Bishop T.D. Jakes - October 13, 2019

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there's a word that's a word all the way from Charleston West Virginia through Dallas Texas the man of God that there are not enough words to describe what God has invested in him and what he has invested in so many of us I'm not gonna belong the time because as I stated there's not enough words but would you receive with me the man of God called of God that's going to speak a word to you on the day that's none other than our own Bishop Thomas Dexter Jake's senior come on give God praise come on put those hands together get the lawn appraised in this house oh this is tipple appraised I know what you can do come on and get the northern tip Allah praise pray I'm excited remain standing for just a moment I'm excited to be here in on this momentous I love you too I love you too this momentous occasion that we have gathered here to watch the animation the consecration the installation the continuation of the anointing of the Lord on the Staples family let's take a moment and just thank God for His goodness [Applause] I don't want to be too long so I'm just going to quickly share word a prayer with you and then then I'm going to Genesis 22 verse 1 through 8 for just a moment and then we're going to just believe God to have his way father we thank you because you knew from the foundations of the world that this day would come and you have prepared us for this day and we think and we give you honor and we give you glory Lord because we are in your hands and no man can pluck us out no thing you know trouble no affliction no adversity can pluck us out because we are lodged in your hands as we open up your word we look to your word for guidance and direction for comfort for strength for nutrition speak to us O God in the invincible name of Jesus we praise somebody who loves him shouting man I want to just read a few passages if you'll indulge me understand a moment longer out of Genesis I before I read it I just want to say what a momentous occasion this is amen and when I think about it I've had the privilege I have known Bishop staples most of my life since I was a late teens early 20s and had a jheri curl running down my back a man his hair was naturally curly I had to buy mine [Applause] and we were boy preachers preaching in the hills of West Virginia several years ago I had the privilege of him coming to me and saying I want you to be my pastor and it's been a privilege to be a covering over him and over his family and over his church for a number of years he serves as the second vice Bishop of the higher ground always about being a sibling he is the presbytery of many many pastors around the country and around the world and we just salute you sir for your faith and for your tenacity and for your grab a man yeah and we honor him and we thank God for him and we're grateful for his son amen give God praise for his son touch somebody say the legacy continues above all else all titles and all ecclesiastical descriptions I am here because I am your friend and friendship is a word now today it doesn't mean what it used to mean now you feel somebody follow you on facebook days friends but for me friends is a real sacred word it's a ride-or-die come hell or high water word come on somebody Eddie it is the epitome of which all of the relationships come out of marriage and everything else ought to start in friendship because if you don't like them you can't love them come on talk to me about it and so I was just incumbent upon me to be here today bishop staples many of you might think the bishop staples begin to think about this day at the spur of the moment or in the last year or two but he has been talking to me about this day for the last 10 or 12 years a man great things take time a lot of people rush them but great things take time they take time and they take testing takes fire persecution you know it's tough because you want it you have to earn it that Labour and cry and pull and prove that you can take a lickin and keep on tickin and and here we are to celebrate this day and I ask God just to give me a thought I won't be long because I don't think that that is the point of being here but I just want to share this start with you out in Genesis chapter 22 it says and it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said I may have my Abraham and he said Behold I'm here and he said take now thy son thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get them to the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of now there's not a person in this room that wants to get back from God offer your son up and Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and claimed the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went unto the place of which God to the place of which God told him then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off oh my god and Abraham said unto his young man about you here with us and I am the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and they went both of them together and they went both of them together and Isaac spake on Abraham his father and said daddy he said here am I my son and he said Behold the fire I see the fire and I feel the weight of the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for burnt offering so they went both of them together so they went both of him together I want to talk from this subject just between us touch your neighbor on your way to your seat and say just between us [Music] Genesis 22 is such a powerful book it is so prophetic it is multi-dimensional it is not just the historical repetition of an occurrence in the patriarchy of faiths life but it becomes the substratum of all that God will do to redeem man in the earth is hidden in the folds