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do so bad uh hey everybody hey um so by the time to figure was that we will have hit 100,000 subscribers whoo which is a truly terrifying number so we decided in honor of this occasion we would do another QA updated for you new guys very funny yeah if you're new and that's that we think your business is your celebration oh my okay question question number one what are you going to do after college question number two why the big subscriber boost what's your favorite myth / favorite guy Thor Apollo will you cover the inherent in your topic probably probably yes eventually what are your religion broadly atheistic broad way of nullified what you say to people who are new to the channel greatest hits to watch first up they will journey those for one I really like the Edgar Allan Poe Halloween special I think my even Elsa deities videos are just hilarious and then Judy's and videos grades and my Venice series has a special place in my life have we published a sledge will we publish anything else I wrote a book it's about philosophy link in the description questions from our patreon patrons uh Alicia shaft favorite character voiced um I like fun voicing Satan and Monkey King because sometimes I get to voice am pretending to be other people which is always I liked voicing Jesus no I liked voicing Jesus and also Jade what are your ambitions for the channel now that it's reached this point keep it going cover more stuff make it more useful also ah how do you feel you improved since the last Q&A I make maps I actually got little faster as drawing friends with me please what are your favorite slash can she be that red has ever drawn I think chibi arrows is pretty adorable I love the achilles burrito it's my favorite Oh SP t-shirt which by the way merch in the description how do P and PS read what is your favorite myth and why oh geez um I really like Babel got you a clue what is your favorite period of history and why I like the Renaissance because in addition to the hilarious Italian Wars which are all just petty and ridiculous it's just all the awesome culture in one place at once happening everywhere and it's Meunier art read again what is your favorite and least favorite rope oh man for favorite I really like the other crouching [ __ ] hidden bass trope because it's like it never gets old to have that character who you think is a total loser just like bust out some crazy skills when stuff gets real so that's not like I think that's my favorite and um release favorite I just I am so tired of stories where the entire plot is based on miscommunication where like a character a and character B both words to each other nothing would go wrong Evers mm-hmm tell me more about how much you love frozen Thomas clink hammer X both of us what are your plans for after college what are your plans for the channel after college cover all the things until we get real job yeah yeah also ah red if you could rewrite penny miss what would it be and why um I feel like like maybe Bellerophon didn't deserve it I think he got something a little more chill unless Marie would be kind of an order but beyond that I don't know blue if you could rewrite any part of history what would it be and why well barring all of these stop X Y & Z from being destroyed Library of Alexandria Constantinople I would definitely like to see what happened if Caesar didn't get assassinated because that changes a lot of things I don't know if every good or bad I just I want to know I want to know the entire the entire assassination was based on and if we don't even know if that would have been the case so like yeah split to that timeline what slash pointed up Barry Allen's like what someone call rip hunters like listen here you little [ __ ] from the youtube comment section William dragon asked why do you just like the Percy Jackson series angry smiley face and could you do more videos overviews and students please read repellents tell us about why you totally hate Percy Jackson more than anything more than anyone ever ah I don't I don't hate those books alright I think they're little dumb I think a lot of things are done I look in middle school I love those books like uh ironically I loved a lot of things ironically that I now only love ironically I hope they're really fun I liked Percy and I really like the first-person perspective that kind of showed us that like this this kid he was a kid this kid is like way over his head and you're kind of thinking like he's doing all this really cool stuff but he's like completely unprepared and terrified 24/7 and it's really funny because he's also really funny just like inside his head is he was woefully unprepared for all these incredibly awesome situations even and that's really fun and like I was like how the chapter titles really quite so different photos were great there was a lot of really good stuff and then I was like okay cool I was fun design conclusion and now it's like the Roman series and the Roman series is not first person the Roman series has very wait or not know what I think it's like I remember being third person and like switching perspectives every chapter opposite has been going and a chapter toys aren't funny anymore they're just like title is the name of the person who the chapter is bad it's like I couldn't get into that and also I kind of realized that Rick Riordan basically writes three protagonists that was kind of a bummer and they kind of made me retro actively not like the Percy Jackson books as much also the so I know why you are asking this question because in the indian video i said it is more confusing than those stupid Percy Jackson book toes referring to the fact the Roman and the Greek gods had different names but thanks to syncretism represented the same gods a lot of the time so I like this it's so confusing having to switch out who I'm referring to so Legos Joe or Jupiter instead of Zeus or Venus instead of Aphrodite hence the UH stupid Percy Jackson books I don't hate the book gone as if it's like four times in different comment sections but nobody reads them you will pay it for effort I'm going to be back yeah it's on this TV Tropes page I'm that guy who hates for you jack god dammit weird Anissa like a mother okay from droplet Magus question one what our favorite and least favorite art movement questions to to blue who is New York opinion the best tactician in history since Bob Ross doesn't count as his own art movement which is a terrible shame I would have to say that the vaguely neoclassical slash like Romantic period is totally the cool thing and then after that Impressionism happens half of it was good half of it was bad and then after that we get modern art so I think it's real hard to beat Alexander because to be that young and make that many military innovations you like have to have Aries and Athena on speed-dial or something like damn that kid knew his stuff firstly I think the best technician in history the Jubilee gang that Chinese general who want to see two iced tea but whatever blue what sword do you fence savor the good one next question ka Jon underscore sixty half what were your favorite books as a kid it was comic books I just heard somebody comic books cuz if it had pictures I didn't have to read something yes I as a kid I didn't read like kind of new development I did like the artists sell books when I got the whole library 101 crazy person asks do you ship people please say you do I devil Wonder bat ray of sunshine is a question for both of you do you like Disney's Hercules are the mythological inaccuracies too much for you guys for blue without including events of mass mergers Lenten mass murderer guy sorry I think AT&T and Time Warner Cable is a pretty pretty good one that I want to uh without including that events of mass murder slash torture slash sickness what are your least favorite things that have ever happened history okay that's Disney's Hercules uh I just have a lot of problems of that movie beyond the mythological inaccuracies like the pacing is really weird like the God designs are cool but their characterizations are funky and yeah and the mythological and accuracy for the god of the muses are good though uses the best part of our movie hands down that's the gospel truth okay that's an interesting question thank you for not just being like her for kind of like qualifying away be and then everyone dies a bit cement is bad I personally would say American history because I'm totally honest I think it's kind of boring and a little bit annoying and I I would do with just being part of the colony still the British Empire for life not sure I'd be definite Callum Sparrow to both red and blue here's the scenario if you'd be transport yourself to any fictional universe temporarily or permanently where would you go anyway to let me ride a dragon Derek dude one two three ask what's your favorite meal now it's funny you should ask that because I have a question for you have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise prequel memes is leaking love masks great