The War of Identity - Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pt pastor toray roberts i'm the lead pastor of the potter's house at 1la and denver on behalf of my wife pastor sarah myself we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word i cannot wait for you to hear what god has for you in this message i want to tell you a few things really quickly subscribe if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be made aware of all of the word that's coming at you week in and week out and also turn on your notifications so you don't miss a morsel that comes forth we're also grateful for you and your partnership if you are so uh it compelled we invite you to support what we're doing not just our church but what our church is doing there are a number of outreaches a number of things critical necessary things that we support and we're able to do it because of your generosity so without further ado let's get right into this word god bless you i'll see you soon god bless you family well it's time to get into the word i pray that you've already been blessed your hearts have been primed and open to receive the things that god has for you and i believe that this is an important message in fact the subject of this message i built this ministry upon it means everything to me and i believe it means everything to you and so so we're going to jump right in this and the title of this message the theme that we're going to deal with and address today is called the war of identity there will always be a war over your identity and we're going to talk about that today i want to draw your attention to first corinthians chapter 13 and we're going to look at two verses in first corinthians 13 verse 11 and verse 12. it's not an unfamiliar passage of scripture i think that you you know it but we're going to dig into it a little deeper even more deeply than i've ever dug into this passage of scripture and then we're going to look at another passage of scripture later on but we're going to get into it so let's go for it paul writes when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child we're going to come back to that and then he says but when i became a man i put away childish things he says for now we see in a mirror dimly or in the greek in a very obscure way it's not so clear so we're seeing in the mirror dimly but but then face to face now i know in part but then i shall know just as i am also known let's pray father thank you so much for this opportunity to get into your word it's rich it's a lap into our feet it's enlightened to our path we're so grateful for insight and revelation and god you you've left us breadcrumbs in your word where we might be nourished and built up and we might find our way in this life and find you and ultimately find ourselves and that's my prayer for those who are watching those who are listening right now god that we might find ourselves on the next level to the next degree god that we might express ourselves and that you would ultimately get the glory god i thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight and knowledge and prophecy and all of the gifts and the resources of the holy spirit god that i might do a great work in your name to this message and may this message echo throughout not just america may it echo throughout the nations literally and may the fruit of it be us built up rooted and grounded in truth that we might be all that you've called us to be in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen you know i think the the impetus of this message was a conversation that i had with my wife recently and we were you know we celebrated her birthday the other day and we got away and we had a great time and we were rehearsing one of her previous relationships and just talking about you know that's how this sometimes you just get to talk about you maybe when there's a crazy or not you don't know all that kind of stuff you know you don't talk about him and we were talking about a relationship that a former relationship she had and it was actually a crazy relationship and uh and we were discussing how this fella did just some crazy stuff like just some some buck wild stuff and and what i was more uh taken aback by than the crazy thing that he did was the fact that she let him do it and and and all that could come to mind was you didn't know who you were because if you had known who you were you would have not even considered accepting a fraction of what took place and i said that moment i said to her and my prayer i said sarah my prayer for you is that you never fail to see yourself for who you truly are and i just begin to think about people in general and how we accept oftentimes things that don't even represent us because we don't know who we are we haven't discovered it and we're going to talk in the text it really unpacks it and there isn't a greater thief in our lives in our experience than the thief of ignorance to who we truly are i don't think that there's a greater thief and the reality of it is all of us get robbed by that thief at least once or twice in fact we get robbed by that thief a little bit from season to season because if you don't know better how can you expect better and i think one of the most important missions of our lives is to discover our divine identity like who we truly are like for real for real not like i'm talking about what god was thinking before he put us in our mother's womb i think that's one of our greatest missions is to find out who we are and to see it clearly and ultimately to express it unapologetically what if that was the very mission of your life to find out who you are to see that version of you clearly and then express it what what if in our in the highest form of identity we're really just artists and and our masterpiece is to express