and the fabrics of the text this text is so powerful and so prolific that it will reverberate throughout the New Testament and and find this home on Calvary's cross as all that God will do with Jesus is hidden in the fabric of Genesis 22 and it starts with Abraham a man of faith who believed God to the point that he became the friend of God you cannot be God's friend and not believe him when you believe God it sets you on an anti different level you cannot be his friend and not trust him y'all don't hear what I'm saying dancing is good it shout is alright but sooner or later your dance gotta be tried in the fire of our position and you got to know that you believe him whether you dance or not whether you meet but not whether you run an hour abraham believed God and it was counted unto Him as righteousness God said I will exchange your faith for my righteousness if you believe me I will impute righteousness unto you I will call you righteous even though I know you're not righteous because I'll praise your faith and improve my righteousness into your life abraham believed God and God snatched him out he was a Gentile man and God snatched him out and out of the loins of a town man brought a Hebrew nation does not matter where you start my brothers and sisters it matters where you finish God said I'm going to do a new thing through you in spite of the whole thing that was done in you if you've got the courage to leave your kin folks in your country your familiar your comfortable zone what's you what you're used to and follow me and go on a journey I'm going to do amazing things in your life all of West Virginia was talking when Glenn staples came to DC left all in West Virginia staples and came down out of Beckley and ended up in Washington DC left his country and his kindred and embarked upon a mission because God wanted his voice in the nation's capital to provide an option for people who were serious about having a real Holy Ghost encounter with God so he read in him my mama would say he transplanted him he relocated him he picked him up from where he started and set him over here so that those who were in power could hear the voice of the gospel being preached from the capital of our country God started a mission in his life because he believed God he believed God you have to believe God to leave all of the stuff that you're used to and go someplace fresh and strange and different you have to believe God to come into a city where you don't have a lot of and a mission just because God said do it that's the kind of faith that's sitting behind me radical faith ridiculous faith revolutionary faith he called me one day he said we have at baptism service and everybody coming up out of the water is speaking in tongues he said the powerful so strong the folks was getting baptized in their crawls I'm talking about face there put a dance in your feet and faith that made you learn how to clap your hair faith it took you out of your dignified mood touch you how if you praise God remain the school blessings will come down the time to faith that gets you ejected out of the fellowship of the Brethren because even the Brethren don't like you when you believe God [Applause] Glenn staples is Abraham in this house [Applause] make no mistake about it clap if you want to get mad if you will read my self-discipline Spain was is Abraham in this house leaving the familiar for the unfamiliar on an assignment and a mandate from God because God told him to do it he made a radical move I'm a witness it's not easy to make a radical move all them voice is going off in your heads and what if and maybe and suppose and you got to step over top all of that and say don't he slay me trust you when I can't trace your armor pressure where people talk about me imma trust you when they will accept me in their fellowship in the future there's one thing about faith that Abraham understood that bishops tables understood faith will cause you to be successful make no mistake about it if you got the faith faith will make you successful but success is not success without a successor [Applause] see my brothers and sisters this is simply too hard for it to last one generation it costs too much for a participant one generation of be done with and you come back up here now they got a 7-eleven where these church used to be about this right I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it God gave Abraham a son he gave him a seed he gave him a future the son is the closest thing a man gets to eternal life on this side it's how your voice is heard beyond the grave through your son are you hearing what I'm saying to you God gave Abraham when it was impossible a son that's what makes this text so radical because now the God who gave him the son now asks for the son he gave him I bothered you gave it to me he wouldn't ask for it back now that same God they said I'm going to give you a son now which him I pile in the morning this Abraham and God God in Abraham just garden Abraham and Abraham and God and God said to Abraham take now thy son thy only son this is a word that God gave Abraham it was just between them he didn't shout it from the rooftops he didn't tell I think about it he didn't talk to Sarah about it he didn't call a board meeting he didn't have a committee with the elders he's attached our son take him to a place in the mountains of Moriah where is a ridge of mountains go to a place in the mountains which I will tell deal see this is where faith is still being tested because God is not a God of details he gave him no address he gave him no directions he gave him no specifics he didn't say go down till you see the mulberry bush should turn left and count five mountains and that'll be the one he said naw just start walking just start walking you'll know