what's a great nation yeah love ask read how do you get yourself to draw so much I've been drawing for awhile the drawing over and over again for example frames and animation I could never get myself to do seems funny drawing an animator like the only things I can actually sit still for a long enough time to do oh I don't know it you just kind of this is like the worst possible device you just kind of sit down and do it I find that like it helps if you don't make a big deal of when you're drawing like I I doodle and basically every class I have I know it's cool advice kids I don't advise doing that unless you know don't just don't um but like I don't know I'll draw frames and then I'll stop and then I'll like pull out my sketchbook and draw stuff for like stories or whatever and then I'll go to class and I'll do all of my nobodies just it's just something you do and and if you're doing it because it's fun it doesn't feel like it's taking that long so I don't know I also find that it helps to not like wait for the mood destroyed because I have sometimes been like oh man I should draw frames but I just just not really feeling it because you just like sit down and start drawing you find that you do feel like doing it anyway so I don't know your your mind is the live side of a [ __ ] and it will tell you not to do stuff you actually want to do so so do the things that you know you want to do if you don't feel like you want to do yeah unethical drinking water asked to both red and blue on average how long does it take to produce a video talk about researching the subject matter to the animation I've never actually timed it because I just kind of do video work in random times during the day and sometimes it's like oh I'll start now at 10 o'clock and then eventually 3:00 I found that it's roughly like 3-4 hours of work per yeah it's it's long it takes me like anywhere between like a few hours a week to read something and write the script and then recording doesn't take very long netting doesn't very long but then drawing frames like I found that if I really like to push myself I can get about a minute or two of what it's done in a day but that's like I can't I can't keep up that face and I have to like sleep and do something else for like a month so it's not not very sustainable so I try to do things a little more school sorry guys like making sausage just don't ask I just where I'm working on journey to export marketing quick ask for more about it ace drew says what's ban theory about a book slash film flash TV series you wish was true promise I'm not salty but I really liked the Bend area that Jack and Oishi we're going to have some dope mentor-student relationship kind of thing rather than a romantic subplot between a 75 year old time-traveling samurai a teenage child soldier was never met another man in her life extra-thick is Tommy basically like ff9 is the jack people like oh yeah that was fun and then I could like nobody MRI it was I have to I like to say in theory that the engineers of the Death Star built the weakness on purpose I think it actually clears up a lot of fossils yeah and they should make it like ok - good mrs. Ziggy holes is how long did it take you to develop your art style and what tips do you have for aspiring artists Oh [Music] funny story uh I prefer this before but I learned how to draw from like life drawing so initially my style was very realistic and then like age seven I was like man I really like comic books and they all have a style I should have a style so I tried to like make one up immediately like I'm going to draw spaces like this and eyes like this and it was really sad and I couldn't sustain it I was like why is it so hard and I was like it's not it's not how art works come on and that was also around the time where I first discovered manga so you can see how that went everyone goes that phase where you're drawing like square eyes because you don't really understand how like a line thickness works just like I'm making it angular why doesn't it look right [Music] honestly I think the only way to develop a style is to just draw so much because what I ended up doing is just like I don't know like dueling constantly and drawing characters over and over and over again until I can draw them consistently and that develops a style and like the chibi style I had to develop kind of on the fly because you know when I did the alien video I basically never drawn a chibi in my life which is what I'm good and I should really redo it but like by the Aeneid video I had a fairly consistent chibi style and it hasn't actually drifted that much since then and it's just it's just a matter of practices there's like several hundred frames in a given like ten minute video and that's a lot of practice to get in and for for the tips for aspiring artist thing I've always the same advice just draw as much as you can like all the time fine find something you want to draw because the only reason I draw so much because when I was like 10 I was like I'm going to make it comic and I just started drawing characters for that and I have not stopped so finally you want to draw and then just draw that like a lot because if you want to do something it's a lot easier to do it unspread Josh Lang asks random blue you have a particular field sizable school but you follow a particularly luck if so why if not then why not I guess my personal philosophy is kinda like this mix of like Buddhism and Daoism not to sound like sometimes white kids but it's just like Buddhism is like being happy is the most important thing I'm like yes good I agree so so that's a big part of Taoism is kind of like going with the flow and that's also good and makes sense to me so and like together you just kind of get this thing where it's like you don't ever overextend yourself you do things like in moderation which is a whole Buddhist thing and you if you're unhappy you figure out why you're unhappy and you fix that thing and I don't know it's chill good and I I had a phase not too long ago when I felt that that was and was stupid and useless and antiquated and then I gave it a second pass when someone mentioned it in class and I realized oh wait my entire book basically that was a UH and now I realized that it's really cool you just you need to not take it as like the goat sit in a forest for a million years philosophy which a lot of people will interpret it as but like recognize the way that it can apply to a modern life as long as there are people who are happy and people who are unhappy there will be relevant schools of thought on how to get one dealer yep coolest ninja 1242 and Joseph Lundgren and after Savannah Bachus asked what is the meaning of life maybe the point of life is bigger than that up yourself it will be meaning to life Kenny p2a asks what is your favorite Shakespeare playing movie Anna I really like The Tempest but I think my favorite adaption is she's the man just because it is so late yeah I mean it's like the book it pisses Duke Orsino he is a Duke in that in the movie it's like this is Duke Orsino the hottest kid on the football team oh it's not even pretending to be modern girl with red hair white Hawk asks for whoever if you were going to pick one magical sword throughout history which one would you pick it's predictable like a grass cutter Brendan Doherty and volumn ness Tia ask how do you motivate yourselves to study for the finals and what keeps you going throughout the year sorry if you already into these and good luck with those finals I found it pure blind panic tends to be the best motivator but it's not very sustainable so I generally work in short bursts and then I chill out for a little while and then blank panic comes back and motivates me warn me worked out pretty well so far on that subject chasing is what I found to be most important so figure out exactly what you need to do it's not just like and then I'm going to study like think about how long it takes the study and how you can break that up and spread that out as much as you can and plan ahead for things so yeah my name basta Co but Shevek oh god I'm sorry that guy asked what do you admire the most about each other and who would you date for mythology okay so admiring Kirk um dude bluesmartie no just this total like optimistic ray of sunshine oh man show me that first one do will be able to date excel later okay red is easily the most talented person I know and you know that the Kitchener watching channel um because like she draws bright things what and she's a math major is not even an arts make sure she's all of this [ __ ] and then math what the hell not fair okay and dating from mythology probably Kaguya now we I could say my first girlfriend turned into the I would date the thena and I just need to get out of that stuff for a free hams yeah Oh Delia Jensen s hi I'm new and I was wondering what advice you would give a new subscriber on anything do something make you happy be introspective about the stuff that's making you unhappy and then get rid of it so you can be more happy reaches him yeah somewhat similarly