JRE MMA Show #28 with Georges St-Pierre

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"Sometimes our conception of good and bad is... choice. I choose. I don't know man."


👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dan Dennett on suicide watch.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Lord_Treasurer 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Not sure if this falls into the Sam Harris category. If so, I'm sorry. I'll remove it then.
Also: The title cannot appropriately capture the awfulness of the conversation. Sorry about that too.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/ShadeOfClever 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

On that note, one of my favourite stories:

Diogenes Laertius reports: Zeno of Citium "was whipping for thievery a slave who said 'It was fated for me to steal'. And he [Zeno] said, 'And to be thrashed'"

By the way, who the fuck is Joe Rogan? It says here he is a comedian and MMA fighter? Why the fuck are there so many complete amateurs who think they're qualified to talk about god and the world?

EDIT: ok guys i get it maybe Rogan's not the worst ever, geez

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/DieLichtung 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

oh Georges. Does this interview also into his views on aliens and how he judges people for using PEDs?

Why is it always the beautiful ones.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/WheelOfFire 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hey, didn't know Georges was a PoS.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MarquisMonet 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Leave GSP alone goddamnit! /s

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrOz1100 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
going to the contender after Freddie Roach oh really yeah nice live boom we're live you gonna wear headphones or no yeah it's better you where are your cauliflower ears they keep you from wearing earbuds uh-huh you know those little feet go in your ear does I need to it no I don't need it you don't need it just keep this close to your face and we're good all right there we go what's up man how are you fantastic feel good I feel good I feel if it would not be for my like also that I there would be a I feel better than then I when I was 25 what did you have your colitis yeah collide is what is that what causes that we don't really know what it caused it but the best the best theory is that before my last fight with Michael Bisping I tried to put on weight extra weight so I followed a diet program that I was eating every almost every two hours and I think your system is like a car you know if you do a lot of mileage it overuse it and then that's what happened with the stress and everything during my training camp a big problem you know I couldn't sleep at crazy cramps you know sometimes I had blood even like when I went to the bathroom at one point I had to go do some tests because I was worried that it was something more like I mean colitis very serious but that it was I cancer or something because I had blood so I did some tests it came out negative and I said to myself said this fight been delayed not delayed but postponed so many time that if I do something if I say that publicly what is going on I'm gonna lose the opportunity to fight for the title yeah at 185 so I I keep it shot and I told myself said whatever it is I'll deal with it after the fight so I did the fight everything went well then after I went to do it's called a colonoscopy they put a camera inside of you yeah and I did I got diagnosed with also colitis that's probably the mix of the stress and also the fact that I was constantly eating I was eating and not only eating Joe I was trying to put on some weight it was very hard sometimes I was I remember many time I was having breakfast but I was really regretting my breakfast I'm chewing up because you just hidden too much food yeah but I had to because I needed to keep my 7 a certain weight and therefore the crazy thing about it is first now realize it's a mistake I should never have done it but when I made the weight at 185 the day before the fight I could not go back up to 190 that's a the higher side was going back up so the day of the fight I I woke up and I add a little breakfast I drew up my breakfast again Wow yeah well I was really messed up then I went to weigh myself I was like 191 yeah and what do you think Mike wait he felt very strong I mean it's not really the weight at this time because you're the way that you weigh right now depending what you eat you have a lot of stuff inside your your intestine and everything so and also water retention I felt like I had a lot of water retention and unnecessary weight exactly so it's like the other widest I got back that you carry on your shoulder so what I should have done I think is just stay the same way that I am my natural weight I think the body has a way that it's his best way to perform an athletic performance and that's what I should have done right but it was a mistake of my part it was a big mistake so you were just thinking that because you're going up to 185 and you're fighting a guy in Bisping that used to fight at 205 exactly he's a pretty big guy exactly that I taught that to perform better I needed to elevate my weight but by doing that I created my I created a big problem of health issues so and that colitis didn't exist before that and not that I got diagnosed for no no and I think that that's what trigger it and so after the fight now they've gone back to a normal diet has it changed so so I've heard a fight what happened and it's very interesting too I got in on medication and I I met a doctor his name is Jason Fong isn't our motto people can research his amazing amazing guy and I met a doctor that treat people with cancer and diabetes with intermittent fasting so I started doing a program of intermittent fasting and time restricted eating and on my symptom diminish like every every weeks every month diminish so he's got it's getting better it's not 100% now but he's getting a lot better a lot better and I feel a lot better we had Ben Greenfield on yesterday mm-hmm who you know he's a journalist as a lot of experimenting with his body not a lot of scientific stuff and scientific research on diet and in restricted eating is a big part of it he does a lot of that it's interesting because I'm we're a conditioned to think that I want to when I gain muscle and when I get you know I need to eat more to accelerate my metabolism but but I never felt better in my life if we would not be for that particular issue I feel better now I I sleep better i inflammation and I also did a test in January I went to McGill University to do a scan of my my weight my purse my fat percentage my muscle density bone density and my in five month I did it a few days ago like not not this week the Tuesday of the last week and my my fat percentage has decreased my muscle mass has increased and my weight is at the same hmm then it wasn't January do you think this is all from restricted eating my training did not have change so the only thing has changed pretty much is the the restricted restricted time eating and interpreted fasting yes yeah that intermittent fasting gives your digestive system a break and it lets your body recuperate better I think that's what helped me uh that mostly I think it that's what it is a I felt like I was like okay like I said like a car I was putting too much for nothing and I think as human being were over a fad I I'm very interested about paleontology and also a history and I know that human being an ant or gatherer time then that eat three meals a day no they need eight maybe a few times a week but when they eat they eat a lot yes I need to do it fast so I think it's more natural for a human being to do so and also I now I read a lot of stuff and I watch a lot of stuff on the internet about intermittent fasting and time restrict the day eating and I just wish I knew that before for so many years I I I used to follow the rules oh we need to eat at least three time a day and you know I don't really care of what I eat but I I've you know I even though in the morning I I was not hungry I was always my forcing myself to eat which is bad you know yeah but what has changed in your diet like what do you eat like what's what's a normal meal for you no I don't really I don't really watch what I eat anymore I it's more when I eat I try to eat healthy but I don't have a specific diet I like for example like Oh Tuesday I'm gonna eat this this this it's on our works I just try to eat LT you know like I I try to eat good and of course I I don't look at all this is a desert I'm you know if I want a desert a chocolate I remember that from one of your old videos like you were having a glass of wine during training camp you like nothing wrong one glass of wine well if you think about it joy I don't think a glass of wine or anything let you know before a fight were some we have the tendency to be too much like oh what should i eat what should i do this i should i do that i think it's and it's a chance to tense exact met when I went in Thailand I met some some world champion Thai boxer and they smoke they get drunk before the fight I'm like you're fighting tomorrow man it's like Zygons like it's no problem but when you think about it this is an extreme this is to the other extreme yes but I don't think it has that much of an effect you know what I used to eat before like before a fight my meal of choice before I got into reading about eating and stuff like that I was eating a pasta before before 5:00 most of my father I eat like fettuccine alfredo I can that's a lot of carbs I mean it's not babbling if you eat if you talk to her for example a nutritionist would be like oh my god we'll grab his head will be like you serious oh my - Nikita you see the steak and pasta before his fights that was my thing I sweet pass all the time and there's no problem with that for me and I felt great but since I start reading about nutrition and stuff like that yeah it's like oh you need to be clean and I'm like they never affect me I don't think it has that much of a big big effect you know it's more psychological I think well it's also you think about how much energy you're burning I think for the average person a bowl of pasta is not a good idea but for an athlete that's about to fight five five-minute rounds against a world-class fighter you have different energy requirements you know you have different nutrition requirements you can burn off way more fuel you know like I was listening to Chad Mendes on the podcast the other day and he was talking about how he's so hungry he eats so much yes - wakes up in the middle of the night and he goes and eats sometimes Wow he just can't he can't go a couple hours without eating he just has this crazy metabolism you know what since I discovered I myristic restricted eating and intermitted fasting now I feel better by a training with an empty stomach I feel sharper up here mmm I feel more creative especially in in jiu-jitsu feel better feel lighter on my feet really yeah man you do look first you just to class the morning no no food in your stomach I never have a food I haven't eat today this is the coffee you give me is the first thing I have so when will you eat it's 12 24 right now after this I'm gonna I'm gonna go train with Freddie Roach and then I'm daily and I and maybe I'll eat another time I'm a late eater that's why I'm not too good and I don't like to eat too much early during the day yeah I'm not really hungry I used to eat because everybody eat but now I'm like I'm not gonna eat since I have I've discovered this I don't eat when I know I'm when I'm not hungry and that thing is why people eat is because they're spike of insulin you yeah so when you like when I start doing intermittent fasting and time restricted eating it was hard in the beginning because I was conditioned to eat all the time yeah but my buddy acclimate to it and now it's very easy I can eat once a day it's no problem like right now you know I could do it and I think it's good to be hungry in a way I remember the doctor who said something to me said would you rather be like a lion that just had a full belly or an angry lion I'm like as a fighter I'd rather be like an angry lion and it makes sense to me if you look at nature it makes sense you know what I mean it doesn't make sense especially when you do time restricted eating your your body gets used to burning off fat - and using fat as fuel it's true true that's why I think when I did the test to compare my my fat percentage diminish and I didn't have much fat but it diminished and the doctor I met he says to him and say yeah I gained a lot of weight he said you don't you think I'm gonna lose muscle he says to me he believed that the way that I put on because now I'm about 185 pounds and I when I train for Bisping and went up to 197 when I have to after their way and I was I couldn't put back that weight up so I was 190 he believed that the extra weight that add was more water retention and residual inside my body it was not like a solid mass and it makes sense to me because now I feel much better and I'm just as strong and even stronger like when I do Olympic lifting much stronger gymnastic much stronger like I feel sharper yeah and you said it reduced your information as well it does have some time elbows you know like problems yes it was a birthday what's a birthday that was during my fight of it's a guavas but I got a get a surgery to take away the the residual that the bone chip inside my elbow is not from landing elbows I think is just use users use but but now I don't have any problem anymore I know what bill and like it used to be a chronic thing that I used to fill some once in a while sometime he came and it goes but since I started this it didn't came at all I felt great I can touch my him my two shoulder like this no you came back it's very interesting because with a lot of people they take time off and then they come back and you wonder what they're going to look like but one of the things that I was very hopeful with you is that you've always been almost a martial artist first in a fighter second and in that you're always learning and you're always practicing like you you would always take time in between camps and you would you know do jiu-jitsu in Brazil or you would be constantly practicing your muy Thai you're always trying to learn and improve your game and I was thinking when you came back it was like if you were saying that you were better than ever I'm like man he might be better than ever like it you you were the one guy that I believed because a lot of times guys come back and like man he's been out of the game a long time who knows how hard he's been training because a lot of Fighters when they're not in camp when they're not preparing for a fight they don't they don't like to train that much because they know the grind of camp it's almost whereas I'm like you know how you see a lot of fighters after they retire they get really fat yeah like wow how could he get fat like I was looking at my Donna the other day is a picture of Madonna's Chino mondop Maidana he's got a Instagram page he's fat as [ __ ] he's got a cigar he's drinking a whiskey I mean he just fought for him a with her a couple years ago he was ripped and this they retired they don't give a [ __ ] anymore the way I want to do this anymore but you I knew you were still training because I would see like in the hands of Gracie the guys who were training with you there and I knew you were training with Danaher I knew you were constantly training and you look good so it was like that when I left off like more than four years ago III knew I wanted to come back the guy was not in a nappy place had a lot of personal problems and I should have even stopped earlier then after my fight with Hendrix if if I would have stopped earlier I would have maybe come back earlier as well hmm it was I was I felt like I was like kind of a filling of a claustrophobic feeling you know like it I was I couldn't breathe well I couldn't sleep well my mind pressure I had too much pressure personal problems so much stuff a lot of stuff happened to me that it's still too early in my life and for the respect of some people I know I couldn't talk about it one day I will all mix together I knew it was a drug issue in the sport I feel I felt it added fill well and I was trying to perform under than those condition and it was catching up to me yeah and I did it but the reason why I think I didn't lose the edge is a lot of people because we do an extreme sport it's like what we do is kind of life and death situation it's not because there's a referee but the Spirit is the same as a glittery gladiator or a person in a war that goes to war he thinks it's gonna die is the same spirit even though it's not a same thing we will go there in the same spirit that we're ready to give it or give it all it's such an extreme feeling that once you don't have that in your life life kind of become boring you feel like you're not alive anymore so that's why when people stop they retired and I try to come back a lot of the people they fall into drugs because I want to catch up to that they want to feel alive again so they want they need that sensation you know that they had previously but I couldn't get it back unless they do drugs or they do something crazy extravagant the thing with me is I knew I was going to come back and also I always like to train and keep myself in shape and I never did drugs you know like I never did art drugs I drink I'm not I drink sometimes my birthday last Saturday I went out and I was completely wasted okay it is what it is I like to date I rate myself sometime I'm not perfect it's a little fun exactly and I what's the goal of doing this if you're not enjoying your life what's a goal of it right I know people do fight it's a no I don't like to fight and that is another thing I'd like to talk to you about because I why you do that if you don't like to fight it's like because I like my lifestyle you know that it gives me but that's why people I believe if you come back to what you say that's why I think people they have our time to come back after so many years because they fall into that trap right they need to feel alive so then they find ways to that they in make them feel alive but it's the it's the Tyrian they tear your rate themselves yeah drain idea I didn't do that I did not do that and I would never will hopefully I can it's not my thing you know so when you decided to come back how far out did you decide like but you you you took four years off yeah how many years in were you like I think I'm ready to come back when I see USA USA DEA and the drug testing program being implanted and implemented then I saw a lot of a lot of late yes a lot of you feel huh like did you feel vindicated when you saw like some of these people just I feel a little bit of a I mean it it feel bad to wish people bad luck to get some kind of recognition but that's not what I want I want to do I don't wish people bad luck but if you cheat you cheat man and they a lot of people get cut and finally a lot of people in the beginning including my own friend they think like I was talking some of my own friends they say oh you're paranoid you become paranoid you need to take a break you you're going crazy just retire get out you know they they you paranoid because I was talking about it a long time before Hendricks and they had everybody was disregarding me but none when it happened a lot of the champion fell and a lot of the hero in the sport they got pointed out with the finger as AI is a cheater so now it become real so when I saw that happen it was it was for me a beginning to start and now it's time to come back you know because I'm I'm a guy if I said something you know that's become gonna I'm gonna do it I didn't want to come back when the sport was dirty that's one of my thing and so when I when I decided to come back I had a big talk with one of my trainer John De Niro and I and for us there's my two main guy and they're like my friend my brother with me I mean I'm I'm undefeated with this with these two guys you know they're like with I need them when I fight serious knowledge yeah those two men and they mixed together is crazy you know they're two different person very different they both have they both studied philosophy the variant and trusting people for me to talk with because I have two different mentalities you know they see the world at different ways so I like to have both of their expertise and so John Johnny told me said listen said you always have three big criticizing criticizes when you were fighting this never went up a weight class you never you people say that you're kind of boring you're too much cerebro technique all you you don't want to take unnecessary risks which make the fight boring and also you don't finish your opponent you know that was one of my big criticizing criticizes if I decide to come back and we will change our the way I was training because the the way you train reflects the way you fight you know people say oh I'm gonna I'm not gonna train too hard I'm gonna do this and training but when it's time to fight I'm gonna step up there is no step up you're just gonna do what what you did every day you know so I decided to change a few things and to correct those three things and that's what happened you know I'm happy it worked it worked out well but that was my goal I wanted to come back for something that excite me something that was different something that was unique and rare you know and I didn't want to come back to do the same thing I was doing before and that's why I decided to come back well when you came back first of all you came back you fought a very tough guy right you fought a big Michael Bisping at 185 pounds but what was impressive to me is like you didn't look like you were gone