Judy Garland: The End Of The Rainbow (Documentary)

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[Music] I was born in a little town called Rapids Minnesota it was 40 degrees below zero on June 10th 1922 Frances Ethel Gumm was born to parents it's on Frankham before their daughter was born in their hometown of Minnesota the couple had worried about their financial struggles they would endure if they toss out that third child and a desperate attempt the couple tried everything to induce a miscarriage the couple's attempts to terminate their pregnancy failed and Frances was born in new Rapids Minnesota in the middle of the night the doorbell rang he went to it and there is Frank flight faced tension ridden and Marcellus what's the matter Frank and Frank Sybil we've got a real tragedy in our family mark he says evel's pregnant again and we really can't afford it we don't want any more children and I just I just can't pay the bill and Mark said are you asking me to arrange an abortion for your wife and Frank said yes yes I am and I said we'll look don't be silly yes you go back to your wife and tell her I said that she must have this baby it's how to instantly grew however to be the family favorite I had aged through the child Nell nickname baby gum begin to sing and hum Toombs to show an increasing talent in music by the time she was 11 she had been trained by her mother to perform with her two older sisters they called themselves the Gump sisters [Music] over time they have made a name for themselves and we're invited to perform on a short film with their act they have been advised to change the name from gum to something a bit more glamorous France is hating being called baby gums started calling her so Judy and the students [Music] Ethel Gumm had always wanted a career in show biz and had created a theater with her husband to live her dream she only got so far and with the theatre felon she saw an opportunity and her daughter's day in and day out she would push them they would take amphetamines in the morning to get them up and ready and then sleeping pills a night to help them rest for young 12 year old Judy this was just the beginning of her addiction Judy grew prettier more talented and soon outgrew her sisters her mother had noticed her overshadowing them and decided to focus on her career she santero for audition after audition and in the fall of 1935 judy was given an opportunity I think Judy's mother was living out her idea of what she had wanted to be as a singer and she had the three girls and they were all talented but Judy by far was the most brilliant she was offered a contract with MGM at the age of 13 years old by the company's co-founder Louie B Meyer he was so intended by the ghosts performance that he was eager to get her working as soon as possible just two months after her signing the family was plagued with sadness as her father had died saddened by his loss Judy can only move on to do right by her family she continued to be under contract with MGM but faced problems she ran into the issue with her age she was too old to play a child and too young to play in the dull with 13 year old girls 12 year old girls there was no such thing everywhere there had to be a munchkin you had to be 18 however 1937 Judy found our place in the supporting role in the film girl next door she worked with Mickey Rooney and they had become so close that they worked on over eight films together but bad her tender age of 14 she faced even more issues the studio noticed her struggling keeping her weight off they had try remedy such as dieting and exercise but nothing seemed to help the young girl they decided the only alternative was to prescribe her pills to help her what they didn't realize however was that the girl was already taking sleeping pills and amphetamines as she was raised on by her mother Judy took her medication becoming more hooked on her growing addiction after shooting all day long she'd come home she want to have her dinner she had to learn her scrip she had to take a bath we all went through that but with Judy because she was so high-strung and sensitive she couldn't sleep at night from what Judy told me in those years the medication she was taking was a studio doctor and yes some of it was for her weight but a great deal of it was because these pictures were coming one right after the other for a while was [Music] wake her up because they had given her a pill to sleep now they had to give her a pill so she'd be you know not groggy in the morning on the set they didn't mean to a dict her they were trying to get a picture finished she did complain to me once that she would love to stop stop at all but she doesn't know how she says she can't go tell mr. mayor you won't do it so that meant you just had to do it in those days that's what it meant she knew there was no way that she could turn and you know refused this medication in 1938 duty was offered a starring role for the feature film Wizard of Oz at 17 she was being given her first starring role and the opportunity took over her whole being she became enamored with work and focused on getting up to go to work her grueling work schedule however took a toll the film became a mass success one of the most expensive productions done by MGM at that time [Music] Judy appeared