Jonah and the Whale - Beginners Bible

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you do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just holding up and take a it's a story or you can baby stuff you in the Land of Israel there was a prophet named Jonah a prophet taught other people about God in his love Jonah told his friends and neighbors that God loved all people and like God Jonah tried to love all people and all creatures your fish looks fresh today Oh fear yes Jonah the freshest you will ever meet or eat you know how much I love eating fish and I'll take a bag of peanuts I see someone just as hungry as I am hungry little dove here take some of mine we're all God's creatures sounds like someone's having an argument it's my pot come oh it is mine I saw it first no I did I need it to carry water I need it to carry raisins stop fighting never solves anything Oh besides you're making me dizzy my friends please God doesn't want you fighting it upsets him now neither of you gets the pot you were acting badly just like someone from the city of Nineveh do you want God to think we act like the Ninevites ah no no Jonah sorry Jonah the Ninevites are enemies of our people I heard they stole a boat full of fish yes they are thieves yes they are very bad people see what happens when you fight from now on we will act like Israelites and not be bad like the Ninevites so Jonah had a very important job he taught people about God's laws there came a day when God had an even bigger job for Jonah hello Jonah God it's nice to hear your voice I have an important job for you what is it I will do anything for you there are some people who are not obeying my laws Jonah look what they're doing the people of nineveh steel they are not kind to each other the children of Nineveh do not take care of older people others are lazy and their King pretends not to see the problems he only cares about eating all day and wearing fancy clothes yes Ninevites are bad send a flood or an earthquake to punish them No they are bad because they don't know about me no one has taught them my laws Jonah your job is to go to Nineveh and tell them about me be good to Nineveh I can't please give me some other job tell them of my love but they are the enemies of my friends and neighbors you must go Jonah right now in 40 days I will punish them for being bad but if you're going to punish them why should I go tell them about you at all I don't understand the Ninevites should be punished for being bad but what if I tell them all about God and they change then maybe God won't punish them I can't do something to help my enemies Jonah was so confused he asked his friends what he should do you know it's funny Jonah usually we come to you with questions this time I want to know what you think how can I preach to the enemies of the Israelites simple you can't Oh fear is right Jonah don't go there don't tell them about God you do have a problem Jonah if you don't preach to them you disobey God if you do preach to them you'll disappoint all your friends nobody said being a prophet was easy Oh fear wait I don't I'll just hide from God super but where can you hide from God why in your store of course I know my plan will work Oh fear if I hide here for 40 days then God will punish the Ninevites and no one will be mad at me you call this a hiding place here let me help you huh Oh fear you don't have to go to that much trouble look if you're going to hide from God you've got to do it right there and my shops never been cleaner Oh fear do you have any flour for baking biscuits yes yes in that basket there no wait no now that everything's cleaned up goodbye Oh fear what but Jonah why are you leaving I'm in the way and I can't hide from God here in Israel it's the first place he'd look for me so where will you go as far away from Nineveh as I can I'll travel to the other side of the world to a city called Tarshish God will never find me there we'll miss you Jonah thank you I have a very lonely trip ahead of me because God will not be with me so Jonah travel as far away as he could to run away from God first he walked across dry deserts then he climbed high mountains he finally came to the town of Joppa and found a ship that was going to sail for Tarshish captain my name is Jonah can i sail with you to Tarshish sorry Jonah this ship only carries sailors and cargo besides it's bad luck to bring a stranger onboard you know the sailors on the ship weren't Israelites they believed in many different gods oh hi mate help me with a statue sure why not why please captain I must sail away with you why because I am running away from God why because he gave me a job to do and I won't do it I must hide so he won't find me ah did you see that a dove he flew right to Jonah a dove is a sign of good luck captain very good luck but Jonah on board we will have safe passage there right welcome aboard Jonah so Jonah said sail across the vast sea headed to faraway Tarshish Jonah saw that the sailors didn't pray to God they worship statues made of stone excuse me what are you doing feeding the god of water if he has a full stomach he'll make the Seas calm but this isn't a god it's just a rock my God is the real one he created the sea the sky the animals all of us everything one God created all that ha ha ha I don't think so Jonah it see this is the Sun God the god of the wind the god of Plenty was so much in the world you need a lot of God's yeah no one God can rule over everything yes God does he is the one and only God well then if he is so wonderful why are you running away from him he wants me to go to Nineveh and tell them about him but they are the enemies of my people and we'd be better off without you no captain I've never seen a storm like that we're in trouble take down the sails grab our hands the ship is sinking help me toss the cargo overboard good we're safe now nothing can save our ship wait what