like you were like right away you felt like you felt right back into the groove again you didn't look at a place he didn't look uncomfortable and you were showing things especially different things with your kicking and your movement that we hadn't seen from you before like it looked like you had improved III was tested and then the training even for us some of the guys for us want to tell them like he whispers to them as I if you knocked out George inspiring I'll give you money or you know things like yeah man is like he's crazy for us is crazy for us is my war send me in training sometime you know he tell diet I tell people is a few if you beat Jay if you hurt George I'm gonna glorify you you know I'm gonna we're gonna wow I'm gonna talk about you and you know way we're gonna be happy that's the opposite of what a lot of people think a training camp should be for a champion it depend what kind of you know we don't train like this every day but for my heart sparring I've when I'm training for a fight of two days for my last training camp at two days that it was like hard sparring that was called we called it shoot box fight should be shoot bucks fighting which would put the big loves the addition pad and his feet to floor once we touched the floor we stop and we go back up and that was the area of expertise were Bisping was the most competent the the striking Department he's good at the florist why I I was I was I was bringing in a lot of good guys for sparring with me and in that in that particular training it's hard to find a someone that is exactly like the guy you're gonna fight but you can find a guy that does think better than him in a particular area you know I cannot find a replica of Michael Bisping was complete as much as Michael Bisping but I can find a guy for example either a guy for coming from Spain his name is Cesar is a k1 fighter and he's big guy is like 205 pound and he's big and he's very very good kickboxer so I had him during my training camp I flew him from Spain had a different bunch of guys that I that I that I was training with and all these guys that I was training with they are not like Michael Bisping but in a certain area that I was training with them it could be grappling or shoot shoot box or a different different area there they could be just as good or maybe better than Michael Bisping so that's how I do my training camp yeah you know I remember when you brought how do you say his last name is Garbowsky so John shouts got busky yeah yeah when you brought him to work with you on the Ultimate Fighter and he would be partying all night drunk and show up at the gym the next day and still [ __ ] everybody up yeah and did that that guy influenced you are this your idea about just be more relaxed in training and just not worrying about it as much yeah but he's a different like it's a total different extreme you know like like I don't believe in that extreme but Holly yeah I remember the producer of the show The Ultimate Fighter when he was about he was supposed to stay what week and when he was about to say the producer was telling me hey can we keep him for the rest of their show because it was a good TV you know so I'm like I don't know I'm gonna ask him and in the same time like a lot of the people on my team they were like man okay that's enough now we got what we need and that and I was like yeah I like him but he's kind of a you know I need to kind of babysit him in the same time yeah the knowledge that this guy who add and eat he gave us was just a big big edge you know and but yeah Charlie's a different extreme Joe I think there is a a center line that you need to keep you know that's what I believe I believe in life it's not white it's not black it's always great there's middle zone for everything I believe ya know I think you're right about that so when you when you have a camp and you set up a camp and you have Donna her and for us did they essentially are they the architects of the whole camp do they get together and try to figure out what you're doing and when you're doing in and how is for us the guy who handles like more of the striking aspects of it or putting the grappling and striking together I am a little bit the head guy in a way you know I believe as a fighter you need to be the ad guy you're you're the maestro we'll have the people that work like with you and and but you need to know how to use these people good for instance I I don't know nothing about business but I have agents that are there to negotiate Friday nose number they know about the investment I have one another guy who knows about physicality is a is a lawyer and is good for a tax report I don't know nothing but I know how to get the good people to help me for that particular thing so Farris and Joan for me are the most competent people that I can have to help me going to fight someone because in Joan especially in the grapping area but John is not only in grabbing the difference with John and Farris that makes them very unique as trainers they're not really only trainers there are teachers and I would say the same thing about Freddie Roach same thing about Freddie Rodin only trainer they're teachers the way I structure my my training camp there is like a pyramid the first layer the fund that the the the the fundamental the foundation is physical are you in shape are you as your vo2 max are you in shape are you in good condition no injuries athleticism you're an athlete are you good good athlete this is a physical layer this is their the wider one that's the bottom one it's like a pyramid then it goes up one layer the technical layer do you know what to do your knowledge do you know a number defense to a triangle choke how to counter a jab or how do you you know technical aspect you know in terms of knowledge of fighting that's where that the trainer comes into play also the physical the technical and a lot of that trainer they don't have the last layer or they only have one of those or two of those but they don't have the three layers that's where feriss John and also I would say Freddie and boxing comes into play by an MMA especially for us and John the tactical layer which is the last one that's what separate contenders and champion there's a physical the technical and the tactical let's say we're equal we're the same person what can I make the difference between me winning against you are you winning against me the tactical because we're the same person where I come bleeped replicas were we're a clone that the difference is the tactical I will know how where I can take you out of your comfort zone and I can bring the fight where I'm the strongest and and fight you to element eliminate the odds were that the fight were will will will slope the odds of me winning to my advantage that's where John and Faris our master at this and Freddie Roach is master at this unboxing that's why I'm so I feels very very lucky to have this guy with me in in my corner because they they they're competent in these three layers physical technique technical and tactical which most trainer can have only one two or may they not have tree is very rare to find treat that those the trainer who can do the these three thing so when you get to the tactical layer is this something that you all agree on they discuss it when we're approaching a fight like say Michael Bisping yeah like how do you how do you do it you say this is what I see in his fights and then for us gives his input and John gives his input and then Freddie gives his input yeah and you start discussing what's the best way to handle it so so coming into that fight with Michael Bisping Michael whisper was very well prepared was it's very various as a very good team with Jason perello so we were expecting you always have to gauge also to know you and to know your your opponent you know sometime knowing you open it is easier than to knowing yourself you know so you have to be relaxed realistic about your strengths and weaknesses and how you're gonna match up against your opponent with Michael Bisping what mess mess me up a little bit is an and all of us is we were expecting Michael Bisping to come straight at straight at me try to to take me out right away instead of that it was moving especially more in the second round so the first one was I was doing well but in the second round start moving away and be more did instead of coming at me was more trying to running away from me and that's why a lot of people that said to me as a man that a big because I lost a second run against Michael Bisping and people's like man what happened to you it seems like you were you slow down a little bit it's only that I saw Donna is also I yeah I got hit with a very strong right hand right on the bottom by a guy who maybe outweigh me but 20 pounds you know so it slows a man down something like that my cardio was bad it's not I was my cardio assignment we get punch on the bottom it slowed him down and he caught me off guard he changed his strategy from round one to round two we became more like it was more like a runner instead of a hunter mm-hmm kind of guy and so he caught you with the counter shot what he did is very smart he couldn't get to me if you look at the replay of the fight with Michael Bisping you couldn't get to me straight to my head was he's trying to hit me with his jab with his strike tried to target my head and but I was too fast for him so I don't know if it's his trainer or him who decide to change so he decided to be like like a runner so I decided to try to chase him a little bit more and what happened to me he jabbed my my lead hand which square me and then he connect me straight on the on that chain well in the same time I was trying to true a leg kick so it was a perfect timing beautiful execution and I don't know if he practice that but it was very well done very smart so I've tried to target my head II jab my my my hand and hit me with the the the rear hand and that's why I hurt me he heard me I try to put that poker face on and during that fight he heard me it's one of the strike that hurt me the most even though Michael Bisping is not known as a knockout guy this this this shot really hurt me because the precision was the timing was good I've never understood where people don't think he hits hard look what he did to Brock hold yeah he hits [ __ ] hard it's I think it's what hurt someone in a fight I mean what can put our way someone is not necessarily the power by this more precision and timing and that particular Ryan was perfectly time and with great precision so that's why I got hurt and you win their second round then had to make adjustment for the third round that's when for Freddie John and Ferris come into play there were what he was doing and they say after the the ran just slip and come with the hook over that up and there the right hand and that's what I did and then knock him down and and but in in a fight whatever your trainer tells you if you didn't practice it it's it's not gonna work I mean you don't have time to think it's it's a autopilot yeah so I was on autopilot sometimes you just need some some kind of guidance that put you back your that put your autopilot in the right direction it that's what happen into that fight a reminder yes a little reminder a we're not going this or going this way our cage then you you then it's still the autopilot but it's different direction the crazy thing about Mike is he he has very poor vision in his right eye a lot of people might not know about it but in the vitor belfort fight he damaged his retina very badly he said several surgeries and he's got oil in his eye that's sort of like protecting it and he'll have it fixed once he's done fighting but you know if you look at him one of his eyes is darker than the other eyes sure and that's that right eye and did you particularly target things going to that right side like things off of your left side yeah it's a lot of thing that would drill done with the left hook that's why like when I when I hit him with a left hook that was a lot of times it does but the thing is with Michael is he adjusts himself very well to this you know like like it's like a he knows it and probably knows that himself or the way he fights he adjusted very well you know he put himself in a position that you cannot get hit often with this you know especially in my fight so I needed almost to wait for him to commit with the right hand to come over the top if you look at that fight with Kevin gas so let me the same thing he missed with the right hand and then he got counter it's always when he missed with the right hand that he got count-out can Heartland fight I think was a mistake it was a mistake because he was not prepared for this he didn't write what's also he just got off of a crazy fight with you it was bad I think it was a bad mistake for his part but but look to his credit he tried to do something and that I do try to do all the time I tried to do something unique and very special and if you would have when we would not have this description we would have been we would be saying like man what a comeback it's unbelievable you lose the title come back straight to fight Cal Kelvin Castle what's amazing you know what I mean he took a risk man and I can't blame him for that I took a risk myself too it's just some time you roll the dice you know when US expect things to go your way and it didn't go his way yeah I felt bad but it is with it even he said that when he came out to that fight the Kelvin Gaston fight he just didn't feel like yeah I just didn't feel there of course it didn't feel there because he didn't have that time to prepare for this like I said but you know you're not gonna go into a fight and improvise everything you're gonna do the same thing you've been doing in training what you've been doing in training he didn't have enough time to prepare for that particular type of body that particular type of like I said physical technical and tactical which is the most important one you didn't have the tech that the tactical preparation physical was not prep probably a hundred percent as well and the technical is there because it's his brain but you know it's like II didn't program is autopilot to react to a certain situation that Kelvin will give him it was is a lefty shorter stockier you know different style than me completely different it's like you couldn't have a difference mo time or amongst different style than me then then this guy but he won the title that way won the title in 11 days notice I agree it's like work form in the past it was a way for him in that past but you didn't get knocked down or choked out before right oh that messed up your recuperation do you know what I mean he was fresh probably I don't know maybe he wasn't I don't know personally were what he was doing but your guys later was it he was not like him maybe not even a month or something like yeah it was not you would not have been cleared to fight if it would have been in America I don't think it would have been to clear sight I think it would not have been to clear it if I think it was suspended I think I don't think so because I think so I think they did because it was in China is the different it may be the three weeks Wow three weeks yeah man you didn't yeah that seems pretty close yeah yeah because you heard him with that left hook and then you choked him unconscious yeah if it would be me me like maybe I'm not as courageous as Michael Bisping I would not not take that fight even me if I win the fight with Michael Bisping I would not take that fight I had the word though courageous pretty courageous guy is it tactical yeah tactical I I would not I would not have take that risk that risk but it's it I'm not in his shoes I don't know right right his environment maybe would have you know toughness is paid off for him though I mean he's one of the toughest [ __ ] guys in the sport he always has been and that toughness is the reason why he's like [ __ ] it I'll fight again yeah let's do it just a [ __ ] animal he's a he's a great example of hard work and perseverance and and and you know like when you say like everything is possible it is unbelievable is unbelievable you fighter this guy you know and as courageous and and what I like about him to stand for the same thing then I stand for 4 against performance-enhancing drug and I think it's very important for me and then for me was I can honored fighting him it was like a lot of guy he lost with this guy that that would have been cut on performance-enhancing drugs and and he's very open he talks about it all the time and then you know it's I think it's great great model for this part yeah I know I agree I agree and a great model for it's just an example of how you can achieve great things if you work hard yeah and that's what he's done he's one of the guy that like I hate him when I was in training camp but I loved him as well in the same same time I remember at one point we're in a conference in Toronto and the largest story after the conference we go by the back kind of the back door of a mall and there's like a I don't know if it's a it was staged or not I mean I'm not aware if it was staged I was not aware of it so there's a camera like I think it was TMZ or something it was a camera that follow us so there is kids following us - they're about to ask us they asked me to take pictures and then and then I say camera coming towards me and then as Michael that's after the the the cover is a Michael this system is a don't you f put your hand on me again because then and then and then I look in his face and I I think what as I like you don't put my NNE quick create kind of a buzz for the fight and and we start to shout at each other and the kind of almost pushed each other and I'm Jason program boys leave it for the fire boy then then it so but it's it's not staged it's true now I'm like and what the hell is doing there but then after I realize it go it was on TMZ before I camera right there then they kids they they who came to ask me for an autograph they can they came they kind of get intimidating the right it's okay it's finish now you can come and go thank you when they went back to their parent I'm not God but it is what it is you know but that was probably the best promotion of the old fight like that particular as an incident you know what I mean so I hate him and I love him the same way Michael is kind of a guy that he's he's a pro at at boosting the anticipation for a fight fight you want to hate him but you kind of love him and in the same way for the the human being that he is you know no he's great to talk and [ __ ] for sure yeah that is a big thing these days I mean especially after Connor yeah you know Conor McGregor has kind of changed the sport in a lot of ways and that that shit-talking is a huge factor now it is but sometimes you don't know when is really when it's not because I'm not it's not part of my personality the same thing at the s ESPN in Boston same thing we do it interview we go back and for a black tie that I kind of an almost insulting each other so to sort of speak then there you have see does everything to separate us from one of each other like I'm like I don't know if it's real or not I don't even know if he's trying to push me I gotta push him back because I feel I felt threatening so you don't know if it's hype or final because I'm not an instigator I don't like confrontation but it is what it is so I go to the bathroom in between who comes next the bathroom with with us it's Michael Bay's like that man is the camera that photo has said it bathroom we're taking a piss now next to each other we're like this then I don't see Michael base I'm like oh you should then the camera then you tell a camera to F out as I get out the never camera goes out lady look at me look at me then he start laughing then I start laughing then I told him I say you got a Range Rover he's like yeah but now isn't the garage I'm not yes you need to get rid of it because after a while it did start breaking down as I yeah I know it's like a game face you later how do you wanna hate a guy like this you know what I mean but I hate him because when we we insulted sure we say real and salt and real things that we think about each other but in a in a way we have the respect yeah so it's really but so that relationship that I have with Bisping was very unique I didn't have the same relationship with Diaz for example Diaz I don't know we were like if I meet him even industry today maybe he hates my guts like I don't know what he's gonna I don't know if he wanted to fight me or I got him I really want to fight you he's not a hype guy I think I think he takes it personal I think it's man it's a freaking spark man is more to life than what it is because I are fighting as my Nam and fighting is not my life man my life is my family man is my friend the people I love this is what I do in my life is not my life fighting if fighting is over it's over or I turn around do something else you know what I mean like is what I do in my life some my life you know what I mean Sat the end of the world man is more to life than fighting it's funny hearing that from you because you would expect to hear that from someone who isn't considered one of the greatest of all time but you're considered one of the greatest of all time so it would be very art it would be very hard to argue your approach because it's been so successful they they they they they got it baby super obsessed I'm super obsessed Joe but that's why I become crazy then I stop for four years then and when I came back I some of my circuit and the brain then I start to analyze myself and like why I'm why become crazy why did I stop because I'm taking this stuff too seriously man you have to take it for what it is you know yeah it's a world championship fight I'm fighting I was fighting Michael miss me after four years people oh my god the fight are promoted on drama yeah and like John said John dinar he says is I fight are not won on drama r1 or on mundane things than we do every day that's how