Journey to the West (APRIL FOOLS SPECIAL)

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"I kinda went running through the field of flowers. Sorry, I'm just so full of whimsy!"

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Kobold_Noble 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Red] (whispering) What's up motherfuckers *party horn noise* - [Blue] Um... - [Blue] Question: what the hell are weee... doing here today? - [Red] (in a dramatic voice) Welcome, to the wonderful world of Minecraft! More specifically we are, uh, we're going to undertake a journey, in a very specific direction...(laughs) How ready do you feel? - Um, not particularly, it's been a solid 11 years since I played minecraft? Like when I stopped playing, the Nether had just been introduced, like I am-- I'm-I'm old, uhhh I'm old guard in this. - [Red] Well, you're in for a treat my friend. First of all, welcome to, the starting pagoda. Scoot in here. C'mon, there's stuff. Oh yeah, watch out there are also zombies about because it's raining. - Okay - And we're in (sing-song) hard mode! Okay-- - Fun! - (laughs) Yeah, zombies can also break down doors in this mode So let's just hope-- so, uh, for those of you watching at home: You might have noticed that I'm currently in creative mode. That's not gonna last, but uh It seemed appropriate. - And I'm in, uhh Survival pleb mode, where I just die of hunger after a certain point of time. - Yeah. I have all kinds of goodies stored in these chests, There is food a plenty, you will want all of it because you can starve in this version. And there's no meat, because we're Buddhists, which makes us vegetarian. - It's authentic! - Which is unfortunate because steak is probably the best food available in the game. - Aww - Yeah, I know right? So let's just-- just stock up There's also some armor, although that's kind of um, Not really story appropriate but (scoffs) whatever. - Well, I want to keep my Zenyatta skin on because I gave myself a directive to get a skin of something like Monkey, and Buddhist, and then I found oh, Basically a Buddhist monk, Zenyatta from Overwatch, what's better? - What could go wrong? Yeah, I also don't want to cover it with armor, but this is hard mode, and we sadly will die. - Fiiine - Here's a helmet. Oops, I'm in creative mode. I don't -- okay, hold on, hold on. - What did you do? - It's because I'm in creative mode, I don't like, consume items when I wear them So now I have a helmet and I'm also wearing a helmet. Hold on, it's fine - Monkey has duplication powers, right? - Yeah! - This checks out, it's authentic. - Its cannon, don't worry about it. (talking over each other) [Red] Uhg, my beautiful skin, all you can see are the eyes! [Blue] Pants, boots, chest plate. -[Red] By the way, I made this skin myself, and I have some behind-the-scenes stories about that. Available in the super special bonus video that was available to patrons before you guys get to see this. Oh yeah, also happy April Fool's Day, I hope you don't kill me for this one. - (both laugh) - [Red] Okay, if you're coming in late we're doing uh, it's our very special prank April Fool's episode, We're doing Journey to the West but it's in Minecraft. Also, it's just gotten dark and we really don't want to travel at night right now, so Oh, one thing, if you go into your inventory, uh hit E, That shield icon, and you drag the map into it: It's your offhand, so it will just always be there. - Woah! - Tada! So, I made all these maps, don't even worry about it. We should probably sleep. - Oh okay we're gonna sleep-- *accidental hits Red* - [Red] Ay! - Oh shit! - (dramatically) How could you? - I just... The trouble playing with a trackpad! - This is why we don't let you have a sword! - I'm a pacifist, I swear! I'm the most useless member of this party, I'm harmless! - I think this what pain feels like... Die, demon, yes. Oh, no, he's gone. Yeah So here is your horse sort of feels like the Tripitaka Here is your mighty steed as you can see it. Looks like it'll be a big help getting over that hot mess Yeah, I was gonna say question. What the fuck is this? Oh, yeah So this this world mode is enhanced which basically means everything is bigger and more awesome Which is fine half of it renders only half of it does render. This is true. Wasn't that computer chug? Yeah That's that good fan noise. You know what? I'm gonna use my god powers To make it daylight. I'm sorry. What what don't worry it's my server. So So I can watch both Wow. Yeah, isn't that fun? I might not be able to fly right now But I can still change the course of the astronomical what the hell happened to Minecraft while I was gone for 10 years No rarely a lot. Okay. Yeah, so we have the horse we're gonna use the horses this just aesthetic Oh, no, I get the horse if you want God, how do I use the horse? Ah, holy shit. Okay. Hold on you're tethered Oh, no, I'll save you. Let me be free. You're