1 Samuel ~ 26:1 to 27:5

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're going to pick it up today First Samuel chapter 26 verse 1 we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to this fantastic book of 1st Samuel David's been on the run now for several years and he's probably getting pretty tired of Saul trying to kill him and his men it's not an easy life for David at this point David certainly not one that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he worked as a young man a shepherd and then he worked his way up into Saul's Court until Saul grew jealous of David's successes and that's when the trouble started David went on the run was not much more than the shirt on his back to start with and now he has approximately 600 in his ragtag army he has just taken two additional wives I say additional because I remember when he was still with Saul he took me call Saul's daughter - wife but in our last lecture he took Abigail and a hen om - wife and so things are kind of getting a little bit normal but not so much so let's ask that word of wisdom and you Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day that's picked it up First Samuel chapter 26 verse 1 the zip fights are at it again and the zips came unto Saul to Gibeah saying death not David hide himself in the hill of hakalo which is before jessamine jessamine means or is translated desolation this is down in the the wilderness the desert area of southern Judah zip I'll remind you was a hill basically about a hundred and fifty feet above the in altitude above the elevation as the word I should have used above the territory or surrounding it so it was situate to where they can literally see for miles and miles and what they're doing is spying on David his motions and then reporting them to soul this is the second time some scholars believe that this is the same incident there where the ZIF i'ts rolled over on david the first time I don't think so I think this was indeed a second event and obviously when David became the king of Israel the ZIF i'ts were not on his list of favorite people and that they turned over on him and betrayed him twice to soul verse two then saw the rose and went down to the wilderness of Ziff wilderness can be translated desert having 3,000 chosen men of Israel with him to seek David in the wilderness of Ziff David has approximately 600 men Saul again that is that does match the first time that the zip fights through David under the bus but again I think this was a second incident but David and his men outnumbered five-to-one but they have one with them that is not with soul that is our Heavenly Father the Spirit of God was with David Saul had been rejected and the Spirit of God left him verse three and Saul pitched in the hill of hakalo which is before just shaman by the way but David abode in the wilderness and he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness God preparing David to take over the kingship of Israel Samuel had already anointed David king of Israel but David still not clear on excuse me how this transfer of power is supposed to come about or when the transfer of power was supposed to come about David therefore sent out spies and understood or realized that Saul was come in very deed it wasn't a rumor it wasn't just talk it was of a certainty that soul and his army of 3000 was nearby and David arose and came to the place where Saul had pitched and David beheld the place where Saul a and Abner the son of nur the captain of his host the general of his armies and Saul lay in the trench and the people pitched round about him and this would be common way for the encampment to be set up and when you when I think of trench I think of a hole in the ground or a ditch I don't think that's what is meant here they obviously would have stuff bags carriages often referred to in God's Word and I think Saul was basically using his stuff as a bed a pallet if you will and then of course the most trusted soldiers in his army would then be immediately around him including Abner Abner was a first cousin to Saul so he wasn't only the general of his army he was family to Seoul for six that answered David and said to a him elect the hittite and to a Bechet the son of Zarya Azariah is of course David's sister she had three sons all of which loved David and served him for the most part for the most of the time brother to Joab saying who will go down with me to Saul to the camp and Abbess I said I will go down with the Joab one of his Araya sons would become as well as a Bosch I were high ranking officials in the military they were both successful in in the military and they were both fearless warriors ABBA shy at the time of absalom's rebellion Absalom was one of David's sons he was on the lam for a couple years after he killed Amnon his half-brother for raping his full sister Tamar but when he returned he tried to steal the throne from David and it caused basically a civil war and David actually fled Jerusalem to avoid a civil war at the absalom's rebellion Abbess I stayed loyal to David verse 7 so David and Abbess I came to the people by night down to where Saul and his people were encamped and behold Saul lay sleeping within the trench and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster but Abner and the people lay around about him now this was common at this time for the scepter of the king called a spear here would be placed in the ground next to the head bolster of the pillow if you will that the king where he was sleeping that way in the event and it wasn't just Israel that did it this way other people's this was a common practice to identify where the king was or the chief or whatever the ruler was called of the country in the event that they were unexpectedly attacked by an enemy they would know where the king was and get to him to protect him verse 8 then said a beside to David God hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day referring to Saul of course now therefore let me smite him I pray thee with the spear even to the earth at once and I will not smite him the second time let me run Saul through