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so today we're gonna look at some portfolios of you guys the viewers you guys sent me some portfolios to review take a look at my website take a look at the UI does it load fast enough is it mobile responsive we don't actually know the answers to these things yet that's just what I'm gonna check usually if you don't know and you're trying to get a job you get about four seconds of whoever's looking at it so it might be the CTO might be the HR lady might be whoever it is you about four seconds of their time so you want to make it as easy as possible for them to find whatever it is that they want they want your resume that better be one click away they want to see your project that better be like one click away the more clicks you have in these portfolios the worse what happens if Friday you're at the bottom of the stack he gets to you and he's like I just want to go home you know like he's like he's he doesn't he's not giving you a lot of time whereas if you are at the top of the stack maybe he was feeling a little more you know then he's just kind of rooting through all the different applications and you guys get it right so you got to make it simple got to make them clean try not to be like too novel about it so like not so much animations and stuff so I have a whole bunch here I get a whole bunch if you want me to review it go ahead send it in grind real at I have like I seriously I have like a huge list like for those people out there that are like Josh all you do is meme about not wanting to get a job I just want to address that real quick you know I'm very Pro get a job get some skills find what you like and what you don't like and then go do it yourself I'm trying to help you guys out at the end of the day it is fun to meme on HR and business and stuff like that cuz I don't particularly want to work for somebody but I had to do it just like you guys got to do it if you want to you know unless you want to be like hey you want to be your own boss come work for me that's called multi-level marketing that's called a pyramid scheme with a product at the end when you first load it up I got everything I need right here I got github I think this is code pan we got LinkedIn few projects so why you telling me front-end web developer I should be able to figure that out by looking at your projects but you're gonna make me click on this fictional restaurant browse your favorite movies and TV shows view project view code Trello clone that's probably that's probably pretty cool let's take a look at this does it work sample card add a list let's cannot be blank okay one I mean it's like design to the tee I don't know what you did to build this but this is actually pretty cool it got dragon show menu got a cool background you got a view code view project view code view projects this is a very good thing if you guys are out there watching you always want to link to the code linked to the project don't make me go hunt through your github and find the repo that matches this and then hopefully find the files because it maybe has a readme maybe that's like just don't make them hunt don't make them hunt don't make them click the more clicks you have the worst user experience it is especially when you looking for a job don't do that one thing that I'm missing here is your resume there's no link to your resume here and there's really nothing about you like if you're an upfront and web developer I know that your name is Juan Garcia but I mean that's I really don't know anything else here and I only know that just from looking at the URL at the top so if I go to your LinkedIn can I get some information yeah this is actually pretty cool it makes me wonder why you chose the other ones I think this Martian one right here probably would have gotten like more clicks or you could probably just maybe embed this onto your portfolio or you could just link to this from your portfolio and have everything you need right here I mean you got github you got Twitter you got github comm just put LinkedIn there instead and your resume and then link this as your portfolio and there's no way for me to contact you so I'm looking at you here okay cool Juan Garcia looks pretty cool how do i how do I contact him what do i what I go here and I join LinkedIn I have to sign in and then I gotta open a message to send you a message and hope that you see that message on your phone or to like well you can't really do much here on code pen so I need a way to contact you man we got Ulysses Rangel Rangel I don't know but Ulysses is a dope name ulysses s grant he was the general for the north and he became president after they won there's a welcome to history 101 with Josh here okay anyways let's take a look full sack web development with scientific precision I want to know what is loading the background here and will this matter what are you loading in the background here I need to know so one of the things that's kind of hit or miss with portfolio websites are background videos because number one you got to think about bandwidth just on people's computers and then number two you got to think about what's our mobile and they're pulling this up do you have a you have a query like a media query to turn this off it doesn't look like you do because if I shrink this down still trying to load and another thing that I can immediately notice here well I mean no phones really this small but is that yeah you definitely don't have a media query for mobile either so don't don't steal people's mobile bandwidth with the video background full sack web development scientific precision I know what that means but okay attention to detail logical structure building quality work projects we have code sight load this they kind of like load in right they kind of like load-in so everything's like in this hexagonal shape you have this whole hexagon theme these hexagons in the background hexagon here and X akan shapes on the on the right so I got the code in the website does it work hello Roku that's gonna take it a second to spin up I'm not gonna wait that's their um you're missing a readme here maybe add a readme I can look at the code but you should probably have to read me do got a lot on here though that's for sure trivia contact you does that well it's just a mail to LinkedIn that takes me here pretty sweet I think this is fine I don't think that you need this upper portion here you could remove attention to detail here take this out take this out take this out see my work below send a message to get in touch and there's that so I'll put that there and then I'll copy this a couple times kind of show you what this would look like and it didn't really work that well because the colors and the background stuff but you can kinda see what I mean so if you put your resume here and your Linkedin and your github all right here that would be enough for me and then if I click this I can come down I can see your work and then everything everything is good to go Ulysses appreciate