Peppa Pig Learns How To Make Pizza! | Kids TV And Stories

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[Music] it is almost lunchtime at peppa's house what does everyone fancy for lunch today um can we have pizza pizza pizza good idea let's make pizza oh oh i'm a bit of an expert at making pizza can george and me help of course to make pizza we need flour tomatoes cheese and for toppings we've got all sorts of nice things sweet corn mushrooms olives pineapples george likes pineapple on his pizza ah pineapple on pizza no that's just not right in fact i think pineapple on pizza is against the law silly daddy it is actually not against the law to put pineapple on pizza um daddy can we make funny faces on top of the pizzas of course we can but before we start cooking we have to wash our hands [Music] let's wipe the table clean and put our aprons on right let's make pizza pizza pizza peppa george could you please mix this flower and water together with your fingers it's all sticky and stretchy perfect i'm just going to knead it we sprinkle a little flour on the table so the dough doesn't stick you need to be big and strong to need dough i am big and strong and george is big and strong too that's enough kneading let's make the dough into four balls one two three four and we roll them flat with a rolling pin ah it looks like a pizza now but an expert pizza maker doesn't need a rolling pin watch this [Music] daddy has a pizza on his head this one can be mine peppa george please smooth the tomato over the pizzas i like making lovely and messy good that's enough smoothing and splashing now for the cheese remember daddy we're making funny faces of course i'll use mushrooms to make eyes and olives for the smile and i'll use onion for eyes and basil leaves for the mouth i'm doing little tomatoes for the eyes and sweet corn for the mouth george is using pineapple for the eyes and cheese for the mouth i like funny faces [Music] while they cook we can tidy up all this mess um you and mommy can tidy up and george and i can do some playing pepper and george like playing mummy and daddy pig like tidying up peppa george lunch is ready yay mommy your pizza looks like you oh thank you very much and your pizza looks like you daddy it looks nothing like me i must say your pizza does look like you pepper does it oh goody and george's looks like george these are the best pizzas in the world ever peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza father's day today is father's day it is the day when everyone thanks their daddy for being their daddy ah what a great day to be a father mummy can me and george play in the garden today of course peppa i might do some weeding well done mummy pig this garden could do with a bit of a tidy up and uh what are you going to do today daddy pig the grass needs cutting uh i think i will just be a father today can you be a father and cut the grass you've all forgotten haven't you forgotten what it's father's day when daddies get thanks and cards and sometimes cake is it like mother's day sort of although mother's day is a real day and father's day is a sort of made-up modern thing what do you mean it's exactly like mother's day but for daddies poor daddy we forgot yes sorry daddy pig what would you most like to do on your special day um could i watch some racing cars on tv [Music] pig loves watching racing cars on tv [Music] peppa george it would be really lovely if you made daddy a father's day card yes here is daddy in the garden in the long grass wonderful what do you want it to say inside too daddy you are the best to daddy in the whole world well done kiss kiss lovely hmm it just needs one more thing glitter oh uh i'm not sure it needs glitter pepper yes it does need glitter uh i think the glitter is lost found it someone has put the glitter high up on top of the fridge oh well done for finding it peppa ah this is nice happy daddy's day what a lovely card open it nah glitter yes we used all the glitter how wonderful daddy loves glitter everyone loves glitter now let's make a father's day cake what can we put in the cake yes george daddy does like cereal and tomato ketchup i'm not sure daddy pig likes ketchup in cake daddy does like ketchup everyone likes tomato ketchup cheese yes george daddy loves cheese oh oh what's going on here daddy don't look it's a surprise you were supposed to be watching racing cars on tv i thought i would get up and do something you could always cut the grass daddy can't work on daddy's day mummy thank you peppa you can give me and george piggy back rides it's hard work not working now it's time for your tea party this way daddy would you like some tea thank you peppa and is there any cake oh yes the cake mommy please bring the cake here it is peppa but i'm not sure it's the sort of cake that can actually be eaten yes it is it is the best cake ever george and me made it all ourselves fantastic i can't wait to try it what's in it all your favorite things hmm tasty did you have a nice day daddy yes pepper and george it was super daddy pig loves father's day everybody loves father's day grandpa pig's birthday peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is grandpa pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on grandpa pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes peppa and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh this is nice we can sit here no peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table we're with grandpa pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh peppa george happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party i think i'm a bit too old for a real party peppa i think grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats oh peppa that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks madame could we have a bottle of water please of course can i get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my grandpa's birthday a grandpa pig's birthday i'll see what i can do peppa they don't have party hats in posh restaurants like this party hats thank you are you ready to order food yes please on the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle kiff or cream of sweet in a vegetable sugar um i think i might try the uh strained carrot on a mussel cough uh cream of swede for me please perhaps the dried fish uh same again please and for the children spaghetti please pepper and george love spaghetti spaghetti is nut on the menu but i will ask the chef pepper you can't ask for things that aren't on the menu strained carrot cream