with his own sceptre with his own spear and I'll make it count I'm not it won't be necessary for me to have a second stroke if you will you might ask well now how in the world could a bash I speak to David without waking Saul's men well we're gonna see that God had put a deep sleep upon Saul and his men as David and Abbess I approached verse 9 and David said to have a shy destroy him not for who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed and be guiltless now the Lord's anointed and indeed King Saul was anointed of God to be king of Israel although he had been rejected but this to be guiltless and in other words and not be harmed himself by the Lord for striking God's anointed is what David is saying this is the second time that David has had the opportunity to kill Saul but he did not do so he would take a pass verse 10 David said furthermore as the Lord liveth the Lord shall smite him or his day shall come to die he may die of natural causes or he shall descend into battle and perish the latter would be Souls end when we get to First Samuel chapter 30 and 31 we'll see that that is indeed the demise of Saul once again he goes into war against the Philistines this time he's not successful he's not victorious but he's killed in battle I think David's learning that being the Lord's anointed comes with some benefits by that I mean in the years past David felt it necessary to avenge insult himself and remember nabe all the fool the carmelite whom his wife Abigail was very beautiful woman very intelligent woman but when nave all insulted David's ten messengers that he sent to ask a favour or blessing from knave all he insulted David and David told his men gird on your swords and David girded on his sword he was going to kill every male in nee balls house but now David's learning he said the Lord shall smite him referring to soul and you elect out there you don't have to avenge when someone offends you or does something against you I've seen it time and time again wait three months six months and the Lord will avenge he said touch not mine anointed he means touch not mine anointed verse 11 the Lord forbid that I should stretch forth my hand against the Lord's anointed but I pray thee take thou now the spear that is at his bolster and the crews of water and let us go the water would be placed there for the same reason that parents leave water and next to their kids beds if they wake up in the night they have something to drink but taking the spear in the water it's going to be much like previous occasion where David had the opportunity to kill Saul you remember he cut a little patch of his cloak off and that was proof that he was close enough that he could have killed Saul that's the purpose in taking the scepter or the spear and the crews of water proving that they were close so David took the spear and the crews of water from Saul's bolster and they got them away and no man saw it nor knew it neither awaked for they were all asleep because a deep sleep from the Lord was fallen upon them that's the reason that David and Abba Shia can get so close to Saul was God had put a deep sleep upon Saul and his men on a spiritual level I couldn't help but think about Romans chapter 11 verse 8 God has put a deep sleep a stupor at States there in Romans chapter 11 verse 8 on many today David's about to wake Saul and his men up verse 13 then David went over to the other side and stood on the top of an hill afar off a great space being between them David doesn't trust Saul any further than he can throw him at this point in time he's making sure that there's quite a distance between Saul and his men and david and abba shy before they wake up Saul and Abner but now it's time to wake soul verse 14 and David cried to the people and to Abner the son of nerve saying answerest thou not Abner then Abner answered and said who art thou that Christ to the king you can almost hear the echo in the wilderness as these two are talking loudly if not screaming at each other in other words Abner saying who art thou that Christ to the king who are you to be disturbing the King sleep who are you to be offending the king by shouting so loudly and David said to Abner art not thou a valiant man question and who is like to thee in Israel a great warrior David's gonna give compliments with one hand and take away from Abner with the other wherefore then has thou not kept the Lord thy Lord the King referring to soul for there came one of the people in to destroy the king of thy Lord where were you Abner when someone got close enough to your master that they could have killed him David continues railing on Abner verse 16 this thing is not good that thou has done as the Lord liveth ye are worthy to die because ye have not kept your master the Lord's anointed and now see where the Kings spear is and the crews of water that was at his bolster and no doubt David holding both very high so that Saul can see Abner could see and all the other men who near to Seoul could see him holding up Seoul's scepter and cruse of water proof that David and a Bosch I could have killed Saul if they had chosen to Abner isn't going to have much to say after this Abner is not looking like the chief bodyguard that he was doing his job he slept through it all verse 17 and saw knew or recognized David's voice it's still dark and said is this dive voice my son David and David said it is my voice my lord o King David had proven that he was a more faithful protector of Saul's life than Abner the gym general of Seoul even above Saul's most trusted servants not once but twice David now has had the opportunity to kill Saul if he chose to but he would not stretch forth his hand against God's anointed verse 18 and he this being David said wherefore doth my Lord referring to soul thus pursue after his servant for what have I done or what evil is in mine hand I've done nothing but serve you well soul from the very beginning when I was brought in to play the harp when the evil spirit was attacking you I've served as your armor bearer I slew the Philistine champion of Gath Goliath I served you valiantly in the