a room like this wow everybody's [ __ ] yeah you know it's like that's funny i don't you don't think like that i mean i'm sure there is some guys like there's some [ __ ] weird dudes that do think like that like they're just like i don't know why but i just never really thought like that i've always just been i feel like i'm a normal [ __ ] little dude where'd you learn just like to start on the street like no i'm curious how like one learns to like what i'm high i'm sorry no yeah that's i mean that's a good question i feel like i learned how to fight from just being a [ __ ] athlete and playing basketball football soccer and baseball or i was every [ __ ] season i was doing something since i was three four five years old i was constantly playing sports and then when i was 16 i tried kicks boxing and i was like naturally pretty good at it probably not technically wise like i wasn't throwing a perfect one too and a [ __ ] i wasn't doing things technically right but i was sparring guys i've been knocking like grown men out so i was 16 years old for what i just have that i don't hit hard it's just timing and speed and that equals [ __ ] power it's like it's like the diaz guys right they don't yeah a little bit but they're they're they throw like they probably throw their punches 60 70 percent most of mine are like 100 like a lot all my shots are power shots like i'm [ __ ] cracking you pretty much every shot if i'm landing on you i'm going to crack you hard towards theirs with more output right but less power which just can still be just as effective right just damaging over time yeah i know you guys had javonte on i didn't did you guys watch this fight i didn't see his face i didn't see it yeah i heard it was really close though yeah i heard i heard that too that dude that dude he fought was shorter than him wow javon dude that guy hits hard though yeah his [ __ ] hands he was doing that when he said that he would if he's from the hood that's how he'd wrestle that was the funniest [ __ ] thing ever if he actually grappled with someone like he said he'd come to mma if he took one class at a [ __ ] amateur gym would he be guys he would be like what the [ __ ] i would never do that it's like funny to see how delusional he is to think that he could come into a an mma fight and be at any successful at all against i mean a elite level fighter i wonder if a boxer will ever it's happened in the past but i wonder recently if anyone will ever come in to mma like the only way they would is if it if they have a right there would there be still be like a lot of money in it if they came to emma if they were a massive star floyd came down man i'm sure dana's yeah yeah way to play it would be but i don't think they're not they're not trying to be using the box their whole life so they can only use their hands but you guys you're working on everything yeah i don't think devonta is a big enough star but dana would be like no we don't [ __ ] want him but for for me to box javonte that's a massive fight someday like that's a massive [ __ ] fight someday that's a floyd connor fight someday potentially if damn ever if we're on the same path if we're if we got to both continue like we haven't done enough like he hasn't employed i don't know what connor's done but if it keeps going like i don't see my career going up i could see him you know keep beating people too it could be a massive boxing fight someday how how restricted are you though of like it would have to be with it it would have to be like a ufc deal with like conor did like conor was still signing ufc it was like dana still got paid like it was like it would have to be something like that but dude i can box i can [ __ ] box like actually box i have that combo i threw up against the cage there was no kicks there that was boxing it was clean does it bother you that you were like that restricted by the ufc doll ever oh you can't like go off and like it was youtube drama or something somebody want to fight there's two million on the table does that bother you all that you're that restricted by the ufc no just because they've given me the platform to be able to do what i've done that like dude i wouldn't be able to do be where i'm at with the ufc i wouldn't be able to perform in front of that many people that's what i love doing is performing i [ __ ] love being in that cage knowing everybody's [ __ ] watching me like even people at home they're not [ __ ] surfing their phone or eating [ __ ] pizza i bet they're sitting there like what the [ __ ] this kid gonna do so i just love performing and the fact that i can do that with the ufc and they've given me the opportunity this many times to keep doing it um i'd say no problem ufc is sick man this is the [ __ ] it's coming think about how far think about how far it is a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dana's the [ __ ] and it is true what he says like all the other leagues are just like going at a business sale every time they are they think they're like so authentic you know like the ufc has to like the thing the thing about fighter pay too is like if you get some guy who's not going to sell tickets