Shepherd’s Chapel - 1John 1-1-- 2 -12 (Stay in the light)

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our fathers words starting a new book today the epistles of John John was the writer of both the Gospel of John the epistles of John and the Revelator that is to say God speaking through him brought forth the book of Revelation this one that Christ loved and certainly used him John of course in the Hebrew tongue means Yahweh's gift and indeed he was a gift and through the Epistle do you want to remember what he said he was always concerned and is always concerned about the beginning that that you look at the beginning even into the first earth age because if you don't understand the first Earth Age in the beginning you've got blinders on it's very difficult for you to see the truth and seeing the truth is basically what this epistle is about it is not addressed to any particular church or any particular individual it simply is an open letter and it applies to all but remember what he said in the gospel he started it out in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God so it is his word that brings us the truth the knowledge and the wisdom and certainly he will report this as someone when the word became flesh as it's written and costed the Gospel of John chapter one became flesh John walk with him loved him followed him and so we're going to get a first-hand witness to that fact so having said that chapter 1 verse 1 the great First Epistle of John and it reads that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handle of the word of life that is to say we've touched that eternal life we felt it you know he has reference here in a sense all the way back to the Gospel of John chapter 8 verse 44 in the beginning whereby he said you were there and you see this pertains to two spirits the evil and the good and in the beginning you had both he said you you were of your father the devil of the first murder from the very beginning and st. John chapter 8 verse 4 back to the beginning again and it's important that you go back to the beginning you know if you do not understand the beginning there's no way you can ever understand the end it's that simple there's nothing complicated about it and that's what John is pulling forth here again the reference on that was st. John chapter 8 verse 44 from the beginning verse 2 for the life was manifested that's to say Christ in Christ and we have seen it and bear witness were witness to it and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us it was made known to us the truth the word that's why the word is so powerful and blessed blessed be the fact that it never changes God is the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever and this is what is so beautiful about understanding eternal life those that love him are going to be together forever this is not just a passing thing but forever even as it was in the beginning even in the first Earth Age verse 3 that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ and wherever you have the father in the son you also have the Holy Spirit the trying head of all mighty head of God himself leading the children and where those two are can you imagine think about it is we can fellowship through that spirit through that comforter we can fellowship with God himself and with Christ and in that attain eternal life well how do we do that through truth truth is so valuable and this is why you fellowship with Christ sometimes you get a little confused sometimes something may not be perfectly clear then how do you fellowship you communicate you talk to him you ask his blessings his leadership his clarity were about you can see the very truth itself in life for Christianity is not a religion it's a reality it's life eternal life verse 4 and these things right we into you that your joy may be full we it is our desire that you know how it was in the beginning that you pick up on that fellowship and when you fellowship with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and with we that even carried forth the truth from the beginning that it makes you happy your joy runs over and what a joy it is you know you don't don't ever let someone rob you of that joy it's real easy to do it to listen to the traditions of men they'll put shackles on you they'll put you in bondage instead of setting them free which God's Word does fellowship with him talk to him verse 5 this then is the message which we heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all I mean it is obvious that he illuminates your knowledge your wisdom he enlightens you where you can clearly see that truth in and with understanding and and so it is and there is so much written in that all prophecies pertaining to Almighty God are given in life days all prophecies given to Satan are in darkness that's to say moons at night it's such a simple thing the way God has the boundaries to the word of the good spirit and the bad spirit whereby you're forewarned whereby you can enjoy and draw from fellowship with God himself through the comforter through the mansion he prepared for us which is to say me no as he would ride in that eight in the Gospel of John in chapter 14 that that mansion is the word Nino which means to a resting place that's what Sabbath is is a place to rest that you can rest in them by fellowshipping with them and enjoying with full joy the very word of God and how it comes to pass let there be no darkness in your eye but the light that reflects the truth from the beginning verse 6 you know you're going to find that John likes to use this huge word if is it's conditional and you want to watch it a lot of times things won't go right for you you might find that there's a qualifier to many of these sentences these scripture you got to pay attention we got one right here in verse six if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth this is why you want to analyze your life analyze yourself if you walk in darkness and you can't see the light the truth if you can't illuminate yourself into the eternal life by fellowshipping with life itself eternal life you have a problem you're you're being misled somewhere along the way maybe even misleading yourself by not accepting the simplicity in which Christ set forth the example in the word becoming flesh and walking among us the very simple way that he brought it forth is the