Joshua and the Battle of Jericho & The Prodigal Son - The Beginners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just warming up and take it the story oh you know oh wait [Music] you [Music] the twelve tribes of Israel were led out of Egypt by Moses [Music] God had promised them a home of their own a land called Canaan but once they got there many Israelites were afraid of the armies of Canaan they didn't trust God to help them win their battles they wanted to go back to Egypt where they had been slaves God decided that since they didn't trust him they couldn't enter the Promised Land and he had them wander the deserts for forty years [Music] after 40 years God led the children of the 12 tribes back to the promised land but instead of it being a time of joy the Israelites were full of sadness their leader Moses had died so they didn't have anyone to lead them to their new home boys behave yourselves today we are remembering Moses [Music] Joshua who helped Moses for those 40 years was remembering the great leader in his own special way [Music] come to cheer me up turnip what will happen to our people now that Moses is gone who will guide us to the promised land why not use Joshua turnip you you you've talked it's me Joshua God I've chosen you Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land no I can't you help Moses but he was a great leader I'm just an ordinary man a simple servant don't be afraid there is greatness in every man who has faith Joshua God where is the land you promised us look west what do you see the desert floor and the Jordan River beyond that foothills and green the Promised Land take your people Joshua but I can't lead them I'm frightened yes you will face many dangers but be strong remember I will never leave you [Music] because Joshua loved God and obeyed his rules God protected him God's rules known as the Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets inside the Holy Ark [Music] the rivers very Swift crossing won't be easy oh this is foolish hmm following Joshua's if you were Moses are you coming around come let's see what will happen how about there Joshua I'll see how deep it is do you think you can cross that little one come on it's just a little water who are you go away I am Joshua leader of the Israelites God has promised us this land ha ha ha did he well I'm the king of Jericho and you can't enter we are protected by the Swift River and the strongest wall in the world if you can cross this river you better be prepared for a fight our God protects us as he protected Moses our leader yes I've heard that your God parted the Red Sea but he has no power here stay away from Jericho or my army will destroy you what do we do Joshua have faith and cross the river when God tells us to you heard Joshua let's tell the others Oh I'm worried about this king of Jericho he's like the waters of this river dangerous [Music] Joshua yes God don't be afraid of the king if you trust me I will protect you Joshua did trust in God he selected two men to sneak into Jericho and tell him about the king's army one two three soldiers now that third one is tiny I'll only count him as half a soldier a rom we're spies that means we have to be quiet don't quiet right [Music] sky Oh King I'm only a harmless travelling merchant liar you're a stranger in Jericho so I say you're a spy hey Shh but he can't do that [Music] more spies Israelite spies that's being quiet that's that stop the spice texia sri lights [Music] they must be here somewhere [Music] what I do this way hurry my name's Rahab I want to help this way [Music] under here quickly [Music] open your doors by order of the king out of my way the Israelite spies did you see them they were here but they ran toward the city gates if you hurry you might still catch them [Music] the king will be very unhappy if you let him get away [Music] Rahab told the Israelites it was safe to come out of their hiding place that was a very brave thing you did why did you risk your life for us to strangers everyone in Jericho knows the Israelites are coming to our land we've heard that your God rules the heavens above and the earth below he's so powerful he parted the Red Sea for Moses now our men are afraid to fight you go hide in the hills for three days then you'll be safe god bless you Rahab you're very kind wait I showed kindness to you when your people attack the city please spare my family and me we promised Rahab leave this red rope hanging from your window it will be a sign that no one in this house is to be harmed Joshua's spies did his Rahab had said after hiding in the mountains for three days they ran back to camp with their report that's what Rahab told us Joshua everyone in Jericho is afraid of us we can defeat this king of Jericho I'm not so sure Aram he had a lot of soldiers ah they were all small let's pray to God and thank him he is done as he said the promised land is ours the next day the 12 tribes marched towards Canaan but as God had told Joshua entering their new homeland wasn't going to be easy [Music] how can we cross this river safely please God give me an answer the waters too fast no no how will we get our children and animals across don't be afraid God has shown me away bring out the Ark of the Covenant [Music] Joshua directed the priests to carry the ark into the river and hold it there the Israelites were confused what did Joshua have in mind this can't be safe Joshua doesn't know what he's doing behold the power of God as the crowd watched a miracle happened the priests held up the art and God held back the waters it's just like when Moses parted the Red Sea it's true their God must be with Joshua as he was with Moses [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Israelites faith in Joshua grew and grew for now they knew he followed in the footsteps of Moses Joshua choose 12 men one from each tribe tell them to get 12 rocks from the middle of the river from where the priest stood carry the rocks and put them down where you stay tonight in the future your children will ask what do these rocks me and