๐Ÿ‘‰โœ๏ธ Joseph and His Brothers / Moses / Joshua and the Battle of Jericho - The Beginners Bible

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do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to every single take [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] once there was a man named Jacob who lived in the land of Canaan with his twelve sons the oldest was Reuben then Simeon Levi Judah Issachar Zebulun GAD Asher Dan and Naphtali [Music] and finally Benjamin and Joseph they were Jacob's children by his second wife Rachel being the youngest they stayed at home while their brothers worked the pastures Jacob loved all his sons but Joseph was his favorite father when can I tend the Sheep with my brothers I dreamed it would be any day now Joseph you and your dreams mm-hmm you start tomorrow and to celebrate the big event I have a surprise for you now that he's of age Joseph will join his older brothers in the fields and this will keep you warm Oh father it's beautiful [Music] look at these sleeves and the colors father should have given you a coat like that Ruben you're the oldest huh in my dreams Josef's brothers were jealous of his gift it reminded them that their father loved him most of all but the beautiful coat wasn't the only thing that made them angry at Joseph Judah Asher Simeon the other night I had a wonderful dream we were all in a field finding bundles of grain and my bundle stood upright while yours gathered around mine and bowed down bow down to you huh father made worship you but we don't hey it was just a dream Simeon I'm going to bed [Music] you know last night I dreamed I was a star in the sky along with 11 other stars [Music] the Sun and the moon were there too [Music] and they all bowed down to me eleven stars you mean eleven brothers and we're supposed to bow to you who do you think you are a king if we're the stars who are the Moon and Sun his mother and I Joseph you don't think your family should actually worship You Father it was just did you get to sleep you and your brothers leave early in the morning if you sleep late they won't wait for you fathers got bad night mm-hmm and I don't want to hear anything more about dreams the next day Joseph was left behind oh the dreamers found us get ready to bow my brothers look at him strut around like a peacock in his new coat sometimes I wish we could get rid of him no you don't but I do if he mentions one more dream simian he's our brother we couldn't hurt him but you've given me an idea what were you trying to do lose me Joseph began to tell his brothers how smart he had been to find them but they weren't listening they had other plans hey careful with the coat Reuben Judah No we'll keep him down there until we figure out what to do next Reuben planned to free Joseph when no one was looking and sent him scurrying home Oh No [Music] [Applause] [Music] ruben and Neftali rounded up the flock while the others ate their supper while they ate a caravan approached would it be funny if we sold joseph to those merchants why not we'd finally be rid of the pests and have money from the sale everyone agreed to the terrible plan and Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver brothers why are you doing this god whatever happens to me I still have my faith in you [Music] you did what - Joseph calm down Reuben I'll calm down when you figure out what we're going to tell father we have figured it out we ripped Joseph's coat we'll just make up some story we looked everywhere for him but only found his coat Oh Joseph what has happened to you my son the brothers lied and Jacob believed them Joseph was taken to Egypt and accused of a crime he hadn't done anything wrong but he was thrown into the Pharaohs prison anyway even in prison Joseph trusted in God God I didn't do anything bad but I'm in here for some reason I know in my heart that it's all part of your plan Joseph was right and part of God's plan was to bless him with a special gift the ability to understand other people's dreams oh what a terrible life if I only knew what my dream meant ah my dream was four times as confusing as yours I can tell you what it means you understand my dreams ha ha not I only God can explain them I believe you tell me about my dream I was Pharaoh's cup Bearer until I displeased him in my dream I saw a grape vine on the vine were three branches with grapes I squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup and put the cup in pharaoh's hand the three vines mean that in three days Pharaoh will set you free and you'll be his cup bearer again Thank You Joseph No thank God my friend and when you're free please tell Pharaoh about me tell him I shouldn't be in this awful place I promise I promise Oh enough about you I'm next in my dream I had three baskets on my head in the top basket were baked goods for Pharaoh suddenly three birds came and ate everything out of the basket what's that all about in three days you will also leave this prison I knew it I'm too important to stay here any longer wait there's more everything you own will be taken away and you will be given Pharaohs harshest punishment I'm sorry [Music] everything Joseph said came true but the cupbearer forgot to tell Pharaoh about him Joseph stayed in prison for two long years then one day [Music] oh what a strange dream [Music] Pharaoh met with the wisest man in his kingdom maybe they could understand his dream [Music] but not one of them had an answer then the cupbearer remembered his promise to Joseph Oh Pharaoh there is a very wise man in your prison who might explain your dream [Music] Joseph I dreamed that I was standing on the banks of the Nile when seven fat cows came out of the water then seven skinny cows came out of the river and suddenly the skinny cows ate the fat cows what does it mean my God is telling you what he plans to