tell your friends and people close to you how you feel about things good and bad because you don't know how things something nice is someone will you make someone's day or if you say you need to tell how many people will rush to your aid to get it it is very nice even if most people can be [ __ ] sometimes so has the potential Venus take a special kind of person to be like that's what I'm going to focus on how I can be a dick like no because Sony and booty Duke F hi guys a lot of people will say stuff like oh that movie slash book totally changed my life and it's usually an exaggeration but I want to know it's our particular book or movie or story that actually did change the way you see yourself or the world or your actions thank honestly journey to the west' my dad read it to me when I was really little and he explained the whole thing about how it was like an allegory for a human journey on light meant and how monkeys mind and I was like that's the coolest thing ever because it completely changed the way I thought about thinking and like myself in general and it was funny because I can be entire I was reading stories like monkey so cool I really identify with him and he was like of course you do identify with being puffle immortal I identify was being impulsive jagged and like uh-oh it kind of helped me like introspect more and have the words to describe what was going on in my head so yeah I think that's that's for me for me it's a tag-team duo combination two-parter of Assassin's Creed and Machiavelli's The Prince because I start playing Assassin's Creed and like high school and that was really cool and fun because it made history interesting you attracted with people's who seems like not the textbook and then in my sophomore year European history class you read Machiavelli and I had just been buddies with him and says motherhood so it's like oh he's so cool so I started like reading Machiavelli and getting really interested in it and then I talked about him a lot in class and I was so like eager to relate everything back to Machiavelli but by the end of the year I started speaking up in class about other stuff so for like the first time in forever I was actually actively interested in talking in class which I've never been before and I haven't stopped since so thank you assassin's creed and thank you old dead white guy exploring stories asked myers-briggs types last time I checked it was ENFP for me it's int slash pathos 50 down the middle gen yeah I get to be the champion leave on qui-gon no charge oh yeah oh my characters will allow you in that chart Patrick early says blue other than fencing are there any other martial arts you practice best thing as a college thing before that I did a bunch of Taekwondo like a lot of Taekwondo like five or six years and then it some other stuff like jiu-jitsu judo Muay Thai a scream was really cool and I hold in karate yeah I was going to be like I know martial arts oh you know but I basically just no Chi Chi Chuan and a little bit we did a screaming together in high school yeah it was fun bbm they asked if you were a dictator of a middling oil state what would your wacky gimmick be so my wacky gimmick is that my oral state would basically be like playfully dinosaur themed except every like four or five years the plot twist is that all the dinosaurs died and then my descendants turn them into more fossil fuels so it's Jurassic Park and that a commentary on the oil industry that I probably from I'm a very interested of dictator my zidar says Voltron favorite my [ __ ] why you're awesome dude dude I can't choose probably Shiro because also his design is really good you have no idea how much read tried to get me to watch Voltron like hey dude I've been in Voltron hell for the past three days just watching Voltron straight do you want to watch it no your claims as he drives it as a house that's not inviting what's fun hell it's a good one it's good a new season coming out Cintron kids MC jeffer p ovg has bunch of questions so Alex II just kind of throw down here in case gets picked one are you guys doing fine over there for anybody friendly so um - any accounting project you are really excited to do ah dude yeah I've got I've got the epic of window in a lineup and I'm really excited to do that and I've also really excited to join in to West Park life and I've got like over 10 hits your videos lined up for the summer so uh three maybe it's early but will you be open to coke to collab with other youtubers in the future I mean yeah they want kind of thinking but they might be down for you did lame is as a prank but will you want to give a summary on modern play like Darren Hampton oh maybe but tourette have you ever considered performing on stage for a school play because while your singing voice is so great funny story I have technically had a role in Shakespeare play I romeo's mother in a production of Romeo and Juliet in high school and it was a nightmare because our theatre director was oh my god so scary Dolores Umbridge up in here I spent most of that time monkeying around under the stage with a wrench that was fun but um I I got to be revealed mother who has two lines in Cannon and I got two lines in play but they were different and first one was oh where is Romeo saw you hit today and the second one was just like this shriek of pure loss and pain which was actually a lot of fun to do I was a Capulet dog who bites his thumb at the Montague so basically all the deaths in the play are my fault you're welcome Shakespeare thanks for getting my son exiled and be killed off-screen us to blue when will it history summarize here we have another episode um timing pending either last week or next week also not a question but congratulations on the 50k models oh he really 100k yes thanks owl soccer goalie ll 14 asks to both what was your favorite video to create what is something that you can't wait to cover but haven't gotten a chance to yet to read any plans to do in there Shakespeare video and to blue even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer what is better Greece or Rome for favorite video I I had a lot of fun working on Beowulf but I think for currently running stuff I just really enjoy drawing for Journey to the West because it's so vibrant and also very anime so I get to draw like a lot of cool psych poses that I don't generally get to do with stories where people just start flying around all the time um and yeah I am planning on doing another Shakespeare video or like hopefully I'll just like finish out because it's not like you wrote that many books so in the long run I do want to get through them but because I use movie very hard some of them just don't have for me making the Venice series was like living in a dream land because it's just a wonderful history that's really wrong and has so many different arcs and events in it was like most histories are defined by like two or three big things then it has like five or six huge you know plot lines in its own and it's not like those unseemly gaps in information like you have a growing rich history where governments change and no one decides to write about it but I also have to say that few things be doing the amazing gruff voice work for Alcibiades and real quick for a video of excited to do what happened yes when I get the chance through the Mahabharata that's going to be like my favorite thing but it's going to take me like a year more than a year take me more than here to be gooder than what's going to take me like 30 seconds or how's it done and by the way oh my god I will soccer goalie ll 14 you know it's Greece come on who are you trying to fall hawala hey blue why do you look like a bootleg kylo Ren what okay come on don't be ridiculous I look nothing like but oh god that is exactly me that's kind of scary yikes ATT asked if you would have a fit button one historical leader who would it be I could take that hunchback Augustus no problem and I would beat him up so hard that he would wish he got stabbed by 23 people also I will take the Roman Empire you know I'm going to maximize the drama and go with Latvia Taylor not because I think I would win because I think it would by necessity be awesome and like take place on castle ramparts with like lightning in the background captain Hodor says read number one tip on writing a book play out the dialogue in your head before you even try to write it down I find it really helps to get the character voices in your head is like if you play through the conversation and very fluent matter without not like the pressure of writing but I found that people often like write in a different tone than a act or that they play things out in their head so like if you want the dialogue to flow properly I find it really helps to just like play it all out in your head long before you even write it down and then just write down work out there and I find there also sometimes your characters can surprise you if you let that happen because if you're like sitting down to write like I'm going to write the conversation where they discuss this they'll