Jr. Developer Portfolios REAL EXAMPLES - Are They JOB READY? #grindreel

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[Music] what's going on YouTube I actually have no reason to put that Zoo footage in here but I never went to the zoo and thought it would make some good b-roll so let me just go ahead and warn you that the best part of the video was probably the zoo clips and the the song that's in the background cuz it's it's super catchy anyways we're doing portfolio reviews two highly requested the return of the series portfolio reviews I'm doing with my friend Mike I've made a couple videos with him like four months after ko boot camp life of a junior developer type you can go check out his youtube channel if you want that'd be cool so I figured you know 2 pairs is better than one you might see something that I don't and hopefully you like this dynamic but I appreciate all you guys for sitting in the portfolios and I have a lot more to do so I'm sorry if yours isn't in there just kind of picked randomly for my email when I typed in portfolio the search bar and whatever came up again if you do send it in and try not to have your phone number on there or your address stuff like that like I do my best to blur it out if you gotta remember you emailed it to me right it's I do it as a courtesy but you know you're sending it to me with the possibility review on the channel if you'd like to support the channel I've got some new products up I've got a new zero experience cover letter because I was highly requested and there's a note course a note back in project how to make end point and then also I put the the source code of my game that I put on the App Store so come on download that and publish it yourself or modify it or whatever so you can go check that out if you want that supports the channel because YouTube won't give me my join button I don't know why they just keep telling me sorry Josh there's no ETA you just have to wait even though I'm like 30,000 subscribers Evan really salty can you tell anyways I hope you guys enjoy this video I appreciate all you guys for sitting in the portfolio's I'll see you guys in the next one alright first up we got Caitlyn Frederick let's take a look at her profile my work both buttons needed that's good good stuff got animations here that's cool it'd be cool to have a link to your resume up front next to your view projects rather than making me go up to the top right click resume blog you have kind of like a blog it's more of like a post oh you have a youtube wait is this just a link to youtube oh man now everyone saw my subscriptions freako camp you to me so this is just favorite resources blog I guess can I go back there's no back button social media we got your email those buttons work that's good about skills I'm self-taught I think you're giving away too much information and that's about section and I think you should remove the skill section because that should be on your resume I think you could put I'm a self-taught front-end developer currently located in X I'm pursuing an opportunity in this don't talk about what you intended on doing couldn't finish for financial reasons blah blah like that's just too much info that Noah nobody needs to have AI don't need to have that info employers don't need to have that info YouTube viewers don't need to have that info just too much I'd break up the skills to another page if you're gonna keep it and not stack them like this cuz there's so much empty space on the right side it's an odd way to lay it out there's just a lot of empty space on the right side and they're all big and there's not that many skills so you can put pictures for each one or something so we got MongoDB got a lot of cool skills here live version github I like the way these are done they're a little bit uneven which is it's not like a deal breaker or anything but these two are flush and this one's not you could probably fix that somehow there's one typo here IMDB API IMDB is all upper case you missed that be there the shining star here you got links to everything that you need you're just making me click too much these should be on this very front page at the very very front home page here site less clicks is better right Mike we're reviewing another Mike so I'll let you go first what do you think about it well I want a bigger monitor so everything scales out and the first thing I could say is I didn't I did not see the top right hamburger button or whatever its called I didn't actually see that so I was just looking around for things to click on this is typically reserved for mobile devices hamburger icons so if I got a 50% this will put me at 4k resolution I wouldn't be able to see this button it's too tall so bigger monitor so just I had to turn my head and it's just if there was a bit more contrast there I like the idea going for right like horizontal vertical horizontal vertical where I'm gonna click here we got your picture which is I'm always like removed the picture because people are mean and judgmental and you might look at somebody that I don't know there's a lot of reasons in Europe it's more prominent to put your picture but in the US they can go to your LinkedIn and get and get a picture I'm gonna go to your portfolio here live version view code perfect that's what I want to see I'm gonna go the about definitely think it's a bit annoying to have to click that rigor but sin every single time to go through pages it'd be nice to have a little header yeah it is I do have to wreak lik this every single time and if I go to the contact page makes us removal but not for desktop just a Google Form nested in here it's kind of neat one thing I did notice here is that when I go to your about and I open this hamburger we got double pictures is it responsive crap I mean it's I mean it's already kind of responsive but it works like a foam site it's simple it's simple but you're making me click from the home page to figure out what I want to find all right Mike thanks for sending it in there's no personal info but it's actually not I think of it there's no resume on here you should probably include that Mike I appreciate you to other Mike both Mike which one both Mike say people like I don't know this gives me an IQ vibes Nike vibes yeah it isn't good I've let bar like Gillette