do the seven fat cows mean that there will be seven years with plenty of crops and food for everyone but the seven skinny cows mean that after that for seven years no crops will grow and your people will have no food this is horrible terrible no Pharaoh God has sent you this message so that you can prepare build barns to save some of the food that grows in the seven years of plenty your people will have plenty to eat it is true you are filled with the Spirit of God this is the wisest man in my kingdom we'll build these barns and save our food and there is only one man who I trust to do such an important job this man Joseph Joseph went right to work [Music] and soon the barns were bursting with grain and filled with cattle but Joseph's greatest achievement was that the people loved him God had helped Joseph do these wonderful things and Joseph never forgot to thank him seven years later the terrible drought that Joseph had warned about arrived no crops grew anywhere not even in Joseph's old home Canaan we're out of food father there's a wise leader in Egypt who has stored food for seven years he's selling it to anyone who needs it then we'll go meet with him and by his grain not Benjamin I want him safe here with me [Music] Joseph recognized his brothers bless you great one [Music] but they didn't recognize him so he pretended to be a stranger where are you from Canaan great one seeking food for our family your spies no we're brothers from a family of 12 please believe me [Music] liar there are only 10 of you one brother was killed and Benjamin the youngest was left at home I'll sell you my grain but to prove that you are innocent and honest bring this younger brother of yours the next time you come I am going to keep one of you here until you return [Music] do you promise we promise God is punishing us or selling Joseph into slavery he pleaded with us and we betrayed him I have no more time for you take your grain and go and remember your promise father we had no choice Oh Simeon my son a prisoner in Egypt but look father we got the grain [Music] hey my money's here in the sack [Music] now we'll be accused of being thieves as well as spies Jacob didn't want to lose another son to Egypt so the family tried to save their food [Music] but soon it was all gone we're leaving for Egypt and we must take Benjamin no he'll wind up in prison like Simeon we promised father if Benjamin doesn't come Simeon will stay in prison and the Egyptian ruler won't sell us his grain [Music] Benjamin will come home unharmed I promise if he doesn't Judah I'll die of sadness is your father well yes sir good God has blessed you [Music] and you kept your promise so I'll keep mine [Music] [Applause] then the brothers left but Joseph had told his servant to secretly place his silver Cup in one of their sacks [Music] why do you reap a good with evil one of you has stolen my silver cup [Music] for this crime you will remain here in Egypt as my slave please if Benjamin doesn't return home with us our Father will die of grief he stays Oh No take me instead no me please great one when you threw me down that well you meant it to be a bad thing but in the end God has turned it into something good I came to Egypt and helped keep a nation from starving it's me Benjamin Joseph it's true I'm Joseph Oh can you tell it's me look closer and you'll see the eyes of your lover [Music] I am so glad to have my family gathered here it's so good to know your name [Music] even I can [Music] it was plan [Music] Oh mother's driving to it was God [Music] God is used for good [Music] you just [Music] it's real [Music] gather your families and our father and come live with me in Egypt [Music] Joseph God be praised you're alive with Joseph and his family were never apart again and God who helped them survive the famine raised up a great nation from this family so Joseph learned that even when bad things happen God can turn them into something good [Music] many years ago in a land called Egypt there lived a very mean King Egyptian kings were called Pharaohs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] faster better more the Pharaoh made all of the people of Israel living in Egypt work as slaves they had to build the buildings and lift many heavy things they had no time to rest and little to eat they were not free and they were very unhappy but the worst thing of all was one day the Pharaoh decided that the firstborn sons of the Israelites would be killed oh no they won't get my baby I'll find some way to save him jakka bed the mother of Moses decided to float her baby down the river [Music] don't be afraid I won't let the Pharaoh hurt you your sister Miriam will be right here to make sure you're safe [Music] what's that a baby [Music] oh this poor baby needs a home I'll take him to the palace and take care of him there excuse me princess if you need a nurse for the baby I know a good one who lives nearby her name is Jacque Abed thank you bring her to the palace [Music] they named the baby Moses and he was raised in the Pharaoh's Palace as an Egyptian but jakka bed was near Moses while he was a child to teach him right from wrong Moses time for your lessons now did you do your homework sure I did when I went out this morning I saw a slave master hitting one of the Israelites he was wrong Moses all people should be treated with respect and Giacobbe ed taught him that the Israelites in Egypt were unhappy because they were not free many years later when Moses grew up to be a strong young man he came upon some Egyptians who were treating people very poorly you're lazy get up get up and get back to work right now or else leave him alone you shouldn't treat anyone like that he deserves it he's pretending he's hungry and tired because he's too lazy to work I'm teaching him a lesson about leave him alone [Music] it was very