just talk about this but if you play it on your head one of them might be like this reminds me of this backstory element and then you spiral off into some other things so I guess my advice for writing is acting instead Captain Hodor also asks blue one historic event that needs to be brought into cinema okay so the Genoese siege of venice in 1381 is an amazing event which like no one knows about that could totally make a movie so the situation was really dire for Venice because Genoa was like right on their doorstep and people had thrown down their entire livelihoods to provide money and supplies for the defense of the city so people were like carving over all their furniture Jews for ramparts all I'll aim is and they withstood the siege and it was amazing that's drama in itself but after that the council decided to kind of like hold a contest so that the people who acted the most valiantly and bravely in defensive could be made part of the aristocracy and there's this whole thing about like who would and wouldn't get in but this one guy like has like a farm or something I'm not really sure I need to look at the story again but he had put down like everything he owned in defense of the city and he didn't get picked for the aristocracy really like nobility group and he died of just like shirt and he died of sheer episode three like lost the will to live sadness right after so you can make a really good movie out of like super high tense drama and then like humans being sad about stuff Oscar when you guys come on yeah and on on possibly April has three questions number one what troops do you plan to cover here's your trophy episode on a whole bunch though - will you ever do a trope talk EPS order is read hogging them all remind yo three could you please do a trope talk episode on the loves redeems trope I'd love to hear you're pinning slash analysis of trouble yeah prolly smash flat 101 asks question for both since we are our own worst critics what are some things that you wish to improve on in your own videos I want to redraw the Iliad and Odyssey episodes now and actually know how to direct a besom I would also like to erase the lame aids video from existence and I think that would bring my average greater quality I applied that for Kiki minecraft what is your favorite quote from anything in real title [ __ ] master Wayne in a similar vein mine isn't really a quote but when Talia al Ghul died that like super fake-ass death in the helicopter like and just like that sound and that like sudden head tilt is my favorite quote from anything everything is done Doug inator asked if you hadn't didn't have stereotypical American accents which stereotypical accent you guys like to have oh dude full-on Scottish or full-on Aussie is a guy okay I found it again oh can I stood next dieters does I know you guys aren't really writers but make suggestions Vanessa's smackers I do you think no no no it couldn't be okay in that case stop making goddamn ensemble movies before you establish your frigging ensemble good job being affiliated with Wonder Woman though I was a good movie seven-time abuzer I hope I said that right says red-and-blue any interesting comics and if yes what is your favorite issue and/or storyline or our dude it's dumb but I read like the entire 80s run at the Teen Titans comic and I really liked it especially the Judas contract because cuz I grew up watching Teen Titans the cartoon I was I got slayed an evil bad guy and then in the Dumas contract he's just like this true neutral mercenary and like there's this bit I'm sorry it's going to go on from a while girlfriend there's this bit um we're like so obviously Tara dies and because she was crazy and evil and district like yeah she was crazy and evil in that I'm about these boys like no you are evil and she was someone I like so I'm going to hunt you down and murder you so we're gonna fight blaze like okay I like shows up just like it's four year old man eyepatch button-down shirt no armor no weapons and B's boys like no fighting he's like no you are a trouble to you we are going to sit down in this Waffle House and we are going to talk out your problems and they do and it's so good and I just really like that slave when he's like this total he's not a bad guy he's like he's a dad he's a dad and he's like you're a trouble team don't going to take you out for pancake so we're going to sort this all out hashtag novel mercenary yeah crash technologist er um I used to make semi-regular Hospital trips when I was younger and there was a comic store right next to it and that was really big on spider-man back then so every time we went to the hospital I would go and insist on getting an ultimate spider-man comic so I have no idea if they were actually good I just like the pictures but that's definitely a comic line that I have a large collection of it my house film the blank said what are your college majors how did you choose that majors what is the typical reaction you get when you tell them their majors max I already taken like half required classes when I started and let me take a bunch of CS classes on and the typical reaction I get is U mass followed by no it's cool that you're doing it I just I could never get into something like that nice cool and that's one of two reactions I usually get the other ones on the classics in philosophy major and I was an economics major at first and then I decided to stop when I realized that economics and college is just they give you a textbook and tell you to piss off for three months and then give you a final so I switched to something I actually enjoyed doing so I wouldn't hate myself and the other reaction from the side of like oh you that's gross is it's cool that you're doing classic classic and on the opposite side of you that's a gross major the reaction I usually get is so what job do you want to do with that like either you say the majors gross or like good luck getting a job Jesus Christ adults what do you want from us yeah it's extra fun because you get a lot of people who are like why aren't there more women in stem and then they're like you stem it doesn't even have anything to do with the girl stuff it's just people are like science is dumb and so is intellectualism if I think one more person say I don't care what scientists think it's like it's their job to know more than you the gesture ask read have you ever considered playing your artwork of mythological creatures into a pathologist story oh I have now Joey Enoch says hey read what we're gonna Palin how long do you think Lou is going to be there for the April Fool's prank you guys played whoa whoa whoa that video was my circle of hell did you see how much suffering I had to do to make those drawings oh my god that asks you probably number five go wrathful and the sullen me jinx asked what was your reaction when you found it you hit 50k before even getting the 30k milestone video or anything mr. British biscuit asked in order do you read what is your opinion on representation and stories do you think it's getting out of hand in today's era of entertainment and is being forced or are you on the side who thinks this is a natural process I think it's a bit of both because here's the thing um there's stuff that people want to put into stories and sometimes that can feel a little weird and stilted because sometimes they're writing from the perspective of saying I have to put this thing in and you do notice when stuff gets kind of shoo and and this happens sometimes when people are writing representation because it's like token characters exist and they are so obvious and so boring but on the other end of things I live in a big city I live in a big city in America with thriving LGBT population to me it is way more jarring when I read a story and everyone is white and straight and I'm going to do like that that is the thing that pulls me out of the story because my reality has been this complex patchwork of different cultures and life experiences since the day I was born and that's not true for everybody but people often decry unrealistic levels of diversity and stories as being shoehorned in and for me it's just like I don't get it and I think a lot of the time people don't write in representation because it just doesn't occurred for like decades in America why would you even think of writing in a gay character or a female character in a non supporting role it just it wasn't how things worked in society so people didn't think about it happen and now there there's like blind spots in writing there are things that people just think that's how things work and then they write from there and then stuff feels really quiet in the 1560s everybody smokes so of course you write you're 300 years in the future space creature with everybody smoking and nowadays when many fewer people smoke and people who do smoke will smoke like fancy e-cigs or whatever we look at that we're like that girl I babe we look at that and you're like that makes I don't get it that's jarring it pulls me out of the story it's based on assumptions that are no longer