when you say it you just gotta start walking neighbor ham took his son and his servant early in the morning probably before Sarah was awake because if the mama was awake a boy probably would have never got out of the house Abraham took his son and saddled up his asses and started going somewhere this is what we don't like to tell you as preachers we we like for you to think we know where we're going it's embarrassing to get up and tell the church that we don't know where we're going we like for you to think that we're sure of ourselves we talked a big fight and we sell a lot of big important wine but sometimes God is taking us somewhere and we don't know where somewhere is we're just walking by faith and we know how to get him to the proximity of the blessing but the specificity of the blessing is hidden from us because if the specificity of the blessing was revealed to us we would not need faith one does not need faith when you have details so you need faith when you know you're close to it but you haven't got there yet I wish I had somebody in here that knows what that feels like to know that you're in the proximity but you can figure out exactly which way to go much the true close to give up right now the Bible said when they were yet three days off Abraham looked up and he said that's it it was shunned I died it doesn't tell us how he knew that that was it but he just knew that that was it he knew it he just knew it he dish knew it it that tell us how he knew it but he just knew that was the place and I can tell you for sure once you see the place you are able to separate yourself from a whole lot of stuff that used to be hanging on to you you you can walk with me while I'm trying to figure it out but once I see the place if I get clear direction that's what I've known who's got to go so I can make it to the place you told the service stay yeah with NASA's stay and take care of the things on your level [Music] [Applause] stay here with the asses because you're not a part of this coveted I just brought you along to suck mine but this is jazz just between us we don't need no spectators we don't need a commentary hey we don't need a documentary this is just between us you had enough faith to get started but not enough to go all the way stay with us me and the lad me and that boy we're going yonder to worship and they started both of them together continued the journey and the Bible in its eloquence of the texts exploits our understanding of the data that is tabulated in the future when it reminds us that Abraham laid on his son the wood even as God would lay on Jesus the cross it's one thing to have a son to keep your company but when you put responsibility on him that's when you find out whether he's a real son or not when you put some weight on him he gave him away but he gave him no details but he gave him know how you like me now that means that in order fires and to walk with Abraham he had to carry weight that he didn't understand there are some times they ought to be able to tell you to do something and you ought to just shut your mouth and do it yeah you ought to shut your mouth precariat the way god is this such Samantha do what I told you to do and if you can't realize you ain't really my son you ain't really my son if you came in during the weight of the world or you want the light but you don't want the heat of a fire you want the elevation but you don't want to carry the wood this young man has had to carry the wood come on talk to me somebody he has had to carry the weight of the wood place it on his shoulders my father that didn't give him a whole lot of details but your father didn't give you a lot of details because his father didn't give him a lot of details then just between us starts out between Abraham and God but it ends up between Abraham and his son and the Bible says twice and they went on both of them together he once said twice if it wasn't important it illustrates to us and there are some confidence that are not for public display everything ought not to build Instagram everything don't make it to Facebook some things ought to be just oh you're the right man y'all don't like that cuz you like to post everything but slap stuff ain't nobody's [Applause] my god I feel something pressing me in here that's up these are doing is just [Applause] three beavers is just between us you ain't got to understand it you ain't got to like it you ain't got to realize it you ain't got a man it is just between me and God what God's got for me ain't none of your business what God is ready to do for me ain't none of your business you gotta fall for me I ain't gotta be elected this is just between us I learned to stop looking for people to get behind me and stand on my own two feet like the between us it's just between us it's just between us some stuff God tell you you can't tell nobody because it looks so ridiculous they would think you lost your mind I wish I had ten people they had a ridiculous dream a crazy dream a dream that make you sound like a fool I dream them in detail people they think you're also mine so you have to have some people that are walk with you confused you gotta have some people that'll be submitted without you giving them details and they went on both of them together the father and the son this is mismatched with the hint of the privacy that would go on between God the Father and his son you remember when Jesus carried the wood to the heel called Golgotha and in order to have privacy he blacked out the Sun because it wasn't for spectators it was just between the farmer and the Sun and the light swim out and the crowd started trembling because some things are so personal they're not for public eye perspective they came a little closer and the boy said Danny I see the knife and I see the