unusual for someone to help an Israelite like that everyone told each other what happened Moses was sure he had done the right thing but he knew the Pharaoh would be very angry [Music] so Moses left Egypt all by himself knowing that he was really in Israelite he wanted to go to another land where he would not have to see his people be treated so badly [Music] after traveling for 40 days Moses found himself in the land of Midian [Music] in midian Moses got married and had a family he lived in Midian for so long that he almost forgot about Egypt and about the poor Israelites [Music] until one day Moses was looking after a flock of sheep up in the hills and it was there that he saw an amazing sight come here little guy I'll get you ha ha now I've got you Moses come closer who's there God the Israelites in Egypt are unhappy because they are not free go to the Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go why have you chosen me don't be afraid I will be with you but will they believe me I will give you signs to show the people that I am with you throw your staff on the ground now reach down and pick it up by the tail trust me the people will believe you Wow goal and so Moses returned to Egypt to do what God said [Music] are you Moses I have heard about you what are you doing back here after all these years I am here because God sent me he wants you to free the people of Israel oh he does dancy too bad for him who is this God anyway I've never heard of him have you no sir well then this god of yours must not exist right yes you're wonderful - right you there come here we're too nice to the Israelites after all they have a big strong God on their side tell my slave masters not to give them anymore straw for the bricks day way from now on they have to find their own straw yes your most royal wonderful I said go don't try and tell me what to do it's time for your bath your royal highness I won't give up that easily and so Moses returned God wants you to let the Israelites go free haven't we already done this it'll take a miracle before I listen to another word you're saying see the power of God the only true and living God whoa [Music] silence nothing but foolish tricks besides watch this think twice before you try to trick me again I am NOT trying to trick you I am warning you God can perform many miracles that [Music] proves nothing get out of my sight I'll be back and the next morning Moses did come back Pharaoh let the Israelites go free if you do not God will let plagues happen to Egypt the plagues will bring very bad things [Music] see for yourself the power of God it is black [Music] just another magic trick well go away [Music] you again what do you want now let my people go if you don't God will let frogs come all over the land frogs will sleep in your bed and eat your food and frogs I love frogs when I was a little boy I never mind about that right now who cares about a few frogs get out of here fine Moses and bring him to me now you make the frogs go away can you promise to let the Israelites go free yes yes just at rid of these pesky things God made the frogs go away but the Pharaoh didn't keep his promise he did not free the people of Israel so God allowed more plagues to happen in Egypt God let lots and lots of gnats come to Egypt they flew everywhere [Laughter] [Music] flies blue everywhere but the Pharaoh still wouldn't let the Israelites go so the animals got very sick and then boils grew on the skins of the Egyptians and terrible hail fell down from the skies and the locusts came and ate their clothes next everything was as dark as night for three whole days each time a playing happened to Egypt the Pharaoh promised to let the people of Israel go free but each time he changed his mind and broke his promise now will you let the people of Israel leave I've tried to warn you but you won't listen please hear me now or you'll be very sorry the last plague will be the worst the firstborn sons of the Egyptians will die what is your God done he has taken my son from me leave Egypt at once and take your people with you Moses told the Israelites to get ready to leave Egypt right away he knew the Pharaoh might change his mind again so they packed and left as fast as they could [Music] I can't believe we're actually going it's just as Moses promised a land where we could be free it seems like a dream but it's not a dream at last we're on our way home then scattered to win trusting Moses knows his way singing as we go mighty mother [Music] my tea [Music] he has gone to brand new place we buy a cloud by day mighty Moses [Music] to freed my team or [Music] right [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so finally the people of Israel left Egypt on the way to their homeland the land of freedom by day a pillar of smoke guided them [Music] and by night a pillar of fire showed them the way but back at the palace the Pharaoh had changed his mind again I was a fool to let them go who will build our pyramids and grow our food and Fanfan me when it is warm we must get the Israelites back call my chariot in the meantime the Israelites had reached the Red Sea moisรฉs look behind us the Pharaoh's army [Music] they'll be here soon oh no Moses what have you done to us we would have been better off living unhappily in Egypt rather than dying here in the desert don't be afraid God will protect us don't hurry Moses rest tonight tomorrow Moni raise your hand and stretch out your staff over the sea it will pop and you will be able to go through long dry land [Music] [Music] stop we will stay here till morning then we'll recapture them and when morning came Moses stood by the sea and waved his hand over the waters and the sea parted just as God had promised come on follow me [Music] here they come again what are we going to do just wait then the sea fell upon the Egyptian