the best a man can get likes I mean maybe I want to hover his beard disappears clean shave alright this is the first thing we guys talk about here if I go to your about page you're rating your skills before I even get a chance to so why would you tell anyone that you're what is this 60 percent never tell someone your percentage of skill they'll figure that out when they give us codeine yeah I mean right like to me that can mean the one thing in the total opposite yeah 60 percent of node would yeah exactly this is just very subjective remove rating yourself they'll rate you after you take the test this could make or break you go into the next step they might what is this well if you look at this all this gap we know we need a rockstar and react but what you know and react could be that Rockstar amount but they see this and they're like oh yeah not gonna happen the full react for it could be one year experience and maybe you have five under your about me let me tell you a little about me there's no II am a little I think maybe I mean that's just there's some English stuff here for example I'm swimming you know two M's here you know shorten this down be like I'm a web developer who's in love with programming I love learning about new technologies and then I would cut it there on my on my screen the navbar is like halfway down it's just not scalable Pro oh right the footer yeah the footer is somewhat okay yeah cuz you're on 4k so this doesn't scale yeah yeah so you guys you got your address and partment number all that stuff don't don't put that there there is here is how we can reach me I don't understand you don't need to put we you know just remove this and leave contact me there that would be fine there's just some English stuff that I really think although minor it from your address it looked like you were in California and if you're in California gonna assume that you know that these little things will matter if you're working on product facing stuff especially if they give you content to write I really like how he shows his projects the yellow tint that goes over I like that I'm not sure yeah it's hard to indicate if either of these buttons are clickable because once you mouse over the whole baby comes yeah I'd get rid of the project one project to project agree especially the fact that project one is at the bottom for me and frankly chooses the top the actual name of the project yeah is it does it say project one on the bottom for you thanks for thanks for sending it in we appreciate you alright we're looking at raymond j / Stoff Raymond J I've realized you built this with the react boilerplate because your little icon on the tab has not been changed nor has the title of your application been changed so this is a dead giveaway that you built this with boilerplate you're gonna need to fix that ASAP that's very like oh he just whip this up at two minutes which it doesn't really matter but everything else looks so nice and then you leave this one thing if I just open up his github and actually go to his portfolio repo I could see that use the boilerplate cuz it says this project is bootstrap to create reactor folio it okay right here yeah so you left the you left the react strap or the react boilerplate in here yeah change your read me just give a little description of what you did here liking video is a high-quality picture its rest out on my screen and it looks really good oh yeah it's set to attach nice yeah everything scales to 4k looks good what sets me apart I don't know if I would put this here I don't think I would give them that sort of information before they ask about it because you might say something here that just totally sets you apart that you're now disqualified from the job it's a game you need to feel out your employer you got to feel out their attitude their energy if they're you know feeling like they're more relaxed and more uptight you gotta like by doing this you've already removed that ability to feel someone out and kind of say the right thing if you're gonna be like well you should just be yourself in the interview that's not true don't do that it's an interview it's a competition do you have an issue with the mobile oh yeah mobile skills everything down if I if I put on the iPad does that fix nope iPad is broke my current on job practices you can talk about this stuff in your cover letter don't don't do this stuff priceless mentorship I can provide weight coding alone is hard and progress is slow working with a team is a two-way relationship wherever I can provide value to you so this is pretty big I really like this photography template my projects are laid out with the bullet points technologies use live preview and source private so we can't see that I like how you talk about the the role project difficulties and your solution to those difficulties which is super cool it'd be cool if I could see the code though it's not I mean I don't actually know if you wrote this it's not in your github you could just be linking something and claiming it for yourself you know I think you should remove this important things to know about me I just don't think I don't think that you should leave this here get to the interview just get to the interview and talk about it there don't eliminate any chances to get to that conversation and by putting all this stuff people can start to form judgments about you as a person rather than just see what you can do so for everyone out there watching my role project difficulties and solution so this goes from problem to solution and why it's better because of it notable features is awesome so I'd recommend you guys start doing this all right Cory Borg experience portfolio process pricing this is pretty neat that's pretty neat so we have design development I make design clickable or design and development clickable so if I want to see your actual templates like if you design it Adobe XD or whatever if I click on designer maybe it pops up like a model with your designs or some material github with some pictures or you know I want to see the designs not just know that you did yeah if you're talking about design you need to have those those mock-ups as wireframes that dribble that pants I need to see how that's a Marvel application before you developed it so if I go to more info it takes me