These Personal Websites are just WOW...

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finally [Music] um yes what are you doing here [Music] hey everyone um [Music] hello guys how are you doing i am so glad to see you here now i've released a video previously where i was reacting to all these amazing software developer portfolios online and you guys have taken it to the next level that video exploded over 400 000 views over 19 000 thumbs up so you know what i'm going to set a challenge here today's video is about me reacting to some more incredible software developer portfolios online however if this video gets 25 000 likes i'm going to film part 3 because there are so many more personal portfolios that i want to explore and showcase to you guys to inspire you guys so make sure you hit that thumbs up button and i'll be releasing part three very soon now for the time being i have compiled a series of five five yes i've compiled a series of five different websites that i want to show you guys so make sure you sit back in your comfort zones pause the video grab yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and enjoy what's about to come because you my friend are about to be very impressed okay so the way we're going to examine these websites is i'm going to look at the portfolio i'm going to give my own professional opinion on what i think about it we're going to test it in mobile view see how it works and performs on mobile and then we're going to give it a score out of 10. now i don't want to hold you guys up so let's jump into the first website and let's see some of the amazing things that others have created okay website number one i u r e dot is so yuri is now going into this website i think it's quite uh significantly uh oriented around the developer perspective as you know all of these the dot is that work that about that contact is kind of to simulate or to represent a function in programming so that's like a nice addition so let's just scroll create a front-end developer designer and illustrator okay so this is his cv so resume for all of you american folks uh biz so he's in the business since 2019 loving that animation oh please tell me it's oh yes it gets better okay sorry for the past eight years i was building and publishing e-commerce interfaces at dot-z alright so that's the company that he works at throughout these years i was involved in hundreds of projects oh wow all these animations i love websites like this they really showcase you know how uh how creative some people can get 600 plus stores payment shipping services and thousands of transactions daily early days oh i like that i like that little cloud transition a front-end developer with one foothold in arts well i can clearly see that he's an artsy person because obviously this uh this website is quite significantly artsy freelancing and startupping inches and pixels [Music] this is so cool okay nice background.bmp oh wow wait wait this is this is like mario uh oh so many options so many options um let's go with two one two no do i click it what's happening why is it not working one three what's going on i want to oh i needed to scroll a bit more okay okay so that's a little bit of a fault i i would work on that but okay let's click two what i don't know what now oh i keep scrolling 3d models smart painting and illustrations okay that was cool that was a nice touch a nice kind of interaction with the with the person looking at what you're trying to showcase here this is super cool close your eyes what do you hear i hear the water i hear the birds do you hear your own heartbeat no okay why do we have a poem so it's a wrapper wrap wrap of the website made with oh there you go so for all of you folks previously that was asking you know what kind of technologies these websites are made of so this guy gives you everything here vue.js gsap scroll magic photoshop and illustrator obviously so there's a lot of photoshop in illustrator to create all these different you know animations and all these different designs and then obviously vue.js which is like a javascript front-end framework and scroll magic and g-sub to do all the all the fancy dandy stuff check out my site that works for more detail very cool so if we click that work oh does that just take us to the different sections work selected aha this is cool this is cool okay about oh that's the guy cool oh there you go you have his resume his main skills okay so this is kind of like a resume and like an outline of what he did that's very nice he's from brazil but based in berlin cool and then his contact form oh no see i i hate contact forms like that because they just they just cause so much fufu and and hassle on your macbook i just prefer like an in uh browser form now i did say that we're going to check what the mobile responsiveness is of this website so if i just load the dot is we're going to inspect this page not view page source and then we're going to see mobile okay iphone x and obviously all of this is done nicely for for the phone which is fantastic um [Music] oh my god there must have been so much effort put into this honestly what about the little game does that work as well oh oh you click on the phone that's cool that's cool that's that's a nice that's nice touch obviously because you have to think about obviously you don't have buttons on the phone if you don't want a pop-up keyboard to appear which is uh something that he avoided here and it's obviously made for the phone which is awesome wow okay uh what do i give this website well everything seems to be fine honestly eight out of ten i think this is a nice kind of workflow uh for someone to see your creative skills and what you're capable of so definitely an 8 out of 10. moving on to the second website now the second website is by someone called prashant sani i hope i pronounced that correctly and here we go hey i am prashant i build interactive websites that run across platforms and devices which i can already assume that it's going to be nicely mobile responsive and on any other device now i'm going to check out the menu while we're here okay this is cool this is cool okay i like how he highlights uh and animates all these different colors too much the transitioning