of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti [Applause] [Music] actually it's my birthday could i have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti and balloons please balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons hooray this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake [Music] blow out the candles grandpa hooray birthday party music please this strawberries pepper and george are visiting granny and grandpa pig come and see the strawberries i've grown grandpappy has spent days and days growing strawberries i think he will be impressed perhaps we can make some strawberry jam yes please pepper and george love strawberry jam may i present my strawberry one strawberry you've grown one strawberry it will be the best tasting strawberry ever why is it hiding in a little house grandpa it is hiding because the cheeky little birds have eaten all the rest you cheeky bird so now there are no strawberries and we won't make jam we can still make jam i know a place that has lots of strawberries it's a strawberry farm so that's where we will go this is the strawberry farm hello there have you come to pick strawberries yes miss rabbit then you've come to the right place we've got nothing here but strawberries wow so many strawberries pick as many as you like here is pedro pony with his mummy and daddy hello hello pedro have you picked a lot of strawberries yes but my mommy and daddy keep eating them oh is this the way out i never want to see a strawberry ever again how strange i suppose some people just don't like strawberries picking strawberries is fun i must say these strawberries do look lovely but the real test is if they taste any good actually that is rather good mmm yummy i love the strawberry farm strawberry strawberry juicy red and sweet strawberry strawberry they're so nice to eat scrumptious but remember everyone we're here to collect strawberries to take home and make jams put them in your baskets and try not to eat too many yes granny pig i'll just have one last one i suppose one more won't hurt naughty granny naughty grandpa right you are peppa this really is the very last one i can't stop eating them hello birdies have you come to eat the strawberries the little birds do not want to eat the strawberries perhaps they have just eaten too many pepper yes i think i've eaten too many oh peppa's basket is full george's basket is full granny and grandpa's baskets are empty granny grandpa where are your strawberries oh in our tummies maybe it's time to go home here is danny dog with his mummy and daddy they have just arrived at the strawberry farm hello peppa hello danny look at all these strawberries oh don't say that word what strawberries how strange i suppose some people just don't like strawberries i see you've picked a lot of strawberries where's the way out the way out is just through the gift shop what do you sell in your shop miss rabbit strawberry cakes strawberry cookies strawberry cheese strawberry juice strawberry sweet strawberry anything without strawberries ah no i think we've had our fill of strawberries thank you funny no one ever buys anything from this shop miss rabbit look at how many strawberries we picked well done pepper and george now we can make strawberry jam george loves strawberries everyone loves strawberries children's festival pepper is going to a children's festival daddy what is a festival it's a big outdoor party with lots to see and do i just hope it doesn't rain otherwise it can get a bit muddy don't worry it won't be muddy oh i like mud this is the children's festival wow at the children's festival there are so many fun things to see and do here is susie sheep hello peppa hello susie isn't this great it's brilliant there's so much going on what shall we do first we've got making things sandcastles storytelling yes i like stories me too this is the story tent all of peppa's friends are here hello children if you want a story about a pirate say aha ah good once upon a time there was a pirate he found a desert island and he dug up some buried treasure the end ah what an adventure that story makes me miss the sea i must set sail at once and find that desert island captain dog loves to see it's just the story daddy you don't need to set sail oh yes no need for me to set sail ever again i like the children's festival yes and not a drop of rain we've been really lucky this year oh oh i told you it wouldn't be muddy a little bit of mud would be nice this way to the making things tent [Laughter] today we're going to learn how to make something from the olden days who wants to make a basket hmm okey-dokey how about knitting an olden day's hat how about a dragon all the children are making dragons wow those dragons are good almost like the real thing dragons are not real they are mythical creatures you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you actually the correct term is child prodigy making things was fun and we've still got lots to see and do tomorrow tomorrow are we staying here tonight we certainly are yes i was hoping we could find a hotel nearby i thought camping would be more fun yay camping great this is the camping area hello hello peppa are you camping too we're not camping we're glamping what's glamping it's like camping but with lots of home comforts we've got a bathroom with a basin and a bath and a toilet and we've got a living room and a tv wow glamping looks great daddy are we glamping no we have our own little tent hopefully it's not too difficult to put up it shouldn't be a problem after all i am a qualified structural engineer mummy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie hooray are you enjoying the festival it's brilliant yes and it's lucky it hasn't rained too right when it rains this field just becomes mud we like mud but mud and camping don't go so well together oh it's not going to rain night night everyone night night peppa and her family are sleeping in their little tent at the children's festival oh dear it is starting to rain [Applause] ice cream pepper and george are at granny and grandpa pig's house today to me george throw to me mr labrador is here in his new ice cream van everyone is queuing for ice cream hello mrs cat what flavor would you like as the vanilla ice cream nice oh i don't know i haven't tried it yet it is mr labrador's first day selling ice creams oh it's delicious would you like one yes please what's the strawberry flavor like i'd better check that's nice as well i want a strawberry ice cream what do you want george eye cream thank you is