to the fight probably has total of 30 fans it's like you're not gonna pay him and he's just getting into the ufc and he's making could you make ten thousand a show ten thousand win when you get into the ufc like they're a business you have to be making them money which is fine which is fair understand more that's why yeah and then like he said something about he pays more he pays better than most boxers which is true like you go on a boxing card you might make 500 600 bucks unless you're the main event yeah you got to prove ufc you're going to make at least 10 to 10 and you just got to keep [ __ ] doing sweet [ __ ] and you will you connor's been paid ron has been paid jon jones was [ __ ] paid apparently not enough like you if you're doing the right [ __ ] you're going to get paid and that's kind of where i'm at like i just need to keep winning i just keep still looking for a bag i think i'm just gonna let that slide i think dana knows we have enough you know mutual respect i was sitting next to halle berry at the fight too by the way oh really right behind halle berry i thought you got a photo with her i did i i tapped on the show last night yeah yeah i was i was right right behind ally that's [ __ ] sweet i saw her i was watching every watch i watched all my fights like that's all i've been doing is [ __ ] watching my phone you ever like look at her wink after like you may be knocked out i should i didn't see it last time i saw biebs at the fight though and that was probably one of the sickest moments because he was standing up when me and this kid were just in a [ __ ] flurry and i was dotting them up and biebs was standing there i wouldn't rewatch the video that was by the sickest part you're from canada eh yeah yeah all americans laugh at that it's just such a funny like lingo like well i talk i play with my dude i stream every [ __ ] day play call of duty throwing your headset and like what that kid i sparred right there he's from canada so i [ __ ] we just i just do it to him all [ __ ] the whole gaming session it's just i even talk like that i'm around these guys all the time it's just fun we literally get people like saying it like americans and [ __ ] dude i say like not even meaning to when i'm around him just like should be just normal i feel like i'm not in the norm when i hear you guys talk like that i'm like [ __ ] i gotta start talking like dude being at the club after the fight was one of the weirdest i was sober when i got there i was sober sitting at the club just having people staring at me and just recording i'm not doing anything was so [ __ ] weird like just like that morning like an hour there was this kid huh daniel just didn't stop staring at me just like this i couldn't believe i was standing there it was so [ __ ] weird gave him a hug well i ended up taking a picture with him but he was just like it was crazy has like any weird [ __ ] like that happen to you with fame or fans um nothing crazy's really ha dude someone like my house the other day in my driveway waiting for me to come outside for me to sign [ __ ] that was [ __ ] and i'm not gonna say no cause i'm like he knows where i live we've had people jump over our [ __ ] garage and [ __ ] that's weird i don't like that because i have like i said i have a family now it's like it's not like tim and i live together and it's like whatever dude [ __ ] i think i'm a family that was trippy most people are cool then there's just that one out of a hundred or a thousand that's like just has no [ __ ] yeah if they're fans they're yeah typically [ __ ] cool i don't think they realize it though most fans i don't think they realize what they're doing i mean imagine just like meeting someone that you really really look up to like i get where they're coming from you know it's for sure it's just like delusion sometimes well yeah it is following you like we do it's like there's definitely some [ __ ] jeffrey dahmer serial killer out there oh god up that's the [ __ ] truth dude golf master over here huh oh yeah i'm loving it you got obsessed no dude i've never golf but i've i've wanted to and i feel like i'm going to eventually because you're the best guy hear how obsessed you can get with it now it's like kind of dangerous i'm i'm at a point right now where i'm i don't see myself stopping at all yeah so that's where i'm like i was telling tim like we'll probably golf when we're older [ __ ] smoke a joint cruise the caddy like just [ __ ] kick it but i don't want to get obsessed with it right now you will though you will get but i played really bad but now he'd be oh wait you're right so he's actually improving he can actually play golf now well if you think about golf life like when you're hitting the ball like you're missing [ __ ] flying all over the place straight wherever i want do you watch me sleep getting really good you watch it on like youtube i watch golf all day yeah dude i just love the game if you watch [ __ ] like i found that out too with like kickboxing or jiu jitsu or even [ __ ] call of duty watching the high level people do it is just as important as [ __ ] doing it yourself if you're trying to improve at something