The Rise Of The One World Religion- Major Amir Tsarfati

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we are definitely living in the last days and you all know that we see the signs everywhere one of the things that we must remember and of course tomorrow morning I will be touching the effort efforts that started in the Garden of Eden and continued throughout the ancient Egyptian Assyrian Babylonian and Greek magicians to bring about eventually a one-world government that will we'll talk about it tomorrow ah we'll talk about the fact that they were introducing to the world that Pam faizon pan fails everything is God you know the trees are God your God the sky is God everything is God therefore there is no real one god there is no world gods and that was course it all started there and we will talk about all of that but you must understand that in order to get the people to be one in order to accept one government in one word leader and it's all about bringing the whole world one you also must create a global one world religious system because only religion brings about almost utmost or complete control of people I don't need to tell you that religion controls people especially in the Philippines you know that there are certain sects in the Philippines control literally government military police the judicial system control is the name but you can imagine if one second control in this entire country how much more religion can control the whole world and what is how it NIDA now if you ever go to the book of Revelation and you you reach to chapter 17 you see that the writer John introduces to us in chapter 17 two beasts one that it will be rising from the ocean and another one that will be rising from the land the rising from the ocean will be the Antichrist himself which is the horrible cruel word leader but then you have the one that rises from the from the land that means he already exists he's in the land and he has the the figure of four Lambs you know the lamb it looks innocent he's more of their pointing at Jesus the Lamb of God it has to be some sort of a religious figure that will cause people to actually follow the Beast the first beast you understand that so we are expecting a world dominant religion that will actually become almost the only one and we're expecting it to assure the coming of the Antichrist but if you really carefully examine the scriptures you'll see that at the end the Antichrist is killing the other beast which means that he will be using the leader of that world religion and then kill him and for years I've been thinking and praying about about that although I kind of do I needed proof you can't you can't really convince people and and of course you can't even convince yourself without a smoking gun we say and of course we live in unbelievable times and I thought you know it's about time for me to share that message simply because um this is it we're in a finish line we must address that once and for all many people speculate about the world religion the coming one world religion I've heard more than one that it's going to be Islam and they're saying Islam is the only religion that officially states that they want to take over the world that's wrong and that's not true and if anything Islam is the only religion that wants to take over the world but by the power of the sword that means we kill everyone who is not and we're going to have a bloodbath all over the world and we will behead people and in fact they just revealed a couple days ago from documents that were proved to be authentic that Isis is planning a major world crisis will help in a system to fulfill their dreams to turn their whole world into a one big caliphate and by the way the reason why people are talking about Islam as the world religion because they really believe that the Antichrist will be a Muslim because the Muslims believe in the coming of the Mahdi the the figure that will control the world let me explain to you one thing two things why I believe it's wrong I'm a Jew I'm an Israeli from the tribe of Judah I don't know even a single Jew or Israeli that will ever receive a Muslim as his Messiah to begin with second I don't know why a Muslim Messiah must allow the Jews to build a temple and he must enter the Jewish temple in order to declare himself as God so it cannot be a Muslim Antichrist and it surely is not Islam that will be the world religion now you're probably asking so what is it going to be well I'm going to say the framework of that religion exists it's just that it's emptying its Khan and it's refueling itself with new one its reshaping itself right now and we're seeing an amazing shift in the last one year that's why it's important that you know that the Philippines is about 90 percent Catholic am i right about 90 percent Catholic what is it 95 I want to believe it's only 90 all right I really want to believe that the you know there's about at least 10 million you know born again here in this country we want to we want to be there now everybody calls them Roman Catholics but let me tell you something they never call themselves in the beginning Roman Catholic that which started actually in Constantinople in 325 AD wasn't really exactly Roman Catholic it was just Catholic Catholic means universal that's the true meaning of it did you know that yeah so it's not Roman Catholic it's Catholic now when I say universal I mean that their aim that it was meant to be what all over the world it meant to be the religious frame of the whole world that's why it's called universal not for any other reason Judaism is not looking to recruit new members Islam will only convert you by the power of the sword wherever they go and take over