good. Okay adventure Huh? God, there's a lot of zombies around here. If I attack is there can I accidentally kill the horseman actually? No, there's a common fear of mine as well. Cool. Having fun. Yeah. Yeah. Oh it's a cow Let's not let's not mess with the cows. Roberta's vegetarians It's the best frame from the most recent journey of the West it's a good thing, I'm such a diligent through this yeah Oh my ankles. How can this be? I'm definitely we got wildly the wrong direction Oh fun watching my horse face and neck only gameplay I mean until the horse dies Canonically the horse dies very early, but then it gets replaced with a dope-ass dragon horse Oh, yeah, unfortunately, I could not figure out a way to do in Minecraft hot question, which way is west. Well where The sun's over there and it rises in that is minecraft. Does it rise in the east? Yes. Okay, cool So then we just got to go the other way also towards the giant fuck off man. Yeah. Okay cool. We are facing west So there's a few ways to make this Trek I did one of them and mapped it out, which is what these sweet little grey banners are I can't promise that on the on the actual map. Oh those yeah check pointy things. Gotcha It might not actually be the right waterfall. We have to swim with one of these waterfalls All right, the horse can't come with us. Oh my god. I can't leave the horse I know there's so many more plants and stuff. This is great Wonderland if we go, let's see I think there's actually a river valley around this way. Catch me later nerd. Oh, I'm stuck. Wait, no Where are you from Target? Son of a bitch? I've already oh my leaves But actually, where are you Leave me alone. I can't tell where you are. Oh No, what am I done? I've already lost him out. Hold on. Somebody has to die now. Excuse me Oh my gosh, seriously, where are you? I'm are ap2 anybody who thought this is gonna be a journey, but it wasn't Yeah, we've made it about 30 feet west and we're already running into problems Am I already as useless as the real Tripitaka Where are you? I'm stuck in a corner. Hey, I got you. Hold on. Oh my god. You're the fire department rescue me There we go. I Don't think this horse is gonna work for me It's definitely not gonna help you swim up there. Ah It's going laterally I don't this is not the okay. Let's Go over there, okay Lead on Macduff its lay on top Of wine. Oh, man, you made a video on no everyone knows I'm a fake Shakespeare girl You know what that looks like a pretty promising waterfall. Yeah, this one here. This is this giant what about the giant one? All right. Sorry horse. Goodbye. The good news is you get to survive this journey All right, so do you even know what's at the West uh, I do okay, I've already been there cool why oh boy, okay I see the problem why well So, theoretically if we land in water we won't die from this fall I'm sure I can make that that is a narrow jump. No. What nothing venture. Where are you? I'm shit No, it's okay you only have five immortality's left it's okay, I'll catch up Don't go anywhere. Actually definitely go somewhere. I can listen if worse comes to worst I could just cheat my way over I can't oh, this is the jump you were talking about. Yeah This is why I turned on keep inventory. Alright? well with Don't do anything stupid. Hold on. I think I found the root. I was actually supposed to take I'll be on my way soon It's like avatar the James Cameron movie up in here, except we're making it before he gets to his sequence Anything about that movie? Yeah The only thing I remember about that movie is that one guy who says this is Papa dragon because that is a porn name I should have cleared that first the most telling thing about the Avatar world is that when I was at Disney over the summer With Sian and friends when you go on the Avatar ride, they spend a solid like seven or eight minutes explaining to you What the movie is about and like what's going on because they know that you don't know it's not that complicated It's everything everybody wants the fucking unobtainium and the space Native Americans don't want to give it to you. Oh, okay Oh, no. Wait, hold on That might have been the rub just chilling here. I love that The clouds are just coming out of the mountains because we're so there's a scale of man I have to go over to but I'll be right there cool, which I figure out hold on I'm just waiting useless as I am. Oh that's a giant cave. What the heck? Oh god There's a lot of things that we know man. I can totally die in that. No I think you're actually higher up the mountain than I here. Oh, I'm absolutely higher up the mountain than you are. Okay How am I going to have to already cheat and fly you're like a little bit Below me. Yeah. I'm on the tree that you're looking at Oh No, I came back and kind of like sort of drop down. Wait. No, that might be a wait. Where are you? Wait, actually, where are you? Hold on I think I see you away God