watching it on youtube watching it [ __ ] golf channel whatever i just love it yeah i love everything you're gonna prove fast that way did you meet tiger no man i don't know you're drunk texting there or something probably because you told me you put me through this whole thing you met tiger no no i met tiger i [ __ ] all this stuff uh i i what like he's joking it was going to happen it was going to happen but we had to cover the difference is going to happen because okay look it was a it was an instant like we were going to dinner we were going to go after to the hotel we're going to meet him but i went late okay because i went late to the dinner which made the dinner longer because they're like oh we already ate but we'll wait for you guys to eat and then like we're at the hotel at [ __ ] 12 at night you know tiger's not coming out that time but yeah he's probably i was two stories below him i was like two stories they were telling me like bryson and them were like two stories below uh tiger i mean tiger knows how to take down some [ __ ] biscuits dude tiger hits tugging no doubt you uh you got your girl now do you still hate tuggies i mean have you can you or no a long time i just get random urges like there's so many around here it's crazy ones that jerk you off at the end no oh we got like an hour to kill after before the flight right did you go shred a tuggy game yeah you get tuggies oh you're probably just lamps like this doesn't work [Laughter] steve jackson thank you that's funny but no good old tuggy never hurt yeah they still exist like they're everywhere there's a lot of like happy ending places oh dude you're like the og type i usually tell you what i'll be honest with you i've definitely gotten happy endings before but i'm not like nah it's not my thing like you know it's like a once in a while thing yeah it's a once in a while thing sometimes twice or three times a week thing for me it just depends what i'm feeling depends what day it is you can go on like a you can go in like a tuggy bender my first tuggie i was like oh god dude i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm obsessed i went like two or three times that week and then i was like okay i'm good i think i was like good for a month or so yeah then it's just like if you need a little it's dangerous when there's one right but like beside you like an oc there's not one so i haven't been in like months but in our old house in l.a it's literally like a five minute [ __ ] drive that's like if you struck out the night before you wake up you're hung as [ __ ] you're like [ __ ] you know what i'm going to tug and grab some starbucks yeah dude no they can just get you know what the thing is like sometimes you just need to bust a nut to get some clarity you know then you start thinking about business and start thinking about [ __ ] you got to do for the day but if you wake up and you just i mean you could do it yourself but why would you do that sometimes you can just eliminate the massage too you just go right in for the tug oh yeah we've got a couple extra layers i like to enjoy them see the thing is i do too i i enjoy the massage i know the build up it's like the building i mean the best tug is when you get like it's the massage and then you get a good tug you know sometimes you're like press the time and like you know you're like tim likes to just get in and get the tuggy no tim's more of a guy that's straight to action ask tim gives them a massage i think the build-up is the best part but i've had one instance where i have walked in laid down started doing her thing and i'm just like let's be honest i gotta go wrap this thing up real quick all right [ __ ] bang me out and i'm out of here here's 100 bucks yeah i took a couple of my buddies my twitch guys when i flew them down recently to the tug oh dude it was legendary it was so [ __ ] funny they were just like they don't get laid and they oh it was funny dude the smile on their face walking out imagine being that lady though i mean like together they got a guy just giving hand jobs all day i know we're always like asian ladies right but i respect though i respect the hustle because guess what [ __ ] she like they were they they love it they're into it that they are and if they weren't it would be weird they love it if it was like i don't want to do this i'm like oh oh that would be weird but they've always oh okay you're cute well because they're probably used to just getting like old fat guys too right so like when young guys walk in they're probably like oh this is not that bad this is like a good day on the job yeah because they probably get some regulars like the guys that come every day after work and [ __ ] sweaty rags oh god oh [ __ ] you can still get trouble for going those things right allegedly allegedly yeah something yeah i actually like it like if i ever got busted like get a tuggy i would be the funniest prank on bob i would you wouldn't get you should do that to someone like catching shots that would be good that's a good bring some full send guys down say they won and then [ __ ] oh that's that's good that's good that's gotta be up there for a next