neither Hinduism nor Taoism or Buddhism is making the effort to recruit people in the four corners of the world and pouring billions of dollars to do so the Catholic Church is the only religion on planet earth that has a full-blown strategy to do so I want you to be ready with your pencils and start writing the six steps of becoming the world religion first one is the reconciliation efforts within the Catholic the Christian world the reconciliation efforts within the Christian we have to understand it started as just Catholic then in the 10th century its split to Catholic and Orthodox then in the 1500 its split to the Protestant also and today we have about almost 33,000 different splits and in that route the mother root wants to take back all that split out of it and it pours enormous efforts in doing so there's going to be a historical meeting shortly between the Pope and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Sergei Nikolai of something that and there is going there's on an ongoing effort the Anglican Church is already in the pocket of the Vatican that's it and they're working now believe it or not on the Protestant in fact they're doing an amazing job in recruiting Protestants right now and when they do that they don't even talk about Mary even one time ever since the creation of the Catholic Church and certainly since the split in the 1500s the first pope that ever addressed directly with a message to the Protestant church and I want you to see that message it's just a few minutes and I want you to see the language and I thought wow it's the great speech I almost convinced to become Catholic their brothers and sisters excuse me because I speaking Italian but I are not the speaking English but I will speak no Italian no English but hopefully everyone if you simply change APO tentacle a questioning by the Warrick found in 1/2 moon agrammatic especially the gramatica simply check do a regular ahmadi you protrude the amulet over came to Oprah de roswell he conquested to a cosa Demoman just wanna play con mio fratello Invesco fratello from a non-gmo niche lon hey Louie may adeptly the Vostro contain in the water Lagoon of the cherry in you salute salute oh joy oh so Ananse tied Zico so you're super que de Joie agree que voy siete be me t / da da de Jesucristo una cosa knowledge after a break area da da every Civello 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que el cine or a había income muchacho need a polo sense affinor low very low affinia beningoso miracle greninja yellow given a yo-yo given a dijo que trata de una branch Gracchi I do not hear Mary even once and it's a very beautiful speech let's let's face it it's very good telling you almost became Catholic and I want you to understand that what you see here is this he declared that the division has come to an end the other side declared that that's it the division has come to an end guys it is going viral all over the world amounts the Protestant church you can go online and see all of that I was shocked and the reason why I'm saying all of that because there is a well-planned strategy here don't fall into those sweet words because the this is not so innocent no one here says that we acknowledge that Mary is not goddess no one here says that we acknowledge that the wine is not real blood of Jesus and the bread is not the real body of Jesus nobody here acknowledges all the differences all they say is that it is the glory that unites us and the love of one each other and and let's move forward and if you listen carefully those who are Protestant should be Catholic not via Hoppus it I never heard their that the Catholics are now becoming Protestant the protest has come to an end therefore you come back here it turns the hearts of the sons to the fathers that's what they say but the most powerful thing that mr. Palmer said which by the way he just died in a car wreck a motorcycle accident just few months ago that Anglican young bishop now I want you to know that the most interesting thing he said and we all know that Elijah must come before the second coming of the Lord of course he was quoting Malachi chapter 4 verse 6 we all know about that and think about it when was Malachi 4 fulfilled through who John the Baptist he came in the spirit of Elijah remember he indeed came to prepare the way of the Lord before Jesus came what that Bishop said is that Elijah must come before the second coming it's not mentioned in the scriptures what he's doing is very smart he's paving the way to have the religious leader of the world religion announced as Elijah and that's why we call it the false prophet you understand that and he's going to usher the coming of a messiah but it's not going to be Jesus it's the Antichrist you see the strategy here is we must unite the spirit of reconciliation soon the leader of our new religion is going to be appearing as EFI's Elijah and he's definitely going to usher the coming of our Messiah which we know is not the real Messiah is the Antichrist you know we have to remind ourselves in Galatians chapter 1 verse 8 and 9 it says but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you he is not he is to be accursed and then he said as we have said before so I say again now Wow he's very persistent here he says you know I said it once but let me repeat it I'm gonna say it again he says it again now he says if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received he is to be a curse the word accursed in the Greek is anathema and it is a much stronger form than just curse I don't want to go into that but what I'm saying is the Bible is warning us that people that actually will be so highly esteemed even as angels from heaven they might come