Joe Rogan Experience #1407 - Michael Malice

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I want an X1C now!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kingslayer1337 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gotta say that my X220 keyboard is still the best I've typed on but I do really like the newer ThinkPad keyboards as well. I have a X260 from work and it's just such a joy to write and code on. Very satisfying typing experience.

The older Macbooks aren't too bad in terms of key travel, I have an old 2013 MBP and the keyboard on that is fine, but the thing that bothers me about it is the actual metal chassin. It's so rough on the wrists because of the sharp edges, it really digs into my wrists especially if the table is a little higher. No such problems with Thinkpads. Plus the metal chassin on the older models is heavy af.

The newer MBPs are TERRIBLE to type on, absolutely 100% agree. I haven't had the chance to try the new 16" MBP but agree that it's a real shame the typing experience actually is getting worse the thinner they're making these things.

I recently had a chance to try out most of the ThinkPad lineup in a local computer shop. I tried the X1C, X1CE, T490s, X390, E-series, Yoga etc. and out of all of those I think I really enjoyed the T490s the most because of how light it is overall but they still manage to keep the keyboard feeling really nice and have a nice 14" display. Granted I did like the X1C keys a little bit more but I cannot stand the soft rubbery feel of the chassin and how fingerprint and dust magnet it is. Would drive me bonkers. Txxs seems to be the sweet spot for me.

I'm really nervous about the possible 2020 version of the T series, especially the slim model. I honestly don't want it to get any more slimmer if it means they're going to have to start cutting down on the key travel as well. I hope they're taking all the shit that Apple's had to deal with the keyboards on their laptops as a warning and just not go that route. The T490s is thin enough, I don't need them to get any thinner, especially if it means worse battery life and shorter key travel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EGS8p7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rips into the cult of "thinness above all else" in laptops. Also praise from both writers for mechanical keyboards.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lliamander πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Couldn't agree with him more. I was considering the new mbpro since they went back to the old keyboard with the scissor style. The keyboard is still awful. Terrible travel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CyclonusDecept πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I use a HHKB Pro 2 at work and at home for programming work.

If I'm writing blogs or emails I prefer to use the keyboard on the x1c6.

Its magic every time baby.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fat_bjpenn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty much nail on the head. Can't say I've watched much of Joe Rogan aside from his James Hetfield interview about bees and stuff (since I love bees and Metallica lmfao), but now this intrigues me.

ThinkPad keyboards are the ultimate portable/integrated solution, but once I'm at a desktop, I like to refer to one of IBM's older gems.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SharktasticA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's funny how the interview goes from dead series commentary about laptop design to "what if dude fell and died while fapping"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blackomegax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Out of all the laptop keyboards I've used, ThinkPad has been the most pleasant to use when I don't feel like plugging my mechanical keyboards in. I'm even used to the trackpoint now. Joe Rogan is right on the money here. Even on mine, it feels to me like a lower profile Topre style of keyboard despite having chiclet keys. I'm excited to try the keyboards on the other series of ThinkPads assuming they are even better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Uncomfortable is one thing and, yes, butterfly keyboards are uncomfortable. That's not the real problem with macbook keyboard, though.

The real problem is that they're defectively designed, such that any speck of dust will kill them so that they've gotta be replaced. By Apple only since macbooks are all riveted, glued and soldered and what that means is that the entire top case has to be replaced as well ... keyboard, battery and case. All when the thing encounters a speck of dust.

For the first 4 years, Apple will replace it for free. After that? Macbook users will be paying the $500 - $700 themselves. EACH time the thing fails.

That is the real problem with that keyboard. And macbooks. And Apple. As one of their victims, fuck them. Fuck them all and I'll never buy another Apple product ever again. It is a piece of shit product from a piece of shit company.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blue-AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Booya so what were you saying about tranch lo Hawkes tarantula hawk wasps yeah they're big [ __ ] that main resent me so this is one of the there's a guy who made a scale right and he got stung by all the different insects and this is if I think five there's also a five plus they're very hard to get you to sting them there's a guy who online goes through and gets the most done but the reason they're so dangerous or so venomous what they do is they sting the tarantula lay their eggs inside the tarantula and then tarantulas eaten alive by the offspring for hour weeks right and then when this was discovered this kind of stuff in the Middle Ages they were like this is a big theological dilemma because God why would God make this happen yeah why would God do that nature is I mean I could go down this rabbit hole for hours please do yeah I mean seen that gigantic flower that they found it's not Alicia [ __ ] so one of the one of the cousins to that flower is called something in fantasy de so the insane thing about that flower roughly it's the largest flower in the world it only lasts two weeks yeah but the plant Harris all right so the plant that it comes from has no stems roots or leaves so you can't keep it on display because it is entirely inside another species of vine yeah it's completely parasitic right yes it's there that's [ __ ] huge look at that thing yeah and they smell they smell gonna call corpse flowers cuz they smell like a rotting flesh too weird and they don't know why it's so big just to trap rats it's automatic no it does it's it's not carnivorous it's the flower get sneaky yes people look how big they are they're gorgeous they are beautiful oh wow look at that one where the guy's got his hand on it before it yes so that's what it looks like sitting on the ground and then it pops open that's some [ __ ] Avatar [ __ ] right so I have something from the island of Socotra which is an archipelago near the coast of Yemen called Duval Diandra duv al I and D are a and their flowers look and smell like meat whoa because you want to attract flies and the hotter it gets in the house the more the flower smells it's really cool when you get it to someone actually heat activated just like rotten food would be yeah the trick the flies because flies are gonna be attracted there it is they're number seven right there Jim you see them this is the second the third one on the left there that's it you can look at the texture Wow and it even has hairs to replicate a wound oh it looks like a blown out bottle yeah but from an alien oh there is a little little dot in there oh there is a butthole that smells like [ __ ] if you look up Whites ellonija white SLO a an da it smells like an [ __ ] and has hairs that wriggle in the wind oh and it's it to replicate an [ __ ] to a WH ite SL o EI and ei White's ellonija named after white and Sloan this from Somalia oh yeah look at those flowers Oh God how weird just the sheer variety and that smells like a butthole and has hair on it yeah and the hair moves my friend calls it God's mistakes but with the sheer variety of nature so weird isn't it great I mean we're just I mean that's not unusual if an [ __ ] is not unusual and every animal has an ass well why is it unusual to have a plant that looks like an [ __ ] and we have the expression you attract more flies with honey than Vera but it smells like like a pig - [ __ ] a fly - [ __ ] you're gonna have flowers that smell like [ __ ] yes and there's a lot of them there's a whole family of them and they're gorgeous yeah they smell and when they pop open they fart it's like a fart cuz it's contained and then it pops open oh so like the gas has come out of it when it pops over yeah it releases a dose yeah look ups the biggest one stop Aaliyah sta PE Li a are there any plants that have the same effect on people that like you know that one well not it's not a plan actually is a fungus so there's one branch of the cordyceps mushroom that infects ants and gets up makes them insane yeah so that they spray the spores everywhere they die it grows inside of them then literally explodes out into the air so this spores will infect other ants well when ants find out that one of their members has been in fact they'll take that ant way out of the community like wait they'll take him on a walk yeah because they know somehow or another that this thing's gonna blow up on all their family they took they hat down footage of this and literally like the mushroom grows out of the ants head and yeah ops out yeah it's there's a lot of things that they're learning now about nature controlling the minds of other beings which is really a recent con discovery and Locke's news Fox News am i right that's more like faux news am i right yeah that that sort of parasitic relationship we one of my favorite ones ever was the the grasshopper that gets infected by this aquatic worm the aquatic worm gets it to commit suicide so that it can give birth to this worm it literally gets into the wiring of the grasshoppers brain and convinces it to jump into a puddle what about the louse that eats fish's tongues and then becomes a functional tongue and becomes the tongue yeah farc so there's there's a lot of this kind of crazy stuff i my understanding is the majority of species actually parasitic really yeah there's because it's so much easier to be a parasite you latch on you're getting nutrition you don't got to do anything you know the hunt you have to graze and you're just set well that's also just obviously parasitic if you want to think about it most organisms are semi Parekh and that we need other organisms in order to survive you know like if you're a farmer I don't want to say you're a parasite if you're a beef farmer there's a headline the farmers are parasites Joe Rogan 2020 is gonna be living off that organism well yeah and but the other thing is if every species has several parasites think how many we have license oh yeah rights it makes sense that the majority gonna be parasitic even if the micro-level you get down to our gut oh yeah all the different bacteria that's on your skin we're filled with stuff yeah it's it's really fascinating how clever many of these organisms are yeah it's a trip it's a weird thing to be a person my friend I wouldn't no kidding yeah yeah I agree it's it's but it's just all so weird how we're finding out things that are even crazy here and crazier like right now they're doing a lot of deep-sea exploration and the things at the bottom of the ocean are just like what is this you saw that deep stariha thing mm-hmm the jellyfish that looks like a lava lamp yes so it's just like what it is pull up that [ __ ] butt yeah deep stariha yeah there's that's it that's one of the more amazing things about the bottom of the ocean right is a bioluminescence we saw yeah these creatures that I have a light source thank you well there's also dragon fish use a red light source because red doesn't show off show up for others so they can see what they but no one else can it's like my vision oh yeah this is the one crazy you saw this yeah this is just amazing oh it's so cool and this so pretty what's amazing is how they're freaking out the scientists are watching it they're like what is going on oh I love this thing and it's also has a parasite on it or a symbiotic relationship there's a copepod living inside a resident isopod yes yeah [ __ ] look how pretty that is now this thing has never seen light from millions of years it's the bottom of the sea so the fact that it knows how to react to so or is having a reaction is a pretty cool just the fact that that's a real thing that exists if we found that on the planet somewhere would freak out this is the Overlord this is the Overmind of the planet and it's in a gelatinous form and it communicates to you with vibrations this is why my autism wouldn't let me watch Star Trek as a kid because I knew about all this stuff and then I'm watching Star Trek and they're going to another planet it's like a guy with the blue face and I'm just like this is stupid it's just a guy it's just the guy whereas look at Earth look at this right look at an octopus yeah look at that you've seen the video of the octopus taking out the seagull oh yeah what about the blanket octopus it's interesting those they saved an eagle an octopus took out an eagle invent oh yes an eagle and the fisherman pulled it ashore and remove the octopus from the noble Eagle but a seagull they were like if sorry [ __ ] that's rap well they're nasty they're thieves well they are thieves both intono and they smell eagles are thieves too we're talking about a company that has raised organic chickens that lost 2.2 million dollars in chickens to eagles they they kill 160,000 Eagles excuse me the Eagles killed 160,000 oh yeah yeah okay so here it is the octopus come bald eagle what is that I hate America well he doesn't he's in Canada huh bald eagles live in Canada - they're expats they go over there to party and have sex with underage Eagles they were draft actors yeah for sure oh there's no rules up there that wild land to the north but look at that they decided to save the [ __ ] thing and that weird oh my god Wow if you're gonna save it I think you should eat the octopus too because you win yeah Carissa that octopus could have been as large as 4.5 feet good everybody gets to eat yeah that's that's automatic go don't let it go there's plenty of them things Jack that [ __ ] get lunch it's only got a year long lifespan anyway does it oh yeah you know the octopus life cycle that big Yahoo lives a year yeah definitely yeah zero remorse zero [ __ ] I would have been zero in Morrisville if I found it only lived a year yeah like look at him he's gotta be 11 I have and they don't really feel pain they can cannibalize themselves they let their arms go when the female octopus tries to eat them yeah yeah female octopuses this is one of my favorite parts about the the animal kingdom they pretend sometimes that they won't have sex the male octopus then they just Jack I'm gonna eat him what about the cuttlefish where they pretend to be female so they yeah late yeah they're like beta males that are male feminists yeah they pretend to be something that a female they pretend to be phim and then they [ __ ] the females have a it's not a male mannerisms and characteristics just like these beta males and they sneak up next to him as an ally it's like they get their rocks off it's like every Washington Post reporter in the mollusk form you said that well you're the one who said that farmers are parasites but you do have you have an excuse because you claimed autism that's why you should listen to me about climate change okay you're already fun right I was saying that earlier first podcast that a friend of mine who actually used to work with autistic kids thinks that girl is autistic she is autistic she says it it's on her Twitter bio oh well there you go yeah I didn't know that's how little I'm paying attention to the news these days yeah yeah I'm so happy so we should definitely listen to the 16 year old college high school dropout about science so she is autistic it says that on her it says I am autistic yeah Asperger's which is not a diagnosis anymore I am autistic plus how dare you yeah seven-year-old climate change environmental activists with Asperger's Oh was that always there with Asperger's yes really so my most successful tweet ever was I said there's my tweets how many excuse me how many it follows was chef Jimmy only see what four million oh yeah yeah those are icky numbers you gotta go on fed up my biggest ever tweet I said there's no one more privileged than the girl who refuses to go to school until everyone on earth changes the weather for her and then and I'm like okay here's the rule weather is when it contradicts your [ __ ] climate is when it supports your [ __ ] it's all rather its climate okay go back to that first video that's on her page the pinned video see if their key play that only here was just to say okay super important Fridays for future the school strike continues this is in September she was striking for school we urge everyone to do the same wherever you are sit outside your Parliament's or local government building until your nation is on the safe path way okay suppose it she's got beautiful for us does she I like it nice music behind it I'll do that's soothing I feel like we're all gonna work together and stop this thing it's a very brave new world what we better stop this thing because the climate oh let's stop the planet first of all they are the the the Nazis are lighting the rainforest on fire so they can make more cows and you need to go vegan Australia yes Australia do you know um Tim Poole tweeted a statistic about the Australia fires see if you can find it was it was five hundred million animals yeah that's one horrific statistic but his statistic was I believe on the number of people I'm pretty sure Tim Poole I might be wrong now I'm second-guessing myself the number of people that actually intentionally set those fires Wow yeah that there's not just one fire there's many many many many fires and there's not just accidental fires there are fires that were set on purpose and not a small amount of them like a significant percentage of these fires were intentionally what to just clear ground [ __ ] oh okay that's litters pickable yeah literally [ __ ] that probably never knew that it could get this crazy a big problem with that is Australia there's many species that are they live there there are endemic there and Australia won't let them be exported so you don't have breeding colonies of a platypus or echidna everywhere else so when something like this happens it's really disproportionately bad yeah they were saying that koala bears are functionally extinct because then we know but then we google that and they were refuting that right weren't they Jamie well they're having this cancer which is contagious and they're pissing themselves to the bone like it's really really bad yeah and I don't say cancer yeah I don't stand out cancer could be contagious but it's spreading really yeah I read about that on or I listened to that rather on a radio Lab podcast yes the only form of cancer that they had ever recorded that was contagious makes no sense so crazy and all they eat is eucalyptus trees right oh yes one kind of leaf and they also have the smallest brain-to-body proportion of any animal they don't know why they're violent when you [ __ ] them oh yeah violent you try to [ __ ] them I've never tried to [ __ ] a girl but no they are they nasty no they they're well they're wild animals and their brutal during the mating process right like a lot of kids have been like severely traumatized watching koala bears rape other koala bears like oh no pandas apparently too well also cats so kids always raping slices but he slices are up with the barbs instead they make noises that you like what in the [ __ ] is happening outside my bedroom door she's being raped with a knife oh yeah cuts are open yes biting her neck yeah like sharks and they go to war sometimes - they [ __ ] fight and claw each other and [ __ ] well then they also killed the kids so that she'd get her period again hats do that - yeah lions all felines I didn't know kitty cats do that they have that gland on the roof of the mouth - male so they'll make that face and then they're smelling if it's their kids oh that they're doing that with their mouths yes they can smell if it's their own kids yes that is [ __ ] bonkers but that's just amazing that like okay do I have to kill these children so I can rape their mom you know who else does that it all funds dolphins dolphin do what they killed the Contra side yeah really I know that's that's why female dolphins are severely promiscuous because getting killed because they [ __ ] everybody then you're not gonna kill our kids cuz you know whose kids they are right you don't have Maury Povich in the ocean no it's just all guesswork with dolphins this is like damn I have been [ __ ] her a lot I has a cute kid Leslie leave that kid alone cuz when a female dolphin has birth apparently she's not willing to mate until her baby is viable or chance until it's independent and I think that takes like six years so they don't [ __ ] for six years and the doll the male dolphins life [ __ ] that you don't like they and that kill the baby aren't they the only other group that mates for pleasure or has sex or pleasure no for short champs yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know what other animals do it how many I would want to go with that how many different animals mate for pleasure I think it's bonobos and maybe dolphins dolphins definitely seem to do it humans I hear do it I don't I don't understand why they wouldn't want to mate for pleasure because then you're getting laid more I guess you don't want to get laid too much and then you can't carry the kids Yeah right