fight r1 yeah how you program program your your your cruise your your your cruise driver you know your your autopilot to win the fight that's how you you may I see it I fight like a autopilot you know like so when I fight when I prepare myself for a fight especially for the tactical part I program like a computer ow I want to react against that specific problem oh I'm gonna take care that that specific problem the only way to program it is to do repetition repetition and repetition and repetition and repetition it's like you said one point Eddie Bravo we said like tie tying tying up your shoes yes because we've been doing it so many time you can talk to someone the same thing yes when I get into a fight analyze again and I'm fighting and I see what pattern he does the most often so I want to program my computer to react to that pattern that would give me the advantage into the fight I don't know when that pattern when occur when I want to program myself that when it I cure I have an answer for it right away I don't have to think about it I don't think I just react and that's my problem when I used to fight and I got a lot of criticizing before I was thinking too much towards the end of my carer had so much pressure I didn't perform as well as I was earlier and especially my last fight before I stopped for the four years I was thinking too much over thinking too putting too much pressure like you says to say you have to take it for what it is it's only a fight in a 10 years you know it's you know it's sucks if you lose but man it is what it is you know what I mean don't take it for don't make it bigger than what it is it's only a fight and sometimes it's something very therapeutic that I like to do before a fight I Drive a car yeah when I fight in Vegas for example I Drive a car or New York same thing I Drive a car when I used to fight in Vegas back before my fights I used to be very very stressed and want a very therapeutic things I that I like to do is drive my car around and see normal people then I go and I thought about I guess mine too why I Drive and I see old lady with our grocery store bag ha and I'm thinking like she doesn't care if I win the fight Saturday or not she's not even gonna hear about it then I always another guy yelling to another guy because whatever problem or this guy is going to the bank to pays my is mortgage stuff they don't care they don't care you know the effect that I have on the universe is so freakin small nobody cares I'm the only one putting the pressure on me nobody gives a damn about it so that's why they helped me to perform now that's how I some younger gotta say I'm nervous how do you I heard you don't sleep well that night before I say yeah it's true I don't sleep well what is your trick how do you find a way to sleep well I was like I don't really sleep well either nowadays it is how do but how do you feel better about it like I just know that I'm not gonna sleep well and it's not gonna affect the outcome of the competition it's just a normal thing you learn how to deal with it better you're not gonna change it yeah just accept it yeah the stress is your friend and that's gonna make you react there's gonna be on the edge have you ever slept well before a fight never never only one time which when I fought Sara and then after that knocked out I got so scared and it happen again is the most humiliating day of my career I was so angry like I said I was like putting too much on myself it started there it's like I didn't want go to to buy eggs at the grocery store because people this day look get knocked out like I thought everybody cares about me nobody cares about you nobody care it's only a small percentage of population nobody gives a damn and even if they do what you make a mistake you you Zig when you should have zagged you get lip so what everybody make mistake you have to take fight like it is you know it's a sporting event that's why I don't take it personally like I want to have the problem with the Diaz but no problem and is that fight is not personal for me you're you're in my life now you you won't be there in ten years maybe maybe you will my who knows it's only like a chunk of life that we share together and then after he's gone no problem with that it's definitely a better attitude that's what it is that's how I actually they should think you know that's that knowledge that I have is with yours of yours of competition you know all the the problem I have the colitis and all that that's because of that that that BS that I got it like putting too much on me if I fight again it will be it will go back the same pattern I will I will not be I will be very stressed and it's normal to be stress but I will accept it I accept it better now than I used to do when I was younger now after you won the title there was thoughts of whether or not you would defend it if you were gonna fight Robert Whittaker yeah like what you were gonna do what what caused your decision what made you decide to relinquish the belt so the reason why I really encourage that belt is AG I want to do some physical tests to see what what what is the problem with my L condition because doing the the cap I knew I had problem I didn't know what it was I knew it was you know that the tests the blood tests and everything for the cancer became negative so after I want to do like like I said colonoscopy it came back that I had no sir inside my stomach now as a doctor I say how long it takes to get rid of this is ice all your life but there's some term the symptom can go up down depending every people whatever they do differently then I started researching who's the best doctor how can I do this and that's when I start reading about the fasting and stuff and I and then I then I tried it but I saw that a lot of you know it in the sport of MMA a lot of the guys are a starving they they know they're not hung they're not rich you know I'm lucky now I have enough money for the rest of my life I don't need to fight anymore you know if I don't do nothing crazy like buying a private airplane and I'm not that kind of person or falling into drugs and stuff like I think I'm good you know for me my family and everything and I think I'm good however app when I'm looking at the landscape I see a lot of guy like for the pond Connor McGregor he hold on to the title to do for the attention the sponsors at this and that and a lot of people do that that kind they kind of stole the division and I said to myself said you know I I stand for for the fighters always did you know and publicly as a why am I gonna keep that idle until to see if I feel better or not and defend it because I don't even know if my like my weight was dropping down like I'm not even a 185 I'm more of 170 or 155 hours I'm not I don't have the size of a 180 fibers so I'm like I I I really wish it right away you know I don't want to install the division and make people wait because of me and the world don't go around me you know what I mean so for the respect I did I did it when I didn't know before the fight I was going to did is it happened like dude you teach it like this because I owe ya you know no I know no I did I didn't know it was going I didn't know I was going to have a colitis and all that stuff II it came up I never tried it before I didn't know what would be the outcome how I would feel I never did it you know it was a test and the same time I'd I didn't know you know I have a lot of I'm not a perfect man drew I have a lot of negative stuff about me my one thing that I'm not is I'm not a coward this I swear if I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do I'm not a coward you know and every of my fight every of my fight I was I'm scared I'm scared I'm terrified but whatever I feel I step and I and I I respect my contract and I do it you know I didn't know the kaleidos and all that it was it would be illogical right now if I want to go back when I'm ready to go back 185 I'm not 185 you know right right it would be a stupid move and so if you're gonna fight again it'll be 170 or 155 yes what where were you leaning are you leaning towards 55 or 70 I don't know I I'm Emily I'm gonna I want a lean word if I I want you know what I've climbed the Everest many time you know I've climate once I lose to my used and I climb it to why I lose then I had then I got it then I lose to my Sara then I climb it again and I've done it like three time and you're light at the end 37 years old I just turned 27 few few days ago I don't have much left right for what I have left I want to make the the big fight the fight that the fan want to see they want to enjoy I also want personally for me to achieve something that is unique that is rare that maybe it had never been attempted before you know that would be something that excite me and I'm not only driven by money you know I like like a I got it's good to have money you like money it drives us all including myself but it's not the unique thing that drives me you need to be more than money and they need to be some kind of achievement think that comes with it that would exciting me so would that be there would be a hundred fifty five billion Tyler they are they they are for me Nate Diaz now yeah and and and it was a it was a rumor they say it was a done deal it's not a done deal not on my part and I don't think it was on Nate Diaz part as well because from what I've heard his brother Nick's and even Nate says that's his big brothers fight it's not his fight from Nick Nate Diaz they the incredible fighter very well-rounded however from if you put yourself in my shoes there is nothing good that can come out of it except money and money is not the only thing that really drive me if I beatnik the Nate Diaz decisively some people will say I'm almost because they are he took an easy fight or whatever like the criticizing will say to say oh he is a bully you know 155 yeah he fought a smaller guy that can be the smaller maybe it's not even smaller than me maybe we're about the most 51 a lot of 155 little guys are bigger than me right now it's big he's a big guy he's about the same size of me but because I compete at 170 for most of my career and you won the title yes it will make me look bad it will make me look like a bully and this is if I win decisively if I for example if I win not decisively if I wouldn't act it's a war back and forth at people's I suck you cannot even you know what I mean yeah and if I get beat oh my god forget it this formerly guess is the end of the world all the work I put in is finished and I could have a bad day yeah something that I discovered too during my career is being the strongest man in the world that's my that was my dream when I was young that's why I did UFC I wanted to be the stronger man in the world and I realize over there this it did not exist you cannot be the stronger man in the world this is an illusion I love the younger guy deserve the best man now you're not man it doesn't exist you would be strong you would be a better fighter than this guy in that particular day at that particular location at that particular moment maybe in an hour if the fight would occur an hour later an hour before or maybe in a different place where they the altitude desire or lower or different scenario different environment you will lose that fight it's always a question of odds you know what I mean so being a stronger man in the world it does its style makes fight maybe we were three guys I beat you you beat em he beat me who's who's the best guy there's no best guy right that's MMA math right it is it is that's the way to see it so there is no stronger man in the world you can't you say oh I'm the baddest man on the planet because I'm champion like the belt thing is an illusion the belt thing belt thing is a symbol but it's an illusion it doesn't exist you're not the stronger man and the I know a lot of people will disagree with me but is it is what is that if you ask most experienced fighter most people will think the same way because we realized on one point like when we're young because of our confident or maybe there are the cockiness or or a confidence after it not that it fades but we we see we have more experience with knowledge we rise it's all it's all bs it's not true so the UFC offered you Nate the did you consider it at all or was it like I consider it I consider it however I analyze it I talked with feras with my trainer and everybody we were all on the same page on that it's like it's no it's not it's not worth it but did UFC announced it did they said that they were working on I think I think they an out said I'm not sure I I think they said it was a done deal look it's not the first time it happened and yeah and I'm not they have a business to run the UFC and they're their biggest fear is someone take the title and run with it and it's been I've been doing it two times with Johnny and tricks and with Michael Bisping like I run they say I run but is for the reasons you know there's always a reason and and that's their biggest fear sure so that and understand that they have a business to run it's but it's it's like WWE when did the giant pass the torch to all Cogan he passed the torch because it's for the business and he agreed to pass the torch yes but a thing in this in this in this part we're not and WWE it's my life on the line here yes I don't care about the business I do what is the best for my interest to me sure you have to I have to have to be selfish and I am selfish I say it openly I am I say it to the fan to every I am selfish because it's a it's a sport that I can die man you can die in this part and this is the truth can get or not maybe not that but it could create create at your death in the next time to come in the next year maybe you get that blow that messed up something in your brain because of a trauma that creates something else so it's a very serious sport man it's not like a you play Aki play baseball play football you don't play fighting so you do it for yourself you do what is best for yourself the organization will do what is best for the organization they're not your friend right so that's why the relation have with Dana and some of the guy in UFC it's a very special relationship maybe one day we'll sit down I will talk about the good ol day then and have a blast have a laugh well right now we I always am always on the defensive when my phone ring I see that no way like God then I say what I should say what I should not say nananana and I'm completely honest about it it's like some pie dresser no I say if you do that's because you're an idiot if you do that if you just take any fight that you yeah yeah no I mean it doesn't work like that it's the Ascension to be champion is not a straight line is this always an obstacle there you know then you come back there is it it is what it is it is what it is and you need to be surround by smart people and if you don't have smart people you need to be smart enough to find those people that are competent that will help you in particular domain that you're not competent to make the job for you and complete your circle you know yeah Dana was saying for a while that you didn't want to fight he was saying George does want to fight he said before I don't want to fight before I fought Bisping you know he said that laughs why do you think you were saying that do you think he was putting pressure on you psychologically I was [ __ ] with your head yes I'm so my ego would let me okay I'll show you that I can fight bring me this guy it's a freaking game it's all a game we say it's not a game it's really on it's all a game it's all business it's all a game I like Dana Dana man the sport was nowhere yeah the sport was gone mate didn't go nowhere because of Dana WeHo Dana my living I hope it to Dana White when I do the UFC Wayans when I introduce everybody I point to him I say Dana White without him none of this would be possible and you write a hundred percent hundred percent is the best pound-for-pound promoter of all time I don't care about dunking whoever you Dana White is the best it's better than all sport included I never seen anything like this he can sell ice to an Eskimo if you want to is incredibly great fun and he's good at messing up with my head too because even though I try sometimes my ego is like like natan ideas because the stuff is said to in the way they try I don't know if the UFC tried to make him say stuff because some fighters are more like pawned on a chest on a check chessboard and others me I'm not I don't follow in everything analyzed I'm thinking I was like why you say that why ok that's bigger so a lot of stuff have been said in my ego something like yeah what and I want to say all right you think my smash schedule is too busy I'll take therefore it or not you know what I mean but I should not do that this as stupid move if I start acting like this I'm broom yeah and a lot of guy they don't have that self control and self discipline in them hmm it's all a game man that's all a game it's not it's all it's BS it's all a game man it's all a game what didn't they'd say the [ __ ] with you ok lazy ass and Nick is like kind of together in a way they say that I took steroid when I fought his brother I messed up my glove my rap I didn't make weight and what did he say oh yeah I put something in that in the IV of his brother so he said if I want to take care of that like if I don't know he said it in his own like word like in English slang like oh yeah if you want to take care of this I'm there you know he said someone poisoned him yes who was was that for which fight was that that Anderson's over ok I gotta confess to June I gotta confess I gotta confess okay I was I was so scared doing this this fight so we tried to poison I was so scared of fighting Nick Diaz or with poison his IV but he survived so I was even more terrified you know so all the athletic commission was on my prayer role so they trade away and then I made it and it went true so I was even more terrified so the alien abduct me and what I got they put the gamma ray to increase my strength like the oak like a performance-enhancing drug and the fight was still happening so right before I put some glass and cement in my gloves make sure and still add a crazy hard fight you know so I gotta confess with my mouth but it's completely insane you know your fight you said all that is he said for my fight that III pause on his IV that I was on steroid that I my my my rap was wrong and and he said also what he said that he said yeah the the the way and like I didn't make weight like I tricked the Athletic Commission or they were on my like so like it's it's just funny it's I think he has a he has a problem of conspiration conspiration you think everybody's against him you know paranoia yes I think that's what it is that might be the weed it could be you know I say nothing bad about a weed but we'd like all things can be good but also can be but yeah I know you're for the weight itself I will enjoy wheat and you're a smart guy you have much better argument and at that in are sensible use though of everything including drinking yeah I like a drink every now and then but like I like pot yeah I don't think you should smoke it all day yeah but I think that's what it is I think weed I don't know if it's a weed but I think it's maybe weed with social environment or or and genetic can create some kind of disorder disorder in in the brain and make you have the conspiration conspiracy problem you think everybody's against you is good happen and it could happen I've seen a lot of my friend who smoke a lot they have this problem yeah sometime they think they can't date a paranoid mm-hmm yeah I think it's like all things you do too much of it it can [ __ ] with your head everything could be good or bad yeah now you use it so what fight is interesting to you there's this talk of khabib at 1:55 is the champion now yes and Conor those are the two fights in right here right right now right now as we speak now I wouldn't want not want right now to put myself immediately in a training camp because the reason is my symptom is not gonna ice your colitis I feel a little bit it's not it's it's not as bad as it was not even close it's much better but I want to get the rear of it before I get into a training camp you know before I get put myself into a stress because that stress what it doesn't amplify everything so if you have likes little issues that it will amplify it yeah and at least I need to take care that my my LT is an pass in front of my performance and support this very important and when I'm ready like I don't know I made I would like do something like I said unique rear something that is reared I've never been done before that would be a 55-pound champ it could be 55 which is the first and I'm in a moment while the tree title never been done before or it could be maybe by that time it would be another guy maybe I don't know it would be someone will come back and do something great that you will be the man to beat you know I mean we talked about the Diaz brother and an outsider change subject a little bit but with on the same way it's sad for for Nick Diaz that he doesn't fight yeah because stylistically before might think I'm crazy but stylistically I think he can beat tyron woodley I think he can is the kind of guy I keep coming at you keep coming at you and take is good at taking shots surviving that keep coming keep coming at you and I remember when I fought him it's terrifying because you got tired and this guy keep coming at you and he make you feel like you claustrophobic and you you do things at him and he keep coming and he's very natural and then layer around like after like three four around and like man it's like it's very he never gets tired it doesn't get her but it it it's it makes you it's exhausting you're so nervous on the nervous system and and the mental system not only physically sound numb not much physically it's it's on the nervous system he'd come at you and you fake and then and and there was like a reaction time and reset time when