who god has revealed to us that we are what if we're artists there there's a book and it's i love reading and there's this book called the war of art not to be mistaken for the book by sun tzu the art of war the the the really popular ancient chinese uh uh treaties but this one is called the war of art and the whole concept and the whole theme of the book he's writing about how the fact that that artists and writers and creative people have to war to express what they have and and it talks about in the book he talks about how there is this thing called uh resistance and and you have to fight resistance you have to overcome this thing called resistance in order to to create art and as a writer i know all about that particularly as a book writer because you you can't just sit down and release it there's always some sort of opposition come on somebody it can be a distraction it can be some mood swing it can be anything it can be social it could be whatever something will come but there's always a war against the expression that you're inspired to release and and and in that book because it's a universal book it's called resistance we know who the resister is his name is satan lucifer bells above the enemy right we just call him ultimately the enemy but he's that resistance and then he also talks about how there's this other uh ally this inner ally called your inner genius and you're in your geniuses genius as your ally and to help you produce it now why do i bring all that up i bring all it up to say this it's a fight to be you i feel that right there you gotta let that sink in it it will always be a fight to be your true self there will always be resistance there will always be uh an animosity there will always be even a strategy against you being you and you're going to have to not just fight you're going to watch this you're going to have to embrace the identity of a fighter phil god because the only way that you're going to be able to be you is if you fight for it you are not going to lay down and become you you are not going to just acquiesce into other people's uh uh concept or ideas or opinions of you and be you you are going to have to fight i'm telling you right now you're not gonna chill your way into being you you're not gonna compromise your way into being you you are going to have to fight through anything and everything that keeps you from being you and the way that you do that is to fight for your true identity you got to fight for you are you tracking with me so can we go a little further you can't get it by laying down watch this you can't get it by quitting see see the real version of you and once you begin to embrace that version of you will compel you to do things like i talked about before that have never been done before yeah yeah yeah the the real you will put you out of the boat and cause you to be a trailblazer and you'll have to do things sometimes without the support of the people even those who are closest to you and so you can't quit and be the real you and so there's certain that's what i'm saying you got to be a fighter of certain disciplines there are certain things that you must do in order to become the real you and you have to have this testimony i will not die an imposter i am gonna find out who i am because i'm not gonna live and die in this life and be in my grave of phony i'm going to be an original i'm going to be unapologetically me are you tracking with me i just want you to get i want you to get in your spirit in fact if you're watching via live stream or or even if you're listening to the podcast i want you to write this down i will not die an imposter put it in the feed right now i will not die an imposter i i refuse to die until i am entirely me oh god entirely me everything that god saw when he put me in my mother's womb i mean fully me and unapologetic about it that's another thing so it's one thing to be you and to be apologizing for being here there's another thing to say god if this is who you created me to be if this is what you've called me to do if this is my assignment if this is my identity if this is who you say i am then i'm going to be like paul and say by the grace of god i am what i am i feel that god's going to take your i am to another place god's going to take your spirit of i am to a whole another dimension to a whole another level i feel it you're going to stop apologizing for being who you are you're gonna say god's grace did it i'm not puffed up i'm not trying to walk around here like like i'm better than somebody else no i'm not better than somebody else i'm just everything that i am and i am it apologetically are you tracking with me and so we're going to keep talking i've got a lot of ground to cover today but i really want us to get that i really want us to to understand what the significance of this and why this is so important and we're going to walk through some things and even learn some lessons and even look at a passage of scripture but here is the thing i can only be who i am based on my revelation of who i am and that's what paul is talking about can we go to the text real quick and just kind of deal with what paul is talking about if we go to the text he says when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child now first of all sometimes we look at this and we get it wrong we feel like he's he was doing something wrong no he wasn't doing anything wrong when you are a child you do think as a child you do speak as a child you do understand the child that's that's like it happens that way in other words all of us step into this identity walk with a degree of ignorance we we're children as it relates to who we truly are and that's not a problem when i was a child i thought as a child i understood as a child i spoke as a child he says but when i became a man i put