and then there's not enough resources I mean I think that when you think about things like dear it happened me there's a reason why they only [ __ ] once a year and they're so goddamn many of them a magic deer [ __ ] every day be a plague pleasure pleasure pigs okay look at those look at those chimps [ __ ] that's crazy they're doing it missionary style huh and they look at each other in the eye and he's like I'm gonna give you just good that could be rape I think that's the guy on the bottom if I'm not is that right yeah I look at the guy on the bottom it's a [ __ ] I think it's a guy yes it's a guy on top so how many animals is this a few minutes guess them all bonobos dolphins and one or two species of primates oh so it's only primates yeah we guessed them so it's only animal but pigs pigs yeah hmm please our smartest [ __ ] man that's true there they're also responsible for the most farm deaths is that true yep how sell like charging people no they eat people people fall in no pigs eat them oh yeah didn't you ever see snatched what's now I don't even know if that is Brad Pitt you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] man well this started on my Ritchie movie snatch you don't know snatched I can't have a piece of [ __ ] snatch yeah it's not snatch that's my apologies that's a porn parody snatched it's basically the same storyline well I'd be able to follow it if I haven't watched snatch but they got there's a gangster a really great character in the movie snatch there's this British guy with his giant coke bottle glasses who's a [ __ ] murderer and he talks about pigs about how you could get rid of bodies with pigs so they did that in the Hannibal movie yes yes apparently it's it's all because of well there's a reality to it but also because there was a serial killer that lived in British Columbia that guy he's [ __ ] great brick top was his name and I love his glasses oh my god you never can we play a segment of that no we can't we'll get pulled oh um too bad but the guy is Fanta what is the guy's name that actor he's [ __ ] fantastic like he's not an actor like while he's doing it you like that guy's a gangster and he's really killing people he's really feeding him what is he Alan Ford that guy is a [ __ ] beast he sent a lot of things dude he's so good in that movie though he's still so good as that evil gangster I mean you buy it hook line and sink it's a great movie okay I've seen that movie I know do I love Guy Ritchie movies I love those English gangster movies like Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels yeah I love those movies got anyone on the way to see it what Cooke called the gentleman with Matt's nakaya's like a millionaire weed dealer in London or some [ __ ] yes seems like it's just right out like this yes beautiful I'm excited I love his movies okay I'm not a big movie guy what do you do for fun count numbers and check ok we're gonna break this down what means you're talking about being artistic like sit around like number people [ __ ] Rain Man [ __ ] right he doesn't the count oh he does oh that's the opposite he sees the toothpicks and he knows how many there are you gotta count no that's the boy if you get the instantaneous raise nonsense no two cans it's like some superhero parcel bottles did you do do you file superhero movies or TV shows you seem like you would I am an offense and there's a comic book written about me so I am ago you know this I did Harvey Pekar from American Splendor he wrote a graphic novel oh that's right we did talk about yeah yeah so I am a comic actor I like other comic books though yeah I was a huge comic fan for a long time and I was just went to some cool comic stores here in LA there's some great ones like that indie stuff the problem is a lot of its really pretty but the writing is crap oh and then you're really gonna face isn't it's hard to get both it's hard to get both yeah dude is your comic books an indie comic books where there's like one guy writes it and draws it yeah that's the point they all it's always that case right but then you don't want the artist you know drawing it and then it gets like are there anybody who does that well where they draw it and write the stories and do it well yeah Adrian tahminae does it better than anyone is it a girl or guy Dan wannabe or piece of [ __ ] that ship has sailed yeah but Adrian is I mean I know both sides you know guys and girls it's called optic nerve Dan Clowes is amazing I'm blanking out their names but there's a lot of real real talents yes it's a very hipster mmm it's good in the best way good writing good drawing there yeah very emo um I don't see any superheroes bro kind of comic is this does anybody have magic or zero dragon involved or an Elise and alien what this is just an emo everyone's Brian get this off the screen what does he say to stop crying magic word does he change from being a crybaby to real man did you watch the watch man No did you see the Watchmen didn't Alan more like denounce it very vociferously why did he do that I don't know I watched one he's a difficult reinvent I was like damn dr. Manhattan looks like a normal person no he's got to look like a god yes he's got to be jacked yeah there was a dr. Manhattan is supposed to be [ __ ] jacked the guy to rock you the guy who played him in the movie got run over and killed he hates the fitness sector yeah yeah that guy he's dead no yes how old was he when he died thirty thirty two teen year old ran him over just like a train or something I remember what it was yeah see that so he was a fitness guy yeah it was Greg Plitt that was his name let me see a picture of that again and get my pants off that's uh see that's what dr. Manhattan's supposed to look like he's supposed to look ridiculous like a super person cuz he's a god yes he's got on earth yeah yeah and he's glowing and blue but now go to the new dr. Manhattan the new dr. Manhattan was like hey you're the guy who maybe does CrossFit burger see look at his body I mean it's okay he's definitely in good shape I'll give you his playing a boxer you'd be in it hook line and sinker yeah but as dr. Manhattan like I know that's not he's not doesn't look inhuman my friend was like yeah and they also made him a black guy I go duties blue he so what the [ __ ] wrong with you weren't they complaining about what Will Smith being the genie for somebody yes people complain about everything although I do have to tell you I want to see frozen the musical because I have daughters so what you see frozen first of all it was at the Pantages it's a wonderful production it's excellent it's really good I mean I actually enjoyed the the musical it's very good however it's about people that live in the Arctic or they live in the Nordic country right right that's what supposed to be about there are all these blond people white people well the dad's black in the musical and the mom's Chinese yeah okay and then the dad's black and the moms Chinese which is great they're great actors and dollars well then they have kids in the kid one of the kids is Chinese and one of the kids is white and then the kids grow up and they're both white Chinese girl becomes white and there's no explanation given at all the Chinese girls little she's Chinese or I should say Chinese I'm a piece of [ __ ] and there's a terrible thing to say I meant to say a shot Evette [ __ ] no she's a little girl a [ __ ] girl she was he I don't know if she's Chinese she was a young asian girl did she became a white girl did she make peepee in your coke that's how you know she was great at her job I mean she had perfect singing and everything was beautiful they're very talented but they're requiring you to make this leap like now you have to know that this is now a different ethnicity yeah this is a different person well not just a different person but you can't even pretend that's the same person like in most movies where you have someone plays a young version of the guy it looks like the guy it's not like you have a young Chinese guy who becomes Clint Eastwood like hey what are we doing here like what do we make you if you have a young Clint Eastwood he's supposed to look like who could be a young Clint Eastwood they were even I talked about this in my last book than you're right they were even complaining there was a video game that takes place in the Middle Ages very popular maybe you guys know the name is I'm blanking on it and they were complaining that there weren't enough black people there because everyone on Twitter and Facebook still thinks they're in the 60s and this is their personal March on Salman they're fighting against segregation and like this isn't segregation this is history yeah you can't if you want to watch make a movie about Egypt right you should use people that look like you're Egyptian yes if you just decide you're gonna just have only white people from Norway play Egyptians people gonna want to kick your ass and that's kind of the same thing you're [ __ ] with reality I'm not saying with frozen but with a movie like or any historical depiction anything where you're like depicting an actual time you know if you want to have like like the Wild West gonna do a movie about the Wild West you have to have European settlers you have to have some African slaves sure and you have to have a lot of a lot of Native Americans you can't just decide we're gonna do a film about the Wild West but everyone's black black Cowboys are black all black crew all black riders black power we're gonna make it happen but you can't if you did that movie people like wait are their slaves yes okay so the black people have slaves yes my favorite comic book series of all time was Legion of super-heroes right and I just place in the 30th century and I was just thirty century thousand years from now I was just in the comic book store they just keep rebooting it number two just came out and I was looking at the cover you have chameleon boy who's orange with antenna Brainiac 5 who's Green and a living computer shadow lass is blue but they had to make Lightning Lad black for some reason now it's just like these are 40 diverse aliens some of them don't even have a body but they have to change the race just to it's just really kind of a I guess the thing you do and stay woke but in retrospect it's gonna be embarrassing cuz you not know about staying well I I'm very familiar do you stay woke at all i I never sleep do you ever think about like trying to be like a little more woke and people like you better never think of that no I don't think they would like me better I think you might if you might maybe give it a little bit how can you like me better it's already at 11:00 I'm the pride of America this battles not going up it's such a strange time man but it's always a strange time I think now what makes it good is that this can be called out and discussed and be like look this isn't about race or races and why is it important to you yeah that's this Chinese girl and frozen grows up to become white like just explain this to me I should say they did a great job like everybody was awesome wasn't does not in any way [ __ ] I enjoyed it it didn't take away from my enjoyment it was a very good music it did take away because they're just like enjoy it more enjoy it more because I saw the provoke 'no stop provoking I saw they did some work [ __ ] I was like I see what you're doing not to say that the Asian lady wasn't fantastic as the mom she was the the black eyes the dad he was amazing but you want me to believe that a black eye I made it with an Asian lady they made two blonde kids and one of them started out Asian and then became European later we don't know that we don't know that he was their dad yes we do it's part of the script but they say go describe their parents they have children yeah my children grow you don't know she's holding around no she's not holding around because if she is she's hoeing around with a goddamn chameleon because the child morphs as it gets older about a different race it changed races of the same person the same character yeah but the point is it's still not gonna happen that a black guy and a Chinese person are gonna have a white kid so maybe the Chinese lady had sex the white guy could be could be could be he's a kook yeah it could be frozen refers to the sperm that was unfrozen good point it's just amazing a Disney is people think Corporate America is very conservative but the first ones to be pushing this stuff I remember I was in Times Square in New York Pride Month rainbow flags everywhere and I said only corporate America can make sodomy and perversion look boring oh you son of a-- am i wrong though your son of a [ __ ] yeah you know in a way yeah how am I wrong no you're right okay no I'm saying no it's a am i wrong young definitely wrong no it's uh yeah it's look do you remember when they had that 11 year old drag queen oh the Desmond is amazing yeah yeah yeah and they were making this big deal about it yeah and he's going to drag clubs and dancing around they put it in the news like it was some this what uh what a great thing what a great thing he's living his truth he's so brave he imagine if there was a 12 year old that was just sworn to be a ho like I am oh I'm just gonna wear fishnets right and high heels and I'm gonna stick my ass out and I'm a dancer powder round with a lot of makeup on how different is that well he's also on the spectrum I think I'm 99% sure so the and this photos him videos with naked drag queens violet chachki and it's just like look this is something for well if there's like a little boy who's being a Chippendales you know what I mean it's like how is this appropriate for kids and and it's on Good Morning America it's different they're a bunch of lady screaming and trying to get that dick well I mean that would be the equivalent right because he's performing a gay clubs and they're cheering a mom that's a place where guide go to hook up with guys well here's the question - do you think guys have hooked up with him no oh god no oh let's talk you want to talk about this because this is a rabbit hole that I've been on recently oh boy you know kids getting [ __ ] Robert yeah because I had a friend in October who sat me down and he's like look I was raped as a kid for a long time and he only realized because of this show because he was watching when Jake the snake was on the show oh my my friend Matt and everything Jake was saying he's like holy [ __ ] this is me and this really [ __ ] him up for a while and as he's talking to me and he goes I can't even be mad because it was another older kid and I know he was getting it worse than me oh and the thing that's really [ __ ] up is he didn't know how I was gonna react right so used to be mommy's sleepy no mommy was a drunk right and until Betty Ford the first lady came out as an alcoholic now people like you be someone says oh my mom is an alcoholic you're like oh that sucks but you don't think anything of him right if someone's if daddy had a temper no daddy was abusive but we know what to do with that information and when I started talking about this on Twitter and elsewhere that this is really common and because all of us do not think of kids in this way we don't want to think about it's so sick they're the ones who have to deal with this nightmare and it's really really everyone I've talked to know someone hmm and I just told another friend when he's like oh yeah my sister I just found out was being molested by her grant our grandfather their whole life and then it's like she's the one who's acting out and we're yelling at her for acting out so Joe I need one of the things I wanted to talk about is this is something that has to change these people can't be the ones who have to worry that if they tell me or your friend that we're gonna look at them like oh you're free got enough to do with this you know because they're the ones who are suffering for a very long time and I think that keeps people from speaking out because that fear of being labeled I did they'd almost rather keep it to themselves and not of other people know that they've been molested you they don't want to for you to be uncomfortable around them right and there was a girl in my high school she told another girl that her brother had been raping her for years and she went to mom and mom says you know you're talking about that can't happen but this happens all the time and we don't have the space to discuss it so I've just been kind of talking about this a lot more and encouraging people to talk about this a lot more because it's they're really really a lot of people who are suffering because of this and what do you do here's the big question something like that what do you do to help the person who's been molested and what you do what do you do to the person who molest someone well the person who did it I I can't even begin I don't know but I think what happens is just like with gay rights right the more people who come out and talk about it the more easy it is for someone to call someone else and be like this happened to me you know what I'm going through let's have this Congress have you seen this very strange trend that's rare but common enough and actually predicted where people are talking about people that are pedophiles that it's some sort of a sexual inclination that we should have yeah sympathy for them because it's not-it's nothing they asked for and it's no different than being born gay or being you it is just a thing where you're born in a way that is there any science to back that up at all I perfectly happy to believe that people can be born with this inclination I don't care if I boards an inclination that I want to murder people well I better figure out how to deal with this yeah you not I mean right and I think that's a complete in many ways red herring if it's something that they can't change that doesn't that makes it worse that means you can't have no reason to even just dangerous yeah right your cannibal that can only mean right vampire living amongst us right because instead of stealing Souls you're stealing someone's future and and the thing about these types is they're very common they're like any predator you're gonna be drawn to where the resources are so they're going to be disproportionate in those fields where you are interacting with your targets right so that's what makes it so sick it's not like you have these ideas okay fine you can have whatever ideas you want you were laying does that ground work you know to prey on these kids and you know what you're doing it's it's and again I I don't know what to do with this information but I do know that this is really really bad and you know people talk about this is the truest form of being a victim there is and the sickest part about it to me is how many of these kids go on to molest other kids yeah it's it's like like a disease like they've got a disease I well I told Matt that he should there's two ways right they go on I told Matt you should consider reaching out to this guy and telling him you forgive him because he's like because it's possible that you're like 10 or 11 you're doing this you grow up and you realize what you've done and what this means and I don't know how you could live with yourself it's well we have to hope and assume that it ended with that that he didn't continue doing it as they get older and write with the same child yeah it's it's and what's even worse what happens when it's within the family right this happens I talked to someone who's a former sheriff in the when I was in the Midwest and you know this was his job to helping these kids he goes it is so much more prevalent than you think and what happens is families you know how back in the day you'd want to talk with divorce because it's shameful I didn't understand what they were ashamed of whatever and now it's like oh that's just crazy uncle Nick keeping away from the kids it's like that's not a thing that is the uncle Nick yeah there's too many of us already yeah the thing is like even saying that there's too many of us we should kill pedophiles like that's it's if you put that up like in a real intimate situation you're talking just a bunch of people that really cared about each other and were good friends like I think we should kill pedophiles they'd be like [ __ ] yeah but most people would say yes but in public in public discourse like saying she killed pedophiles like okay but here's a problem sometimes people get accused to be in pedophiles and they're not like you remember that school that uh there was a daycare school and these kids were actually being coached into saying the little kids it was a famous case and that eventually the case all fell apart but not before these people's reputations were ruined everything was ruined their business was shattered all because these kids had made stuff up and then other people had liked coached him into making more stuff up and then everything got crazier and crazy what was the name of that it was it was a very famous case I mean they made a documentary about it because it shows almost like there's a mass hysteria that can go on especially when you're talking about something that's particularly heinous right like the abduction and or the rape of children rather because we're all so scared of that being real that we'll pay attention as much as possible so they have these news stories they have all these different things that are attached to this and then people keep probing and they keep you asking questions and then it accelerates and grows because it's a focal point of attention but people start lying but we're also so scared so we don't want to think it could be true and we don't want to thank either ones right true right someone could molest kids or the kids would be coached in the lawyer but I most of them are horrible I'm much more concerned with people who are dealing with this and how they can get yes of course no of I think that I'm saying that's why you can't kill them okay I'm not advocating killing anybody I'm just advocating for people and I don't I'm not a victim of this I just