way you should follow in fellowship how wonderful it is to have the truth what is the truth the word verse 7 but if there's that condition again but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin now how many sins did it say that Christ's blood cleanses us from all sin well now wait a minute brother at our church our deacons won't allow a divorcee to teach Sunday School I like to keep them in the back of the church well then you're serving a bunch of hypocrites they're not following God's Word because it very clearly states there that the blood of Christ cleanses all sins except the unpardonable sin and it's certainly not divorced or nor I sit at Dollar Tree or adultery those things are forgivable in the blood of Christ when you fellowship when you walk with Him when you are in him don't ever if you're attending a church that puts people in bondage then you're not in a Christian Church I know that may offend some but be that as it may if your church does not teach that Jesus Christ can wash away all sin then you're you're putting crutches on Christ himself and limiting him God is not happy with that God does not like that not one iota the Son cleanses us from all ALL all sin it is true that seeing abounds and it's in the world but once one truly repents it is the Christian thing from the beginning to know you have forgiveness our Father does not hold grudges he even goes as far in many places to say I don't even want to hear about it again once you repent and I forgive you that's it done over with verse eight yeah there's that condition again if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us it's very difficult for for to live in a flesh body and not seeing in one way or the other it may be against health laws that may be too much sugar in your diet it could be many many things that you might over balanced or unbalanced the very food you eat or fall short in one way or another you know it's so difficult and but then there's always repentance and that atonement the blood of Christ that's why he died on that cross was so that well how many times a day he said 497 times 70 I don't think any of you are that kind of a sinner repent be forgiven and have fill yourself in the joy and fellowshipping with the father in the son verse 9 and big if again if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins you don't read over that and don't let somebody Rob you from it if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness how precious it is you know God loves his children he truly does those that love him those that are trying and yet nobody's perfect but those that try that fellowship that talk that community then there's always that hope verse 10 another big word if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us this is a numbing thought we do fall short and it comes back to the saying from the Old Testament that our the very best of our righteousness is as filthy rags with Almighty God's righteousness we can't compare we do fall short we're in the flesh flesh is weak but that does not prevent you from trying and still communicating and having that joy of eternal life with our Heavenly Father and that son and that Holy Spirit the comforter he that stands between you and your enemies that's who's what the comforter that's his obligation and his duty is he stands not only between you and Almighty God that isn't necessary if you love him but between you and your enemies he always gets the job done you can count on it that's something to really joy about how precious it is it is an unblinking to know that even in the flesh when we fall short that he still loves us when we confess and we repent ask his forgiveness he's always there to forgive and he will and forgive all again don't don't let anyone rob you of that and again you're going to have some people that will say well our deacons won't let this happen or that well you got a bad bunch of deacons you need you need to change the oil in the place I speak of spiritual law chapter 2 verse 1 my little children how tender he writes these things write I unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate that's a comforter ok with the father Jesus Christ the righteous this carries a little more weight than the sin spoken of in the prior chapter the very fact that the word that and you with companion Bibles that will back this fact up that this is speaking of an habitual sinner something someone that really just doesn't care and he doesn't want you to go that route to be so wired into the world that you forget about our Father that you forget about the son that you forget about fellowshiping when that's where your advocate is well that's where your comforter is and when you live in this world without a comforter you're in that one heap of hurt I mean bad big time because again Christianity is not a religion it's a reality that advocate is going to look out for you that advocate is going to intercede in your life and cause good things to happen where you're going to stumble into bad things on your own don't do it if you communicate if you hold close to that advocate that comforter repent and whatever you do this is where he would say in another place that Christ himself would say don't ever call a man a fool and the word fool there is not like foolish it's more honest which means a habitual sinner that cares nothing about God wants to know nothing about God doesn't believe in God and wants no part of God that's why he said don't don't ever get yourself in that condition because you lose the advocate you lose the comforter quite frankly you lose everything you even lose your eternal life how sad that is when God doesn't show preference to his children that want to try that love him that live with that advocate in their life that comforter he intercedes and what a difference it makes in a life that's what brings joy that's what brings happiness is to have the comforter in your life interceding taking care of those things that you cannot take care of yourself verse 2 and he is the propitiation that is to say the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world whomsoever will what a wonderful father we have you know and this is why this book is not necessarily titled to one particular church or one particular set of people but whomsoever will be paid that price for everyone conditional yes because you have to believe