Judges ~ 9:1 to 9:57

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study are we ready to get back into this book of Judges chapter 9 this chapter goes to considerable debt and I intend this time the last time we taught it on television I kind of skimmed the surface this time we're gonna we're gonna sink the plow right down to the beam we're gonna plow deep this time so hang on I will be rather than translating transliterating the Hebrew actually translating it so that you get a better understanding of the message or father's conveying to you so let's ask a word of wisdom from our Father bear in mind that Gideon has died and Gideon left behind 70 children plus one we'll call him for the sake of calling an illegitimate child all right there is a difference between a man czar and an illegitimate child so for the time being we're going to give the benefit of the doubt and let you draw your own conclusions the illegitimate child's name was Abimelech and and I think it's probably important you know what a bimolecular tongue it means son of the king that's a Molech in the hebrew being king so he's got a pretty powerful name and the reason i want you to judge the difference not necessarily but between the illegitimate child and the man's are is because many Philistine kings were named Abimelech so that's kind of the strike against be that as it may and as much as Gideon had had this one made that was from the area of she kept so with that thought in mind we pick up with the death of Gideon and this is what he follows chapter nine verse one and Abimelech this is the illegitimate child the son of the jerk jarabe Bale that's the name of Gideon which being fully translated means let Bale plead his own case alright went to chicken unto his mother's brethren you know but the illegitimate child goes to the area where his mother lived and communed with them and with all the family of the house of his mother's father saying to speak I pray you in the ears of all the men of Shechem whither is better for you either that all the sons of Gerald Bale which are less Gideon which are threescore and ten persons at seventy of them reign over you or that one reign over you question remember also that I am your bone and your flesh now in the first place at this time the reason we have judges is there were no kings in Israel the kings were among the Philistines so on and so forth the bale worshiping and and other nations but here we have the one already named King it's obvious he is he is pulling at the traces wanting power wanting to rule verse three and his mother's brethren his fake of him in the ears of all the men of chicken she come in Hebrew means the back or the shoulder the shoulder back shoulder all these words and their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech for they said he is our brother and I think quite a case and it is natural that spreading the story you want all 70 of those people from down the way they were to come into your nation and begin to rule you or do you want one of your own to it's real easy to stir up trouble through gossip all right for and they gave him threescore and ten pieces of silver how many pieces of silver is at 73 score I mean let me figure that real quick 60 and ten is 71 for each of the children out of the house of BHEL BHEL the ribs we're with Abimelech hired vain and light persons which followed him these were not good people now it's important your father teaches on a level in depth that says a great deal more than is written if you take the time to study what does bail you all know what veil means that's the practice of worshiping bail which is Babel or Babylon but what's this breath in the Hebrew tongue it's a very special word covenant in other words this is covenant of veil of the Covenant or the covenant god there's only one covenant our people are supposed to follow and that is the covenant with the Living God so to add insult to injury if you would they go to the house of bail all right but what's worse that part of bail that they would call the Covenant maker and he's going to make a covenant not with Yahweh the Living God of Israel of the world the creator of all things but then he's going to serve under this covenant God who certainly is an enemy of our people now verse five and he wept I'm sorry and he went unto his father's house at Oprah he goes from these people back to Oprah that's Gideon's home and his area Oprah in Hebrew tongue means fawn for gentleness here and slew his brethren the sons of jerub-baal gideon being threescore and ten persons upon one stone not withstanding yet Joe Pan the youngest son of Jura Bale Gideon was left for he hid himself now understand let's do a little translating rather than transliterate joke them the only truth son left of Gideon his name in the Hebrew tongue means yaw is upright God is the only God God is the only upright God or just God that being this child's name now what does 70 mean in biblical numerix it's important that's the message God is setting the stage for you to see below the surface even if you would in a prophetic sense and as much as this is the type of how it would be at the end because what is the stone all seventy killed on one stone our stone is our foundation our rock is Christ our rock is our Father not that false covenant God Bale not false deception or deception that is to say that would come in in the end times what is the subject with seventy being now repeated thrice three times for emphasis and seventy in biblical numerix being to Israel's restoration it's talking directly about the end times for when is Israel true Israel and and and there's there's more to this yet what tribe are we speaking of here basically what tribe was Gideon related to