wood I see all the stuff that's necessary but daddy where is the sacrifice see Abraham has not discussed what God discussed with him with his son he just put the weight on him he didn't give him the word he just gave him the weights and so the boys walking with the man you don't fully understand and he said we don't have everything I see the knife ax I see the woman where is the sacrifice Abraham could not tell him that I brought you here to offer you up as a burnt offering this ain't just an offering this is an offering that you strapped down and light fire under and burn it up your program says an installation service that's nice you say it's a consecration service that's cute that ain't what this is this is the father taking the Sun and laying him on all to become pastor of this church is to be laid on the altar as a crucifixion it's Eli supposedly my God my God why have you forsaken me it's hanging out there from the sixth to the ninth hour when the five thousand flee and they gamble for your clothes that's what it means to be the senior pastor it means preaching wouldn't nobody came and you can't hardly take a vacation because well if you not there they talk about you like an iPod my momma and you were there how about all the times I appreciate you what man but we take our leaders for granted that whenever we do decide to come they honest ill beep I hate to tell you we treat your son we called you here and told you was an installation service but it really ain't we came here to lay you on the altar we came here to lay you on the altar and tie you down with the weight of being God's man in Washington DC we brought you here to lay you on the altar not just so you could pass to the church you will disciple the church but you will pass to the city that's why you don't see no lamps cuz you're it [Music] Josephus the historian records that someone has Isaac why he became obedient unto a laying down on the altar and offering himself as a sacrifice because you must understand that Isaac was old enough to resist it we preach it like he was a little boy that he wasn't he was old enough to resist it because he is a type of Christ and no man took his life he laid it down and he became obedient unto death even the death of the cross we came here to bury you whoever you thought you were whoever you wanted to be a plan to be we came here to eulogize what you had in mind and Josephus a historian says that they asked Isaac why he was so beaten he said I said it would have been better that I'll not be born and for me to be born and not to the will of my father so I want you to get this because this old man now takes his grown son and lays him down as if he were a lamb his only son on the halt and put the wood that he carried up under him I got ready to offer him up I'll put them together and I told me somebody was talking about this I said you got to do this you got to be here to do this you gotta fight back the devil to do this because it is only appropriate for you as a father to lay your son on this altar because you and I both know how hard it is to do this this yoke you about the place on him it has to come from you so that when he faces those moments of doubt and anxiety and and wonders what would his father do and why am I here he needs to look back and remember it was my father's hand they laid me out here in front of all of these witnesses and put me on the altar and Isaac climbed up on the altar and he did it so that he could continue the lineage that God would be the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob y'all don't hear what I'm saying and now the father and one exalted dramatic illustration of faith raises the knife you have to have a son to understand the power of this text you have to understand that when you look into your son's eyes you see yourself you have to understand that your son is your seed and your son is your future and he Lane his son his future his vision his legacy [Music] on the altar lifted up a knife to slay his son because abraham believed god enough to slay his son convinced that god would raise him back up again because he had told the service we will come back to Abraham was going to kill that boy sure as I'm standing here he was gonna stab him like he was a lamb his only son fully prepared to take him out and as he raised his hand to slay his son God hollered out of heaven and said stay away in other words God got in between Abraham and his son just between us you don't have to slay your son cuz I'm gonna slay my son I just need it to do whatever it takes and so there Abraham is was his son stretched out on the altar and the wood up under him and the knife in the air and God got between us and that's where you will always find God between us he is a God between us he is always in the middle when you see him on the cross with the thieves on either side he is always between them when you see the terbium shouting holy holy holy it's the Lord God of hosts he is always between us God is always between us any two of you agree as touching anything or y'all don't hear what I'm saying it touch your neighbor say he's between us if I say between us if you say thank you and I say Jesus gonna sit down in between awesome pop your hands and I Pat my feet gonna come down in between us and if you don't ask a step between us and what the church needs to understand it's not enough for you to send praises up that's real cute but when you start praising God between the praises of his people I'm about to sit down man but I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost missing me in the back if I had a hundred saved and sanctified folk but find somebody just start telling them who God is to you gotcha from Pelham buddy brought you through turn to your neighbor telling people God is in your