away childish things and so what paul is describing is how all of us have to undergo this process of self-discovery and as we undergo this process of self-discovery in a healthy and divine way watch this we develop into successive versions of ourselves that are glorious and continue to evolve from glory to glory can i be professor tyree today for a second because we've got to get this he said yeah when i was a child i thought as a child i understood as a child i spoke as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things there is a journey to becoming you and that's encouraging because i don't think that the lord wants you to be hard on yourself for not fully being yourself yet and you know you're not yourself when you're walking around broken and you're making the same mistake over and over and over again and i'm not condoning or justifying foolishness right because at some point we have to wisen up but i'm saying don't be so hard on yourself because paul is writing because he understands that god knows that your growth in my growth even the area of identity and confidence is a process don't beat up on you on your way to becoming you are you tracking with me because it is a process it is a process and so i thought that there was something kind of cool um in here um there were a couple of things he says when i was a child i was just three things we'll just touch on real quick just thoughts i spoke as a child so so when you are not you and when you are becoming you your language is different you know what i mean you you can be childish talking sometimes you just say anybody's mouth ever got them in trouble you just wish like oh if i can just change one thing i've ever done it would be to retract just to erase from the history of my life those unsmart words that came out of my mouth in that moment right anybody ever been there you ever just been somewhere you're like man i was i had one shot i had one moment and i got so nervous i opened my mouth and i just oh i said that that happened to me once before too like and i just opened my mouth and i was fumbling i'm like dude you're a public speaker start fumbling and speaking in tongues so it's crazy you know but but it's interesting he talks about those things he talks about when he was a child he says i spoke as a child so so as i'm on my way to becoming my language should change right then he says i understood as a child if you look up that word it means literally to process mentally so when i'm when i'm not me when i'm becoming me not only do i have to evolve in what comes out of my mouth but i also have to evolve in the processing that takes place in my brain because when i am not me and when i haven't become yet i process differently that's why somebody can say something to me and it bring up all kind of stuff and the person didn't even mean it it was how i interpreted or processed what they said you ever been there before right you i have this thing where i always talk about thinking the highest thought and i talk about that in my book wholeness you know where it is better to think the highest thought and be wrong than to have your internal mechanisms and your ways of processing to have you to do something negative out of someone's gesture or intention and ultimately be wrong it's better to go up than down because because when i'm a child when i'm when i'm not myself when i'm when i'm trying to become myself oftentimes i'm still developing i'm still growing there's still some pain and some brokenness that that happened to a lesser version of me that i haven't overcome in fact that i haven't realized that i have already overcome because of what jesus did i feel like preaching already there are things that that you're still wrestling with that you shouldn't be wrestling with because jesus in his his act on the cross wrestled all of that down wrestled all of that pain and shame and all those things down on the cross remedied that buried it put it in the grave rose up victoriously and now we are in him which means that we're actually postured in a place that is higher than we were often living out do you understand what i'm saying so being in christ is a position right it is a reality the position is settled but our mind and our life has to catch up to the reality of the position we've been set in when we were setting christ are you checking with me i'm being professor terre and so sometimes my processing watch this sometimes it's not the version of me that is in christ and that is whole and that knows it that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and and and knows that no good thing can be withheld from me and that no one can ultimately stop me from being everything who god has called me to be when i don't understand that sometimes i process and and and i proc process uh in an unhealthy way and that's what i believe paul is saying when i was a child when i didn't get it i spoke as a child i didn't speak right i i understood or i process mentally as a child and then he also says and i i thought as a child and to and and when you look up that word it ultimately means to come to a conclusion so so so if i'm not speaking right because i'm not me yet or i haven't been it hasn't been revealed who i am so that i can express it because i'm an artist i can only express what i perceive okay if i can't speak it right if i can't mentally process it right and if i can't deduce or ultimately conclude right then my life does not show up as the expression that god intended and this is why i have to keep growing this is why i could never settle into this this this notion of well this is just the way i am no no no no i got to keep growing paul says i haven't arrived forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forward to those things that are ahead i'm pressing towards the mark