you fight you know like like and I I've studied this with my team when I was fighting guys and the ideas he make people tired he make the nickk nickk nickk that's why he wins fight he's kind of a slow guy but but people get more tired than him quickly especially in their nervous system yeah there is guy like BJ Penn for example when I fought with Japan I knew that BJ Penn had the best reaction time of all fighter we have seen in UFC when he was I did at his best I measure the guy I we know were as measure with with the frame you know i frame like a picture when you throw a punch big click-click BJ Penn had the best reaction time of all fighters BJ Penn when he was in his best and when I fought him I knew if I go straight at him you have a better reaction time then than me so my goal he had a very good reaction time but a bad reset time so his visa time is kind of the entrance for the brain so you could react yeah I can smell you could react very fast but after a while he got tired very very fast after a lot of faking it and then this I make him guess and stuff she was getting very tired fast so because of that I could get him because of that I could I could fake him and make him tired and lower his reaction time and then get him later yeah so Nate Diaz that's why he's so good and they dick [ __ ] yeah sorry that's always so good and then that's sad for him and he doesn't fight it's yours are his best years are now it should do now that's what you should do man he's only 33 is that what we said 33 or 34 mean he's in it yeah you should do it now he should do it man he had an important thing make a lot money but you could do it I could he could do it they suspended him for pot after he fought Anderson Silva and then he had to pay a fine they never paid the fly because he's Nick Diaz is it no but I respect that because in his mind he think is wrong and he don't you know he has a line you have a code you know yeah and the same thing I have the code for me for the drug test policy I didn't want to back unless they do something I say it to Lorenzo and Dana after my fight with my last fight I say it is in my code and I they wouldn't have done it I would not have come back I've never seen Hendrix was on something this is a question I don't have the evidence I would never have like you don't have the evidence that we talk about fighters like I like that got cut you know what have the evidence they were there before they got cut like why not have the evidence the only thing I can say is I didn't want to attack one particular individual and I wanted to change the system because if you attack one individual another one will come so in that particular case was Hendrix and I wanted to change it and in the beginning he agreed with me to do it but then he changed his mind and that's when I got very young so he agreed with you to take we agreed I agreed it was public he agreed when we say it you can look you have the evidence that in the interview he said I agreed to do a test but then he said no I did not agree because also the UFC told him to not agree the UFC told him do you know the UFC told him is the truth they told him to not do it because I there were they didn't want he had a problem may be with the the vada the the avada world in title yes yes that there is what whether that make the guideline but they're fat that's valid that I took it they had a problem with them I don't know why it was actor Conti did you know it was Mary Margaret Margaret something or it was a lady but they had a problem so they said to not do with the deaths may not do it period I don't know if it was big I think it was because I Vader because I made a little investigation on that and I got very angry that's why like psychologically I said to myself I shouldn't I should not have if I would have go back in time enough I would not have take that that fight hmm I'm gonna have to take that fight that's why I respect a lot fighter they stand up for themselves I didn't have the courage that I didn't do it when it was time to do it and I sure that I regret it about this is one thing I regret in my career I should have done it so you don't wanna sighing okay take your belt I'm going yeah I should have done that before maybe I would have come back earlier hmm so I would miss a paycheck but wouldn't who you know I had enough I would have enough you know what I mean so you don't want to say whether or not you suspect that Johnny Hendrix was doing something but there was people that were definitely doing something yes and I don't have the evidence maybe he did maybe look I don't want IQs and a lot of guys they do it and I don't I don't want to judge them because I love that they have a family to feed and everything and this could make the difference between winning a million dollar or not winning like at all you know what I mean so everybody has a different reason why they do it and I and it's just a system encourage it yeah to do it that's a problem yeah and especially if there's no testing or if the testing is very poor yes like the testing when you first started your career I mean basically just had a pee after the weigh-in and you were okay you have to be even now it's still easy to even now it's you think so yeah like how would someone rigged this okay now okay let's say I have a we're about in my phone okay now I'm saying it and everybody knows that especially the cheater they know that look I've done I thought it true it's not a hundred percent sure but let's say I want to have an injection of a product that will last in my body for two days or one day so I know that particular day I cannot be tested because if I am I'm screwed right so I put an I put my on them I worry about that I'm traveling to the freakin Antarctica or anywhere like somewhere that is crazy livable yeah and then I come back in two two days after but that substance will send my body for a certain period of time but it will the effect of it will last maybe a month yeah and now we talk about performance enhancing drugs Joe people a misunderstanding sir oh yeah but it still doesn't make different yes it does make the difference in an athlete and the reason is in the 80s and before it was giving you more power more stamina more enjoyments now with the technology they have stuff that will change your reaction time your confidence your reset time and now this is a huge huge application man if you're if you play baseball or you're in fighting you see the things coming you have your reaction time you're sharper in that brain what makes a guy athletic it's not as muscle the reason why Usain Bolt is you run faster there's many reason why but one of the main reason is because his brain is nervous system is better and if you make your nervous system better and more competent it better you're a better athlete man you better fighter you better baseball very better than you better purse better person in a way of course that effect is limited but there's still depth of muscle memory everything that will last you know when you could live forever so now with the technology man I want point the sport that's why I'm afraid I'm afraid the sport becomes so messed up that with the gene doping you know that at one point it would be off sport will be completely completely messed up in the future at all not know but sport will be it won't be any normal people competing will be all like kind of a Seaborg people yeah cyborgs everybody people are really worried about gene doping and yeah man they're already starting to do that minority gene even the mother the mother and stuff performance-enhancing drug they do man it's very hard to catch up people so like I said it's easy to take something I mean there is always that chance that you get caught but that's how I if I would do it that's how we do you know would pretend I'm going in art Antartica I get an injection then I come back and I'm I'm good Nowitzki told me that they're starting will they they have it and they don't know whether or not people are taking it but they're taking testosterones is derived from animals not from wild yams like the way they get testosterone now if you get like a testosterone injection they're getting it from wild yams and some yams yeah the fruit other the you know the vegetable really the tuber you know in Jamaica is them yeah yeah that's how they're getting testosterone they're getting it from that yeah well yeah yeah the plant-based wild yam testosterone but now they're able to get it from animals and the animal testosterone you you don't like they do carbon isotope tests yes and the carbon isotope tests don't detect the difference between a animal testosterone and human testosterone but these are current tests one of the things that they do is they freeze your piss and they freeze your blood for and they're doing it for years and this is how they've caught some of these Russian wrestlers and they've taken away gold medals from guys that won in the early 2000s who for they've found new tests and with the new tests they were able to determine that they were taking steroid thing is that same thing when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis yes yeah and Ben Johnson is well he was on some [ __ ] but guess what Carl day there was no [ __ ] yeah then I think nine out of the ten or eight out of that like the guy that that finished like eight like it was a Brazilian guy but then he entered he got interviews idea I was just a line fillers for the main guy he would have won the gold medal right because man that should change your life that changed your life man you make you a better living millionaire maybe sponsorship yeah that's just so bad you know is he yeah man is crazy about Lance Armstrong yeah when you go the Tour de France when he won and then they took his title away all the people that were below him were also guilty yeah so you take his title away who would about the number two he's [ __ ] guilty to number three they said that on one of the years and he won you had to go back to 18th place to find a guy who's never caught taking anything that's a dirty sport but man you asked me if I think he was taking I don't know I have suspicions I have a suspicion but it's not right if you know what have the evidence like you someone yes I agree man even today it's if I think there is some guys if there is a lot of guy that takes the red and performance-enhancing drug yes yes and I have an idea of who who and I'm pretty like just for my gut feeling 99.9 percent sure but I don't have the evidence it's not what you think right it's somewhat you know is what you can prove and ice I don't know you know talking you know I'm in a game I'm talking to a lot of people in between fighters we know who does who there's only a few and full of people who does the whole the whole team you know you know one guy could do these team this team this team and one other guy can do two team the word go it goes around man especially when you're your top elite fighter world goes the world goes around you know like the people they they talk to me and they say if I would be interested enough different offered before in different things you know what have you been offered before I've been offered meant to sometime to go train and then like some deals you know that good go train and do do something being been part of you know like they have a they take sample of your blood they know what is missing then they put the stuff that is missing make you as I know as I read a stay in Montreal you know like I okay and I don't say much much all could it could be a lot of cheat or to like I died that's the thing you accuse a gym of cheating you cannot accuse a gem of cheating because everybody is different you know there's people cheating everywhere now you can't say oh these these people are chit Nam and it doesn't work like that it works every individual you know if you made the choice if you decide to go that path you have to be ready to face the consequence if you don't face a consequence during your your competition yours maybe you'll face later after you you gone and you retire for your careers I a lot of a lot of people I know he's quitting a lot some of my friend they were bodybuilders now you should see their body are messed up man yeah they're hormones are all messed up did they did they got bad problem I don't want to be like that yeah I don't want to be like that I want to be happy you know what to be healthy yeah they tear the joint apart to that's all I had Dorian Yates on the podcast he can't even do push-ups now I mean and Dorian Yates was mr. Olympia was a [ __ ] giant guy but all that everything just ripped apart it's like everything he's all [ __ ] up it just doesn't work right anymore however if you ask these people would you do it again maybe they say yeah maybe it was it maybe was worth it maybe it wasn't make it depend of every individual you know one me but for me yeah I'm happy with what I have so far though I could get more maybe the future but I don't want to do to go that path to try to risk everything or whatever I think when testosterone replacement therapy was a thing and they were allowing people like Vitor and these people to take testosterone I was so frickin angry about this I think it was like you know everybody it's a different case for everybody but I believe if you if you need to take the medication to compete performance and a medication to compete you should not be allowed should be and Joe I'm not against a roid I'm gonna explain to like people so is again I'm not against per like steroid or I'm not against it if it's for the well-being if it's an older man who we cannot have sex with his wife and he is like man he goes to the doctors like man I I lose the edge a little bit can we director was that yeah I put the cream that that will increase it a sound so you and the guy is a pure you have sex with his rival competition yes in terms of competition if me and you were fighting and I we sign that we're not using any weapon and I'm talking about biological weapon and we fight man to man as real martial artists by a code of a code of honor a new behind or me I go and inject myself something to make me stronger or more competent my may could also help my neurone to further fire better to get something to be more or to be better to enhance my performance now and now I'm against that yeah there's a code of honor and if you don't respect that code man it should be out of martial art what are people taking that makes the reaction time better it makes her mind I don't know that the name but there there is many if you talk to a guy that there's a lot of things a lot of thing I know is baseball player they take stuff for the reaction time like the pitch heard and this because in baseball in tennis and even in fighting before you try a punch there is like an indication yeah but the body language you read something like before you try ball there's a movement for you punch there's a so you see better you run you brain there's even a medication you can take for exam you study in school there's an exam - you have an exam tomorrow we're gonna study your your the stuff that you need to know then and I will increase you then you go pass the exam I know it sound crazy go go go get it in this crazy man why no adderall Annerose want it makes you guys manly make you bad better in the brain if you make your brain better your nervous system better man you but you you're better fighter yeah it's not only physic physical enhancement it wasn't the 80s now in the 2000 year now now it's neurologic man that's when it's it's crazy dangerous and soon it will be like it with the gene doping forget it man the athlete will be born athlete you want me I got like me or anybody that fight in UFC won't be able to compete and you have seen anymore because they are not super you mean human you know what I mean no I agree the future sport will be so messed up it will be crazy we're all gonna be gamers play video game yeah right yeah you're probably right we're all gonna be gamers this this will be end with this thing that like being an athlete will it's not it's not gonna make any sense in the future I believe you know maybe we'll be completely ridiculous say oh you're not born you're never gonna be yeah no you know I mean and it will be real because you're not born to be a now you're not bred to be an athlete yeah they would with gene editing they're they're going to be able to change your height they're going they can do it now they can do it now they haven't really shown that they can do it with humans in America at least crazy but they're absolutely experiencing experimenting with it all the world the cow and ever like it's insane it's insane they're doing a lot of crazy [ __ ] yeah and I think maybe it's a hundred years maybe it's 50 years but whatever it is in that amount of time you're going to be dealing with people that are basically superheroes yeah the sport will be destroyed that's what when when that happen sport will be destroyed yeah no I agree the sport will be finished and like the 100 meter can you believe like ow freaking fast a human being can be to be closer to zero second yeah like do you think we'll pass the the bar of nine second one day it's there theoretically not impossible in a way I mean I won't point there there's a line that you can't like you know you can diminish that time but it's like a Charles you know like you can't you know but if we get that sort of performance enhancing drug that's would be but there would be some sort of a side effect to it and some sort of a downside to it you know there probably die younger there tissue diminish faster but who knows that maybe they'll be able to regenerate stuff if you talk to some doctor that knows like I know you have done they said that steroid like performance-enhancing drug if you do it if they do it well it's okay some people don't have any side effect of it right they don't abuse it yes yeah so man maybe it won't have any side effect maybe everybody will be on it maybe it will be like like an iPhone will be like oh that's like who knows who knows the future who knows you know that's totally possible I mean we you might be in a lot of ways one of the last of the natural athletes maybe maybe it's a few more years before we get there but yeah man it when I think about it is gonna be it's gonna be finished it's gonna be I don't know maybe will gonna be video game players or whatever when you see yourself competing again how much longer do you think you weighed out I mean you're 37 now when do you think you'll will be healthy enough when will your colitis feel good enough like do you have a time period to say baby few weeks maybe it'd take a few weeks maybe one to three month max maybe maximum maybe less than that maybe less than that a little bit of time off just a little bit yeah yeah yeah I want to make sure I get past that because I feel like if I go back into it and I and it will start all over again I don't want that it was bad Joe I could like I couldn't sleep night I had like crap like bad crap mega I stay up all night and add the sparing the next day and yeah oh my god it was crazy man it's very bad he had blood I had to go in the back way I had blood man you feel like you you want to go to bathroom but then and I think ammidon is the blood the blood that come out man you could look at the bathroom you see the blood you think it's like man what's wrong you think you like them the the the dreamcatcher the movie with yeah you know what I mean likes like what the hell you know what I yeah it's crazy man you like you like what's happening with me am i dying is I is it was very it was very I don't want to go back to this I want to make sure I take care of this stuff you know so just maybe even a few more months of just taking care of your body month week week I want one I want to see when I feel good I a little let a little bit time when I feel like a hundred percent like I don't feel anything like sometimes I feel like when I gotta eat I feel I feel not that crime not that pain but I I feel inside is something different right but it is them it diminish every every week it's every month it diminish I see a difference so if you do go back and you'd go back to 55 have you tried to make that cut before I never tried and I won't when I explained to you I'm not a fan of weight cutting I think weight cutting should be like a marathon runner a marathon runner when you train for my right and he never does a marathon in this training he does F or maybe a quarter of it at different things so it's not LT to lose your weight right you dehydrate yourself and starving is not that bad but it's more than the hydrated reiteration problem me I'm very worried about health issue and I don't want this very important so when I do it I go all in I'll do like the best ping fight I never tried to do to get my weight much it's different you know when you go up and go down but right I said yes I do it and I go and I you know what I mean and I do it do you I like that trail of it the excitement of the unknown well you kind of excite me in a way I don't know if you know so it's kind of an experimentation it's live I cannot messed up right that's what excite me it's not the oh I know I can't know I don't know man I'm gonna do it now it's happening now that's that's what excite me well this guys are the your size like heavenly is your size you know he never needs about my size I think khabib is about I think close to 200 I saw a different Ferguson is that you II was a posting picture he was 200 I never been naturally 200 like like when I fought best bang at one point I was almost 200 like I was like big guy like but I was like all like water-retention I didn't feel I didn't feel right it was not feeling good man yeah kevin is a big guy and there was an article today I saw somewhere that was saying you know the Kevin really wants a 165 pound weight class like you can't really make 155 very much longer I think it would be the best man this guy I think if I look all the new guy that are coming it's freaking