life Mattie you clap your hands tell everybody you pat your feet may God watch you do it and the more you talk about him you'll get in between you don't bother you start praising God look at your baby [Applause] so I called my son-in-law and I told him to preach for me this morning because I came to stand beside your father as he lays you on this altar an office the rest of your life up as a sacrifice before God so that what he has began you can continue in you shall profit Jesus Christ look at us real good boy look at us real good look at us real good the soon our faces will only be memories in your head look at us and understand that we are the roots of the old tree we are the wind beneath your wings we are the father's that you are the sons that will be gone over recent somebody just got a praise to lift your hands and open your mouth and began to break [Music] the police Abraham saw in Mount Moriah the mountain he found his the mountain Christ was crucified Oh real ministry is a cross and ain't a pleasure it's a cross real ministry is where your flesh dies where your I quit dies that I give up dies that all your feelings are real ministry is not a comfort it's not a convenience some cross when this night is over you will be hung high stretch wag and people will say everything about you but they didn't appoint you they didn't let you this is just between us take a moment and just worship God where you're standing if you heard a word from God the word is just between you and him wherever you're standing just worship Him lift your hands forget who's beside you father thank you for speaking to us thank you thank you whatever he said whatever he said worship in love on him today because you heard the word that means you have purpose in today it wasn't happenstance that you were here today it was on purpose God wanted you to know that is between us Oh glory Oh glory glory glory glory we love you today God we love you today God we magnify or name our hearts and minds open to you How Great Thou art how great our glory didn't he may be seated in the presence of the Lord the president the Lord is in [Music] look at your neighbors in neighbor the breath of the Lord is he I feel him right here and then not just right here I feel it right here father knew we blessed God [Music] [Music] we give the Lord's name all the honor the praise and the glory pastor I'm honored to wear your father's role and when they put it on me they asked do you feel the weight I said no just the anointing can we get Bishop Jake's a hand praise for the word of God my brother you have been chosen by God and presiding prelate and the people have affirmed their trust in you by claiming your selection as pastor in God's Holy Church you are called to be one of the Apostles and proclaiming Christ resurrection in the interpreting of the gospel and to testify to Christ's sovereignty as Lord of lords and King of Kings you are called to God the faith unity and discipline of the church to celebrate and to provide the administration the sacraments of the New Covenant - are they in elders and deacons and to join in the call of souls to the kingdom of God and to be in all things a faithful pastor and a wholesome example to the entire flock of Christ and the people of God said amen with your fellow pastors will you share in the leadership of the church throughout the world your heritage is the faith of patriarchs prophets apostles martyrs and those of every generation who have looked to God in hope your joy will be to follow him who came not to be served but to serve and give his life a ransom for many are you persuaded that you are truly called to this ministration according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ and the order of this church are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain all doctrine required as necessary for the eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and how you determined out of the same Holy Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge and to teach or maintain nothing as necessary to eternal salvation but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the same we you then faithfully exercise yourself in the Holy Scriptures and call upon God by prayer for the true understanding of the same so that you may be able by them to teach them and exhort with wholesome doctrine and to understand and convince the gainsayers are you ready with all faithful diligence to banish and drive away from the church all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to the Word of God and both privately and openly to call upon encourage others to the same [Applause] will you deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and live soberly righteously and godly in the present world that you may show yourself in all things an example of good works unto others that the adversary may be ashamed having nothing to say against you [Applause] will you maintain and set forward as much as shall lie in you quietness love and peace among all men and diligently exercise such discipline as by the authority of God's Word and by the order of this church which is committed to you [Music] will you share with your fellow pastors in the government of the whole church will you sustain your fellow press pitchers and take counsel with them will you guide and strengthen the Deacons and all others who minister in the church I will will you be faithful in ordaining sending or laying hands upon those who prove their callings in Christ and qualify according to the standards of Scripture and the canons of this church will you be merciful to all show compassion to the poor and strangers and defend those who have no helper [Applause] my fellow-servant through these promises you have committed yourself to God to serve his church in