you will say the water stopped flowing when the Ark of the Covenant with God cross the river these rocks will always remind the Israelites of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one evening Joshua was walking near Jericho I followed God's commands without question I've tried to be a good leader but I'm not a soldier how can I fight the king of Jericho in his army Joshua God how shall the enemy be defeated you won't need swords or armor Joshua just have faith in me to defeat the king an army of Jericho here's what you must do [Music] early the next day Joshua formed the Israelites into a long line remember do as God instructed not a word not a sound from any of you first came seven priests playing ram's horns then the Ark of the Covenant then the armed men they marched one time around the great city [Music] hmmm this is not fighting this is a parade [Music] well I I guess we won when do we attack the city Joshua we don't tomorrow we march around it again and just like today everyone must be quiet no shouts of war the only sounds can come from the ram's horns so the Israelites marched once around Jericho [Music] every day for six days and for six days nothing happened you Israelites are fools and the biggest fool is your leader Joshua on the morning of the seventh day Joshua's people were Restless Joshua you do not know what you are doing our people are tired of marching in circles we need a soldier for a leader yes let's fight you're right I'm not a soldier but I do have faith in God he didn't let Moses down and he won't let us down so long as we trust in him this is the seventh and last day who will come with me I will all of us tell everyone we will march and march they did but instead of going around the city just once as they had done for six full days Joshua said that God wanted them to march seven times and on the seventh time around they did something completely different Shelton yo scream so that the heavens can hear you shout for God has given us Jericho [Applause] for 40 years we wandered through the deserts and hoping we could find God's promised land and now it's here before us behind a fortress tall but it will not be ours until we bring down the wall bring down the walls of Jericho bring down the wall we make it's gonna shake this city to the ground we'll see the promised land when the walls come down we believe in God that he is with us here his power is much greater than that Ani over there our enemies are laughing but their kingdoms you will fall when we raise our voices we will bring bring down the wall a jheri curl bring down the world lift your horns and blow shall we gonna shake - crowd will see the promised [Music] so shout out loud shout out that wall around the city won't keep himself along sing too that band we were promised is right behind those walking down the world [Music] your heart to know [Music] with their voices a few ram's horns and their faith in God the Israelites captured Jericho [Music] [Applause] Joshua these are the people who helped us Rahab her mother and father you're a brave woman Rahab God has watched over you and your family because of your faith and for helping my people can we stay and join you Joshua nothing would make me happier yep don't touch me as realized how dare you treat me this way wipe I've I'm the king you were the king when I said God promised us this land you laughed and called me a fool who's the fool now has anyone seen turnip for you perfect my friends our days of wandering are over we're home after Jericho was captured the Israelites kept moving and claimed more and more new land their wandering days were over all because Joshua and the Israelites had faith in God [Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to every every single tree it's just hopping up and take it's a story or you know the greatest of [Music] a long time ago Jesus traveled the land teaching people how to be good to each other and to love God many people listened and learned from his stories but some didn't understand and had questions what are you doing Jesus you are sitting with sinners how can you be a teacher sent by God if you speak to tax collectors these men take our money and give it to the Emperor we've even heard you eat with these men they have turned their backs on God I'm sure God will have nothing to do with men why should you all people are special to God let me tell you a story once there was a shepherd with a hundred sheep but he lost one of them [Music] Jesus told how the Shepherd wanted all of his lambs safe he looked and looked [Music] until one day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the shepherd had a big celebration because he had found what he had lost [Music] but Jesus the shepherd was just doing his job there's more joy in heaven over someone who was lost and then found who changes his life for God than over ninety-nine people who don't need to change Jesus then told about a woman who had ten silver coins but she lost one of them when the woman discovered she had lost the one coin she was very upset [Music] she spent the whole night looking for her lost coin [Music] she told her friends and they celebrated because she had found what she had lost that's the way God feels about people in heaven the angels sing whenever a person says he or she believes in God and wants to live a better life but Jesus in your stories the shepherd and the poor woman lost valuable things and all sinners especially tax collectors are worthless bad people there's another story a story about forgiveness and love there was once a man who was both a wealthy farmer [Music] and a loving father [Music] the father tried to teach them how to take care of things [Music] thank you Ruben but where is your [Music] Benjamin even though his sons were very different he loved them both the same the father hoped they would grow up to be hard-working farmers [Music] but as the younger son grew up he dreamed of distant places he didn't want to stay on his father's farm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the son decided to