army and stopped them Thank You God for saving us the Israelites passed through the Sinai desert on their way to the land of Israel [Music] when they were hungry God sent them food it was sweet tasty bread that God had sent to feed the people the Israelites called it manna which meant what is it when the Israelites were thirsty God sent them water [Music] [Music] I want milk instead when the Israelites reached Mount Sinai in the middle of the desert they set up camp near the foot of the mountain it was time for God to give the people his laws [Music] what is happening Moses what does God want God is calling me I'm sure he has great plans for us [Music] I must go ahead and Moses climb to the top of the mountain I am ready for you I have rules that I want to give the people of Israel if they follow them I will protect the people just allow two stones and I will write them down always respect your father and mother do not kill anybody do not steal anything God gave many other laws he also told Moses how to build the home of worship where the Israelites would pray to God God also told Moses that everybody should rest on the seventh day just like he did when he created the world [Music] thank you God and this is how Moses led the people of Israel back to their homeland with the power of God and his sacred laws these laws are called the Ten Commandments throughout the long journey God helped Moses guide the Israelites home [Music] [Applause] the twelve tribes of Israel were led out of Egypt by Moses [Music] God had promised them a home of their own a land called Canaan but once they got there many Israelites were afraid of the armies of Canaan they didn't trust God to help them win their battles they wanted to go back to Egypt where they had been slaves God decided that since they didn't trust him they couldn't enter the Promised Land and he had them wander the deserts for forty years [Music] after 40 years God led the children of the 12 tribes back to the promised land but instead of it being a time of joy the Israelites were full of sadness [Music] their leader Moses had died so they didn't have anyone to lead them to their new home boys behave yourselves today we are remembering Moses [Music] Joshua who helped Moses for those 40 years was remembering the great leader in his own special way come to cheer me up turnip what will happen to our people now that Moses is gone who will guide us to the promised land why not use with Joshua Turner you you talked it's me Joshua God I've chosen you Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land no I can't you helped Moses but he was a great leader I'm just an ordinary man a simple servant don't be afraid there is greatness in every man who has faith Joshua God where is the land you promised us look west what do you see but desert floor and the Jordan River beyond that foothills and green the Promised Land take your people Joshua but I can't lead them I'm frightened yes you will face many dangers but be strong remember I will never leave you [Applause] [Music] because Joshua loved God and obeyed his rules God protected him God's rules known as the Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets inside the Holy Ark the rivers very Swift crossing won't be easy this is foolish hmm following Joshua's if you were Moses are you coming around come let's see what will happen how about there Joshua I'll see how deep it is do you think you can cross that little one oh come on it's just a little water [Applause] [Laughter] who are you go away I am Joshua leader of the Israelites God has promised us this land well I'm the king of Jericho and you can't enter we are protected by the Swift River and the strongest wall in the world if you can cross this river you better be prepared for a fight our God protects us as he protected Moses our leader yes I've heard that your God parted the Red Sea but he has no power here stay away from Jericho or my army will destroy you what do we do Joshua have faith and cross the river when God tells us to you heard Joshua let's tell the others I'm worried about this king of Jericho he's like the waters of this river dangerous [Music] Joshua yes God don't be afraid of the king if you trust me I will protect you Joshua did trust in God [Music] he selected two men to sneak into Jericho and tell him about the king's army [Music] one two three soldiers now that third one is tiny homily count'em is half a soldier a rom we're spies that means we have to be quiet Oh quiet right [Music] by Oh King I'm only a harmless traveling merchant liar you're a stranger in Jericho so I say you're a spy hey but he can't do that [Music] more spies Israelite spies that's been quiet that snack [Music] stop the spice tense the Israelites [Music] they must be here somewhere [Music] what I do this way hurry [Music] my name's Rahab I want to help this way [Music] under here quickly open your doors by order of the king out of my way the Israelite spies did you see them they were here but they ran toward the city gates if you hurry you might still catch them [Music] the king will be very unhappy if you let him get away [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rahab told the Israelites it was safe to come out of their hiding place that was a very brave thing you did why did you risk your life for us to strangers everyone in Jericho knows the Israelites are coming to our land we've heard that your God rules the heavens above and the earth below he's so powerful he parted the Red Sea for Moses now our men are afraid to fight you go hide in the hills for three days then you'll be safe god bless you Rahab you're very kind wait I showed kindness to you when your people attack the city please spare my family and me we promised Rahab leave this red rope hanging from your window it will be a sign that no one in this house is