have a friend and again everyone I've talked to knows someone one degree of separation oh yeah and I'm just saying for the people who had gone through this just like Matt listening to the show hi this is what I told him when I thought my experience when people come to you in a vulnerable way don't tell them what you do you think they want to hear be as vulnerable in return so I said to him I don't Matt I don't care I don't think of you any differently I don't think you're damaged I don't think you're a freak I think it's awful I can't relate to this at all I know you're glad I can't relate to this at all and I think it's great that you want me to kind of talk about this to stop someone from blowing their brains out yeah this is again it's again do you are you like it's hard for me and have a much smaller audience than you to be aware of the reach of the show because I'll get letters from people being like oh I'm going through chemo and I read your Twitter to make my day and I'm like I can't take pride in that because I'm in my underwear being an [ __ ] on Twitter and that's independent of you kind of you know getting your laughs oh thank you but it doesn't resonate so for your level I mean this kind of saved my buddy's life because of jake the snake' on this show that's beautiful I'm very happy that that happened and that's a wonderful side effect but if I thought about that only it would never be the same thing okay the reason why I think the show works is Comfort like a comfort level and talking to people and and having fun and enjoying it and I think the moment you start thinking about your reach okay and the amount of impact that it has how many people are actually listening at the same time you'll start freaking out and you'll never be as comfortable you won't be comfortable like what people like listening to is people that like like you and I are friends we tell us a few times I enjoy your company thank you no I do just jokes pal they're jokes but you know that I think you're very funny and very smart and I enjoy your company so when we're together I'm like this is great I'm gonna sit down with Michael we're gonna talk we're gonna have a good time it's gonna be fun I'm enjoying this like that is what one of the things that people like they like the fact that friends joke around and they're comfortable with each other and we could just change subjects and talk about anything and I think the moment you read you almost like you have to hypnotize yourself to not look at the big picture you have to sort of like just stay in the pocket stay in the pocket just be yourself just all this craziness is around you like oh gotta get away from that go over this way yeah yeah but don't don't live in it yeah every single time I leave this room I'm like oh [ __ ] what did I say because because you can't be on for this long I know but me to do ten thousands of yeah I mean think about all the stupid [ __ ] I've said there's no way around it so no it's busting 70 percent of the time of my [ __ ] the podcast right before this one so you know that doesn't I've said some terrible stupid things hi and not even exactly sure what I'm saying while I'm saying it I'm like no no that's um what I meant [ __ ] it's a fun way to do it though it's like oh you know it's like skiing downhill and you're not sure if you could stop have you tried the new ones like moxie and t x6 or something what new weed no there's new types of like psychedelics oh you're over that [ __ ] I don't need that the stuff that's real is good enough these people want to try something other than mushrooms like what are you looking for I asked it's not strong enough for you I don't think it there's one that you could turn off oh you turn it off yeah like with a switch no like you know I kept you're drunk you can kind of make yourself sober so you need to so this is a psychedelic that you can switch off oh what's it called amok so doc see it's 5ma oh yeah am i and then to see bees the other one I've heard of to see beef yacon you saw I was that from the contest and the log of the more popular drug five Meo dipt foxy mocks foxy missus great it's got an old-time you name I've never interesting foxy methoxy is a great name hmm so it's like I guess hipster mushrooms you probably haven't heard of it well they're always coming up with new things to avoid certain drug tests where they just alter a chemical rice slightly it doesn't that's where five Meo DMT was not qualified as one of the Bands psychedelics in the 1970s sweeping psychedelic act and and dimethyltryptamine was was labeled five Meo is DMT with an oxygen molecule attached to it which eliminates some I don't know exactly how it works but the visuals are very different it looks very different feels very different it's way more potent and it was legal forever like you could order it in the year 2000 s we would get it from a [ __ ] chemical company where you ordered over the Internet and they would send you like a aspirin bottle of the [ __ ] and you could literally put the entire city on the moon with that astronaut little aspirin oh my god that's amazing it was so potent and it's this white pure powder that is like straight from this lab pharmaceutical grade pharmaceutical grade not for human consumption five methoxy dimethyltryptamine and we we took it it just puts you in the center of the [ __ ] universe you feel like you're a part of every cell and every atom and every neutron every everything you're part of everything you're in the soup of it all there's no detachment between you and things yeah yeah everything just wall you disappear for like 15 minutes you're sure you're dead you're absolutely 100% sure you're dead and it probably is what happens when you die and then you come out of it you're like what in the [ __ ] like I just got that from a company that is order that with a Visa Card like it's crazy this is pre PayPal this was uh you you'd be able to just buy this stuff like there was a host of these different things like do you remember salvia oh yeah we just talked about today's that's the legal or not I don't know it's a good question because it's kind of falling out of favor it's not something that people talk about a lot but when people found out that you could just get salvia from a headshot yeah head shops are supposed to be you can buy bongs you could buy velvet posters but there's nothing that he can get you [ __ ] up but then they started selling salvia because it was somehow under the legal and it is one of the most mind-blowing psychedelics known to man for ten minutes yeah it's [ __ ] unbelievably powerful Ari Shaffir did some on a podcast and he lived an alternative life for three months he had a family he had jobs he had friends and then all of a sudden he came back to reality and it was like what in an alternate reality Ari Shaffir his friends yes his friends in real life I was different friends that I didn't even know he just went into this place and lived another life I think he was under the ocean - yeah there he is right there oh he's gone and he was getting red of course filmed it and so he was very violent when he woke up to Oh like violet violet you know rumor is everybody was [ __ ] because this is disorienting yeah he's convinced you're physically paralyzed yeah so he was he's like get off me get off me Sam trip please because sunglasses on it was chaos anyway he he came out of it and he said that while he was out for ten minutes he lived like three months in a different world Jesus Christ and then you have to wonder if that's the real one and this is the fake one Wow am I wrong no you're not wrong that's what apparently when you would have the Catholic priests going down the aisle waving that would either be sage which is I think pleading derivative of salvia divinorum I think not a derivative a cousin maybe a close relative I think sage and salvia divinorum are extremely close okay in terms of like the genes-- genus genus what's the genus for sage I think it's real close I think it's it's one of those things where they think that maybe people were burning that but they were probably also most definitely burning cannabis and so they were wafting through the aisles with cannabis smoke getting everybody secondhand high huh yeah and that's one have that experience yeah to take them into this [ __ ] Catholic journey you know the guys were in a robe just but [ __ ] disco these stained glass windows everywhere like holy [ __ ] and look at the the epic structure yeah you're looking at these gigantic beautiful artworks that they're calling buildings sage or salvia okay all stages of salvia Wow over time though the term sage has been closely aligned with cooking or medicinal use and the term salvia has been given to more ornamental members of the genes-- genus nevertheless salvia is the latin name or genus given to all these plants yeah so sage is salvia so salvia divinorum this incredibly potent psychedelic is common sage Wow or close and evasive species yeah yeah in the neighborhood of it and it's like a mix of acid and no we look at those guys tripping balls son those guys are walking around with salvia blowing salvia smoke that that's not a coincidence man they could have picked [ __ ] cedar bark they chose the month some super potent psychedelic and wafted through the air as they're walking back and forth there's also that theory that this Salem witch trials are because they're all eating her God yes from in their head and early Frost yeah early yeah early Frost yeah they think that that apparently is a really good one like they really think that that really could have been at well they also there's a book called the Oracle about the Oracle at Delphi right and she had these visions and she would prophesy the future and they went there and they found that they found her stool she was sitting over who or her stool as she said it's got three legs to it yeah yeah yeah I thought like an animal got a cup what's it called sample cough bro what's the thing for dinosaur poo fossilized copper or something oh they can get those um dinosaur poo yeah fossilized yeah yeah it's she so they found she was sitting over a crack well with natural gas coming out so she's getting high off of whatever that is oh no [ __ ] so there was no gas leaking out through the ground where she was partying yeah so of course she's gonna be speaking gibberish and having all these visions cuz she's gettin it's like pop it's like not like like I'm like when you what's with the Whitney we inhale the yeah yeah and laughing gas when you go to the haha yeah Oh nitrous it totally makes sense yeah I think that's probably a lot of these cases of course wacky things that people did I mean it only makes sense I mean they never did figure out what soma is in the ancient Hindu is that right yeah yeah they they think it might have been some kind of psycho dog but they don't know what like there's all this different speculation like some people think it was a combinatorial a siphon mixed with something else and lotus flower there's all these like different different theories but nobody really knows but soma was obviously something that they were taking as a sacrament that would have these profound effects that's most likely the root of all of these crazy religious experiences these people were tripping their [ __ ] balls off and they weren't lying that God did come to them oh yeah yeah God did come to him out of the burning bush and spoke to them that's the other thing that the burning bush they think that these scholars in Jerusalem think that the burning bush is probably the acacia bush which is rich in DMT oh so that's probably why this is the the metaphor right though the burning bush and God spoke to them in the burning bush that's probably what it really means they were tripping but they were smoking it tripping balls and they met God and he came back with it this is the only way we're gonna get along gotta stop raping each other and the other thing is a lot of these old mystery religions right you have to be initiating to them yeah and if you're gonna join this cult or whatever for lack of a better term and they give you here take this you are going to experience something not only that no one ever that you've ever heard of right but like you don't even know how to handle it yeah it's it's will change your life permanent but there's no vocabulary for it there it's not like now we're you know what acid is you're like holy [ __ ] this is religious right you would think it's God yeah met God yeah unless it's bad when you meet the devil you know about that guy John Marco Allegro you know we know he's ago deciphered the Dead Sea Scrolls oh okay he worked on the panel for 14 years and he wrote Oh sewer seriously controversial book he was an ordained minister but he was the only one on the Dead Sea scroll translation group that they put together that was agnostic cuz he started studying well he was he was a ordained minister but then he started studying theology and it was all crazy like what is this so he became agnostic and he wanted to look at the etymology of the words and so he it was his conclusion after 14 years that the entire Christian religion was a gigantic misunderstanding and what it really was about was psychedelic mushroom experiences and fertility rituals okay and he broke down the word Jesus to an ancient word that an ancient Sumerian word that means a mushroom covered in God's semen and the idea was that the the rain which would make everything grow with God's come and that it wasn't a bad thing like they didn't think of come as bad they wanted to live everybody wanted wanted to have children they wanted a prosperous yeah and that when the rain would come mushrooms would appear almost instantaneously like have you ever seen yeah and when they would eat those they would trip their [ __ ] balls off so they had decided that this was Jesus and that this this this was what his godson yeah God created this from his own seed well this is what mark Legros his research was point two he was trying to say that what was really going on was these people were trying to hide a lot of what the psychedelic rituals are from the Romans and from the people that capture them so they hid them in stories and parables and there was all sorts of problems in the translations there's just like you know you're taking things from ancient Hebrew and you're breaking it down to Latin and you break it a down day German and English and I can't I can't believe he got a positive reception for this if you're not didn't necessarily he the book got bought out okay by the Catholic Church and then recently reinstated and then not out it they bought it they like the I think they took it off the market I think you used to be able to only get a copy of it used to only be able to get a like a used copy okay and then Yan Irvin put it out here II published it like a few I don't know honestly maybe eight ten years ago so now you get a hold but he also published another book after they took that one look back what I think I don't know that the total history of it but he published a second book and the second book was the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian myth and the first one was a sacred mushroom in the cross Wow but it only makes sense if you think about people who lived back then and we know that psychedelic mushrooms aren't recent existed forever right so these people found them and they most certainly did yes there's a lot of depictions of them and there's also a lot of iconography a lot of like you see shapes that resemble mushrooms like all over the place and some of the ancient artwork and even people that are dancing naked under the influence of a mushroom so there's a translucent mushroom shape that surrounds them and these ancient paintings and these religious paintings these people are dancing so most likely they were trippin balls well if you didn't know any better of course you would think that's God talking to you if you didn't know what psilocybin is you didn't know what dimethyltryptamine is you know what any of these things are well you're also gonna hear voice literal voices yes literally so it's not even that you're like it's not a metaphor you're gonna hear a voice talking to you right so people that think that like these people who created religion were all liars they're probably more likely tripperz because if you look at all these religious stories they're all crazy weird and fantastical and wonderful but most of them are like guides to live life in a more virtuous or pious or moral way right that's what most sure what the tenets of a lot of religions well that's what you get when you trip you when you you trip you you get you got to be a better person yeah that's what you get you get this like profound human shouldn't see humiliation but humbling in the face of this Titanic expression in an experience that you can't even describe with words and then after it's over you want to be a better person and there's also a sense of comfort yeah it's gonna be okay which is what religion traditionally gives a lot of people like a sense of reassurance that someone's looking out you're not gonna accidentally you know don't even that it's so you get a feeling that even if it's not okay it's okay right like when you die it's okay yeah when you trip balls like one of the things that Larry Hagman say remember Larry Hagman from Dallas that is I will say Dallas is probably the greatest show of all time great fall control that is and people confused with dynasty which was trashy garbage Dallas was one of the region's because I think it's literally the best show of all time like what's his name jr. what was Jerry doing that's right well he trip balls and talked about it on CNN and said that it was one of the best experiences of his life because he no longer was afraid of death that before that he was afraid of death and the one thing that tripping and tripping hard apparently really did for him that he no longer held that fear and he had stared death in the face because of Zach holism you know you have a liver transplant or ever was so it was no joke he was a huge alcoholic he had a dope house that was for sale in Topanga and unfortunately I wasn't in the market for a house but I would love to buy that guy's house that show had I think the funniest line of all time which is Victoria Principal who was like the good was Pam comments his office she's the good guy right and she's yelling at jr. and he would look at her with a straight face like he would never wink and he I'm gonna get it backwards or he goes Pam I've always thought you were stupid I never made any you know mistake about that but I never thought you were crazy too it was just like holy SH a little beast who's a good bad guy yes one of the first bad guys on TV like Tony Soprano type dudes oh yeah like rooted for right because the show the villain was cliff Barnes so it was about a evil person versus a bad in the sense of low-quality person his enemy wasn't a good person he was just this loser who was jealous of jr. so it was very smart to have bad versus evil as opposed to good versus bad yeah it was so good good [ __ ] show yeah back in the day when there's only like five shows on TV yeah five chant four channels if that during jr. wasn't that three it was three Fox came later yes no no it I mean it lasted from what 78 to 1990 I think so Fox was around by then but yeah yeah Fox was around when I was in high school that's what's crazy about the Simpsons Simpsons was on from day one it was so good there so you think it's watchable yes it's like fan fiction you still watch it love it do you still watch it if it comes on I see it I want you to rerun er the new one whatever is on I'm not picky okay I'm very picky the old ones were amazing the old ones remember my favorite one ever it was in Homer ate the hot peppers that went into that [ __ ] dream boy there's a shock twist that's your favorite episode I saw that but yeah it was so off the charts weird have you ever done the ride at Universal no it's that it's all main way damn the Homer peppered right they have a full on virtual reality ride at Universal Studios based on The Simpsons and is one of my favorite rides of all time okay it's [ __ ] amazing yeah I'll give you some spoiler alerts okay the little kid becomes giant a lot of crazy [ __ ] happens explosions you're on a roller coaster it's nuts it's so fun good okay it's so good so good okay it's psychedelic it's chaos it's it's The Simpsons that's they've never seen it no I'm gonna pull up a video of what it looks like to ride I think it used to be the Back to the Future I didn't it oh is that it hmm I think so what they least ran it the same way I don't think it's big Marty it's a part of the thing like maybe they have both there and they go back I don't know I'm just talking to ass right now I don't really have no idea if it's true I remember the Back to the Future right to not you thinking about it apparently they just redid the jurassic park ride to that's supposed to be cool but the Simpsons Ride is amazing so good it's so good because it's all virtual you're not going anywhere you're sitting still but you swear to god you're gonna your honor though you're flying it's it like one of those where the seat moves to and such [ __ ] like that [ __ ] and you're you're in front of this massive high-definition screen yeah yeah and incredible graphics do you mean the glasses on - I don't think you do oh okay I don't remember though I don't remember I did something like that was really cool this the best one the best one is the Avatar one at Disneyworld okay it's flights of passion that's [ __ ] incredible that's so total next level I saw some Disney dorks on YouTube reviewing like the new Star Wars ride that just opened up they said it's very close to if not maybe better than that Wow I don't know like what the ride was or what they did but blasphemy I'm sure it's good it's supposed to be 20 minutes long - oh it's a new Star Wars this is this is the Simpsons ride like a bunch of stuff happens to you yeah you played