and they will give us a different gospel from what we know and we can never accept it even not under the wings and under the cover of the glory of God and the spirit of reconciliation and if that's not enough we must remember that there is more to that in fact Romans 16 verse 17 now I urge you brethren know those who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you learn and avoid them it is about the doctrine it's not about the glory you understand they try to tell you forget about the doctrine it's about the glory forget about the glory not that they saw Laurie but it's all about the doctrine now if you learn a different doctrine how can you expect the glory to come when you were warned and if that's not enough we see also that it is an ongoing process it started last year and he's gaining momentum and it goes viral and that is only the first point now we all know that there religious wars all around the world we all know that their nature disasters are about to come hey we all know it's coming Jesus said that I just talked about it last message but you all know that when those type of disasters and catastrophes are happening the first thing that happens everybody wants to religious everybody wants to run to the house of God everybody wants to hold on to the altar everybody wants to find God because God knows what's next and I don't want to be found guilty and I need God and then you you see that there is a crisis that is around the corner a religious one you see Isis is posing a very interesting dilemma for hundreds of million of Muslims why because I believe the hundreds of millions of Muslims are not out there to behead people I believe that it's a very small group but that small group says we are the true Muslims we are indeed fulfilling what Muhammad says everybody else is not a true Muslim because they don't follow Muhammad they don't follow his scriptures we do and so you know you have hundreds of millions of Muslims there asking themselves if that's Islam so what are we because we're definitely not in that type of thing and then you see the Israelis the Jewish people are going to go through a terrible world war that is going to include weapons of mass destruction they will definitely yearn and look forward to somehow a deliverer to come and then you see that all those things that are coming eventually will cause different religions to look for an answer and that is exactly point number two the Catholics started what we call the Interfaith movement not only from within now we war we work between the religions they started long ago the EQ manacle movement of bringing together all different religions and holding hands and singing Kumbaya but now it's way beyond that now it's unfold the day and it was December of 2000 when I was sitting in Los Angeles and I read the Los Angeles Times and I stumble into the little article in the religion section of the LA Times and it says Pope John Paul takes inclusive stand on salvation I said wow that's very interesting and I read it you know I don't believe newspaper especially not when it comes to the Pope and it when it comes to his sermons so what I did I went immediately to the website of the Vatican because if we talk about a sermon given there it's all documented so I went and I searched and I found from indeed from December 6 2001 john paul ii in a general audience on wednesday december 6 and he said the following words and I quoted I took it from the actual Vatican site he says those who have chosen the way of the gospel Beatitudes and live is in is the poor in spirit detached from material goods in order to raise up the lowly of the earth from the death of their humiliation will enter the kingdom of God all the just of the earth including those who do not know Christ and His Church who under the influence of grace seek God with a sincere heart are thus called to build the kingdom of God you don't have to know Christ or belong to his church to be part of the kingdom of God all you need is have sincere heart you can be one of the hundreds of million of Muslims that you really have a sincere heart you don't agree with Isis you will be part of the kingdom of God you can be part of the millions of Jews that sincerely don't want war anymore and they want peace finally after all the attempts to destroy them you will be part of the kingdom of God you can be part of of the other religions that are really all about peace Hinduism and Buddhism and all of that you all be part of the kingdom of God because all it takes is to have a good heart to be a good person and to do good things and I think if you don't believe that then I I suggest that you move to Pope Francis domos Santa Marta Chapel when he gave a morning meditation on may 22nd 2013 and I took it from the Vatican website and he said the Lord created us in His image and if he does good let us all keep this commandment in our heart do good and do not evil everyone the Lord redeemed everyone with Christ's blood everyone not only Catholics everyone an atheist they also - it is the blood that makes us children of God just do good be a good person even if you're an atheist now if that's not enough 12 days ago this is a picture taken at the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco you know what you're looking at it's a yoga class these are all mattresses in next and they're doing a yoga class all throughout down the aisle the Catholic Church has opened the doors for everyone to come and do yoga to bring about peace yoga brings you into meditation and it's good energy and need promotes peace so the Catholic Church it's the Grace Cathedral the largest Catholic cathedral in San Francisco is now hosting a regular yoga classes all down