what's the mark the mark is the real me that's what i'm after in this life what are you after money fame success no i'm after something that is much more valuable than any of that i'm after me bishop jakes has a message and i haven't even heard it all but the title alone is just brilliant and he's got this message called i didn't know i was me and from what i understand is one of the most powerful messages ever preached i didn't know i was me can you imagine watch that just think about that for a second bishop jake's arguably one of the most prolific communicators of the gospel of our time before and after arguably right you could argue that intelligently and he says i didn't know i was me oh god i feel the holy ghost what might he have been accepting in his life because he didn't know he was him i don't want to digress it's not in my notes but but can you imagine for him to have the agony enough to preach and and to rehearse his stumbling block fourth season in his life was that he didn't know he was me that he didn't know he was himself what might what's gonna be your sermon i didn't know i was me what's gonna be your book your song your testimony i didn't know i was me and that's why i'm preaching this message to you because there is a war over your identity but it's a war you can win you must win and you have to be determined to win because you are a you too and god wants you to know it can we keep going there's this interesting point also in there you notice it says when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child but watch this he says but when i became a man i put away childish things here is the introduction of isis because all he says first is when i was a child i thought as a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child but when i became a man we just went from childhood to man but he's also saying that no no what went along with me speaking understanding and thinking like that was that i attracted childish things there were things in my life watch this that the child of me needs or needed that the grown-up version of me no longer did oh i feel like preaching what i just said oh i just said something right there that there were things watch this that were in my life that were only relevant when i didn't know i was me what might the childish things be in your life right now that are in your life watch this and you didn't even recognize it was the child holding on to those things because you didn't know you were you i i mean what are some of these things let's talk about what i'm talking about is are things that broken and insecure people need people who who haven't discovered who they are yet you are needing when you are a child even in the natural you're needing when you're a child you you need all kind of stuff let's talk about some of those things external validation when i don't know who i am when i'm when i'm in when i'm losing the war of identity i need a whole lot of external validation watch this so much so that i become desperate for it that's when i post something on the ground and if it don't get no likes oh and you how many likes did i get oh they like me yes dopamine kicks in and we become addicted watch this to external invalidation validation i talked about the other day external validation is supposed to be confirmation not affirmation how can you affirm what i already know you can confirm and i say you smart you dang right you're so you're smart i like you you understand it but what are some of the things uh excessive drinking right even money some people people who don't know who they are need money they need the bling that's just that's bling i i've got i would rather spend a million dollars on bling than half of that in an investment and multiply it now it might take five years multiply it ten times but because i need people to look at me a certain way because i haven't learned to look at me a certain way then now i have all these childish things oh god i feel it i like rich people that wear beat up tennis shoes can i just pause for can't just talk for a second no i've been there i have incredible watches i wear this one right here and it ain't even a watch it's a it's a band it's it's a whoop no no i'm digressing but it's it's a whoop and it tracks my heart all that kind of stuff i don't care and i'll be in a tuxedo with this on i've got all that other stuff but i don't even wear it because it doesn't mean i'm not it doesn't define me oh god i feel it you got to understand that and there's nothing wrong with having nice stuff but you got to see yourself right so those things are just accessories that accentuate who you are not things that define you and make you who you are are you tracking with me so that's just an accessory i didn't know i was me what other things meaningless frivolous sex all these sort of things so what i'm getting at is that when you're a child there are childish things in your life and the more you grow up you start letting go i don't need that anymore the more you recognize who you are oh i don't need that little more no no i can go i can shop at target now i don't need them no more somebody like pt you're going too far no it's target got some get downs in there no you go you ain't been in there recently go do a good one target go there they'll get you right i'm telling you i did it you know a little while ago but i did it i did it we got to keep moving so i just that jumped out at me when it says that when i became a man i put away childish things we have to be oh oh here's another goodie in here it says in verse 12. it says for now we see in a mirror dimly now you think about it when a mirror mirrors that which projects yourself back to you right and so paul is saying this is a process nobody's arrived we haven't arrived there it's a process it says for now we see in