about the gods quick everyone pray to the gods the sailors prayed to their gods but the storm just grew stronger someone has run our ship bad luck very bad luck we must find out who it is let's throw Lots then we'll know who brought this storm the captain and his crew being superstitious believe that pieces of wood and bone would tell them who brought bad luck to their ship there the Lots point to the man who brought us bad luck huh it's Jonah where did you come from and who are your people I am an Israelite and I worship the God of heaven I'm running away from him and he has found you Jonah what can we do how do we make the storm go away threw me overboard you must save yourselves please captain we have no choice we must throw Jonah into the sea his God is more powerful than any of our gods Jonah I'm sorry we've done everything we could do I know captain it's not your fault I made God angry it's me not you who should be punished god of the Israelites we're sorry for having to throw Jonah into the sea for Jonah may your God forgive you Jonah Jonah found himself in the whales belly now he was really alone God I'm sorry for trying to hide from you do you hear me God Jonah prayed to God for three days and three nights it's so dark inside this way and I'm lost at the bottom of the sea I was a fool to run from you now I know just what you want from me me in the belly of a whale I promise to be true and oh please my hi your word will be what can I do to thank you look in my heart and you right my life is yours too in the belly of a whale two days have gone by I promise to be true and well can you hear my cry never will I hide you now I can feel you I know all here and come to set me free set in the belly I promise to be true that's what I'll do we of a whale here my car never we hye-young after that Jonah was no longer alone hello Joan oh god I am so glad that you're here with me you trying to hide from me oh yes and I now know that was really really wrong Jonah you have learned your lesson come on let's get you out of here Jonah Nineveh is behind that hill hurry go tell them about me and about my love god I'm ready to do it now so Jonah went to Nineveh and what he had to say was so wonderful all of the people listen they believed and best of all they changed God says we shouldn't steal from each other we are all brothers and sisters in this world would you steal from your own family God says we shouldn't hurt anyone weaker than us since we are all God's children we should protect each other children stop God says we should honor our elders don't forget they helped raise us and looked after us even the children were changed and they gathered around Jonah just like sheep around their Shepherd hey farmer God says we all have jobs to do and we should work hard we should listen to him since he's the one who gave this wonderful world to us Oh king of the Ninevites this is no way to lead your people God tells us to care for one another huh why should I care with your God figs because he is going to punish everyone in this city for being bad Nineveh will be like this great please believe me king of the Ninevites I was sent by the one and the only God you only have a few days I do believe you Jordan then know his love and obey his laws that's all he wants Jonah told the King all about God's laws my people people of Nineveh hear me for one week all of us must fast no one will eat anything for seven days and all of us will wear rags if we do this we will show Jonah's God how sorry we are for acting so badly after Jonah told the Ninevites about God and his laws they changed their ways Jonah then left the city he sat on a hill above Nineveh to watch God punish them Jonah I'm proud of you the Ninevites have changed their ways but aren't you still going to punish them I am NOT going to punish anyone Jonah but God they are such bad people shouldn't they be punished they have heard my voice through you Jonah and have changed their hearts I love them as I love the Israelites as I love all people I was afraid of this I saved the enemies of my people go home John it will be okay no wait please God I am more confused than ever Jonah didn't know what to do where to go he just started walking into the desert unfortunately the desert was hot and he didn't have any food I'm so tired hungry and thirsty thank you God thank you for this plant and for saving me the next morning the plant was dead and Jonah was mad he was mad because God let a worm destroy the plant Jonah why are you angry you let this wonderful plant die that gave me food and shelter like you took away my hope yesterday when you didn't punish the Ninevites you're mad the plant was dead you cared more about this whole plan than the whole city of Nineveh but you didn't do anything to keep it alive so how do you think I'd feel if I punished all the people of Nineveh there are men women and children that I made for over many years they never knew or loved me until you came shouldn't I still care about them yes yes you should go home and tell your friends about Nineveh and the plant so Jonah went home I can't wait to see my friends and eat all my favorite foods except for one food it's going to be a long time before I eat fish again Jonah was accepted back by his friends and he spent the rest of his life teaching about God's laws and especially about God's love you
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 2,366,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Book Of Jonah (Religious Text), The Bible (Religious Text), Jonah (Religious Leader), Religion (TV Genre), jonah and the whale, bible story, bibel geschichten, jonah bible, Bible Story (TV Subject), beginner's bible, beginner bible, Bible Study (TV Subject), The Bible (TV Program), bible stories, bible for kids
Id: XYUFq8azCw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 14 2014
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