you have to follow and you have to what is a great help or you could be more useful to him isn't you understand the beginning so that you can help in the end verse three and hereby we do know that we know him if there's that condition if we keep his Commandments you want to do your best to keep the commandments they keep you out of trouble the commandments are God's advice in your life or by you can kind of handle it on your own with his especially with his help and following those Commandments do your best with them if you fall short weep in the Father Knows and father understands father knows his children and you know how he is so very proud of those that he can depend upon that he knows are solid do your best in following his advice not the advice of the world not the advice of man but the advice of Almighty God verse 4 he that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him and it is true then I don't want anyone to put themselves on a guilt trip here Christians are real bad about that they like to get on a guilt trip and what instead of getting on a guilt trip repent you messed up face it you're not perfect you do fall short repent fellowship with him praise him love him and let him intercede in your life give you comfort and and help and and know that you you work at keeping those Commandments verse 5 but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected here by no way that we are in him you can feel the spirit this is how the Word of God is perfected it becomes real do you want that to happen in your life do you want to have God's Word perfected come to completion in your very life that people can see the intercession of the comforter the Holy Spirit because you are fellowshipping with the Godhead with our Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the comforter that that brings about the perfected service of God's Word the truth that is the truth but you feel the presence of that Holy Spirit when he touches you how comforting that is that's why we call him the comforter 4:6 he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as we walk in other words you want to you want to stay in the word absorb that word but most of all let's simplify it stay in the light don't go in the darkness anytime something becomes confusing to you we're about you cannot see clearly you're in the dark you need to stop a moment fellowship ask for light but just to say truth and being that word it is it is the perfecting of the presence of Almighty God in your life verse 7 brethren I write no new commandment not going to do that unto you but an old commandment we had from the beginning again we go all the way back the old commandment is the word which you have heard from the beginning God's Word never changes that's the beauty of it God's love never changes God's light never changes God's presence never changes when he touches you when he leads you when he blesses you there as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 there's nothing new Under the Sun that that has been shall be again what comes around what goes around comes around there's no surprises when you're in the word and in the truth when you're serving him and so it is in the beginning how it was in the beginning so it shall be in the end let there be no surprises surprising when you are surprised that means you've overlooked the truth for in the truth there are no surprises you know how what to expect because you understand the revelation and the revelation God always gives us sign and understanding for the season the season that you're immediately in whereby you can better protect yourself and the people around you verse 8 again a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true than him and in you because the darkness has passed and the true light now shine a--the all you have to do is participate in it it's yours for the taking and and so it is what what a what is the new light what is the new Commandments a new testament it's the Testament of Jesus Christ when the word became flesh when it walked among us when he taught and even that when he gave us two Commandments to replace all of them all were covered and there was nothing new Under the Sun but what did take place was God's all fit that if he would ask us to be borned in the flesh to document whether we would love him or Satan that he himself came in the flesh himself in the Sun for if you've seen the Sun you've seen the father were by within that he saw fit to let the word become flesh and walk among us bringing clarity comfort and fellowship so stay in that light it's with us we live it we can understand it verse nine he that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkness even until now you just can't really quite do that no this is probably one of the most misunderstood scriptures and god's word this is a brother is one born of the womb okay you got it this type brother it is not possible to get along with all brothers but you don't have to hate them you exhort them second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 begin reading it tells you to handle how to handle a brother not to hate him as Cain hated Abel but how to handle him set him aside you see it is not possible to get along with all people and sometimes there must be attitude adjustments that's life that's human that's human nature and so therefore but many people why do I say that well we live in a world that we get people that get on drugs first one thing and first then another and and they do things that you want to put away from you you can even if you say if I hate him I still must love him then you can become an enabler if you're not careful this is why it's important that you be familiar with 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 beginning with verse 6 on how to treat a brother that simply will not adhere to the Word of God or family tradition so don't get yourself again on a guilt trip if you have to correct a brother that's true love tough love is true love verse 10 he that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him in other words what is that light well it's Christ of course and if you walk in that light and if you do according to Christ's word with your brother then you have nothing to work there's no occasion for stumbling yourself you handle it the way Christ said to handle it again second Thessalonians chapter 3 begin reading