from the contact page onto everything else but for now we're just going to close it so same thing happens but in reverse you can see the little color codes in the in the corner and let's just scroll and see what happens do what you love love what you do so some inspirational quotes there okay so he nicely outlines his uh his little projects that he did very simply with some nice animations maybe a little bit too much animations on this one uh or let me clarify that too many similar animations on that one but still a very nice touch i like the color scheme of the gray and the nice fluorescent pink i like these little touches where he you know outlines some some kind of quote and then he tells you a little bit about himself here which is nice you have access to his resume code is poetry okay so this guy definitely is very into his code i'm guessing if that's what he's saying that is a lot of text i don't like text i like to keep it a little bit more simple so i'm not going to read that your attitude determines your altitude also very nice and then okay so these are ah okay so this is some nice animations here and then feel free to send me an email okay so this is this is what i like i like emails like that they're very simple uh you don't have to open up another third-party application like the mail on the macbook i don't like that cool uh okay so this is also really nice i feel like uh you know also a lot of effort went into this website what will i rate it oh actually we were supposed to test it on a mobile device so let's do that let's let's run it on an iphone and i assume everything will be similar so yeah everything is the same nicely adjusted all the pop-ups are perfect all the animations are working perfectly everything a little bit actually notice this looks still nice i was going to say that it's a little bit tight uh with the text but actually it's okay it's okay uh maybe he could have shortened the text for mobile view or shortened what he wants to say uh and and offered like a expansion uh but other than that i think it's quite nice and very nicely adjusted everything is responsive too much text here like i said before but nice perfect ah i don't like c okay so one thing he didn't do is obviously you get these like add-ons that you can add onto your website to say if you want any css awards for your website or if you have been a nominee in anything but obviously this is overlapping the form so maybe output it in a different place or maybe make it a little bit smaller but other than that it looks very nice so this website i'm going to rate a 7 out of 10. what do you think let me know down in the comments the next person that we're going to look at his name is okay i'm going to try and pronounce this properly a website to scroll down slowly okay i'm starting to scroll down slowly what my name is albino tomina oh no i'm a self-taught web engineer i've been a freelancer an employee this is like an animated story holy this is good okay you know what this this needs narration that this needs to be erased this needs some good background music and will tell albino to nina's story so uh i'm going to try and rate this the best i can and let's go for it okay let's get this mic closer okay [Music] my name is albino tonino i'm a self-taught web engineer i've been a freelancer an employee [Music] and an entrepreneur in 2014 i left rome and moved to london with a plane actually best adventure of my life i met amazing engineers that made me a much better developer in 2018 i joined asus as a senior software engineer what a ride and not just for work a few things happened in my personal life as well [Music] when i can i like to contribute to the community publishing code on my github profile writing about software engineering or contributing to other open source projects but the most important thing of all [Music] that was insane i mean apart from the fact that possibly he didn't tell us too much about himself and there could have been more information especially when he's a web engineer and he wants to highlight some of his skills but god damn i mean this guy is clever and i don't know if you've noticed but he left us on a cliffhanger you're ending scrolling thinking but what is the most important thing of all and then he kind of directs you to contact him and get in touch and and seek you know whatever whatever he wrote wow that is awesome website source code on github so he has a github of all the code so if you guys are interested how he made that uh you can go and see it and i'm definitely going to go and see it as well because god damn that was fantastic oh it's just it's just so nice it's there isn't much to say here another thing i just noticed is uh all the books that are on here i believe are something that or are the skills that he knows so docker express for javascript obviously some javascript design patterns oh i know that book i actually have that book um so react design patterns and best practices so obviously he's a he's a front-end developer you can kind of tell from from these books here which is quite cool uh he shows you his current employment he tells you a little bit about himself and then he just leaves us on a cliffhanger but you can see he he says he contributes you can check out his github and stuff it's just it's just the attention to detail is so good uh so good now i'm so interested what this looks like on mobile so uh i'm going to inspect this page right away a website to scroll down slowly oh he made it work now that that is a skill that is an incredible skill oh and it's a little bit different as well this is fantastic wow wow wow this is awesome this is awesome honestly my rating on this 10 out of 10. it's probably probably one of the best websites i have seen so far which kind of tell a story there could have been other things that he added to there uh so maybe let's go for a 9.5 out of 10. he could have included more detail but the way he tells the story i mean a good website a good personal portfolio to me is one that will stay in my brain and one that i will remember and this is definitely a website i'm going to remember so we've got two more websites left and let's see what uh what we'll be surprised with this time okay so let's