the mint ice cream good mmm lovely four mint ice creams please thank you mr labrador it is pepper and george's turn can i have a strawberry ice cream please oh i seem to have run out of strawberry ice cream then can i have a vanilla ice cream please oh there's no vanilla left either actually i've got no ice cream left at all no ice cream maybe i tried too many myself yes maybe you did mr labrador loves ice cream don't worry my little ones let's make our own ice cream instead can we do that yes we used to make ice cream for your mummy when she was a little piggy oh homemade ice cream that sounds lovely hop aboard now take it back home can we have the ice cream music please good idea peppa right let's make ice cream first we pour some milk into a jug then we add some cream now what flavor would you like your ice cream to be we do have raspberries and strawberries from the garden yes let's make raspberry strawberry ice cream and they go then we pour all our ingredients into a freezer bag now we need to make it very cold we'll put the ice cream bag into this bag full of ice and salt and wrap it all in a towel now for the fun part we shake it up and down for five minutes you can start shaking peppa ice cream ice cream shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make [Music] ice cream ice cream shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make one last shake for me and i think it might be ready did it work yes [Music] it's the best ice cream in the world yum yum granny can all my friends come for ice cream of course they can pepper oh in that case we'll need to make a lot more ice cream [Applause] ice cream the best ice cream in the world all of peppa's friends are here for ice cream [Applause] can i have banana can we have raspberry can i have blueberry please that's delicious have you got carrot flavor oh i don't think so yes we do made with carrots from my very own garden thank you peppa i love ice cream we all love ice cream mr labrador yes but i really love ice cream breakfast club pepper and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because we didn't learn enough things yesterday no danny that is not the reason is it because you like us so much well i do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes pedro we have all come to play group early because today is breakfast club and who knows what we do at breakfast club eat our breakfast correct i love eating breakfast so do i me too everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you i eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right edmund [Music] so rebecca what do you use your energy for i use it for hopping very good i use energy for thinking what's he doing edmund he's thinking yes i was thinking edmund elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese jam porridge yogurt may i have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can i have cereal please of course you can madame gazelle can i have toast please yes susie i shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can i have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case i will have to use the big poster [Music] it's a super toaster plates ready everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can i have honey on my toast please can i have marmalade please of course children i'm having strawberry jam on mine i'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast i'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am i i'm getting strawberry jam energy i'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots and lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and minds ready for the day copy me children egg apple yogurt pancake and toast [Music] breakfast is over and everyone is ready to start the day today is mandy mouse's birthday as a special treat mandy is going to cheese world with her friends mandy what is cheese world it's the most fun ever there's a cheese river a cheese mountain and a cheese skye wow and best of all is the cheese castle where you get to smell cheese you like cheese don't you mandy yes mummy welcome to cheese world have any of you been here before yes i have oh hello mandy nice to see you back again so as mandy already knows everything at cheese world is about cheese that's right and we start by sailing on a river of cheese [Music] no the boats are made out of plastic boats made out of real cheese would be bizarre ah the cheese river flows past hills and trees of cheese this is the cheese mountain [Music] is this mountain made out of real cheese no but this is exactly what it would be like to sail through the cheese mountain oh if cheese mountains existed hello everyone welcome to the cheese aeroplanes wow now has anyone flown one of these planes before i have of course hi there mandy can you show your friends what to do yes if you pull the lever the plane goes up wow and if you push the lever the plane goes down all aboard your airplanes up and away this is brilliant [Music] was that fun yes told you it would be the most fun ever hello mandy mouse lovely to see you at cheese world again hello grumpy rabbit have you told your friends about my castle of cheese i told them the castle of cheese was the best bit too right it's where we get to smell real cheese no potencies here follow me if you dare into my castle of cheese let's start by smelling a mild cheese that smells good i like it too not much of a smell now for some decently strong cheese ah that's more like it a proper stinky one oh it smells like my daddy's socks and now boys and girls we come to the strongest cheese in the whole world here goes [Music] [Laughter] that's what i call cheese it's the nicest smell i've ever smelt you do so love cheese don't you mandy yes mommy i like smelling cheese and i like eating cheese even more funny you should say that because it's time for your birthday cake and it's a cheesecake happy birthday mandy this is my best birthday ever
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 347,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Educational kids, Educational kids peppa pig, George Pig, Healthy eating, Healthy eating Peppa pig, Kids Youtube, Kids cartoons, Kids entertainment, Peppa, Peppa Pig, Peppa and famiy, Peppa pig cooking, Peppa pig cooking episodes, Peppa pig episodes, Peppa pig family, Peppa pig full episodes, Peppa pig learns how to make pizza, Pizza, Pizza making, Preschool, Preschool cartoons, Youtube kids
Id: ZI12HBTOh9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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