bit [ __ ] because you can actually you can't really like how the real tuggy plays though like personating that's just too much you can't destroy their business yeah you gotta respect that that's mean to them like they run a [ __ ] organization right didn't that patriots guy get [ __ ] the code yeah yeah robert kraft yeah yeah they had like 30 names yeah robert from he got in trouble for getting a tuggy yeah he was on the list they were monitoring the place for like a while was it was it a brothel probably a brother no i mean i think that they were pretty much willing and able to do whatever robert krabs walk in with a billion dollars i think they're gonna do whatever the [ __ ] he wants yeah how's full going it's going really good is it going good i bet that's sweet cause you don't have you guys can post whatever the [ __ ] you want there's no censored [ __ ] it's not gonna be like damn that's sweet especially with the content you guys posted but that's nice because youtube's [ __ ] sometimes we're kind of we're doing a lot of the giveaways too that's nice that's we brought two fans to cancun with us [ __ ] dude everyone we've brought out has been really cool well that one kid was [ __ ] hammered i think wasn't he that was the howler head winner oh okay dude that kid was like at the fights yeah he was just really nice kid met well but just pretty [ __ ] up early yeah i was just like watching it the main card hadn't even started this kid was just on another planet i know that was a howlerhead uh dana's a great guy he lets people just get [ __ ] up but winners damn it's hard when you're at the fights to not get too [ __ ] up for the main event so you gotta know cause you could drink at the fights and drink take another one there's a long time for the main event to come yeah you gotta get there at the main card but also the build up is fun too like i mean how yeah it is it is yeah i never take it for granted i'm always like [ __ ] this is like it definitely builds this is the coolest thing in the world it is just right i never know who's [ __ ] there the sickest thing to be able to go sit front row yeah one thousand yeah the biggest blessing ever it's also the sickest event to [ __ ] go to out of any sport all the time like let's feel gladiator [ __ ] you know it doesn't have to be like a cream of the crop like you go anywhere you buy a ticket anywhere to the ufc yeah you're gonna have [ __ ] maybe the best time you've ever had in your life it's great it's crazy when you know someone and you even if you don't aren't best friends with them but you know someone that's fighting the anxiety you can get you're like oh like you get [ __ ] my little brother was about to pry puke-ish like you were on the verge of [ __ ] just like an anxiety attack when i'm walking out and i can't imagine because i've watched you know partners fight um training partners fighting it's crazy but like watching someone you love is like oh my god of it that's [ __ ] crazy nothing nothing yeah cause any i mean the [ __ ] you get knocked out fighting you're in there obviously there's a ref so you're the chance of dying aren't very high but there's a possibility you get [ __ ] ko'd and don't wake up like there's that's fine not in ufc i don't think but i mean like just happened to bare knuckle boxing not long ago that you don't hear about it [ __ ] that dude like my hand's already swollen as [ __ ] from just like having an actual glove and [ __ ] on remember when they used to say like ufc was like more dangerous than boxing and [ __ ] when that whole show was boxing you're getting you're really trying to cancel mma right yeah i think with boxing you get dropped and the refs like all right you got eight seconds to be able to [ __ ] be good like and ufc dropped ref calls it like imagine that kid that i dropped in the refs like all right you get eight seconds and i gotta [ __ ] do that i'm a kid like that's some serious [ __ ] brain damage and yeah just trying to kill you with ufc you're out because the gloves are getting knocked out once and then tko yeah get back up get knocked down hit the head non-stop for [ __ ] 12 rounds every [ __ ] second you have to see that you got smaller gloves right yeah you get four ounces i think they're about yeah four ounces like uh boxing depending on weight class like eight 10 12 ounces but also you get [ __ ] shinned to the dome too has your jaw have been tested yet have you been i've been not really too hard in a fight but i've been rock sparring i've been i've been hit pretty hard but you don't want to take too many of those the shots that you're going to eat hard you want to take them if you have to right i'm trying i'm not trying to [ __ ] test my chin in the in the gym right i believe i'm in good enough shape which is a big part of when you get hit like re recovering and being okay you know i i trust that i have i haven't had enough had much brain damage that i can eat a good shot when i need to but for the most part i'm not you know the way i look at sparring is a lot different than a lot of fighters and then that's changed over the last two or three years you know people will have 50 000 fight