here so all this crazy [ __ ] is happening right in front of you and you're it's just fun it's just a it's a really good one Oh dope it's really fun dude oh and it's coming right at you yeah yeah and they're there at this time for the chair shaking yeah yeah yeah yeah it's crazy it was so much fun what was the other one we were just looking at oh the Disneyworld avatar ride the Disneyworld avatar ride you clot you climb onto this thing that looks like a motorcycle okay and then they put goggles on you but this hug helmet and strap you in place literally lock your legs in place and all sudden you're on a dragon and you're on a dragon in Avatar and it's oh this is a full HD virtual reality you get smells and wind and everything oh it's so good dude it's so good it's so good when it's over you like five I want to live there people just want to get right back in line do it again yeah oh that I haven't gotten a good ride in a long time it made me really think and I the first time I did it was I think two years ago but it made me really think like this is gonna get real weird because if they can do this now oh yeah ten years from now what the [ __ ] is it going to be like I was at the gas Digital Studios and Ralph's had these 3d glasses and it's basically you have to like take an elevator and then you're walking in the street and like there's a part where there's like a wooden plank and they put a wooden plank in real life on the side not in the carpet and I was scared we have that right here yeah it's terrifying yeah it's crazy I did it the other day and then the the plank disappeared yeah yeah yeah then you like see them yeah yeah yeah you start falling to the ground it's it's [ __ ] up you know how they tell you when you're a kid if you die in your dreams you die in real life which doesn't make any sense how would you know but that's what this feels like it does feel like that yeah whoo the [ __ ] knows that you darn your dreams yeah I force myself to die my dream [ __ ] I'll show you I'll die imagine if they made an Alex Honnold one an Alex Honnold he's that climber from free solo the guy who free solo climbs like oh Jesus yeah that's no joke faces oh my god we were just talking about him the I even discussing him lightly makes my hands wet how did I don't know I just I don't understand how he conquers that it's he's suicidal no not at all no he's gone wrong he's just really good he knows he can do it i but yeah this there's chaos theory comes in at a certain point right like if you're if I'm fighting somebody a billion times at one time I'm gonna land that punch to take him out yes but in his look at that yeah different guy but it's the same spot okay that's the same spot he just did it that's a just fits this cuz they're going vertically up side they're going horizontally upside down right so crazy the fact that someone even can do that blows my [ __ ] mind but the fact that someone can do that 2,000 feet above the ground is just insane that is insane so there's a route that you have to go through and as you're going through that route you got to continually chalk your hands and shove them into this crack and slowly make your way up and he first ascended it I know I'm so sweaty he first ascended it with ropes he marks okay and he makes his detailed analysis and then he ascends that I'm sure it sends it with ropes without actually using the ropes and knows that you know so that they're okay so there's a lot of work that goes into this look it doesn't lock look at that fall and he's got big-ass gorilla hands he's like a thin wiry guy with these meats like a sausage hands that's a trick rocks a bright good smell in the hands of gigantic yeah well they're very muscular I mean he's [ __ ] just climbing and pulling himself and he could I'm sure he could do like fingertip push-ups yeah yeah hold up pull-ups brother and his back must be insane insane yeah and he's light you know you have to stay light well that's the thing with the proportion right because if you put on too much muscle mass that's gonna be it's it's this weird delicate dance that they got to do they had the best climbers I was something I've been following recently because I got into these Alex Honnold videos and then I didn't know bouldering I was like what they call it they call it Boulder okay but these the best guys that do this are these really almost anorexic looking guys that are just super shredded like they have there's no weight right like no extra weight anywhere and there's this gym I forget where the gym was some climbing gym where they doing all these different exercises and chin-ups and and and planks and stuff while hanging off of two fingers so they're doing it thank two finger chin-ups and they're doing two finger champs where they literally literally like hold and extend their legs in front of them like and then pull themselves up and like and and basically do like a muscle up yeah two fingers like hanging on a rock face like there's also some little asian girl who does all this stuff she's like twelve and she's like a spider monkey no what no she's too young get it down well I don't know how old she is twelve fourteen but it's it I mean you see you're climbing like this and it's just it just I'm just amazing I'm just glad I could do pull-ups now before [ __ ] those [ __ ] people like that that jolt of satisfaction when you get to the top of a mountain like that oh my god what are you doing sir that's gonna break off that thing's barely hanging on and this guy's like oh I'm just gonna climb it bro [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] everything about that this is just for Instagram to get that good and people are falling man you know like a bunch of people fell in Yellowstone did they know Grand Canyon bunch of people fell in the Grand Canyon like an unusually high number lately is preposterous the fact that this person can even do this that woman but I think it's come on it must be easier wouldn't she's alright what you can do with you use your legs that way above the ground very high okay look I don't give a [ __ ] pretend it is pretend it is I mean she if they can do that I mean how often do they fall [ __ ] that thing [ __ ] getting under that thing either by the way I'm not even gonna camp under that thing it's not long for this world look how much it sticks out that's crazy get out of there man yeah we've all seen enough Wiley coyote cartoons to say he's gonna look down and it's gonna be the end of it what does that call for people Jamie's called the Rhino or something Rocklin South Africa rock climbing it says yeah the Rhino right yeah [ __ ] that dude I saw there's a nature's metal post that I saw where there was a hyena pack broke into a safari there like a safari camp and killed a kudu in the middle of the lobby so like these people are like really getting the safari experience like in the lobby of the place where they're staying to go on safari a pack of hyenas slaughters a [ __ ] kudu hyenas are the most fun look at that look at that oh my god oh my god imagine we're gonna go see some elephants and it'll be amazing and a pack of hyenas just turn that [ __ ] place into a slaughterhouse what do you call a group of hyenas do we know is it a pack it's a term it's gotta be like a Lancer of hyena so there's a weird term yeah yeah and the females are transgender yes well they're not trans - and no larger is a lot in your gorged litters large their battery Arkell - so they're bigger than the male yeah I have a whole bit about that like female bodybuilders did you know that 60% of all hanging a baby suffocate to death no how well birth why 60% cuz they come out of the dick what the females have a dick right the babies have to come out of the dick know if splits open yep really 60% suffocate to death go like hackle cackle okay technical turn is a cackle they're usually referred to as pax go back to that picture they also get tamed pretty easily I went to a zoo where they had a pair of them they were very sweet cuz if you feed them yeah but they're smart you know I mean yes but they'll try to [ __ ] up lion's mane no they steal from the Lions [ __ ] [ __ ] they're like gangsters because there's a whole gang of them and the lines like alright they're like no no we were doing this nothing taking that bite the Lions - you try to eat them they're their gangster when they're all together but look at that picture man that is so insane that's gonna be one funny yelp review imagine coming downstairs for some coffee you know newspaper early today we're gonna go see some giraffes oh Jesus I would watch Jesus I'd want dibs on those horns wow they are playing those horns man really yeah they're shooting those things left and right oh yeah that thing what is that back that up Jamie it said there's more info on their story oh the Unicorn look at that thing it's got three horns what is that is it three dudes yeah yeah oh my god what the [ __ ] what is that okay the first one middle horns gotta be four it's got a deformity if you told me that that was an animal I'd be like [ __ ] off that's not a real animal go back to that thing what is that take Jamie it's the you um what is it called it's a Kuip of cow isn't it three-horn well not the three-horn i think the whole third horns are deformity no animals three horns okay so that's just a rare one must look at the water buffalo horns but it looks so perfect no the water buffalos are curved their weight above your head oh those yeah yeah yeah that's that thing well no no it's not this is like a Texas thing that's a Texas thing no ready the cow broke it does a very car you know what stop that might be [ __ ] go back to that I stuck it on there ya go they don't wanna camp keys you know put your cursor on that and pause it no no not like a phone dude that looks fake look what's going to middle face does it that is a cow I told you yeah are you sure it's a cow I'm not sure no look at the back that's not a cow yeah there's they have those homes that do they call that a dewlap but really like that yeah what's the cause EBU is it a zebu really got a lot of deformities it could be a zebu it's maybe I saw one of those in real life with the two horns and it's just like the net talk about the neck strength it's just so yeah I typed it in another picture that exact picture came out of what three horn cow so my just physical component and Kohli Watusi okay modern American breed of a domestic okay whoa yeah it's not not an American they call it a wah to see how rude that picture down there there's another one with three horns right below you well or not look at that one so really it's not that's not realizing I had put on it yeah a second cap or dunce cat's a cap - oh this is the one from Uganda I don't know if it's so problem sometimes when animals get an injury yeah - their bone plate they'll they'll branch off like elk you'll have like they'll fight with each other is how real but that well that's a uncommon deformity people have horns like sometimes elk fight with each other and they stab each other in the head and yeah stab each other in the head it breaks the pedicle and then it splits off into two different directions so you'll have instead of like that well you have two main beams that come out of the animal's head you'll have two main beams and then a third so the third one look like a spear and on the the one that has two there will be no points it'll just be these Spears that grow straight up with with no no additional points the same thing with lots of like plants you can top the cap off and there's gonna grow two or four branches yes exactly exactly nature finds a way yeah but look at that I got a for me that happens sometimes mmm okay that's pretty dope why do I like that better than two let's see look at the one the right to the left that's that's what I was talking about that's the yeah see but here's the thing if they all have three and that one had two I'd be like two is better it looks more symmetrical three looks stupid yeah I don't share cows didn't have three horns yeah what's this was the middle horn what's the benefit of that better way to [ __ ] you up did it yeah do they sell them well that was the thing about one of the ranches that I was on they had one of these animals that an elk that had broken antlers okay a broken pedicure or whatever whatever they said ago right medical yeah that's right and I knew it sounded wrong and it was branching off and forming these Spears so it was [ __ ] killing all these other elk oh because instead of clashing and locking up like all these antlers do where they have all these additional points yeah what they do is they lock it yeah yeah this would slide right through and stab him in the heart and stab and stab them in the body so one elk was killing everybody that's it go to war with him you just kill them that's the Alpha an injury yeah well that's also evolution at work oh yeah yeah well it's not gonna be genetics I can't pass it on I wonder I wonder if eventually over many many many many many generations like that that signal will somehow or another get through I mean obviously something happens where they developed or sat in the first place yes if if it became better that they branched off in some new way that lets you stab each other a little bit better those those animals would breed better yeah or yeah crazy some things that grows in a couple of months but they also said it right said it at the end of the summer and the winter they have nothing on their head for a couple months and then it starts growing again and it grows like wildfire is it isn't it surprising we like cuz it's like it's heavy as hell that's heavies [ __ ] that's bone man ok there's different kinds of bone fish birds that bone that's not even big that's a mule deer that's small ok but that's that's heavy but I have an elk skull out there that you can pick up pick that [ __ ] thing up you like holy [ __ ] that's why if you look at a bowl elk have giant necks yeah yeah huge next cuz all that muscle carry all that weight around yeah they're cool to look at they're dope I went down a rabbit hole of getting all kinds of animal stuff it's kind of fun getting animal stuff yeah I mean like that pen I showed you made smaller cool I got where did you get that where'd you get a pen made out of mammoth mold um you could just say yes you're very good thank you I've got uh what do I got it for tight that's a real mammoth more yeah cuz mammoth isn't protected because they're extinct so you can trade mammoth ivory and mammoth teeth very easily dirty yeah this is sweet dude yeah so make those pen some guy an Instagram I'm blanking on his name does it make you feel more important when you're writing with something that's like from an animal how could I feel more important good point you're good it does it's kind of fun because the fans paid for it so it's like I mean this is cool yeah that's beautiful you are you still in compound media I am I've got my show nightshade there and my other show I interview people's you're welcome it's my friend Anthony days great yes Dave land I was covering from you today so beautiful okay so you can be here with us that's right yeah have a fun vacation in California how long you staying for I'm leaving tonight at 11:00 uh you know bang bang no I got here at Thursday what'd you do i you know ii think sup leas why dont he's a character actor American history ten Boy Meets World who's just didn't know American History X I mean that was the joke my friends are all right yeah my name is Aaron so he has a new podcast talking about fitness and body issues I think that he's a great dude I saw Bridger fantasy who has been on your show yeah she's great we recorded all so yeah she's hilarious she's one of my favorite Twitter follows I'm having dinner with her tonight beautiful I will and my favorite place here in LA is the Museum of Jurassic technology so that was from Jurassic technology yet the Museum of Jurassic technology what is it you don't know what this is it's so Joe Rogan really oh my god it's dedicated to the lower Jurassic so basically it's a museum about museums and you go there and you're looking through [ __ ] and you're like I don't know if this is real so they have exhibits about like Antonius kerscher who's from the 1300s who said the world is tied with secret knots and using magnetism to prove God then they have microscopes where people someone used butterfly scales to make images on that kind of level they have exhibits about cat's cradle they have exhibits about their their apps oh yeah there's there's the microscopes you're not allowed to go use cameras in there so it just keeps unwinding unwinding unwinding and I'm a very Willy Wonka person and you're in there and you're like this is absolutely magical oh yeah yeah they I've got a room that's horns from a woman apparently what yeah yeah yeah that Greta woman said but you know back in the day museums half the [ __ ] was fake so you're in there and you're wondering what is this real or is this not they have an exhibit now dice that are falling apart like dice that are dying and they've been exhibit on mobile homes of California so I love that point where it's in Culver City no [ __ ] I've never heard anybody talk about really yeah of you dude it's the best place in LA look at that look at the stars - it is what point are stars on Google and you go in there and you don't know what the hell you're looking at it's like too close though yeah but I was just there yesterday it's amazing Oh Monday it's closed Wednesday it's closed or Tuesday Tuesday is closed yeah that's crazy everybody open Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday what if I want to find out about cool [ __ ] on Monday well yeah Internet they need to have a better business model well I I mean it is ridiculous people like museums on Monday Tuesday Wednesday LA everything is closed on Monday I wanted to go to cool art galleries I had a whole good list and they're all closed in ruin even the brode is closed you should go to the LACMA yeah LACMA is terrible it's a terrible it's a disaster well they're rebuilding it it's but it's not what it's not what's a disaster what's the disaster is what they call art oh there's a plexiglass box it's on the ground it's just an amber box no seriously oh yeah oh yeah and I go what is that and then well dudes open for your interpretation oh yeah artists put in like there's a line like a wire around the thing you can't pass through I'm like why can't I sit on the box like no that's a piece of art like you're kidding but you're really oh yeah it's so Dom it makes you angry okay and then there's another art exhibit that was videos of people playing catch like that's it Oh Mike you're not joking no I'm not joking that stupid [ __ ] thing is just sitting there people like oh my god brilliant thank ya oh my god amazing amazing that makes me sad because there is so much good contemporary art like that what's that what is that like the paintings though in the back the middle yeah what's pretty cool oh well there's definitely some cool [ __ ] yeah but when I saw that amber box I got violent all right we're out of here yeah done yeah angry like you made me pay money and I'm gonna see this [ __ ] amber box like really you like at all the art I do all the art that you put that on the bottom you put it on the floor so people could stare it in the LA well uz levar you know what it is it basically turns the audience into performance artists because everyone looks at it and or you or you or your loser [ __ ] so you got triggered I didn't get triggered those like oh boy my kids but they were like what is that I go it's the box say why we have a box I think that's the art there's a is the box like they were angry I think there's an art to angering children oh for sure yeah yeah they're hilarious before talking about this box the more I like it it's so goddamn dumb it made me angry well look what about marcel duchamp in the urinal like what is that over a hundred years ago Marcel Duchamp was a painter right and they were having exhibit and they asked him to contribute something he goes alright he takes a urinal puts it on the thing and goes it's called fountain and they didn't know what the [ __ ] to do so they finally included it but behind the curtain house walls yeah yeah those [ __ ] art [ __ ] well the art world is a weird world man yeah I don't know it it'll catch fire they become hot and then you look at their stuff and you're like I went over this guy's house he owned an agency in in LA I mean a big house in Aspen the [ __ ] beautiful house and he had this thing on his wall it looked like a six-year-old took some tissue paper of different colors and glue them and some weird [ __ ] shape so I said hey man is that did your your kid do that and this agent goes that's actually a blah blah blah it's a blah blah I go what you mean like that I'm wait a minute don't take money for this yeah he said it's worth $30,000 I go that's worth $30,000 back what about the guy who takes Mickey Mouse and puts X's over his eyes and his paintings sold for like ten million you know talking about could keep that keep that house like he's got one word name and he's just some dude and he makes Simpsons and just puts across the cause-cause WS good have you seen this guy no look at his look at his art experience come on Mike why you make me dumb I heard something about this reset I don't know if it's accurate because it sounds like a juicy truth but I could also could be easily disproven that that what you're saying that like jacked up prices of art is some like rich person scammed for like tax evasion sort of oh I'm thinking like it's a write-off I think is a little really hard then they can donate it to a company and they cannot pay taxes but they can donate a twenty million dollar I'm sure I'm sure there's some of that I'm sure however I know people that are these art collector folks that buy this stupid stuff and they have it all over the [ __ ] house and they want to tell you what it is where it came from it's a thing it's like buying wine that costs a