this was easier when I could fly I'm sure cuz then I didn't have to do any of this parkour bullshit Everyone parkour was the coolest thing parkour is still the coolest thing. Okay. Hold on I Can still fucking can see you I'm gonna jump for it. No No No, yeah one block off a bitch. I'm done parkouring my way. Now. I'm punching my way to victory we are Not even like a five minute walk away from spawn and we're just five So I have bad news the Sun is about to set. Oh Nothing bad ever happened at night. Yeah. Oh, wow. That is horrifying Yeah, oh boy. This guy turns progressive never read the bar. Look at the lava. It's like over here I got a pretty blue and it is like okay feather fall is keeping me alive as I slowly make my way down. Ouch Wait, how does feather fall work? It makes it so you die less when you fall. Okay? Well it has limits for me Yeah, I mean, yes, it has wood. If it doesn't make me functionally invincible to fall damage is basically garbage. Yeah, that's fair. Wait Oh, I see you wait I'm definitely gonna dive. Hold on I'm making my way slowly down the mountain because oh my god, I see you. Yeah, yeah. Hello There's a one block wide river and I think I can jump into it. Oh, yeah. No, no just thread the needle I've got the soil for me last. Oh look the lavas making an error for you. It's telling you jump off the side I think I can I think Oh Nice. Nice. You did a lot better than I didn't duck. The landing. We are unfortunately off the map. I made already. Oh Really we need to go south. I can barely see a thing. It's very dark. It's almost like it's night or something. Yes, follow It's war in Scotland. Yeah, let's see We've got rocks sheep and on rocks. So fun fact this particular kind of dirt. Yeah means a village is nearby Yeah, but it's way up there. Oh, yeah So we've got some extreme Hills over here But if we continue to follow the valley and then scoot our way on up, it's like Yosemite. Yeah Hopefully this time nobody's gonna fall in a river immediately Throw back one time in high school read and I went on a class science trip to Yosemite where we learned a nonzero amount of science But it was mostly just us getting into and out of trouble in Natural areas such as like the kid who got his foot stuck in a river after the professor said hey Don't go in the river and he's like that sounds like communist propaganda and then he jumped in and immediately got stuck He was in there for a solid 20 minutes. Yeah, just like just chillin foot stuck between two rocks He wasn't underwater. It was very shallow in that area, but It was oops it was a Very very funny to not be that guy at that time Try to see how long I could go without having to switch on the flight and godmode Okay To find me just trying to failing to jump on this one. I up blog. I see you that hard Hey you having fun down there? I cannot see shit Have you raised your screen brightness? It's it's it's max. Okay, well, don't worry you're my Advancements, you've got it. Okay euro. Is there any options video? It's what I do, there's no settings Brett is moody. Your brain. Just was on moody. Yeah, I wonder you couldn't see shit. Oh my god It's a whole new world. Anyway, what's my brightness that? Bitch, this is nonsense. Moody. My oh my god. Everything is so much easier Now Wow, it's almost like I can play the game like a normal human being Oh it is a it is a bug in this game that I can't eat just bread here ever That's not a realistic experience Oh creeper behind your cover behind you. It'll be fine. I'm in armor, and I'm pretty sweet They're not even that tough, um, why does your sword set people on fire? Oh, you mean my golden hoop staff that I couldn't pour it into the game. Any other way cool Yeah, it's just enchanted with basically everything Yeah, honestly, not that bad and we only have four entire Maps to cross You think that's bad at least we're gonna finish this in a timely fashion. I'm like Alright which way is south well we're heading west so it's left so South is cool. You're the big fuck-off Mountains Much better we just happened to spawn in the biggest fuck off east mountain range. We could find didn't we Oh, are you right there? Yeah, I kind of went running in the flower view Sorry, I'm just too full of whimsy. Yeah Anyway now you've gotten out of that mountain it's just like go see the world exploring Well, the question is do we do we go do the beautiful flowery side over there? Oh god The giant cavern of death this game got complicated since I stopped playing it Yeah, I remember the first time I ever played minecraft My friend was like yes, so you can take sands and if you put it in a furnace It makes glass and I'm like what out so realist get the fuck out of town. So we've got some pretty scenic mountains flower fields shadowy cavern of death War flower field. It's it's important to recognize the the ecological diversity. Oh, there you are Ecological diversity of the place that