in the premiere in 1939 with Mickey Rooney to agree heard during fans they have begun to love 2d but she has started to decline in happiness due to the pressures for her mother in her studio duty have begun to venture out and cost paths with handsome composer David Rose who was 12 years Judy senior despite the protests from the studio and Judy's mother she became enamored and wooed by the talented Rose and dated him nonetheless in 1941 they were married Judy had live an early life with the entire and schedule and endless pressures from her mother with her new husband at her side she believed she had finally found happiness I think she married too young to get away from everybody telling her what to do we loved going to her house and we'd love David he's quiet but he was darling and she was a charming hostess in 1942 just a year after her marriage she found out she was pregnant her mother and studio believed that Judy having the child would tarnish her innocent image when they spent years grooming Judy however was determined to have her way she made it clear to her mother that she would have the child and thought a baby would add to her happiness the studio was stubborn though and were former concerned with preserving the virgin Golda audiences adored then they were with her satisfaction Judy was taken by mother to an illegal clinic where the child was aborted saddened by her loss Judy became more grieved her system works schedule an increasing medication made her miserable in 1943 she submitted herself to psychotherapy and hopes that some relief it was just a screaming fight the mother got hysterical Mayer got hysterical I mean the idea that MGM movie stars are crazies if they're lunatics how can they how can I do this is they all is it just no call this girl needs is a mother's love and there is the mother how could you deny this and tears rolling down his face he must have hate and the mother is saying I know exactly what they do or they you just lock her in a closet you know what the girl needs is discipline and I kept saying look for her needs help the doctor calm man just said if you'll give me a year it can straighten out but the longer you go the more difficult it's going to be and there come a time when there's no you know it's not going to happen [Music] ding when the fell it was at that time that Garlin was working on her 18th feature film meet me in st. Louis garland was Harley excited at her role and found the character and dialogue to be beneath her level of talent the amount of pressure she was getting didn't help her either and her director Vincente Minnelli realized her need for human decency he became close to her working with her and helping her come to terms with her character before long the young actress played her role with the utmost care [Music] you might tell her 20 thinking's we'll say that the change in the performance and God knows she had enough on her mind but and then you didn't know what are you getting through to her or not you know because he you say yes but everything would be perfect this would remember everything this was fantastic artist she could do she knew that there were 20 different ways of playing a scene you know and I love working with that kind of person all those shows married to roles she started to fall for the charismatic and talented director they soon had an affair and by 1945 they were married Judy's friends and co-workers did warn her however that Minnelli may be homosexual Duke to his feminine behavior he leaned less on the side of masculinity when it came to his behavior on said the same thing he was very nice don't misunderstand but he didn't look like the type that would have a girlfriend and marry somebody people told Judy that Benson might be gay or bisexual because he was very effeminate when he first arrived at MGM Ewood wore makeup he went on to one set just to observe and he wore make it more makeup than most of the actresses garland ignored these rumors and lived in fulfillment with her new husband before long she was pregnant again she had even stopped taking her pills in order to please Minelli who is now aware for addiction during her pregnancy she starred in the film til clouds roll by which earned her praise from the audience they had noted on her beautiful voice and appearance despite her pregnancy [Music] in 1946 her first child liza minnelli was born everybody thought this is so wonderful because now judy will have time to enjoy her life she won't be just a worker you know she'll have a family to care about and someone to care about her just because she's mom you know garland seemed to have it all until her next film MGM was making a new film the pirate with Judy Garland playing beside Gene Kelly at this time she had went back on her pills in order to lose the way she had gained from her pregnancy along with her impediment some sleeping pills she became addicted once more I started showing her new symptoms of erratic behavior due to her high dosages on the set which her husband directed she would have increasing paranoia she would have to be driven home early due to her inability to keep it together one of the side effects of amphetamines is paranoia and when she was on the set of the pirate they were bad bonfires that were doing dances around bonfires and she started