armies and the wars against the Philistine Saul killed his thousands David his tens of thousands what have I done to you Saul is and it's a reasonable question that David's asking why are you chasing me all over kingdom come trying to kill me 19 now therefore I pray thee let my lord the King hear the words of his servant David reasons two possibilities here and he speaks them out loud the first possibility if the Lord have stirred the up against me let him accept an offering this word accept check it out in your Strong's it's to smell in other words if it's the Lord that has stirred you up against me make an offering a sacrifice let the Lord smell the sweet savour of your offering but if they be the children of men that have stirred you up against me I'll add for they have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the Lord saying go serve other gods this needs a little explanation what David is saying is that if men have stirred you up against me they have caused me to have to leave the people of God the inheritance of God and in other words if I have to run to the land of the Philistines then they're saying go serve the gods of the Philistines not Yahoo they that's something David would never go for the kings of Judah from this point on would be compared to David as far as whether they walked with the Lord a hundred percent or whether they fell away to other idols and other gods small G verse 20 now therefore let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the Lord what he's saying is don't let me be killed in a foreign land if I have to die let it be at home before the face of the Lord before the the tabernacle if you will where the king of Israel has come out to seek a flee I'm an insignificant creature for the king of Israel to be trying to track down as when one death hunt a partridge in the mountains and this kind of has two meanings meaning you're hunting me like someone would hunt an animal but you don't actually hunt for partridges in the mountains you would hunt for partridge or quail or pheasant in the open fields the plains that's where you find Covey's of quail you don't go quail hunting on a mountain if one quail had even flown to the mountain to hide a hunter certainly wouldn't think of tracking him down into the mountains for one bird 21 how we'll saw respond to David's plea then said Saul I have sinned returned my son David for I will no more do the harm promises promises because my soul was precious in thine eyes this day behold I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly he's just like nabe all the carmelite he's a fool his Saul truly repentant if you were David would you trust Saul now and drop your guard and return to serve Saul David is not a fool nay Baal was a fool Saul played the fool David is not a foolish man twenty two and David answered and said Behold the king's spear and let one of the young men come over and fetch it you can have your spear and your cruise of water back but just send one of your servants David's not dropping his guard not all of your 3,000 come and get the spear and the crews of water you send one saw David wasn't foolish enough to believe that Saul had made these promises intentionally or sincerely these are words that David has heard before you remember the first time that he had the opportunity to take Saul out in the in the cave and Saul basically said the same thing oh you're you're much more righteous man than myself David I I have erred and and please forgive me it didn't do any good as far as really changing Saul's heart 23 the Lord rendered every man his righteousness and his faithfulness for the Lord delivered thee into my hand today but I would not stretch forth my hand against the Lord's anointed God will judge me to be righteous is what David's saying how will God judge you Saul and again though if someone offends you leave the judgment and the punishment up to your heavenly Father he said touch not mine anointed that's exactly what he means verse 24 and behold as thy life was much set by this day in other words that your life was much esteemed this day in mine eyes so let my life be much set or much esteemed in the eyes of the Lord and let him deliver me out of all tribulation and this is a an expression of a clear conscience David knows that he hasn't done anything wrong and he certainly is not going to change that now by taking his stretching his hand forth against the Lord's anointed David is completely has a clear conscience then Saul said to David blessed be thou my son David thou shalt both do great things and also shalt still prevail so David went on his way and Saul returned to his place I think Saul knew that David was had the Spirit of God with him and that when the Spirit of God is with you you're going to be successful he knew that David will prevail in all things chapter 27 we see I think a bit though of a lack of faith on David's part and we also see I think that the reason for the lack of faith on David's part is that Saul didn't mean what he said to David at all Saul continues to pursue David although I believe that Saul has now seen David and spoken with David for the last time in his life let's go with chapter 27 verse 1 and David said in his heart or in his mind I shall now perish one day by the hand of soul there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines and Saul shalt despair of me he'll forget about me to seek me any more in any coast of Israel within any border of Israel you could translate so shall I escape out of his hand God had already instructed David once to get out of the land of the Philistines and return to Israel it's kind of difficult to be the king over a land that you've become estranged from so again as David doing the right thing here well I'm not so sure but this does indicate that Saul was still continuing to try and kill David verse 2 and David arose and he passed over with the six hundred men that were with him unto a quiche the son of Mayock king of Gath and of course we're talking about the Philistines here who are a heathen people now this is not the first time that David went to a quiche