you're journeying through. Yeah, stop and smell the vaguely pink Flower bushes, I just hey, I found one of my banners. Look at this. Hey monkey was here It's better than peeing on it. Trust me Oh one time I was explaining My line of work, which is fucking complicated As play - my line of work - a couple family friends and a younger Cousin was like, oh you have a YouTube channel. You should play Minecraft and my heart sank in my chest like a good like While to recover from deflating pretty hard, yeah like I needed to Yeah, oh my god, it's salmon. Yes, there's a salmon but we were vegetarian don't get mine See this part is that this is the stroll This is a scenic route stroll to the west when in doubt just straight up punch your way through That's the real life hack missing from training to the west. I Feel like that's the pelota turns. Oh, oh, well, would you look at that? Look he finds Oh Oh God, but you don't like the shadowy death Canyon. No, you don't know that zombie doesn't have a family Okay, hold on I changed my mind I don't like this cavern I do bored let's get out of here Oh, you mean the five zombies the skeleton or two, but they're falling don't be a baguette Wow Set you off this was this was a dicey neighborhood. Are they still shooting Wow? Okay. Ah Get out of here. You better not die. I'm gonna be so mad What come on get out of the shadowy death Canyon working on it? Okay. Hold on. I'll come back and rescue you Oh, it's fine. It's almost like this is my job or something You know the journey to the west' really wouldn't have made sense during the Mongol period because they had the world's best coding system So it's like just just put it in the mail guys and see what the trouble is Okay. Okay. If we really run maybe we can make it to the shrine before dark right before it gets too dark at least Yeah, this is getting a little dicey There's a creeper next to you Oh Hmm, I'm sensing a shadowy death Canyon. Oh, but it might be the only way through Hold on cool. Well, I mean the entire world is gonna turn into a shadowy Death Canada in about 0.5 seconds So we might as well just go for it about ah the shrine I found it Well, that was so much easier after we stopped trying to climb the big mountain. Yeah Alright, let's get in here because this is the main thing new spawn points Oh beautiful Shit, hold on. Let me go out. If we can't rest there's monsters. I'll go kill them I'm resting what I'm sleeping like a baby. I love that you Alright so a brisk 45 minutes later, we're back I the problem is that my computer is way more of a piece of shit than I ever thought It was so in the process of trying to sort a little 1 gig file it alternated between Taking about 40 minutes and 30 minutes and then back to 40 minutes than 50 minutes again And then we figured out how to make it work. But like it also failed twice. Yeah, it also held twice So that was fun. It's okay That's a good indication of how we're doing on this journey to the west' yeah, most of the monsters burned up on Opes except for that creeper that just tried to set its sights on my butt. Hold on The life hack is gonna be I'm gonna go outside and kill it. Oh nice good hack. Oh shit. No Okay, I'll save you Mikey no, I the superior source In this second shrine or whatever the bug is what we need to continue which is the second map Okay. Oh, there's water in this one. Whoa Oh, we are so screwed. Hi, just some random Zombie mean I was like a syringe Don't eat that it's extra not vegetarian. Okay. Oh wait, not only is that a chasm of death? I think I just realized what is there Hold on skill a man What's crackin BIC smacking out? So this is a dungeon. Ow Oh, I'm sorry. What I found a dungeon. I was like, what's that cobblestone in the wall over there? It's a dungeon I was like, where did you go? And then I followed the sight of fire Hold on. Oh god. Oh, oh Shit, hold on. I'm actually talking do you need help? No, no, no, no, hold on. Hold on seriously, I I'm coming best friend, huh? No, oh my god. You just fucking took a bullet for me, man. Hmm. Hey you finally killed something. Yeah You hadn't gotten that achievement yet? No, it's work. Well, I'm Tripitaka. I'm the most useless character in the book. This is true. I Know They are a fashion statement, thank you Like seven of them spawned on me Oh Mike, you're a human quiver. I'm not a human anything. Thank you What kind of bread it would Tripitaka be taking with him? Question. I've just got a fucking barrel sweet rolls in here. Oh Yeah Okay back there. Yep. I'm great. Let me just go there's so many creepers on that hill I know Hold on up this waterfall. Oh, hey, there's a banner. This is the way we're supposed to go. Oh wow. Go me. I have some that your wife has been just like Guiding you through. I'm sorry. Can you let me up? Thank you. Yes, I guided you through this whole path All of this is my fault. I insisted that you take the dragon way up Yeah, I