a mirror dimly so think about you as an artist you're trying to express who you are and you're looking at the image that god reveals to you but you don't quite see yourself quite clearly because sometimes watch this what's crazy is you have to become you in order to even perceive you sometimes so the more you become you the more you will recognize you right and so that's how and that's what you create so you're seeing this and you're creating creating is your expression you're seeing it you're expressing it you're seeing it you are showing up as it in the world that's your expression right and then he says something kind of powerful he says for now we see it in a mirror dimly so that which is allowing me the ability to perceive myself in such a way that i can show up is dim i i don't have it all there i'm seeing in part right he says but then face to face at this point obviously when he said the then that he's talking about is the day of the lord but this is a journey up to it it's not either or this is important it's not a now then it is a now then and everything in between a lot of times we think that the process of manifestation is only when manifestation is complete i i got to say this right we think it's it's now and then just those two binary things it's now and then and that's why we don't have much expectation now is now i'm not expecting much until the lord returns right no it's not jesus god it operates both before in and outside he operates he transcends time is what i'm getting at so i'm not sitting around waiting for my body watch this i am walking into my identity i'll put it to you this way there's this this this character in the scripture named enoch and we don't know very we don't we know very little about enoch the only thing we know about enoch is that his ways please the lord and more specifically that he walked with god and then he was not so here's what we know we know that enoch his ways pleased the lord he walked with god that's important he did not die he was just not he didn't die he was just not he was just gone so let's look at that what that taught me is that the way to do this thing with god is to walk with god and to get in sync with god and to get so in step with god and so in such a transformative way that ultimately you don't die you just step into the fullness of his creation of you are you tracking with me so in other words i'm going from glory to glory i'm going to keep on walking i'm not satisfied i want to pray more i want to worship more i want to love more i want to have more faith i want to be bold i want to know who i am i want to recognize my identity and align with it i want that mirror to become more and more crystallized so that i can reflect it i'm an artist remember so i'm looking at this here's a perfect thing jesus says you guys are are condemning me for what i am doing but he said but i'm only doing what i see the father do so i'm looking at the father there and i'm making moves down here what was he doing he was expressing the image that was being revealed to him from glory to glory and this is how he could trust in himself this is how he knew he was right this is how he could stand up to the haters can you imagine the average person would have buckled under the pressure and the the debauchery and the words and the disgraceful things that were coming at them because of the haters but jesus it seemed like the more the scribes and the pharisees questioned him the more he believed in who he was why because he was looking he had a relationship with god he was seeing himself the image of himself in god and he was making moves down here so when he saw that version of him move this version of him moved when he saw that version of him move this version of him move that's what i'm talking about because i am going watch this to express my divine identity that's my job that's my life that's my calling who am i i will not die an imposter no no no no no it's more it means more to me than anything no no no because because we got so much ground to cover because the real version of me will attract watch this the favor of god and the favor of man oh we got to get into it i'm just giving you a little sneak peek favor of god so let's talk about it let's talk about it now how do we get there what's the word that i'm talking about well it's right there i didn't say it i'm sorry it's in verse 12. he says for now i know in part but then i shall know just as i also am known oh don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it paul says right now i know in part in other words i'm getting it piece by piece but when it's all said and done i am going to know just as i also am known in other words i'm going to see me the way god sees me oh god oh and he says i'm a no in other words see knowing is beyond believing you can believe in doubt but but knowing is a realm see i know you're here i am living in this dimension you are here you are here you are here you're listening i know you're there so i'm functioning in the consciousness of what i know not even what i believe because i can believe well i believe i'm you know i can believe that's one but you have doubt with that when you know something oh god when you know something is different you you just you it just see when you know something it is when you believe something you hope and so paul says i am going to no i'm moving on my way up this thing letting laying aside childish things i'm moving my way up the mountain of god and my knowing is crystallizing and when i finally get there i am going to know just like i am known imma know who i am and when i know it i can express oh god i can't wait for you to know you i can't wait for you to figure out who you are and then and not just believe it to know it because you're going to show up differently that's probably why