go this guy is called ricardo zanutta now obviously it doesn't have a security certificate a lot of you guys mentioned previously in the comments that oh you don't need a security certificate because you're not sharing any kind of you're not selling anything on the website you're not taking any personal information yes you're right however a security certificate is also important for you guys that don't know is for when you want to rank higher in google searches obviously if google knows that your website is not secured it doesn't have ssl it's not protected google is not going to see this website as safe no matter what it is it doesn't know exactly what's on the page so it will rank your website lower in the search it's not just going to pop up like that that's why possibly some of the previous websites you guys have never seen before because obviously the ranking isn't adjusted as high okay now on to ricardo zanuto's website let's start scrolling ricardo's interactive front and developer so we can see these little things move here uh and latest works okay so here he presents his latest projects that he's been working on [Music] web is fun some other projects and that looks like it's it you know what this is this is a nice website very simple very straightforward has all the social links to his codepen et cetera github uh case studies okay so these are his case studies experiments are the things that the bottom web is fun okay cool and then obviously he has his social media contacts as well if i want to contact him i'm guessing it's going to oh so he gives you a little pop-up about me and you can send him an email fantastic uh is this a good portfolio yeah i think it's actually really good very simple very straightforward your name all your links to your social media so a recruiter can contact you uh your latest works your cool projects that you've worked on outside of your work and obviously a simple about me just to let someone know who you are and who they are dealing with so i think i think simplicity wise you don't need anything more if you're looking for something simple so this is a great example of something that any of you guys could do with a little bit of interactive stuff to keep it a little bit more interesting obviously i assume this website will be mobile responsive let's just check it very quickly it looks like it is the spacing here is a little bit big i'll maybe make it a little bit smaller but other than that everything looks nicely responsive so i don't really have much to say here let's just look at the menu the menu is cool also quite very simple nothing nothing too fancy so yes i think this will get a solid seven out of ten uh obviously security certificates and all that uh would be ideal however seven out of ten i think is a good ranking for this specific good guy so well done ricardo okay so on to the last website that i have for you guys this guy is called now let me pronounce it properly drives van brock dot be so i'm guessing he's from belgium sorry if i pronounced that wrong uh scroll to discover so i'm a motion designer so i reckon this will be really cool ah and for the first time ever on the video series to the personal portfolios we have a horizontally scrolling website i think horizontally scrolling websites are really cool there's something different they're a different touch i will wonder how this is going to work on mobile because that's always the biggest problem with vertically scrolling websites but i like how these things pop up and become you know brighter and then they kind of fade away again uh so this is everything i think that he has on his website nothing too fancy okay what about if i click about ah hi i'm dressman broke or dries a belgian motion designer currently working at buck la interested in working together feel free to contact me so he gives you all his all his kind of contact details and what about work here is a collection of all the work that he has done previously his social media links and obviously this i'm guessing is yeah mail to vandrog but we will get a pop-up again so i don't really want to click it again the website is not secure i kind of think it's very simple and nice i really like the horizontal scroll and let's see how that is going to work on mobile because i'm very interested okay so as i thought what he did is he basically just changed the orientation so now that it recognizes that device is smaller and there is a smaller pixel ratio obviously the design goes from horizontal to vertically piled up i think it's cool i think you could have done a little bit uh more kind of designing when it comes to this fading in and out like you had on your main website but in all honesty it's also very simple also very nice you get to the point i would maybe like to know a little bit more about him about some of his skills etc but other than that i think it's very good so i am also going to give him a 7 out of ten now that kind of wraps up all the uh websites that we have looked into today uh i hope you guys really enjoyed it if you did make sure you smash the thumbs up button obviously i really like covering these personal portfolios for you guys i'm doing these to inspire you and to inspire myself and obviously i have today and this kind of gives you a little insight into what you can do with your website and on top of that some of these people tell you the technologies or to give you the code that they actually use to make this so you can go and learn now i'm going to wrap this video up here i hope you guys enjoyed thank you very much for supporting me and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Filip
Views: 366,546
Rating: 4.9079251 out of 5
Keywords: Web Developer Reacts to Incredible Personal Websites, Web developer reacts, developer reacts, reacting to websites, reacting to amazing websites, personal portfolio, personal website, developer reacts to amazing websites, developer reacts to websites, reacting, amazing websites, crazy websites, software engineer reacts to websites, software engineer reacts, web developer, amazing portfolios, reviewing your websites, website critique, reacting to your websites, filip, design
Id: S7V0-QvYbdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.