screaming they're trying to kill me they want to burn me alive as if she were Joan of Arc being led to this stake she hadn't but Judy had to be led away from Ron and was that taken home she was surrounded by a very intricate spiderweb of people that were yes people people that were supposed to be her friends but I think underneath it all were they her friends because they gave her the what she wanted which destroyed her she would be loving and affectionate then when I came home I could tell always tell when she taken the pills you know and 1947 she was sent to the hospital to recover and rehabilitate herself later that year Judy will go on to start an Easter Parade which was a mass success by 1949 Suze offered a role by MGM for Annie and Annie Get Your Gun this time around the symptoms of her growing drug addiction got worse and she began to lose her hair the pills had a cumulative effect that she had to take more and more and more and eventually the number of pills she took that she could take safely would have killed a lot of other people after earning a suspension from MGM she was sent to a hospital to sober up Judy Garland returned back to Los Angeles after her recovery completely sober this have been a good thing but the studio had noticed that she gained a few pounds a result of for healthy rehabilitation and demanded that she slimmed down so Garland went back on pills and threw all of her work out the window she didn't have anybody that she could really cling to I think she was a person that had to be guided and there was nobody there to guide her by 1950 Judy Garland elect any sense of stability emotional or physical her Meredith Minnelli was crumbling and her diction was giving her health problems she was literally like almost paralysed she just couldn't get on stage on time she couldn't remember her lines and she would have all these fights with people around her and I think I think she was in a living hell she calls more and more problems in the studio by picking fights and being later said every day she earned herself another suspension which made her have a mental breakdown the actresses growing me for attention let her to try and slit her throat with a razor her husband thankfully found her and took her to the hospital it was there that they told him it was only a light cut that needed a band-aid and nothing more it was clear that Garland's cry for help was an urgent one judy has always been an emotional girl and I think a lot of it probably was feeling sorry for herself just feeling sorry for herself and not being able to do anything about it she was like somebody drowning those babies of course a Judy Garland slashes that sounded like Jack the Ripper time it wasn't it was really a cry for help that that was she was a self abuser in that sense she wanted attention desperate attention that was how she felt she could get she was so released from her contract with MGM she decided to move on to radio she would do performances such as over the rainbow to listeners everywhere they tuned in folks this program will be followed by entertainment folks you know she started out in radio with me we had a lot of fun working for Pepsodent Pepsodent you told me we didn't have a sponsor soon she met her next husband say loved who was in all four singing capabilities he saw an opportunity in her and went on to manage her which led to her divorce from her husband Vincente Minnelli he cultivated her singing career she said left head had Judy write like this and he had her heart and soul he had her trust and her love and respect and he knew what she needed by 1952 her singing career was wrapped in gold and she made a career for herself [Music] happy little for the birds fly beyond the rainbow why [Music] Wow she found though she was pregnant with her second baby we decided to marry the father love later that year she believed this was her new chance at being content and welcomed her baby daughter into the world nine months later when she married Sid loved he contributed to her stability you can't burn much for her and I think that he was the best on all of her husband's for her what Judy needed most was confidence and that said gave to Judy at the beginning Judy seems to be getting her career and acting back on track when she snagged the star role in the stars born however the joyful moment came to a halt when judy was informed that her mother had passed away in a parking lot due to our heart attack she died in the parking lot and I couldn't understand how that could happen to Ethel she managed everything so well how could she not have managed Ethel the one who had raised her to be everything she was was now dead Judy was inconsolable and took more pills in order to quint her tears the actress had a rocky relationship with her mother due to the abuse she had endured during her talha days despite their disputes Judy still grief for her mother her addiction became progressively worse and she went to extreme limbs to get her fix she was becoming the wreck she had worked so hard to get away from in 1954 despite actresses shortcomings feature film debuted and was said to be the best film of the year most audiences adored the film but when Sun began to complain about the lien MGM surrendered by cutting a huge chunk from the original cut the sickle key