Anna Kendrick Ephraim one of the largest tribes she come even is mostly Ephraim i'ts the largest tribe of the ten tribes that went north over the Caucasus Melton the people later caulk occasions of those ten tribes settling Europe and then later migrating to this great nation now we're talking about their rock their covenant and their restoration now hang on this gets deep but you can handle it no problem verse six and all the men have become gathered together and all the house of Milo Milo simply means in the Hebrew tongue rampart or call it a mound like these you can even say I'm a little small hill or a place of worship and he went and made Abimelech keen by the plain of the pillar that was in sheikhan in the Hebrew manuscripts that says by the oak that famous oak tree of cecum there's a great deal of history biblical history even from Genesis that takes place at this particular place seven and when they told it to joke then this is the legitimate son of Gideon he went and stood in the top of Mount - do you write them in the Hebrew tongue meaning to cutter's same name is Gideon the cutter downer alright and lifted up his voice and cried and he said unto them hearken unto me he meant have she come that God may hearken unto you in other words God it may seem at times that the wicked get away with something don't worry they don't God will rekt it alright and this legitimate one of the true coveted God the one who is named joked them was just to say yaa or God is upright he's fair and he's honest ate the tree he's going to use an analogy of trees symbolic of people bear in mind there's been no king yet and that's important Kings would come later with King Paul because God would not accept him Yahoo they as king this is the analogy this is the parable that the the one named Dion is upright brings forth and it is from God listen the trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them and they said unto the olive tree ring over us now I want to I want to hesitate here a moment to bring another thought in you see the book of Zechariah from the ninth chapter especially to the end has to do with the end time prophecy the ninth chapter of Zechariah speaks of the false messiah both the first and second advent of Jesus Yeshua Messiah Yeshua and the 14th chapter relates as to exactly how it would come to pass now there is a fascinating thing here in the minor prophets that in the ninth chapter of Zechariah that I choose to share with you you're going to have it on your own the character generator one verse that I wish to relate to you in this ninth chapter which as I for stated gives both the first and second had been in the New Testament the Torah of the coming of Messiah both as a babe born in Bethlehem to bring and make salvation to the world that is to say she be crucified riding a lowly ass you will remember as he made his entry which you find in the ninth verse of this ninth chapter but in the tenth verse he comes riding a white horse as king of kings and Lord of lords at the end of the earth but what's back up here in the 6th verse and it's important and I'm going to use this to show you that the type is true all right the 6th verse of the ninth chapter of Zachariah and it reads and a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines now what is this word bastard is the equivalent man's are in the Hebrew town I prefer first you're gonna have to use I'm not going to define what it actually is but you can check it out in your Strong's Concordance and you will find that there is a great difference between an illegitimate child and a bastard neither child suffers because of the parent sins but in all times there is a great deal of embarrassment but be that as it may the word dwell as it is utilized here is your top in the Hebrew tongue that it means to sit as king artists it is ruler to sit as judge and what God is saying here is that an illegitimate not nothing God's not saying yo legitimate he's saying a bastard was just to say a man's our will fit as king well that's the type that you have back here in Abimelech and so it shall be in the end times that the spurious Messiah shall come to this generation claiming to be the true Messiah and will deceive many you happen to have an example of this very thing of the false messiah setting himself up as jesus only he is the instead of Christ or some prefer Antichrist so there you have it and perhaps you do a little home study and you'll understand why I chose to use the word illegitimate child and as much as there were many ypres mites as well as Philistines and foreigners in the area which would have made man's our first night back in Chapter nine of the great book of Judges let us continue but the olive tree said unto them should I leave my fatness we're with by me they honor God and man they used me is unwitting oil and go to be promoted over the trees questioned north my purpose is far more useful than that I am the oil or the tree by where even go a little further for you deeper scholars it even means that that the olive tree is symbolic of the two witnesses even if you would in the end times that it was the olive oil that the Virgin's were supposed to have in their lamp ella yah in the in the Hebrew tongue olive oil the olive tree said no way first enough naturally this has to do with the false King being crowned verse 10 and the tree said to the fig tree come thou and reign over us I would say at the same time remember that the Lord got all night he mused the tree of the knowledge of good and evil even to be symbolic of Satan and his children in the garden as well as the tree of life being the Savior Yeshua Jesus the Christ it is not uncommon that trees are used symbolic of people throughout God's Word this