true so I think that that there's two sides here and they're both not necessarily doing things right I think you get the sides it's like oh no I have to hit every demographic checkbox or I'm going to get in trouble don't do that then you get decide it's like there's no reason for me to to vary from the default character setting of white straight male so I'm just going to put those everywhere like don't do that either it's boring does the complete coincidence that I'm gesturing at a white straight male when I below I'm demographic we're very boring I guess it's like if you're writing a story where it makes sense for there to be diversity like anything taking place in a modern American city or anything taking place in a fantasy world where you control how things work you can totally do whatever you want but if you want to go with realistic levels of diversity walk down a city street and see how many what's your email you see compared to everybody else and nothing against whites your help some of my best friends are white straight men I know tons of straight white men and I do think you should avoid both extremes of no diversity everyone is exactly the same unless unless you're in a setting where that makes perfect sense like Gardens the guys see to not really a spoiler there's the species there's this alien race called the sovereign where everyone is going to be engineered and they're all gold and they all look like old people I know is looking at them saying where are all the purple people it makes perfect sense that they're all gold who care um but on the other side it's like you shouldn't have like a whole list of all of the demographics you got to check off and be like oh no I'm not including very specific representation of this specific demographic in this context and one of the other things I found people do is like the only time they tell stories with with diversity comes on for hours with diversity is when they're like I got to tell a story about how hard it is to be this thing that is not a straight white man which is kind of boring like straight up I've seen so many movies about like it was hard to be a working woman it's like yes it's true when I watched Wonder Woman to see a woman kick ass for two and a half hours and I did and it was amazing and I want more stories like that you know it helps to check about in all things balance in all things yeah so TLDR my second team we are holy [ __ ] TLDR don't go full hit every demographic to avoid pissing people off but don't go full know crazy demographics because there's no explicit need to include other demographics like don't you want to do man it's your story balance makes things feel more realistic so go for balance okay and mr. British biscuit also asked hello blue and good morrow team I wish to inquire on your views on empires and women they are generally a force for good which is spread ideas and cultures across the globe that means to be vindicated in modern society or are they just excuses for rich and powerful civilizations to appropriate others wealth and land and need to be scrutinized and you are just all about the controversy today aren't you yeah this is a really interesting question though um so there have been basically two types of empires in history one is it's you know one people presiding over you know a similarly ethnic group of people and the other one is where you have a multi-ethnic Empire so ancient Greece example there's the Athenian Empire which is Cretan Greeks and the Persian Empire which was Persians ruling Greeks ruling no other people and there was a huge mix of cultures that spread out way far in both cases you can get instances of empires working for the good of everybody where it exists as sort of a hub to bring people together who wouldn't normally interact and you can exchange goods and make their quality of life improve for everybody and that's great and those things happened under say Alexander whom was a greeting ruling Persians and Indians and he made a serious point to try to adapt to local culture and religion and stuff as much as he possibly could so everyone felt like their culture and their society was being respected he didn't try to make Persia look like Greece because he knew that was impossible and then you get places like Athens where everything existed in the Athenian Empire for the explicit benefit of Athens they were like yeah no you guys exist to make us rich they've said that outright and it can happen in any situation where you either get empires that are you know good for all or empires that are give me money and it's a case-by-case basis one is very difficult to do because you have to think a lot and pay attention to the local politics and stuff like that and one is easy and materialistic so we're going to get both for the rest of human history but it's very much case-by-case and there are tons of examples we can go into with British colonialism and Africa and like Spanish colonialism and them as American civilizations that I'm going to talk about in future videos so can fight for that but it's very much a case of going into a place expecting it to want to look like the society they came from so Brits trying to force British civilization on Africans where it just doesn't compute it doesn't work and the Spaniards trying to force Spanish civilization on to the Mesoamerican where it just for various reasons doesn't click and that happens a lot and then empires kind of get a little bit messed up and the local places get messed up nervously prepping roads TV says read who have been your favorite characters to draw on your video do some alone probably my favorite characters drawn he's just got so much energy whatever read is drawing Journey to the West she always sends me frames like what we're calling being awesome getting a couple of mortalities alright either look at someone con being all cute and young or look at someone caught carrying the entrails off of this guy there's no in-between it zero to 100 and blue what is the topic in history that you want to cover most but have it yes so there are a bunch of topics and history from a bunch of different places that have been meaning to cover like forever but haven't had the chance to sit down and do until this summer so I'm doing like 10 or 11 or however many videos this summer covering stuff like African history the Vikings samurai Mesoamerica First Nation America the Persian empires the Mongols the the Indian empire the Chinese empires and just like going to all those cool places so I really ruby reloaded says how would you advise a beginner to start running I'm going to tell you a secret and it's like I'm a secret anymore from his 100000 here um I've had a world history been working on since I was 10 and it's like it was terrible when I started cuz I was willing I was 10 I was boring class and I was like I'm gonna write an entire fantasy world cuz fun fact I just read the tough guide to Fantasyland and I was like this is a great idea I should use all of these tropes don't do that don't write that way protip don't write from or the top guys fencing but like I just kind of sat down and started building this world and then it actually got a little bit not terrible and then it just kind of kept going and like whenever I have time or whenever I feel like it I'll just sit down and work more on it because it's a thing that I have to do and sometimes you get into the real building mood where you just want to figure out how stuff works and you're like I'm just gonna I'm going to do this and it's one so I guess it's again it's the worst advice ever but how do you start an art form as you just sit down and start and you will get better with time and similar sentiments that for me I think the most important thing is just to a start writing but keep doing it even if you don't think it's really the best thing ever you'll likely get discouraged at some point and that just happens for all things not just writing but the key is to just keep trying keep practicing and you'll learn things and you'll improve in important ways and that's how progress gets made you you kind of hit bumps and you come over then we get more bumps you come over than others and apparently this group upward-sloping thing I have a book and I write philosophy every week and not all of them are winners most of them aren't but just the fact that I'm constantly pushing myself to keep you know keep a to keep doing it ensures that there are more chances for me to succeed so I just try to write as much as I can and I know that good stuff will happen as long as I'm actually thinking and actively trying that's just how it works nothing happens overnight so head over to like Reddit slash writing prompts and just try some out worst-case scenario no one sees them best-case scenario they're good and people like them so it's just a matter of trying and keeping at it and not stopping I was taught to write everything as like a super hard outline and expand from there and that was always terrible for me I hated it it was the worst but I got really better at writing but I really