thousand dollars a bottle there's people that are into that they're gonna showing it to you and they're into look at this watch it's from the 16th century there's people that are into that [ __ ] and they love the fact that they have some unusual piece of art on their wall and they love the sophisticated feeling they get by describing what the artist is trying to say see I have this guy Sean cha chaa oh I have he makes dioramas and I diorama it's like a 3d sculpture you know it's like a little scene and I have it right over my desk because when I went to LA like seven years ago I want to join robot they had an exhibit in like this is really cool and I'm one day I'm gonna buy it and I bought it and now every day I look at I'm like oh this is like something I really wanted but it was like a grand it wasn't like 30 grand where and anyone can look at it and be like oh this just makes me happy it's actually art yeah Sean Chow is his name there's some art there's oh wow it's fun that was pretty cool yeah but that makes sense to me right if that you can look at and you'll understand why I do I enjoy it yeah I get that there's things I get yeah cuz that's not tissues yeah this is a fun thing of fish underwater yeah someone made something yes with his hands and you're also helping someone directly by buying his product but here's where that's right look at that that's pretty cool but here's where the Hustle is when people don't really like it but they pretend they like it because it's the cool thing to pretend you like I think it's more they also there is same with clothes like you're like a label [ __ ] it's like oh this is a this it's like you just wanted by the name what's up with the sneakers the kids are wearing to have a [ __ ] a green tag on them I was it was explained to me I retell the boomers now there's a green I'm not a boomer right I'm a generation the Boomers a state of mind yeah okay cool this green tact what is it off-white is that what it is yeah so they have this green tag on this pair I was buying a pair of Nikes from my kid and they're like oh those are off-white what's that with this green thing yeah what did I go you leave that on like [ __ ] you I'm not leaving this stupid plastic tag on no you don't leave that on what is it people do that thing giant ass tag they leave these stupid [ __ ] tags these are huge they're cumbersome they look dumb but little wear them on their shoe it's part of the thing it's part of the grant this person was trying to explain it to me it's part of the brown look in five years it's gonna go away why is it here because it looks different no it looks different you know it's like a flag go up to these [ __ ] kids just cut that off and go no we're about to go to war they're making you soft and stupid this is probably a plot by the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians to try to make sure that our kids grow dumber and dumber this is probably something that was started out on Instagram by one of those IRA internet research agencies what's this that's the people that make all the propaganda from the Russian coal farms the IRA you never heard of that I've not heard of control but internet research agency is a state funded organization that's this huge group of people that makes these they did you some hilarious stuff there's a woman named Renee to rest us she investigated this and reported on it she came on the podcast explain to me after I'd heard her on Sam Harris's podcast but they did stuff like they would have a fake blacklivesmatter page that they started and then they would argue with people like about black lives matter and then they would organize like a Texas separatism meeting to meet they organized the Texas separatism page they had a page and then they organized a meeting a Facebook meeting where these people would be there at the same time as another media set up between these Muslim people so they'd have the Texas separatist on one side of streets and the Muslims in the other side street having a protest at the exact same time like they were doing [ __ ] like this on purpose and [ __ ] with people and they did a Louis yeah they did a lot of anti Hillary Clinton stuff and a lot of like different like like they would pretend that they're black women as a black woman I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton like she does not represent us like yeah and they were just sewing these seeds of discourse or discord all throughout social medias wonderful wacky social media page this is kind of hilarious yeah the more discord the better but it's of course it's going to have as soon as the government realized that if you rile people enough enough they'll engage and then they'll you can actually shift opinion yeah yeah especially if you're funny yes that's one of the things about all these funny memes oh yeah oh my god there that's I mean this is this is why I'm very scared for the Democrats because Joe Biden is might be the nominee he does not have a good social media team when when he had this family photo for Halloween all I just replied with a photo of a crack pipe right and where's hunter hashtag was trending and I'm like no matter what you think of Joe Biden it is not acceptable for his Twitter not to be able to handle this anticipated especially because you have someone who just tweeted his way into the presidency three years ago yes like where are the people who are helping this guy you know with his social media game yeah they can't help them the the people that are mean and funny like that are all Republicans this is something about the beams that go against Trump versus the means that go for Trump like the pro Trump memes are so much funnier yeah the left cat meme is the thing they're not that good we're not they're good one of my sameen kind of humor one of my tweets became a meme when your girl Tulsi took out officer Harris and I said if there's one thing a Hawaii knows its how to roast a pig and that went wide I wonder if she knows about that she knows shows she she knows did she see it she saw it she saw you know she's because I sent it to me and I'll make sure she sees it okay please I will I don't send it to her her chief of communications whatever follows me on Twitter oh yeah yeah perfect yes yeah she's good I like her well I didn't like her as a person I'm just glad that now that Harris is gone it's just gonna be hilarious for the next year whoever it is well the Harris thing was weird meant like that they didn't know the stuff that you could call her out on oh yeah that come on that tulsi did but tell she didn't even get to the horrible stuff the horrible stuff was when she was threatening single moms with jail time I think their kids were truant right imagine you're just barely staying above water as a single mom and you got to literally make your [ __ ] children terrified that you're gonna go to in order for them to go to jail she was laughing about that's how she got people to go to jail that's that's how she got people to go to school and that's the thing is that I don't think she actually cared I think this was her means to further her political career I think you're right because when you are you could say a lot of things about Joe Biden and I have on Twitter to go on the stage and call him a closet racist or imply that come on like this is as I was she did the first debate she goes oh you were against bussing and he's like I was against it on the federal level like what are you talking about she's like ah blah blah blah blahs like who are you fooling cutely nasty nasty Pig she's done yeah they're playing game when she when she dropped out like the fans chipped in on my livestream and I spent $400 on ham and I did a ham tasting cuz the pig was done oh it was a lot of fun have you ever tried that like Spanish ham that America two hundred dollars a pound I have tried it it's made of eggs only eat acorns yeah that's that stuff that Chris Ryan brought in that's fantastic it's really good astok yeah so yeah I've had wild pigs and only acorns and it's like ham is so good yeah wild pigs and only acorns have a great smell to them and it's dark it's like a dark meat oh so good yeah I though I tried like 20 different kinds of ham and I loved every minute of it yeah I know a dude who he raises pigs and he feeds them hazelnuts and chocolate yeah and the bacon and it comes through yeah I don't understand how and magical Jesus you got to feed them mushrooms thick I don't know what happened they're eating mush ripping face why I guarantee you wonder if it works what happens when pigs eat psychedelic mushrooms they must break down come on right I don't think so you think it goes near our addicted to something called the Amanita muscaria that's a mushroom and the Amanita muscaria is the Santa Claus well sure okay why send a mushroom that's connected to the myth of Santa Claus how's that it's got a micro Reiser relationship with coniferous trees okay grows under pine trees it looks like a shiny package think about pine trees that we have we put in our [ __ ] source and there's a little shiny Patrick make sure this it's red and white which is just like Santa Clauses outfit yeah and reindeers love it and they [ __ ] trip balls when they eat it and they fly away really seriously it was all shaman we used to come down during like when they were telling not eat these mushrooms shaman would sneak into people's houses through the [ __ ] chimneys only if you are nice yeah just only if you're naughty because they were watching the [ __ ] front door so people climb down through the chimney with a bag of mushrooms they would all trip balls together Wow all speculative what you can buy this this these questions know you could pick it yeah but many of them as scary as a weird one okay it's a weird one that's that's what it is I've taken it before and it does something but it doesn't do something as profound as psilocybin but reindeer or caribou I should say which is what a reindeer is caribou love them that face and there's another thing they do with this they rain be reindeer apparently will dive on your piss if you're in a lodge and you're eating the Amanita muscaria and you urinate outside you have to be careful of reindeer because they literally tackle you to try to get to your piss because they smell it because it smells so potent so people actually when they trip balls they get a second high by drinking their own piss so they're tripping balls they piss into this glass and they drink their own pee yeah because it's gonna be so concentrated coming out your body wants to get rid of as fast as possible yeah this is the mushroom that's on the cover of the John Marco Allegro book the sacred mud okay across that's that much well what would be the evolutionary advantage of a reindeer eating this they trip though feels good but they're gonna be vulnerable ooh I don't think so some animals and including like Lube like Vikings they would trip and then go into war and they thought it'd help actually gave them an advantage they would call them berserkers like because they're not gonna be feeling pain and they're not gonna be fearing death they're not gonna be fearing death and they're going to be well first of all war was such a part of life it was so normal and so constant it was a constant and they wanted in some ways it would be heightened or prepared for it's whether they were drunk which a lot of tribes would just get drunk and then going to war or whether they cuz they would just be able to and endure and be willing to do things that maybe they wouldn't be able to do or be willing to do if they weren't drunk maybe they would anticipate you know the the potential dangers of combat and they'd freak out when they drunk about [ __ ] and just run in and will they would do that with mushrooms too I just remembered this is foothill antiques for the mammoth tooth they're great stuff it's a guy live anymore that where to buy them all well he's got four night also I got from him Dino for night what is that you know about for date no this is such a cool thing so all the car companies all the car companies used to use spray paint or like manually for the different cars right so over the years you'd have layers of this paint and it became basically an artificial mineral so when you take a cross-section it looks like here give me that better why not give you them a nice plant so yeah for tight right you have these car companies car car plants so they're spray painting the Ford truck black the next year it's red the next year it's green over time the painting cute accumulates and you can use that cross section to make really cool things Wow yeah look up Freud I Jamie looks really really put the behavioral raining yellow oh that's real yeah that's from a car that's what a car plant cuz look every year it's a different color it's a really cool substance I got a couple of four-day pens warthog tusks that's crazy wooden one from the DMZ yeah Wow is that amazing I was really cool yeah I never heard of that before and so one more time they're taking it out of like a Ford plant or a Corvette or whatever every one of Corvette went forward and over the years you know they'd ship it away from the walls mm-hmm and they have a block of it there you go give that thick yeah Wow and you can do whatever you want with it including makeup attorneys and [ __ ] cool right that's like a cool form of a fossil or something or it's like an industrial fossil yeah this is cool cuz I got the layer it select tree rings almost and so you have a pen made out of that I've got two oh you lucky devil yeah you send me one for free so how do people know that you're you're into pens oh so I do something called spike funding right so what happens on Twitter is every so often some [ __ ] will come for me and I'll be like it would be a shame if people send me money to waste on things I don't want just despite you and I put up Michael mass comm contribute and I go oh I will post receipts and people send me cash and they say this has to be wasted so I buy I don't need seven pens I don't need eight shaving brushes I don't need a signed copy of Langston Hughes's book I got them and this is all because of a [ __ ] yeah sons after you on Twitter and I'm like okay people are gonna sit and then they go oh you know you're a snake oil salesman I'm like no no no one's getting anything out of this except for spite in you I don't really need these things I'll let that make you a snake oil sales cause they're like oh you're conning these people out of money they're like no no it's all understood this is total waste of money just to [ __ ] with you well they definitely don't know what snake oil is then ya know what why are you engaging with people on Twitter you're a smart guy because it's fun you enjoy it it's hilarious it's my biggest activity really in clowning idiots that's your number one thing it's - I'm really fun with it and I'm really good with it I've started doing a little bit of psyops on Twitter too so yeah so like for example what I've been doing is a lot of these people these candidates they're like press secretary will have fewer followers than me right so I'll say something like hey there was an article in The New York Times today about your candidate how freaked out is the campaign and how much is this a reflection on you not being able to do your job correctly because you know in that article hits the new york times during the campaign you're in the bunker you're freaking out what does this mean so two halves and if someone's like [ __ ] you they're giving like no [ __ ] you so you do this even if there's not a real story well if there's a story oh because you know they're in full panic okay so when they're in full panic then you attack yeah for fun and because they're bad people often which ones are bad Jeremy Corbyn and camel Harris those are the two I thought were the worst other than that I don't think anyone's a bad person who's the Corbin guy again what he he's the court wouldn't in labor right what's the name again Jeremy Corbyn yeah what does he do he was the head of the Labour Party in the UK that's right okay just had the biggest disaster election since 1935 worst like that's right he he my favorite thing he did was he said his pronouns oh yeah said my pronouns are he/him yeah yeah yeah I did this video my name is Jamie Corbin Jeremy Corbyn yeah whatever the [ __ ] it is Elizabeth Warren has her pronouns on her pink on Twitter house yeah well this is signalling that you're part of the tribe yes yeah you're willing to believe in nonsense that [ __ ] is 150 years old she knows what her [ __ ] pronouns are mum and mummy come on with this nonsense your pronouns are what's your name is it Elizabeth yet you're late you're a lady right come on I know in her defense - in her defense Warren is a man's name so it's not fair oh yeah it's so stupid it's so stupid yeah uh what do you know what your name reek raucous No so Jenna Murray crock I had her on my it's just all so funny how could I'm not saying you're concerned how conservatives react to this stuff she was as mikowski like the world champion power lifter right thousand pound squat something crazy no my mom comes out as trans or gender fluid whatever janae and people I don't my show people freaking out all a lot competing as a Mack what I'm like everyone no no as Matt yeah before and after he was a world record holder he competed as a man and now they're like well if he compete as a man I got a world record now he wants to be chick I don't know what to do about this and they don't know how to react what's happening there she's an amazing there's a transgender power lifter janae Marie Kroc shares unbelievable of course it's unbelievable look at look at that lady's arms I mean now I'm G correct and call her a lady she's toned down she's lost weight what there's a document on her own transformer what's happening there and so she competes as a woman no no she could be a man at years ago there's a lift named after her this took four people open it lifts name enough then the Arnold press you got the Pendley row deadlifts after Kevin deadlift and croc Rose after Matt dead Liv was named after a guy as a joke picture again transgender lifter janae Murray look at that what is happening here compete for IFBB Pro that's bodybuilder Jessica meeting as a male Jesus I'm so confused but then again Eddie Izzard was on here and Eddie has been like the most open transgender person forever and he still calls himself okay and he likes women yeah she dates women okay she's just likes [ __ ] them with makeup on [ __ ] I I don't know how she [ __ ] that's the thing what kind of chaos she's a really nice person this is Kali Yuga I thought this is I had her opening jars in my show for me oh I bet she could do more than that it's weird to say she because she's still clearly on male hormones yeah clearly should we discuss that on the air oh she does I think she took estrogen pee did both and it was kind of hard to get the balance right because you have she still does both I do I'm not sure which is certainly more bothered if she's competing his male she's obviously running tests at huh yes look at the size of her and that's smaller she he dick or no dick so what are we doing here here's the thing here's the thing here's what I think if you are setting a world record in powerlifting I will call you whatever you want and I will respect you okay you don't think that's a major accomplishment sure I don't care if you want to be a grower yeah I'm cool with it but it's just hilarious still there okay because there's a sign of the chaos of this moment in history I do love the chaos I know and tricksters historically have been gender fluid loci and all these figures that are clear coyote they always switch genders and yes that's a good point so maybe it's a sign of the chaos of our age that there's more transgenderism cordial intercept do you think there is or do you think people are just talking about it more I think it's there's so many pluses and minuses and and it's it's such a weird loaded situation and I don't other thing is if you are a guy who has feminine qualities that doesn't make you non-binary just like if you're like a tomboy yeah you're not you're not not by course yeah yeah of course there I mean there there's butch women yeah we're really they don't sound good yeah there's always been an effeminate men yeah it doesn't mean you're an but that's also a thing that really makes some gay activist angry because they're like if you leave children alone that have these feelings there's a large percentage of them they become gay men and you're almost saying there's something wrong with being a gay man you have to become a woman like it's almost an anti-gay stance well do you know that with the will interfere the world chant the world capital of sex change is Tehran do you know what yes I do know about this I'll tell the story though you know why they have to do right because they regard homosexuality is to pray yes but if you want to become a woman and have sex with men that's fine yes so they make them basically have these sex changes yeah a lot of them just don't really totally go all the way through with it because they don't think of themselves as women they're like I want to suck a dick but I don't have a [ __ ] so they pretend to be a woman but they don't really get the operation yeah but they're trying to force a lot of men to get in operates it's a [ __ ] up place like in the Middle East what do you think about this whole you you're more informed than me about international issues I mean for Christ's sakes you went to North Korea I've never been Snell's day it's the new at Milan that's what I heard what do you think about all this crazy [ __ ] that's going on right now with Iran I have a great book idea and it's such a great book idea I'm gonna just drop it here in the hopes that if I don't ever do what someone does it and give it away yeah I'm gonna give it away I hope somebody does this a lot of people do at the same time to each other or no you cannot ID a [ __ ] or some publisher wants to contact