you may recall the first time when they ID'd David and made him they said hey that's David didn't they say Saul killed his thousands David killed his tens of thousands what did David do he very intelligently started acting like he was a madman he started scribbling on the gates of the city of Gath he let drool or spittle down on his beard and was acting crazy he said what did you bring this madman to me here you think I'm gonna take him home and feed him supper get him out of here so and remember the tens of thousands that David had killed were these men's brothers fathers uncles sons the list goes on and on verse three and David went with a quiche at Gath dwelt with I should say a quiche at Gath he and his men every man with his household even David with his two wives a hen om the jezreelite s and abigail the carmelite s nabel's wife a fugitive from seoul would be alright with a Keisha Keisha and Saul were mortal enemies and anyone who was an enemy or a fugitive of Saul would be a okay with a quiche I'm sure a quiche though has just said okay David you and your men can stay just don't be acting crazy any more on me verse four and it was told Saul that David was fled to Gath and he sought no more again for him I guess David's thoughts that if he fled to the land of the Philistines that soul would forget him despair of me it stated in verse one which means to forget that worked soul gave up on trying to track David down in the land of the Philistines verse five and David said to a quiche if I have now found grace or favor in thine eyes let them give me a place in some town in the country that I may dwell there for why should the servant dwell in the Royal City with thee David's and you know I've got six hundred men here and our families don't let us be underfoot in the royal city of Gath and be a trouble to you give us give us a city that we can get away from the Royal City and also to be on our own a little bit not a trouble to you now a quiche knew his art enemy Saul had been pursuing David for years and in the event that a future war should break out with the Philistines and soul I'm sure quiche is thinking hey you know what David has a lot of knowledge about soul it would be very beneficial for me to have David on my team helping me to plan against us all because David would be very familiar with souls battle plans and techniques and procedures so well how will all this work out between David and the Philistines well it's kind of testy situation at best but don't miss the next lecture and we'll cover it we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 grab in Arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 6 4 3 4 6 4 5 that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individuals denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing negative out about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it especially our brothers and sisters in Christ we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that can't utilize that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in got a prayer request and don't need a telephone number we can do away with that you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to develop your relationship with your heavenly father your relationship with him depends on you and you alone he's the same yesterday today and will be the same tomorrow and your relationship with your heavenly father is entirely up to you he loves you he may or may not love what you're doing but he loves it when when his children repent of their wicked ways and return to Him consider your ways we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs addictions to alcohol drugs father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Michael in Pennsylvania does the scriptures say God cast down or God cast out Satan and one-third of the angels no but it does say that Michael and his angels will war with Satan and his angels and defeat them and then kick them out into heaven Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 where do they come woe unto you on earth the one-third of the Angels you're confusing the fallen angels with the one-third of God's children who followed Satan at Satan's rebellion the captive Bowl in the Greek language in the first Earth Age in heaven age when Satan rebelled against God one-third of the angels followed Satan Revelation chapter 12 will document that and but again you're confusing the fallen angels which are the ones that are Satan's angels that are going to be kicked out with him onto earth with Satan with the one-third that followed Satan hopefully not entirely one-third of the angels will continue to follow Satan because if they do they go into the lake of fire Evelynn in oklahoma and thank you for your kind comments in Psalm chapter 147 verse 4 reads he telleth the number of the stars he calleth them all by their names my question is do you think our loved ones in heaven can see the same stars and moon that we on earth see may God bless all of you in Revelation chapter 12 I just mentioned that concerning the third who followed Satan but in Revelation 12 God's children are called the stars of heaven and so but as far as the constellations the bodies that are in the heavens yes I believe we are in a different dimension where we can't see our loved ones the angels if you will because they're in a different dimension but I believe God has made the stars of the constellations and a dimension where all of us can see and enjoy them yep and we'll leave it at that Virginia and Texas thank you for your program I really learned a lot please explain about the Trump's how many years between them thank you for your teaching you're welcome Virginia now Trump's our events not periods of time each Trump doesn't have a set period of time that it is in existence before the next Trump sounds you might I might suggest that you order Pastor Arnold Murray's teaching on seven seals seven trumpets not only the Trump's but the seven seals as well cookie in California I have always been in fear that I may not make it into heaven on the day of judgment even though I am aware