improved hit writing when I stopped doing that and just tried to write as I think so when I'm sitting down to write something whether it's you philosophy or video or whatever we're an essay for school I wrote down like the five or six or seven or ten things that I want to cover and then I just think the words as I would speak them and just put them onto the page that way a lot of people think that writing is some super hard and nebulous thing you have to do but it's really just a subset of speaking so if you think about writing in a way as just an extension of your own voice they already have it'll probably work out much better view because most people aren't very great writers most people are really fine speakers they can say sentences perfectly unless you're me right now I'm stumbling all over the place but if you think about writing as an extension of your voice it might come way easier to you and work for me so you know where the shot I will say I think the most important thing in any given art is to learn to not get discouraged when you realize your own art sucks like no offense everyone's art sucks when you start and even as you improve you're going to like look at it and be like oh my god this part sucks I was so bad and once you learn to not like not go down this like rabbit hole oh I'll never do it again once you learn to get over that I think you're basically going to be completely fine because because I think there comes a point in every artist development where you like reread something you did and you're like a look at if it's visual art and you're like oh wow this is criminally bad and that you know that sucks to you you're like how could this come out of my brain and and it feels like a mint of character that like this is what you are and you are the person who creates bad art and no you you improve everyone improves if you trust I think a lot of people like hit that first wall where they look at their own art and think it's bad and then just kind of stop but if you just keep drawing art that you think is bad after a while you're going to start drawing art that you think is not as bad and then eventually you're gonna start drawing our thing you think it's good and you're gonna be like that's cool then you come back to two months later and you're like no this is bad but you know what I'm over it yeah I just think um in terms of that is one of the most important things you have to do in any given ardmore like we had to get used to listen your own voices on recording so we could make Eddie improve and that is a wall like that is you hit that and you're like I'm never gonna speak again I won't subject the world of this I'm actively afraid of going back to some of my first videos yeah it's tough but like you've gotta just gotta push on through and then after a while stuff gets better evil Apple ate one a test have you ever considered collaborating on a topic register detail lead assessing historical context yes the shinigami Inquisition says one what are your respective political beliefs in a word and two could be able put a fist fight against Heracles one don't make people lives worse unnecessarily be respectful don't be a dick - yes that also also know Daniel ghuli said your poetry meeting was awesome red blue who are your favourite poem kavafis he's a modern Greek poet who writes snarkily about history what's not to love honey have a favorite poet I like individual poems poetry good lovely says who or what sorry what were who are your biggest inspiration my parents the fact that time never stops from we're all going to die eventually so might as well make use of the small amount we have okay sorry the existential horror of the void and my parents AG says it's the only question but you ship some people in this yeah red what are your favorite colors take a while get both I know you're a classicist but what part in history do you like the best besides ancient Greece if you two switched as in a Fred did history involuted mention literature then how well would you do doing each other's roles I get bored easily so history has never really been my I lost my red roles and enemies but what would it look like polluted in this I guess very handsome yeah yeah it's called slain news video personally one of my favorites I'm glad you had some had some fun with that oh no it felt like I was paid the entire time I still wish that we had that we had an audio recording of me trying out the drawings yeah it's kind of I wish we've done that um let's see if you were to place yourself in any myth what would it be no idea I would love to place myself in the labors of Hercules but I'm just giving Hercules [ __ ] I think of all of the tasks like sacking him from Olympus ya know I'd be right there oh okay right next to the Lego oh really that's a thing you should told this and I mean okay no no no it's your idea let's go for a dear link really like maybe if I cut off the hand you're like oh I wouldn't do that if I were you hardly we know I'm not the demigod I also didn't kill my family so I mean who am I to judge oh whoa what like a Childress family will if you put it on the table why I'm the bad guy for bringing it up why are you going around dancing did I hurt your feelings bread what do you do for fun if you have any at all together college is good uh I didn't pretty much what I do for the channel for fun I write I draw and watch too much TV offense yes what gave you the idea to start a channel together were you two just hanging out in one day just decided 30 YouTube channel nope fun fact I started this channel by myself like back in 2012 and I don't really plan on doing anything with it I had like a school assignment that I uploaded there and then I was like whatever but then eventually I got bored and I was like you know this is relevant my interest I should do more of that I do more of that and then I got to college my first class we were reading The Iliad and I was like this is super boring I need a way to cope with this I know I'll write a snarky script about it hey actually it's like a video of it oh god there's no movie I should I guess I'll draw and then that happened and then Odyssey happen because and after a while I was just like you know what I have an audience now I should probably keep doing this and then you discovered my channel yeah like oh wait great oh he didn't like message me about it and you were like can I do a history video I was like sure then that became thing and then wait because at first I was like because you said okay blue the only movie video of the Iliad is Troy and I can't I can't make that work it would be easier for me to just frickin draw the whole thing yeah we could go do that so you're just sending me frames everyday I was like oh this is great I'm telling you like mythologically no you should include this in there I don't let this one idiom just fun reminiscing but then for the Inferno video red was like okay blue this is this is going to take forever I said hahaha one of my teachers gave a very funny lecture on Greek history I can basically turn that into a video so the one off and then I just said you know what yeah yeah because you were like alright this drawing thing is getting real out of hand gonna save me hours at least probably days or weeks um yeah so that's that sets the grand story how it'll Hancock and just me Robin says resinize claims to not be good at writing despite all she says about characters well many other literary devices that just modesty or one sure like I'm not a writer like I've got stuff I want to write someday but I'm not like gonna know if you have to think that I should and as a right I have when they're publishing things alike I would not call myself a writer and it honestly kind of wig me out when I get people in the trophy was being like yes I'm working on my second book and this is really made me reconsider this like dog don't listen to me I'm just a pumpkin I mean you watch this channel you know that she's good at writing if she doesn't call herself a writer woman yeah negative power ask have you ever written anything no Lady Sarah I've touched on this a little bit I've got like a hundred page story time like around I don't want to write eventually but I haven't made anything about yet cook Leo asks when you first started up this channel did you have a clear goal in mind about the topics you want to cover if so how has it changed over time and with the growing drawing at all well I mentioned how like when I started the channel I wasn't lying on making a channel um and it started off just Shakespeare and then after that I started kind of thinking like you know what I've already covered the Iliad in the Odyssey now for my own personal reasons and if people are going to start using this is a resource I guess I should probably start covering all the big ones like like Beowulf and and you know Dante's Inferno and all these other major books that people have to read but often get decried as like boring or things you don't want to read and honestly a lot of it was I had a lot of trouble focusing on books to read