the office of past lore we therefore call upon you chosen to be a guardian of the church's faith to lead us to confessing that faith amen to presiding freely bishop staples - Bishop Jake's - past the lake water Staples your grace bishop in the Church of God we support and ratify your appointment selection and elevation of water lamar staples from the position of assistant pastor of the temple of praise to pastor of temple of freeze Church Washington DC we therefore ask you to lay your hands upon him and the power of the Holy Spirit to consecrate him as pastor of the temple of freeze as pasta in the one holy and universal Church god be praised in honor Walter are staples minister a word and sacrament brother in Christ you have been called by God through the leading voice of your bishop in this congregation to be its senior pastor you have been called to help lead these people in the way of Jesus Christ within level within within the common ministry of all of us you have been set apart for a very special service to equip the body of Christ for its Ministry of reconciliation to the world as you embark on this chapter of your ministry I charge you remember always that Jesus came not to be served but to serve I charge you to seek to live with the joy and confidence that comes from being rooted in the gospel and in knowing the giftedness of life while your office grant your privilege it is a privilege to serve in the name of Christ Jesus so in the discharge of your office I charge you to love and serve Christ people in this place and beyond even as crisis loved you open your life to them share their Joy's their burdens their labors their faith I charge you not to forget the trust of those who have chosen you preach the word in season and out teach faithfully watching over these people by providing for their spiritual life and instructions nourish them nourish them with wisdom and strengthen them to glorify the heart care for them with patience young and old no preferences strong and weak no preferences rich and poor urged him to remember the finless and the needy show the love of Jesus to all people I charge you to serve this people with energy intelligence imagination and love relying on God's mercy and rejoicing and God's promise through Jesus Christ I charge you to see Christ's presence in prayer strengthening yourself for your work Stan's been ample time and studying do not shortchange it for only then can you be a word the instrument trusts the many gifts bestowed upon you and allow God and this congregation to forgive your failings don't try to be Superman it's alright to be human take leisure and recreation enjoy your family and give them time to enjoy you balance your life balance your life and may the Lord God bless you and keep you now and forever and all the people said [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've been wanting to say this all night this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased sisters and brothers in Christ with guidance of the Holy Spirit we have called paths a Lamaze staples to be elevated from assistant pastor that simple phrase to the senior pastor the chaplain praise Washington DC in this office who will lead the church there's a daily operation so that it remains a beacon of light toward eight the nation's capital in the world as your pastor he will continue to lead this great church in you in the way of Jesus Christ therefore as the Bishop of this congregations great congregation are charged as a congregation to pray for pastor there's nothing that your pastor needs more than your prayers Paul was of this persuasion to the Colossians which he wrote since the day we've heard about you we have not stopped praying for you then he turns right around to the petition those believers and pray for us pray that I may proclaim clearly as I pray a prayer for pastor involves teamwork it's what pastor prays for you you pray for him I'm absolutely convinced that this ministry is the greatest profession in all the world but it also presents some of the biggest problems because of this your pastor needs your constant presence he needs to know you're faithfully holding him and his family in prayer work to continue to grow the church it is an entire congregation it takes an entire congregation working together to grow and to by the fruit of the Spirit is your responsibility to grow the church not just pastor staples each of you is responsible for creating a welcoming atmosphere of inclusion that will draw people to Christ it is the pastor's job to preach and teach the good news it is your job to live it and in your lives and in the community encourage him respect his decisions be patient with him stand by him in times of trouble share his joy listen to the word as he preaches hear him as he teaches welcome his pastoral care and honor his calling as he seeks to honor and obey our Lord follow him as he guides you serving Jesus Christ who alone is the head of the church all of those who agree with the appointment a pastor Lamar State was a senior pastor please stand with me if you believe God has called him to be the senior pastor you already stand will help me give God a prayer [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna ask pastor Walter staples and his precious lady staples to come forward at this time you may need I want to say just a word to you before we prepare to remind you too this tears snap on the program and it needs to be said the whole focus has been on you and not on you but you're in this together God doesn't call him and not call you your journey will be challenging it will be difficult it will not be easy to share your husband with the world people will not always be conned to you or considerate or respectful of you so we're going to anoint you both