there and if I click app demo it takes me to something slightly I'm still kind of not sure what to do like with this content this is just a lot of reading I don't think like no one's gonna read the web design process because they assume that you already know it they just want to know if you can do this or not I I don't know this is kind of like a like a Content site to help me create or if I wanted to do this how I would do it I get what you're going for right you're showing people the process of how this goes and then at the bottom you're like oh by the way I can help you I doubt that they're here because they're wanting to learn how to do it or what it's about know what I mean and I don't see that be like mean or like a douchebag or a jerk I just think that would be the real practical use case for it I'm still not sure what this take advantage of the cloud is because you have no real links other it's it to anywhere it's a lot of filtering to find what I really want which is who is he what does he know where his projects alright so Cory I'm looking at your pricing section and I can just say that you're going to eliminate some people that are considering you I get that you're trying to be transparent with these prices and kind of like just say what you think your value is upfront and I get that and I respect that but you're going to eliminate some people just by doing this so I'm going to show you what you're actually asking for so you have thirty dollars thirty five forty dollars an hour so I take that will do thirty multiply it by two and then we'll add four percent to that so you're asking for sixty two point four K a year and what are you offering in return custom coding mobile responsiveness I mean I've seen back in jobs that offer this or full stack jobs that offer this and then again we can do the same thing so we take 40 multiply that by two and then we add four percent to it so you're asking for eighty three point two K a year that's how they're gonna see it you're gonna put it like this but they're gonna see it in terms of salary I don't understand so you have Corey Borg and then your name Corey boy go here I'm not gonna throw a bunch of fancy sounding words at you not to be mean or rude but you kind of already did that when I like the web design process page here there's a lot of fancy stuff going on here I think this just needs some organization that would be my take away yeah just a lot of content but I have to filter through it to find what I really want be a lot better to just throw all your big texts into the blog or at least like the last page I didn't even know that you had pricing options why would I come here to get pricing that I don't I don't know what you do on the first page it's just projects and then you have no call to action anywhere that's like interested in what I can do for you I think that's what's throwing me off but you're getting my reaction from it probably similar to someone else's except they're probably just gonna be confused and leave we appreciate you Cory seriously thanks for thanks for having us to send it in alright we'll go on to zone dev this is like I can't it feel like I can unstick this from my mouse but I can't like it's just stuck don't make me go to this menu and then navigate this menu to find what I want all I'm trying to do is find it just find your work this should be on your main page so oh it says our work I'm clicking on our work and it doesn't let me okay so yes start a project what is that you it's a contact thing you deserve happiness let's build your brand together this is very light it's very light grey on a light grey background so difficult on this about Us page the menu on the left is kind of invisible it took me a second to get my bearings yeah so our work is here and I can't click on it and if you're gonna be a little development shop first of all I shouldn't have to come here to find your work I should just be able to see it up wait what how do I get back to your main page home I don't know why you have an option to come back to home because there's no there's nothing here for me to do it's weird I feel like I should just oh I can scroll actually can you scroll Mike I find it a little annoying that it's so hard to navigate between pages and if I make one mistake and I click on the wrong page you have to like wait for that menu animation that's true yeah forced to wait through animations to navigate pages unless you type what if I type a different URL so if I type slash contact and then an illusion yeah you shouldn't have to do that one thing I do with my portfolio is I had something like this where you can have like a cool animation that would take a couple seconds to go between pages but then I also had a really fast way for those who don't have the patience to see it it's a novel effect it's cool for the first time and then you're like let me go back to that and you're like oh yeah so if you go to the contact form and then yes you have a contact form and if I scroll down you have start a project and there's own this is the only way to get this form and the whole site is this one button on this one very last page I can't get to this any other way you are removing business from yourself by forcing me to figure out where this button is yeah if you're gonna talk money you should make it easy to talk money your LinkedIn icon needs to have a white fill it's difficult to read just looks like a black dot on our Facebook icon needs to have a white fill as well this was made with the best intentions and for that you know can't be upset it's a cool site just a novel effect anyways we appreciate you thanks for sending it in man
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 616,081
Rating: 4.8003397 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, developer interview, developer jobs, junior developer portfolio, developer portfolio review, developer portfolio website examples, developer portfolio tips, junior developer jobs, junior developer expectations, javascript jobs, jr developer interview, jr developer interview questions, software engineering, junior developer skills, junior remote jobs, developer brand, freelance portfolio, jr remote jobs
Id: 06uXvfmyVI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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