with verse 6 to the end of the chapter tells you how to handle it gracefully with love and success from Almighty God verse 11 but he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and north not whither he goeth because that darkness has blinded his eyes he can't see hate is a form of insanity hate is a terrible thing you know when when you're a child you kind of speak as a child but when you become an adult you mature especially a Christian adult that absorbs the Word of God that is in the light and sees the weakness of a brother and is able to help him in one form of the other and sometimes the only help is tough love where you have to put him away from you okay but don't treat him as an enemy but admonish them correct them let them know why communicate and but set set yourself apart from them and and don't get on a guilt trip but to deliberately hate a brother with no fur this making no effort whatsoever to find a way for forgiveness this is one that would hate out of that form of insanity that is hate itself you know most often I know from counseling that when a brother hates a brother many times they have been offended they think of themselves quite more important than they really are they weren't they really went when you know when they think of self and self only their self righteous then you'll get to the bottom of the situation and and certainly that can bring out hate and hate is very damaging it damages a whole family you can't have that you have to have peace and understanding you to the point of putting a brother to the side hey you're here I can't get along with you because you will not adhere therefore you're over there I'm over here Soviet okay that's correction again second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 verse 12 I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake and there you have it his name what's his name Yeshua y'all have a savior he's in the business of saving lives not destroying them he's in the business of lighting lives up and bringing them from the darkness into the light where there's joy and hope and eternal life whereby they can be a blessing to all they come in contact with tough love clothes love fellowship in family and with the Lord Jesus Christ you know John is a tender writer but he didn't beat around the bush he lays it down just like it is were emotionally we can feel the very presence of God in the word itself from the beginning don't miss any of these lectures all right bless your heart you listen I'm all night won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Don Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 866 4 5 to request you a one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves in you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular religion denomination or Reverend we're not we don't judge people that's not our right you can discern and evaluate but never judge ok that's our father's up job and he does not he does not need our help in judging people he saves that all to himself so when when you write remember that now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address you just need to talk to him do you know something he you don't even have to say it out loud he knows what you're thinking he's your father and he loves you father around the globe we come West that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay I want to thank Dennis for filling in teaching a book and giving yours truly a little opportunity to catch up the farm and ranch and have everything going real good enjoy it good to be back and let's get right into it Dilla for Montana I live in a small town and I see how many people get hurt by gossip and rumors please tell me is there a place in our fathers word that speaks our teachers about gossip or rumors first Peter chapter 4 verse 15 will help you a lot and whether you you will have gossipers I think probably the best lesson that a person can learn I very rarely ever encourage one to read the Apocrypha it's fine there's nothing wrong with the Apocrypha but there is a little book in the Apocrypha called Susannah and this Susannah was a beautiful young girl and unmarried and she walked in the garden each day exceptionally beautiful and to Kenites saw her and threatened her saying you will either either lie with us or we're going to say we saw you with a man in here which at that time would have been bad bad news and so she told him to go fly a kite okay my words and they did followed up and passed the word they what they had seen her doing there in the garden and everybody was thinking did you hear about Susanna poor Susanna all Susanna's she's gone it's gossip and Daniel came along and they asked Daniel what do you think about Susanna and he's a think what he said in other words he knew it was gossip and he knew it wasn't true and they said well what why don't why don't you feel bad about Susanna he said bring one of those out to me and send the other away for a moment and they brought him one of the canines and he said under which tree did you see this happy wonder that Sycamore right there okay very good now you go what bring the other one under what tree did you see this happen under that oak tree right there he said hang both of them you know that's what gossip I think that's one of the best gossip stories which I guess it actually happened I don't guess it did it's an extension of the great book of Daniel yeah you know the the community would have destroyed Susanna beautiful intelligent wonderful person and wisdom and truth saved her but gossip would have destroyed her many people are hurt severely by gossip especially on now that we have the internet and the Twitter tinkle tinkle little people trickling and letting a little brain bleed off you know it hurts people and it has even caused some deaths it's a sad state of affairs words are dangerous when they're idle that's why it's better to fellowship with Almighty God and let your speech be beautiful and rewarding and educational and light Jeanette from California I was never taught the Antichrist would come for I know that's and that is sad because God's Word from beginning to end teaches that basically that he will come first and deceive many people my question is in Psalms chapter 30 verse 9 David believed he was going down in the pit I believe to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord and it is true what David was saying David's body did go in the grave but he initially the instant the body went in the grave he went to the father to be absent from this body is to be present with the father but and follow that up with Acts chapter 2 and it will tell you Christ was transfigured his body did not go in the grave it resurrected transfigured but David's stayed in the grave but his spirit and soul initially returned to the father that gave it it is really a sad thing that most people do not teach when the main Gospels Matthew 24 Luke 21 mark 13 and throughout the book of John speaks of the false Christ's coming first and God's elect being delivered up before it I don't know how they get around that and because of one little doctrine that this people have a little safety blanket and they fly away which is a lie it's kind of sad it does not prepare people to meet the maker Michele from Tennessee who can baptize another person and what is the proper way to baptize someone and who are the Kenites I'll think the last verse tonight is a Hebrew word that means Cain's children his offspring you know I teach that any Christian Christian can baptize another Christian now not all churches will accept that baptism Christ will Almighty God will accept it okay but a lot of churches won't so just be forewarned before because if you have the intention of joining a certain church your baptism they will not unless one of their Reverend have accomplished the feat - probably they would not accept it okay so but Christ will that's what's important Cheryl from Georgia what scripture says if we commit murder with mouths send them to the Father Deuteronomy chapter 19 Numbers chapter 35 and Christ Himself teaching I have not changed one jot of the law for those that killed the word is phony honest criminal homicide murder you're gonna fry okay you're going to be judged is what it says and I'm a father's judgment we don't judge Alberta from Kentucky we're in the Bible as it found that the devil will be turned to ashes in the lake of fire well naturally in in Revelation chapter 20 he is cast into the lake but to be turned to ashes from within you will read in Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 18 and 19 where this goes all the way back into the first Earth Age when he rebelled brought about the cuttable and and he had been elevated to one of the highest positions in the Anjelica world he was a cherubim that his duty was to cover the mercy seat that's that's Christ own scene and then he became proud of himself and fell and led a third of God's children aside and turned them away from God so God tells him in that twenty eighth chapter of Ezekiel I will you will be turned to ashes from within that is a very ism meaning Feeny over but it really happens in Revelation chapter 20 Robert from Pennsylvania please explain first Corinthians 9:27 and in Revelation it says feet will with polished brass and here like sheeps rule is this describing Christ overall with the brightness and and so forth yes it is in his transfigured body in first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 it's kind of strange that you would ask this is speaking of the Olympics that when you when you run a race watch out how you run that race I mean you take get rid of every weight that dispels you we're talking about serving Christ or else that you might be rejected yourself you do it honestly and fairly you run that race okay of life Rodney from Illinois I want to know what Sheila means and what's the current pronunciation Sirach you find it in the Psalms basically and it is a musical terminology and it serves a very important place that means stop and think you put this mind in gear and you meditate what it always does is a statement has just been made that is usually a question let's say in many instances and then it will after the question is asked it will say stop the music think on that question and then following it gives you the answer or it will give you a condition then stop the music's here and then it will explain how to to live with that condition that's that's what it is about is to stop to meditate to chew the cud the moment think about it and move forward always used wisdom and think in the light and you will do well a Amanda from North Carolina can you tell me we're in the Bible that talks about the new helium coming to the son of Adam or when they come to the son of that it's the daughters of that okay they came to the daughters of Adam and in Genesis chapter 6 it's the nephew Liam comes from the Hebrew based primer Natha which means fallen if angels okay it's fallen angels that's what the hebrew word means and in genesis chapter 6 they saw how beautiful in the daughters of Adam were through and naturally it was Satan's doings because Satan knew that through the daughters of Adam would come Christ and he had already tried to destroy this in the womb of Eve and now he was trying in all the daughters and he failed because there was one that was perfect his genealogy was perfect that's that's biblical and that's what it says like it or lump it that was Noah and his whole family they had not intermixed with the giba of the Fallen Angels and aphelion John from Missouri in the scripture that's Genesis chapter 6 John from Missouri in the scriptures where it says we are to come out of Babel and does this mean we are to physically leave Babylon or spiritually leave Babylon well let's break it down what does Babel meet what does Babel and mean well it comes from the prime rib Babel and Babylon just to Babel something that has no meaning no understanding and just terribly confusion and you've got a lot of that today even in churches a church that will put you in bondage you're in babbling there they're making prisoners out of you when the truth is supposed to set you free that's that's the beauty of Christianity is freedom and don't ever let someone rob you of that but how do you come out of Babel you learn truth and you come in the light you come into truth you study the prophecies written in God's Word because Babylon is coming in the end times old man is that strong and man is it on top of us but the truth is always there if you pull it out from God's Word and how precious it is for God's fellowship in alerting us and warning us them and this spring we're going to see some wonderful things happening I can promise