Slay Your Giant - Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pt pastor toray roberts and the lead pastor of the potter's house at 1la and denver on behalf of my wife pastor sarah and myself we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word i cannot wait for you to hear what god has for you in this message i want to tell you a few things really quickly subscribe if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be made aware of all of the word that's coming at you week in and week out and also turn on your notifications so you don't miss a morsel that comes forth we're also grateful for you and your partnership if you are so uh it compelled we invite you to support what we're doing not just our church but what our church is doing there are a number of outreaches a number of things critical necessary things that we support and we're able to do it because of your generosity so without further ado let's get right into this word god bless you i'll see you soon god gave me three words for you three words and if all i do is say these three words and we pray and you catch it in your spirit right we'll be good three words slay your giant slay your giant [Music] i think i think in life i think i think we get distracted we want the rewards of a slain giant before we slay the giant [Applause] we we want we want the recognition we we want the increase we we want the prosperity we we want what's on the other side of the kill before the kill oh god oh god oh god i i i i well go the word just a second but there's a there's this quote i just put it was actually on um i just want you i know what not the instagram thing but there's a quote there's a quote and i just it's about it's about it's about giants it's a quote it's a quote you see it read it to yourself find your giant [Applause] and you'll find your doorway to promotions and destiny see we want promotions and destiny come on somebody we want we want we want to blow up without killing something we want respect ah people won't respect you unless you kill s i i gotta uh dexter we we want we get mad when life doesn't treat us like a rock star when we don't have any dead goliaths [Music] there's certain things that only happen when you slay your giants who who and we get distracted and i said slay your giant i didn't say slay what you want your giant to be i i didn't because because you don't get to you don't get to choose your giant you just look up and you're standing face to face with it are you tracking with me and sometimes we don't want to deal with i feel the lord we don't want to deal with our giant because our giant isn't sexy [Music] you think goliath was sexy goliath if you study it this dude was scary like hella scary he was huge his weapons were huge he was strong he was like it was scary it was not sexy [Music] and sometimes there's a giant that god wants us to kill and we avoid that giant because we would rather have a different giant let me show you something else that i know i'm getting to where i promise let me show you something i put on instagram the other day even as it relates to our desire for for respect and [Music] just read that for a second when your work commands respect you'll never need to demand it then i'll put a little caption put a little caption there's a little caption there no caption oh that's a real little caption stop fighting for recognition oh what huh oh there it is all right i'ma let you read it when your work commands respect you'll never need to demand it stop fighting for recognition and accept it slay your giant and the world will come running i came to stir up some giant slayers tonight you may be seated let's look at the bible real quick let's look at the bible real quick stay with me gentlemen all right yes just for a second let's go to first samuel chapter 17. i want you to see something i want you to see something and david took the head of the philistine and brought it to jerusalem but he put his arm in his tent and when saul saw david going out against the philistine he said to abner the commander of the army abner whose son is this youth david was obscure no one knew him he was seemingly insignificant but all of a sudden he slays his giant and now the king is looking for him i feel like there's some people in here right now and and you feel insignificant and you feel like nobody sees you i feel the lord you feel like nobody sees you you feel like so small you know you go in some places you know you got like four followers on instagram your sister your cousin [Laughter] and a spam i mean like seriously david had had no reputation he had he had no influence he had he he was just he was insignificant but he was serving he had a great heart he was serving his father and he did have some victories in his background but nobody knew him he was so insignificant that when when god sent the prophet samuel to his father jesse's house to anoint the next king of israel he doesn't even get brought out he is totally off the radar anybody off the radar right now you came here to get on the radar but you are so far off the radar you didn't even know there was a radar this is where he was and now all of a sudden this moment arises a moment that he didn't create a moment that he found himself in where he is now facing the giant of his moment he slays that giant and everything changes pause i want you to take a minute and think about what giant is in your life that you've been avoiding what giant has been in your family's life i feel the lord there's a whole new respect coming to you there's a whole new people are going to seek you out because you killed something when saul saw david going out against the philistine he said to adam the commander of the army abner whose son is this youth and avenue says as your soul lives o king i do not know that's how obscure he was he kills a giant they still don't know who he is so the king said inquire whose son this young man is and then as david returned from the slaughter of the philistine abner took him and brought him before saul with the head with the head of the philistine in his hand i love it because if we go back real quick i almost missed it but go back to the to the first i think it's verse 54. this one just say real quick and we'll talk let me pray we'll be out and david took the head of the philistine and brought it to jerusalem but he put his armor in his tent there was a shift in what he needed his armor was to win the battle but when the battle was won he didn't