scary man I'm 37 maybe I have one maybe what two maybe three I don't know what like I do my thing and I get out of there what do you think you're gonna retire do you have an idea oh I never got 40 you've it's impossible that I fight past 40 I'll be impossible damn again I'm not gonna fight in a cage at 4 years old and like 37 man is like it's like I killed that play like that's our North was a [ __ ] what he says to me is like I killed that play with that train he's two years old three years old four years old five years old then you look at that train when you get six years I like the hell I'm doing with that train at 40 years old is finished for me fighting in a cage are you I've done it like it's not interesting here now 40 years old am I mean I'm a grown man I'm not gonna fight in a freakin cage at 40 years old that's only thirty six months from now you say it saying it like it ever yeah exactly so it has to happen fast that's a fact and if it don't happen I'm happy I'm happy too well to come back alone was like one of the greatest comebacks ever yeah come back after four years win the title beat the champion and beat him to finish definitively rear naked choke put him to sleep that that's why I draw it need to be something that really excite me because I'm gonna tell you something I one of my friends Ct Fletcher he says something about Ct Fletcher that is a heart transplant yeah he's doing good now he said I love to CT CT you're the inspiration and see the your inspiration man I love that guy he says satisfaction is the def def blue and it's true now I'm happy I'm satisfied but if I see something on satisfaction is def Blue is finish if you're satisfied if you're a champion in your satisfy retirement because you going down you finish gonna get hurt yeah as an athlete especially in our game nah man and everything I do I go further and further that's why I didn't want to fight Nate Diaz I have AI fighting Nate Diaz it's been done before it's been it's not excite excited for me and I would be going into that fight satisfy and if I could do that I'm gonna it's very dangerous I want to do something that I'm like like the 155 I'm like I never did it before title or beating a certain guy that he's on a freakin rise and we could beat them because like a big a baby's already beaten Connor Kabhi Kabhi it could be I don't know is if their new guy that do something like that is unbeatable I mean I come back I'm like Oh George never gonna be dead we say never man I love it they say never when Dana squeezer it is when he said never gonna come back and I like it excite me and when you say I cannot do that it's never been done before that's mean if I do it it would be the first time that excite me I really turned me on as but there's a lot of theater me on in life is a woman dinosaurs and this they're people that say don't that really may be going crazy dinosaurs yeah no it's paleontology that's awesome I traveled the world during those four years off by the way that did you yeah what did you do during those four years off I was very I went I travel a lot of the world on the site and sightseeing yeah yeah I would never be that that made me realize too that I could never be a paleontologist I don't have the patience to go like a will to brush for hours I'm driving I like to get the knowledge of it to be on the field to get the knowledge fast right but I don't like to work together knowledge right which which make me not a real paleontologist the final intelligence is willing to put the work into it yeah in MMA I'm willing to put the work into it to become the champion you know yeah but in paleontology that's how I because I'm a point I thought I like both equally now I realize no I like the sport better problem the sport of MMA is so exciting and paleontology is probably very exciting she find like a t-rex head or something like that isn't a knowledge man it's very knowledge is exciting I said every I have a thing in every month every time the other discoveries it's in my phone yes every time is new discovery or something like poem and my friend I make fun of me like bad you be the people you like paleontology was wrong because they make fun of me I went in Argentina in in Patagonia I was there too with like Polly autologous bio biologists and microbiologist - on site you know and I had that blast man it was amazing but people's eye choice is gone in a freaking bad land and I'm like alone isolated for the rest of the world - you know so they were making fun did you find anything I did not find it but I went on site I so eggs I saw sauropod remains titanosaurs there these are they're still in the ground when you were there yeah yeah but jus it takes it's a long process man this that's mean it has been covered for at least like 66 million years man you talk about light and the place where I was was it was early the Cretaceous and I was like Cretaceous but it was like a hundred million years so that's mean it did not get exposed to oxygen for 100 million years that's way again so you you it's like a crime scene man we go and this thing you it's freaking there man it's like a crime scene that you discover but like a like a hundred million years crime scene and you see these sauropods meant these titanosaurs it's insane man what's crazy to that it's not even really a bone anymore the mineral has replaced the bone and you just get the shape of the bone that sort of been fossilized yeah you know like that's why if you see like Megalodon teeth they're black I haven't my house the Megalodon teeth it's insane man Megalodon is like the strongest bite force ever recorded man it's crazy big [ __ ] a yeah there's a huge fish yeah you should feed on whales like yeah it's crazy but like this is one of the things I really excited me so during those four years I was doing man I had a blast I didn't have that time to do it before that and I felt like it was missing in my life real paleontologists yeah yeah that's fast now I went at Alberto I went also in in a and Dakota in the United States so I want to go in Egypt and then the Egypt and Morocco and there was some site that they were once upon a time it was like like I'm talking about this probably nobody cares but I I loved it they were like tree giant apex predator living in the same like a giant crocodile circus ooh sushis car car and auto doors and a Spinosaurus used to live in the same area and wonder what happened like three alpha freaking predator living the same time and I wonder if they interact with each other and and it would it must have been a crazy time and I have a friend and one of his good friends has a ranch in Montana and he found something on the ranch and he called this paleontologist and they went to his ranch and they shut the place down like dude you got a t-rex here really yeah they gave him over a million dollars for it yeah and they escalated this t-rex in his ranch and apparently was a really good specimen in Canada if you find something it's part of it it belongs to the government let's say let's say let's say let's say you find a bone in your backyard it doesn't belong to you can you believe it yeah that sack man is very bad that's when I was young Joe I remember I used to live in countryside I used to go and try to go to find bones but I didn't know back then I was not educated so I thought maybe I could find diners I was spending hours and finding trying to find dinosaurs every work I took I thought it was a dinosaur used to bring him back and my mom yeah it's a dinosaur estate yeah right there because it was kind of a triangular shape but then I found out that all that place where I come from it was all erosion so there is nothing from Cretaceous or Jurassic or Triassic back that it's all like before that so it's all gone yeah so just crazy man it's been a long time I was in Montana once and there's this area that used to be the Great Western Inland Sea and this this area like the ground is like this mucky ground especially when it rains yeah it's essentially silt like the bottom of a lake you know that's because it was a it was a like a sea in between England I think cutting the amid the the cutting the America in F yes yeah last year in laramidia the to condemn continent yeah you know all about that I know this man I know as much as I'm MA with this Lily almost yeah Wow like maybe not but I am passionate with this man a long time it's fascinating when you're walking around this area in Montana it's called the Missouri Breaks and because this this ground it does feel like you know if you've ever like seen a lake bed if the water recedes got that silty sort of weird mud this is all the whole ground is like this yeah sticks to your boots like it gets heavy and clumps on the bottom of your boots like this muck maybe man we don't know what the future will look like man sometime I'm thinking do I'm like you know what people talk about the environment and they say oh the pollution will make we have hot hair and Ice Age out there it's been going forever so I'm thinking I'm like yeah okay of course the pollution and the human as an effect on the climate the climate yeah but I wonder how much have a how big we have an ethic some people say is it's debatable is it is it that big or is not that big some some sizes yes it is bad some says yeah it's bad boys we don't have that much of an effect as you know we I don't know but I would like to have a clearance or 2 2 to 4 days I think I think we have an effect but I like I wonder how now we're going in a hot air the glacier for our mounting but the hot here will will will go to a nice age you know that right because of the current and everything so I wonder out you know how much of an effect and how long will it take you know because we don't have any record recent record of how long everything takes we know a little bit but not that much you know it's a fascinating subject would be are we gonna live through that time probably not but I'm laying you know what I mean it's like how long it will take I'm very interesting about that that's why I love the this thing learning from that past make you understand something the present and in the future anyway I think is really interesting ya know I'm very fascinated by it are you still interested in aliens yeah man this deal so that's the thing when I first came on your show yeah you cut me really off guard because most most people that we talk about aliens they they completely think you're crazy or you disregard it so you gotta talk about like you know they most people that I attract with their you know they so you feel like ridicules right then I and then after I found out you you read a lot about that stuff like the Sumerian texts the creation tablets a conversation answer and I I do too I I mean I don't know if there's like if there is a you know like III think they would be life-form I don't if it's intelligence we don't have evidence for it and I think or ego as human being want us to believe that the alien came and interact with us yeah that's our ego but if they're that foreign advanced from us and they come from a different world maybe they don't want to interact because we have nothing to offer them they're not gonna kidnap the farmer and ask him what kind of suspension is wearing you know what I mean like they they think it you know what I mean it's is but think about what you just said about paleontology I mean we're paying attention to stupid [ __ ] lizards that lived sixty-five million years ago it's true I mean don't you think they would be curious this weird monkey with nuclear weapons yeah but we don't communicate with it we don't think direct we observed there's ways that it can learn from us without communicate I don't know I mean it's I think it's our ego that make us we want to feel special we want to feel that that like are we with different you know like we were different beings then for example a dog or yeah we can think because we're smart but like I don't know how it this has been giving a giving to us like I don't know you know like and you were talking about it like when I was young I used to have like you talked about the last time you said oh you you were talking about like the experience I said I remember that I remembered but I can't recall it when I was when I was young at I don't even three my room I used to dry I used to draw figure of monster I say my mom's is the monster they come get me at night that I was that's right that's what we talked last time right but I was I was very uncomfortable and I didn't want to talk about it I was like man how the hell he knows it you know everything man this guy you knows everybody may research that's so I I made I made the drawing and then my mom even now today today I wonder I want to see the drawing you know like I and I and they I show the drawing and I'm like and then I then after I remember later I remember that I remember but I couldn't remember you know someone I mean I remembered that I remember that something that happened but now I can't remember what exactly happen right could be a nightmare could be another slip sleep paralysis or process my my imagination I don't have evidence you know what I mean that's what we talked about it last time and that's what that's what happened to me and and and and I hope I hope it's not me it's nightmare you know what I mean but but the thing is later on I saw some documentary on TV I saw some people that the similar experience as me loss of memory and things like this when they were young and they claimed they they got a they got a head nose and stuff then they they they go back and time and they explained again and abducted by an and then I start to freaked out about it because I said them is that what happened to me I know but there was more a lot more logical explanation you know what I mean but that's why when he brought that back I freaked out the hell you know was this like how the hell you know is this I guy I didn't want to talk about him at any then it was also my agent was there hey we need in ten minutes I mean I like I didn't we were misinformed we didn't know that podcast was like that long in this house I all these thing in my head I baby baby and I didn't know what to make of it you know so that's that's what it was yeah it's entirely possible that we're experiencing something when we're dreaming that we're angry sleeping well we're unconscious that maybe there's dimensions that the consciousness travels to that are non-physical that like this this dimension what we're in right now we can touch this table move this microphone around these are physical dimensions but it's entirely possible that whatever your spirit is or your consciousness or your your mind when when when you're you're thinking of your thoughts your soul that you say you say you said you're a soul yeah whatever that means you believe is this is a soul you don't know what that means okay okay it's a weird word right so really it has religious connotations but I agree but the idea of whatever your essence is as a human being there's something inside of all of us that makes us conscious and aware and and there and then that something is not there when you're sleeping and so is it dormant is it just recovering which is you know the scientific version of it or is it possible that while you're in this dream state and your your body shuts off that your mind and your consciousness travels to a non-physical dimension that you can only access through the chemicals that are released in your brain which we know produce psychedelic experiences so if you took the chemicals that are released during your brain or inside your brain like dimethyltryptamine and there's all sorts of different psychedelic chemicals that are produced by the mind if you take these outside of you know the dream state if you take these drugs you have these crazy fantastic experiences and we know these are produced by the brain that produce a produce by the brain are produced by the brain wasn't produced by the liver and the lungs we believe they're produced by your third eye which is your pineal gland they've shown the Cottonwood Research Foundation is thrown that this this is done in rats that rats produce dimethyltryptamine in their pineal gland it doesn't necessarily mean that people do but it's logical to imply that people probably or conclude that people probably do it as well so those those chemicals that are producing these psychedelic experiences are being released by the brain we don't know why and we don't know what they're doing when you sleep I gather guy Mathieu Walker yes it was amazing when you sleep you're your guardian your logic is not there that part of your brain is gone yeah so we could that's probably the most logical experience but it's it's kind of a freaking scary thought of thinking that man is I it make you wonder sometim sometime you at night that you're at night alone in your thinking and I'm a I'm a guy that think a lot you know I'm thinking about all kind of scenario like in a fight if I think about it also no but in life I'm the same way you're thinking what if this happened for real or what if like man it's sick scary we talk and it's it's it's a it is nothing more scary in the world but what is scarier is it scary to think that when you die you're just gone and nothing happens or is it scary to think that your consciousness leaves this physical dimension and goes into what's essentially a well of souls just a dimension a non-physical dimension of consciousness where all consciousness interacts with each other and it's just geometric patterns that don't have a physical being attached to them it's it's it's hard for me to believe the consciousness is not Material material because that's how you would say sometimes people have they say always a good person is a bad person I don't believe there is good and bad person I believe there is no people no baby born good or bad I believe is your environment and that makes that shape you and it has a lot to do with it have a lot to do so we say they the mind let's say I'm a certain I'm a person I'm a certain way you know me as a certain way and it happened to me I know I have a friend that happened to me was my best friend and he's dead now unfortunately he was a certain way but he got a car accident remember after his car accident he changed man he was not the same guy he become a little bit paranoid yet some kind of dementia yeah so the person I knew was kind of dead yeah but it was physically the DNA everything was the same but is this the person is different right so when you say the soul the mind it would be really not material ik my materialistic that would not have changed but his personality was completely different is he at the short temper remember your girlfriend was extremely jealousy he was starting to beat her and stuff it was completely different completely different person that you knew before so if they say the mind your brain your brain is materialism but your mind is not so if you have if you big if you have like if you have an accident like my friend I maybe you have some sort of dementia or something that's mean if it's not materialism it would not happen it's possible but it sorry sorry to say any and you have the the explanation that are like subjective and objective if I pinch you you say I'm hurt there is no objective way to for me to to tell you that you really hurt because even if I go away I open your brain I can't see it no the only way I know it's because of my experience but it can't prove it right [ __ ] who knows who knows it's also possible that when you think of consciousness or the soul or the what's going on in the mind that is it's expressed through the body and then what the body is damaged that consciousness is damaged as well because your consciousness is now being expressed through a lack of certain hormones your your your your mind itself the very brain might be an antenna or something that uses consciousness in order to move through life but that consciousness is independent from the brain and that the brain being damaged is just expressing consciousness in a fucked-up way because you've got dementia or Parkinson's or what other neurological disorders that people have but at the center of it it's still the same thing it's one of things that people say when they have so maybe let's say you you die you finish the best out of you will you mean will still exist somewhere somewhere out of you but you independent of the body this is just theories ok ok but there's there people that believe that consciousness is non-local and that the body actually it's just like an antenna for your consciousness now if the body is damaged if your hormonal balance is all [ __ ] up your neurological system is out of whack you like one of the things that Muhammad Ali said when they were talking to him about his Parkinson's is that he's still in there he just can't express himself because his body had been damaged by so many fights and so many hard sparring sessions and so many blows to the head that he wasn't capable of expressing himself but inside he was still the same guy but he was trapped his consciousness was trapped in a broken body I see it's like that like a prison like like a that's like a locomotion yes yeah and you know when you think about CTE like a lot of these football players like you know that Aaron Hernandez guy that was a murderer yet he was a football player and they examined his brain after he was dead and like this is a one of the worst cases of CTE we've ever seen after he killed himself in prison they examined him and the the idea is that your consciousness is supposed to be expressing itself through a healthy brain right through healthy hormones a healthy endocrine system a healthy neurological system and that in that way your your brain can your consciousness can express itself and do so without any physical hindrances then there's also psychological what what is LT I was yeah but what age are you away I just started at the moment you start breathing and living there's some sort of change that occur in