of the nights in the gym leading up to a fight it's not smart you do not want to be taking brain damage you do not want to be having headaches after sparring it's just brutal and i've had that i've been there i've trained like i've had over 30 fights i've been training for 10 years i've had those gym wars to where you just like that's how you thought you're supposed to train over the years i've been like okay that's so how do you do it now like do you train like do you spot like 70 or so like do you tell the sparring party yeah for the for the most part you know you have a relationship with your sparring partner it's like hey i'm not trying to knock you out there's guys when you go and spa who are trying to knock you out and and you can get good work that way you get realistic [ __ ] work that way but it's just like the risk rewards next time so yeah i pick you know good smart sparring partners that are that i trust with that being said i've knocked people out since sparring not intentionally i just the right shot he throws i throw the same time it lands perfect you know you drop people you and it happens and you know i've had legit like i've teared up they're dropping something like [ __ ] dude because i know what that means i'm like god damn it i don't want to hurt my sparring partners we're helping each other so but yeah sparring there's there's so much that goes into training camp and you know having good sparring partners is like a big big aspect of it important [ __ ] what are you guys up to like after today you guys gonna fly back to uh where fly back to oc we just came off that what was it three week trip how was that we're pretty gassed dude i'm sure it was fun as [ __ ] though we got we got like five to six videos did you get a good amount damn that was fun too just like traveling making memories so now you guys are gonna go back back and just kick it chill for a little bit are you going to get back right on the making videos or you're just going to wait for it now we got five to six in the bank so now it's six because we got a little more time to edit them and perfect them so the editors are already on it so what you mean like say like you wake up tomorrow are you helping with edits like there's like ideas or yeah i'll probably be in the office and stuff and then i'll go they so we have like six editors so they'll start chopping it like jason and a few of the other guys they'll chop it up and then austin will come in and he'll like put it all together we've got some good [ __ ] on that trip though we got great [ __ ] on the channel a lot of pranks and [ __ ] or more we got some pranks too yeah one of the ones we did was [ __ ] in the pool so we got like a fake turd like a resort and we did it in front of it's pretty funny i don't know how you watched it i don't know i just remember oh yeah i don't know how you guys are so good at those pranks i don't know like the the one where the fake girlfriend one dude we're gonna run the [ __ ] house we want to prank like someone's parents so if you want us to prank your parents like saleem and me will pretend to be your boyfriend and then we basically like pretended to be thugs well you were just going off about liberals and then i had some like hardcore trump people so right when they walked in the door i asked them if they had fax cards that was funny so that was but they got so pissed yeah i told you at the after party tim and i we went all the way back to the full um the youtube like eight years ago we're watching like the old old [ __ ] that's so good though but like it's just funny the like they were short videos and they were like it's funny to see where the idea started and now where it's at it was [ __ ] cool when you got a great idea it's a it's exciting you want to do it right away oh yeah you're very impulsive that way what like you have an idea like let's fly here let's go film it yeah yeah this [ __ ] is crazy this this whole thing too like even here yeah it's a different [ __ ] city it's great absolutely not it's great yeah you guys [ __ ] grind the pods it's [ __ ] cool to see it's a job dude yeah it literally is full-time but it's very enjoyable full-time full-service always [ __ ] gabe doing his work him and steiny's beef love that yeah well steiny's [ __ ] funny he's the funniest guy like he's funny as [ __ ] he's really good at it he's funny too yeah i remember uh at the after party steve said he'll give me 100k like [ __ ] sister you said you'd throw 100 bid in on it i was really really debating on it i was like oh damn sister you ever tried to everybody i never did i just had a normal relationship with her she was cool rachel i'm high i'm sorry well rachel was rachel's cool [ __ ] but he's the cockiest little [ __ ] though on the planet like you know he it's the best i love it i know he's a fan but if you take his chain off i guarantee a [ __ ] 16 year old steiner comes back and he's just like i first met steiny when i bro i hired him right when i met him oh [ __ ] that's right [ __ ] gold cafe he was a little [ __ ] [ __ ] not cocky at all [ __ ] in his pants pissing his pants walking up being like how are you doing uh i'd