of Penton sub sins and all that follows how yet can i know and reassure myself and not feel afraid of judgment I don't want to wait in this sinning nature that I have and always asking for forgiveness and then just rely on the grace of God for acceptance into heaven on that day of judgment of what will or will not happen to me if someone should ask if I believe that I will go to heaven what then should I answer well do you believe in Jesus Christ that's what's required to enter the kingdom of God John chapter 3 verse 16 it seems to me cookie that you lack faith Romans chapter 10 verse 17 tells us how we can gain more faith it states there that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you're doubting God's promises is what I read in your note that you're fearful about Judgment Day know that judgment is also payday for those who have righteous acts that they take with them make a home assignment to Hebrews chapter 11 that's called the faith chapter stay in God's Word ask for repent of your sins as you say you've done but once God has forgiven you don't doubt that he has the ability to forgive you and don't get on a guilt trip I mean know that we all mess up the flesh we all sin and that's the beauty of Christianity is that all we have to do is repent and believe on Christ and receive that forgiveness Paul in Marilyn is it permissible to eat shrimp according to God's Word no unfortunately Leviticus chapter 11 verses 9 and 10 tell us that if the food were considering comes from the waters it must have fins and scales shrimp nor any other shellfish for that matter have scales they have fins but they do not have scales shrimp are unclean Gail in North Carolina why do you say Kane is not Adam son Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 says Adam knew Eve and she conceived and bore Cain and said I acquired a man from the Lord then she bear again this time his brother Abel who is his father if not Adam well Eve had conceived before she knew her husband Adam one son Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 17 God is addressing the serpent and Eve and he says to Eve I will greatly multiply thy conception for what you did with the serpent pretty clear what happened there the serpent beguiled mother Eve and she he seduced her in other words and she did conceive Cain Adam did then know Eve and she conceived a son that sons name was Abel they were twins when it says in in chapter 4 verse 2 that again she bore Abel that mean check out that word again it's she continued so if a lay if a woman gives birth to one child and then continues in labor and gives birth to another what's happened she's had twins that's the reason that they both reached the age of accountability when they were to bring their offerings to God at the same time they were the same age they were twins Adam was not the father of Cain you can easily document in Genesis chapter 5 where you have the genealogy of Adam you won't find Cain listed there you won't find Abel there listed because Cain his brother murdered him before he had any children no children no genealogy you find Cain's genealogy in Genesis chapter 4 read your Bible folks Katherine and Georgia was job in the first Earth Day Jeannot job was very much in the flesh remember God struck him with sore boils he was very much in the flesh there was no human flesh in the first earth age Robert from Iowa my daughter and I were discussing the Bible and I mentioned that the people on the wrong side of the Gulf had no chance but will be taught in the thousand years period at the end where can I find that in the Bible well the very meaning of the word the Gulf in in in Luke chapter 16 is that it's a medical term Luke was a medical doctor but it's a medical term that means it's a crevasse but it's it's more specifically a crevasse that cannot be crossed and it only stands to reason that those who never had a chance to hear the truth will hear the truth prior to the white throne judgment so there will be the the Millennium is going to be a great time of teaching John and Washington thank you for your work you're welcome now to business I find myself continually again and again reading The Book of Enoch I get my info from the web and it's shaky at best please recommend the proper translation or writing of the Book of Enoch and a study guide that breaks it down chapter by chapter verse by verse truly you know in a truly honest way well no I can't recommend a book of Enoch much less a study guide because we don't recommend The Book of Enoch we don't offer it here in our library now a mature Christian should be able to read anything whether it's biblical or not but then you're able to discern whether that aligns with God's Word and is therefore worthy of study or whether it doesn't align with God's Word and therefore I don't consider it worthy of study Louise in Missouri I'm 95 years old well god bless you you've certainly had a lengthy life I know the devil comes first but I want to know where in the Bible I can find that chapter and verse I want to be able to show it to people okay well 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses one through four is one of the places where it's made crystal clear in my opinion verse one it's talking about the coming of the Lord that's the second Advent his second coming in verse 3 Paul states let no man deceive you the coming of our Lord won't happen until there is a falling away first that's apostasy in the Greek language and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition perdition means to perish now there's only one who is judged to perish by name his name is Satan ezekiel chapter 28 verses 17 18 and 19 he's called the king of Tyrus they're second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 goes on to describe this one who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple so himself that he is God as the Antichrist comes first Roger from Minnesota some very oh I have done some very abominable acts in the past some knowing I was wrong some not knowing I'm pretty sure i defiled myself I have repented and don't do them anymore if I