need the armor anymore he needed the head of his conquest are you tracking with me that's what god's going to do i want to say this right god is getting ready to to give you a powerful conquest and that conquest is gonna be your calling guard it's gonna be something that you killed something that you overcame something that you you fought through something that you put under your foot that's your calling card that's your next that's what's going to do it stop running from the thing that god has anointed to promote you the thing you're afraid of a thing that seems so huge is going to be the thing that you kill and you're going to be walking around and that thing is going to bring you favor because you killed something that no one else could i was driving in today and and i was thinking about giants and slaying giants and and how if you look at this story with david no one could kill goliath you say no they were just afraid well it doesn't matter why they couldn't kill them nobody could kill goliath because goliath was david's are you tracking with me and there's some there's some things that some things in our world right now that seem impossible and they are impossible without you because there are certain things that god has anointed you to do and nobody else can do it because it's part of his promotional track for your life he puts his armor in the tent and now he's walking around with this thing man i feel it right there for somebody what does god want you to cut the head off if you can just just cut the head off of this thing favor grace they're gonna come looking for you you're not gonna have to go out handing out your business card and handing out your tape and handing out your reel and you don't have to do any of that you killed something for god oh [Music] you killed something for god you weren't afraid you went after it you went into that crazy neighborhood you went and you did that thing that you were afraid of because you knew on the other side of it it would bless some people i was thinking about my life like i'm going to be honest with you like this is not supposed to be happening [Music] young people for the most part you know we i'm i'm probably older than most y'all but for the most part predominantly young people in hollywood at church worshiping jesus see you're in it it doesn't seem it just seems normal because you're in it and you've been in it i get people from all around the world saying will you please tell me how you did it it is impossible in so many places this right this is a rare a rarity excuse me and they say well if you're doing it you must not be talking about jesus so they have all these descriptions and they come in like wait wait wait you're talking about jesus you got a bunch of young people and this is la this is not like you know up in the boonies somewhere where you ain't got nothing to do anywhere you can be anywhere right you can be wakanda forever you can be like any you you be anywhere the beach thursday night is a hot club night and i have pastors literally from all around the world reaching out saying how did you do that what is your name teach me and to be honest with you i didn't seek it out it just showed up and i wasn't afraid of it and i killed it and i cut its head off and i fought for it and i covered it and i prayed when it was small [Applause] when it was tiny i want to give you three things to keep you sleigh ready three things to keep your sleigh ready if you slay ready you ain't got to get ready i'm sorry i couldn't resist it the first thing is keep track of your kills keep track of your kills everybody in there right now if you look in your history you got some kills david had before this what did he have he had the lion and the bear he had a giant you've got giants you've overcome some stuff if you're attracted to this ministry it's because you're an overcomer it just that's that's the only reason why we're connected is because there's a fight in you and you may not be loud and you may not be but there is a fight in you and and there's still more fighting you and you're the type of person you've been tried and you've you've not denied and you're ready to be tried again there's something on the inside of you that says you know what i'ma get everything that god has for me and it's crazy it doesn't make sense it's weird but you're like you know what i'm gonna show up and i'm gonna keep showing up because if it's got my name on it it belongs to me you've got kills in your history there's someone in here right now i feel it prophetically and you have a mountain in front of you you have a huge mountain it could be a work mountain it could be a school mountain but you have a huge mountain in front of you and i want to take you into your future it's going to be behind you it's getting ready to be in your rear view you you're an overcomer that's what we do we overcome stuff and i feel it's on you right now and if you would just take a minute and if you will look back and see the consistency of god to bring you out and to bring you through you will realize and recognize that this too shall pass who would we be if we would live in the consciousness of and this too will pass like what would our life look like you know how we get anxious there's anxiety and we get all you know we worked up and stuff like that and for some reason we think that this one is going to get us the last 25 couldn't god brought us through the last 25 challenges and seasons but for some reason number 26 all of a sudden is going to discredit god and discredit the history it doesn't even make sense it's not even logical anymore where are my people where god has just you just he just brought you through some crazy things i you you got to keep track you got to keep track of your kills number two you have to serve in the seasons between giants oh i feel the lord because once you slay one giant i'mma be honest with you david slayed goliath goliath got him into favor with saul's family and saul's house got him in position also got him in trouble got to stop his story it's kind of crazy and he had to run out now and then he when he ran out there were 400 men that went with him and they weren't necessarily honorable men these cats were troubled and distressed or whatever but he learned leadership and he learned and he developed this loyalty in fact that 400 later on would be his mighty men it was all a setup for him taking the whole kingdom and he had battles what's crazy is the giant when he slayed