guided you up the wrong mountain on purpose. Yeah, learn a lesson. Wait. Okay. Hold on just gonna eat my bread This is our custom. Yeah You know what? Scarfing down a sweet roll. There's water to fall into oh No. Oh, it's okay heat fell - I just dramatically went over the cliff Aragorn style Yeah, now I'm slightly off the edge of the world there for a second. Oh jesus H Christmas This is just getting worse the farther who fall down. I'm sorry where others another you should for Oh, man, speaking of pin cushions. You should really Know don't fuck it. Hold on. I'll save you okay That was fun Was it yes, fun what that was? Oh, this is this is a lot of dudes You're not having a great time a lot of dudes all at once Oh Oh God there's a lot of a a small beam. No these aren't beads Is it any more dangerous to us than this side of that first mountain? I don't think it is Oh my lord. Yeah, but there is a lot happening over here. Just make sure to pop your head above water CEO die Breathing tips from somebody who's definitely been mortal for long enough to know what they're talking about. Oh, dear Don't worry. I'll block the arrows with my face Okay back there wait, where are you go wait actually, where are you Fighting skeleton lots of MORTAL KOMBAT can't dramatic riddle. Wait. Yeah, kill it shit So one and a half maps in how are you feeling about this whole going to the West business? Do you feel like it's worth it? I think um, you know what? I think we're doing pretty good, honestly All right. Hold on your buttock is feeling a little lethargic. I'm gonna need some food for once in my life Also, probably some fiber or something. Yeah journey to the dietitian how can you climb up these things so fast where I'm just like Doofus McGee over here not having any idea how to get up here. I'm supernaturally agile Some swanky does. Oh, yeah. Look at this. He's dropped him, but they're way worse than the duds I currently have on haul they look cool though. They do. You know, I put the gold pants on put on the golden skeleton Shit wait what I Stabbed me. I accidentally attacked you. This is why you don't get a sword in the bush in the heat of battle I rolled in that one and stabbed you in the face Silhouetted against the dark. Oh my god. It's so traumatic. Yeah, look at that boy. He's probably monologuing up there. Okay Watch out for polar bears. Sometimes they get testy Pull the fucking switchblade. I had an experience with one that had a baby and it wasn't very pleased. Oh, yeah Okay Now one of the waypoints is on that island, but I think where we have to go is around this big fuck-off penis shaped mountain Here see no blood Behold it. Nope, right? Yeah that one. Hahahaha behold it hadn't loaded yet Okay, so I think we need to go up a waterfall cuz I think I got Creative with this one good time because the sun's going down and you don't actually want to be in the ocean after What what comes in the ocean after that? Alright the waterfall ends, but the journey continues You're right down there. Well Yep It's okay. Oh There's a path here yes, I carved it with my bare hands. Yeah, something might have spawned up here Oh Oh God. Oh, yeah Oh, no. No the shadowy death kid quick get in the shrine. What there's a shrine dad. Okay I'm sorry. I'm trying I'm trying to try and House the house in it close the damn door. I'm trying the little life Hold on don't break your bed. You need that Okay, good job creeper I'm working on it You know, I probably should have noticed that I built this try next to a shadowy death cave but in my defense at the time Nothing had spawned because it was in peaceful mode. I might I Sort my brakes at some point Oh, what the hell don't worry about it. What fresh nonsense is this? Don't worry. Let's say Cool hope I don't land on the boat. Ah much better. Kiss me learn Don't land on the boat. It's really gonna be bad if you land on the boat good job. You didn't land on the boat Welcome to the boat. OOP. We actually still have that old boat. I know what have you done my rent You killed the boat. Okay, where'd the boat go? I don't have the boat. Okay you boat. Hold on you got any boat? Okay, try to jump in and it just like I see how it is I guess you take the wheel this time, which way are you going good question. I'd love to tell you no way That's the wrong way before map. Ten. You want map sixteen? Oh, yeah, no map sixteen was not in that chest crap So there's a chairman I love the part where the game just doesn't know how to run the world going too fast, yep We'll be at the West in no time coming up on some checkpoints, but I think if we fought oh, yeah Check out that sweet fire over there. Oh wow hasn't spawned in for me very soon Oh, What part of this looks like a ship the part where it's sideways see? Oh Yeah, Oh found it It's like an optical illusion. Well if you want leather pants This ship can provide. Let me see what else is in here how stylish would I look