jesus could do the miracles he didn't believe he was we're going to talk about his process in a minute he didn't just believe he was he knew he was but watch this even jesus had to grow up into it can we go further oh okay okay and so so and so here we go how do we get there what's the process i'm gonna tell you real quick we're gonna read a text i'm gonna break down what i tell you and we're going home well we are already home then you know you know what i mean though how are we going to get there one by never doubting our inner knowing to by protecting our environment and three by asking the right people the right questions all right now let's go to luke chapter 2 and i'm going to read this really quickly because there's a lot of verses but it's a wonderful story that's going to make sense we're just about done luke chapter 2 verse 41 through 52 here we go his parents jesus is the his here his parents went to jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover and when he was 12 years old when jesus was 12 years old they went up to jerusalem according to the custom of the feasts when they had finished the days days of the feast as they returned the boy jesus lingered behind in jerusalem and joseph and his mother did not know it but supposing him to have been in the company they went a day's journey and sought him among their relatives and acquaintances so when they did not find him they returned to jerusalem seeking him now so it was that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers both listening to them and asking them questions all who heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers so when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said to him son why have you done this to us look your father and i have sought you anxiously why have you brought all of this angst and this pain to us and he said to them why did you seek me did you not know that i must be about my father's business but they did not understand the statement which he spoke to them then he went down with them and came back to nazareth and was subject to them but his mother kept all those things in her heart and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with god and with man okay so there's so much there but one thing that we can see right here is that jesus he hadn't done a miracle here he had been baptized there he would he hadn't gone into the temple open the torah and watched his declared that he was who was talked about in isaiah chapter 61. none of that he didn't even express himself watch this because he was still discovering himself three things the three things first of all never doubt your inner knowing i believe that god just like the writer talks about your genius and how your genius guides you i believe that god places the bible says that he puts eternity in our hearts i believe that god puts a sense of you knowing you're special in you and and when you're young particularly when you are a child you can access it more because you haven't been contaminated and polluted by the vicissitudes of life that come to rob you of your shout have you ever noticed how loud children are children are loud i got six of them chill with some of them are grown but they but they're loud and they'll just be loud for no reason everything is like they are so free it's just it and it's just and it it sometimes gets on your nerves but sometimes just stop and admire it they ain't worrying about getting in trouble they're not worrying about who they might have been they are so lit in life it says and then over time and in life stuff happens and that shout just diminishes and diminishes and amazing and then you ever seen just a sad kid hi they won't even look at you hi what what happened but if you can get back see all of us and particularly when you're young is when you can access it but but it's always there have something in us that says you're special but usually we get away from it because it gets you in trouble like joseph memory joseph he had the code of many colors joseph was special joseph you know listen i'm all over the bible but that's okay we're getting this thing joseph you know he was having dreams and god was telling me he was special his father gave him a coat of many colors and all this kind of stuff and joseph went to his brothers and he's like man oh y'all don't bow down to me i got great i cannot wait to share i had a dream and in a dream like everybody like y'all too everybody like bow down to me and they look at him like i hate you see being special will get you in trouble oh god and that's why you got special people afraid to be special because of what comes back and here is the thing all of us are special in some way i'm reading this phenomenal book by an author by the name of jim quick it's called limitless this is a great book read it if you get a chance but he says it's not how smart you are it's how are you smart in other words everybody is special everybody has got something but a lot of times what we're doing is we're comparing our special to the next person special or to someone else's interpretation of what special is and as a result of that we deduce that we are not special no no no no no it's not how special it's how are you special it's not how smart you are it's how are you spark smart look at the questions see see questioning and i'm going to get to in just a second but it's all about the questions you ask and in that third point that i'm going to get to who you asked the question to and so never doubt your inner knowing trusted i knew you know i'll be on i knew from from early on that that there was greatness on my life i knew it you know and i'm not saying that you got to have a stage or a platform to be great i'm talking being great as an essence of who you are and however you choose to express it whether