my agent just give me a deal on the spot I'll do it okay blood you want to do it I'll do it so what's not tell anybody well I don't want to do the proposal so if they want to just make me an offer good blood lust the media's love affair with war for a hundred years spanish-american war Willie Randolph Hearst right the sinking of the Lusitania we were taught about yellow journalism when we're kids back up you know the eight 1903 a ba ba ba ba bla but now it's not they love war they can't get enough for Trump is only presidential when he's bombing Syria they just are desperate to push the war drums and what I love about again Tulsi is she's served and she's like war we have to start seeing war as a last resort instead of a first priority in a first response and I don't know what's going to happen as a consequence of Iran this guy is most people know sulemani was a huge deal like he was really revered in Iran and very hated by people elsewhere but Trump also started killing other people and like Yemen he took somebody in some other countries go they're going on a killing spree so it's I don't think this is gonna be World War three at all because Iran knows they can't win and I'm sure right now but you know they're doing exercise right now with Russia and China sure let them do it sure exit we do exercise with South Korea every year and North Korea freaks out and it's like okay we're just it's just flexing your muscles right until I think very strongly we're never gonna be privy to this that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know that people are talking and like what's going to happen I'm sure well there must be but the idea that he was willing to just do that and that he even has the call that he can make the call like there's here several options sir right which one you want to do only could that guard killed well I think it's amazing that we've gotten to the point where you're blowing up a wedding right and you're killing a lot of people and you're killing just him and one other person yeah they only killed two people that like the precision of that is something that's got to be scary to the Iranians it should be scared us yeah scary to everybody cuz it's not like that can't come over it here Oh what do you mean that kind of technology can't be used against Americans by another country well I certainly could frankly if they're gonna be terrorists I'd rather they taking out one person than 3,000 no no for sure I'm just saying the precision of it oh yeah fact that they have that kind of ability just just the drone ability in general there's the ability to wage war in countries we don't even occupy like the all the different drone attacks in Yemen oh yeah really sketchy in terms of like the legality of it like what it's not really a military strike but it's definitely a military strike I mean I think we've been playing fast and loose with rules of war for a long time and I think everyone knows this is nothing particularly insightful that war and the rules of war written by the powerful people I remember when people were talking about how much of a war monger Obama was because drone strikes went up considerably from Obama from George Bush to Obama and I'm like yeah you know what else went up drone technology yeah nothing to do with him they're just getting better at bombing people you know how to do it better and this is something I've argued people and wonder about when you become prΓͺt like Obama was very anti-war through his campaign he was a big lefty he went to all the Ivy League schools bubble all right we know his culture that he came from he gets in the white house he's drone bombing everybody what do you think that is the question I have is do you think and I'll get my Alex Jones hat on do you think that they sit you down when you're president and they're like alright here's what you can be in charge of but here's how it's going to be internationally and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way it happens I think there's no way until you get into office you ever really understand what information what you know what plans that they can reveal that terrorists have what you know what kind of I mean there's there's got to be some kind of intelligence they receive that probably scares the [ __ ] out of them oh yeah when you stop and think about how many nuclear bombs there are how many radical terrorists there are how many different sects how many people fight over each other how here's here's some photographs of a crime scene that we found that Isis be had all these hell yeah it's like this is all real stuff that you they could show you and they go look we have done our very best to keep everybody safe but there's only one way to keep doing this we got a drone bomb yeah and I can't thrown away I know that many years ago and I'm not supposed to know this but I'll be all there was a nail bomb in Grand Central that they caught in the no one talked about it no one talked about it who found the nail bomb the the authorities the right people and they took care of it and nothing happened but think how many soft targets there are no it overseas I mean that's what captain nail bomb down must have been what at the time like Qaeda I'm guessing I don't know I don't have any further information I'm gonna question you further if you could question me all you want I even have my can waterboard I'll tell me the story again so there's this place Grand Central where the sky is been a Grand Central of course and then into the spot where the bomb was left probably how do you know where the ball is live I don't know but ever since I've been throughout Grand Central i okay yeah okay tell me the story again from the beginning this is how they do it and they eventually oh yeah yeah yeah now tell the same story over no no you hadn't [ __ ] to it you probably nervous worried about dying it's like scat you know you the words trying to change a little over time yeah yeah but you just lie you know if your guy left a bomb Grand Central Station they just keep getting you to tell that story over no exhausted and then they twist it around just a little bit just a little bit for you and then you agree with their twist and they had a little more it was like Stalin's right-hand man various said find me the Med and I'll find you the crime that's a real scary thing about cross-examining people like and just examining it just is just interrogating people I am NOT saying that cops do this all the time that they do get people to believe they did something wrong but you can get some that believe they did something wrong especially if someone's like limited intellectually oh yeah you can talk your way into an arrest but you can't talk your way out of one right and it's it's an if they want you there's a there's an old line that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged and a liberal as a conservative who's been arrested because when you get in that government's clutches you're gonna be very glad that there's the ACLU and all these Miranda rights people who are like looking out for the weak and won it as hard as possible for you get arrested and go to jail because it's think about this it's like being audited is it ever gonna be nice it's never gonna be nice never gonna mean so getting arrested it's not going to be oh we're sorry we bothered you mr. Smith no no no no no yeah we're not your friendly country IRS right oh we're friendly we're just a country store IRS yeah hey I'm sure there's some sort of miscommunication hey you want to make sure this all works out well for everybody's love the Uyghurs a box of cookies I saw some meme where they're like here's how the IRS works there's a number you owe they know that number they won't tell you the number you have to figure out the number and if the number you pay isn't the number that they have they're gonna get you in trouble yeah it's like you have to read their game yeah they're just trying to prosecute as many people as they can yes it's like people that pull people over speeding like you got to prove that you didn't get pulled over Sweden I was pulled up when I might lyft driver at the airport was just paused I threw in my trunk got in the car within this five seconds the cop was writing him a ticket and I paid for half the ticket in the tip and I couldn't believe it and I'm standing and the guy's like oh you know he's just got it's just doing his job I go well you've got a shitty job like what kind of person are you that this is what you do writing a 75 buck ticket for someone who's like a lyft driver no and he's not even blocking traffic he's not stopping anywhere you're a horrible human being well they have quotas that's no problem quotas are gross I've talked to cops and they have like a certain number of tickets that they have to write every month or they're gonna get in trouble yes and it put your protect and serve what kind of servant is telling me to pay them like money I don't want it's an officer the piece stealing money yes as hard as how they keep the piece yeah yeah he'd be scared yeah don't money don't get Russians start on the cops it's not gonna end well what do you think about all the Hong Kong [ __ ] then I am so hopeful for the people of Hong Kong and I talked about in my show nightshade constantly my hope is it reminds me of Paul in 1989 right in Poland 1989 you had this big labor movement solidarity they weren't conservatives they were lefties they were labor and they were like look the Constitution says we have democratic elections and you have them there's only one candidate let's have elections let's have elections and the cotton Margaret Thatcher came there supported them she was loved in the Eastern Bloc so the Polish Communist Party sat down and they're like alright let's have these elections and then there were some that well what if we win all the elections because they ask the people who you're going to vote for all the Communists the commies communists the elections happen the labor solidarity wins every seat except one and the question is are they going to honor this what are they going to wave it away they honored it and that was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union I don't think you could have Tiananmen Square today because Tiananmen Square was before smartphone's Tiananmen Square was before the Internet there's no footage tank man wasn't killed he was pulled away Hong Kong we're seeing the footage and when you see kids getting beaten and tear gassed you don't need to speak any language to look at and be like something's not right here and decide with the people who are getting beaten this is a very Martin Luther King thing like even the racists were like I don't want these people to have dogs attacking them in water hoses this is outrageous mmm yeah so I'm very very hopeful this is going to work positively to start the end of the you know evil Chinese dictatorship I hope you're right I hope you're right and that would also work towards liberating North Korea which is obviously my pet issue do you think that it's possible for China to ever turn it around though forget about Hong Kong but mainland China turn what around we turn what around in terms of their whole dictatorship oh yeah Russia the Soviet Union did it but did they yes did they yeah you a puppet of Putin as well he's my uncle I mean it kind of did it but they're kind of a dictatorship right now you can you can get a passport you're not gonna get your organs harvested who got a passport who Roy Jones jr. is that Roy Jones jr. who's that who the [ __ ] are you man I'm a piece of [ __ ] who was never was snatched dude Roy Jones jr. is one of the greatest boxers of all time okay he won the super middleweight championship went up to the light heavyweight and heavyweight okay he beat John Ruiz to win the heavyweight championship a guy who fought at 168 pounds okay he's a beast okay sure he's one of the greatest of all time and he also has a Russian passport okay okay that's awesome but the point is people can leave Russia people can't leave China and now they're going in a bad direction with North Korea instituting their social credit system to control internal migration which is really really bad what do you think about people being able to go back and forth like like what do you think about travel back and forth from Russia into the United States I mean they must be like watching every single thing you do I don't think it's as pervasive listen you know what they're watching everything we do here come on what do you thing about Snowden being over there I think I think ed Snowden should be allowed to walk free I think so too I mean and and he is it's it's insane that we drove him into the hands of the Soviet Union and what he was exposing was illegal activity he was official Stalin in his wildest dreams and his KGB never had that power of surveillance like Ed Snowden revealed that every single cell phone is being hacked into aren't they recording literally every call yeah I mean it's it's and we just said we're like oh this is fine tracking a it's just the level of taqwa right the privacy the level of surveillance that this government is putting forward is insane it is crazy and remember when Obama ranted about is like it just metadata no words yeah it's fine just trust us just metadata yeah we're just collecting metadata and he's and swats Nonna's like no no no I was reading people's emails right yeah we all read emails and there was some report I forgot her name like they were delete she was on her computer and you could see the file being deleted right in front of her she she's a good video with her camera yeah because she was breaking this stuff of Karass listen if 4chan can get into your that hacker 4chan can get into your computer they can of course it and of course they do I mean it's did you think about that before you google things oh that ship has sailed that that's oh that's gonna be a problem oh that's gonna be a problem oh no oh no oh there's a no no that's another one mmm you ever go to I sometimes I'll like I'll wake up until night and go on Etsy or Wikipedia and you wake up and you're like oh yeah I forgot I was going down that rabbit hole while I was in middle of the night just like looking up random things no I don't [ __ ] with my computer at night oh really yeah why is that cuz it's not good for your brain okay you could go down brat like I I like to wind down at the end of the night I'll occasionally checking email what time you go to bed depends if I'm performing it's usually not until midnight ish maybe later usually later if it's on a Saturday night like this Saturday night I had a 10:45 spot so I wasn't in it the show runs too usually a little bit late I don't think I went on to like 11 I was off stage like 11:15 ish and hung out with my friends so I didn't get out of there till 1:00 I didn't get home till 2:00 that's pretty normal for the Comedy Store and then I usually always right to when I come home huh yeah it's usually my favorite time to write everybody in the house is asleep I'm a little high you know pull out the laptop start writing you seem like a guy who uses windows correct yes use the Droid phone correct I used to do a tech support in Windows so Microsoft Office so I use Windows for writing a lot because they know those lenovo's keyboards are superior for a lab wait what is a guy so you wait what does a guy who uses Windows mean what does that mean what with you yeah oh you're a contrarian in a lot of ways but they're the most popular and thing uh yeah but not amongst creatives or people in show bells okay kind of both of those sure that's fair okay you're fighting the fighting the trend but you some of the guy a guy even if it was better you would use it just to tell everybody to [ __ ] off um a little bit that that would play into mime calculus you may have ever thought about going Linux I don't even know that is no no a Linux is not really I know it's an operating system but I don't I wouldn't know how to convert to that I don't think it's that hard anymore okay the kernels that they have now you can sort of install them on a regular Windows machine you might even be able to dual boot okay can you do a boot with a Linux machine rebooting my computer's like the most scary part of my day so I really don't like doing that Lenovo's keyboards are so superior that's why I write on Windows keyboards like a little ThinkPad keyboard is so superior to anything Apple has the touch and if all of them have like a Scout like a Halfmoon shape of them so your fingers what would you describe that as what do you mean those little semicircle but you know the divot on cave concave I guess yeah you know where every finger goes and that's so easy to type that it's less effort you don't think about it as much it's far superior I use less it's like a plastic like it's carbon I have an x1 carbon so everything is like it has a soft feel to it it's more comfortable to type on like people go for the Apple like industrial look I have an Apple laptop you know I have I have another one a new one there sounds good the typing experience are getting a thought down onto a word file right you can do that better with a better keyboard it's just that simple and the fact that somehow another we've gone for looks for this aesthetic this like this sort of modern industrial aluminum piece aesthetic over what's more effective is very strange to me I haven't liked keyboard looks like a typewriter because I'm a hipster I mean it's like typewriter keys and it clacks yeah Oh a round one I have one of those it's a mechanical keyboard yeah yeah yeah I have it it looks like lights up so it's related also you can feel yes its concave it's just like what you're saying yeah that's so big it's fun but this is like everybody wants the thinnest possible laptop see these like real short travel yeah yeah and you don't know when you're typing yeah it's not good it's like it did everybody forget what a [ __ ] keyboards for it's like are you such a [ __ ] you can't even carry something that's a half an inch thicker the [ __ ] out of here man this is nonsense like you're making things thin for no reason like the looks even coud we got thin and it is omim the future yeah you're in the future we can't type the [ __ ] out here let's go back in the past you write something down it's memorable I'm back in the past I'm on my typewriter for you and I love it it's fun at night yeah yeah yeah I have a mechanical keyboard it's my desktop and it sounds good right it's actually that's kind of like I feel like I'm producing yes but it's just so easy to know where the keys right there's no mistakes like I had one of those 15 inch retina Macs and the hood right on it's like geez everything's flat there's a really sure how family meter of key travel so it's like click click click click you make so many typos right I make literally half a typos on a Lenovo key I love my keyboard it's it's awesome and I enjoy it do you run virus scans and all kinds of [ __ ] and do you cover your webcam with tape when you're beaten off I I should start doing that I do run virus scans I do not cover my webcam with tape when I wonder some [ __ ] fork and rolls in there let them let them watch maybe they get an alert whenever you porn gets pulled up in your brows like didn't anything and they run they're in there their parents house the mom and dad are screaming each other drunken slurs and they hear things excuse me Michael Mouse's jerking off trying to go and they run down the basement bolt the door shut they're gonna see quite a show imagine imagine if they found a guy dead because he was so excited to beat off watching you beat off that he tripped falling down the stairs and broke his neck have pants half down and and the cops break in and find out what the [ __ ] going on and it's you jerking off on a webcam this guy's dead with his neck snaps at the bottom of the stairs his pants half down well given how many people jerk off to watching me jerk off statistically that's gonna happen at some point yeah that's what I'm saying would you be excited yes would you yeah that's awesome I'd like that guy went out with a bang yeah like might come kill him for sure these people right now looking through like perverts looking through somehow or another getting through a webcam and watching someone oh of course for sure of course and especially people work for the government they talked about I thought this was exposed fascinating though they can do that it's listen if you ever window into my life though it's the opposite of fascinating I assure you is really I'm one I'm about five minutes away from being Terri Schiavo what is this employees yeah Rosen's ring I've been spying on Costas videos are on Christmas for they're like people were just getting on their cameras talking to the kids like hey I'm saying I go tell your parents that this there's lots of them this is there so much [ __ ] oh yeah I've heard that that they were actually talking to people through the device and that one guy was terrorizing some woman who's like like telling her was gonna kill her through the device oh my god back that's a crime yeah yeah yeah Captain Obvious Jesus Christ I got it upgraded obvious just my friend really bad there's something called like the annoying thing I forgot it's called and you said it and it goes and it goes off at random times so I put it under her bed and I forgot and then the next morning I get a text that just goes idiot like oh yeah she's like Millau you know man you're an idiot cuz you terrified me hey do you worry about apps like Android apps being corrupted like they apparently don't have a stringent a testing I don't have that many apps and I'm much more of a desktop person I'm not on my phone that much because I'm like a recluse are you still a recluse why don't you get out do what outside is scary I mean meet people I don't ever meet anyone and I don't know weird go to meet people oh dude this sounds like a Christmas movie for another there's gonna be eight days or seven days we fail yeah and then the eighth day yeah let's get out and