with leather pants? Um, you know what? I feel like that's between you and the leather pants. Honestly, you can take the boat. I'm good, actually. Oh No, you're not Don't make me figure you're gonna fly again Wow, it's funny that's actually having literally no effect on my trajectory Hey, hey, oh it is on. Hey watch it. I'm swimming here doing doughnuts around me Yes gasps Yes, the ultimate humiliation I'm gonna save this boat for inevitably defeat the next one I might defeat it to break defeat then text I'm enlightened. I don't need of armor for protection My positive mental attitude will keep me safe, you know and also a key with your giant fuck-off sphere Yeah, the universe will protect me and by the universe. I mean monkey plus he could have a little immortality as a tree Maybe there's a challenge mode that I don't have the map. We just have to navigate by the Sun. Oh, you know what? I hadn't considered that now is it morning or is it evening? No, it's evening So we just got to follow the Sun just go straight that way. Yeah easy I can also guide you in all kinds of hilarious directions Maybe you don't tell me what you'll do and then I'll just assume you're leaving me the right way Yeah, and then when we cut to 20 minutes from now and we're just crying a dark cave surrounded by skeletons It'll be funny Man, we're such suckers. We do all this work to make educational content. We could be doing this all day Are you wait? I think if you don't have the map you don't show Oh No You're over there Oh, we're talking subsided to hide it exclusively sweet rolls an apple No, wonder all the demons think he's delicious. You're gonna be like a Butterball turkey Hold on. Why are you leading the way? You have no idea where we go. I am the enlightened why this goddamnit? shortly good I'll just be over here Slaying monsters like the hero I am. Oh shit Oh God, if we're not taking risks are we really living? Yes better if we're dying all the time. Yes, I mean what but I know what guide we can cushion Wukong come on Listen, if they don't actually hurt it's a fashion statement. They're basically just piercings Oh, yeah, which ancient civilization you think was the most aesthetic? Oh and why is it Egypt? I mean I was gonna say It's because golden and blue are the best color combination when you're designing things also Like they left notes on how they did their makeup. Yes Okay, you do this great smoky eye and the tourists will like guide you through, you know All your troubles ancient Egyptian makeup tutorials. It's how Atem does Have you seen the meme where it's like Anubis is like hey guys Anubis here gonna do another soul unboxing video Now this one weighs a little bit more than the feather which if you're fan of the channel, you know is really bad Couple minutes, what's that? Yeah, so that That's a pillager outpost. Ah, it's got bad guys But it also has a chest in the top floor with goodies in it. Oh, my sword is real bad Shishi in the red well how about we scoot on down here and Maybe I go beat up that pillager outpost and see if they have an extra weapon for you I will patiently wait here while you do the heart work Oh, and by the way, these bushes have berries on them. If you walk in them, they will hurt But if you right-click on them, they will give you delicious berries. Oh Wow, I can trade buy fruits. So I'm gonna go stab a bunch of all these carbs from now on Oh, well, if you want a crossbow, there is actually a crossbow. My sword is about to break Okay, I'll nab one of these bad boys whoa Crap you right now these guys come. Oh my god. I landed that hit crap Awesome Oh God, oh crap, hold on Come on you aimin for someone Crap did I hit you? You hit me in the fucking back. That was like weird. Oh my health kill. Oh Wow, nice work. Who's the pillow G now? Look at that. Look at the trophy I made now I just get a very slender knowledge my success because I am What's the word insecure yeah, I'm just gonna very slowly recover my health after you shot me in the fucking spine I was trying to protect you Yeah The total main securities is how I shot you a fucking spine My insecurities include feeling like like my videos aren't good enough just in general sense of worthlessness And at that time I shot with the fucking I just feel like my friends all hate me because of that time Thanks fine You know, it's like a thing in anime where the bad guy from season one becomes a good guy in season two You know and like it's usually never really acknowledged again how they were a fucking terrible humans. Yeah I just really liked the idea of like I'm talking bad and it's like, you know, I always just feel really insecure in my relationships because like I mean I really like these people and and I just feel like how can I possibly measure up? especially because Kakarot spout level is constantly eclipsing my own and I tried to kill all that back in season 1 Wait, hey, we're vegetarians. What