your mind so sure what is the LT state that's 15 12 one years old and Annie right you one years old you're not the same person at 15 and 15 you're not the same as 30 I think 30 or not the same as 16 I think they're not there's no independence I think they're all connected and I think that you know the the physical vitality of the body is important the vitality of the minds important but I think there's probably something you know when the first time I saw a real dead body like up close was my grandfather my grandfather died and you know went to the funeral they had the open casket it's very strange but one thing that I realized when I was standing there I'm like he's not even there not here like he's not here it's this body I mean this might have been where my grandfather lived he might have lived in this body yeah it's not here anymore yeah it was a very strange feeling to me because it was like internally I realized something I I get the fact that he's dead and he's not moving that this is his body he's been embalmed and they put makeup on you and all this weird [ __ ] but it was also this feeling like he's not there he's gone yeah you know what is the body then is the body of vehicle for whatever you are yeah you say this maybe one day we'll know maybe we won't it's very it's really yeah it's one of those it's a couple questions as conceptual it's also you know people have their ideological reasons for believing one thing or another there's people that are Annihilus to think you know it's over when it's over and then you go to black and that's it you're done end of story nothing happens when you're dead well you don't know that because you're we don't never die we can't we can't no yeah it's it's a real it's a real open-ended questions I'm on the same page as you for this I I do not know you know I I a lot of idea has been presented to me a lot of the idea I rejected because it didn't make sense to me logically like that scent like all day do you believe in free will right that's a good if my phone is there and default there's a reason why it falls the asymmetry of the phone make it fall maybe I I bloom it is a reason I won't say my phone only fell but if you if you do something wrong for example you kill someone you just not decided like kill someone like there's a reason why you do something and if you go back the reason there's a reason of the reason of the reason it's like it's like a dumb you know yeah yeah sometime I'm thinking I'm like man make me think like I have no choice right like how are you world champion you work for us I ever had no choice well so I have no no I don't deserve any props because no choice right you are the product of your life experience to me that's what makes the most sense for me yeah people think I'm crazy but I have an argument with a lot sometime like a lot of really just people they say oh yeah but that but like I I that's why I believe I believe sometime like it doesn't mean I don't believe even God or I don't it doesn't mean I'm different like in my belief but I believe I have no choice if I do something I don't know choice but you do have ethics and you do have morals and you do make decisions so that's where it gets slippery I don't think I made decision no and in the day it was a cause to that decision there was a cause to everything and by definition there is a cause there is no free will well it's a good argument I've heard it I mean Sam Harris argued it to me the best and made me really reconsider and Robert Sapolsky who is a famous scientist and and deals with a lot of the functions of the human brain in terms of like our motivations for things he's his take was that in the future that will be you know when we look back today at like people that burn people for witchcraft and stuff like that how foolish they are yeah he thinks we will have the same reaction to people judging and punishing people based on their behaviors I agree a hundred percent Wow we'll just look go back in time in the back in the I think it's an ancient Greek mmm-hmm the man that will get teaching knowledge to kids in exchange of sexual favor there wasn't it you know it happened yeah now we call that pedophilia it's it's it's it's wrong it's we we put the people in prison but back in the day was normal you know what I mean sometimes our conception of good and bad or our choice you know I choose like I don't I don't know many I don't believe there is good and bad I don't believe that choice I don't I have a hard time to believe I choose something well there's certainly things that you think are more positive than negative right like to my mind to people and friendly to people's more positive than being you know a murderer yeah that's how you have a gun let's say you you want to kill someone it's a charge can you borrow me a gun please as I oh yes I'm nice a nice gesture I I will give you a gun but then you go kill someone so is my gesture is nice or is not nice it good bad at all the event of all you see Joe is all they been about you see hands on why you giving the person a gun right hey this guy raped a little kid give me your gun I'm gonna go kill them like oh yeah I'll go do a good thing and I'll let you borrow my guns and go kill this back okay okay then my argument is okay you want to go you said George give me your gun I want to go kill this guy okay I go give you the gun this guy is a dull fiddler you go kill him it's a good thing or bad thing to certain people will be goods or certain people will be bad it depend what's good bad yeah decide it some time thinking like man all this we who knows then you know we freakin don't know man that's like the interesting thing about life is that there's a lot of things in life that are messy there's not there's not a simple answer yeah yeah so we have choices it's like a pool game yeah if mathematically I can like I thought I'd talk with Ferriss and Pharisees is very smart study fact the philosophy yeah a great philosophy like fighting you fight a guy you study ass pattern you know like when you do this you do that when you do this you do that so if you do this you think you will do that but maybe you won't because the environment has changed since then but you you know it's the same thing so if you play pool if I can measure the the the strength that I hit the ball ricochet on certain ball if I can measure everything precisely I will know where all the balls are ending up on the table you agree with that where I guess if I know the all the data of the universe and I boom and I can predict do I agree with that it would be the same thing with you if I know you by heart I know your genetic background know all the data of the universe and it's impossible to know if I would know I will know specifically what would you do exactly right now if I do that you will know how you would exactly react or what you're about to say to me yeah that's impossible so that's why that's why I don't believe in it that's why I believe I don't believe in free will I believe it's all it could be measurable we don't it's impossible to measure right and then when you see people that are doing good things and achieving good things it motivates you to do good things and achieve thing and that also changes all the people around you and makes them move in a certain direction as well and if you look at certain cultures that are extremely negative and crime-ridden and [ __ ] up they produce extremely negative crime-ridden [ __ ] up people yeah it's like there's there's all this going on there is it the fault of those people and that's one of the things that people really criticize and I think rightly so about like hardcore right-wing people that think everyone should be responsible for their own actions I don't care if you grow up at a crime-ridden neighborhood you stop doing crime and you be a good person and that's not an easy task the brain has no way to know if if an information is relevant or not if you grew up in a Democrat system with Democrat value you'll be if you're smart you'll be a smarter Democrat if you grew up in this same but in a republicanism you'll be a smarter Republican however maybe there are things in your environment that will make you switch you know today we don't eat you dad you like [ __ ] I'm gonna be a Democrat exactly we don't know but your brain has no way so sometimes yeah there's our on TV like evil genius mm-hmm the guy ie outcomes is so smart but is a is an evil like light as it comes to to what we talk about it no good bad there is no good bad there is no that's one when I fight I fight the guys like Nick Diaz or if and I swear it's true let's say I Drive my car and I see has a problem with this government I will stop to help him yeah came on Dewey was not nice already whoever it is I will do it because for me it's I don't think you know it's not that I'm nicest the way I think you know that's who you are yeah they exactly I have no choice to be like I am it is what it is you know I've gotten better at that as I've gotten older better at forgiving people and not holding grudges and not being upset at people and if I see someone that I had a problem with in the past just give them a hug you know no I don't care yeah I think it's it's it's it's not healthy to carry around grudges and you make you feel good sometimes it feels real good and it feels real bad to keep that hate and anger inside of you it festers away and you think of well if he says this time I say that mm-hmm [ __ ] him and he shouldn't have done this well I shouldn't have done that but yeah but I only did that because he did this and you play you have these little stupid arguments in your head instead of just saying hi and just be friendly or saying you're sorry or saying hey man I don't have a problem there's a guy that a few years ago I I drove my car on on the street and my Charlotte second in the evening I see a tall guy coming at me and he asks for you beg for money put down my window this guy I swear it's true story he's a guy that used to bully me in school well I say I don't want to say his name and I say hey wait a second I parked my name I parked my car parked the car go talk to him the hell you doing here man's eye and and he thought that would be angry because when he see me he saw is wrecked like like now I'm world champion you know like I can't beat the beat him up you know back in the day was like three years older than me was bigger it was beating me up in the bus this guy now he see me is I kind of a scare I get out of my car you don't know you don't know if he should run or nuts I go to him I say so what you do here man Zack is like you you say yeah I know but things doesn't go well for me you know I'm like that's all right say like man you're a tall guy good-looking like what you're doing here man's like I give him what I have left on me you know like I don't remember like I got 100 something I give him I said get out of here man it's like you're full of potential as I get out of here man like when I was young and when I wanted to be like you you're a tall guy man you you you're good-looking it's like full of potential so he sorry seconds I was like no no problem and then he say thank you George and you get out then I don't I don't hear about him few few weeks few months later I go to my paradise for having dinner then my dad say you know come to the house a few days ago this guy I'm like yeah I met him say yeah he said you met him in the street but now he said he came to thank you he came he wanted to talk to you by said you don't live here and I didn't want to give you a number he said he said look he said George he talked to me and he said something changed my life now I have a job and I and I felt good I just want to say thank you to him and it feels so good now you just went when I met him and I didn't get angry at him like you know because it's it was there we did very bad stuff to me when I was young but when I see him it made me feel good can ever relief now yeah and this guy when I was young was beating me up in the bus all the time it was ridiculous ridiculous me I'd like adidas pants that you can tie it like this it was like take enough so I was like an underwear and find everybody in front the girl he was bidding me up all the time and he was stronger than me was like three four years older than me and he was tall and strong guy is a key player back in the day and yeah I couldn't beat him even with martial right he was always stronger than me he hurt me a lot like back in the day him so my dad one time I was got beat up in the bus so I told him because I came back with a black eye one time in my life I told my dad what happened I never said anything but I saw my dad I say he's a guy in a bus he beat me up he said I tell him the name of the guy so my dad what he did he found out were I'm from countryside so everybody knows who everybody lives he goes to the house you know I can't ever talk to the daddy say listen stop can you tell your son to stop hitting my son in the bus because he need to be focused on the school and that dad when my dad came back he said I want to talk to his dad he's gonna stop so he said it is that it was like drinking and stuff and it was beating the [ __ ] out of his son so the way this guy learned to communicate to his dad was beating up he was drunk and beating him up that's the way he committee was community communicating with me it was beating me up because he learned that the same way from his dad to communicate so I was just happened to be at the right right the wrong time at the right time in his life at the perfect you know I was the guy that was getting beat so he's a good and bad he was not a bad person to my version of life from my perspective he was a terrible person like that he was terrible I wanted to kill him yet like many my and my school time miserable man I was Amelie ated all the time I was getting beat up a lad I was very proud person so I used to to go fight him all the time because I was proud and I won't point I thought him so many times that this guy is complaining and saying I stop buttering him because that was what's never going to giving up even though I was beating getting beat up all the time but to my eye oh my he was a bad person but true his eyes it was a different story and to his father was a different story today everybody it was a different story yeah just to say that when I met him that way we talked about it feels so good just to meet him in the street and make kind of a peace and give him money like yeah you beat me up you didn't but you know what even though you did that I give you the money and I make me feel like I'm kind of a revenge better than a revenge you make me feel like yeah man you see without me you wouldn't have nothing maybe to sleep or eat tonight so I give it to you I still give it to you if you do that to me that make me feel much better than if I would like read them up yeah and don't you think that maybe that guy in him doing that to you was one of the reasons why you became a champion because you you got in the martial arts very heavily because of being yeah the guy was beating up and school maybe it was maybe it was not the only guy that was beating me up all his friend but he was kind of the the guy that was all the girl liked and he was like the taller stronger guy so he was kind of the Alpha guy at the time maybe it was an influence I don't believe only one thing influenced me but it's many things many cars that make that happen but maybe it's one of the cars yes yeah that's crazy I could be wrong I could be right but that's what that's my philosophy in life that's how I think so everybody says Oh George your true martial artist you're a good guy as I thank you right I don't have the time to explain to them everything I just told you right but that's how I think in my when they say you're a good guy of Zion thank you I'm not [ __ ] good guy Evan and me and myself I am dying but it make me happy when people say that you are good guy you try to be a good I try to be a man you are yeah trying to be who you are I try to try to be good model good role model I think is important for me to my value that had been raised and yeah but doesn't mean like I don't like other guys I like the guys and I like the most to watch their fight they're not the good guy yeah my favorite fighters to watch are not the good guys Chael Sonnen i like to watch him the Nick Diaz I like to watch Nick Diaz I like Conor McGregor when he fights I like him yeah the good guys are boring them they're boring guys they make me fall asleep I like the drama I like even though I don't act like it I like it we will be like it I know it's completely contradictory I like I love the seat or T's back in the D was my favorite man store at ease men he was amazing came with his flag like bad bad guy man I love them Star Wars I love the Sith Lord much they're much more charismatic than the the Jedi are you kidding me Jedi Karate Kid the new the new karate kid I watched the first episode of moping Danielsson get beat up all the time you know Johnny Lawrence I hope you smash his head you didn't do it so you know what I mean I think that makes me a bad person no it's nice I like you know it's different that way that's how you see things you know right when you see a lion chasing the gazelle do you root for the gazelle I hope the lion catches the gazelle yes exactly exactly yeah is that good or bad like these people and don't eat meat it's not natural right like what is natural what is not natural man it's an interesting conversation you talk about this it people think odd saint-pierre is just so you just get hit in the head too many times but it's just my English is good I can communicate it to true it with you like like it's easier I feel more comfortable yeah and and it is what it is but I thats why i like it because you're a person too I'm kind of a big fan of you too and I know you I didn't know that in the beginning when I first to know you but I now I know that that you get interested in the same thing that I am interested and what I like about you too is you don't give a damn you do whatever you have no bus you do whatever you want whenever you want with who you want I mean I respect that it's kind of a code you have your own code that you do and I respect that I like human being like this I like too to be with human being like this guys I have no code animal like this I don't know me my circle of friends short you know I have a few Gaia lichens that I keep the the I'm diplomatic with a lot of people but I'm not friend with a lot of people yeah Maddie because I have to be for that for my work for my business for the person I am and I don't like confrontations I'm diplomatic but there's I mean I like everybody you know well I think your relationships that you have with people the exchanges you have with people it's very important to keep only positive influential strong people around you because you learn and you grow from those people and they give you fuel when you're around people who are inspirational or doing interesting things who live their life by a code who are ambitious who succeed who try hard difficult things those are the people that inspire and give you energy and I feel better around them I feel like I get energy from them versus people that are always making excuses and people that are always falling short people that fail all the time and people that complain all the time those people the opposite and those people they take away from you and you're around them you just like oh I just gotta get away from this guy however it doesn't mean that the good people that you have in your life will always be the good people for different situations right example before fights my families I stayed the hell away from them I'm explain to you why it's my family they care about me I remember before fights before I used to go eat at my my parent with my parent my family used to be like the last dinner day they'll say they eat their soup they look at me are you okay you feel good you're not sick and before a fight I need to feel like I'm going to war with my soldier I need to feel that what I'm doing its normal events though is not yeah so when I hang out with with my family they have a normal life so what I do they see me like an outcast I collect man these guys it's completely insane is about to go fight in a cage you can die oh my god and I feel that because I love me so my family before the fight stay away from them I stay away from a lot of the people that I love my circle of friends I love like family and I bring back closer to people like like Ferris Joan the fighters guys even guys that are maybe not as much as my friend a like son send them in town yes so it make me feel normal it make me feel strong because we're going to war when you're going to war you don't bring a yeah wife your kid your your family and you bring the people that you go in war with you know what I mean it's very important for me so it's it's it's depending what's going on I believe us good and bad people you know it's not always good now it's bad depending the context you know ya know that makes a lot of sense yeah especially then being nervous about your fight like nerve that that energy is contagious Pro I'm already nervous like like it is I don't want to be more nervous and I hate I hate like I hate fighting people's I know you I don't I really do and and I know you maybe a lot people don't believe me but I'm gonna extra explain the best I can in every in every jobs there is no perfect job do you agree that there is there is no perfect job that you like every everything about it it's impossible my job as a professional athlete and mixed martial art on 365 days I fight normally when I was very excited to fight twice a year approximately not more than that I never wanted to more than that because I wanted to stretch especially when you want to stretch when your champion because it's better for advertising the the also for longevity and everything so more time more money more business and everything and longevity so about