we're on boy I don't you really don't you don't go out I don't know no and it's it's kind of a fort I also don't get along with most people I'm not for that I don't believe that because you're easy to get along with that's confusing to me but they're not easy to get along with I think a lot of people are basic as hell and they don't bring anything to the conversation there's a lot of that yeah yeah you got to find better people to hang out with you know how you do that you go outside I just bro I have a good crew so if so listen I'll tell you this my friend Matt the one who was molested we had friends giving and I said Matt you have a unique opportunity to make this the most awkward Thanksgiving in history these people all like you they're they're your friends sit down and tell them that this happened and he's like I can't do it I go okay how about this I'll do it if I do it against her what if I do it against her will I wouldn't really be wrong given this story he's like dude and I didn't do it but it would have been funny a small amount of time would have been funny and then he would have just deal with the weight of all these people which is also funny maybe she stay as a recluse I think you're doing good maybe one of the only dudes is mastered it the Unabomber it's your calling yeah you'll never get around other humans do you know what happened in the Unabomber do you know how that happened the brother yeah with it's because he was a pedantic oh yeah it was that but it was also the Unabomber himself Ted Kaczynski be a part of the Harvard LSD studies was he yeah they cooked his brain Wow yeah there's a documentary about it called the net someone wrote a great tweet where they go plot twist Greta Thunderbird grows up to become the Unabomber in a Redemption arc I'm like that is hilarious it was a very violent environmentalist a very bright man he's a professor at Berkeley so he went to school at Harvard they put him in the Harvard LSD studies that cooked his [ __ ] dome and then he disappeared went to Berkeley inva worked as a professor to earn enough money so you could buy a cabin implement his plan to kill everybody who was involved in technology so he'd stop this takeover of the human race which probably is true yeah john waters the director he has a replica of the Unabomber his cabin as a room in his house is that great I love that who's got the real cabin oh that's a good question it was at a museum I think that actually just closed so I don't know where no no no there was a museum called the museum and oh yeah yeah you know I think it's just close yeah they couldn't traveling exhibit but they took the whole cabin and reconstructed it I believe I've seen pictures over here you need to find a well that's really cool I need to find an I love stuff like that I do too I did an article years ago about all these relics like where's Monica Lewinsky's dress and like she's got it hidden somewhere she she does yeah I daughter could that people did researched she still has it oh my god what a nightmare for poor bill you get your dick sucked in 94 and this lady's still carrying that just stained dress like Jesus Christ lady let it go he's probably not well she's probably thrown it away by now no no bill never never listen oh wow wow I thought that was a replica I mean that says it was it and it closed huh last week yeah I don't know where it's at wow that is it they closed last week I missed it by a week [ __ ] that could have been out here bro we could have that probably be an expensive buy probably like me and Marilyn Manson Oh mothers to each other I guess we're just gonna have to nail some of the bum he would probably buy it whoo Benson yeah manifesto that's the original holy crap that's dark everyone tells me to read it I haven't read it but they said it's very smart I read parts of it that's one of the things that's disturbing is just like well thought out and also the argument is sound technology will inevitably lead to better technology which inevitably leads to artificial intelligence which is inevitably gonna take over the world well there's a whole singularity thing right what's the Ray Kurzweil Kurzweil and I don't know I haven't checked in years but I don't know if we're on track with what he predicted I think we're supposed to be further along because remember in the 50s we're gonna be flying cars and there's no flying cars yeah he's a 2045 guy and what he says is that the exponential increase of technology if you follow it right the prediction is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2045 they'll achieve this singularity yeah but I think they're also finding that there actually is somewhat asymptotic and it does at a certain point you are having like physical limitations to increasing the speed and it's not gonna be that easy yeah well then quantum supremacy comes along you know they trying to change the name of quantum supremacy because it confuses people with white supremacy and we really shouldn't support that so we need to change quantum supremacy they also they had was an IBM or whatever had the quantum computer and the other people like this isn't really quantum because of blah blah blah blah mmm this was a big controversy just in last month those quantum people I found its new location after the Montana Historical Society tried to get it it now exists at this fun place the FBI experienced Jesus they own it so there's like a interdivisional cooperation FBI that's the propaganda house Wow so they wanted to get money so he was in Montana when he was blown above desert someone tried to buy that land I guess or was for sale at one time that whoever runs this museum tried to get a hold of it and if the FBI said we're gonna keep it yeah I can understand why they would want to right of course yeah Wow very valuable people probably will go to the FBI Museum specifically just to see that cabin no one wants to go to the FBI Museum otherwise would you go to the FBI museum no his brother his brother suspect that he was doing it oh you know I'm for the the manifesto or did he read the manifesto in that well because the Unabomber as a kid was always annoyed by people saying you could have your cake and eat it too because he's like no no no it's you can eat your cake and have it too and the Unabomber used that phrase air quotes correctly and the guy's like that's my brother and that's how they figured it out because he was being a pedantic dick yeah so everyone who's correcting people and spelling on Twitter shut up and relax oh that's crazy I thought he just recognized the style of right and no I I mean I double check me but I'm 90% sure this is correct you're saying that your cake and have it too it's actually ringing a bell yeah god damn it it's it's imagine like that if he was a normal guy and they just filled them up with acid and they made him say oh my god technology's gonna take over and he just started his his calling life is to kill the people they're advancing technology with bombs when you're that smart you're already kind of tripping because regular people don't seem like the same thing as you do right and maybe a little schizophrenic and then they fill him up with a [ __ ] half a gallon of acid like how much did they give him do you know who knows they were experimenting with people I'm sure it's not gonna be small doses you know what operation midnight climax is now one of my favorite [ __ ] up CIA experiments they ever did they went to brothels and they set up a brothel with all these prostitutes and these John's and they dosed all the guys and use hidden cameras and you know because the guys couldn't talk about it because like what happened arrey somebody gave me a Mickey they slipped me a Mickey and I had a bad time where this happened Harry oh I don't know I guess I was at the diner or something you can't say I went to the whorehouse try to get my dick sucked and they gave me acid these [ __ ] you can't say that and we've been trained since kindergarten that if someone says the CIA has experimented on regular people they will tell you and admitted it they will tell you with a straight face that that's the conspiracy theory yeah they will just use that word and stop thinking and we've been trained for decades and it's a great a minute we've been hearing three years that there was a conspiracy between Trump and the Putin administration that's a conspiracy whether it's true or not Epstein was a conspiracy he was conspiring with a lot of people yeah Weinstein Bill Cosby these are all conspiracies that are widely known but if you as soon as you hear that term like racist mm up conversations over I didn't hear anything else that's amazing oh you believe in conspiracy theories oh yeah what 9/11 didn't happen come on yeah well I laugh we were talking in the last podcast about Epstein and we watched we looked at some of the autopsy photos and looked at some of the the the accounts especially particularly dr. Michael Baden the guy from the HBO autopsy show murdered I got a question why is there no perp walk photos why is there no photos him in court why is there no photos him getting off the plane I have no answer but isn't that weird every other person is arrested you see the perp walk yeah including El Chapo including El Chapo including Harvey Weinstein literally everybody you've got footage that could they the media knows where to wait right why is there no footage of what the [ __ ] I don't have an answer but it's and the thing is to even say this doesn't this is weird conspiracy theory no literally tell me what what I'm missing well here's where it gets even weirder you know that he was like visited while he was in jail by women and like you you'd have his assistant come to visit him in jail I did not know oh yeah 16 hours a day he'd get to hang out in the like Wow lawyer a special room where they would buy out all of the pot machines and snacks all of them and he's just good to sit in there and hang out Wow 16 hours a day sis and they were they were somehow another either negotiating with him or they were placating him or they were trying to resolve this issue peacefully they were trying to figure out a way like this guy knew too many people and wasn't talking and while he wasn't talking they were trying to like desperately get to him I would assume and stop him from potentially talking and then while the prosecutors closing in and while they're making this airtight case and the only way for him to make anything more lenient is to start saying yeah she's jealous really supposedly remember all those files that he had with all the people where'd they go no one's asked Jamie's gone I've got him no I mean someone FBI to your PD but why we're not hearing anything about it he's got names of many people not just names but video today yeah dudes [ __ ] kids it's just this is classic conspiracy theory proven true it's a class we all saw it coming but this is a classic conspiracy theory that there's a guy who works for intelligence agency who compromises wealthy and famous and even intellectuals famous people and then takes these people and brings them to an island where he brings in a bunch of girls that are underage and they all [ __ ] and then he films it he'd be like what are you even talking about right but this is all that's real what about the fact that he's number two she's like in Israel or something isn't she she's not Brazil okay yeah she's not arrested how's that happening how was Prince Philip not arrested yeah how was she yeah like how they not whacked her right well they had it's not right but that part of the deal he made the first time was that he had I think at least four if not more co-conspirators that are not allowed to be or that's part of the deal is that they can't be arrested how is he in a position to make deals I'm not arguing through doesn't make sense doesn't what leverage do you have you're like the one the world's biggest pedophile ring and it's like all right you can't arrest my people though oh okay that's fair mr. Ripstein sir we promise not to kill you in jail I think maybe there's a concern that if maybe she ELISA if I was gonna be the writes the script I would say there's a dead switch yes and then if she dies this [ __ ] gets out and she says listen the moment I die all this [ __ ] gets published epstein she's undergone scene like they're protecting her ex Special Forces guard why is it that pictures of Michael Jackson is that like a pedophiles probably leaving Neverland I guess yeah I was different why they put that story there they're thinking the person watching this is a pedophile really into pedophilia very strange dude Maxwell faces credible death threats and is being guarded by formas you you would see these heels and safe houses in the American Midwest [ __ ] in a while yeah Shake Shack good lord I mean all she has to do is Dyer hair people Midwest don't even read they have no idea that she's there did you write I'm all right they're not paying attention did you see the Prince Philip interview yes oh my god strange oh I loved it so strange he seems a little Specter me am I wrong something's not right there something's wrong once you're watching this in your land he's like oh yeah you know I cut off contact with him they're like well there was a dinner in August well I was talking by then you were the guest of honor oh well it was like what the [ __ ] dude yeah yeah he seems like he's a little detached from reality in some sort of strange way yeah well your your prince for that long you're not gonna be able to begin with right there's no way like he's you can't develop without trials and tribulations and become and come out normal especially when you're not just a famous person but you're a royal yeah like when they asked him about hugging the girls I'm a royal we don't as it were hug hug yeah the best [ __ ] through a hole in the bathroom the best part wouldn't fit the Kevin Spacey stuff going on doesn't seem directly related but it doesn't seem unrelated in any way Calum with no it is somewhat related because this is one of those things where things are open secrets and in Hollywood and like everyone kind of knows everyone knew that Kevin Spacey was a dick grabber yeah yeah and it's kind of like then it's like Oh conspiracy theories like you guys are comfortable with this you [ __ ] well that's a weird one right because that's like we always heard of though the wild artists that we're doing things that are [ __ ] up but we kind of let them get away with it because they were really talented and there's no real proof and what goddamn ad blocker you [ __ ] Jesus financial financier Jeffrey Epstein once flew Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey to Africa oh Jesus hey Clinton really likes Russia that he want to [ __ ] the aids monkey he's like I wanna be patients here I think I could fix it yeah I got that super Arkansas come inside that monkey and start all over India I think mushrooms grass on the floor dude he went with that guy at least 26 as many as 28 times and his plane well say hey I just flew a couple times my friend Jeffery yeah we're friends I had one ADA Broderick on my show the one who had a rape accusation against him and I went in there hoping that she was lying he raped her in the morning and it was like half an hour like she he went with her to her hotel room in Arkansas and it was I thought was I could be like 9 o'clock they had a few drinks no it's she's supposed to meeting with him about something it's horrible what these people get away with and I think Americans do you think he physically killed her that's he did her and then he know he bit her lip just like a cat to keep her from yelling and then when he left the last thing he says there you better put some ice on that and another woman who accused him of I think was Kathleen Willey who accused him of forcing herself on him he bit her lip too and the two had never knew each other before they independently had the same thing that he does he bites her lip so they don't scream or he just bites dilip's because it's hot to get you know whatever that's his thing it's the thing that Americans don't get which they are increasingly starting to get is that people in power are often really depraved and they will use their power in sadistic ways and they get off on not having consequences it's not just being corrupt like oh I'm getting a kickback for hiring my cousin it's so much worse than that and they're starting to see it now with like the amy robach thing who's that she's that ABC News reporter the footage leaked where she's just like we have the whole Epstein story yes Prince Phillip we had Bill Clinton and the lawyers killed it and she was just and she was like pissed that she didn't get the scoop but it's she's like I a hundred percent think he was killed and it's like yeah this is what they're like when the cameras are off right um the the Clinton thing is so [ __ ] weird right because you have Hillary who was this woman who was going to be the first woman president yeah everyone was behind her and we were all thinking that she represents hope and change and all the wonderful things that the progressives want sure he's got this husband right husbands right and when when they had that debate and Trump brought those women you have to sit out in front I was like no he did oh yeah oh no he didn't yeah and Melania was wearing a [ __ ] bow was she yeah it's a certain type of not she had a [ __ ] bow there's a special kind of not called a [ __ ] bow yeah whoa yeah yeah yeah so there's this a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] in Jeff right now we're tough it he was a good guy I supported science play them dancing it up there's Justine I say is that her is that Melania Lane yes I was that Melania yeah that's Melania thanks I'm pretty sure oh and who's that in the back right that looks like Lady die something's lady died came back photographer she's not dead she's hiding with Elvis she's hiding with Epstein in Brazil or over his got just awful awful people it's just amazing that you could still whack somebody as high-profile as Epstein publicly in this day and age that you could say oh the cameras didn't work guards oh they weren't around within hearing we just watched Salamone that's different it innocent way it is anyway it's not because these people will do whatever they need to dmitry think that these people are in control like when we're watching this we would say that the guards are in control in the prisons in control and they've got this captive and they're gonna bring them to the justice system because the justice system once it here is k sure they want them to testify there's a lot of other moving pieces a lot of players we're very interested see what kind of horrible crimes are committed by these elites that you know and then also any gets killed let's say they do it right out in front of everybody's knows what happened with Jack Ruby well same thing it's just like hi this is the most important person on earth right now to keep safe hey you're not doing it right Jack Ruby just runs up and shoots him in the gut yeah bang lemur goes well yeah it's just like how is how are you letting this happen yeah even if all the conspiracy theories are wrong how are you [ __ ] up so bad that this is allowed to happen Yeah right there bang I was like wow it was a couple of days wasn't it after he shot JFK it was barely over it there was no time at all face well yes getting murdered of course gonna hurt we should probably get that that's what I look like when I'm beating off by the way that's the thing that people see that face you know Jamie let's get that picture converted into a giant metal framed photo bunch of good ones like an eight year and a half ago just one mystery like out like a museum here man look at Jack Ruby looks like a piece of [ __ ] who's ever anybody looked like a piece of [ __ ] oh well look at he looks like sloth from the Goonies oh oh you look so creepy look at me I did what I had to do I did what I had to do Jesus yeah why did why did he even say that he did it I don't remember his excuse it's not like the guy wasn't gonna get the death penalty for killing with effing president yeah but he was gonna talk that was what they're really worried about that Lee Harvey Oswald was gonna talk and he's gonna give up yeah but Ruby's not gonna say I shot him cuz he's gonna talk you have a ruby probably was under some sort of a you know they probably owed money or they were gonna kill him no but he's gonna say some reason publicly right he's not gonna say I did this because that would money he never did rat anybody out if that was the case I mean he went to jail and I think he died of cancer in jail okay they probably shot him something was asleep but it's just he's gonna have some excuse to be like why he did it your mom with cancer bug yeah look at the Koala juice you know you can have a koala piss on him and then next thing you know you've got cancer yeah wonder how long he lived I think he lived in jail for like a decade that long when did Jack Ruby die in jail he died in jail a cancer I'm pretty sure canary embolism January 3rd 1967 oh this is four years that's not a real answer though pulmonary and pies that right give somebody where's that stroke I think that's a straw okay is it yeah embolism stroke yeah then you can give somebody oh yeah secondary to Bronco genetic carcinoma which that is cancer yeah oh so you get cancer they gave they doubled up his throat just he probably had lung cancer anybody everybody back then all those morons were smoking it's a crazy story though you know to this day until that Zapruder film got released by Geraldo Rivera of all people and goddamnit what's his name who brought it to hear all the Rivera Dick Gregory Dick Gregory the comedian okay brought the Zapruder film to Geraldo Rivera show more than ten years after the assassination so I think was 12 years later I think was 75 and it brings the there's a pruder film that shows the head going back into the left and they censored some of the frames at certain points I know yeah TV I know Zapruder didn't