you that Cheryl from Louisiana the Bible said if more than one person prays like two or three that prayers would be answered does that meet up lie only if there are two or more or will God enter prayers if there is only one person praying he will answer if just one person is praying if you meet the conditions you got to be honest with him one two or three prayed that that's good that is good it impresses our Heavenly Father but God loves all of his children and and naturally if if one prays a prayer he's going to hear it that does not necessarily mean that he's going to answer it the way you would want it to he's gonna enter what's best for you you have to love him enough and trust him enough to know that's the way it is Robyn from Kentucky will there be more than a hundred the 144,000 elect who will go to heaven oh my goodness yes you know as it is written in the seventh chapter of Revelation where it mentions the 144,000 if you'll keep reading on in that seventh chapter you will read their word you can't even number those at that time that had already washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb you couldn't count them God's elect simply are witnesses and God's very elect will pull the hundred and forty-four thousand that will witness you the end times and in that time is coming Laurie from Montana but that it that has nothing to do with who goes to heaven that's teaching God's Word and getting the truth the light turned on where people can come into that light Laurie from Montana what is the difference between revenge and getting even getting even as where you do you correct practicing tough love where it becomes a teaching maneuver and it may be pretty severe on the person that committed the offense whatever it might be but God will bless that if you see that I mean leave them a little room to stand on don't destroy them and explain how wonderful it is if they would just step out and come on to the Lord and be blessed that way it is a teaching thing and you you kind of drop the hammer on them and make it hurt sometimes that's tough love but it's better to be hurt by the hammer I'm that's a figure of speech now don't go get a sledgehammer and start banging around on people that means it but financially through love or otherwise correct and it can be tough pretty tough love and but revenge is where you just simply I mean bought somebody out and just destroy them and leave them no hope or anything else if at all possible do not ever correct a parent in front of his children or a mother in front of her children always take them off to the side and correct away from the child unless it's something severe and then sometimes you have to do it that way but always give somebody enough room that they can recover and that that's that's kind of like getting even being a teacher at the same time example Center March from Minnesota would you please explain the one world system the the One World system spoken of in God's Word is the whole world that will hold a fter the false Christ it is the only time that a one-world system will totally come into be but it will receive a deadly woman and to bring it into power that happens at the six Trump the six seal and the sixth vial 666 and so it is Joe from West Virginia in Matthew 24 during the days of Noah would you please explain the two men in the field and the two women grinding and the one taken and one left this is where the it speaks of the coming of the Antichrist okay what were they doing in the days of Noah dancing drinking and giving in marriage giving in marriage to who the fallen angels the question before the Nephi Liam okay the Fallen Angels are coming back again Satan and his angels are gonna be kicked out onto the earth and those evil angels again this is Christ teaching they're going to be looking for women you don't want to be deceived by them and naturally this subject just it is straight the law of literature the subject is the coming of Anti Christ that you are not to be deceived or taken because the one taken is taken by in of Christ not by Christ the one that stays in the field god that's the world working until the true christ returns at the seventh Trump find salvation that's part of deception and yet the simplicity that is within it is simply fellowshipping with the Lord Jesus Christ and it's his words it's his sermon in Matthew 24 you need to listen to it you know a beautiful thing about it yet mark 13 both seven days are mentioned they are the seven seals the seven Trump's and the seven vials all of Revelation is answered in that one chapter if you can dig it out brinda from georgia is there a hell can you please give me some scripture to prove there is no hell and that Satan is the only one going to hell there is definitely going to be a burning hell does it exist yet no it does it in in God's Word if you will take the time to take your strong spin Corden's anytime the word hell is used it is either through that Organa in the Greek throughout in the Hebrew it is the grave or a supplicant but in the end in Revelation chapter 20 there is a lake of fire and God is a consuming fire do you know what a consuming fire is that's what a fire that consumes things and then you can learn a great deal by reading Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 fear not those that can kill your flesh but even he that can cause your soul to perish meaning be consumed done away with that's our heavenly father I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all though God loves you for it it's his letter can you it is his word it is his light it makes his day when you get into that word when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you but you know what's most important though it's this your life you stay in his word every day in this word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning separates chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 806 or three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas seventy seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six and Gravatt arkansas seven two seven three six
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 49,138
Rating: 4.8315787 out of 5
Keywords:, Nashville TN, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN
Id: 8GAji7BBvKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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