two twice a year in charge of sixty-five days there's two days that I hate the most is the day that I'm fighting it's freakin unbearable the feeling of uncertainty that if you don't know if you're gonna be milli ated you're gonna be the victor we're gonna be the loser it's I care so much about it that is freaking unbearable as much as I try to dismiss it it's unbearable however I like the fact that I'm a free man I'm my own boss I do whatever that whatever I have I have access to certain things like VIP stuff that most people don't and my quality of life the money I didn't have it before now I do I love my job I have very happy about my job but there is thing about my job that I hate the most is fighting I freaking hate I love the study of fighting I love the science of it how I'm the tactical the physical I love to Train I love to walk in a room I'm strong I know if something happened I'm the man even though it's an illusion because with a bullet and nobody is faster than this but I like that lifestyle I do for the lifestyle for what it is I don't do it for the fight I freaking hate to fight I had this talk with Rory MacDonald on one point never say why you like fight it oh I guess I like to fight so you like to fight it's like [ __ ] no I and everybody in the room turn around they look at me like I'm crazy all right you guys are all crazy I'd like to find an occasion for million of people may be getting Milly ated knocked out or died are you crazy I don't like to fight are you nuts I like to win when you win you're it's the feeling is unbelievable it's so good that it's worth this yeah but I hate it man do you hate the day of the fight up until the fight but once the fight starts how do you feel once it starts nananana and when it started it's gone all this and all the anticipation scum I like I hate the day to build up that day and the closer I get to the day I start I love it but I start to hate it more so I can build a hate that build up like a ball of hate and by that time that is time to freaking walk out there's like that many second that it's time to walk out and I birth what son used to be that guy used to kick out the door sorry are you ready now he's not there anymore unfortunately like birdies so I just it's like a bubble that buildup in my stomach that hate hate hate and I freakin a time even in the locker room before the fight and I [ __ ] ate it my last fight I crazy I saw my friend a man got knocked out and I'm going to dinner everybody's like that people like this and I see where something as wrong as it was wrong as I they told themselves before I get in the room don't tell them that that a man lost don't tell him is gonna affect him so I get in the room and my friend Eddie who wasn't there one day when they tailed each other first thing you said to me is like in the road I am endless and I owe you said okay physically is that yeah it's okay and everybody's like holy [ __ ] so em and last I remember Jody Phyllis Mickey got lost so I go in Myra in my locker room I see one guy with the ice bag the other guy is all [ __ ] up like this and I'm like man all my locker room loose man holy [ __ ] I freaking hate this job man then I'm thinking is like everybody tried to take like oh it's gonna be good it's one of my agents like don't worry it's gonna be fine as I as I it's okay man don't talk to me like this I choose be here I'm a warrior and so go go sit now it's gonna be fine like I want to be a warrior yeah oh it's gonna be fine don't worry and they go now you know they go like this yeah use that first time they go like this guy they grab me like the whole region's got to be funny look each other like I'm feeling like I'm going to a like a semi like a cemetery like someone just died so I'm in the locker room everybody freaking knows I'm like damn then I'm like shake it up I go in the bathroom by myself I go I go look at myself in the mirror and that's why I do before the fight I used james-lange theory James Naja's is a they say that the spirit can dictate your mind you say you you thirsty your mind tells I'm thirsty you grab the water and your spirit can take state your mind but your mind can dictate your spirit so I go in the bathroom close the door people think I go to bathroom to piss or whatever but I don't close the door and I say I said now I see a lot of negative [ __ ] I go I go in from the mirror I say to myself say I say try to convince myself like a kid you know like I'm the greatest I'm the stronger son and I think I think of it looking at me and I'm this I'm beautiful I'm strong and this and then I'm faster I'm stronger I'm gonna win as like this young guy they lose but I'm gonna show them what the way to do it you know maybe they they fell but I won't I'm gonna show everybody how it should be done so I come back in that gym with the with the glory to show them that I achieve it and that's how it should be done if they're gonna follow me man so I try to boost myself open the door go go back I still hate my job but I am a different person than when I got in the door so I play with mind games like this with myself all the time stuff that I had that that tried to change your attitude and it's very important for a fighter because the confidence is a key for a fighter some guy they do stuff very basic and a fight but they do it when they do it they do it so good and they believe in it they notice it tight and you have no room for is it a shenana fight you go 100% and when you go 100% with confidence that's when the magic can happen you know what I mean if you have the skills but you don't have the confidence isn't it John says that you have the skills and you have no confidence it's like having money and you don't spend it that's what John De Niro told me but if you have the confidence without the skills it's not good - it's like a dream that cannot be achieved you don't have the anyway together but if you have both that's when the magic can happen I remember when John Johnny says that to me all the time so you have this skill and you have the confidence and confidence is not a choice is is a confidence that is not a state of mind is a choice man you can build it in your head when something bad happen you build it and work try to work on your person to build it this is something you can work on yourself you know and that's why I've been doing yeah it's like all these other things you're saying it's there's there's no one answer to how all this is done all those pieces have to come together all those pieces have to be together in order for you to be able to just go out there and do it but I love the fact that you say that you don't like it I freaking hate it I hate it probably even in the locker room when I got there what I've got there that night and like every other night that I'm finding asked by my agent has given for us I always tell my look at him is like so what the hell I'm doing here what stupid and they we always laugh at it because now it's become at the point that I know I know it because I I with experience you do you become more courageous you become you say do you lose the fear you know lose the free never lose affair you learn how to deal with it you accept it before I didn't I did not accepted my earlier fight like might use my first time I found my use I man I was fighting this monument this oh my god is like I didn't sleep for that week man I came like a freakin zombie I was like oh my god I came even in the staredown I could even look at him I look up like this it's like I couldn't imagine myself I knew I was going to lose the confidence was not there I have that skill is not the confidence so it's very important the confidence you know is for a fighter confidence it's very important that's why you have guys in the gym that are very good in the gym they get into a fight they shitty fighter their King in the gym they're gonna fight all that stuff crush them you have guys they're normal in the gym I've seen guys in UFC they fight in UFC Dave freakin padded I can't say for the respect but I spar with them and they suck when they fight they do stuff that it's amazing I'm like an even know it that wasn't his repertoire of technique that he just did I can't Academy or a thong I'm like man it's amazing I'd even knew he knew that right because of a confidence man and when you have both the skill and the confidence like you see like John Jones man is Magic Man you go there spinning freaking elbows and some like you don't easytek egos man yeah yeah Rodriguez is amazing and stuff like that it is just beautiful to watch you know and I really like that the new generation and it scary as hell oh my god what which fight excites you more Connor or khabib those are the two fights if I was gonna make a fight for you right right now right now it's like that the big five the thing is with cabby be calling me out physically now is it's not good time for me I need to weigh a little bit however I feel the 155 division now is Connor is the champion is Ferguson I think Ferguson is out and and there's other guys too but there's the two guy corner and cab like cabbie now I think is that champion but you need to fight maybe the corner or are to be like real champion I real is the real chair I don't like to say they real not champion what's and my opinion on the belt is really different than most people think I don't think even think it should be about you know I think you should be fight you know buddy but it is what it is and I agree with you on it make fun fight there's no belt like I said you cannot be the strongest man in the world it's an illusion right the belt it claim elevate someone like you think is that God is a strongest lay men in there now is not what's a good marketing to that that eighth ranked guy I can beat you but maybe cannot beat the seven other in front of you yeah or they said you know what I mean there's six other so I don't know how it could be done I know it's bad to criticize a system if you don't suggest any alternative I know it's better what I do but it's well the problem is influx anyway right because Tony was the interim champion and he didn't do anything to lose it all he did is fall down while doing press obligations tears me apart and then you have Connor who just didn't defend it and then they stripped him and so you're gonna give it to khabib but he's fighting a like Quinta who ordinarily wouldn't be fighting for the title so why is why is he have the potential to fight for the title it doesn't make any sense they had to do it for this event because they had this big event in Brooklyn and they had to have a champion so they decided to sell they're gonna do it but you got to be careful when you make decisions like that yeah because you in people's eyes in the eyes of the purists UD legitimise they lose value yes I agree 100% he lose value to is especially like what I did make lose value to fight and Rick's left-side Bisping left they freaking hate my guts that's why I don't think so though because I think it makes me it's not good for the brand is not good and I know it's not good I'm not stupid I realize it but I had no choice man I go back there and not in condition you know whatever happened I think it was not my name Robbie Lawler won the title and then Robbie Lawler lost the title the tyron woodley nobody doesn't think the tyron woodley is the legitimate champion because you retired no I mean it's it's it's a clear path it makes sense then understand the same thing like I said it's not WWE man I have to do what is the best for me and I don't regret my decision it is I regret that I've stayed too long I should have retired maybe take my first stop after Diaz because Diaz was the fight a big fight and what you know what I mean it was like the main guy you know to fight then after Russian but it there's always a guy Joe that's a thing there's always another freakin guy that's the way this sport you know we always believe that after that wall it would be no wall but now man is always another another another another in and I realize that it's and every fight are more expected than other and our bigger and another and it is what it is man is what it is it's a hard very hard life mentally like depend on your wire psychologically for me it was a lot to take one thing it's a lot reason for me I have a theory about that one of the reasons why it's a lot to take because you're smart I think smart people they they entertain all the possibilities they think about all the possibilities they're aware of all the variables and I'm a thinker I think Alice yes analyze I think a lot I mean it's good because it's prepared you very well and it's made you this incredible martial artist but it's also creates a lot of anxiety because you're aware of all the possibilities where as a person who doesn't think that much just I'm just gonna go in there [ __ ] people up like that person might have an easier path to fight but they might also have a shorter limited potential absolutely because they're not aware of all the possibilities and they're not aware of all their flaws and not aware of other strengths and weaknesses they just know what they've done that's worked and they just keep doing that and instead of developing this incredibly well-rounded game they have a very very limited game but that limited game works on some people I agree it's it's it's this part that the sport in general it's kind it's kind of not fair when you look at it likely look like Demetrius Johnson's probably right now the best ever the best ever yeah I agree like man when I talk about confidence and skills man what is the better guide in this what better guide and this Dominick Cruz freaking amazing man TJ Dillashaw that's one fight look I don't watch every fight again I don't watch every fight because I'm not a fan of every fighter but if there's a fight that I will pay my own ticket to sit in front and fly myself is Dominick Demetrius Johnson against TJ Dillashaw absolutely a man has to be done it has to be done I don't there is always things and factor that we don't know why it doesn't happen maybe we don't know everything unfortunately and yeah like like back in the day me and understand silver it's a lot after why it didn't happen is there stuff that people don't know that led back in the day I thought and then I wanted to take care and then happen but there's this fight man is just crazy man sometime is sudden the sport light like you have fight like Mayweather Mayweather Pacquiao and it did not happen it sucked but it is what it is you know I think that Demetrius wants TJ Dillashaw to fight once at 125 pounds show that he can make the weight especially when he's dealing with this incredibly long win streak he's defended his title more than any other champion ever so he doesn't want someone to come along and break his win streak that doesn't even make every way they did this as a I have thought about this because I've been in a similar situation yeah this is a way to take care of this with the lawyers you brighten the contract that if you don't make weight is no fight and the purse you make the guy you a purse not that you see Dillashaw will take the man's give the purse you know what I mean yeah no I do but no need to be game enough to do it it's a freakin risk yeah yeah but I think Demetrius is worried that the UFC will pressure him into fighting TJ even if TJ doesn't make the way so we have TJ made sure for sure it will make him look bad in terms of with the fan base and his brand I agree however he can make it through the lawyer to the if it's that much weight difference there is no fight right you know there's always fights man Joe there's something I've learned fight can be negotiate the way you want I can negotiate a fight like depending the the laws okay I want you to wear pink speedos when I fight you it's under contract you have to wear a spring speedo I want you to wear this or any like a fifth-round or if it's everything could be done if it's written and and and by the law agreed yeah it could be worked out I don't think - my husband will be like this guys let's do it man let's go well I think right now the rematch is set for Cody gar Brandt vs. TJ Dillashaw and Mighty Mouse just went through shoulder surgery yeah so he's rehabilitating his shoulder that's gonna take quite a while and that there's the minute the minute crews doing the mix man it's amazing yeah he's amazing I like to watch him a lot yeah there's a lot of talent there's a lot of talent right now the smaller guy are so much better than the bigger guy like I'm telling you the truth like like if I would have the same size as this guy a minute I don't want to fight this guy man I would beat the [ __ ] out of me like now man they don't have gravity [ __ ] with them I agree they know that the gravity they not have that size but they're so good my is so good to watch them yeah I'm learning I'm learning a lot I watch a lot more of these guys and then in terms of for learning yeah men how beautiful was that armbar that Demetrius Johnson is it [ __ ] many slammed well I slam to the armbar in the air and he said now I practice at the moment ready you learned I learned from these guy man I learned from a lot of these guys yeah did you switch man every time he's changing Dominick Cruz man is footwork man it's very trained with Duane Ludwig long time ago yes I Sparra we train when I was in Denver helping Nathan Marquardt for a fight I spire man it was crazy spar with Dwayne Nate shank a twin - oh my god shank yeah that was that smart but I did yeah [ __ ] that yeah that wasn't that smart that was back in the day maybe I should have been smarter by and this is because your head thanks God I didn't get hurt but oh my god it was yeah I'm up I remember in a training EEE he wasn't grounded pounder with another guy that is like a light everybody knock him out yeah he's a big monster but that was stupid on my part when I when you're young you do stupid [ __ ] I should not have done it yeah [ __ ] that huh what did he way back then he weighs a mere or him I just say car whinnies might be like 270 yeah he's a big guy [ __ ] huge I know it that was stupid but I did it and then you know you move man you got a [ __ ] move yeah man hit ya hit and run man run don't try to stand in the pocket with this guy and if you go for it take that you go in and out and then quick man holy [ __ ] yeah your timing has to be perfect yeah [ __ ] that the only one round yeah one round yeah yeah we went with everybody you know there's this thing like I when we train with other guys especially I went with I train with everybody I train with John Jones I try which part with everybody with it's it's good experience there you know and there's guys that that's par like it's their life depend on it like it's a real fight there's other guys of course depending if you get ready for a fight or not and and if you you know depending the situation but there is when it's just aspiring for sparring that you're not in training camp or whatever you spar but there's still guys that I see younger guy they they they know they lose a lot of their their years of fighting in the gym because they fight in the gym and it's not good for your brain man yeah hole you should I never be a big been a big fan of this ya know I feel like even now in my last sparring guys they come hard and you but I have to go hard because otherwise I gotta hurt me but that's not because of me that's because my frickin trailer is telling them you gotta put in my way we're gonna praise it you know what I mean so why does frost do that he's cupping completely crazy for ass man is insane I love him to death but man he's completely insane he's my son sighs my spy may I call him pay me John I'll you know John I call him the Emperor yeah John is our that we all have nicknamed a tough guy John is another one like when I'm in training camp and he put me with Gordon Ryan Gary tore the one after Jake she like a go go go go with them and I get smashing I get out like a pretzel is [Laughter] [Applause] good for my confidence sometimes it is sometimes [ __ ] man I start to eat I have a hard life it's a darkness inside John's brain yeah man and it's hard hard man I made it I made a lot of good change man I'll ask for preparation like you know I used to Train like an on the ground I fight win fight around a five-minute you're never gonna spend five minute on the ground when you train for an MMA fight so I did treatment around with one minute break it makes you an starting form scrambling position like for example head head and arm control then go right or mount position go we didn't start like shaking and then because you lose time while you're making to start from position control at a let go so it makes you more active in when you fight make you more opportunistic and now I teach at Tristar 12 arrests like I do it because I love it at 12 FS and that's why I teach the people no no more five minute round when you train for an MMA fight true minute round three minute round and trimerization you will never spend the entire five minute round and the minute that you got to spend on the ground you have to be very economic and very important is when you see something boom that's what I guess I would be spring I see the neck boom you know I let him stand up do the leg drag or up block right away yeah I probably would not have react the same way a few years ago would would be more taking a position and unsafe kind of mentality you know what I mean we need to learn to choke yeah it was this way but I practiced it a lot because I learn the pattern of Bisping that when you do this you like to do this so I predict we've we've we've worked on it you know like when I mean like it stuff that we were II wasn't in my like I said like my my autopilot already in my hard disk so it's just reaction you're not have time to think which before when you don't train like this you train in five minute it's slower price so you're thinking more Jitsu is more it's not much of a dynamic it's more easier matrix port sometime you didn't I make but is more so metric