seen some performances leaving audiences disappointed and disinterested in the film judy was broken the film was meant to save her from bankruptcy complain that Sid was always at the racetrack and that money was disappearing she was desperate for money broken with no options judy was forced to go back to work after giving birth to her third child the film studios however refused to take her on she was determined to help her family and went to CBS and made a deal to host the show for $100,000 this is the first board start you believe show of the season and we're presenting Miss Judy Garland and her first television appearance to spite the money she brought in from her show occurrences she was still in debt and she became more insecure with herself her parents grew damaging as she gained more and more weight she eventually found herself on a doctor's bed being diagnosed with acute hepatitis her felling liver was the culprit of her sudden weight gain they made it clear she had to have a surgery to drain the fluid from her body and if she survives she will only live for five years and even then she would never be able to sing again nearly killed her alone dr. Thomas way it wasn't that she was fast was bloated I found out what hospital she was in in New York and I said Judy be listening to me this is Nick I said I want you to take my hand we can make together you and I it's like over the rainbow you know what I could make it did you hear me dudes the doctors slowly drained some of that fluid from her body and told her that she had no more than if she if she survived that she would have no more than five years to live but that it was certain she would never sing again by 1961 she started performing at Carnegie Hall with her musical performances despite the doctor saying she could never sing again she astounded everyone and all Clapton even stood up on their chairs with incitement she won multiple awards and Grammys for her music she starred in two more feature films being on her best behavior in getting critical praise in her next film though her mood changed swiftly she was back to being lay and causing arguments amongst the cast but like a true roller coaster things began to look up for duty again she was offered to do her own show the Judy Garland show from the big screen to TV she invited celebrities for interviews and even had her children on a few episodes the show became redundant which bored audiences in the show dropped and raised in 1964 the studio announced this show would not be renewed this may garland beyond consolation a sister was her financial and emotional support even though she brought in tens of millions of dollars from just the show alone by the time it was cancelled she was broke finally without a penny in her pocket she had another mental breakdown and submitted herself into a hospital garland checked out of her hospital and dead her eldest child Liza Minnelli was making a career for herself in music and living on her own her two youngest Joey and Lorna but living with their father she proceeded to divorce did love she went on her own trying to find a way to survive she was homeless with nowhere to go she had already met and married a young and aspiring actor Mark Huron who was able to make her laugh but couldn't keep up with her fits of rage only six months after their marriage they separated and then divorced Garland again had nowhere to go she was being fired from sets and trashing her dressing rooms having one fit after another soon she even lost her respect of her fans were her antics to show up late to every show and desperately needed help she met emerge her fifth and last husband Mickey Dean's in the early morning of June 22nd 1969 Mickey Dean's knocked on the bathroom door to tell his wife a friend had called when there was no answer he said he had felt the terrible filling deep within it went on the roof to look through the window Dean spotted judy who was cold and still as stone Dean's called the police who came onto the scene and declared garland dead she had died of an accidental overdose and the Dickson for safar since she was small child had finally caught up to her she was the victim of people who wanted more and more from her Judy gave and gave not wanting to disappoint the audience and it eventually killed her she had no plan to die her body was felling what she did all were shocked despite knowing of her addiction On June 25th her body was flown to New York City from her memorial where fans stood and mourned over the woman that gave all of herself to them it was the end of the rainbow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] place where there isn't any trouble I suppose there is such a pastoral there must be it's not a place you can get to it by a boat or a train it's far far away
Channel: honest
Views: 938,679
Rating: 4.9513144 out of 5
Keywords: honest, why, career, flopped, ended, untold, truth, wizard, of, oz, marilyn, monroe, living, blonde, documentary, judy, garland, the, end, of the, rainbow, somewhere, a star, is born, have, yourself, a merry, little, christmas, interview, i don't care, sad, happy, days, barbra, streisand, liza, minnelli, biography, life, show, radio
Id: stWJLFN5Su4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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