is done verse 11 it's a matter of fact jesus healed a man that was blind at one time and he he said two different prayers and many people in their ignorance say well Christ was losing his strength because of the sin that was around him we called that incident Christ blessed him and he said I can see men as trees walking in other words he could sink deeper into the truths of God's Word and had understanding and then he could see them clearly after Christ touched him meaning God's word unrevealed itself in his mind verse 11 but the fig tree said unto them should I forsake my sweetness and my good fruit and go to be promoted over the trees question big tree says not me boy 12 then said the trees into the vine come thou and reign over us 13 and the vine said unto them should I leave my wine which cheer is God and man and go to be promoted over the trees well how could it cheer god that's terrible for someone to say something well you're talking about God's Word God's the one that said it through this parable because his son only begotten sons blood would be symbolic of that very wine 14 then said all the trees until the bramble come down and reign over us do you know what bramble is its thorns thorn bushes always symbolic of Satan God uses thorns to drive his own people I just finished a lecture on that very subject on a single tape bramble thorn bush listen carefully and learn from your father 15 and the bran ball has to say the thorn bush said unto the trees if in truth he anoint me king over you then come and put your trust in my shadow in other words put your love your knowledge worship trust put everything in me and come into my shadow and if not if you won't do it let fire come out of the bramble and devour the Cedars of Lebanon the Cedars of Lebanon symbolic of those trees in the Garden of Eden God's children did you get it or you have you ever been out of nature have you ever seen a thorn bush have you ever seen it put out a shadow no you haven't it does he's lying if you come into the shadow of the thornbush you get no comfort from the hot Sun and if you come under Satan's shadow of his deception you're not going to get any relief from the heat of the world itself you're going to be deceived and every time you pray if you're praying to a spurious Messiah your prayers will not be answered and you'll be protected about it like someone would trying to cool themselves in the shadow of a thorn bush all you would end up doing is getting being stuck and injured and driven away that's Abimelech for you the mens are son of gideon being the type of he that would take the first woman from the field as Christ warned about in Matthew 24 taught by many already deceived think well I want to be one of the first ones to go and if you read it as a child would read it rather than that that is instill from church ah city and religionist you know it Satan that takes the first one from the field the bramble bush it's time people woke up you better stop playing Church and get into God's Word and pray for a little knowledge and understanding from the simple messages in the simplicity in which Christ Himself taught and brings his truth hey I'm only responsible for teaching it if you want to fall under the shade of the thorn bush have at it friend it's all right with me be deceived if you enjoy being deceived but it's time some came out into the truth 416 now therefore if you have done truly and sincerely in that you have made Abimelech team and if you have dwelt well we Jarabe bail that's to say Gideon and his house they murdered him what do you mean done well and have done into him according to the deserving of his hand 17 for my father fought for you Gideon when everybody was captive under the better ones that you could have said move to and they would have ran Gideon made a difference one man stood up and freed his people he was a champion said an adventurer his life far and delivered you out of the hand of median and look what you've done to him that's what he's saying you killed all his seed all but one the one speaking Johanna 18 and ye are risen up against my father's house this day and have slayed his sons threescore and ten persons upon one stone and have made Abimelech the son of his maidservant men's are illegitimate whichever the case king over the men of Shechem because he is your brother son you've been had and you didn't even know it 19 if you then have dwelt dealt truly and sincerely with Jura bail Gideon and with his house this day then rejoice ye in Abimelech and let him also rejoice in you 20 but if not let fire come out from Abimelech and devour the men of Shechem and the house of Milo and let fire come out from the men of Shechem and from the house of Milo and devour Abimelech that remind you of something let fire come out from within it should remind you of Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 18 where Satan as the king of tyre is announced from God's own lips to die with fire with being turned to ashes from within that this is symbolic of he the only one that has already been judged by Almighty God to perish though the event has not come to pass and will not until the great judgement the son of perdition there's only one perdition in the Greek means to perish already been judged only one Satan it should remind you of that and you should see the type or you're blind my friend and you will never see the truth you have the type in the stage set a perfect enactment as Paul would teach in first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 10 these things of the Old Testament happened as an in-sample or an example in modern English whereby you would know what would be followed you at the ends of the world you awake there's 21 and jopen ran away