your thanks for sending in and you have a you have a cool name dude so move on to Fong oh man oh no please tell me there's something not loading here is this like three sites in one I feel like something's not right let me check the inspector whoa whoa whoa wait wait what happened here okay so if I just go to your actual no do I like the site happy or sad number one they're not even the same size number two they're not centered or this is centered and this is not left aligned at my projects I feel like something's not loaded here dude I don't I don't really want to like is it oh okay well we found the issue so I'm on a 1440p monitor you have not designed the site to be or I guess I'm assuming this is like 1080 you have 19 when is it stop yeah so right at the 2000 fix of limit is when your site just breaks it's a pretty big deal so you have some sort of okay take these off take these off and just make this oh is this an embedded application iframe oh yeah okay you have an iframe I would just take a link to it don't embed this or yeah I would just take a link to it that'd be fine I don't think you need to do this we keep scrolling what does this do it takes me that why do you have such long gaps why do you have such long gaps between all of these Bay Bay a cleaning cess s VCS services why don't you spell services and I how would I know that this happens how would I know how to use this website but until I move my mouse in this mystical area of the chair look man I think after looking at this website I think that they're gonna scroll to this portion of your website and seriously questioned what you have listed here because not supporting a certain resolution is unacceptable if you sent this and they happen to open it on a 4k monitor you know in the conference room or 4k TV and then they saw that they would they would probably realize that something is broke but they wouldn't spend the time to figure out what it is what you know I figured it out for you here so now you know what's wrong with it go ahead and fix this and take out these iframes and add buttons to where I could see where it's hosted you have a resume in tech github 36 repos I'm not gonna go look through your 36 repos I just want to see the code for these things that you have alright so um on to you know that what you know if you typically know what I say right like take the picture off we have your Linkedin here so if I really want to see what you look like if I really care then I can I can come here and I could check it out it's the same picture anyways just because people are mean in the in Europe it's different people put pictures on the resumes the first time I ever saw it when I was in school mechanical engineering and they showed me how to make a resume with a picture on I was like why would why would I ever show them when I looked like it doesn't it's about the job not what I look like right like but the point of the portfolio is to show off what you can do all right so we have GPA 3.2 there's no real way to very verify this you could put 4.2 with like obviously we know that's not real but like that's one thing I do like these slow floating very kind of ambient pretty calm here I do see this and this is what I would just make bullet points and just have C++ C sharp Java HTML CSS JavaScript Python to develop applications computer technician so you have a GPA listed as a fun fact and then up here you also have your GPA so wouldn't this be a section called fun facts honor student dean's list well these are good achievements they don't really matter unless you're applying to like a big corporate company resume this WordPress is a wordpress okay this would be pretty easy to make and react and you wouldn't have to make me load all these pages it would just boom load that would be really cool if you just did this single page application style where I just click this new component loads that'd be the contact form you should be able to do that right now WordPress is slow I know because I have one my whole site is in WordPress doesn't really matter I know it's not a huge deal it doesn't actually matter what you use to build your portfolio it's just about the content but if I go to your main page a little bit slow on the load could be your hosting you know who knows resumes here projects are here so you make me click the projects have to wait for this to load again oh you have a little images my animations okay that's kind of that's kind of cool so if you have a contact me here just here on every page you could take this off on the left all code oh are you gonna have this sorted but it you just don't have anything in here right now so that is I'm gonna assume that yours this still working progress over here but I want to see if I click this to just take me to an image all right that's that's gonna be an issue I want to see this hosted and I want to see the code is that some definite WordPress here I don't know what I would search for there's no comments there's no place to add comments so I don't know why there'd be recent comments so just hop in your CSS and remove this unless you have big plans for this it's very simple I think you could just make this load a lot faster just do the same thing and react it wouldn't be that that that much bigger of a deal wouldn't be that much harder I know it might not be on your skill set here if I click this and this instantly load it and I clicked resume and that instantly load it on the right and everything all these cards on the right here just we're to instantly low and as I click these tabs that just be components mounting and unmounting real simple to do that's it that's all I got for these portfolios today guys that was a lot I hope you got some value out of it if you did hit that subscribe button smash the like button let's see if we can get to a hundred thousand subscribers by July 16th guys we're doing an iPhone giveaway smash that like button let's see if we can get 3000 I can't that's not that's not how I am that's not how I am guys I'm just not like jacksepticeye or ali-a or anything anyways if you enjoy the video hit subscribe leave a comment help me get to 100k let me know what you want to see go ahead send me some more I'm always doing these it's kind of random everybody wants to see me review their so they're like what do you do on the next one when are you doing the next one like I get it but I can't do portfolio reviews everyday I can't do the same thing every day because then I'm a portfolio review channel and I don't want to be that either I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 156,250
Rating: 4.9214387 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, jr developer portfolios, jr developer interview, jr developer expectations, junior developer jobs, developer portfolio reviews, jr developer interview questions, junior remote jobs, developer brand, freelance portfolio, jr remote jobs, learn to code
Id: PDDqtJHxFfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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