want a couple of frames I was just when I won I woke up one day recently and I saw that in middle the night I was reaching about there's a better film up and just read about it know I wake up like oh yeah I was reading about this at 5:00 in the morning did you ever read best evidence by David liftin no it's that about is that about JFK it's yeah it's all about the Warren Commission report he was like this really meticulous accountant and he was hired to do something with the Warren Commission report to go over it and he decided to go over every aspect okay and talked about all the different the contradictions and all the things that are wrong with it and it was his conclusion by the end of the book that President Kennedy was assassinated and this is a conspiracy Wow wrote a book called best evidence it's really good it's it freaked me out that I [ __ ] up once and read it before I went onstage [Laughter] and it was so freaked out my thing killed Kennedy and this about Jack Ruby it says that it took six months for them to talk to him and he had to ask for them to talk to him Wow no I did it no we're good yeah you asked to be moved to DC because he thought he was gonna be killed where he was I guess in Texas or hell they just lock that dude up and said [ __ ] you yeah good luck they probably they probably told him listen Jack you do us a solid we're gonna take care you in the in the pokey gonna give you hoods I'm gonna shave your head sneak you out the back door you're gonna live in Argentina with Hitler yeah nothing but whoΓ­s steaks sounds good rib and just whiskey and have a good time what do you say jeez just ran up on him bang probably owed money probably had to do something you know and you probably they probably promised him the moon listen to be an American Hero we'll get you right out of this you'll be insane temporary insanity Oh a couple and just ran up we're know like I was a patriot you know and I love JFK so much blah blah blah okay yes no jury's gonna convict him yes I like it yeah so there's a lot of god there's so much that I mean that term is just once you realize that that term is used to just dismiss oh yeah the entire schools of thought and you realize just how pervasive our training is since we're kids yeah well you mean there's so many [ __ ] conspiracies that turn out to be true Enron you know go across the board it's a Vasko industry yes yes GRC merchants of doubt' no what's that one it's a great documentary that showed how the same people that were literally the same humans that used to go on TV and debate the the idea that tobacco was cancer-causing or that it was addictive and they would go on these shows these panel shows and they were hired by the tobacco companies to go and do this and they would go and just then it is not addictive it's not addictive it doesn't cause cancer and they would go on these shows and just lie right and then that's the that's the documentary well the same people went later the same people we're doing the exact same thing about climate change how exact same thing yeah that's the same human beings like these people are merchants of doubt' like their job someone hires them to go and do these talk shows and talk over people and talk really loud and have some very strong points where you show these people that they're being foolish you don't know what you're doing do you ever do that is that part of your job like I just string what you said wait a minute no no I'm saying what I did if this if this the cigarette stuffs in the 50s and climates in the 90s how are they the same they were doing it long past the 50s oh are you serious yeah yeah they were doing it on these talk shows they we just have a guy who would claim to be an expert and this guy would go on these talk shows and just say things that are just patently untrue it's great man you should see marches it's it's one of those things if you sit back and go what why would you hire the same person right well it's a [ __ ] because he's good at it because people didn't know about the internet back then right they didn't know it's right he's gonna make a documentary like this they didn't know that it would ever be revealed this the same guy that was going on all these other shows ten years ago 15 years ago laughing at these lawsuits saying look frankly it doesn't cause cancer it's not addictive and then the doctor via the other end who didn't understand the [ __ ] the hustle yeah yeah losing his [ __ ] it is I work for the Harvard Medical Department course you work for nobody you know then they would have these merchants of doubt' it's a it's a amazing documentary man it's amazing that's very distorted Michael Shermer it isn't about the science it's about me being consistent team members showing the members of my tribe that you can count on me Michael Shermer skeptic Society he is my fear on skeptics magazine or whatever it's called yeah what is this thing I mean that he's like one of the guys it does it no I don't think that's it really I think that's what this is saying no these were these people that are listing here then no let's roll up yeah it must be contributors okay yeah but that doesn't necessarily change it guy he's not he's not doing that he's probably explaining how they're doing it right now they're exploiting skepticism yeah that's yeah cuz he's a hundred percent for I mean he hundred percent believes a climate change and he's a very science-based guy he's not right about everything but you know he's also one of those guys that believes the official story always you have to beat him in the head with it and then then finally the headaches Magazine believes the official story almost always and then he comes up with some crazy explanation why it works and then with the Epstein woman was the first one he said wait a minute okay hold up hold seriously it was like literally when I first times I've known this guy for like eight years so the first time and all the times that I've known him that is it actually said we didn't hold on the films missing but this might be a conspiracy he literally said this might be conspiracy look yeah so blatant yes Michael Shermer who has never met a conspiracy he doesn't want to debunk he got to that one you went oh this one's real they killed that [ __ ] dude yeah yeah or allowed him to kill himself at the best yeah but they even the the autopsy results so like the way his neck broke like in the way the bones in his face broke like no like somebody choked that guy yeah somebody choked that guy they grabbed a hold of him when they shattered his neck I I just think it's so interesting how it's getting harder and harder for them to keep a lid on what stunts they're pulling off behind the scenes yeah and that's why we're in the World War 3 because with World War 3 there'll be much less scrutiny because people be worried about contamination and radiation and everybody that's in power will being Dick Cheney's bunker down deep into the bottom of the the hole that they created somewhere around the Pentagon I believe do you think that we're gonna go to war over this worried I'm legitimately worried that one of the things was [ __ ] Trump made a tweet about if they attack I'll you know attack them with a disproportion yes and I was like you can say that man because if you do do that if you say that and then you do that like was disproportionate man you gotta just nuke someone you're gonna launch missiles into the the capital like what are you gonna do I don't think if they attacked us that he would be in a space not to attack disproportionately back that's what I'm saying but even if he hadn't tweeted that right I think everyone be freaking out so bad tweeted about it it makes you hard jesus course threatening them on Twitter he's basically threatening causing a war a huge world war wait a minute I think if you're killing their big general you're already threatening them you definitely doing this more than threatening but already pulling triggered the attack in the embassy and he can prove that guy as a connection to six hundred Americans 600 plus American deaths because of I II DS that they don't care and Ron that's not gonna I know I know they don't but at least it gives you some sort of a motivation for taking this guy out sure right I mean I've heard Dan Crenshaw talk about it and some other people make some explanations as to why sure they needed to take this guy out and why was a good thing maybe apologists I don't know I don't know if they're right or wrong I just [ __ ] hate it I hate all of it you know I mean I hate the fact that we get led into these goddamn things that's the thing yeah that this could happen that we people could lose brothers and sisters and friends and all of it the most disturbing thing I've ever seen there was this like a group of four pictures of this little kid I remember his name Timmy and it's like the first one he's like it needs a little camouflage like holding up a photo of his dad then they made a like stuffed animal with his dad's face on it and then he's like holding up a sign it's like I love you dad can't wait to see you soon like the dad was dead like 20 and they like show some support for little Timmy I'm like this is there's one of him kissing the dad's gravestone and I'm like this is not good like yeah we should support this kid but it would be a lot better if he wasn't in this position it's heartbreaking and just seeing him cuddling with his dad's doll it was it really messed with me something fierce oh it's awful and we need less of that we definitely know as little as me as little of that as possible it's just heartbreaking to say and he's just so cute and proud there's no crazy though that you mean you really only can say as little as of that as we can you can't really say we should have no war because no one thinks right because humans are conflict but and and was like kill each other but that's amazing yeah that as much as we know like our base of knowledge that we can extract information from is so giant our ability to communicate with each other is unprecedented we can translate things in real time and still we got more is inevitable yep someone wants to take your stuff and I don't you know someone else says I don't want you taking my stuff this has been you know it's but it's gotten a lot better definitely a little better we get nuked into the Stone Age somewhere around March sure yeah just in time for the primaries no I mean it used to be it was considered appropriate that if you beat someone in a war you kill everyone yes and now it's like maybe we don't need to like literally kill everyone okay let's let's try that maybe or maybe you kill this general and then they kill some of your guys and then you kill a bunch of people and they kill a bunch of your people and they say if you do that again we're gonna nuke you and they should go ahead do it [ __ ] and then you do and then Russia gets involved then China gets involved then Los Angeles gets vaporized so it has a happy ending Oh son of a [ __ ] well you'll be out here with a [ __ ] crazy suit on and there'd be no one here to listen to it but crazy City made some sort of radiation suit oh okay thank you my clothes because I got an outfit ready for when I'm unruly yeah you have a [ __ ] apocalypse special tie apocalypse the convocation a dark side little atomic sighs I look like a new wave singer look it's kind of amazing that we haven't nuke to anybody since 1947 yeah that's amazing yes all right was it 45 it was 45 Japan yeah 45 yeah yeah so we haven't new to anybody since 45 it's and no one else has either that's what's amazing except for Russia nuking themselves basically which are no whoops yeah and then North Korea didn't they do that didn't the experiment in the mountains yes and the monocle at Mountain but I don't think anyone died yeah I mean look look not gonna would that that's all that happened this is wood you know yes it is so I I mean I'm very hopeful about the future of this country they possibly iron things out with a rock how could they possibly say to Iran hey [ __ ] up [ __ ] I don't think he thinks he [ __ ] up if Crenshaw has Craig if Crenshaw has his back you know the explaining this I think he's not gonna back peddle on this Trump's not a back peddler anyway right but do you think it's possible that they could somehow another work this out yes really yeah because if if Khrushchev and JFK can work out the Cuban Missile Crisis right JFK never sent a [ __ ] drone to shoot down Khrushchev's number-two guy sure but at the same time if you're like look even were in a sense the sanctions and how we've kind of collapsed my understanding I'm not expert Iran's currency is also a huge deal and it has caused a lot of you know suffering there so they didn't do anything about that mmm true good point at a certain point you know if you just your dicks big enough the people just have to be like the [ __ ] there's I think that's real though I just feel like this one is so public and demands a response and I don't think they're not gonna respond they could respond in some way that's kind of like to say face now how many right and right how many people do you think are in the Iranian regime that want change and that realizing that the Iranian regime and their support of certain aspects of terrorism and the support of a lot of the stuff that they're claiming this guy did including the the IEDs right this is all problematic because they brought this upon them by their acts and their deeds and then we need to change the government like that's really what a sophisticated intelligence society would want they want they would want to figure out how to infiltrate that thing that organization and sow seeds of doubt and like let everybody know hey do you love your children I just made a giant [ __ ] mistake I can't comment down I can only look at it through the lens of stuff actually I'm informed about which is like North Korea and the Soviet Union and what happens is these regimes the people at the top aren't there because they're smart or charismatic they're there because they're loyal that's the first thing they test for and everyone's always looking after each other to kind of like look this guy's gun soft and they're getting rid of each other that way that's the power plays going on over there so if you have someone being like oh maybe we shouldn't do terrorism all of a sudden everyone's raising eyebrows and being like this because if you're going to advocate for that everyone's got to be on the same page because that's a big move to make right right so if one guy's like a guy's movie this is evil it's like okay now you're making us look evil and I don't like having this voice in the meeting so I think it's going to be very hard to have some but the thing is about this the strike because it was so precise I'm sure they're scared also that he would have no problem killing them individually that's the real fear so it's like oh if I escalate this he might be coming for me personally next or the people if there's a you know a revolt it could be like Gadhafi being raped to death by like a broomstick mmm and they don't want that either it was a bayonet okay sorry okay there's a little rougher that's even worse okay Wow remember that picture I know I didn't look at it he stand there in shock penis to have it on the [ __ ] with with a knife oh my god yeah but you said that that guy is gonna be the mount you would Jima guy of the future you know there's gonna be a guy just ramming it right up Gaddafi's ass it's probably in a mosque somewhere so yeah very quickly you're gonna be wondering am i next and then you also wonder do I want to be a martyr and like go out heroically well you're making all good points but what I'm worried about is some sort of an attack on on some sort of a public place a good Disneyland it'll be a lot easier for them to your right or Disney Lenora hitting Israel yeah like look we hate them blah blah or a rock somewhere right so who knows what I mean what they did with the Iraq war with it when it was Bush and Tony Blair they bombed the train station in Spain and Spain couldn't get out of the war fast enough so it could be that they're going after one of our allies to separate us you know that might be a smart move to do you go forward chess game there's so many spots to hit you know what I mean there's no way you can really it's like a shell game there's only so many shells Jesus Christ yeah the system make you nervous and now but you're a psychopath all right what do you mean aren't you how am i psychopaths what a name calling on this twenty20 Rogen's I'm kidding but you you not nerve all in offer you nothing you really 100 percent confident and I'm not 100% confident at all are you 60 percent confident yes I'm very hopeful that's it yes so forty percent might be the end of the world no end of the world it's I don't think is on the table at all no because I think what happens is Russia and China and Britain sit down with us and there and and Iran and they're like this is how it's gonna be that's what I think happens yeah there's I don't think it's Gatewood we're at a point where we can escalate to a world war three situation do you think Trump goes to that meeting [ __ ] up on diet pills was it does he take what not adderall what does he take what they accuse I'm taking oh yeah ever dream no what is it what is the the the cold medicine that he had sudafed yeah that's right who knows a pseudo effort city nephron yeah pseudo f adrene okay it's it's like a speed yes yeah yeah and he got the European [ __ ] which is stronger okay I I think it's very useful in negotiations when you come off as a lunatic that's true because it's like I don't know what I'm dealing with now I'm scared that is true about some I wonder if he's being used in that regard yeah I need a wrecking ball yeah like why we got this guy look around the [ __ ] Kent its kind of get impeached yeah so we I mean we can't support him forever let's just let this guy ball some people up and get get us some more dirty work done they hey we're real sorry about that never happened again yeah people did you just never to see him taking a hunk photos at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin well he's a hunk so what's the problem no these are like ugly while he's at these are extra hunky extra nobody was looking all sexy at the camera Fish Face and there's some fish lips yeah it's almost like is that is that the Holocaust Memorial and it was the Holocaust need to see that didn't he get accused of his campaign was using fake Twitter accounts is that true they tracked someone or something yeah look at that okay that that's the Holocaust Memorial that's from his husband is this cool husband yep make that larger I don't think that's hunky I think people are being nitpicky he's standing there it's a comet you don't think looking over your shoulders to come hither if it's toast not to me bro I'm a man yeah okay how do those come-hither that's sad so is he and so is its husband I think he could have been the middle of the saying something like this is insane what does the caption say what does it say I love dick setup this guy oh yeah okay alright and like my friend Brian Morin who's uh yeah I think now I changed my opinion Brian Moylan wrote an article four years ago that apparently is a thing for gay dudes to do this and put their photos on Grindr there's an article like why are gay dudes taking pictures of the holocaust memorial and putting alright this is a thing who could look it up what yeah why was there a reason he couldn't figure it out there's something got to be in the culture maybe it's a conspiracy theory dum-dum-dum maybe someone tricked them into doing it sort of like some sort of IRA thing in that right agency that does the things where they like [ __ ] with people and get people to get behind certain causes maybe they trick gay guys anything it's really hot to take photographs because you know how Russia feels about gay people they're not there yeah so maybe they just like got into the community and they they do by the way have gay and lesbian pages and lbgtq page sure yeah I mean this IRA this internet resource agency has hundreds and thousands of eight of different fake accounts that have a massive impact a massive impact rather as long as they got good memes I'm like okay so oh oh you're canceling a turn the on due to white power side yeah right then maybe that's what they're doing maybe the convincing gay guys to give up hither come look in front of cemeteries and this isn't the one just the Jewish Museum cause of photos of gay male yeah at berlin's holocaust museum so that's a thing they do look at that one guy with its feet up yeah that's look at that per left all the guys doing handstands what the [ __ ] man yeah how about that gay guy in the lower left-hand corner in the track sitting on the top and attracts you just ready to sprint over some dick yet this is a thing this was a thing this was a thing at six o'clock writing I'll write it right Wow awesomely outrageous yeah time flew it's fun here my friend do you have anything to let anybody know about how to follow you just michael malice on twitter and an Instagram and I'm still not verified so that's [ __ ] you Instagram how many you have like 12,000 and Joe salaz tried to help me and didn't do anything they don't want you in they don't want me I'm oh you're a bad person with a piece of [ __ ] but you're not a psychopath no just jokes Instagram he's an guy that's not sure come on you're not a bad guy I'm not a nice guy we were doing so well we had a great Peter I was playing bad guy you were supposed to be good cop I'm badder guy I [ __ ] up thank you hey this is fun man thanks brother appreciate it bye everybody [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 6,296,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party, Joe Rogan, comedian, Michael Malice, JRE #1407
Id: 83ysf_GO2aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 20sec (9920 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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