and fled and he went to beer beer the oath or the well in the Hebrew and he dwelt there for fear of Abimelech his brother he didn't have to worry a whole lot as hand on him 22 when Abimelech had reigned three years over israel listen to me how many years is the spirit's Messiah supposed to reign mm-hmm how many three three and a half six months from his ian's you got it now wake up for me pay attention 23 you're documentation from the New Testament Revelation chapter 13 verse four four and five forty-two months with Satan's times and prophecies relating to him are always in months which is moons which means night prophecies relating to God's children or in days mean solar son light got it okay let's roll 23 and God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Sheikh and the men of Shechem dwelt treacherously dealt treacherously with Abimelech see Chetan don't pay friend and there are no unsolved mysteries in heaven God knows and you're gonna get paid pay me now pay me later God sent an evil spirit I didn't know God would do that you bet he will it isn't that difficult God only has to allow it Satan's overanxious to send one of his little friends 24 that the cruelty done to the threescore and ten sons of jerub-baal might come and their blood be laid upon Abimelech their brother which slew them and upon the men of sheet him which aided him in the killing of his brethren no you never get away with anything in this world God loves to bless his children when you're awake when you're alert the blessings flow and sometimes even when we try to give a blessing we end up being blessed more ourselves I always get a thrill from that 25 and the men if she comes that Liars in wait for him they were along the roadway this kind of men they were dealing with okay and wait for in the top of the mountains and they robbed all that came along that way by them and it was told of Emily they're out to get you bimmel X I'm your king all right but they're they want your gizzard 26 and Jo the son of a bed stone came with his brethren and went over to shake him in the men if she can put their confidence in him hey let us tell you what's happening here bread 27 and they went out into the fields and gathered their vineyards and tried the grapes and made merry and went into the house of their God remember who that was the Covenant Bale and did eat and drink and cursed Abimelech the very thing Abimelech and don't forget what the word means and the name means in the Hebrew tongue okay the father of the King we just wants to be a king 28 and Yael the son of ebed said who is the thin neck and who is she that we should serve him is not he the son of Jura Bale is he not the son of Gideon what's he doing here and z-bo his officer served the men of Haymore the father of sheikhan for why should we serve Him you see you had a lot of these misfits mongrels that lived in this area and truth always comes out God can either protect or he can allow people to destroy themselves and they're not too long about doing it with their lives daily if they don't know what the score is how to receive blessings from God 29 and what did God this people were under my hand then would I remove Abimelech and he said to abemolik increase thine army and come out in other words less did it all come on Abimelech make my day 30 in other words ill-gotten gains never profit at thee alright spoken eloquently in Old English 30 verse 30 and when Zebo the ruler of the city heard the words of Jael the sunnat' he bed his anger was kindled the old general under Abimelech says alright I've got the challenge 31 and he sent messengers unto Abimelech frivolous thing behold Gail the son of EBIT and his brethren become to she command behold they fortify the city against thee they're ready to fight 32 now therefore up by night thou and the people that is with thee and lion wait in the field good general all right he's got it planned out pretty well 33 and it shall be that in the morning as soon as the Sun is up thou shall rise early and set up on the city and behold when he and the people that is with him come out against thee then Maius now due to them as thou shalt buy an occasion in their words he moved the general moved them to the point of advantage put the troops in position in the night rest but before they have time to get organized hit him all right good general 34 and Abimelech rose up and all the people that were with him by night and they laid weighed against cecum in 4 companies all directions good general all right good strategy 35 in Gale the son of ebed went out stood in the entering of the gate of the city and Abimelech rose up and the people that were with him from lying in wait they're ready to make their move 36 and when Gayle saw the people he said to z-bo behold look there come people down from the top of the mountain the point of a joke a and Z both said unto him thou seest a shadow of the mountains as if they were men gone with you get the coffee made alright you're just imagining things 37 and Gayle spoke again and said see there come people down by the middle of the land and another company come along by the plain of neoneun NIM 38 then said Zebo unto him where is now thy mouth we're without fittest who is Abimelech that we should serve him is not this the people that thou has despised get out I pray now and fight with them you go do it alright you go fight with them 39 and Gayle went out before the men of Shechem and fought with Abimelech getting it on now forty and Abimelech chased him and he fled before him and many were overthrown and wounded even unto the entering of the gate quite a slaughter 41 and Abimelech dwelt at a rumour and evil thrust out gal and his brethren that they should not dwell in she come got