to be harmed Joshua spies did his Rahab had said after hiding in the mountains for three days they ran back to camp with their report [Music] that's what Rahab told us Joshua everyone in Jericho is afraid of us we can defeat this king of Jericho I'm not so sure Aram he had a lot of soldiers yeah they were all small let's pray to God and thank him he has done as he said the promised land is ours [Music] the next day the 12 tribes marched towards Canaan but as God had told Joshua entering their new homeland wasn't going to be easy [Music] how can we cross this river safely please God give me an answer the waters too fast how will we get our children and animals across don't be afraid God has shown me away bring out the Ark of the Covenant [Music] Joshua directed the priests to carry the ark into the river and hold it there the Israelites were confused what did Joshua have in mind this can't be safe Joshua doesn't know what he's doing behold the power of God as the crowd watched a miracle happened [Music] the priests held up the art and God held back the waters [Music] it's just like when Moses parted the Red Sea it's true then God must be with Joshua as he was with Moses the Israelites faith in Joshua grew and grew for now they knew he followed in the footsteps of Moses Joshua choose twelve men one from each tribe tell them to get 12 rocks from the middle of the river from where the priest stood carry the rocks and put them down where you stay tonight in the future your children will ask what do these rocks me and you will say the water stopped flowing when the Ark of the Covenant with God crossed the river these rocks will always remind the Israelites of this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one evening Joshua was walking near Jericho I followed God's commands without question I've tried to be a good leader but I'm not a soldier how can I fight the king of Jericho and his army Joshua God how shall the enemy be defeated you won't need swords or armor Joshua just have faith in me to defeat the king and army of Jericho here's what you must do early the next day Joshua formed the Israelites into a long line remember do as God instructed not a word not a sound from any of you first came seven priests playing ram's horns then the Ark of the Covenant then the armed men they marched one time around the great city [Music] hmmm this is not fighting this is a parade [Music] well I I guess we've won when do we attack the city Joshua we don't tomorrow we march around it again and just like today everyone must be quiet no shouts of war the only sounds can come from the ram's horns so the Israelites marched once around Jericho every day for six days and for six days nothing happened [Music] [Laughter] on the morning of the seventh day Joshua's people were Restless Joshua why you do not know what you are doing our people are tired of marching in circles we need a soldier for a leader yes let's fight you're right I'm not a soldier but I do have faith in God he didn't let Moses down and he won't let us down so long as we trust in him this is the seventh and last day who will come with me I will all of us tell everyone we will march and march they did but instead of going around the city just once as they had done for six full days Joshua said that God wanted them to march seven times and on the seventh time around they did something completely different Shelton yo scream so that the heavens can hear you shout for God has given us Jericho [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for 40 years we wandered through the deserts and hoping we could find God's promised land and now it's here before us behind a fortress tall but it will not be ours until we bring down the wall bring down the world [Music] city to the ground will see the promised land come [Music] we believe in God that he is with us here his power is much greater than that Arni over there our enemies are laughing but their kingdoms who will fall when we raise our boy says we will bring bring down the walls of Jericho bring down the walls lift your water flow shall we gonna shake the city to the ground we'll see the promised land [Music] so shoutout shoutout that wall around the city won't keep us out along c2 [Music] that band we were promised is right behind us while bring down the world [Music] [Music] with their voices a few ram's horns and their faith in God the Israelites captured Jericho [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Joshua these are the people who helped us Rahab her mother and father you're a brave woman Rahab God has watched over you and your family because of your faith and for helping my people can we stay and join you Joshua nothing would make me happier yeah don't touch me as you like how dare you treat me this way wife I've I'm the king you were the king when I said God promised us this land you laughed and called me a fool who's the fool now has anyone seen Turner for you perfect my friends our days of wandering are over we're home after Jericho was captured the Israelites kept moving and claimed more and more new land their wandering days were over all because Joshua and the Israelites had faith in God [Music]
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 95,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bibel, Beginners Bible, Children's Bible, kinder bible tv, childrens bible tv, bible prophecy kids, bible kids, bible children, bible 4 children, religion children, god explained for kids, god of kids, god of kids video, god video, video of god, jesus christ loves you, eastern for kids, mose 40 years, moses and the israelis, david vs goliath for kids, kids bible, bible for kids, joseph and his brothers, moses, battle of jericho
Id: TzC6WzBYtnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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