the aisle all around all areas just to bring peace we're on a cliff you know we want everyone to enjoy in fact there is the United Nations that goes for one world government well the United Nations gave birth to the United religions look at this that's the United religions initiative of the United and that's their logo URI interesting isn't it by the way that's is the logo of the North American branch but is Europe there's Asia they're over they meet together and they declare that it's a one religion they declared it is there no differences between the religions they declared it's all the same so we work first to unite the Christian body from within then we reach out and we we pour billions to reach out to all the other religions including telling them from the pulpit that they are okay as long they are as their good hearts and you know and they do good they will be part of the kingdom of God that we will accept them they don't have to change they don't have to be Catholic they just have to be part of us number three closing the gap with the science in Darwinism ladies and gentlemen closing the gap with the science in Darwinism now I want you to understand that for years science is a very very big problem for Christianity because science claims that there was the Big Bang remember and science claimed that there is the evolution that you know that God is not a magician that created things as they are it had to be evolved from one thing into another for years this is the stand of the church to not agree with that the church always preached what we call intelligence intelligent creation God created in an intelligent person now he didn't have to evolve into being intelligent no well when the Pope visited one of the scientific institutions recently that's what he said he said evolution and the Big Bang Theory are real and when they asked him what do you mean he says well God is not a magician in fact let I think I think that I I wrote it I guess I didn't okay he says God is not a magician he did not use a magic when to create things as they are he would create something and it will evolve to what it is now he he says it will the creation is not a contradiction because it had to have started somehow so the Big Bang is okay and it had to have evolved somehow so evolution is okay are you shocked as I am alright so now we close the gap with the science and now scientists can easily belong to a religion that accepts them and and sees them part of the institution they're not condemned so Wow now we see that that the new look of Catholicism of is very intelligent they're enlightened they've seen the light now they know they know what we've been saying for years number four understanding now I'm not saying promoting I'm not saying anything I'm just an understanding radical Islamic terrorism understanding how many of you know that January of this year was a horrible terrorist attack in the heart of Paris on the Charlie Hebdo magazine that you know a couple years ago had a character or a cartoon of Mohammed two brothers armed to their teeth stormed into that that place and sprayed everyone and killed 12 people the next day the Pope was asked about it and look what he said Pope Francis on Charlie Hebdo he says you cannot insult the faith of others in other words he almost said they deserved it and then when I asked what do you mean in that by the way that interview was on the plane there flying from one place to another one of his trips and he says well if somebody would come and cuss my mother and say bad things right my mother I will smack him also ah you understand what I just said instead of mourning over the death of 12 people instead of saying religion has no place for any murder any killing what has been shown here is an understanding of those radical feelings now he's not promoting he's not saying anything he just says that he understands he says I understand so now even the radical Muslims find understanding in that religion there is no other religion on planet earth that will accept it or even understand it but here we have an understanding so they're saying well you know what we're not that bad after all somebody in that statue understands us five embracing the LGBT community the lesbian gay bi transsexual community now how the Telegraph one of the most important newspapers in United Kingdom on March 10 2014 says Pope says Catholic Church should not dismiss gay marriage the Catholic Church should not dismiss out of hand civil unions but should study them says Pope Francis in latest softening of stance on thorny social issues they later on interviewed a Catholic priest of a gay parish who apparently comes to Rome on a pilgrimage every year and he said prior to Francis I used to bring only 15 people nobody would you know sign up for that ever since Pope Francis we're filling out buses bus loads are coming because we feel okay we feel comfortable with who we are and what we do and it's okay when we have an understanding there - number 6 collaboration with the efforts to create a one-world government now ladies and gentlemen let me explain to you the effort to bring one world government has been going on from the beginning of planet Earth ever since we know each other they gather together to be one and build a tower a temple on the top to declare that down here and up there it's the same coming together as one is our power they thought so what did God do Oh dispersed them different languages for countries differ nations because if there's one thing that you do well when you come together is you come against me you look up together to pray and worship me you come together to replace me now there's a problem the problem is that nations are in love with