and position so you don't want to be like this for him and you want to be like bang bang bang bang fast and you know what I mean make your make you more you know what I mean more efficient what kind of training you're doing now I mean you're going to train with Freddie Roach now yeah how much time are you spending training I train normally twice a day every day still yeah I don't train hard every day twice a day some days I do once a day I try to train at least four days a week that are twice a day and maybe two days that are once a day depending what I do for example only gonna train once a day two days with Freddie tomorrow ever I do it this new thing now it's that really changed my life to it I trained in a pool and all that weight you know the Weig no man I don't and I don't believe I still don't believe in conditioning it's a conditioning I don't I don't believe I believe it's an illusion everybody has a sufficiency so I want to get tired more than the others because more efficient because everybody at their certain level is in shape you know but but I trained in the pool I I do for example I have resistance stuff equipment and I trained in the pool so it's like my weight training I do in a pool Wow for example you do flies we have protagonist antagonist muscle that works all the time and it's like the wing flies but instead of a yeah protagonist and antagonist you do a fly and the pool in the same time push pool and you're doing it with rubber bands like we know it's a resistance wingman no no II resistance equipment is like a [ __ ] I wish I would know your cable no sonic cable is like a resistant it's like a handle it's a new thing the Russian developed this like in the eighties long time ago we just start to learn now about it and the Russian were way more advanced than us and in its AG Gavin McMillan that made me discover this form of training when I rehab my ACL so he he hates to a training he said hey wait trainee they load up your joint it damaged your joint you know and depending how you do it but when you go evie damage your joint is true that's why I look young and I feel better at 37 now if it wouldn't wouldn't be for this my my ulcer I feel better now at 37 that I fell at 25 mark my word is true the only difference is let's I go out like my birthday was May 19 last Saturday I got completely wasted drunk it take me more days to recuperate because I'm 37 and when I was 25 but strength wise like I feel just more powerful better yeah man we there's hope for for the older man there's hope that we can last better we can have a better living it's kind of crazy that you don't believe in strength the condition I don't think that is the thing that everybody does today nobody is involved with strength and conditioning because sometimes they mix up their performance and strength conditioning because of the steroid believe a lot of people they say oh my nutrition is because this is this or my new training make me be stronger look I'm a better fighter and ammon's maybe it's because you taking something you know what I mean yeah I believe it like in in UFC let's say it I spoke with some pro boxer okay for example like this yeah yeah this one an example here so you've got yeah well yeah but they create a resistance on the way up you see so it's I would say so it doesn't load up my joint and you just explode it yeah this is like pistol squat but a there's like a hundreds like exercise like this like a sound to it maybe not hundred but there's so many yeah man there's study you can do with your every part of your body you can do an exercise the Russians got it too yes and and also the NFL football player a lot trained with that because an increase your your power it works so that thing that you know that is the stability but if you want to increase your power it for increasing the power for muscle the fiber of the muscle you know what I mean you know it won't make you a better fighter but it will longevity-wise keep your your car your your your car vehicle your vehicle else here that's why I do string conditioning I don't do for making me a better fighter I do it because I want to look good I want to be muscular I want to I want to be balanced I want to be have a longer long longevity it's not gonna make me hit harder or stronger hell no Freddie Roach might help me hit stronger for example you know I mean John danara will make me be more creative have better on bars and Ferris will make me you know what I mean like better fighter and in terms of giving me knowledge and different things that's what I believe could be wrong from like like I know we think different ways in that regard we argue before about this but that's why the name open-minded I'm gonna a lot of times I'm arguing I'm just playing the devil's advocate I don't think there's any one way to do these things like example III I spar for example or your jujitsu guy make an experimentation go wrestle with a real wrestler like a high-level wrestler pure wrestler wrestle Wynnum you're gonna get much die you're gonna get tired much quicker than him for sure how it's not because he's got a better cardio than you you know or maybe is like I did depending but then after that go on the ground sit down and shake his in and start rolling on the ground I guarantee is gonna get more tired than you because if you never done jujitsu he's gonna spend a lot more energy ski you're gonna be much more efficient than him even though maybe as a better cardio ninh than you if you take a vo2 max test maybe he's gonna score better however you more efficient it's all about efficiency yeah they try to sell you the product they try to sell you the program that's all freakin at for tight vert izing our life is made of advertising that's why I was angry and I like we talked about intermittent fasting like there's no pills for this there is nobody that makes money that's why nobody talks about it but it's so efficient the oldest remedy in the world you know what I mean in three days you can rebuild your your immune system and your gut all of it in three days are fascinating you do it take an email a assault with the water you go train it's perfect you go in Auto fashi faces the best you know I am but nobody talks about the same thing and cards you and all that they have to commercialise always the money is it's all about selling you the thing right our life it's all about branding everywhere we go with freaking commercial we were surround by commercial if you want it's under something we don't even realize it because it's so present in our life so it's it's a second make me a better fighter I do it because I felt good could develop my muscle and it's good for me to be you know to have muscle for for my brand for for me for advertising for even for myself feel good you know what I mean feel solid you know I get it yeah that's a real truth it's not gonna make me hit you think this gonna make me have a better hook now man it's it's it doesn't transom like that right timing precision forms you know everything it's not if Joe Louis had the smallest arm I think it one of the smallest army hit like crazy I mean when you look at his build it wasn't like a Mike Tyson my friend had done it Stephenson like I mean he's Billy's an adult he's an athlete but man I sparred with him many time and he hit like a [ __ ] truck he sprayed the heaviest hitter ever seen in my life you know what I mean yeah and it's not like he's strong is that lyric but there's guy that more more snook look stronger than him or a bodybuilder yeah because that's because of his form the way transfer his weight is is vector of force everything is technique is timing is precision everything is perfectly your own structure - usually power your freaking bad kick man like this something is not because you were there and I said the per the human being that I've hit that had produced the highest amount of force that I have a witness in my life is human with you're free and I'm not saying that is the truth I never seen a human being physically capable of hitting something with that much force than you is a perfect example of what of what argue it's not because you're stronger yeah you're strong guy you're a good athletic guy but you know like you you're older you're older than me you know like you like you know what I mean like why because it's your form the technique the vector of force your technique everything is all freakin perfect timing that's why it's when you turn and you make that spin right I don't care who you are if you Francis and gun do you hit that [ __ ] on their face you gonna be dead you know that not that but you gotta be knocked out man no this is crazy you know what I mean when you did that it was a completely insane you know yeah that's that one Keith I'm still working on it by the way but I I can't do like you do with my knee coming out I feel like when I do inspiring the guys they they see it and they they so I have to keep my my knee tuck yeah I think you're just thinking that maybe it's because the karate I learned in a different way so my brain is wired so much in a certain way the the problem with karate is that lower knee then knee down by the the other knee versus up by the hip when you bring it up by the hip there's there's much more leverage it's tremendous amount of force and the alignment of your lower leg the supporting leg and the kicking leg is better to generate force whereas the kicking leg is almost independent of the lower leg if you're going up because they're not moving in the same direction one leg is going up the other leg is going forward so it's like it's all goofy up when you turn the hip is up this is pushing and this is going forward it's just so however the power comes you come from Taekwondo yeah is all the Olympic athlete like champion they don't do it like that yeah no no exactly that you do it in a different ways right but man I never seen anybody hit as hard like I don't care if it's upon check I never see a strike a strike a blow from a human being that hard man I remember that that bag when you were working in it was a freaking hole almost in the bag it was like a curves in the bag like with your your footprint in it I'm like it's completely insane man it's a lot of power I was with Eddie Brava where that every we're freaking out then you going back and forth at I like you yeah well you know we work together because of Danaher yeah cuz john came up to me and just asking me because i was a commentator yeah he said I need someone to help George with the fundamentals of a spinning back kick he needs like like a technique refresher do you know anybody and I said this is gonna sound crazy I just gotta listen to me but I have a really good spinning back-kick so that's how that's how you put it out smarted he put it to me asking no no II knew he said no you know that he told me he's gonna ask you he's gonna ask if you could work with me that's funny because he said it's me no no no I knew somebody no but you want to put it this way this Johnnie's smart guy Johnny's very smart guy at you would have if wouldn't have said he would have kind of right because he I remember he said that to me and I say because he's like my son so he's in my in my mind so I say yeah I'm like that was ruling my language ah I guess Joe Rogan I didn't know what your background you know like I know I know you did some Martian I thought he was gonna think no but I he knew that because a word get around the word gets around that you have a very strong spinning back-kick he saw is somewhere somehow told him or he's seen it or because he told me I remember he told me then I was I yeah I'll do it when I go to run with Freddie Roach and then and then I couldn't believe it I called him that the same night I said what was that like this should be a nilly if he ever fights managed this should be a lego you can kill someone with this man is insane man what's [ __ ] up is it almost feels like a lie because it was so long ago it was a different life I stopped fighting I'm 50 years old I stopped fighting when I was 21 so I haven't fought in forever so it's just keep doing it in training but I haven't done it so long so when I tell someone that I can do it I'm like this is that true magazine is it true the how many people did you did you ever light up someone with that particular yo of me when I was 19 from a taekwondo tournament making a guy fly through the air yeah are you saying yeah oh my god is he okay now he's yet I don't know it is right here are you kidding me man yeah so [ __ ] scratchy VHS video from 1980 so you realize you didn't even cut him like you know we talk about precision like there was like like your technique is freaking pretty so powerful like you got him where on the shoulder on that no no I caught him on the body it wasn't sure that you see it again yeah that it's okay okay it's just his arm but I start to put on that guy always because it's very incredibly powerful a guy would do the same thing it him in the same spot it would probably not get put away like there okay see is he seeing like the impact it goes right into his body and then I extend and then when I extended he was I was like kind of like oh yeah I see no no that was that was perfect and he just sailed through the air it's just it's a crazy it's it's got so much power yeah it's just a crazy technique and I was raised in a Taekwondo school that came from the old school Taekwondo before tournaments see general che che Hong Yi he trained he was the inventor of Taekwondo the founder of Taekwondo and he trained a small handful of elite instructors and one of them was jaehun Kim who was my instructor so my Taekwondo background was the old school Taekwondo before Olympic it was even in a consideration and so everyone trained for power it was a different thing breaking yeah it was just it was you had to be able to defend yourself in this treat my instructors idea was if you couldn't hurt someone with a kick like why even practice it and these Taekwondo guys in tournaments they were tapping each other they were just moving way too fast trying to score points and he hated that [ __ ] he hated that [ __ ] and he felt like you had to load up more there had to be more power into those techniques and it wasn't quite as fast as like the the really quick style Olympic point style Taekwondo yeah but that Olympic point style wouldn't hurt anybody you couldn't keep them off of you but that thing is hard for me like I try to practice your ways but I have a I don't know if it's my hips or no it's just it's just reps it's just repetition I can go over here after we're done well anyway now breaking hardware this gym here I'll just give you a refresher yeah a lot of it comes from the front leg side kick nobody I know you know I go back I went back to karate training because I I've done more Thai but I was coming from karate background and we've done it straight not like you straight then I'd moet I done I haven't done it for a kid like back kick for a long time because I don't really do that much and more thigh now I went back to karate my last fight and when I start to to redo it I've been taught again with the knee knee down yeah but I like yours I like the way you do it man is Indian grace yeah then he has to be higher to get the full power into it I just don't have that same efficiency with it yeah it's great it can be done you can learn that efficient [ __ ] 100% it's freaking that's better yeah but it comes from learning first the right way to do the front leg side kick see the front leg side kick you develop that tomb that that knee comes up and then boom it's all in trusting that hip and popping it forward and then once you develop the speed from doing that then you do it with the turn and then it's turn boom it's the same thing it's that twist of the the hip and the extension of the leg but then it's also the turn first so the turn first boom and then the extension of the leg that's why that power comes from it's all in a straight line okay and then the 360 when the right leg is forward and you step forward and then throw yeah that was that's like train there's the strongest I ever seen Dutch it's crazy it's you're running it some way you're not even in your prime no nothin fifty [ __ ] yeah but when I was 19 I could do it like a laser beam that's the fact yeah you know like in that video I mean I just that's all I did though I mean but from the time I was 15 so the time I was 21 I didn't do [ __ ] I barely did any homework and then pay attention in school at all all I did was fight that's all I did was night that's all I did I just wanted to be in the Olympics I wanted to be a Taekwondo champion Wow yeah that's all I wanted to do but then the problem was I started sparring with kick boxers he's getting [ __ ] up I realized that Taekwondo there's no hands like the hand techniques were useless and when I would be in a boxing ring and I would be sparring with someone they just get me in a corner and start [ __ ] me up and I was like oh I don't know how to do this like I need to learn how to box and so I realized Taekwondo in a lot of situations is not effective it's not useful yeah like I needed to learn how to box first yeah so then I started training that and then I started getting try and train with more Thai guys getting leg kicked I'm like ah [ __ ] now this is because we were doing like above the waist kickboxing yeah and then I saw Rick Rufus when he fought that a Thai fighter you know there's a really important fight when Rick fought this guy and I got just chopped his [ __ ] legs around him like I saw that fight however you put the same fight in in MMA contests like I mean Rick Rufus beat the [ __ ] out of him the first the first first I think yeah you fuse a few minutes yeah he killed a guy but the guy used kind of the the rules to stand back up then yeah you okay you put that in the MMA context that's why it's striking in MMA people say oh let's say Mayweather goes into MMA I'll knock everybody out if they stay standing I don't agree with that at all man okay kill ya even ladies not only the leg do I think even the end that like Randy quits or beat Victor bell for remember with the how do you saw al you say that in English like the the the boxing the dirty boxing glitching is the very difference even the distance the timing would if just a small glove you know you can change everything sure then I spar I borrow a lot with much better decorated pure wrestler than me in MMA may I put them all down oh yeah all of them not because I'm a better wrestler is because my timing I learned from karate how to close the gap and karate but I use that I use a karate for the takedown some use Karate for blitzing and I wonder boy yeah just depend on you use your a tool you know what I mean what do you think about Wonder Boy tell that's this weekend oh I gonna watch this fight I think two things can happen how long are you gonna be in town for I leave on Friday I got to go back on Friday question yeah yeah fights on Sunday it's here yeah no it's in England but it's early ma it's race I'm gonna do a fight companion we're gonna come in here and watch it yeah I got I got I got that boundless man that I wish I know I seriously it's because I really got to bounce but I had this we can have some something important this weekend but man I need to be a much other Saturday but [ __ ] I would well do another type of her life normally I watch fight with people that doesn't know nothing about fight it's [ __ ] fun we drink a couple beers watch the fight my fight companion are different than you know most of my friends are not really fighters or like normal guys geeks or whatever they think they know but they don't know nothing about fighting the way they are freaky that I use and I try to be diplomatic I'm sitting here and everybody's like do this why didn't I and I used to try to correct them I used to but I put so much effort and energy that I just gave up on one point I'm like the fight IRA would live with wonder by people like I was watching the fight say it's so boring I do you just don't understand that with Wonder Boy you go with one away and you you you charge him like this you would you know what I mean I think about is my friend and I want to talk about for there until if you listen to this boy is my is my friend but they just don't freaking get it they don't understand they don't not educated about the culture like a the same thing on the floor or like and they damn if you fight in the street that is you know it's funny they're my boys when I like them but a lot of them like sometimes I listen not all of them but some of them like knowledge they know but they don't know man a lot of them they think they know what they don't know why I still love you guys but oh my god sometimes it's hard you know listen George let's wrap this up man well thank you for coming here I really appreciate it brother it's always great to thank you man thank you is that their real time it's real time holy shoot that you say via we did three hours oh my god are you serious yeah you sure no I can't be the real time or up in here man dude that's insane I need to be today Cantor let me check what are you gonna go I go to the contender of Freddie Roach what time's it say yeah I'm checking better but you needed to train with me and either I think I needed to be there at 4:30 before you leave or think I think it closed at 4:30 if you leave now you can be there by 4:30 yeah but I miss that freaking back kick and instructional and which I wanted I give you a week one real quick [ __ ] let's [ __ ] do it you don't lie enjoy your shirt no bye everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 7,954,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, podcast, JRE MMA Show #28, Joe Rogan, GSP, Georges St-Pierre, UFC, mma, Ultimate Fighting Championship, comedy, comedian, jokes, stand up, funny
Id: deVoaRTfVqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 21sec (10941 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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