him in a bunch of trouble alright 42 and he came to pass on the morrow that the people went out into the field and they told Abimelech 43 and he took the people and divided them into three companies and laid wait in the field and looked and behold the people were come forth out of the city and he rose up against them and smoked them 44 and Abimelech and the company that was with him rushed forward and stood in the entering of the gate of the city and the two other companies ran upon all the people that were in the fields and flew them Abimelech giving him a pretty good working over all right good strategy you would look like the bad guy is about to win okay 45 and Abimelech fought against the city all that day and he took the city and slew the people that were there in and beat down the city and sewed it with stall first time had been done in the Bible it was reclaimed again later in history but that means that's nothing will grow and salt got it never to be rebuilt as a city again unless it's cleanse 46 and when all the men of the Tower of cecum heard that that they entered into and hold of the house of the God the earth got it but if remember Ebru what covenant the god of the Covenant I note this the small G though our Father Yahoo they is the god of the Covenant watch false religion Christianity is not a religion it's reality be careful my friend 47 and it was told Abimelech that all the men of the tower of Shechem were gathered together 48 and Abimelech get him up to mount salman he and all the people that were with him and Abimelech took an ax in his hand watch this now and cut down a bow from from the trees a limb and took it and laid it on his shoulder and said unto the people that were with him what you have seen me do make haste and do as I have done each one of you cut you off a limb throw it over your shoulder 49 and all the people likewise cut down every man his bow and followed Abimelech cut and put them to the hole and set the hole on fire upon them so that all the men of the Tower of cecum died also about a thousand men and women know that they crawled in a hole and they threw the limb on top of them and let them on fire and it would appear that that the legitimate sons prayer that fire destroyed this is a wicked one is just backfiring all over the place does it not then when Abimelech to Sivas and encamped against the baz and took it doing good 51 but there was a strong tower within the city and and through the fled all the men and women and all they of the city and shut it to them and got them up to the top of the tower for Abimelech got them all gathered in the pile again and Abimelech came under the tower and fought against did and went hard into the door of the tower to burn it with fire 53 god at work and a certain woman whoa man woman cast a piece of the Millstone the phone Abimelech head and all to break his skull cracking like an egg all right just to make it real interesting graphic for you here okay 54 and he called haste that lead to the young men his armor-bearer and he set him to him draw thy sword and slay me that men shall deny earth that men say not of me a woman slew him and his young men thrust him through and he died I mean logistically Abimelech a very wise person was probably yet a wiser general though that was the the military strategist here got the victory into the last throes of it and a woman which I've always said they're stronger and make better warriors anyway be that as it may in certain cases kildee the armor bearer may have finished him off but the woman killed him that's God's hand fulfilling the prophecy 55 and when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead they departed every man unto his place 56 thus God who who's in control thus God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech which he did unto his father Gideon in slaying his seventy brethren restoration of Israel 70 57 and all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads and upon them came the curse of Japan the son of Jura bail which is to say Gideon what did God do now let's let's grab that don't let it get away from you it may have looked like that Abimelech was leaning and he was but what he was doing was destroying the very people that he coveted with and their God to destroy the truth sons and rightful heirs of judgment to be a judge and God let them destroy each other by allowing one wicked evil spirit of gossip and hate to eater into the community and the community destroyed itself God allowed it god engineered it and wickedness evilness what's in the name Abimelech father of the king a kingly lying he was a man Tsar beware of the man Tsar that shall dwell is king I will even say it in a different way beware of the men's are that pretends to be the King of Kings for it will happen in and to this generation you have had it enacted before your very eyes exactly how it shall come to pass using these types prototypes and analogies yet being documented throughout the Word of God put all your trust in the thornbush honey if you want to and you'll never never it will be as the crown of thorns that they placed on your shoe as head which drew nothing but blood you will never be happy there get rather into your father's word I'll tell you this when you plow deep in our father's word you see the simplicity in which Christ taught what am I saying true wisdom is to simplify the Word of God whereby everybody can understand it all right bless your hearts you listen I'm on that won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,389
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV, Judges, Book of Judges
Id: -mNP_a6Dh4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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