in a grand way where everybody can see or private back alleyway where only you and those that matter see it doesn't matter greatness is greatness right has nothing to do with with the size of platform lines that's a really important note right um but it used to get me it used to get me in trouble early on i i know and it would get me in trouble and so what did i do i started pretending like i wasn't great and i started running with people who weren't great and and and i knew i wasn't we ain't the same but but it's comfortable it's easier because watch this there are more people who are content to not discover who they are and to live ordinary than there are people like you and people like me people like us that are saying no no no baby there's an investment that god has placed to me and i'm gonna do whatever i do i have to do to find it and finally i said some of that stuff started getting me in trouble and i'm like i can do better than that i can do better and there were just some voices in my life that says that ain't you you you need that you need that number two i'm talking about how how do i get there i want to be me how do i get to me you get to you by first not doubting that voice that's giving you a clue and affirming confirming that you are who you are and then two you got to protect your environment now notice jesus now again he's 12 he's 12 years old right and he leaves watch this he leaves the crowd and goes into the temple isn't that crazy like that all the crowd is doing this all the crowd they're doing their their religious things it's the feast they're doing their thing and jesus is like he sensed that no that's the temple i i want to he you know it's like david the one thing that i desire that will i seek after is that i might dwell in the house of the lord all the days of your life my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple he was tapping into spiritual hunger and he stays back and he goes into the temple because he couldn't get what he needed in the crowd environment and he recognized that environment is everything i teach it to my children environment is everything because you will watch this you will become what your environment is or what your environment projects onto you i'm saying it again you will become what your environment is or what your environment projects onto you so you go into some environments and it says this to you sometimes the environment itself says says this about you and sometimes in that environment that environment literally speaks that onto you and you begin to believe it the devil is a liar i am who i say i am and watch this in every environment and every atmosphere that i put myself in has to affirm the real me it has to support who i really am so environment is everything last thing i'll say on that point is remember when god was getting ready to move in abraham's life he said get out of your father's house out of your country to a land that i will show you what did he do the first thing he does is he disrupts his environment because he recognizes that your environment is the incubator by which you become everything that god has called you to be or it is the place that will abort who you truly are never doubt you're in annoying protect your environment and three ask the right people the right questions here's the truth i don't let everybody speak into my life jesus is there at the temple and he's not asking everybody watch this he didn't even ask his mom and his daddy he's in the temple asking the teachers and he's asking questions and he's giving feedback and he's asking questions giving feedback that's important because sometimes while you're learning who to ask you have to recognize that sometimes you got to help them figure out who you are oh that's a word for somebody you ever had somebody that like like tried to like big brother or big sister you and they start prophesying and they prophesying somebody else like that ain't me you know what i mean like you know and sometimes sometimes the truth of the matter is sometimes you to tell people who you are even with those who are shaping you i've got mentors in my life and i just say no that you're wrong on that not even in a disrespectful way like no you got that's actually wrong you know me but let me help you here because i know you mean well and i know you love me but yeah you missed it right there but that's okay so it wasn't just him going there and sitting down and listening sometimes a part of knowing who you are is expressing because at the end of the day the only one who will know you perfectly is god and you are you tracking with me so it's asking the right people the right questions i think the mentorship is everything i think it's important for you to have somebody who sees you every david needs a samuel and and samuel needed an eli study it when you get a chance right david would not be david if he didn't have the prophet samuel in his life and samuel wasn't even known and popular samuel was over here in the cut the people who needed to know knew but he was over here in the cut but samuel would speak into david's life and when david almost made a destiny destroying decision it was when samuel died mentorship is everything and samuel had eli who led him to the voice of god so that he can fulfill his destiny are you tracking with me and so this last verse is what i want to leave you with in this text it says and jesus increased in wisdom in stature and in favor with god and with man so here's the thing knowing who you are is one thing becoming who you are is another it's a process day by day step by step and every time god gives you a new glimpse a new vision of who you are write it down you ought to have a a wall that is a mirror but it's not a mirror that shows you your physical self it is a mirror with phrases and