goliath and that brought him into favor with saul that favor turned into something else so saul became the giant the giant led in the saw then saul became his next giant and he had to operate and function and overcome that giant in a different way he couldn't kill saul what do you do when you can't kill your enemy i i better clarify that because some of you like can we make it a metaphor what what what do you do when you have to use wisdom and skill and spiritual sensitivity to navigate a difficult circumstance so that you don't squander your inheritance [Applause] it's grown-up stuff what do you do when you want to cuss them out but you can't i'm sorry but you can't because they're in your life to develop you and to produce christ-like characteristics to to to help you to be patient and to subdue to have self-control to have inner dominion sometimes that's the giant so you don't i'll be honest with you there will always be giants and in between those giants you serve you just keep serving wow from level to level man i don't my i've had a crazy life it's literally been from level to level and sometimes man i've slayed a goliath and i walk around with the head and it was great for a season and then i try to pull that same head out and it don't open no doors and there's some people in this room right now and you walking around with an old goliath head and it ain't working no more because there's something else you got to kill and sometimes the space in between kills is displaced as a space of service god i'm serving you i i let me humble myself and serve you let me go let me go serve somebody that just slayed their goliath and let me learn from them the space in between giants is the space of service and number three this is something you gotta remember anytime you face a giant you gotta remember that it's your giant what does that mean that's very very encouraging because god will not bring any giant into your life that he has not pre-qualified you to kill are you are you tracking with me it's it's your giant goliath goliath was david's giant that's why everybody was afraid surely somebody in the camp had some courage not everyone was a wimp it wasn't their giant it was david's and he knew it and he understood that that was his giant and since it was his giant he could not fail to stay slate ready is to know that if it's in front of me i got it i got it i got it i got it just those three words i heard for you slay your giant don't look at nobody else's life don't focus on anybody else's lane because i'm telling you you got enough to work with with the giant that's in front of you i want you to think about we're going to pray in just a second i want you to think about and i want you to write this down i want you to think and you write down the thought that comes to you what giant are you called to slay right now there's some in this room right now and god has given you something and the giant was so big you have left it alone you have left it alone i feel the lord you've left it alone it's in the recesses of your mind you are so far removed from this giant that you don't even think about it anymore but i want god to reach right back into your spirit because when he gave you that word it's in your spirit i want him to reach back into your spirit and pull that to the forefront of your remembrance because what you are after what you are longing for is on the other side of it what's your giant write it down it's a covenant between you and god today what did god speak to you today what did your heart hear when he told you to slay your giant wow i feel the lord there's some people and i want you to stand up you're right now you you are literally you are in your own battle of elah facing a giant you're right there in the valley facing it i want you to stand up i'm gonna pray for you you you you're right there in the valley of eli slay your giant us all y'all [Music] and hear me when i say hear me when i say when he said those three words we're going to play real soft i just want to prophesy and pray we'll be done when he said those three words it wasn't like like you're going to have to drum up your own strength and slay your giant it wasn't that it wasn't that it was different it was it was like you've already won just go in just go in you've i've already gone ahead of you see you you know why you know why i didn't talk about the five smooth stones and the slingshot and all you know what because it didn't matter he could have said boo and goliath for the fell because he was anointed to win and that's great we got wonderful sermons five five is the number of grace and all that kind of stuff whatever it's yours for the taking but you have to have the right mentality slay your giant if it takes everything that you have if you have to fight it with everything that you possess slay your giant because there's something on the other side of it and when you slay your giant resources are going to come running the universe that's everything that god has created i don't call the universe god i call the universe everything that god has created the universe won't even respect you until you kill something what do you do when you've been created to win so your identity is victory but you live in defeat that's a big problem see everything that god created the universe everything that god created knows who you are and how you are supposed to function the universe knows that your true identity is victory and that the only reason why you are here is because you were put on this earth to kill giants in the name of the lord and so when you don't live in that function and you don't live in that anointing and you don't live in that grace it's like you don't exist and the universe cannot produce what god has placed in it on your behalf david was completely anonymous until he did what victor's do and then all of a sudden everybody's looking for him i feel that i'm trying to say it the way i see it some of you right now feel like like like you're you're just a lone wolf in this city like you like you're just like just out here you feel special but but nothing is acknowledging that special slay your giant slay your giant stop trying to impress men and slay your giant what has god called you to do
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 16,107
Rating: 4.9391422 out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes
Id: Frgp_wogmPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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