are you doing, man? I eat it. Oh, that's way better I don't hold on. Ah There you go. Surprise bitch. I hope they address that trope in avatar a little bit. Mm-hmm with Zuko I mean becomes a good guy in and Katara's like you absolute motherfucker. Yeah, I never trust you again He's like, oh, ok. You want to go get revenge on the guy who killed your mouth do I? You know how your main distrust for me comes from my noted and documented murderous tendencies How about we bond over murder? Yeah. Hey, how do I get revenge on my enemies? The best revenge is letting go and living well Zuko, how do I get revenge? Yeah, then follow up. How did it go? Zuko tricked me into letting go and living well yeah, ok, so this final chest does not have Anything in it, except some armor upgrades and the last map Ok full diamond kit because this one might get a little dicey Tripitaka Fulfills the Greek archetype of head bitch by becoming an archer. Yeah. Well, would you look at that? Oh, another post pillage your outpost Ok, I want to go do cries It's not a crime if they're already bad guys don't you're really cool cafe where they have crap Extremely expensive pastries that are all shaped like like these really cool Polygons things so there's basically a chocolate pastry that's shaped like a d20. Oh, wow. Yeah Oh No you okay. Oh Good thing I uh, well what's happening? Well, I may have fallen into a ditch Oh God. Oh, I threw my sword away. No Where are you by accident? Are you down there? Yeah, I can see a guy aiming down there which has me concerned Oh my god, they just keep falling into the ditch with me. Oh my god speaking of pin cushions What you should see yourself on my fucking screen. Oh my god. Holy shit. Speak for yourself. Bro Oh Pincushion party journey to the acupuncturist more like yes. All right douche bag douche big. What do you think you're doing? Oh, I see. Oh, wow. I arrived just in time to see him get killed by Elmo Oh Crap they've spotted a lot more of them Oh Shall we that's how they save? Okay. Yeah. Hold on. I'll clear the path Yeah, we should bounce it's good. This is getting a rich way this way That's the wrong way. Sorry. It's okay. I'll just absorb all the air aside It's okay just sprint really fast my god, there's so many yet available. It's fine. We'll just sprint. Ah, oh my god Oh shit. Okay. Okay. Forget it. Forget it my sword broke Pummeling these guys a bear monk fist shit. Hold on Dean d5. You might actually die. I also buy that Apple there we go. I've got some extra health now. I'm just gonna lead these fuckers are so many. Come on, dude Basically, the ocean is over this cliff But there's some ice in the way so you can't just jump. We just alternate lam way do they burn in the light? No, I'm kidding. I'm hitting up in my flaming sword Kurtz is why they're burning These gold Napa's were a really good idea. Yeah. No, we haven't used our fuckin ender pearls at all. Oh, yeah Those would've been useful. Whoops here. You want to jump down onto the ice with these ender pearls? Yeah you there we go Oh, I'm at the bottom of the oh shit shit. I overshot a little bit. Oh, I see you. It's fine. God. We look ridiculous We are a mess baby. You look ridiculous. I look fly as hell Honestly, you've got like a good symmetry thing going it looks like you could just be wearing some really really clutch shoulder pants. Yeah, exactly Violin living up in the city. Remember when that song was fucking everywhere Yeah, he's existed The Star Wars sequels had been written yet Three instances of world. Peace Pokemon go coming out. Yep the time when we all agreed the prequels were bad but loved them for the memes. Anyway, yeah, and then the time when everyone was okay with With uptown funk. Yeah, welcome to your first desert biome. Oh Yeah, this is gonna be interesting. Oh that you can dig with a Loaded shadow. I see that fellow down there. Yeah, uh looks kind of like a zombie. Yeah, he's not He's worse. It's called a husk and it will strike you with hunger if it hits you ah drop the potato. That's nice Okay. Now wow, that is some insensitive cultural commentary Citing people like frost but maybe you should leave the hitting stuff to me with my hitting stuff stick especially designed for hitting stuff Like that. Oh Well, I could take the arrows out of you and use them yeah, I know right That would be nice for a lot of reasons now Swimming over an ocean is a risky play at night. It's okay. I have a boat. Oh, yeah Somewhere in there. Okay bueno. Alrighty, let us crap Okay, no Speaking of pretty crazy mountains. Oh my feet horn. Yeah Oh What the hell was that Oh Reaper Tripitaka pulls that a fuckin guy Nick Tripitaka is sick of getting kidnapped fold out a Glock. Ooh What the hell is that it's the mountain the mountain no now hey Maybe not this way. Maybe this way doesn't actually work very well Let's want to climb all this Paul I'm gonna give you a second. Yeah, you'll see it in