revelations and scriptures that god has spoken to you over the years that add pieces to the puzzle of the masterpiece of you every single day you should look at yourself the same way you make sure ain't no nothing in your nose you know what i mean make sure everything's fit in the way it's supposed to fit same way you do that every day you ought to look into some document some wall something that god has told you where you've placed where you have collected and gathered the things that god has spoken to you that god has called you so before you step out set foot out the house to express yourself you have first expressed yourself to yourself and you need nothing from the environment you need nothing from anybody else it's a process and i believe that the more we become the more we're going to grow in wisdom in stature in favor with god and with man and i want you to believe this with you i want to pray for you i don't want you to be discouraged about where you are what we've been talking about and have been describing might seem so far away from where you are in this moment but so is jesus it doesn't happen overnight we're talking about commitment and i feel this so strong some of you somebody got this you you got this in your spirit you got this truth in your spirit and this seed of truth and wisdom and revelation is going to be at work in your life in such a powerful and profound way that you're going to literally say like bishop jake said i didn't know i was me [Music] you're going to begin to attract at a whole different level wow and there's some things that you're not going to accept you're not going to accept it anymore it's not me it doesn't look like me it doesn't feel like i feel that you're going to feel differently you're going to walk differently and as paul put it you're going to talk differently you're going to process mentally differently and you're going to conclude differently you're going to make better decisions you're going to make destiny decisions and your life is never going to change family hear me you are more than what you think we all are but we have to be committed i am who god says i am i want to pray for you father we thank you so much for these moments that we've spent together and god i i said what you told me to say and i thank you god for the trees that are being strengthened even the trees that are being planted right now and i thank you for the growth i thank you for the fruit now god may these words take root and bear fruit in the hearts and the minds of all your sons and daughters i pray this in jesus name amen listen we're going to worship in just a second but before we do i want to extend this opportunity to you listen god is real jesus is real he's everything i mean i could talk on and on about the lord and how he reveals himself but simply put you want to have a relationship with him for real and maybe it's not what you think i'm not talking about this ultra religious thing that that is a constricting thing no i'm talking about something that will liberate you i'm talking about the reality of one who came here watch this to become everything that's not you to become everything that's anti-you to become everything that's against you and to kill it in his body and put it to death that's what the depth on the cross is all about the depth on the cross was all about the radical love of god putting in the body of his son to prove his love for us everything that keeps us from being us there's a passage that paul wrote and he said that that god made christ who had no sin weakness limitation mark missing to become all those things so that we might become the righteousness of god in him in other words jesus died to enable something in us and the enablement was our ability to overcome anything and everything that keeps us from being the great souls the great spirit that we were called to be that's what this thing is about and you it's simple god there's no hocus-pocus magic formula god just stands at the door of our heart and he knocks hallelujah and he touches us in a way that lets us know it's him because only he can touch us in that way and we respond we feel something divine happening not some forced thing or not some religious chokehold thing we feel something divine and also with that feeling which is an inspiration that's god inspiring us with that sense of inspiration we feel a grace to open up a part of ourselves that maybe we don't even access but it's the door that he's knocking on and we open up we just open up this we just feel the love and we open up and then he says i take it from there i do the work he says i'll come in i'll have an exchange with you you'll know me i'll know you and my spirit from that day forward will be in you and with you guiding you like the genius into who you truly are and to manifest your full expression and there's so many other benefits but at the end of the day you'll never look back i did it 21 years ago and there is not one day that i said man i wish i wouldn't open the door when he knocked no it's just the opposite i thank god i did because i found me i would have never known i was me unless i had opened up to him so if that's you and you say pt i feel that i feel it on my chest right now and i want to say yes to god i just want you to put yes god in the comments but yes god you want to be more specific but yes jesus yes lord in the comments we're praying for you we got staff here that will connect with you there are instructions right there in the feed we're gonna build you you're gonna have an incredible life we love you we're grateful for you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 53,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes
Id: aWFqshgyai4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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