try to do right can Father forgive me for this I would love to have an answer god bless you guys well god bless you as well yes it's never at this point in time I should say it's not too late repent and be forgiven Allyson Florida and then stay in his word that's how we learned to be pleasing to God and stay out of trouble he told us how to go through this flesh life and be happy right here in his word the letter he wrote to you the Bible study your Bible folks Allyson Florida and thank you for your kind comments I come from a varied religious background my parents raised us as Christians my father has passed my mother has had a partner for over 15 years now she claims she isn't a lesbian however her partner is pushing her to get married they both have grown children even grandchildren I believe this is wrong my mother has grown away from her Christian faith and her partner has no faith I believe it's to support her own actions I keep trying to share with my mom the faith she raised me in I believe she is too much controlled by this partner of hers and has grown too far from the truth and God's Word question I was raised to respect my parents however this is really upsetting me I feel I am casting pearls before swine at this point I keep trying for my Mother's sake I don't want to disrespect her but I cannot take any more what should I do what can I do pray and ask for God's guidance in your life you might also consider praying and asking God to change your mother he has that power he is all-powerful and let God know that you are unhappy with your mother's actions and pray for him to change her heart to change her mind Pamela in North Carolina I wanted to ask if the four living creatures in Ezekiel chapter 1 are the same creatures in Revelation chapter 4 verse 7 do they guard the mercy seat and yes they are identical that gal guard the throne of God and they even have the same faces the creatures of Ezekiel chapter 1 and Revelation chapter 4 they're called the zoom and the Zoi in the Hebrew and Greek languages the the faces of the four living creatures are the lion the calf or the Ox and one and the other which are the same the face of man and also the face of the eagle and in numbers chapter two in the following chapters when God is aligning the encampment of the tribes of Israel he also assigned a standard for each of the tribes of Israel interesting to note that the Judah is the lion Ephraim is the calf or the ox Reuben is the man and Dan is the eagle so we see these four living creatures their faces correspond with the four tribes were encamped on the east north south and west of the tabernacle along with two other supporting tribes but the four main tribes or Judah the lion Ephraim the calf and ox Reuben the man and Dan the Eagle I sincerely believe that there's more to that than what we are able to comprehend or understand at this point in time it's going to be amazing when we see what the four living creatures are concerning the tribes of Israel Samantha and Canada we recently had to put our family dog down she was 12 and we loved her very much her name was Maggie can you please comment about where dogs go after they die and we're sorry for your loss you know that's that's just like losing a family member a family pet is a member of the family that has to be one of the hardest decisions in life to put a family member down you know we want to hang on to them as long as possible but we also realize then that there's a point where it's the humane thing to do biblically Isaiah chapter 11 which is in there is no more flesh at that time there are animals there you know God created all things for his pleasure Revelation chapter 4 verse 11 he created animals so they'd give him pleasure just as they give us pleasure and I believe we'll have animals when we're in the spirit life I'm a big dog lover myself Ellison Oklahoma if Satan was such a thorn in God's side why didn't he just get rid of him is there any place in the Bible that says anything about that we enjoy studying the Bible with you well there comes a point in time when God does do just that it's called the lake of fire excuse me of Revelation chapter 20 Satan and those who go into the lake of fire are finished there they're gone there forever up in smoke and as it states in Revelation chapter 21 from that point on it's the Eternity and God's going to wipe away the tears of his children there'll be no more pain there'll be no more tears there'll be no more death it's going to be wonderful there of course the lake of fire is what brings the second death which is the death of the soul Kenneth in Illinois where in the Bible is that your works will be your righteous robe in heaven well Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 tells us that when we die our acts or the only thing that go with us good bad ugly your acts go with you in Revelation 19 verse 8 we learned that the fine linen that our robes are made of are the righteousness of the saints their righteous acts in other words some are going to have a nice long robe some are going to be walking around naked as a jaybird out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you make a little time each day to spend in the letter that your father wrote to you the Bible you do read the Bible and you know how to be pleasing to your heavenly father you know his will and his overall plan that makes your Father's Day and when you make his day he's going to make yours that's when the blessings always start to flow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though and it's this beloved you stay in his word every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 gravid arkansas 7 to 736 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Gravette arkansas 7 to 736 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 723
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Book of, Chapel, 1 Samuel, Book of 1 Samuel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of I Samuel, Pastor, I Samuel
Id: W_xp1JBXmjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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