you can do this good morning well that we use today [Music] we annoying your ears [Music] so that you can hear God in every situation we anoint your great thumbs so that everything you touch God will put it in your hands somebody help me anoint your feet with oil you see here is Bailey on stay here this is just known as the hills [Music] I wanted to anoint your feet so that everywhere your feet trod the Lord would give it to you [Music] as we lay our hands on you today that the anointing of God might rest upon you the Spirit of God will overshadow you we do it in the name of Jesus because God is able it's important to have you in this moment you what they all [Music] [Music] touch of Jesus touch of Jesus saturate the faces overpower them Jesus this day forgotten your ministry to the fullness of the stature of the glory of God and the father with his son he lays hands on you in the name of Jesus made the God of all grace overshadow you and give you peace [Music] receive the Holy Scriptures feed the flock of Christ committed to your charge guard gird and guide them in his truth and be faithful stewards of his holy word and sacraments may the word be strength to you may be meat - you made sustain you made direction may you fall in love with it all over again this day it's done in Jesus name somebody give God some praise [Music] I said somatic intensities attention Monica [Music] [Applause] come on signature [Applause] [Music] hurry let's the voices sing it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ have word head of the church by the authority that is vested in me as senior pastor Bishop presiding late of the temple of praise I do pronounce and declare the Drebin Walter Lamar staples is duly constituted senior pastor of this great complication I declare that this fall yet partner for the Evangel legal action liturgy as the president of the official home of the temple of rays I present unto you a copy of the congregational bylaw mission statements other related material and documents received in documents and I mutual regard as we continue to labor together to always see this great branches servant let us therefore pray we leopard unto God the fountain of all grace and glory that he may be pleased to sanctify with his heavenly blessing the relation of passing people his now is in the name establish may the Lord bless and keep you now and pastor Walter Lamar staples the pastor at the chapel appraised [Music] there's a whole lot I would like to say [Music] but I'm not gonna do that first I want to do this if there's anybody in this place today that don't know Christ as your Lord is saying that we offer Christ to you do me a favor I know that we're recording right now every head bowed every eye closed [Music] we hid about every accident if if you're in this place today you're not saved you're in this place don't have a church home you're in this place and you've never been baptized I need you to quickly slip your hand up in the air I see you slip your hand up in the air I see you I see you there's another I see you there's someone else I see you I thank you all of you to have slipped your hand up in the air quickly rushed down to the altar everybody who slipped their hand up come on quickly rush down to the altar come on I see you come on break through the crowd you tell excuse me I got to go somewhere excuse me I see you simple appraised we sure we should be giving God's name to praise right now here's someone if someone else is someone else it's someone else there's someone else on this side coming Loretta got here is someone else [Applause] [Music] come on when I see you breaking away come on come on come on I'll see you breaking away come on come on here this might be strange this might be strange but I'm I'm gonna say it anyway and I'm gonna do it anyway a man if you came tonight and you know you belong back in place you left for whatever reason but you showed up tonight and you need to get back in place come to the altar I know you say I know you have a church but you but you need to get back in place come on come on I see you come on come on here come on come on here if steel coming they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming let's do this real quick I see all that it passes us all the elders I see all the ministers quickly grab somebody begin to pray with them come on [Music] come on grab something we begin to prairie quickly [Music] [Music] come on boy come on pray come on break [Music] [Music] god bless these that have come let them know that they have a place that they can call home somebody put your hands again I'm left up all of they've gotta come today I got one more thing I have to do and I'm gonna turn it back over to pastor Robinson and he's gonna instruct us in what you do from this point but I got something I just need to share with you is something simple that I need to share with you [Music] 627 month of June July 5th July to 12th a lot of 19th in July 26th the August 2nd August the 9th August the 16th August the 23rd August the 30th September 6th September 13th September 20th September 27 [Music] October 4th October 11th a play that you were counting as I was going but there was a doctor that said I wish you would not survive 16 I'm here to tell you this is week number 16 what'd the doctor say [Applause] [Applause] are you gonna believe I don't know they did
Channel: Tommy One
Views: 99,231
Rating: 4.7169809 out of 5
Keywords: Temple, Praise, Worship, Glory, TD Jakes, Church, Divine, Connections, Jesus, Christ, Lord, God, Holy, Spirit, Bible, Preaching, Teaching, Pastor, Bishop, Holy Convocation
Id: PPqAvy0Ij68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 3sec (5223 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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