really like an opportunity here i i really like an opportunity here and i'm like oh yeah and he like told me all this [ __ ] about his dad he dropped his dad a lot being one of the best defense attorneys in the country and all that he then he's like i ran a poker game i'm like yeah you're hired all right so he just stuck to his first job was getting an adderall at 12 30 at night and he completed it and [ __ ] ever since then now he's [ __ ] eminem yeah you got the chains on and [ __ ] hanging with uh whoever the [ __ ] it is bro that's funny yeah stein's good yeah a cool guy it's sweet seeing all you guys the fights yeah you you were in that fight were you yeah i had to go off me no i respect that [ __ ] 7 30 at night [ __ ] hitting this thing that's what you know you're here we're turning down ufc [ __ ] the next day but yeah i know you should have i want to come to i want to come here you gotta apologize you missed it you missed it i just needed to see my clubs man i don't know i i i have that you know that's a good obsession to have you you got a show too right you have a podcast yeah the timbo sugar show oh where where tim tim went we we've been doing that for a couple of years yeah well i was i saw tim at the [ __ ] coffee shop i'm like what are you doing here he's like god i'm about to hit a tuggy but i was like let's go get a burrito so he's there but yeah then me and my brother have the bromalley show so we do two shows one a week on on both of them just [ __ ] sit down alley show yeah just sit down [ __ ] about you know i mean my audience is mostly about fights we talk a lot about fights um [ __ ] tuggies and here and there you ever do like a vlog i i drop vlogs every once in a while mine are for the ones that do good for me are just like when i'm at home with danny and elena and i'm [ __ ] feel like that could do that would be sick yeah they're pretty they did pretty good like they're fun to make they're not they're not hard they're not nothing crazy they're not uh you know it's not there's not that a lot that goes into them it's mostly just the recording and [ __ ] putting it together but i just can't imagine having a camera in your face 24 7. that would drive me [ __ ] nuts yeah always you're shooting and shooting and shooting i just can't is that something you're [ __ ] filming all the time but i'm quick i'm just like i'm zapped boom i think it's stoked i think it's dope to have a vlog when you're not really like focusing on like trying to get stuff like he's just like yo this is me like we're doing this this thing yeah whatever comes out of it exactly like go to the bathroom i go like take a piss i walk out it's like [ __ ] the camera right here we're like how's your day i'm like how's your piss you know it's comfortable you because these guys love it it's part of their business is that something you could ever you would want ever everything for me it's like i record what i want to like and i i don't have like with the podcast an hour his is an hour so that's two hours a week there's a camera in front of me and then sometimes i'll [ __ ] do a vlog so it's the camera's not really on me too much unless it's like getting close to a fight then the espn will come out ufc will come out monster will come out and then it's like quite a bit of recording but it's during in those moments it's like for me it's business i'm working so it's i enjoy when the camera is on me i enjoy it also i stream like two or three hours every day and like the camera's on me there and uh so i i like when the camera's on i mean it's you know what business what do i've been playing so much call of duty lately i i played my [ __ ] thumb from the fight still swollen so i tried playing yesterday and it was just it hurt too bad i played like two games the new maps kind of dog [ __ ] um been playing a lot of madden actually probably the last two months i've been playing a lot of madden you guys [ __ ] with madden much yeah i used to i used to shred i played math i feel like the last one i played was mw32k yeah i don't know if you ever play two so you guys don't you guys don't game at all any of you guys anymore i used to like rip like i don't have time on mw days i remember looking at how many hours you'd have played it'd be like [ __ ] 32 days all i wanted to do is just drop nukes i didn't talk about anything else but drop [ __ ] noob tube one man army or no you know i was a big attacker damn i've never heard someone say that i just i used to play basketball all the time so i just played 2k all day dude ball's [ __ ] funny basketball is amazing well i miss i miss actually balling like i would love to have like a like like one of those leagues out of steiny thinks he's [ __ ] great dude everyone i've ever met some thinks they're good at basketball it's like [ __ ] asset ball yeah oh basketball is amazing man football you guys watch football much like a little bit are you friends i guess canada you don't really watch the nfl right growing up a lot of people do i didn't really too much watching yeah like mostly hockey but yeah oh hockey yeah never really got into hockey you watched well football is the best part me yeah yeah