leave his home the very next day father I had a wonderful dream last night really what kind of I was riding the finest horse in the city oh who said he's a nice place to visit but everyone stared at me because I was handsome smart and wealthy yes you all of those father farm life is fine for you you're a farmer but it's not for me there are things I have to do places I have to see you're leaving home yes you have always promised my brother and me and inheritance money for us but it's for your future oh please father I want my money now I must see the world starting today but the father did not want his son to leave he would miss him a great deal [Music] oh thank you Father I'm rich hey that's not fair Benjamin can't take his money leave like this if that's what he wants he can do it don't worry about the farm father Reuben will be here well I care about you I'll miss you my son I'll be alright I'm going to see the world wave goodbye to your brother the father could only hope that one day he'd see his son again no more dirty hands no more back eggs and no more work [Music] isn't it magnificent [Music] you [Music] it was the sun's first time out in the world and he wanted to buy everything he saw [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well what do you think now all I need is to be seen riding a magnificent horse 37 38 39 40 you have bought the finest horse in my stable well I deserve the best you know now do you want that mule anymore yeah he reminds me of my father's farm none of my horses are worth 40 coins why this mule is worth twice that much the fool doesn't care how he spends his money I see something else to buy I don't care what it costs I must be seen riding through the streets today [Music] [Music] [Music] father I've listed all of our animals thanks Ruben that was a lot of work I was just thinking about your brother I'm sure you miss him as much as I do [Music] the Sun was still spending money he hadn't learned his lesson yet I'm sorry you'll have to leave I have customers waiting I beg your pardon sir how about a big fluffy pillow the boys still only thought about himself [Music] ladies and gentlemen for your dining pleasure B era and his funny monkey I must have that monkey [Music] excuse me sir but you have stayed here for a week will you pay your bill oh is money all you want boom oh oh out get out of my hands hello [Music] this will pay for your belts Benjamin was now alone and very hungry well what am I going to do for the first time in his life the son had to beg for food [Music] ah no free food [Applause] the boy was so hungry he needed to find work any work but the only job he could find was the worst possible watch it don't make well Higgs of yourselves I'm so hungry [Music] thanks little pig [Music] and acting so foolishly a pigsty is fine if you're a pig but it's not for me that my father's farm everyone even the helpers have a place to sleep enough to eat wait a minute I'll go home my father won't want me back as a son not after the way I treated him but anything's better than this mess hey he might give me a job on his farm I'm never gonna snap my fingers like that ever again so the son decided to go home and he hoped that his father would not send him away thank God he's come back sir your son is coming home Benjamin my son is back my brother is back this is a very bad idea my father won't even want to talk to me Oh too late is he going to be mad father I'm sorry for leaving and now I only asked to work in your fields I shouldn't even be called your son anymore ah ha ha ha welcome Oh welcome home I'm so happy you're safe what let's have a big party father ah I don't understand we said for food lots of food did get some musicians my son has returned hope [Music] but the older son was jealous of his brother [Music] whoa out of my way tell me is the banner hanging straight no it's all wrong everything's wrong the father welcomed his last son back home and the Sun realized how much his father loved him my money lost my way if my house when I had it made justice late to broken heart till I found my father's open so good to be home again No like the wind Oh back to where I've been feels so good to be home [Music] my boy is back yes it's true set the table prepare the food watch me dance less this day so good to know he's home to stay my lost son is home again No like the wind I don't care where he's been my lost son is here again my lost son is home home again I never thought my father would welcome back before like me now I can hardly believe the celebration fee [Music] again no more roaming the world like the wind I don't where he's been while our son is home again feels so good to be home again no more roaming the world like the wind I won't go back to where Robin feels so good to be home again the Sun is 4 [Music] where's Ruben we can't celebrate without him [Music] you're missing Benjamin's party I won't go it's not fair father I stayed with you and helped you with the farm but you never gave me a party but as soon as my lazy brother wanders back home he gets a feast my son anytime you want a party you'll get it uh-huh I love you with all my heart but today is something special your brother has returned like the tree we planted when you both were little in the winter it's empty and you might think it's dead but in the spring it comes back to life I'm happy because
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 45,824
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Keywords: bible, beginner bible, bible stories for children, bible children, the bible, arc noah, beginners bible, the bible story, bible story, bible stories child, tv bible, The Prodigal Son, bibel, kids, jesus, god, kids bible, the bible (religious text), animation, bible for kids, bible for kids videos, bible for kids app, bible for, the beginners bible, beginners, beginners bible for kids, beginners bible nativity, beginners bible youtube, beginners bible videos
Id: on87IuagHAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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