for like an extended period of time so I was just kind of like you know what I wish I had something like this to make this easier for me so I'm going to make it so it's easier for people who are like me and after I graduate from Shakespeare kind of trying to cover every single major book I can think of and then when I graduated to miss it was also cover every major myth I can think of and then it was like cover every major miss minutes from like major cultures I can think of because that's a lot of those are really cool they don't often get to discuss and then with the throat talks I feel like I've just made like 300 years of work for myself so yay for me part of it is that as a humanities person I was very late to the game because I didn't change my major to classics in philosophy until the end of my freshman here I didn't like books until like late sophomore early junior high school so for me my knowledge base was very small when I started and I basically was confined to think that I learned about in class and being an ancient person a lot of it was ancient history so that's why all of my videos in the beginning were like here's 500 years of stuff that I only know how to talk about and now that I've actually gotten better at researching some of my really forays into learning about stuff I didn't know about it's not so good I am now able to actually go out into something that I don't know about it all and learn about it so again this summer I'm able to cover tons of things that like I can't tell you one thing about Indian history I'm gonna have a video on it by the end of the summer so like yeah oh yeah and part of it is the trope talks specifically I only started doing those because I've basically just talked to people in my normal life and the number of times I've been like oh my god I'm going to dissect this TV episode to excruciating detail two friends of mine who haven't even seen the show sorry uh yeah reboot oh yeah lots of reasons which is super good but I don't wanna make anyone watch it different language goes into the innovation but yeah it was just cuz that's how I normally talk and I was like I should probably channel this into something a little more useful and just like talk to me you're often doing up see the show channel nothing missing morbid says what video games you draw playing and he didn't wanna come now my music choice should tell you that Asia mythology in Assassin's Creed 2 played a large role in my life uh never playing a charter for all I'm Charlotte piece of joy says if you were any breed of dog what brings you be in one golden retriever Corgi Joshua preeto asks what inspired you to make your videos initially it was just like a fun thing I did that I could practice like all of my arts and it is still that but now that I've got like an audience part of it is just keeping up a relative constant pace so that I don't let a stagnate you know I like helping people learn stuff but also encouraging people to go out and learn stuff for themselves to show them that learning is fun because if I can help you pass your history test great but if I can help you like actually be interested in history beyond just passing your test Bella great Bishop M red how many times have you a little argued about history and mythology mixing and the Blue has read every straight of dropping knowledge bomb on you before yes literally every time she sends me one of patrol talk script parrot Rove says do you guys prefer reading stories in the original Greek slash left I'm already reading a need in English but I start book 10 Latin soon and I'm a little nervous so reading things in the original language is difficult and can be annoying I took an ancient Greek class last summer and it was hell hell but I find that if you can get your hands on an album such pacing translation even if the translation isn't especially great you can see like the Greek or the Latin on one side and the English on the other so you can go back and forth and see like what all the vocab means because of the English translation but like see the way it's structured in the original language and you can actually do a lot with that like hop back and forth and it's a very lows low stress low intensity way to get acquainted with a language you just like glanced over to the other side it's easy as that so if you're worried about reading another language I would HIGHLY highly suggest getting as many opposite facing translations of stuff you're reading as you possibly can because I think it's the absolute best way to read anything in a language that's not your own animal overly musical says your red slash blue what was your favorite childhood book Clark you hated booking a kid TV show or movie oh man for TV shows when I was a kid it was definitely reboot and for books I love fade away everything Discworld but my favorite was not fun I didn't read much like at all but oh man I love the Batman in the Justice League cartoon and spongebob and Samurai Jack and Looney Tunes and Star Wars Skye dog says now you've just been given impossible task by some minor ancient Agora which patron God our God is for any Pantheon would you choose be cool magic stuff and guide your under way my brother Thor who seems like most like business card law became let me go similar loophole I would choose Zeus we could see be most likely to bang the King and then turn it into a cow with us solving all of my problems yes and if the impossible task with banging became and then turning him into a cow problem solved thank you this trippy reptile asks other works of literature that you feel that is overrated if so why you guys are more attention animal videos either more videos on language in school I maintain that everything written after the year 1600 was a mistake chattering arise Elaine Earl says how does one college like pick a major living situation sort of income becomes semi responsible adult how did you guys do it and tips for how we can do also what guide you to intercept a myth history literature philosophy Alma jazz has it been a passion since you were young Andy anecdotes are particular memories would stand out in the moment of enlightenment when you suddenly realize this is really neat and I want to learn it and then maybe leave your teaching because your ring finesse Java that the channels in for you okay ray College I still eat ice cream for dinner and squeal about dinosaurs I am NOT a responsible adult um College is not being an adult there's this huge myth that like when you go off to college like oh I'm going to be in a totally go to college no we're all giant children and once you once you realize that it makes everything way easier I'm pretty sure all adults children making it open yeah and that was actually an adult now if you hate everyone now that Google existence a lot easier for the missin stuff I have kind of always been into that stuff like I had the jeweler's books when I was younger and so I don't know I had like a fun grounding in a lot of them but I didn't know a lot beyond Greek and Norse mythology so it's been pretty fun as well oh sorry and Neil Gaiman uh he wrote all these stories about like kind of fusions of various different cultures like Sandman American Gods both just kind of had this casual we'll all miss surreal and some of them are angry we want to kill you just a lot of good stuff and I really like the general feel of that kind of almost surreal urban fantasy um and I do actually have a moment of clarity it's really funny um so I was in a Shakespeare class in high school and we've been reading much about nothing she's not being frightened but this was my moment of clarity um and I was like at dinner with my family and a couple of their family friends and we were talking about much ado about nothing and I thought it was really funny how like you've got like a dozen incredibly forgettable character and you've got these two really funny ones because spacious and Benedick were absolutely like delightful and my brother who is this time like 12 was like hey I don't know what that story is tell it to me and I basically just launched into this giant like incredibly snarky incredibly uninformative just like alright so there's this dude right he's into this girl which she's like cashews she's into him but she's all like me and he's on me and energies do other girl nah know what they're doing and like at some point in the explanation I realized that everyone at the table was laughing hysterically and I was like oh I should write this down and the rest is history I have a reverse instance of that so Assassin's Creed got me on the history bandwagon fairly early on but I I hated reading and like English and stuff for most of my life but I had a lucky string of really good teachers that kind of turned me around to it made me realize there's there's more to Wilkes than dissect what the symbolism of the curtains means because I like themes I hate symbolism someone can shortcut to Libra I should cut that out uh there are things is what we get it poet things are like other things yeah come on one but it's really just a lucky