yeah i just got off all that just [ __ ] i don't really yeah so do you uh man golf is just like a hard one for me to watch probably because i'm not i've never done it it's like caught it's like watching cod if you don't play right yeah like if you play golf then you're just like more what do you love so much about it that it just brings you to the moment and it's something to get better at or you just can't put therapeutic and it's i like how technical it is like you can never be perfect at the game so it's like trying to achieve perfection but obviously you know i know i'm never going to be perfect like right now but just trying to get better like because i mean the best players always could get better right always the best players could have your determination i'm saying what's your handicap now though i don't i don't even deal i don't even know what the hell that is but okay yeah so you're still in the beginning stages i'm gonna play soon if you're getting that good you're playing a lot of golf well no kyle wasn't playing good that i mean if he was playing yeah that's part of golf is playing good still to beat him it's pretty impressive i mean i was just seeing me like i must have shot like 115. oh okay i was i was hitting green like let's see i was hitting green like you had some bad days if you played like that he might be able to beat me but i bet i just check out like i'll come back if you golf seven days a week how many good days are you gonna have you think like good good day like you're do you have more bad days than good days yeah for sure do you ever think that dude like when you wake up in the morning do you have do you have like a routine like okay i'm gonna [ __ ] have a solid day today on the field or on the on the course yeah usually when i wake up really early wake up early do what do you do do a certain anything like a little meditation to get your mind i just go to the go to the range literally with no one there are you guys doing anything meditation no i've tried to do it do you do it dude i've been doing it for years every single morning and it's probably the most powerful thing i've ever started that an ice bath so what does that consist of like meditation there's so many different ways you can meditate there's apps i mean you could literally type in and i do this a lot 10 minute meditation on youtube and it's just quieting your mind and starting for planning for a good day so what it like what do you do like do you like close your eyes like take deep breaths you there's guided meditations where they're whether it's like okay nasal breathe into your belly and it's there's mantras there's so many different things i like to go outside 10 minutes is all it takes but it's it's a powerful 10 minutes if you can [ __ ] get your mind in control and until you start your day like that i start my day like that before i do anything wake up and it's something the thing is you could try it one time i don't feel anything two times it's a it's a consistency that you have to do over time and it's the number one thing that i've i've i'm happy that i've did in my life is being consistent with the meditation you literally do every day every day journal journaling something i really like to do i'm not a writer i'm not a [ __ ] i don't like right but journaling my thoughts i do that either in the morning or at night one of the two it's pretty cool because now i have like three or four full journals back from like 2017 before i was in ufc like reading them back on like whatever day today is in 2017 like seeing what i was doing i write down what i'm gonna do for the day and [ __ ] like that's pretty cool but i also find that like therapeutic and stuff but therapy like when you love something it's just like that's my meditation i feel like yeah i feel like for me too doing jujitsu and stuff like that's a meditation for me but i also think what separates the good from the great is the mind and i feel like i mean and to be able to control your mind and have thoughts that you want to have i can't afford a bad day at the in the cage like i have to show up i have to show up obviously i have the confidence like every day before i play i'm like i'm going to play my best round but because i just started like i got to like really yeah i got to know everything i would just suggest looking up doing a 10-minute meditation there's i mean you can look up the different meditations there's meditation where you're completely quieting your mind and literally just following your breath you're not listening to a guided meditation or a mantra or anything and then there's meditation where there's mantras and you there's a couple different ones that you could maybe find that you like more than the others but if you just do it ten minutes even if you say okay i'm just gonna do it for five days and just start there uh i guarantee you if you stay with it it will benefit your life tremendously hundred percent i'm gonna start tomorrow you need to meditate i know we all do i need to help sleep when you close your eyes and you're doing those deep breaths and you're clearing your mind what happens like [ __ ] just pops in like [ __ ] that's good that's what meditation is if it's popping in and you're observing it then you let it go and then it doesn't go away you're like [ __ ] it's not going away and then 10 minutes is up you're like oh that wasn't that good but it was good if you were sat there and observed those thoughts and you just doing the 10 minutes even if you suck even if all 10 minutes is you thinking it's like that's a good [ __ ] start you're not going to sit there and be good at it i've been doing it for years and i'm not going to sit there in 10 minutes clear my mind 100 not like are you thinking about negative things or positive things you think what depends what meditation you're doing after doing like a mantra one like what's a mantra a mantra is like for me this whole fight camp like kind of something i would like to say in my head to get me out of my thoughts is like too sharp too fast too focused too sharp too fast too focused i'm not thinking about [ __ ] what happens if he kicks me or what happens if he takes me down i'm thinking too sharp too fast too focused that's what's going through my [ __ ] mind walking out that's all i was saying too sharp too fast too focused when i was in the cage there's probably you pricing my lip i'm like two sharps two past two folks that's a mantra that's not letting me lose control of my thoughts i'm not thinking oh my god what the [ __ ] look at how many people are like i'm thinking too sharp too fast you folks i'm dialed the [ __ ] in and it's like that's a mantra and like for a morning mantra you know you probably would be saying that i'd be like i'm gonna have a [ __ ] good day today little things like that but uh yeah you guys definitely just at least try it i might use those exact same words what were they again too sharp too fast too focused babies that's all wake up tomorrow that's sorry just [ __ ] shadow boxing the first thing that's a good little slogan cold plunge yeah i can't do it i can only do it for like 10 seconds what cold what is that a little bath cold i could do a cold bath i could do a quick cold pledge like you go to cold water you know you just gotta i mean if i i did it once and i just like just i was just like shut my eyes and just like deal with it cold punches are tough i have a nice last one in my house every fight camp three minutes it was 40 degrees three minutes every night and it's oh you feel so [ __ ] right you feel incredible after a couple of years right in the hot tub yeah twenty you know i do the hot tub and then i do cold plunge the rogan in 20 minutes is [ __ ] borderline insane actually it's probably on the other side of insane that's i don't get it for 20. dude it was insane you watched this yeah oh i've seen that video dude like 20 minutes i'm pretty mentally [ __ ] sharp and [ __ ] pretty mentally strong 20 minutes would be [ __ ] like i would have to pay probably to do that like i wouldn't do that on my own right right right like three minutes [ __ ] up three minutes is good but yeah boys i think we're good right what do you guys think i think we covered it all i love it i'd love to do some pranks with you one day i was going to say what you got him on a product you guys want to see us do a prank with uh sean let's [ __ ] let's think of something let's have a comment your ideas and drop a like do what do the girlfriend one oh my god dude i would be you think you could pull that off i feel like you could dude i actually i think so too i'd have to be if we do the drug thing again like he can also be one of the guys that pulls up he should do it come knock on the door and or he could be black family i'll get my ass just beat down no no i just think it'd be a little different you just knock out the dad make him [ __ ] in his own house i'd like that just like oh my god that would be so i would have a [ __ ] heart attack i would try i'd [ __ ] attempt it let's do it let us know if you guys want to see that yeah i would love to see you should have him like go up to different dudes and be like you [ __ ] mike like you really [ __ ] a girl like it was his girl or something like that like god i'm not good at confrontation like that i would struggle but i would attempt it maybe the comments will have like good ideas something something they could see i say we get you to meet the parents or meet the parents too that's a great one we should at least get a baddie and let me smash and then i'd be like bring a biscuit all right boys we'll uh see you guys next wednesday love it all good let's go [Applause] [Music] that's what made me a boss
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Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, ugc 269, suga sean o'malley, suga sean o'malley ufc 269, bromalley, bromalley podcast, UFC 269 Recap | After party w/ SteveWillDoit | EP.167 | TimboSugarShow, sean omalley twitch, sean o'malley highlights, sean omalley podcast, mma, ufc, Suga Sean on his Open Relationship with his Wife & Dana White Paying Fighters
Id: 5jnYjqDWMS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 14sec (5234 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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