themselves and especially in times of trouble they become very I would say patriotic when Yolanda hit the Philippines everybody we're waving the Filipino flag you were all United everybody did you know you were proud to be Filipinos and you did whatever it takes to help your brothers and sisters and to tell the whole world that we are proud and you know when summoned terrorist attacks are attacking Marines an American Souls everybody goes out with American flags and shows an amazing display of unity where after 9/11 you should have seen I was there you know yeah I was in New York I was on those buildings the night before I don't know if I ever told you that in fact on that day before I asked what's going to happen if something's gonna hit those buildings now you know I'm not a prophet I told you that I was on those towers the last I saw the last sunset from the top of these towers because the next morning they were gone but you should have seen America asked her yes they licked their wounded at the same time the greatest remember when when President Bush came to the area of Ground Zero and with a flag and everybody says u.s.a u.s.a was amazing I had chairs it was unbelievable but that's the problem of those who seek for one world government they don't want it so they were looking and looking and looking what is it that we can really frighten the world and cause so much fear that everybody will forget about their flags and our national anthems and their Parliament and their soldiers and their president and they will understand that there is an urgency to come together what is the one thing that we have no control over and it affects the whole world we go of countries nations and flats climate climate and then what they do they use NASA to to to send people every every day to to say that catastrophe is coming the planet earth is warming up co2 creature you know record levels and then they say well you know it's not really working so they're saying to the Pope you better talk about it too and the Pope just wrote a letter in which he is calling for a world government to deal with a climate crisis why because there's only one way to deal with crime what's the deal if I control the United States and I'm a good president and I cause my people to reduce the their consumption of co2 but the other country is not doing that it's not going to work we need a world authority that supervises and regulates everyone the same we cannot rely on on leaders to do that we need one central leadership to do that and that's what he said that's what we need so it goes beyond religion now it goes to usher they need the urgent need and then they say that in a few years all the glaciers will melt and the sea will rise and it's going to go and flood all the islands in the world including you and then I hear yesterday they actually they're talking about in another area of Ice Age I I really want them to make up their mind are they melting or are we freezing what's going on here the funny thing is they don't tell you the truth no one tells you the truth all scientists that knows the truth are being paid not to tell you the truth but the truth is that throughout history we always had times when it was harder and time dinner was colder you can't do anything about it it's all about co2 you can regulate it you're going to control it but who cares about the truth if we make it to have the people believe it it is within their hand to stop it then they will want one world government one day and that's what we care about so ladies and gentlemen a religion that embraces all the fractions within a religion that embraces all other religions from outside a religion that embraces science a religion that embraces an understanding of radical terrorism a religion that embraces sexual immorality as a way that we should look into it and understand that a unity may not be such a bad idea after all a religion that is even embracing the need for a world government I'm not sure what the name of that religion is going to be but I sure know that you all know what religion we're talking about and you all know that the leader of that religion eventually will be the false prophet I'm sorry to say if you're offended I'm sorry but I'm here to tell you the truth and the truth sometimes hurts but you have to wake up and you have to understand that we live in the in the end we live in the very end the false prophet will usher the arrival of the Antichrist the Antichrist will use him and then crush him and will kill him that religion will not even last for too long when the head of that religion will actually be killed by the Antichrist but he sure will prepare the ground for the coming of the Antichrist that's how alarming the situation in the reality in this world today so I hope that we've all gained a better understanding of the situation around us I hope you understand that the Scriptures don't tolerate that there is no room for you to think that you are the bad guys because you are not part of this unity there is no reason for you to believe that you have a problem and not them and it is the time for all of us to wake up I believe that so many people don't understand and don't even know what we chaired this morning and I believe that if you only prayed and exposed it many of them will run to Christ for true salvation and true Redemption and it is within our hands you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free amen amen
Channel: New Life Media
Views: 922,847
Rating: 4.6634398 out of 5
Keywords: Amir Tsarfati, One World Religion, Newlife, New Life, New Life Alabang
Id: 0DLujkkkYp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2015
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