The Advice GSP Gives to Young Fighters

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the jurogan experience it's a very you know it's it's a very hard path and and you know one of the happiest place for me to go and the saddest place to go it's the gym when i go train to the gym it's the happiest place for me to go because i can practice the sport that i love because i love training you know i love the science of fighting and it's very sad too because after training there's always some guys that come to me to because they seek some advice and i always give them advice regarding fighting but a lot of them my advice for them would be hey bro you know you should hang off you hang up your gloves and find a real job you know because some of them because i i've seen this movie and it's not a good ending my friend like like go find but if i tell them the truth they'll get mad at you they get mad at me because i'll be like oh yeah you know what i mean like right you're jealous yeah he's jealous you know he's arrogant and stuff you know but that's the thing i tell my real friends that when it's time to hang up the gloves i tell them the truth i said listen and i said to them like i said listen man what's good for you now you know you know you you know it's a little bit like in um the movie uh uh with uh bruce willis you know uh uh quentin tarantino you know oh pop fiction fiction you know if you if you would if you would have made it you would have made it before you know when he made that speech you know it's a little bit the same thing but it's it's i love that monologues it's amazing but it's the truth a lot of people should relate to this but it's unfortunate well the reason why champions are so exceptional it's because it's so hard to become a champion it's so rare all the stars have to align you have to have mental prowess physical prowess you have to have great coaching you have to have so many different factors have to come together and also fortune i mean your guy has been through some surgeries yes and we all know guys who they get injured and they can never even train again it happens it's unusual but it can happen and we're dealing with this this giant hurricane of possibilities for someone to boom come out of that and be a george saint pierre or be a khabib nurmagomedov or a jon jones or someone who's exceptional it's so rare so when someone's kid comes up to you and says i'm going to be the next world champion you're like the possibility that the odds of failure are so they're so so high they're so high that's the thing it's it's i believe it's you need to have a certain predisposition yeah i met in my life incredible mentors that had a huge influence on me they they taught me like great life lessons techniques and it's incredible like if i would not have had that those those guys who influenced me i would never have been where i am right now and plus on top of that you know i got i worked really hard and i was lucky you know like the star were all aligned but you need all that and you need the great coaching is so important too there's so many guys that are really talented but they they they have meat head coaches and their coaches train them the wrong way so they spar full blast in the gym and then they go out and they they lose and then they have their coach has them sparring a couple weeks after they get knocked out and that kind of and and they don't have the technical prowess their technical proficiency to teach a child or a kid or an athlete right you can get unlucky you know i believe the best way to improve it's when it's playful i've seen so many guys drew i can't say names but it's crazy how many guys i've seen that left their career in the gyms yeah because they expire too hard every sparring for them it's it's about winning the round yeah it's about life or death you cannot improve like this you need to be playful of course when you're in training camp and your fight is coming up you need to somehow trying to recreate that environment of discomfort that stress but when you're outside of that preparation preparation zone you need you need to be playful because that's when you you improve when it's playful when it's like a game you know because you will be more prone to trying new things and and by trying new things you'll you'll adapt you'll be like oh this one works this one doesn't work but the one that works i keep it in my back pocket you know and it makes you grow that's our problems you know i've seen like very often i see guys like sparring they they they lose a lot of brain cells it's terrible it's terrible and i'm well i'm a former world champion you know like when i spar with with guys very often they are nervous so they become all stiff and when they hit they hit so hard i tell them i'm like you don't get ready you don't have any fight coming up soon like just have fun but relax i tell them relax and they very often they they relax you know some will try to make you know so i have to answer back i have to but but very often they relax and and and they're surprised that because it's so so much of an egotistic sport you know like we have this mentality that oh if the guy tells you to relax because he's scared you know right it's so stupid you know but it's that's how if you want to improve you need to it needs to be playful and and in everything you know you we say oh you when i say inspiring when i when i'm about to spar with someone i never sparred before i that's what i do i tell him i say hey would you like to play a little bit i don't use the word sparring because sparring is like aggression and i tell him as hey would you like to play a little bit there then we touch glove and we play and and i never go hard i always start very very slow and if i see that he's going toward i tell him i say please go go more more easy and of course if he's getting ready for a fight it's different it's a different situations but you know that's how it is you know when you need you shouldn't be afraid to tell your training partner hey please like put it like slow down a notch you know like like when you see guys trying to throw a head kick to knock each other out you know in boxing sparring it's different because we we have big gloves big head gear you know they can't go hard i mean even if it's not good because it's repeatedly blows repetition to with the blows of the head but in mma with the kicks it's the damage is basically like a baseball bat hitting your head you can't do that it's it's crazy man the thais have it right right that's right that's right because they have so many fights they have so many fights that and also when you fight someone when i fight someone it happens very often in my career like when i fight someone you have a connection with the guy you fight a lot of things happen here and real fighter will know that what i'm talking about the connection that we have because you look at each other and these this connection you cannot see it when you watch the fight on tv but very often in most of my fight when i went to decision i could see the guy break breaking folding like he's letting me know that he doesn't fight to win anymore he's fighting to not lose and like i said earlier it's not up to me trying to trying to push the pace trying to to finish him and increasing my risk of getting cut by a counter punch and getting knocked out you know it's up to him to take the risk you know because he's losing the fight and the idea in this game you want to save yourself for another day i mean it's sad to say for the family this is the truth if you win and that's what you're doing is good you win you're winning the fight you know you're going to get paid the the same amount of money of course if you have like an highlight wheel something like that it could increase your pay but but in terms of your career i believe you should see your career as a marathon not as a sprint so you you kind of save yourself and a lot of time i fought guys i could see in their face that oh he doesn't want to be there anymore like i know i'm winning the fight before even the fight is over they get desperate of course they're gonna throw a haymaker or something but i know they're not gonna take any risk because they they're they're hurt they're they lost already they know that i'm better than them and that's when i know i get the fight and i know that i'm just need to be on cruise control i can win if they don't like it's hard to to finish someone who doesn't fight to win anymore right you see very often champions in in mma have a very dominate dominant career in the beginning you know they finish a lot of their opponent but after a while it become it kind of peak because all the entire ufc roaster is studying you and they figure you out maybe they didn't figure you out how to beat you but they figure out how to kind of survive and and hang in there with you jon jones is a good example of that right everybody myself same thing like every like a lot of guy anderson silva the the the all the the champions that's what happened catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background by using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free spotify is absolutely free you don't have to have a premium account to watch new jre episodes you just need to search for the jre on your spotify app go to spotify now to get this full episode of the joe rogan experience
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 845,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: -8mNbCR9ClU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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