string of really good teachers and one of my professors in freshman year told the story of ancient Athens in a way that was really funny and I thought gee I should write that down yay so she's smart I'm just a lying thief Joshua dark cool name says hey I'm going to subscribe before feels like forever and I really love what you guys do I kind of have two questions definitely right first I'm a computer science major who loves writing fantasy genre stories do you have any advice pacifically perpetrating subjective sides like points of view and do you think history has a large influence in my life because in our typical warrior type society seem awfully Hellenistic it's partly our desert settings tend to make a Caliphate feel Lesotho and where does creativity coming to make the illusions unique last bit I'm recently out of a rough breakup when I was wondering if either of you had any advice on just moving on I know it doesn't have much to do with y'all and it's kind of selfish makes Naaman about it but if you can still answer our questions I'd be super happy and it's just if you feel comfortable with giving advice I hope you have a wonderful day you'll get 200k in no time smiley face okay lots of unpack here first off I think the tricks is subjectivity and reading disparate points of view is just to make sure that every character has very it sounds obvious but like a lot of times you had to get placeholder characters like you get a villain who is evil because they're evil or is it if you write even your moral gray areas as people who are in a moral gray area because of ways that they actually think and see the world who end up with a much more consistent story and it helps ensure good guys have reasons to be good then come out of their world II so like a very common have the hero who's like I believe there is good in everything and then you get the villain who might be like nope I used to think that I'm incredibly jaded now because I've been like I've seen the atrocities that people can do and that's why I'm evil and you know as long as those viewpoints remain consistent I think you'll be able to like you won't be explicitly saying two perspectives both alike in dignity but you will basically be saying like look this guy he's doing this because of his worldview this guy is doing this because of her worldview you can kind of the readers will notice what the world will are as long as they remain consistent they can deduce what the world you is it could give them enough information you won't need to be explicit about it I'm going to let's see do I think history has a large influence of any statistics oh yeah definitely I think actually less so to in modern-day I think modern fantasy mostly draws from older fantasy but older fantasy was straight up just like you had your your Viking and you had your Mongols and you had your your Roman Empire usually easy shortcut it is a very easy shortcut and you have the caliphate sometimes I've seen people basically recreate the the Great Zimbabwe - China trade empire that was around for a while in that general feel of life you've got gold from far-off lands and spices from other far-off lands and yeah I don't know you there's a lot of really cool stuff in history and a lot of people just kind of like take that and put it in their fantasy world and there's nothing inherently wrong with that it's a little boring in it because this is happening in like the 30s it can be also a little bit racist but like what isn't a little bit racial hope - doing cartoons or races yes figure out Skyrim it's just Romans and Vikings that's it yep and it's all dropped on top of what Greenland yeah I think modern fantasy is a lot more based on older fantasy and this is just the thing that happens when you have a genre that's around for a long time and do stuff draws on the old 70 old stuff draws on or original stuff or so modern fantasy is basically all either Tolkien or the older more standard fantasy land of like political intrigue and cool castles and magic but maybe it's mostly been forgotten there were forbidden or you know there's there's a very standard fantasy land that people write in there's a very standard tolkien-esque fantasy land that other people write in and this fantasy land is built a lot more on land I don't know Conan the Barbarian kind of style that that kind of semi historical but there's magic and Dragons kind of thing Oh God um where's creativity coming to make the allusion to me okay I'm really biased because I go whole hog on the world-building I think that if you want to draw home history that's fine but it's easier and possibly more rewarding to draw small bits from history and then see what you can build from there so like oh I don't know there's like cool parts of other civilizations that you can you can take in and draw there's this there's this ruined city on the island of killer 2 Suwanee which i think is off the coast of Somalia and it's built entirely out of coral because they had no rock that they could build cities from it's so cool it's so dope and I wouldn't thought of that on my own but now it's like alright so I've got my role I've got like this so underwater people I could have them building actually I don't know it's like you can draw small things and if you if you see something and it inspires you usually that doesn't mean you want to take that thing and put it in whatever you're working on it means that it's getting you thinking in certain directions ready to do a lot of color adjustment yeah $3 you - oh yeah you it doesn't like make you want to take the thing and put it in the other thing it makes you want to like take the thing and see what what can naturally arise in this world you're already building I don't know I think the world building is a lot of fun which is why I do it but I also think we can be really useful like the world I'm working on I started from like fundamental physics principles in that world and then I just kind of went from there obviously I'm not going to be a fan of taking an entire civilization putting it somewhere else or for a shorter shortcut which doesn't seem as cheap just write historical fiction it's all right there you don't even need to steal from it it's just like this Romans fighting the frickin Spartans I don't know make it happen you can do it yeah you could be like what if you had memorized verses psyching you up in time travel you can just walk I chew have seen samurai Jacqueline in the past week yeah the rough breakup that's right um okay I am about the farthest thing gets from an expert on your breakup for it yeah I guess like I recommend just like treating yourself for a while like you've been through something rough you're probably having to like readjust how you think about stuff so just like be like easy on yourself take a lot of naps do things you enjoy get food you like go see movies on run um just like don't I mean I'm not gonna say like don't wallow because sometimes if you're sad it helps to just like make yourself more sad for a while and just be like oh I feel a lot better afterward but like just be be good to yourself right now like you'd be good to a friend who come to rule for you and exactly the same same basic idea breakups are no fun no matter which side you're on but you have friends and those friends are happy to be there for you so you know talk to people and treat yourself but also remember that as much of an important part of your life this person may have been you're still you and you're a full like human person and you have value in yourself independent of this other person and just be the best you that you can be yeah Charlie agreein says opinion on school system I personally think it's heavily flawed but if you don't can you please explain why I think that the American school system takes things that people enjoy doing like reading and running around and makes the things they hate doing by forcing them to do it to the point of insanity and I think that that is possibly the worst thing you can do is someone is taking something they enjoy making something - hey despite all of the awfulness about exactly that there are still plenty of really really good teachers out there that do care and want to make you learn so find those teachers and never let go yes yes be friends with those teachers friend of on Lincoln in conclusion subscribe to our channel to avoid the horrors of the schooling system yay all right so uh thanks for joining us for Q&A number two and thank you for subscribing all 100,000 of you that's the size of some small kiddies yeah well it is been an absolute joy talking to you people and we will see you the next video [Music]
Channel: Overly Sarcastic Productions
Views: 401,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: William Shakespeare (Author), Shakespeare Summarized, Funny, Summary, OSP, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Analysis, Literary Analysis, Myths, Legends, Classics, Literature, Stories, Storytelling, Q&A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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