a minute, please hold Oh What the hell no, I think we gotta go around the other side Listen, this is gonna be great. Allegorically speaking Yeah, where's the cross over where we try to climb the mountain but we can't in Virgil says hey buddy go to hell Oh, no. Oh, it's diamonds. Yep. What? Somebody bedazzled this mountain To show us which mountain was the mountain. Yeah, but I was in a cloud and then I didn't die, but I did fall but if I reactivate god mode now, yeah, that would just be cheap. Oh You really don't actually have to do it. No, I just couldn't make that jump. Oh, okay fine Yeah, the fact that it's a cloud and like we're so close to falling off the edge of the world fun is not It's unsafe I know we've been fighting skeletons for like oh, yeah Make that jump. It's not that bad. I'm gonna die Instantly and painfully. Oh, maybe this is kind of far. I think you can make it. How's mountains horrifying? I know right? It just keeps getting crazier. Okay creeper It's it's one thing when there's no path up when there is a path up, but it's perilous as heck. Oh You know, we're just really lucky We're not actually doing this at night where there would be creepers and skeletons trying to shoot us off. Ah, cool. Wow It's a good thing that there's no Santa this is so safe Wow that was actually pretty risky and you only had to break one block to make that one safe. Oh I would have felt like a real idiot if I had fallen to my death on that one like why are my fingers? Sliding on the keyboards like oh, it's cuz I'm sweating Nervous isn't falling to my Neville doom. Oh It's flat. Oh It's really nice of you what did you just die I actually didn't oh Wow, this is a really good time for me to activate god music Hey, how dare you? How dare what? You got something to say bitch, why did you try that again? Yeah, baby posits Tripitaka real quick, let me get rid of all these worthless mortal trappings now that I've been destructible again, ah It feels good to be me You still try to shoot me sure Pataki is suspicious at this pagoda I Look so cool. What's this a Congrats insert Scrolls here Hold on we did it one second. It was that easy. See, I don't know why people think this takes so long It's just it's it's easy. You just go west. Oh my gosh You did it since I've completed the journey into the West I'm basically immortal now, right, huh Something like that. Oh my god. Why did you lie to me Wow you survived? Hold on. Can I set you in creative mode? And do I want to know? Yeah, you know, I feel like how mad with power you're going over the course of this Westward Journey? You're already abusing what little power you already have I have a crossbow and Some bread and I just become a maniac he tried to shoot me out of the sky for some reason now word of warning We're not the Brits of feather falling you probably will die if you walk off that Cliff. Oh, yeah. Yes Yeah, oh you want to respawn all the way back at that last shrine make the rest of the hike Jerry to the west part 2 oops who's turbo Takata was pushed off this clever He died who could have done such a thing how bad for him we have? Reached the West was it everything you dreamed it would be audience Are you happy CY the journey is so much more important than the destination we made it To be it's bedazzled. That's got bunnies. Look at this. No, this is perfect Don't do this to actual bunnies kids Be very unsafe This whole video is just an elaborate way to ask you all politely not to email us about what the next journey of the West Is coming out every time you email me. I had to lay it another week Currently the release dates looking to be early 2023. Is there a guest? Take that Wow, oh my god Is immortality everything you dreamed it would be monk. I mean I'm doing a pretty good job. Yeah. Oh my god I threw it away Hey, hey we're back and you didn't even need to walk this time. Hold on. Let me get rid of these guys well Wasn't that fun? Yeah. Yeah had a good time. We went to West Fought a bunch of monsters. I hates the moon. Why is it why is the moon Hollow? It's not it's new that's cursed It's dark. The real dumb thing is the moon is always directly opposite the Sun no matter what phase it is hmm, but that's just a theory a Journey to the last theory god. No, thanks for watching How does this tie back to bendy in the ink machine? Well, I'm glad you asked so I don't know how to end this video Yeah, but I will do the only thing that I know how to do no. No, I thought was gonna fall No
Channel: Overly Sarcastic Productions
Views: 691,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, OSP, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Analysis, Literary Analysis, Myths, Legends, Classics, Literature, Stories, Storytelling, History, minecraft, let's play, journey to the west, monkey king, tripitaka, sun wukong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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